Collapsing Worlds and Varieties of Welfare Capitalism: How to Step Out of Weber’s Long Shadow Waltraud Schelkle (European Institute, LSE) OCSID WORKING PAPER NOVEMBER 2008 OXFORD CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF INEQUALITY AND DEMOCRACY Department of Politics and International Relations University of Oxford Manor Road, Oxford OX1 3UQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 1865 278707 Fax: +44 1865 278725 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 Abstract Draft, comments most welcome. Collapsing Worlds and Varieties of welfare capitalism: How to step out of Weber’s long shadow* This contribution does not propose another welfare regime typology. It tries to explain, on the contrary, why classifications of countries according to the welfare capitalism they represent are so attractive for comparative political economy and social policy research, despite their limitations and the raft of convincing criticism they have received over the years. Throughout, my paper will focus on the time-honoured Worlds of Welfare Capitalism (Esping-Andersen 1990, 1999: ch.5) and the newly imported Varieties of (Welfare) Capitalism derived from Hall and Soskice (2001) since they are the two most popular typologies. A major part of the paper is devoted to outlining a different analytical framework to studying welfare capitalism in comparative political economy. The unit of classification is social policies, not countries, and the analysis identifies the political economy norms in these policy areas. Theoretically, the comparative political economy of welfare regimes needs to grasp the political role of the welfare state in modern society which is to ensure inclusion in a wider than economic sense. This framework can arguably make more sense of the incrementalism and institutional layering that characterizes the evolution of welfare systems and their reforms empirically. It can also give a meaningful account of notoriously complex processes such as liberalisation of welfare that undermine regime typologies. Dr. Waltraud Schelkle London School of Economics & Political Science European Institute Houghton Street London WC2 2AE ph. +44-(0)20-7955 6942 fax +44-(0)20-7955 7546 email: * In writing this paper, I have greatly benefited from discussions with Wolf-Hagen Krauth (BerlinBrandenburg Academy of Sciences) and Deborah Mabbett (Birkbeck, University of London). Christa van Wijnbergen (LSE) gave me excellent comments on a first draft. Helen Bolderson (Birkbeck), Richard Bronk (LSE), Bernhard Ebbinghaus (Mannheim), Alison Johnston (LSE), Andreas Kornelakis (LSE), Costanza Rodriguez d’Acri (LSE), Iyiola Solanke (East Anglia) and in particular Abby Innes (LSE) and Gwen Sasse (Oxford) were very helpful with encouraging and critical remarks on a version that was presented at the ESPAnet conference in Helsinki, September 2008. This version is based on a presentation at the Oxford Centre for the Study of Inequality and Democracy (OCSID), and while I made slight changes, I could not yet do justice to all the useful comments I got. 2 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 Collapsing Worlds and Varieties of welfare capitalism: How to step out of Weber’s long shadow Waltraud Schelkle (European Institute, LSE) Welfare capitalism in comparative political economy The question of how to study welfare capitalism brings us back to one of the founding questions of comparative political economy: ‘how is it possible to combine capitalism with democracy?’ (Iversen 2006: 601) Capitalism produces inequalities that distribute economic power unevenly while democracy assigns political power, in terms of the vote, evenly. So why do the many poor not elect politicians that expropriate the rich; or if they do, how can capitalism survive? One answer is (Przeworski and Wallerstein 1988): the class compromise enshrined in the welfare state prevents the poor from soaking the rich. Redistribution and social insurance provided by the welfare state may even benefit the capitalist economy. But this begs the next question (Iversen 2006: 604): why do we find, even among advanced wealthy democracies, so many different variants of the class compromise? One set of comparative political economists gave the answer: the size and structure of the welfare state shows the historical importance of the political left and its alliances with the middle classes (Korpi 1983). The three Worlds classification of welfare capitalisms that Esping-Andersen (1990, 1999: ch.5) identified is a direct descendant of this social policy tradition. Another set of comparative political economist concentrated on the role of organized labour and the extent to which it was co-opted by the state (Goldthorpe 1984). The two Varieties of (welfare) capitalism that Hall and Soskice (2001) postulate is in this industrial relations school of thought, following Swenson (1991) in the shift of research interest to the role of big business and organized employers. This contribution does not propose another welfare regime typology, more or less different from theirs. Rather, it tries to explain why classifications of countries according to the welfare capitalism they represent are so attractive for comparative research in social policy, despite their limitations and the raft of convincing criticism they received over the years. Throughout, I will focus on the time-honoured Worlds (Esping-Andersen 1990) and the newly imported Varieties derived from Hall and Soskice (2001a) because they seem to be the two most popular typologies. A major part of my paper is then devoted to outlining a different analytical framework to studying welfare capitalism in comparative political economy, trying to take the substantive achievements of regime typologies on board but overcome some of their shortcomings -- or better, trade them in for others, in my view less severe shortcomings. For the study of social policy, regime typologies fulfil a similar role to what Weber’s ideal types did for sociology in the early 20th century. In fact, the proponents do see their Worlds or Varieties as ideal types of welfare capitalisms. The Worlds of a socialdemocratic, liberal and conservative welfare regime (Esping-Andersen 1990) or the Varieties of a liberal and a coordinated market economy (Hall and Soskice 2001a) hardly exist as such in the real world which consists of countries that are more or less hybrid 3 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 variants of these abstractions.1 This long shadow of Weber is the point of departure for my argument that country typologies have outlived their usefulness for the comparative study of welfare regimes in political economy. While strongly committed ‘to make sense of what is going on in the world around us’ (Hancké, Rhodes and Thatcher 2007a: 38), an analytical framework built on ideal types captures this world as an aberration from the theory at best (Luhmann 1980: 244), not as a reality unpacked and enlightened by theory. To the credit of all the research that has been done in their wake or in parallel, we are no longer in the phase where we need ideal types to map the terrain. The exercise has shown that these ideal types of welfare capitalism give us rather distorted maps, typically out of date and missing crucial detail for some, while stressing irrelevant features for others. Moreover, the political raison d’être of regime typologies – to go on the counterattack against the ‘neoliberal’ convergence view -- has lost some credibility. Regime typologies seemed to provide effective counterarguments to the view that there is one best practice of a market economy and economic pressures force to converge on a minimalist welfare state. They meant to substantiate the claim that there are categorically different ways of doing things which produce equally good outcomes. However, both the Worlds and the Varieties proponents have come to nurture within themselves strong normative preferences for convergence: either in the form of the maxim that we should all become social-democratic Scandinavians now or the proposition that only two types of market economies are really viable alternatives.2 The next section elaborates what makes the Worlds and Varieties typologies still so attractive. Then follows my critique of country classifications that concentrates on their limitations for empirical research in comparative studies of social policy; I leave aside many other valid points that have been raised by insightful critics and led to fruitful debates with the proponents of Worlds and Varieties.3 Finally, I outline an alternative that is a concrete illustration of the differences in the conceptualization of political economy and in comparative methodology, rather than a fully specified alternative theory. The conclusions indicate how this alternative relates to recent research on the political economy of welfare reform. 1 Cf. Esping-Andersen (1990: 49) notes that ‘[i]n reality, however, there are no one-dimensional nations in the sense of a pure case’. Those who use his classification invariably think of Worlds as ideal types (eg Ebbinghaus and Manow 2001a: 8-9, Arts and Gelissen 2002). For Varieties, see Hall and Soskice (2001b: 8, 35), Ebbinghaus and Manow (2001a: 5) and Hancké, Rhodes and Thatcher (2007a: 13, 25). 2 Manow (2004) characterized the normative preferences in Esping-Andersen (1990) pertinently by translating the Worlds typology of social democratic, liberal and conservative welfare regimes into ‘The good, the bad and the ugly.’ Castles and Mitchell (1993) have also remarked on the fact that EspingAndersen’s classification is more about the author’s political preferences than equivalent welfare arrangements.- For the dual convergence hypothesis in the Varieties approach, see Hall and Gingerich (2004: sect.4-5), Hancké, Rhodes and Thatcher (2007a: 13-14) and Molina and Rhodes (2007). 3 The introduction by Hancké, Rhodes and Thatcher (2007a) is a role model of how to deal with critique respectfully and constructively. 4 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 Why is identifying Worlds or Varieties of Welfare Capitalism so attractive? As indicated in the introduction, there are at least two good reasons why comparativists in social policy find regime typologies so attractive: the non-convergence hypothesis and the systemic approach as a research programme. The non-convergence hypothesis is to a large extent an achievement of the methodology, ie the use of regime typologies that Esping-Andersen (1990: 114-115) advocated. It provided an alternative to research that used regression analysis and cross-section data to identify the factors that can account for the different size and growth of welfare states, measured solely in expenditure terms. Such factors are, for instance, the advancement of industrialisation, strength of leftist parties, religious traditions etc. Regression analysis, with its dependant variable of more or less social spending, is ironically more likely to find similarities and convergence, the more diverse the underlying countries in terms of development are. It is unable to detect differences among the selection of rich countries that happen to have the mature welfare states social policy scholars have been most interested in (Bolderson and Mabbett 1999: 43-44). Rueda and Pontusson (2000: 351-352), however, do apply pooled regression analysis to the distribution of market wages in regime typologies. The non-convergence hypothesis was once directed against modernization theories, then against the neo-liberal best practice view and now against globalization of all variants (cf. Esping-Andersen 1999: 96; Hall 2007: 64). So it remains relevant. But at the same time, it is untenable to suggest that waves of trade liberalisation and European integration, or socio-demographic change and deindustrialisation do not have any effect on the existing configurations of welfare systems. There are plausible orthodox responses to this (Hancké, Rhodes and Thatcher 2007a: 10-13). One is that comparative institutional advantages and institutional complementarities will play themselves out and lead to even more pronounced regime formations: In welfare reforms, some may utilise their traditions of social partnership, while others promoted effective targeting combined with absorptive labour markets (Featherstone 2004: 426-427). Another orthodox response is to identify regime-specific pathways of adjustment, for instance different welfare reform strategies of dealing with the trilemma of the expanding service sector economy between budgetary restraint, income equality, and employment growth (Iversen and Wren 1998): the socialdemocratic strategy compromises on budgetary restraint, the neo-liberal sacrifices income equality, and the corporatist strategy foregoes employment growth. Recently, scholars in this tradition have called for taking the possibility of gradual and endogenous transformation more seriously and overcome a conservative bias in the institutionalist research paradigm of which regime typologies are one strand (Thelen and van Wijnbergen 2003; Crouch 2005; Streeck and Thelen 2005).4 While still in the institutionalist tradition, their proposals amount to a potentially more radical step because it is no longer the assumed existence of regimes that guides the research effort but their possible dissolution. The five modes of ‘gradual yet transformative change’ that Streeck 4 ‘[W]ether such frameworks are premised on an equilibrium model (as in the varieties of capitalism literature) or not (as in much of the welfare state literature), current scholarship is prone to ignore or downplay observed changes, or to code all that appears to be new as a variation of the old.’ (Streeck and Thelen 2005: 16). Hall (2007) is a good example for ‘a distinct if inadvertent conservative bias’ (ibid.). 5 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 and Thelen (2005) identify are a good example: there is no reason to think that particular modes are used only in particular Worlds or Varieties, they are generic ways of describing both the evolution of institutions and intentional reform strategies.5 The outcome is likely to be hybridization that, I will argue below, contains the seeds of typology destruction. In a similar vein, Crouch (2005: 13, 99) argues that ‘real-world institutions’ contain ‘elements of complexity and incoherence’ that give room for change and innovation, sought by opportunistic actors. Again, the research interest is no longer in reconstructing adaptive regimes as ‘embodiments of ideal types’ (ibid.) moving along their particular historical trajectories, but on the possible departure from the trajectory. But even if the non-convergence hypothesis has become problematic, if not abandoned, there is another good reason why regime typologies are so attractive. A lasting achievement is the systemic view of social policy and the disciplinary outreach thereby attained. Esping-Andersen (1990: 29-33) was quite explicit about the necessity to reconnect the research of welfare states and regimes with political economy: ultimately, it is differences in political coalition-building across economically defined classes that gave contemporary welfare states their particular shape and ideological imprint. Varieties was one of the many neo-institutionalist attempts at ‘intellectual recombination’ of different social sciences studying how ‘mechanisms of the market economy’ are constructed and permanently reconstructed (Crouch 2005: 6). This specific typology draws the attention of social policy scholars to the ‘ways in which social policies can improve the operation of labor markets, notably from the perspective of the firm.’ (Hall and Soskice 2001: 50) Hence it provides arguments for ‘social policy as a productive factor’, to put it in terms of the mantra of the EU’s Lisbon Strategy. The systemic view of social policy that both typologies fostered has, again, a methodological dimension. Esping-Andersen (1990) operationalised in exemplary fashion what was until then a domain of qualitative case studies, so that regime typologies came to be noted by comparative quantitative researchers. Similarly, the contributors to the Varieties approach use a wide range of methods, from cluster analysis to game theory, macroeconomic modelling to critical single case study. Without this methodological pluralism, regime typologies could neither lend themselves to the study of social policy nor link social policy to a number of social sciences. Having elaborated on these commonalities and lasting achievements which, in my view, any proposal for an alternative should acknowledge, the differences between Worlds and Varieties deserve to be mentioned as well. Shared attractiveness does not make them compatible, contrary to the claim of Hall and Soskice (2001: 50-51). That they differ is not surprising, given different academic origins in social policy and power resources theory, industrial relations and neo-corporatist theory, respectively. Hence, the Worlds classification is based on all major transfer programmes of welfare states while Varieties, as a ‘firm-centred political economy’ (Hall and Soskice 2001b: 6), captures mainly employment-enhancing social policies. And while the decommodification and 5 The five modes are ‘displacement of dominant with dormant institutions, institutional layering and subsequent differential growth, tolerated drift of institutions away from social reality, slow conversion of existing institutions to new purposes, and exhaustion due to systemic incompatibility and erosion of resources.’ (Streeck and Thelen 2005: 33; my emphasis) 6 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 stratification index in Worlds portray the welfare state as an institution that emancipates individuals from the market and replaces class differences by status differences of its own, the liberal-coordination distinction of Varieties portrays social protection as commodifying, often reflecting the power of employers. These two differences cannot be easily reconciled. First, regarding the scope of social policy that these two typologies capture: it has been pointed out by many that the three Worlds classification is so neat only because Esping-Andersen (1990) left out all programmes based on services rather than transfers, notably health care in contrast to sick pay.6 This is a particularly effective critique, because Esping-Andersen (1990: 19-20) himself was critical of expenditure-based classifications – only to reproduce this expenditure bias in his decommodification index (Castles and Mitchell 1993: 103). Moreover, the Worlds classification is based on the notion of ‘regimes’, comprising welfare as provided by the state, the market and the family, and yet the huge area of care services provided in the family and by the market is ignored. The transfer bias of the Worlds has a (male) gender bias in its wake. Why, scholars like Jane Lewis asked early on, is defamilialisation not a criterion of classification, as fundamental as decommodification and stratification?7 The focus on occupational welfare in Varieties includes services, in particular education. But Varieties confines itself to a limited set and only particular aspects of social policy.8 For instance, all education is analysed in terms of whether it enhances general or specific skills, ie whether, as vocational training, it is more in line with the liberal or the coordinated market economy, respectively (Estévez-Abe, Iversen and Soskice 2001, Soskice 2007: 92-93). This leaves out all the social discipline and integration aspects of universal schooling. Care services are ignored in this typology as well, which is not surprising given the interest in macro-coordination and the large manufacturing firm as the prototypical key player. And if care services are indirectly taken into account, namely insofar they affect women’s career and employment prospects, Estévez-Abe (2006) finds that the coordinated market economy does worse in terms of both equality and flexibility of labour market outcomes for women. Hence, the equivalence of the two regimes (low equality/ high flexibility in liberal, high equality/ low flexibility in coordinated market economies) breaks down. A similar anomaly arises for gender equality in the Worlds classification: Scandinavian countries exhibit more occupational segregation between men and women than Anglo-Saxon countries (Estévez-Abe 2006: 143). 6 See Jensen (2008) for a recent deconstruction of the ‘Worlds of services’. Sick pay is included in the decommodification index, along with pensions and unemployment benefits. For each of these, a net income replacement rate is calculated; the generosity of other conditions and coverage are taken into account as well (Esping-Andersen 1990: 54). 7 See Lewis (1992), O’Connor (1993), and Orloff (1993), early feminist critiques which EspingAndersen (1999: ch.4) conceded without changing his Worlds classification. 8 See the contributions by Molina and Rhodes, Hassel and Iversen in Part IV of Hancké, Rhodes and Thatcher (2007b) for the narrow range of social policies dealt with, often remaining implicit, treated as a kind of institutional furniture of political economies. Similarly, the contributions in Ebbinghaus and Manow (2001) are all on employment related social policy, with the notable exception of Estévez-Abe (2001). But she explores how the regulation of pension funds contributes to the availability of long-term credit to Japanese firms. 7 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 Those interested in combining the two approaches, like Ebbinghaus and Manow (2001a: 3, 7-8), might be tempted to conclude that both typologies are similar in their having a male or anti-care bias. Yet, amending this bias leads into quite different directions, for good, theoretically consistent reasons: Esping-Andersen (1999) proposes to give more consideration to the family and the household economy, Estévez-Abe (2006) more to sex segregation in employment, ‘gendering’ the Varieties approach by analysing and classifying women’s labour market opportunities in different types of market economies. This relates to the second difference, the assumed relationship between state and market. The decommodification index of the three Worlds measures to what extent social transfers replace earnings that ensure a living standard independent of market participation (Esping-Andersen 1990: 37; Rueda and Pontusson 2000: 363-364). By contrast, authors in the Varieties approach explicitly contradict this and argue ‘that employment and income protection can be seen as efforts to increase workers’ dependence on particular employers, as well as their exposure to labour market risks. Moreover, social protection often stems from the strength rather than the weakness of employers.’ (Estévez-Abe, Iversen and Soskice 2001: 181). Worlds and Varieties are diametrically opposed in this respect. The new economics of the welfare state supports neither position in its one-sidedness, as I will indicate below. Why are these typologies counterproductive for the comparative study of welfare regimes? Both the Worlds and the Varieties typologies have solicited much criticism. The high quality of this criticism is to their credit, however, indicating that it is worth engaging with these typologies. Many of the points I will make resonate with Crouch (2005: ch.2) on the typologies of capitalism, even though I do not draw the same conclusions for an alternative. I concentrate on two issues that have practical implications for comparative research in social policy. This has a methodological aspect, challenging the parsimony enforced by ideal-type classifications of countries, and it has a theoretical political economy aspect, raising the question how intertwined the economic and the political should be in the study of welfare states. Parsimony or reductionism? Classifying countries according to ideal types of welfare regimes or market economies, respectively, is a supposedly parsimonious way of mapping the messy terrain of social policy in comparative research. It can avoid the richness of historicist approaches that, for instance, find that ‘interests, ideas and institutions’ explain the size or growth of welfare states. Explaining something with everything is committing Popper’s cardinal sin (‘it can’t even be wrong’) and tells us hardly anything we did not know. However, parsimony based on the maxim ‘at least we can be wrong’ may turn into reductionism, so much so that it can’t ever be right. There is an infinite number of ways in which one can be wrong. Milton Friedman (1953), refreshingly provocative as usual, has admitted that much in his positive methodology. His response was that correct predictions, not realistic assumptions, are the real test for a model or theory. Predicting correctly that demand will fall when prices go up, despite the manifestly unrealistic assumptions about households’ rationality, shows the model works (produced the data) ‘as if’ it would capture the world in all its relevant features. Yet, neither Worlds nor Varieties strive to be predictive 8 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 theories, for good reason in my view. But there is then no test for whether they are just stylized or too wrong for comfort. The criteria for ideal types are based on theory, an a priori decision that parsimonious distinctions, decommodification and stratification, market or corporatist coordination, are key in all units (countries) under consideration (Crouch 2005: 39-40). This is the long shadow of Weber in that he set out to formulate ideal types as rational constructs of historical phenomena, deliberately ignoring empirical fit, and then to move on and describe the real types in their specific deviations from the construct. This can be justified as the source of abstraction that all theory needs and makes us see things we would not see without it, for instance the irrationality of arrangements we are used to. But it contributes to the Mephistophelian view (‘Grey is all theory, my friend!’) that theory is the rational reconstruction of reality, its skeleton missing flesh and blood. The empirical world itself tends to become quite skinny and anaemic in the process because it figures only as material for applying the parsimonious check-list. Such a consistent application of ideal typology is inherently prescriptive, in fact can only be used for prescription because it is not meant to be ‘realistic’. All equilibrium economics based on optimising agents is of that nature. This could explain why the three Worlds came to be incorporations of ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’ (Manow 2004). There is a methodologically more problematic use which constructs ideal types from empirical generalisations.9 It is quite popular outside of economics, and Varieties is arguably one of them. Instead of taking the ideal type as a screening device for reality, real cases are reduced to a few important traits -- and it remains opaque why some traits are deemed important, while others are not -- and then elevated to the benchmark (ideal type) for all other cases. This is ‘reasoning from example’ (Bolderson and Mabbett 1995: 123), in the case of Varieties typically from Germany and the UK or the US (Crouch 2005: 34-35). Specialists on other countries invariably feel that it does not quite fit their favourite example. But they can happily engage with the typology and contribute their case. Unfortunately, the typology tends to fall apart subsequently in the sense that all other countries become hybrids (and sometimes even the original if it happens to change). We end up with what Streeck and Thelen (2005: 21) note rather sanguinely: ‘All societies are [..] in some way hybrids, some more or less so.’ But then each regime is hybrid in different ways, not linearly ‘more or less so’ as in a regression type analysis. And it implies that the world cannot be tidied up by parsimonious distinctions, it remains this mess of cases that deviate from the theory. This requires, sooner or later, to say farewell to ‘the idea of parsimony as meaning a kind of rough, tough macho theory that concentrates on the big picture’ (Crouch 2005: 40). The extension to four types of welfare capitalisms in Beyond Varieties is noteworthy in this respect,10 which comes on top of talking about mixed and emerging market economies. The anomalies abound as Crouch (2005) and others have argued for Varieties 9 I am grateful to Wolf-Hagen Krauth for illuminating me on the different uses of ideal types. 10 Hancké, Rhodes and Thatcher (2007a: 23-28) have extended the Varieties approach by a state component which adds an etatist and a compensating state variety, noting that the liberal and the coordinated market economies cover only OECD countries where the state-economy relationship is arm’s length. 9 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 and, more devastatingly, Scruggs and Allan (2006a, 2006b) show for the Worlds classification. Their up-to-date and methodologically transparent estimate of the decommodification index finds that ‘at least six of the eighteen countries rank in a group inconsistent with type’ (Scruggs and Allan 2006a: 61). Their other attempt at replicating the Worlds classification with their own data set11 finds that on the socialist stratification index the presumably liberal countries like the UK and Canada score highest or higher than most social-democratic countries, respectively (Scruggs and Allan 2006b: 20). The authors suggest that Esping-Andersen (1990) has come to his classifications in other, mysterious, ways than the ones stated in the Appendices of his book. Those who rely on the Worlds typology may want to take notice, not least Varieties authors like Hall and Soskice (2001b: 50-51) or Soskice (2007: 90-92, 117-119). A parsimonious typology cannot be the maxim of a research programme, it is at best a desirable research finding – that must be amenable to empirical scrutiny. Scrupulous attempts have been made, eg by Castles and Mitchell (1993).12 But I think it is fair to conclude that the desirable research finding has not been established. And why should countries with their idiosyncratic histories and imagined communities, their different demographic composition and geopolitical dimensions, the ideological swings of democratic government, fall neatly into a few boxes that exhaust the possibilities of welfare states in the past, present and future? The best we can hope to get from country typologies is a contrived analytics for area studies. There must be better ways of comparing welfare regimes, based on a theory of political economy in modern society. Political economics or political economy? The crucial question raised by these typologies is how to think about the political economy implied by the notion of ‘welfare capitalism’. The term collapses a relationship into one phenomenon. But talking about the relationship between state and market requires a theory of the political and the economic separately so that they can relate: ‘It is often assumed that political economy involves an integration of politics and economics. It is less often conceded that the very idea of political economy rests on a prior separation of politics and economics.’ (Caporaso and Levine 1998: 4) Yet, Worlds and Varieties share this conflation with mainstream theories in political economy, adding to the curious state of affairs that most political economy theories ignore the differentiation of economics and politics. For instance, both Public Choice (PC) and International Political Economy (IPE) do, from opposite ends. Mature political economies are analysed as if they were banana republics, where either political processes resemble market exchanges and policies are sold against votes (PC) or economic processes resemble political exchanges and it is not competitiveness but proximity to power that makes or breaks a firm (IPE). While these phenomena undoubtedly exist, they are pathologies which a plausible theory of mature political economies should identify as such. 11 The data used by Esping-Andersen has been made publicly available only recently, cf. Korpi and Palme (2008) 12 See Esping-Andersen (1999: 88-92) for a discussion of major proposals for a three-plus regime. In the typologies of capitalism, Crouch (2005: 38-39) endorses Amable (2003) as an alternative, identifying five groups of countries derived from data about product and labour markets, financial and social protection systems. 10 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 The implausible amalgamation is a direct consequence of treating political economy as if it were about institutions integrating economics and politics and not about the relationship between differentiated entities. The theory must be all of a piece. Because the welfare state is there to decommodify labour or to enhance the quality and availability of the labour force that firms employ, respectively, the economic theory must centre on the labour market as the pivotal macro-market of the system. It determines in its interplay with the aggregate commodity market, what employment and inflation will be (Soskice 2007: 107-110).13 If the economy and politics would be seen and thought through as differentiated systems or spheres, one could have a truly Keynesian conceptualisation for the economy – with which research in the Worlds and Varieties tradition has more affinity. It would propose that in capitalist economies, the labour market is a residual market and there is no price (real wage) adjustment that would make much difference to the employment that employers and banks (through the latter households as savers) with their investment-credit decisions allow to emerge. At the same time, the labour market may be the politically salient market and it certainly has been in the 19th and 20th century – not least for policy advisers with Keynesian credentials. But this may well change and the instability of financial markets could become the preoccupation of social policymakers, in particular markets for private life insurance, occupational pensions and housing assets. So to tie the political economy of welfare regimes to an economic theory that centres on the labour market may render the former obsolete. But the tie is unnecessary, if only political economists could be bothered to think about the constituent parts of their field of study specifically. The problematic consequences can also be seen in the conceptualization of the political system. In the Worlds classification, all politics collapses into the past triumph of one dominant ideology in European political economy that became institutionalised in its welfare regime. As if the countries thus classified were not democracies in which governments with different ideological leanings hold power from time to time. In Varieties, politics as a separate force shaping adjustment of market economies comes as an afterthought in Beyond Varieties, in the guise of cross-class coalitions that EspingAndersen also stressed (Hancké, Rhodes and Thatcher 2007: 19-23). And while compatible with the more functionalist appearance of its original formulation, politics is about corporatist battles and compromises only. In neither typology is there a role for administrations or party politics independent of the class struggle in parts of the electorate. This seems to be rather odd for research on welfare states, although this is admittedly more a shortcoming of Worlds than Varieties, since the latter have never claimed to study the welfare state. 13 The New Keynesian ‘three-equation model’ of Soskice (2007: 107-110) has only one equation that captures the capitalist market economy. This is the infamous Phillips curve which is about the more or less sluggish response of wages in the aggregate labour market to excess demand in the aggregate commodity market. The other two equations are policy determined, by the monetary and the fiscal authorities, respectively. By contrast, a Keynesian model treats the labour market as the residual market, changes in employment and inflation result from the interplay of commodity and financial markets (for which one would have at least one equation each). New Keynesian Macroeconomics is therefore fundamentally neoclassical, the only difference being that they stress imperfections in price adjustment which neoclassical economists ‘discovered’ but tended not to make the focus of analysis. 11 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 How can the comparative study of social policies in political economy move on from ideal types? In the first part of this section, I propose an alternative conceptualisation of the political economy of the welfare state, which comprises the institutions of public welfare provision and social policymaking at local, national and supranational level.14 Because of the change in the unit of analysis I advocate in the second part, namely from countries to social policies, this alternative appears to be a radical break with regime typology. But it actually tries to preserve and develop what makes the classification of welfare states and national production systems so attractive to the comparative study of social policies. One main attraction is the systemic view of welfare provision, another is the non-convergence hypothesis, asking scholars to think in terms of functional and normative equivalence or relative advantages and disadvantages of particular ways in which welfare is provided. Both of these insights or endeavours can be traced back to the work of Richard Titmuss while it seems rather contrived to identify him with the classification of national welfare states15: The three models of social policy – not of welfare states! -- that Titmuss labels as residual welfare, industrial achievement-performance, and institutional redistributive take up one page in lecture notes that were published posthumously. They are ‘ends of the value spectrum’ (Titmuss 1974: 32) rather than distinct, institutionally entrenched categories, meant to caution against the notion that the telos of all social policy is redistribution – it is the telos only in the third model. Titmuss repeatedly put forward a systemic view in statements like ‘the study of social policy cannot be isolated from the study of society as a whole in all its varied social, economic and political aspects.’ (Titmuss 1968: 164; cf. 1974: 15) And a non-convergence hypothesis was implied in that Titmuss considered ‘the welfare state’ to be a ‘myth’ that originated in the 19th century belief in one irresistible path to socio-economic progress, brought about by enlightened authorities (Titmuss 1958: 34, 219; 1968: 124). We can use the term now for exactly the reasons that Titmuss was suspicious of it: even if we disagree on how many Worlds there are and whether the search for these worlds is useful, all the research following up on Esping-Andersen (1990) has confirmed that there are many welfare states and none has eradicated all market risks or avoided stratification altogether. The political economy of the welfare state For the theory of political economy underpinning this alternative, it is helpful not to start with the notion of ‘welfare capitalism’. Welfare capitalism suggests one logic that rules both the economics and the politics of social policy, the welfare state tends to become an epiphenomenon of industrialisation and capitalism. I propose instead to see political 14 Examples for a supranational welfare state are EU prohibitions of sex-discrimination in insurance or regulations on non-discrimination of migrant EU-citizens and their families with respect to social benefits. 15 I could not find a trace of the classification in Titmuss (1958) which Esping-Andersen (1990: 2021; 1999: 73) references. 12 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 economy as the study of how these two spheres or systems are related and how the identity of political in contrast to economic transactions and institutions is maintained in these relationships (Caporaso and Levine 1998: ch.1). The alternative is based on the idea that the welfare state (with its many variants) is a political phenomenon for which we need a theory that grasps the major sources of social policymaking, while the economics of the welfare state can tell us how ambiguous the effects of social policies on the functioning of capitalist economies are. This starting point of two distinct spheres requires political economy to engage with disciplinary research and develop a consistent theory of how economics and politics relate, in which each is identifiable as a different sphere or system that follows its own norms or logic. Differentiation does not mean that the economy and the political system are materially independent of each other. A marriage is defined as being about the relationship between interdependent yet separate spouses, and if one leaves or seeks divorce, the marriage has ended. In political economies, the equivalent of leaving or divorce is one system taking over, ie political command superseding exchange in markets, for instance under conditions of a war economy, or commercialization penetrating every aspect of social life, eg in the form of widespread corruption in the political and the legal system. Moreover, in modern society every citizen is meant to have access to basic education, political and legal representation and economic participation. The emphasis on inclusion, on social citizenship that dilutes and multiplies the distinctions of class, follows Marshall (1950) in identifying a social function of the welfare state in modern society that is genuine and distinct.16 It portrays politics as differentiated from markets, not predictably for or ‘against markets’ (EspingAndersen 1985). I start with the economics of the welfare state. It is safe to regard ‘the welfare state’ as a political response to the social changes that accompanied the maturing of capitalism (the Worlds angle). Once established as part of the political system, the welfare state has in turn an immense impact on the economy (the Varieties angle). The ‘Economics of the Welfare State’ (Barr 1992, 2004) or the new ‘Theory of the Welfare State’ (Sinn 1995) have extended welfare economics centred exclusively on the notorious equity-efficiency tradeoff, no longer assuming that all redistribution comes at the price of distorting the optimal allocation of economic resources.17 What has now become the mainstream looks at redistribution insofar it can substitute for markets which are failing because of asymmetric information and externalities or insofar redistribution supports individuals to make more rewarding economic choices under uncertainty, even in fairly functioning markets. In other words, it explores the range of social policies that make the provision of equity or security complementary to the enhancement of efficiency rather than being a drag on wealth creation.18 The object of study is demand for and supply of insurance and 16 The need for the social function of inclusion can also be traced back to the sociology of Emile Durkheim to which Titmuss (1958: 44; cf 55) explicitly subscribes, summarizing it approvingly thus: ‘as man becomes more individual and more specialized he becomes more socially dependant.’ 17 See also Atkinson (1996) and Agell (1999). 18 While the market failure account of Nicholas Barr (2001, 2004) distinguishes the welfare state as Robin Hood (redistribution) and as piggy bank (social insurance), the new theory uses a unified notion of redistribution. Redistribution ex ante, from the rich to the poor, corresponds to Robin Hood while redistribution ex post, from the lucky to the unlucky, corresponds to the piggy bank. The new economics 13 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 services such as health care or education where information asymmetries and externalities make market prices an inefficient coordination mechanism. Labour markets are not a particular focus of the new economics of the welfare state. The demise of the pervasive equity-efficiency tradeoff is immensely relevant for the comparative study of welfare states: as long as all the economics of social policy is framed in terms of this trade-off, it was an unsolvable puzzle that the most developed, richest economies also have the biggest welfare states (with the US as the notable exception that proves the rule). These advances in economic theory now can explain ‘why the welfare state looks like a free lunch’ (Lindert 2003), that is neither generally detrimental to business and the economy nor so advantageous that every government would rush to implement a big welfare state. Complementarities can become weak and turn into tradeoffs, social policy no longer ‘a productive factor’ but stifling economic activity. Thus, we do not have to opt for the one or the other, as the Worlds and Varieties approaches arguably do, in opposite directions. Both redistribution ‘against markets’ and ‘for markets’ can be explained within coherent economic frameworks. The ‘discovery’ of a range in which social and economic policy complement each other pushes the economics of the welfare state almost inevitably into the study of political economy. The new welfare economics demonstrates the economic equivalence of different allocation mechanisms, for instance the equivalence of a market-based funded pension system and a public pay-as-you-go pension system in dealing with the aging of society (Barr 2000). They have different redistributive implications, create different risks etc but depending on the specific design, they can provide equivalent amounts of insurance. The choice of one over the other is then ultimately a matter of political preferences -- a black box in economics. The point here is that the welfare state and social policy ultimately belong to the world of politics, even for economists that can make sense of them in purely economic terms: the economic rationales of interference with market processes and economic choices are dominated by and have their limits in political rationales. This calls for a theory of these political rationales that can also explain the specifics of diverse social policy choices. I will indicate below that the new welfare economics can help us in this and thus go beyond country typologies that tend to justify the existing diversity along simple and overly general dichotomies. How then can one bring politics back in, a need that the proponents of a Beyond Varieties classification also realise (cf Hancké, Rhodes and Thatcher 2007a: 28)? A minimalist theory of policymaking in democracies would identify at least three poles that have a distinct influence on policymaking: first the public, that is the electorate, organized interests and possibly the media, second party politics that presents ideological alternatives competing for office, and the administration which includes formal legislation. These distinctions inform, for instance, the theory of policymaking in democracies as a power cycle: the public expresses its preferences in elections or other emphasizes with respect to social insurance that not every change in risk-taking behaviour is socially harmful moral hazard (Sinn 1995). There is no tradeoff between security and efficiency as long as insurance allows individuals to take higher risks, say in terms of specialization, which markets reward with higher average income, both individually and in the aggregate. 14 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 channels of consultation; the party that comes temporarily to power tries to realise its manifesto by getting budgets and legislation through parliament; the administration uses the funds and the law to execute the programmes that binds itself and the public. In mature welfare states, another version of this power cycle is more plausible: ‘The administration draft[s] the bills for politics and dominate[s] parliamentary committees and similar institutions. Politics, with the help of its party organizations, suggest[s] to the public what it should vote for and why. And the public exercise[s] its influence on the administration though various channels, like interest groups and emotional appeals.’ (Luhmann 1990: 49) In particular the lead that the administration takes in this ‘countercycle’ of power in policymaking must sound familiar to students of social policy.19 Skocpol (1992: ch.9) in her account of American welfare exceptionalism or the new politics of the welfare state (Pierson 2001) have emphasized the role of welfare administrations in the evolution of social policies. The differentiation of the public, party politics and the administration is not only a way of grasping ‘modern politics’ in the sense of contestation over binding collective decisions in democracies that have no other source of authority than politics itself, neither the church nor the monarch. This threefold differentiation makes the welfare state to cater to an ever greater variety of changing needs and to achieve a degree of inclusion for the majority of citizens that is historically unprecedented (Marshall 1950). For instance, those with no market earnings of their own are typically entitled to a minimum income that allows them to continue participating in the economy, so transfer payments are decommodifying and commodifying at the same time. The right and obligation to a child’s primary education does not depend on the economic means of the parents, although quality is not guaranteed. In turn, entitlement to basic social services can draw on many legal bases, nationality or residency, asylum or simply need (which may only be served in the emergency room or prison, however). A transfer recipient does not lose political rights as under the English Poor Law. All these examples suggest that ‘[t]he welfare state is the realization of political inclusion’ (Luhmann 1990: 35) into the economy and education; and makes welfare provisions independent from a particular legal or economic status of a person. Among EU countries, resident non-nationals and their families have no voting rights but can claim, for instance, social assistance and access to education for their children, even if that may require some additional support, eg in translation and language teaching. In this Marshallian perspective, the dynamic of welfare states, often perceived as their ‘crisis’ or ‘failure’, is driven by a tension between the democratic norm of universal political inclusion and its selective realisation (Luhmann 1990: 76). This tension arises partly because the welfare state creates its own exclusions and stratifications, as EspingAndersen (1990: ch.3) noted and, for instance, King and Rueda (2008) argue with respect to the ‘cheap labour’ that tends to be less integrated in generous than in residual welfare states. This makes it difficult to characterize ‘political inclusion’ as the dependent variable, operationalised for instance as ‘coverage and generosity of social security’. Like stratification in Esping-Andersen’s framework, inclusion is a circular variable, both 19 The role of administrations is consciously ignored in the Worlds typology (Esping-Andersen 1990: 111), inadvertently in the firm-centred Varieties typology. 15 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 dependent and independent variable of welfare state outcomes. The tension also arises because the economy or the education system produce inequality. These inequalities are often legitimate by-products of differentiated social processes and confront the welfare state with unintended consequences and ‘challenges’. The relationship of the welfare state to other social spheres or systems is not only one of ‘receiving’ policy problems like inequality or exclusion generated elsewhere. The welfare state is also a user of means, in particular of legal rulings and fiscal resources, that are provided and controlled by the legal system and the economy, respectively. Like power, the political system’s own medium of communication (Luhmann 1990: 82-83), legal rulings and fiscal resources are ways of communicating why some action is (to be) taken: because an authority ordered it, the law required it, or a payment incentivised it. This allows the building up of vast and impressive welfare administrations required for running an array of changing and diverse, universalistic as well as selective programmes that determine individuals’ living standards. Yet for their very functionality, these media of the welfare state are problematic as the familiar theme of ‘overload’ indicates (Luhmann 1990: 92): there seems never to be a compelling social policy reason for less law or less money, in particular given that that there is always an inequality or exclusion that deserves to be addressed (and tends to get reproduced elsewhere in addressing it). This is countered by the ever popular project ‘cutting back the welfare state to size’ that ends up in tedious reregulation and marginal reallocation of funds, rarely in massive retrenchment (Pierson 1994). This outline of a conceptual framework for the comparative study of social policies and welfare states allows for a relatively flexible combination with theories of the capitalist economy. In turn, the economic approach chosen must leave room for the social function of inclusion, eg admits that capitalist economies do not solve all problems of destitution, sometimes even create them, or may do better with public risk management. The focus on the state addressed a major weakness of both Worlds and Varieties in that their conceptualizations of the political have no role for welfare administrations in their interplay with the public and party or ideological politics. Comparative study of social policy The alternative methodology I propose is in the same Titmuss and Marshall tradition as the Worlds classification (Esping-Andersen 1990: 20-26) and, if anything, it tries to be more faithful to that tradition. The empirical research that follows from this alternative will be illustrated with the painstaking work done by Bolderson and Mabbett (1995). The alternative has the following elements: The unit of analysis is social policies or welfare provisions, not countries. In these policy areas, the analysis identifies welfare allocation principles that can be given economic rationales and ideological meaning relevant to political choices. Theoretically, the comparative political economy of welfare regimes needs to grasp the political role of the welfare state in modern society which is to ensure inclusion in a wider than economic sense. The challenge this poses for empirical research is to make sense of the incrementalism and institutional layering that characterizes welfare systems and their reforms. The findings of Bolderson and Mabbett (1995) go a long way in meeting these challenges and resonate with the new politics of the welfare 16 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 state (Pierson 2001, Hacker 2005) or the notion of gradual transformation (Streeck and Thelen 2005): the combination of different principles is the surprisingly structured outcome of a political process by which diverse constituencies are assembled to ensure broad support for public welfare. However, if we go to level of social policies, how can we hope to find any pattern that can structure our comparative studies of social policy and the welfare state or do we have to put up with the historicist’s assertion that the world is too rich to be grasped by theory? To illustrate an anti-historicist research programme, I interpret the work of Bolderson and Mabbett (1991, 1995) in the light of Titmuss’ writings on social policy as well as the political economy of reform (Pierson 2001, Hacker 2005, Streeck and Thelen 2005). This has the advantage that the methodology proposed is tested, developed by researchers with an intimate knowledge of several social security systems. The main message that the authors want to get across is that welfare states are ‘mongrels’ rather than ‘thoroughbreds’. This does not only mean that ‘no single country [..] can truly be taken as representative of a regime type as a whole’ as Goodin et al (1999: 13) summarize Bolderson and Mabbett (1995). The argument is furthermore that the mongrel nature of welfare states is the outcome of a political process by which diverse constituencies are assembled to ensure support for different social policies. Bolderson and Mabbett (1995) take social policies as units of analysis20 and describe them according to three administrative principles of allocating social benefits: analogous to markets, to public goods, and to taxation. They later discuss extensions to voluntary sector and family principles. These principles are meant to replace the ‘reasoning from [favourite country] example’ and use instead ‘reasoning by analogy’. The analogies to market exchange, public goods provision and taxation allow me to bring the insights of the economics of the welfare state to bear on the analysis of political choices. Furthermore, I argue that these economic-fiscal allocation principles correspond to ideological affinities, at least historically, yet these correspondences have become more fluid in recent welfare reforms. By combining the analytical scheme of Bolderson and Mabbett (1995) with insights from the new economics of the welfare state and the politics of reform, I hope to provide a coherent theoretical underpinning for the study of social policy in comparative political economy. To outline briefly the framework of three principles and the main findings of ‘Mongrels rather than thoroughbreds’: First, the market principle of allocating social policy requires us look for the analogies with exchanges in capitalist markets (Bolderson and Mabbett 1995: table 1). The analogue to paying a price in return for commodities are contributions to a social insurance scheme as a pre-condition for eligibility. The contribution can also consist of participation in the labour force, analogous to a payment in kind in a market transaction. In following market principles, the amount of benefits may vary with the amount of contributions paid, just as the value of a commodity varies with the price paid. Beneficiaries may have choice about whether or which scheme to join. Finally, the 20 This resonates with the conclusions of Scruggs and Allan (2006a: 69): ‘If, as our results suggest, scores among social-insurance programmes are so weakly inter-correlated, we might just as well talk about the individual welfare programmes, not regimes.’ 17 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 entitlement may correspond to a contractual obligation on the part of the ‘supplier’ alias benefit provider, analogous to a private contract with statutory rights for buyer and seller. Second, public goods principles of allocating social services means that we are looking for analogies to what economists call public, in contrast to private, goods (Bolderson and Mabbett 1995: table 2). The first characteristic of such goods is to be non-excludable, like clean air or a wheelchair ramp that everybody can use. It has its pure analogy in social policy if no previous contributions nor means and needs tests restrict eligibility. The characteristic of non-divisibility (everybody gets the same air or wheelchair ramp, it does not have to be assigned) is analogous to uniformity of the benefit. Anonymity of provision and state-funding are other characteristics that have obvious analogies in social policy. Lastly, taxation principles of allocating social services are an ingenious generalisation of means-testing (Bolderson and Mabbett 1995: 125-126, table 3). A first analogy is the compulsory nature of taxation and that it is normally governed by law, so membership in a scheme may be more or less mandatory and the entitlements a matter of formal individual rights (means tests are formalized, in contrast to charity not a matter of discretion)21. And just as the amount of tax to be paid tends to depend on income or assets, so a benefit or the amount to be received may be related to income or assets, ie means-tested. The disregards or tapers for small incomes in taxation is analogous to more or less proportionate withdrawal of benefits with rising income. Finally, the analogy to tax allowances for special circumstances are the additional entitlements to benefits, say, for dependants or particular hardships. In their empirical analysis of four social security schemes (age, unemployment, disability, poverty) in seven countries in the mid-1980s, Bolderson and Mabbett (1995) score to what extent the schemes follow one set of principles or combine it with other principles. The degree to which these principles apply can vary along a continuum, incorporating more or less elements of the respective other principles. Schemes can thus be located in a continuous three-dimensional space where the corners represent a ‘pure’ application of market, public goods or taxation principles, respectively. The most relevant empirical finding of Bolderson and Mabbett (1995: 129) in the present context is that in six of the seven OECD countries three of the four social security programmes had more than one scheme, typically a primary and a secondary.22 The 21 Cf Doolittle in Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion: ‘I'm one of the undeserving poor: thats what I am. Think of what that means to a man. It means that hes up agen middle class morality all the time. If theres anything going, and I put in for a bit of it, it's always the same story: "Youre undeserving; so you cant have it." But my needs is as great as the most deserving widow's that ever got money out of six different charities in one week for the death of the same husband. [..] they charge me just the same for everything as they charge the deserving. What is middle class morality? Just an excuse for never giving me anything.’ [URL:] This sums up succinctly the difference between charitable needs-testing (‘middle class morality’) and administrative means-testing (‘they charge me just the same’). 22 The country exception was Australia which had only one pension and unemployment benefit scheme. The programme exception was social assistance where there was only one based on taxation principles in each country, with some elements of public goods in most. 18 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 predominant principle applied in the primary scheme was consistently different from the one applied in the secondary scheme. Hence, there may be a systematic tendency to combine principles not only within a welfare system but even at the level of social policy programmes. Contrary to what Esping-Andersen (1999: ch.5) suggests in responding to critics, it is not some presumably odd cases that do not fit the bill, say Southern European-traditionalist or radically-liberal Antipodean welfare states. We should not expect one ruling principle of stratification, predominantly universalist, status-preserving or residual, in any country. How can we take this scheme and the empirical findings further and provide the theoretical underpinning for an alternative in comparative welfare state research? First, we must proceed to answer not only ‘what’ but also ‘why’ questions (Hacker 2005: 40). The layering of schemes could be explained in economic-functional terms as a kind of policy risk diversification built into welfare states, ie having primary and secondary safety nets in place that cater to different needs and entitlements. Different principles have different advantages and shortcomings in welfare economic terms. The market principle tends to give more work incentives and choice for the entitled but is less redistributive. The public goods principle avoids stigma and is fairly neutral as regards work incentives but is one-size-fits-all. The taxation principle tends to be more targeted and redistributive but creates work disincentives. These are economic considerations relevant for political choices, and we should not expect that in a democracy these political choices always opt for the same as the Worlds classification implies. Each administrative allocation principle also has certain ideological affinities, yet it is the art of reform politics to turn them into an integral part of one’s own political agenda. Market principles have an affinity with centrist-corporatist ideologies, supported by Christian democrats and non-Marxist social democrats alike as they embrace the ‘social market economy’. Corporatism of different ideological shades is drawn to market principles because they are centred on the norm of equivalence, hence tend to be status preserving, and create the social units that form risk pools, be it workers, families or economic sectors (Goodin et al 1999: 39). Obviously, the norm of equivalence makes it easy for liberal reformers to make the introduction of market principles a genuine concern of theirs, by replacing the addressee of social units by the individual. But even egalitarianism may subscribe to market principles, as long as they serve to ‘creating a level playing field’ and ‘abolishing privileges’. However, public goods principles are more congenial to egalitarian ideologies, such as socialism and Republicanism (of French origin), the latter if we want to stress the etatist nature of ensuring political equality of citizens through public goods provision. Yet again, other ideologies can make reforms that introduce public goods principles their own. For corporatism, this could mean to endorse some free services for all children of ‘working families’, including immigrants even if this is deemed necessary for socialising future members of the community. Similarly, liberals can go for public goods principles as long as this serves to provide ‘equal opportunities’ for individuals. But it is taxation principles which have the closest ideological affinity with liberalism. In fact, the idea of abolishing a separate benefit system by replacing it with a negative income tax has been first proposed by the liberal 19 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 politician Juliet Rhys-Williams in 194423 and was popularized by the economist Milton Friedman in his book ‘Capitalism and Freedom’. One of the ideas was, ironically in the light of the criticism of means-testing, to eliminate the stigma that is involved in making citizens needy applicants for public funds, instead of treating them as a potential taxpayers like every other citizen. Supporters of corporatism may go for taxation principles if it allows to target benefits better to ‘deserving’ community members. Similarly, it is conceivable that egalitarians go for taxation principles as they treat everybody as a citizen, independently of the fact whether the person actually contributes to public revenues or not. By relating these administrative principles to both economic rationales and ideological affinities, we can begin to explain how different schemes assemble political constituencies or why welfare states respond quite differently to similar pressures for change. Moreover, the combination and layering of principles can be taken as evidence for the Marshallian imperative of political inclusion under which modern welfare states operate. Historically, targeted, high-industrial social assistance based on taxation principles was introduced in most countries first but then evolved into a differentiated system with universal programmes (Bolderson and Mabbett 1995: 123). Once the welfare state has reached a certain maturity, another sequencing becomes plausible as well: after a primary scheme has been introduced, say unemployment benefits based on market principles as in France or Sweden, or pensions based on public goods principles as in the Netherlands or the UK, political pressure arises to complement it by a secondary scheme because the poor, female carers or immigrants are not adequately covered.24 This sequencing implies that the more universal scheme comes first, simply because it is more encompassing in terms of coverage. The sequencing and rationales given for introducing secondary schemes is a researchable question for historical analyses that would be relevant for both social policy research and the political economy of reform. It is also important for political economy and comparative methodology that these principles can in practice vary from fairly universal to highly selective in terms of political inclusion. We thus get rid of ‘the good, the bad, and the ugly’ Worlds classification (Manow 2004), its ‘quasi-moral calculus’ (Castles and Mitchell 1993: 93) which assumes that only social-democratic Scandinavia practices universalism. First, the application of market principles would converge towards the universalism of pure public goods principles if the requirement of previous contributions is reduced or the link between the value of benefits and the amounts of contributions paid loosened. Taxation principles would become increasingly universal by loosening the means and needs tests, or providing allowances unrelated to income or specific categories of needy dependants. In turn, public goods principles, universal if applied purely, become increasingly selective and tend towards ‘club goods’ if there is some prerequisite for establishing 23 The proposals can be read in the archives of the LSE: 24 A case in point is the introduction of long-term care insurance in Germany in 1995 based on strong (but not pure) public goods principles while the general health care system is in line with fairly pure market principles. 20 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 ‘citizenship’, say through minimum residency requirements, or if a co-payment has to make up for tax finance that does not fully cover the costs of the service. We can thus relate this analysis to Titmuss’ study of universalism and selectivity in social services. He formulated it as a ‘challenge’ for social policy to develop a ‘particular infrastructure of universalist services [..] in order to provide a framework of values and opportunity bases within and around which can be developed socially acceptable selective services aiming to discriminate positively, with the minimum risk of stigma, in favour of those whose needs are greatest.’ (Titmuss 1968: 135) We can read this challenge today as an inherent balancing act of welfare states, balancing between providing universal inclusion and limiting overload by selectivity. Titmuss’ statement about the complementarity of universal and selective social services are easily turned into two interesting theorems that can enlighten empirical research: (1) Every mature welfare state has some ‘particular infrastructure of universalist services’.25 It may tell us a lot, if not all, about the nature of a political economy where it places universalism in a system of social services: in primary or secondary schemes; in health, pensions, education? (2) Selective services address shortcomings of the universalist (primary or secondary) schemes. If so, this would tell us what this welfare state acknowledges as deficiencies of benefit programme(s) embodying its notion of social citizenship or how the notion of social citizenship changes. Alternatively, the selective programmes may have been introduced in response to some pressure group which would not surprise mainstream political economists; nor would it have Titmuss. Epilogue on how this links up with recent research on the political economy of reform This paper argues that national regime typologies have outlived their purpose.26 Their lasting achievement is to have substantiated the systemic view in social policy; and they give substance to the non-convergence hypothesis – even though it should be subject to empirical scrutiny rather than be an assumption of the theory. These typologies presume that entire countries and their institutions fall in line with (are caused by) an overarching idea. This leaves no role for politics and the constant battle between temporary public concerns, competing ideas and their operationalisation in administrative procedures. It is admitting failure if one then has to classify more and more countries as ‘hybrids’, as if 25 This resonates with Castles and Mitchell (1993: 104) whose critique of Esping-Andersen’s interpretation of means-testing implies that in ‘radical’ liberal welfare states means-testing is actually a universal principle of welfare provision: the means-tested unemployment benefits of Australia and New Zealand ‘provided a genuine “work-welfare choice” [..] since unemployment benefits were, at least until recently, available irrespective of the duration of unemployment and without contribution.’ Even though the authors do not put it that way, one could argue that a means-tested unemployment programme provides the universalist infrastructure. The Earned Income Tax Credit may play a similar role in the US. 26 As Arts and Gelissen (2002: 139) formulated this message from the philosophy of science, ‘typologies are only fruitful to an empirical science that is still in its infancy. [..] [A] mature empirical science emphasizes the construction of theories and not the formulation of typologies.’ The authors, however, approve ultimately of the Worlds typology, it seems out of horror vacui. 21 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 real welfare states would exist as deviations from ideal types. Even Goodin et al (1999) fall into this trap while promising the opposite. Country typologies distort the analysis of ongoing reform processes more than they help it. The approach presented here can be directly related to studies of major reforms in mature welfare states over the last fifteen years. The results – eg that we should expect combinations of distinct principles in welfare programmes -- support ‘the new politics of the welfare state’ (Pierson 2001) and beyond (Hacker 2005). Welfare reforms are unlikely to abolish a scheme outright, yet it can be pushed in second place and another introduced or upgraded to primary status (Streeck and Thelen 2005: 22-24). The layering of schemes and the combination of principles ‘is integral to the way political constituencies of social provisions are assembled and maintained in the face of budgetary pressures’ (Bolderson and Mabbett 1995: 138). Hence, complexity may be deliberately created which makes the overall redistributive impact of social services notoriously hard to establish. This does not boil down to the trivial message that reality is always complex. It is complex for political reasons. A system has to cater to heterogeneous constituencies; and not every need is seen as equally worthy of support by a majority of voters (for instance, needs of HIV infected homosexuals or single mothers). ‘Complexification’ may be a way of yielding to pressure groups but is also a way of protecting certain selective programmes against populist pressure. The economic rationales and ideological affinities of administrative allocation principles capture real policy choices and reasons for their change. In this sense, the principles follow the policy changes rather than policies come to conform a dominant principle.27 The outcome is likely to trigger a backlash at some point, and a cycle of complexity reduction sets in. The methodology proposed here could grasp this by tracing the attempt to move to ‘pure’ principles or a clearer dominance of one. Unsurprisingly, the backlash may result in the opposite, for instance pursuing transparency by new public management is likely to end up in the proliferation of indicators and benchmarks. An important issue to finally illustrate what difference the approach presented here would make to the study of welfare reforms is the process of liberalisation, a ‘dominant trend in advanced political economies’ (Streeck and Thelen 2005: 30). Worlds and Varieties would grasp this as a move towards the residual, liberal welfare regime of Anglo-Saxon countries that leads to hybridisation. In the approach proposed here, liberalisation means a more pervasive application of market principles in welfare programmes. Whether this is through privatization of social services or by introducing ‘choice’ and ‘quasi-markets’ in public welfare itself is a matter for empirical research, not a theoretical predisposition of the classification scheme. The analytics would grasp liberalisation in terms of more equivalence and less redistribution due to a closer link between contribution and entitlement, more choice and less targeting or risk-pooling, more mutual obligations for beneficiaries and providers at the level of the respective social policy scheme. This appeals to some constituencies, fits the ideological predisposition of some policymakers 27 The US welfare reform in 1996 is a case in point: what was originally a brainchild of conservative Republicans who ever since Nixon tried to abolish the unpopular social assistance programme AFDC was turned by Bill Clinton into a milestone of what New Democrats are about, even though it was more down the road of Reaganism than even Ronald Reagan had dared to go (Goodin et al 1999: 62, 262-263). 22 OCSID Working Paper November 2008 and entails advantages but also challenges for the administration. That is to say, the political underpinning of the approach suggests that liberalisation is not done for functional economic reasons. On the contrary, the economic underpinning of the appraoch suggests that insurance market failures, such as discrimination (‘creamskimming’) or adverse selection of high risks, are bound to rise with liberalisation. There is also no presumption that the dominant trend of liberalisation adds up to measurable shifts in outcomes at the country level, such as more inequality of national post-tax-posttransfer income. In capitalist democracies, change is likely to be compensated and/ or hidden, and economic forces adapt to these changes; hence, what the state does and what markets do is impossible to disentangle. The policy process and the likely economic effect of cumulative change can be observed and attributed, at best, in particular social policy schemes. What this also implies is that we are likely to find similarities (ie liberalisation) between pension or labour market reforms across advanced political economies, rather than between all social policy reforms within one country. This may in particular be the case if there was a coordinated drive towards liberalisation, say through EU policy processes and/or pressure of an international expert community such as the OECD. The economic effects of the same reforms may still differ at the national level. The difference that this comparative political economy approach would make to the inquiry of a phenomenon like ‘liberalisation of welfare’ is that a) it provides a precise notion of what the phenomenon means in social policy terms; b) makes it a matter of research, not presumption, whether the reforms involved will lead to fundamental regime change or not; c) urges us to look for the political drivers and the economic consequences of liberalisation separately, one of which research at the social policy level typically neglects; and d) is open for the possibility that the same reforms are undertaken in very different welfare states, with the interesting implication that the same reform may lead to very different political contestations and economic outcomes in different national settings. What this approach is interested to find is dominant trends, such as ‘liberalisation’ or ‘gendering’ the welfare state, the underlying political drivers of change, be it public pressure, ideological battles or administrative adaptations, and the largely unintended economic consequences in terms of selective or universal welfare provisions or the reconstitution of risk pools.28 What this illustrates is that an alternative conceptualisation and methodology opens up the empirical material for the comparative study of social policies through the lens of political economy. It avoids being so rich that it can’t even be wrong, or so parsimonious that it can’t ever be right. 28 In research within an EU Framework 6 Integrated Project on ‘Reconstituting democracy in Europe’ (led by ARENA, University of Oslo), I try to apply this framework to the analysis of ongoing reforms in European welfare states that aim at increasing ‘choice’ for patients and clients. 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