CYAN MAGENTAYELLOW BLACK FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 2005 250 Industrial & 270 Mechanical State Inspector & oil Change position. 704662-3853 MACHINIST- CNC & manual experience required. Full time, days, 704-663-4358 255 Job Wanted Responsible 30 yr old lady willing to do house cleaning. Sit with elderly or both. 704-528-0843 Ask for Teresa .Available Monday & Tuesday. Certified Medical Assistant SEEKING position with a quality healthcare facility. Newly graduated from King’s College, Charlotte. Letter of recommendation supplied. Please call 704-8920347. If no answer, please leave message. 265 Medical & Dental PROCESSING ASST III RECEPTIONIST Iredell County Health Department is accepting applications for a front desk receptionist. Duties include greeting public and giving directions to different areas of the building, making appointments, registering patients for services and preparing records. Also orders medical supplies, helps in various clinics and does immunization data entry. Requires high school diploma or GED plus one year of clerical experience. Applicant must be able to work well with the public on a confidential basis, and havebasic computer skills. A data entry test will be given. Medical office experience helpful and ability to speak Spanish a plus. To apply, contact local Employment Security Commission office to complete a NC State Application PD-107. Refer t o J o b O r d e r # N C 8 4 1 9 2 6 6 . Applications will be accepted until 4:30pm, Wednesday, January 26, 2005. For additional information, contact Maria Call at 704-878-3143. EOE M/F/H Professional 295 DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Our Towns Habitat for Humanity is seeking a Director of Development. Responsibilities include all fundraising activities for the affiliate; maintaining community, business and church relations; coordinating special events; and developing and implementing a fundraising plan. Candidates must have successful development experience. Prefer someone established in one of the four towns we serve. (Mooresville, Davidson, Cornelius, Huntersville) If interested, please submit resume and cover letter to: Terry Laney, Executive Director Our Towns Habitat for Humanity PO Box 1088 Davidson, NC 28036 Or email to: Immediate opening for CDA or DAII for Mooresville Dentist office. Fax resume to:704-662-7745 Help Wanted in the Mooresville area. Personal Touch Care Team Providing Professional Home Healt Services. FULL TIME TO PART TIME. In-Home Aides CNA Please fax resume to: 704-876-8725 or apply in person at 137 Jennings Rd Suite B Statesville NC. On Tuesday or Thursday from 9:30-2:30 Full Time RN, recent home health exp preferred. Send resume or call to: Lynn Schneider, RN, Branch Manager, 1667 Davie Ave., Statesville NC. Ph 704-8723606; fax, 704-872-6320; email HEALTH Experienced Medical Assistant for busy medical office. Immediate opening. Fax Resume to Clinic Director 704-871-1105 Carolina Family Medicine & Urgent Care. Dudley’s Home Health Needed Immediately!! C.N.A.’s IHA’s with 40 hrs training Apply in person 223 Williamson Rd Ste. 201 Mooresville, NC 28117 Serious inquiries only! EOE Bayada Nurses, a national home care company is looking for pediatric nurses with at least one year of trach experience to care for a very special girl in the Mooresville area. Shift is nights 10:30p-7:15a Su-Th and 11p-7a Fri and Sat. We offer a competitive hourly rate plus the opportunity to purchase benefits and 401k. If you are interested, please call Jeanine at 704-549-1700. DRIVER Attention Truck Drivers • More new business • CDL-A Drivers needed • 2 years experience required • Dedicated customers • Set starting times • Local work, home daily • New Pay package • New Major Medical Low Cost $10.00 co- pay $100.00 deductibles • DentaL • Life Ins. Employee and Family Company paid • Paid Vacation • New Improved 401/k 50% company match of 4% • Paid holiday no waiting period • 4 Safety Bonuses per year • Christmas Bonus SALEM CARRIER INC. has runs Avaiable in NC 275 Restaurant & Cleveland Meet the Recruiter on Hotel Mon Jan. 24th 9am-5pm @ Holiday Inn Express, Part-Time Restaurant I-40 Exit 151 Manger w/full time, out- Statesville, NC going p e r s o n a l i t y or Call 1-800-709-2536 needed. 20-30 hr/week Please call for an appointment. 704-655-3835 Exciting Opportunity DIETARY AIDE Exp in menu preparation, special diets, portion sizes & on time accuracy. FT uniforms, benefits. Transportation a must. Apply in person to: The Pines at Davidson, 400 Avinger Ln., Davidson. E. O. E. No phone calls. Let Classifieds Work for You! Call 704-664-5554 New LISTING! COOK: FT position available for exp culinarian. Degree, 2 yrs exp., & knowledge of dietary needs for elderly a plus. Uniforms & benefits, transportation a must. Apply in person to: The Pines at Davidson, 400 Avinger Ln., Davidson. E. O. E. No phone calls. 280 Sales WANTED Opening for experienced Receptionist w/Office/ Management abilities. Must be organized, muliti tasker with exceptional interpersonal skills. Respond to: Box # 269 Mooresville Tribune PO Box 300 Mooresville, NC 28115 Save Money on Ads! Call The Classified Advertising Department and ask about our monthly specials. 704-664-5554 Mooresville Dental Office seeking- Dental Assistant- Mon-Thurs.7a-3p some Fris. Must be experienced & have radiation certification. Hygienist- Mon & Tues, 7a-3p, must be experienced, out going & personable. Fax resume to: 704-6601804. No Calls Please!! LifeSpan seeks a PT RN or LPN for the Troutman Enrichment Program. Please call Michelle at (704)872-1321 Trucking 320 Local Industrial Service Company seeking a qualified sales and operations manager for our Janitorial Division. Must have proven track record of experience in this line of work. Competitive pay and benefits. Start Immediately. Please call 704664-7022 SALESPEOPLE NEEDED Kiosk Sales Positions Available! Flexible Schedule! NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION SALES Commission Sales Earnings paid weekly Hard Working Reps. are well compensated for their efforts!!! Sales Experience preferred but not essential. Training and equipment provided. Call toll free: 1-800-615-6751 Lake Norman Pool and Spa is seeking a retail Customer Service Assoc. interested in a fun upbeat environment. The position is full time and requires Sat. hours. The right individual will posses strong work ethics, be outgoing, and customer Service oriented. Retail sales exp. is a plus. Send resumes to : LNPS, 18926 Statesville Rd. Cornelius, N.C. 28031 or fax to 704-4392021 or call at 704-6550899 Kitchen & Bath Design/Sales Position available with growing company in Lake Norman area. Must be detail & service oriented. Fax resumes to 828-478-4100 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVEWe are a Fortune 1,000 company traded on the NYSE. To view details of the BEST SALES CAREER in North Carolina, visit for complete details of weekly/monthly pay, monthly bonuses and stock program. It’s your direct link for an interview in our Lake Norman office. Submit your resume by fax (704-8920204), mail (P.O. Box 1316 Cornelius, NC 28031) or call 704-8925060 Access your new career for interview..Fax resume:704-892-0204, mail, PO 1316 Cornelius, NC 28031, or email: 295 Trucking Wanted Team Drivers (food grade tankers) needed immediately to East-West. Call Glenn. 704-500-6789. LOG TRUCK DRIVER 5 yrs experience Excellent Benefits 704-902-5146 or 704-878-9267 Driver WantedCDL A & B Temp-to-Perm Clean Driving Record Immediate Opening Call 704-483-5641 305 Business Opportunity TENNESSEE BASED 21-year-old Christian 500 Company seeking ethical, hard working individuals capable of operating own business FT/PT. Great income potential, benefits, training, with low start up cost. Only serious-minded need apply. Legals 325 Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of ROBERT WETMORE DAY, deceased this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file an itemized, verified statement thereof with the undersigned on or before the 17th day of April 2005, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt settlement. This 14th day of January, 2005. Evelyn C. Day, Executrix of the Estate of ROBERT WETMORE DAY 1827 Charlotte Hwy. Mooresville, NC 28115 CREDITOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of ROGER REYNOLDS MITCHELL, deceased this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to tile an itemized, verified statement thereof with the undersigned on or before the 31st day of March 2005, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt settlement. This 31st day of December, 2004. DORCY MITCHELL COHEN, Executrix of the Estate of ROGER REYNOLDS MITCHELL 13339 Highlands Ranch Road Poway, Ca. 92064 CREDITOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of HUBERT ALEXANDER MURDOCH aka Hubert Alexander Murdock, deceased this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file an itemized, verified statement thereof with the undersigned on or before the 7th day of April, 2005 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt settlement. This 7th day of January, 2005. Call Toll-Free 1-800-487-8099 Access Code 00 Aaron Dean Murdock. Executor 1017 Cedar Creek Drive Asheboro, NC 27205 Perfect Buying Time with CREDITOR’S NOTICE approaching tanning season! Local well estabHaving qualified as Execulished salon for sale. Great location & clien- tor of the estate of EMMA R. SHERRILL, deceased , this is tele. Call 980-721-1810 to notify all persons having Medical Facility wishes claims against said estate to to share space w/Phys- file an itemized, verified stateician, conv loc in W-S. ment thereof with the underPatients referrals (optio- signed on or before the 25th nal). Great opportunity day of April, 2005 or this nofor retired or P/T physi- tice will be pleaded in bar of cian 1-800-475-7797 any recovery thereon. All perGreeting Card Route sons indebted to said estate Your Own Business, In- are requested to make prompt vestment Req’d. Avail. in settlement. This 21st day of your area. Set your January, 2005. hours, no sales or exp. needed. Full training. John W. Sherrill, Jr Easy work, great income Executor of the Estate of servicing local stores. EMMA R. SHERRILL 414 Lynhaven Dr. For details 800-609-5569 Winston-Salem, NC 27104 Greeting Card Route CREDITOR’S NOTICE Now Available in your area., PT or FT. No exp. Having qualified as Admineeded, full training, in- nistratrix of the estate of vestment req’d. Light CHARLIE MONROE McALISeasy work, great income, working w/large int’l card TER, deceased this is to notify co. servicing local stores. all persons having claims against said estate to file an For details 800-609-5569 itemized, verified statement thereof with the undersigned 315 Income on or before the 25th day of Investment April 2005 of this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted FORECLOSURES to said estate are requested to Investment & Owner make prompt settlement. this Occupant. Bank/ 21st day of January 2005. gov’t. Foreclosures in Iredell/Mecklenburg Carolyn McAlister Caldwell counties. Good equity Administratrix of the Estate of 704-953-9695 Bkr CHARLIE MONROE McALISTER PO Box 960 320 Legals Kannapolis, NC 28082 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION 325 704-987-2480. American Home Mtg. 19930 W. Catawba Ave. Cornelius, NC 28031. North Carolina Mtg. Licensed. Equal Housing Lender. 19930 W. Catawba Ave. Cornelius, NC 28031. 704-987-2480. North Carolina Mtg. Licensed. Equal Housing Lender. American Home Mtg. Computers mooresville Emachine 733i. nice ram-20 gig-p3 with monitor. Asking 250.00. obo. Call Bryan at 704-6581938, evenings. Internet Ready Dell All Incl.(Monitor, Printer, etc) +Games. Win2000. 150. Call Chris at 704-307-0669. computer monitor 17 inch Gateway 2000 computer moniter good Yes, American Home condition . $25.00. Call Mtg. 19930 W. Catawba 704-896-8687. Ave. Cornelius, NC 28031. 704-987-2480. Free Items North Carolina Mtg. Li- 525 censed. Equal Housing PETS Lender. Free to good home.SNorth Carolina Mtg. Li- adie is a female bloodcensed. American Home hound. Born May 2004. Mtg. 19930 W. Catawba She is good with children A v e . C o r n e l i u s , N C and other pets. Very lov28031. 704-987-2480. ing. Needs home with Equal Housing Lender. fenced yard. Pudgy is a male half German Shepherd & half MORTGAGES ’R’ US Golden Retriever. 1 & Today’s Wholesale 1/2 yrs. old. Good with Rates! children and other dogs. 4.5% fixed Needs home with fenced Local- 704-462-1884 yard. APR = approx 1/3 % /PPFC Doghouse and food included for both dogs. Equal Housing Lender. $1.00. Call Becky EspiNorth Carolina Mtg Li- noza at 704-528-7818, censed. 704-987-2480. daytime. American Home Mtg. 19930 W. Catawba Ave. 530 Home Cornelius, NC 28031 Furnishings Equal Housing Lender. American Home Mtg. WATER BED-King Size 19930 W.Catawba Ave. with brand new mattress. Cornelius, NC 28031. $500 OBO. 704-4085218 704-987-2480. North Traditional Oak Bedroom Carolina Mtg. Licensed. set-nightstand, dresser Cornelius, NC 28031. mirror & highboy. exc. American Home Mtg. cond. like new cond. Call 19930 W. Catawba Ave. for appt. to see. David7 0 4 - 9 8 7 - 2 4 8 0 . E q u a l son location. $400. obo. Housing Lender. North 704-896-2770 Carolina Mtg. Licensed. Terrell NC $$American Home Mtg. Roper Elec self cleaning Equal Housing Lender. stove. 3yrs old. Asking 19930 W. Catawba Ave. 125.00. obo. Call vickie Cornelius, NC 28031. briningstool at 704-2967 0 4 - 9 8 7 - 2 4 8 0 . N o r t h 2235, daytime. Carolina Mtg. Licensed. Terrell NC American Home Mtg. Maytag washer and dry19930W. Catawba Ave. e r , 6 y r s o l d . A s k i n g C o r n e l i u s , N C 2 8 0 3 1 . 300.00. obo. Call Vick7 0 4 - 9 8 7 - 2 4 8 0 . N o r t h ie Briningstool at 704Carolina Mtg. Licensed. 296-2235, daytime. Equal Housing Lender. Table 48“ Beveled Glass, *704-987-2480. North square-round with glass Carolina Mtg. Licensed. center supports included American Home Mtg. 4 each, black ebony with 19930 W. Catawba Ave. seats covered with white Cornelius, NC 28031. leather look material. Equal Housing Lender. Price $120. Call 704%704-987-2480. Equal 662-9658 Housing Lender. American Home Mtg. 19930 Sofa/Chair, Claremont, W. Catawba Ave. Corne- NC Matching Sofa and lius, NC 28031. North Chair;Excellent Condition; Floral Pattern; Carolina Mtg. Licensed. Mauves, Blues, Creams, 704-987-2480. American Greens. Priced to sell at Home Mtg. 19930 W.C- 200.00. Call 828-459atawba Ave, Cornelius, 9319. NC 28031. Equal housQUALITY ing Lender. North CaroliSolid Oak Corner Bench na Mtg. Licensed. & Table set, 1920’s Drop Leaf Cherry Table, Wicker Lingerie Chest, Sofa’s, chairs, pictures & lamps. Precious Times Consignment, 704-6642247 330 405 Mortgages Farm Equip. & Supplies Ford 800 Tractor: 4cyc. gas engine, select-ospeed trans,power sterring, good tires & paint. $3950. 828-437-6960. Classifieds Work! Call 704-664-5554 415 Money to Loan Look! American Home Mtg. 19930 W. Catawba Ave. Cornelius, NC 28031.704-987-2480. North Carolina Mtg. Licensed. Equal Housing Lender. ++American Home Mtg. 704-987-2480. North Carolina Mtg. Licensed. 19930 W. Catawba Ave, Cornelius, NC 28031. Equal Housing Lender American Home Mtg. 704-987-2480. Equal Housing Lender. North Carolina Mtg. Licensed. 19930 W.Catawba Ave. This the 18th day of Janu- Cornelius, NC 28031 ary, 2005 American Home Mtg. 19930 W.Catawba Ave. Margaret S. Payne, C o r n e l i u s , N C Executrix 28031.704-987-2480. File # 04 E 873-Iredell County North Carolina Mtg. Licensed. Equal Housing CREITOR’S NOTICE Lender. Having qualified as Executrix for the Estate of ROBERT B. PAYNE, deceased, late of Iredell County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against said estate to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned at 399 Barber Loop, Mooresville, North Carolina 28117, on or before the 20th day of April, 2005 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement with the undersigned. Money to Loan 520 Lawn & Garden Equip. Craftsman Riding Mower- 12.5 HP, needs head gasket and other minor repairs. $50. 704-6634129 leave message Pub Table, light Oak finish with 4 swivel chairs. Like new 36“ round and approx. 5 ’tall. $300. 704799-1487 after 6:00 PM Oven/stove electric, almond color, good condition $100.obo 704-6633964 New 4 solid oak arm dining chairs, $250 set. 704892-9250 ask for Jan Moving Sale- Furniture, area rugs & more! Call for details 704-660-1056 King size 6 pc. solid cherry four post Br set. Great condition. Must sell $500. 704-582-2621 Kenmore Washer & Dryer, heavy duty, super capacity, almond color. $200. 704-664-1985 Hotpoint Washing Machine, white, Multi420 Livestock speed, good condition. Asking $100. Call 704Collegiate Elite All-pur- 582-0207, daytime. pose Saddle, Approx, 5 Green Metal Glass top yrs. old. Havanna Brown, table (72“x42“) w/8 high $350. obo. 704-458-7272 back upholstered wood chairs, $500. 704-6609323 Dryer MAYTAG GAS DRYER Intellidry 6 Cycle Heavy Duty. Top of the line dryer, excellent condition. 250.00. Call Karl at 704363-6020. 520 Computers Amish Handcrafted solid Maple pedestal table w/4 Lap top for sale- P2,P3 matching chairs. 42“ 128-256MB.etc. $350. round w/(2) 12“ leafs. $500. 704-660-1242 Call Agape 704-3074646 How To Write an Effective Classified Ad Start your ad with the item for sale, service you are offering, or job title of the person you seek to hire. Be descriptive. The more information you provide to the reader, the better the responses will be to your ad. Always include the price of an item for sale. Avoid abbreviations. They make your ad harder to read and less effective. Use larger/bolder type, white space, borders, logos, decorative characters such as stars, to bring attention to your ad. Run your ad for an ample length of time. Remember as soon as you get results, you can cancel at anytime during regular business hours. Call 704-664-5554 Extension: 10-Kay Allen Extension: 12-Lisa Tarlton 147 East Center Avenue, P.O. Box 300, Mooresville, NC Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday 40069882_cm1 AUCTIONS AUCTION-TUESDAY August 3rd. Waterfront Estate on Historic James River Williamsburg, VA. Tommy Wagner Auction Company., Jerry Craig King 2907003147, JP King Auction Co., Inc. 2907003147. Call 1-800-558-5464. AUCTION-378+/- ACRES- High fenced trophy deer plantation. Offered divided. Executive home, beautiful homesites. Saturday, July 24th 10AM. SC Hwy 38, Latta, SC. 10%BP. 800-323-8388. Rowell Realty & Auction Co., Inc. SCAL#1577-f. BUS. OPPTY ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE. Do you earn up to $800/day potential? Your own local route. 30 Machines and Candy. All for $9,995. 1-800-8146077, MultiVend, LLC =PROFESSIONAL VENDING ROUTE/ Equipment/Income. Snacks/Soda/Water. Finance with as little as $2555 Down. Call 877-843-8726, Vendors Purchasing Agent Network OWN AN EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORSHIP! Unique & Exciting Sign/Graphics systems. Owners needed in NC, SC, VA. Sales experience and initial $5,000 investment required. Call ProMotion 919-796-6118. FINANCIAL CASH$$, CASH NOW For Structured Settlements, Annuities, and Insurance Payouts. 800-794-7310. J.G. Wentworth...J.G. Wentworth Means Cash Now For Structured Settlements. FINANCIAL SVCS TOO MUCH debt? Don’t choose the wrong way out. Our services have helped millions. Stick to a plan, get out of debt & save thousands. Free consultation. 1-866-410-0569. Freedompoint Financial. WE CAN HELP!! Behind on bills? Creditors calling? High interest charges? Want to buy a home or car? website: - Alliance Credit Counseling, Inc. Toll Free: 1-888-9957856. FOR SALE/EQUIPMENT MOORESVILLE TRIBUNE 9B RUN CLOSE TO Home! .41c per mile! Excellent Miles! Typically home weekends! New Equipment! Blue Cross/Blue Shield! 401K! Everything! Heartland Express 1-800-441-4953, www.heartl $1000 PLUS AVERAGE Weekly earnings! 47.5c/ Loaded to qualified OTR FB drivers with 2 years experience. Home most weekends. 800-8454932 ext 231, DRIVERS- NEED JOB? “No Experience Needed”. Star Transport Now Hiring Trainees In Your Area. $600-$900/week. No Out of Pocket Expense. Trainee Pay Available. 1-877-443-8289. NO MONEY? No Problem! $600-$900 per week. Class A CDL’s in 16 Days. Job Placement Available. Limited Positions in your area. Call Today! 1-877-554-3800. DRIVERS NEEDED- Company/Owner Operators! Late Model Conventionals! Up to $45,000/Year. Home Weekends! Good Benefits/ Orientation Pay. CDL-A with 2 years experience. Call Monday-Friday, 9:00-5:00, 1-800-824-7778. DRIVERS-BIG PAY! New 2c-4c/mile Increase! Hiring for All Divisions. Ask about Dedicated and Regional! Low Cost CDL Training Available. 1800-231-5209. DRIVERS- Driving school graduates needed! Tuition reimbursement. Up to 37c/mile. No waiting to upgrade. Pay on delivery. Guaranteed hometime. USA Truck 800-237-4642. C20040712062 H.Wtd/Truck Drivers DRIVERS-No New York City! Singles start 34c. Teams start 41c. Owner Operators & CDL grads needed. OTR, Dedicated & Regional. USA Truck 800-237-4642. DRIVERS- IMMEDIATE HIRE! Great Southeast OTR Freight! Great equipment and All benefits! CDL-A, 1 year T/T experience. Call Sunday or anytime 1-800-893-6791. DRIVER. Barr-Nunn Transportation. Owner Operator, Solos and Teams needed. Up to $1500 sign on bonus! Zero Down Lease Purchase Available! Home every other weekend! 866-207-5479. A1 TRAINING! Let Us Get You Hooked Up with 16 Day CDL Training. 100% Financing Available. Lifetime Job Placement Assistance Available. Call Now 800-398-9908. DRIVER-COVENANT TRANSPORT. Teams and Solos check out our new pay plan. Ask about our Regional Runs. Owner Operators, Experienced Drivers, Solos, Teams and Graduate Students. Call 1-888-MORE PAY (1-888-667-3729). SAWMILLS $2,695.00- LumberMate-2000 and Lumberlite-24. Norwood Industries also manufactures utility ATV attachments, log skidders, HEALTH/MEDICAL SVCS portable board edgers and forestry equipment. www.norwoodindustries-Free Information: 1- FAMILY HEALTHCARE w/Presciption Plan! 800-578-1363 ext300N. $69.95/month; Best network, Excellent coverage. No limitations, includes Dental, Vision, Pre-existFURN/HSHLD GOODS FREE DIRECTV SATELLITE System, and 3 Free ing Condition Ok! Call World Class Services, months of HBO, includes delivery and installation 1-800-288-9214 ext. 2351. HELP WANTED/JOB SERVICES with one year of service, call for details. 1-800352-9992, CONSTRUCTION WORKERS. Entry-level jobs, no experience, we train. Full-time jobs with beneH. WTD/SALES THE ROCKY MOUNT TELEGRAM needs a te- fits. Ages 17-34 with High School diploma, physinacious advertising sales rep. Existing accounts, cally fit. Call 800-662-7231 for local interview. LAND FOR SALE salary plus 3-tiered commission, full benefits, potential promotion, $30,000-$40,000. Ed Bry- Deep Waterfront! Coastal North Carolina. ant, (252) 407-9922. Grand Opening Sale! Save Thousands. Sat & SALES REPRESENTATIVES- WE are so confi- Sun 7/24 & 7/25. Prime, deep, dockable wadent in our leads we pay you to run them, even if terfront. Unspoiled shoreline, panoramic water you don’t sell. Are you a self motivated, positive views! Enjoy boating access to ICW, Sounds person? Are you presently earning $1000/$1500 & Atlantic! 2+ acre dockable WF, long pristine potential per week? Guaranteed income during shoreline- $99,900. 2+ acre water access, only training period. $2000 sign on bonus.We offer... a $39,900. County water, paved road, perc ok, solid training program with a guaranteed 2-3 pre- underground utilities. Low financing. For earliset qualified confirmed leads daily; with our “new” est, best appointment time, call now 1-800-732credit process means all leads are pre-approved 6601, ext 1259 before you run the appointments; management MTN PRTPY/SALE opportunities; unlimited income potential. Call BUY MOUNTAIN LAND Now! 5 acres, high Toll Free 1-800-943-4603, Monday and Tues- altitude, spectacular view, paved road, driveway, day, 9AM-4Pm, Ask for Bob Rogers-Craftmatic house site. $35,000. Owner financing. Bryson Adjustable Beds. City, NC. Call owner 1-800-810-1590. www.mou H.WANTED/TRUCK DRVR OWNER OPERATORS *COMPANY Drivers POOLS *Students - Are you looking for *A great company POOLS PRICES PLUNGING! Distributor to work for *Less Layover *More Home Time *Ex- Overstocked with 31’x19’ Pools which include cellent Benefits *60% Company Freight *Rider sundeck, fence, filter for only $888! 100% FinancProgram *Health Care Package *Permanent ing! Installation Extra. Homeowners! Call 24/7! Truck Assignment *OTR and Regional Runs. For 1-800-353-1427. Limited area. More Details, Call Howard Transportation 1-877R. ESTATE/LAKE/SALE 284-3332, Kenly, NC. LAKE GASTON VA/NC 350 miles shoreline, Free DRIVERS: CFI-REGIONAL Runs Available Lake Map/Buyers Guide. Tanglewood Realty, Box for Company Drivers and Owner Operators in 116, Bracey, VA 23919. www.TanglewoodRealty.c the Midwest and Northeast. Also, Hiring OTR, om 1-800-338-8816. Company, O/O, Solos, Teams. 1-800-CFI-DRIVE, R. ESTE/MTN/SALE NC MOUNTAIN SALE! Log Home/$79,900. 2,000 DRIVER: $ NEW PAY PACKAGE $ Up to $55,000 in first/year. Flatbed & Van. OO & square foot log home with big views! Mountain Company driver positions available. Great views from $14,900! Riverfronts on New River Freight/Miles. CDL-A and 1 year OTR re- from $49,900! 3,000+ elevation, easy accesss, quired. Call 877-560-8829 or apply online Excellent Financing! 800-455-1981, Ext.83. R.ESTATE MTN LAND SALE EOE. DRIVER- $1500 Sign-On Bonus, Start up to N.C. MOUNTAINS- New Log Cabin. Custom Built 39 cpm. Excellent home time, Full benefits, As- 1300 sq.ft. easy to finish cabin on 2+ acres with signed trucks. 6 Months experience required. beautiful views, small stream, river access. Only $74,900. Owner/Broker 828-625-4884. 800-441-4271, ext.-EM79. DRIVER: SOUTHEAST REGIONAL with Home Weekends, 33-36 cpm, 98% no-touch, excellent benefits, more. Must be 23 with Class-A CDL. 1 year OTR. 877-940-7600. Shaffer, CDL TRAINING- Zero Down--Lodging--New Team Concept--Guaranteed Employment If Qualified--Need 50 Experienced Drivers-Classes Start Every Monday--3 Week Course - 1-800-598-2972. DRIVER/OWNER OPERATOR- Stay Busy, .97c average. High fuel surcharge. Base plates. Great miles. Sign-on bonus. Lease Truck with low payments. Win a Show Truck, Call 800-569-9298. REAL ESTATE ATTENTION: FOR SALE By Owners. We will sell any house in Eastern NC for only 3.9%. Land, farm, commercial for 4.9%. Advertised nationally and 10 counties. Integrity Realty, 252-725-0743. Matthew 7:24. SATELLITTETV/MISC.FORSALE DIRECTV FREE 3 Rooms. System installed/ delivered free. Say goodbye to cable forever. Access over 225 channels. Best prices and customer service with one-year commitment. 800859-0440, FREE 4-ROOM Directv System Including Installation! 125+ channels, from $29.99/month with one year commitment including locals. 3 months H.WTD/NOTICES HIGH SCHOOL EXCHANGE STUDENTS HBO and STARZ 2 for 1. Shipping and Handling. arriving August need Host Families. Local Restrictions Apply. 1-800-208-4643 SCHOOLS/INSTRUCTION Representatives also needed to work with students/families. American Intercultural Student LEARN TO FLY at Lenoir Community Colllege Exchange. 1-800-SIBLING - Kinston, Eastern NC’s only FAA Approved, flight program. Financial assistance available. H.WTD/TRUCK DRIVERS DRIVERS-COMPANY: Excellent Pay package Classes begin August 18. Call 252-522-1735 or up to .38c excellent benefits. New Team Pay! Owner Operators .84cpm plus fuel surcharge. AIRLINE MECHANIC- Rapid training for a Excellent program. Lease purchase, zero high paying career-Aviation Maintenance. FAA out program. 1 year OTR experience Re- predicts severe shortage. Financial Aid- Job quired. No NYC or Canada. 1-800-948-6766 Placement Assistance. 888-349-5387, AIM- 6 Locations. TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING. 4 Weeks or 8 EARN YOUR DEGREE- Online from home. weekends. Job placement assistance, financing, Business, Paralegal, Computers, Networking, housing available. Call 800-315-8764. Transport and more. Financial Aid available, job placement Training-2 NC Locations: 145 LFI Complex Lane, assistance and computers provided. Call Toll free 866-858-2121. Lexington, NC; Highway 70, Selma, NC. NOW HIRING TRUCK Drivers: Howard Lisk, DRIVER/TRAINING- Millis Transfer Driving Inc. 800-438-7711. Two Weeks Vacation after 6 School. Only $500.00 Tuition, Lodging provided. months, Quarterly Bonus, Assigned Tractors, 8 Graduate in only 3 weeks! Guaranteed Job upon Paid Holidays, Recruitment Bonus, Rider Pro- completion. Call Now! Limited Class Size! 800gram, Direct Deposit, Health and Eye Coverage/ 937-0880. Prescription. STEEL BUILDINGS .43c per mile! Excellent Miles! Typically Home STEEL BUILDING SALE- Limited Time OfferWeekends! New Equipment! Blue Cross/Blue 30’x30’x10’ $5,985.00; 50’x50’x10’ $11,558.00; Shield! 401K! 95% No touch! 85% Drop/Hook! 100’x100’x12’ $33,995.00. All Steel- Any SizeEverything! Heartland Express 1-866-282-5861. 26-Gauge- FOB Plant- IBC2000- 20/10/90. 800-869-0532. 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