ything Windows 8 Title:: How to Do Every Autho ors: Eric Buto ow JANUA ARY 2013 | 9 97800718051 148 | Cover r: Paperbac ck | Subjec ct: Operatin ng Systems | Pages: 416 | Illus: 17 75 |UK Price e: 15.99 | Euro Price: P 19.99 9 | SA$ Pric ce: 25.00 | Imprint: I OS SBORNE MGH H Full cov verage of th he brand-new Window ws operatin ng system Maximiz ze all the pow werful, versa atile featuress in Windows 8 with help p from this h hands-on guide. Find out how to n navigate the e touch interfface, custom mize settings s, organize and sync data ta in the clou ud, and set up a nettwork. Comm municate via a email, phon ne calls, and d video confe erencing, vie ew and organize photos, play music, videos, and games, and read e--books. Main ntenance and d troublesho ooting are als so covered in this p practical reso ource. ce Audienc Anyone looking to upgrade u to Windows8 W an d anyone loo oking to buy ying a PC. Title:: Window ws 8 Quick kSteps Autho ors: Marty M atthews DECEM MBER 2012 | 978007179 98464 | Pre ISBN: 9780 0071772471 | Cover: Paperbac k | Subjectt: Consumer | Pages: 28 88 | Illus: 250 2 | UK Priice: 9.99 | E Euro Price: 14.00 | SA$ $ Price: 20..00 | Imprin nt: OSBORN NE MGH The fulll-color, step-by-step guide g that m makes it ea asy to get up u and runn ning with Windows W 8 Windows s 8 QuickSte eps offers a simple, illus trated introd duction to th he new opera ating environ nment. Featurin ng full-color screenshots s and step-by y-step instru uctions, the book b walks y you through all the exciting changes and new features and funcctions of the world's mos st popular op perating sys stem. You’ll quickly ffeel at ease navigating and a using th e totally new w Start scree en, Metro-Sttyle user inte erface, and Windows Task Mana ager. Tips an nd shortcuts instruct you u on how to control Wind dows using both b touchscreen a and tradition nal mouse-an nd-keyboard d inputs, and d other tips to t save time e and trouble e. Audienc ce Home an nd business computer users; purcha asers of new w computers and tablets with Window ws 8 installed d; enterprise e users looking to implem ment tablets Title:: CISSP P Practice Exams, E 2/ /e Autho ors: Shon Ha arris DECEM MBER 2012 | 978007179 92349 | Pre ISBN: 9780 0071701396 6| Cover: Paperbac k | Subjectt: Certificatio on and Caree er |Pages: 480 4 | Illus: 45|UK Price e: 27.99 | Euro E Price: 31.99 | SA$ $ Price: 40.0 00 | Imprin nt: OSBORN NE MGH Written n by the #1 1 name in IT T security c certification n training, fully revise ed for the la atest exam m release e, and featu uring 1250+ + review qu uestions plu us 30 hours s of audio ttraining CISSP P Practice Exam ms, 2/e is the ideal comp panion to Sh hon Harris’ bestselling b CIISSP All-in-O One Exam Guide. W Well-regarde ed for her en ngaging and informative style, Shon Harris is ren nowned as an a IT security certification n expert. Designed as an exam m-focused study-self aid d and resourrce, CISSP Practice P Exam ms, 2/e prov vides 100% coverage of the 10 exam e domains for the 2 012 exam. Organized O by y these dom mains, the bo ook allows you to fo ocus on spec cific topics and a tailor you ur study to your y areas of o expertise a and weaknes ss. To further a aid in study and retentio on, each que estion in the book is acco ompanied by y in-depth answer explanattions for the e correct and d incorrect an nswer choice es. Each cha apter contain ns 25 review w questions with an additional 1000 review questions ho osted in a liv ve, web-base ed environm ment. As an added a bonus, y you’ll get acc cess to 30 hours of audi o training fe eaturing Harris conductin ng intensive review sessions s. Audienc ce CISSP candidates must m demons strate valid ssecurity-relatted experien nce as an au ditor, practittioner, ant, investiga ator, or instrructor that o of which requ uires informa ation system ms security knowledge k consulta and invo olves direct application a of o such know wledge. Title:: Pinteres st Kicksta art 2013 Autho ors: Heather Morris, Dav vid Todd NOVEM MBER 2012 | 978007180 05599 | Cov ver: Paperba ack | Subjec ct: Consume er | Pages: 288 | Illus:: 75 |UK Priice: 16.99 | Euro Price: P 19.99 9 | SA$ Pric ce: 25.00 | Imprint: I OS SBORNE MGH H Full-collor, concise e coverage of Pinteres st the wildly y popular virtual v pinb board With Pin nterest Kicks start, you can kick back and start en njoying the cool c featuress of the uniqu ue social network king site thatt connects yo ou to other u users worldw wide based on o shared ta astes and interests. This handy, ffull-color guiide provides you with a quick deep dive d into Pinterest what it is and how w to use it; practical projects for individuals s and groupss; and some advanced te echniques. T The chapters s move you quickly tthrough initial set up to exploring th he most popu ular Pinners to finding otther appealing boards to o creating g your own boards. b Audienc ce st Kickstart is s for any end duser of the e Pinterest fa ast-growing community, c Existing Pin nterest Pinteres memberrs who want to spruce up their skillss. In addition n, Pinterest Kickstart K wil l serve mark keting professio onals that need a fast brain dump o on Pinterest and a higher le evel details a about how to t market a brand, a and draw atttention to a brand or pro oduct line in this new wa ay. Title:: iPad Gee ekery Autho ors: Guy Harrt-Davis NOVEM MBER 2012 | 978007180 07555 | Cov ver: Paperba ack | Subjec ct: Consume er | Pages: 304 | Illus:: 200 | UK P Price: 20.99 | Euro Price: P 23.99 9 | SA$ Pric ce: 30.00 | Imprint: I OS SBORNE MGH H Take yo our iPad to its limits and a way bey yond You've a already masttered iPad es ssentials. No ow, become a bona-fide power-userr and transfo orm your iPad into o a media ce enter, gamin ng device, ph hoto and video camera, document ed ditor, and hiigh-powered d compute er. Through easy-to-follo ow instructio ons and illustrations, iPad Geekery: 50 Insanely y Cool Hacks and Mod ds for Your Apple A Tablet teaches you u these expe ert tricks. You'll also find d out how to secure yourr iPad, pro otect your personal information, and d install apps from any source. s Audienc ce ok is for intermediate and advanced iPad users who w want to get the mosst out of the eir This boo investment in the iP Pad. Likely cu ustomers incclude musicians, photographers, vid deo makers, speople, adm ministrators, students, a and technoph hiles. business Title:: How to Do Every ything iPh hone 5 Autho ors: Jason R.. Rich Februa ary 2012 | 97 7800718033 335 | Pre IS SBN: 978007 71783071 | Cover: Paperbac k | Subjectt: Consumer | Pages: 48 80 | Illus: 375 3 | UK Priice: 15.99 | Euro Price e: 19.99 | SA A$ Price: 25 5.00 | Imprin nt: OSBORN NE MGH Get mo ore than eve er before fr rom the late est iPhone! How to D Do Everythin ng: iPhone 5 shows you how to use all the powe erful and fun n features of this innovative device. Customize C yo our iPhone, m make calls, video v chat with w FaceTim me, take phottos with the iSight ca amera, shoo ot HD video, listen to mu usic, watch videos, v create and mana ge your iTun nes library, surf the Web, store and sync da ata on iCloud d, and much more. You’ll get tips forr using your iPhone for work by y connecting to your com mpany’s VPN and Exchan nge Server. Security S and d troubleshoo oting are also cov vered in this practical guide. Audienc ce This boo ok is for non-technical ev veryday con sumers & bu usiness users who need information to get their iPhone tto do everyth hing they wa ant it to Title:: iPhone 5 Kicksta art Autho ors: Dennis C Cohen, Micha ael Cohen FEBRUARY 2013 | 9780071809 9856 | Cove er: Paperba ack | Subjec ct: Consume er | Pages: 256 |Illus: 100 | UK Prrice: 16.99 | Euro Price: P 19.99 9 | SA$ Pric ce: 25.00 | Imprint: I OS SBORNE MGH H Your fu ull-color iPh hone go-to guide g your iPhon ne’s powerfull, versatile fe eatures quic ckly and easiily! Loaded with w crisp, Get starrted enjoying full-color screenshotts, this practtical, visual g guide focuse es on the best ways to m maximize your iPhone’s capabilitties. Set up and customiize your iPho one, manage e contacts, access a the w web, take gre eat photos, listen to o music, find the best apps from iTun nes, and so much more. Tips and No ow You Know w sidebars offer sollutions to po otential pitfalls and veterran insight helps h you gett even more e out of this revolutio onary device e. Audienc ce This boo ok is for non-technical ev veryday con sumers & bu usiness users who need information to get their iPhone tto do everyth hing they wa ant it to. Title:: QuickBo ooks 2013 3 The Guiide Autho ors: Leslie Ca apachietti FEBRUARY 2012 | 9780071809 9344 | Pre ISBN: I 9780 071776219|| 72 | Illus: 250| 2 Cover: Paperbac k | Subjectt: Consumer | Pages: 67 UK Priice: 20.99 | Euro Price e: 23.99 | SA A$ Price: 30 0.00| Imprin nt: OSBORN NE MGH Master the #1 bes stselling fin nancial softtware Set up a and maintain n a complete e, efficient sm mall busines ss financial management m t system with ease! QuickBo ooks 2013: The T Guide is filled with b best practices s for handlin ng essential business tas sks and customiz zing QuickBo ooks for the way you wo ork. Written by an Advan nced Certifie ed QuickBook ks ProAdviso or with years s of experien nce supporting and training QuickBooks s users, this practical ressource shows you, step by b step, how w to use the software to control y your busines sses finances s, process in nvoices, trac ck inventory, and manag ge payroll. Get the most from the e software and run your small busin ess smoothly and effectively using tthe proven techniques and time e-saving tips s inside this authoritativ ve guide to QuickBooks Q 2013. 2 Audienc ce usiness owne ers Small bu Title:: HIT Hea althcare Informati I ion Techn nology Ex xam Guide e for Com mpTIA He ealthcare IT Techn nician and d Health IT Pr rofessiona al Certific cations Autho ors: Kathleen n McCormick k, Brian Gugerty Februa ary 2012 | 97 7800718028 802 | Cover: Soft back w with CD| Subjec ct: Certificattion and Carreer | Pages s: 800 | Illu us: 150| UK Priice: 40.99 | Euro Price:: 47.99 | SA A$ Price: 60 .00 | Imprin nt: OSBORN NE MGH Written n for IT pro ofessionals new to hea althcare infformation technology (HIT), this s book is an n essential guide to the burgeo oning field of HIT, the e CompTIA Healthcare e IT Technic cian exam, AND alll six HIT Prro exams. HIT Hea althcare Inforrmation Tech hnology Exa am Guide forr CompTIA® ® Healthcare IT Technicia an and Health IIT Profession nal Certificatiions is an in troductory guide g designed to familia arize IT professionals with the e health-related aspects and define tthe IT requirrements of the HIT field.. This valu uable resourrce also doubles as an ex xam guide for the Comp pTIA Healthccare IT Techn nician exam. The boo ok offers com mplete covera age of all Co ompTIA exam m objectives s and include es an objectiive map thatt maps th he content off the book to o the official CompTIA ex xam objectiv ves. Audienc ce The Hea althcare Information Technology (HIT T) sector an nd those taking the Comp pTIA Healthcare IT Techniciian certificattion exam Title:: Network k Security y: The Co omplete R Reference e, 2/e Autho ors: Mark Rh hodes-Ousley y MARCH H 2013 | 978 8007178435 51 | Pre ISB BN: 9780072 2226973 | Cover: Paperback | Subjject: Networking and Co ommunicatio ons | Pages: 928 | Illus: 215| UK Priice: 47.99 | Euro Price e: 56.99 | SA A$ Price: 70 0.00 | Imprin nt: OSBORN NE MGH This is a complete e, cover-to-cover revis sion of the most autho oritative vo olume available on informa ation securrity (the firs st edition o of which wa as titled Network Secu urity: The Complete C Referen nce) and co overs all of the most im mportant to ools and pr ractices tha at concern any informa ation securrity practitio oner today,, including the very la atest inform mation available on security y standards s and regullations. Information Security y: The Comp plete Referen nce, 2/e guides security practitionerrs through how to plan, impleme ent and main ntain a secure data envi ronment, prrotect confidential inform mation, and ensure e corporatte networks are in comp pliance with tthe latest regulations. Audienc ce IT professionals around the worrld, informattion security y managers working w inte erdepartmentally across their org ganizations and a for netw work adminisstrators overrseeing user behaviour a and managin ng security software e solutions. Boxed Sett, 2/e Title:: CISSP B Autho ors: Shon Ha arris MARCH H 2013 | 978 8007179308 87 | Pre ISB BN info: 978 80071768450 | Cover: Soft ba ack with CD | Subject: Certification and Career | Pages: 1376 | Illus: 245 | UK Prrice: 71.99 | Euro Price e: 84.99 | S SA$ Price: 105.00 1 | Imprin nt: OSBORN NE MGH A mone ey-saving CISSP C boxed d set from the #1 nam me in IT sec curity certi fication and training CISSP B Boxed Set, 2//e provides you with a v variety of self-study reso ources to use e in preparation for the new CIS SSP exam. The set includ des two book C CISSP All-in-One A Ex Exam Guide, Sixth ks and two CDs. Edition o offers a com mprehensive and in-depth h exam revie ew and self-study system m covering all a ten CISSP P domains s. The book includes exa am tips that highlight actual exam to opics, techniical discussio on sidebars and han nds-on examples and exe ercises that support prac ctical learnin ng for real-w world situatio ons. ns practice exam e questio ons, a video training exc cerpt, and an n Adobe Dig gital Edition The CD--ROM contain free eBo ook download (subject to o Adobe's sy ystem requirrements). CIISSP Practice e Exams, 2/e e reinforces what is ttaught in the e Exam Guid de with revie ew questions s accompanied by in-dep pth answer explanattions. More than t 1000 additional rev view questio ons are hoste ed online. Th he set also in ncludes a bonus C CD-ROM with h an addition nal practice e exam plus au udio and video training b by Shon Harrris. Audienc ce CISSP candidates Title:: CompTI IA Cloud Essential E s Certific cation Stu udy Guide e (Exam m CL0-00 01) Autho ors: Robert S Shimonski MARCH H 2013 | 978 8007180043 33 | Cover: Soft back wiith CD | Sub bject: Certific cation and C Career | Pages: 600 | Illus: 150 | U UK Price: 33 3.99 | Euro Price: P 39.99 9 | SA$ Pric ce: 50.00 | Imprint: I OS SBORNE MGH H Prepare e for CompT TIA Cloud Essentials E E Exam CL0-0 001 with McGraw-Hill CompTIA A Cloud Esse entials Certiffication Stud dy Guide offe ers the best study syste m for exam CL0-001. Designed for a broad audience and a a variety y of job roles, the Comp pTIA Cloud E Essentials Ce ertification is a specia alty certificattion that aim ms to prove ccompetency in the funda amental conccepts and prrinciples of cloud co omputing. CompTIA A Cloud Esse entials Certiffication Stud dy Guide (Ex xam CL0-001 1) offers 100 0% coverage e of the exam ob bjectives woven into an integrated sself-study sy ystem. The book teachess and reinforrces practical skills thrrough step-b by-step exerrcises and sp pecial Exam Watch, Insid de the Exam m, and On-the-Job elementts. Also inclu uded are end d-of-chapter self-test questions with in-depth an nswer explan nations. The CD-ROM M includes tw wo practice exams e that m mirror the ac ctual exam in content, fo ormat, style,, tone, and difficulty y. Audienc ce This certtification is aimed a at IT specialists, IIT technical services spe ecialists, IT rrelationship managers, IT archittects, consultants, busin ness and IT m management, business process p own ners, and ana alysts. Title:: PMP Pro oject Man nagementt Professiional Study Guide e, 4/e Autho ors: Joseph P Phillips MARCH H 2013 | 978 8007177591 15 | Pre ISB BN: 9780071 1626736 | Cover: Soft back w with CD | Su ubject: Certtification and d Career | Pa ages: 784 | Illus: 75 UK Pric ce: 33.99 | Euro E Price: 39.99 | SA$ $ Price: 50.00 | Imprin nt: OSBORN NE MGH A comp plete study system for r the PMP e exam revise ed to cover the 2011 u update to PMI’s P Projectt Manageme ent Body off Knowledg ge (PMBOK) ) In PMP P Project Mana agement Pro ofessional Sttudy Guide, 4/e, 4 project managemen nt guru Joseph Phillips provides s in-depth co overage and key exam i nformation to t help you pass p the PMP P exam from m PMI, the Project M Management Institute. The T book de livers comprrehensive co overage of th he new Fifth Edition PMBOK and the PMP P certification n exam, and d also serves s as a valuab ble on-the-jo ob reference after the exam. This study guide interprets the PMBOK P and works, intuitively, from practical ap pplication to the related exam ob bjectives. Th he CD-ROM contains c two o electronic practice p exam ms 300 pracctice exam questions that emulate the PM MP exam more than an h hour of video o training fro om the autho or and an e-book. Audienc ce PMP can ndidates are typically college-educatted, often MB BAs, that are e looking to advance the eir career with a p project mana agement certtification.
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