» » * * * * * - • ' BOCHESTEB DEMOCRAT AND (!HBONTfWV SATURDAY, FREE CORE FOR BALDNESS. GLIMPSES OF LIFE IN THE METROPOLIS Trial Package of a Remarkable Remedy to Convince People it A c t u a l l y Grows H a i r . MacauUy en Men and Affairs In and Around New York. Prevents Hair Falling Our, Removes Dandruff, Stops Itching A BUDGET OF GOSSIP and Restores Luxuriant Growth to Shining Scalps. Breakfast and Drama Combined-Inter* eating Aator Facts-Fashion and Charity at Gorgeous UaUs-Concerning Speculators, Etc. MISS EMMA EMOND. (Beam Rendu* lor a ITSS Trial Package, t (After UMiif the Free Trial and Following Direction*.) Thosewith who their are lock losing their hair hove arted a can have It or restored y a remedy that la sent free to all. A Cincinnati Urm baa concluded thut the beat way to convince people thut hair euu be rows oo any head la to Itt inn trj It and aee for -them- PECULIAR PLIGHT OF A SALE* selves. All aorta of theories huve GIRL—ENTIRELY BALD. been advanced to aeconnt for failing hnlr, but after all. It la the remedy we are nfter and Hot the theory. People who need more hair, or are amloue to aave what they hnve. or from sickness, i'indraft* or other causes have W h a t a T r i a l P a c k a g e ot a l i t n i e d y D i d lost their hair, ahonld at onee aend their * For liar. Uume and addresa to the Alteuhelm Medical Dlepenaiirv, 8K6 Selvee nnlldlug, Cincinnati, The portrolla of Mlsa Kmma Riuond show O.. Inclosing four centa.ln stamps to cover whRt ft Htriklug difference la made In a per* postage and they will forward prepaid by aon when i hi- bald heud la covered with hair. nail, a sufficient free trial packajre of their Mia* Kmoud totully bald, tho hair fob rtinedy to fully prove Irs remarkable action liclea not onlywua upon her heud but upon her lu quickly removing all trace of dandruff uud eyebrows being completely contracted, not eenlp diseases and forcing a new growth of the aign of a hair being found. Of course hair. The remedy la not a new experiment ahe wn* the object of luuuy experiment*, ull and no one need fear that It la harmful. It of which failed, and the offer of a well* eurwl John limner, Postmaster, of MlllvlMe. known diapensnry to send a free trial of Henry Co.. Ind., and he atrongly nrgea remedy was peculiarly alluring to her. everyone to trv It. A Methodlat preacher, 'their She aent the free trial, followed nil Vlefor A. Faleanx of Tracy t'lty. Tenn.. waa directions for fiiiinfully she waa reperfectly bald, on bin forehead for many worded by n growthandof soon, hnlr. which for years, but ha'a now a fine growth. Mrs. 0. thickness, quality and luxuriance waa aa reW. raatloman. M3 Main at.. Riverside, Cnl., nuitkable aa result wua gratifying. Miaa reports, her husband's ahiny head now Kmoud Uvea the lu Kabul. Mass.. at '-'7(1 Washcovered with aoft flue hnlr nwd she, too. Im* at., and naturally feela very much derived wonderful benefit. Among others ington elated to recover from total baldneaa. An who hnve used the remedy are Oeo. Dl ofen- Itrliltig to people who are htcsaed with bach. Oenl. Agt.. of the Big Konr It. R.. of hnlr is aacnlp aigu baldness and should, Pnvton. Ohio, whose wife was entirely enrol be attended toofatcoming once. of baldness. " , The remedy that caused Mlsa Emond'a The nre'sident of Pnlemonnt College. Sulphur. Ky.. Prof. B. P. Turner, waa bald f«*r hnlr to grow also eurea all scalp Itching and thirty "eu'ra' and now 'hns"a"anle'nclid' growth disease*, remove* dandruff and keep* the hnlr aud scalp healthy —» and -vigorous Trial of half from having tried this remnrknb'e "— —* — ' » »•-••»'—»™«* remedy. Write to-dny for a free trl.vl packages are mailed free to all who write nekage. It will be mailed securely sealed to the Altenhelm Medical Dispensary, 886 Selves Bldg., Cincinnati, O. inclosing four n a trial n wrapper so that It may be tried cents In stamps to cover postage. privately at home. WAS DEVOID OF HAIR. t 6 r. and woman'* ills VMI i fill a whole page of this paper if We attempted to describe them. Poor woma;i! Truly she has much to bear. The burden of livingfalls heaviest on her. The suffering which motherhood and wifehood, which the necessities of modern life impose on her frail frame, is sometimes almost unbearable. The torture which overwork causes to thousands is too often the beginning: of dangerous chronic diseases. To conjure away these suf* ferings. take MMEYAIFS Fruitcura (Woman's Tonk) a scientific, preparation of harmless but curative ingredients, which is meeting everywhere with wonderful success in relieving woman's sufferings and restoring her to health. Fruitcura relieves pain ' caused by all remits troubles, strengthens the frame, builds op the constitution, brighten-i the complexion Fruitcura makes sick women well. Backache, headache, stomachache, w-uknen, dizziness, sleeplessness, bearing down pains, paleness, loss of flesh, constipation, all vanish after a few doses of Fruitcura. Fruitcura build* strength. Strength is what you want Weakness from overwork or other causes js the reason for . all your trouble. A, few doses of Fruitcura will put new life and energy into you. Manufactured only by Madame M. Yale, Chicago. H»Gr-7r,jS_~l TOXOBI - - _ _ Far Sale at Drug Department of SIBLEY, LINDSAY & CURR _ sJl.OO ___ COMPANY. BB SB A HINT FOR Correspondence of Democrat and Chronicle, New, York, Feb. 10.—The liability to which actum are subject for brcakiug an engagement is illustrated by the action brought by Manager 1 Theodore Mots* against Julia Arthur. She was under con* tract to play a specified role, but refused, and this broke up the whole performance. The disappointed manager claimed $10,000 daniugcs, uud nttnehed her stage outfit and other unexempt property, which .wo* held until the sheriff waa indemnified. The rosuit of this case is of tuich importance to the drama that it will be uwuiled with deep interest. The hold which the classic drnma has on the public is shown by Daly's success in producing "The School for Scandal,'' and uUo Shakespeare with Ada ltehan in the leudiug roles. "The I Christian" drawn good uudieuces nt the • Garden Theater, yielding its author a | haudNome royalty. "Nathan Hole" too, proves a succes). and euubiea the public to see how people dressed iu that primitive time. The really bust memorials of thin fatuous Hpy, in this city at leant. ar»? aj few letters preserved in the Historical Society, writteu when he taught schoc'.. I ouce hud a view of these letters, and noticed thut the handwriting is very neat, though rather fine, and in oue of them he apeak* of his scholara, some of whom us he says arc ''Latincrs," meaning the Latin students. T o return to the drama, the time is no short that every effort is made to attract, f o / Lent will bring a fearful chill on all places of am.ua <'K >ut. It may be added that the dramatic breakfMMts at the Waldorf-Astoria have been u decided succeas and they are certainly a very ingenious combination. You have a breakfast aud a piny for $3. If you wiah to economise, you can have the play without the breakfast for £2..p>0, or the breakfast alone nt $2.50. Some people may think this a rather steep price for a break fust, especially ns you can get a s much at a restaurant for a quarter, but remember it is at the Waldorf-Astoria,. The piny on such an occasion is of very light character, but It is so entertaining and ulao so fashionable that it is one of the most profitable features in tho drama. John D . Crimmina has sold his recently purchased land at Astoria ut a profit of $350,000, which is the best hit ever made in that, locality. Aatoriu waa originally John Jacob Astor's Hell Gate country scat. Here he lived when Washington Irving wrote Astoria, much of which was doue in Astor's residence. T h e old capitalist w a s desirous to hare his grand enterprise put iu book shape and Irving certainly rendered it very attractive. In that country seat John Jacob a row his will and while living there he build the Astor house. ' A t the same time he also built the two^-story house in Ilroadway iu which he died. IIHI Gate gradually became popular for suburban residence and waa changed to Astoria, which in uow a small city. Its moat interesting associations, however, are found in the literary circle that Astor gathered round him there. Including Fitz Green Hatleck. Washington Irving and also his nephew and biographer, Pierre M. Irving. They had a very happy time together and the old man seemed to renew his youth in that cheering circle. Astor Indeed became so fond of Irvlng's society that after "Astoria" w a s published and its author had built his cottage he w a s much surprised t o receive a visit from the famous capitalist It w a s Astor's last excursion from N e w York and* he spent t w o days with his literary friend, to whose influence the Astor library In probably due. Irving Indeed waa Appointed by its founder one of the first board of trustees. PIECE.»» "ITS LOWNEY'S/' SCfilNTOM, WETMORE k CO, *m I • t H and it presented a fine repremtaMEDALS FOR DEWEY'S MEN, t t o i of the Llederkrans, the Beethovep, M a e n n e r c hIOJ" c and the Ariona. The proceeds we re S10.000, about the aame as the charity Badgea of Honor From Congress to the ba I and were divided among a number of Victort of ManiU Bay. Til© S t a t e M e d i c a l I n s t i t u t e JM* Important German charities. The Geranaaa c o v e r s a Kemoj*k»ible lie w e d y iai eed would not let their charity ball show New York Sua. f o r XiOSt V i g o r . loorer result than the other and thus we 1 The making of the medals that were \ ha e two balls yielding $20,000 to relieve anf. fer ng. The "muse of the many twinkling ^oted by congress to the men who won the AUK SENDING F R E E A T A I A L PACK* I A t i U XO A L L W H O W&UK. fee :" can sometimes become highly useful aud hght at Manila under Admiral D e w e y will Rerii«rkftbfe Cure of Mrs. M«yy| then indeed it may be termed "a time to be begua immediately, and they will be Free samples of a moat remaihahle remedy finished and aent away aa soon as pooaible. daice •Waraer of Rheumatism of 17 > being ulairibiiud by the state Ueuicui Tho designer of the medal. Daniel C. Are lnstitntt, Ft. Wayutt, Iud. It cured so tuuay Years* Standing by Dr$. The Intensity of that speculative fever French, the sculptor, completed his design tnea who had br.ttied for years against the wh eh la now ao prevalent may be seen lu a short time ago and has given it to Tif- mental and physical sufferings of lost manlienion * WiW. the advertlalsg column where I And the fol- fany & Go. to strike the medals off. hood, that tue lastitute baa decided te aia lowing attractive notice: tribute tree trial packagea to all waa write. Upon the obverse- appears the jreproduct It la a home treatment and all oiea who sufHAVE been handling small auras for Invest^nn or* In a npeelnc line of bualneaa that pays tion of Admiral D e w e y V head and the in- fer with any form of sexual weakness recftorpioua profits; can use more capital; safe scription: "The gift of the people of the sulting from youthful folly, premature loss ot l i r a . Mary Warner, of l i t . Morris. N and positive; If you have money you can United States to the officers and men of strength and memory, weak oack, varicocele, s a y s : For 18 year* I waa confined to ajf| or emaciation of pans, can now c^uxe themg 't 25 per cent.. I taking all over that the Asiatic squadron under the command selves at home. bed several months in each year. NevaK p -o^t for my labora. Addreaa 8. P. Twenty-five per cent, is certolnlv doing of Commodore George Dewey." The remedy has a pecotinrly grateful ef- had I panned a whaler without inflamiua*J wejj, especially when money la ao cheap, and Oh the reverse side ia the figure of a fect of warmth and seems to act direct to the tory rheumatism. My limbs would sw«U hence no doubt this rich offer brin« a rich young sailor sitting ou a gun and holding dealred location, givlug etr»ngth and developpatronage. Here t» another of highly attracment Ji.st wher* It Is needed. It cures all to twice tbjair natunri alte. I would have? tive clMi-actcr, which I have no doubt meela a flag on his knees. The figure is sur- the Ills and troubles that come from years of a high fever, and the pain and tenders* > | with ullathe success It deserves} rounded by the words: " l b memory of miarse of tho natural functions aad haa been Mould be unbearable. Thin would iavst f o ^ absolute success in all cases. A request AN KXCKLLKNT OPPQItTTJNITY-I know the victory of Manila Bay, May 1, 1898." an to the State Medical Institute, 296 First Na- weeks and sometimes months. I w a s treaj£ aj stock that will ehunge 'JO points; want The medals will be made of copper and tional Bank building, Ft. Wayne, lad., stating ed by the beat physicians. Who would hidy or geutleinuu with money. . will number 1,035 in all. that you detire oue of their free trial pack- relieve me for a time. My father The ludy or gentleman that goes In will ages, will he complied with. The Institute Is from rheumatism, and the doctors all prcAmhry hnve inure money nt rtrat than expedesirous of reaching that great cla.ee of men Helping the Doctor rience, but at the close there will IH» more exwho are unable to leave bonue to be treated, me I had inherited bhusimatism and perience than money. Next we find the folTit-Bits. and the free sample mill enable th*»m to aee It was part of myself and I could net lowing requirement, which Is very auggestlve; In these energetic go-uhead days, we are ' how eaay lt la to he cured of sexual weak- get rid of it. In March. 18U8. I w a s i n d u c e WANTlSIi—A suuve geuUeuian who can Incontinually hearing of some new aud curloua ness when the proper remedies are employed. to try Dra. lienion & Wild, aa the dia«a£l fl unce bla friend* lu a good and safe thing. Inntltnte makes ao restrictions. Any way of making money, hut the The m«n who writes will be aent a free sampl>-, did not seem to leave as* in the spring, Aildreaa J. K. , method 'is, perhaps; as caref'illy scaled In a plain package so that Ita formerly. The aunve gentleman Is better known In following Upon the flrat treatment as any previously de- feclplent need have no fear of enil»arr«a* wnil Ktieet aud other gaming Jj< 11* as a " r6p- lugeuiouj paiq commenced to decrease and at the A little boy entered a sur- tocnt or p- bllolty. Readera are requested to er-ln." A club muii I* well tidapted to this vised: of three weeks eutirely disappeared, write without delay aerrlce. us he uieetn HO uumj thai are ready Scry the other day when the village to try their luck, even If for nothing elm» swelling commenced to tear* me nt e*e< octor waa In attendance, and. marchIhuu to break the torpidity or a club life, and w a s entirely goue ia leas than a moagii;1 up to him. whiapered anxiously: wh >re they ure, HH Sliukexpeare aaya, "like ing " Pleoae, air. mother wnt me to any ua but under the doctor's directions I 4aa-| the dull weed that rota Itaelf to eaae ut how got scarlatina awful bad; and. tluucd the treatment t w o mouth* Lelbe'e wharf." The roper-ln la expected to please,Llxile'a mother want* to know how much bute influence with men about towu gener- you'll give thirty days after I seemed cum her to spread It all over the vll.ally. ami perhaps lit* may have tuune acquaint- luge V" and from that time to this I hav UIK e with profeaHUiiml nun who may have ft u pain from the old disease. lit! e laid up which they will be glad to turn to I etter account, uud so will lend u favorable e\«'ry tirnt* I caught cold I feared ear to the " suuvu.gentleman." They will, of the old disease. I visited the d o c | n \ | For Pains and Achat—AM 3or»3 houever, eventually learn "that soft word* he reawaured rue, and now taut an e n n W butler uo parHiilpH." Here la u proposal lha Quickest lelieJ Is la a Htll more nttnictlve: year haa pttMsed aud no return* 1 feel thatj MAS with $.100. Join me with like amount I ain permunwutly cured and wish evei a id make $5.«KX> yearly. Addreaa H. . one to kuow of my cure. t>ra. HeAioa T Ida 1* really wonderful, and who thut Wibl treat all forms of chronic diaeaad hai gaoo can realut »ucb an offer. Five thouI Don't wait to see a case like your • » ] tauiil u year for only flOO ! It ia to be re! published, but if you need a phyaician_ me nbervd, however, that the •,'*» ia to be caa.i, while the $.~i.00O may be n* abovemeuand have a friendly talk with tbeu tloi ied, lu expcrlciiee. which usually runs up suit.:tioii free to all. Office hours from^ to he big tiguroa. Now we come to the moat jONTHt A. M. to 0 R M.; Sunday, 12 to I: aeiiMitlonui of all, which certaluly uoumiuuda IQ&NUINS att -uilon: Wednesdays end Haturdn.vs until 8 P . M^ TO Sl'KcrLATORS-nave you lost money ? at 20 North Clinton s t n x t , Rochoft* L o you know your broker V lHd ho akin y >u 7 Heud 10 cent a pootagu for a copy of N. y., Piper, giving Hat of ulleged UUOKKT n> m « am 11 • mmm~*—+m++*m—***mi^ " '• H lOTH and rake bunker* and brokers. Alao g vea history utul trial of two buekel-abop k -epera ullST TO JAIL for ualug the mall* ii connection with a bucket shop. Addeaa, t'ottUdeUtlal, ——•. The above coutalna at leaat one'Important N e w Models 6 , 7 and 8 . fact, " t w o bticket-ahop keener* have been D o n ' t think ot psvaanac a w a y veur J act t to jail." Thla la u got«l beginning and auaatner oloihes wilhoua our M0U1pt If <mutinied what an luiprovvuivui It w*|l he wHTCKOFF, S E A M A N S ft B E N E D I C T , Proof Bags and Paper. to Wall street I 327 Broadway. New York, BaekwTM. Mnaoohw BhanwwM"i sadtb* The Penny Mngaslno Is under a Strange like quicker than amr othxr r*m«djr. Hi scrfca or iiiiiintlim*. Very receutly the atatetha !>an*^TTr "*v ?'»«• *%*»*?• All Drm<rai«t». MieMl wu» »"_;•'; 'liat Chaunecy M. Uepvw 312 Wilder Building, Rochester. N. Y. Wui KM ttn.ii O4H» Jiuvkvr, aud r«?ully Ita ownOf a ' r n , | N H i ; A Juhnaun. W. Y..if onobumaUa, er. Then <•• "' •••- it-port that It had gone WHEN IN DOUBT. THY Int > tho U.:> **• ' ** rueviver, and uow Q< O^oritiy HOCHEarrKR D U t ' C i t i l M n . F. Train U •' - Iu editor.""wftiJ the exDake Drug Co., Hyde Drug Co., Paine Drug pedtatlon tli«t •«• »*,.) | l U l d l t li( a ijjgi, B t a t e Co., Post Drug Co., Power* Hotel Drug of Iproaperuy. l'luie ia aoinetblng comic lu Oo.. O J. * J. A. Bryan Drug Co.. Duvia thla Idea, but Uvorgn F. Train Is a curious Drug Co.. fc£f« ^ J v > v '?*>._> ..;s-"^ ( 2 1 , fel im, and there's no telling what he can- recommend Barrowclough'a—all Indorse and Stood A s tsstot years. not do. He made A decided sensation lu the have curwi thotuaniels of Wtodbull and <*l«fl!ti matter, aud now wants DR. GREENE'S NERVE ANO BRAIN TABLETS , »»f Nsr»e*>s DiMsscs, »t>ch> to show how much of Ulm la left. Pulltser •sDebiUty. Dkshisss, 61c«pl«t»hn given another proof of bla generosity by •sss and Varicocels, Atrophy.&a Mng SIO.IMJ to lUruurd College, the oX.Jeot Theydesrlhe brsis,strengths* el ug to eatahllah a acbolarahlu to be known the circulation, make Lis>so— as the " tiullle Pulltser scbolarahip " - t h i s AT THI ME . perfect, aad impart a healthy AT THE AM bong a memorial of a beloved daughter revigor to the whole beiag. All cently reutoved by death. A more suitable OP TO YEAR! OF 50 YIAiS »^ 2M >r «s i drains aad testes are cheeked ex tremion of parental atfertiou could hardWELL.STRONt, ALL PLAYIO ly he found. Iwiac Bromley, formerly of tin Tribune, duds the advertlHlug agency HAPPY. tlea eitaa worriei them intolasaaity. Coaas«p» OUT. uxre prouinble than editorial work, and baa tkor er Death. Mailed saalwL Price %\ per boa» no v the sole basloras of on* of tBe moat UnBOe at all druggists; mail P. O. box 23*. 4 beaea. with Irao-dad legal guarantee to cure or u n t railroads leading out of thla city, retuad the atooey. #s «»• Sepd for free book a rat has Juat eaguge«l Wrrj Walton, forAddreaa, Dake Drag Co.. Rochester, N. T. nurly on the World, to aaalat the Journal, au I It may be added that Hen rat a welcome That have loit their song will he restored by P A P E R A X l ) TvVlNX. ^ to the Mlxty ninth Itegtmetit waa very much atdrne. f d m HALaWTea IVI.P.A.1MI Ceeli ad ulred. aud waa fully worthy of bla dlstin- Foust's Health Grit. It keeiw birds healthy. gsita. 6s>» glees foUesj •Phooe 1^». . 1 0 t l 1101 fJUaX. gu atiHl reputation for auch occuslona. Uavlug WANTKO-Caae of sext health that m-I>P-A**.t il< nty of money aa well aa good taate, be can wtU not iMnatfci Sendft©ante to Kipans Chem'.oai end in auch demonstrations* Apropoa of the ~%t»^Mm Vers, for 10 aaasalesand Uks) uaiUtaomaia^ pr 'aa. la tho amount of dally consumption of t >• 1 pa »cr whoae Immensity la shown by the open llona <>f the International Paper Company, wl lib recently addtrd fourteen paper mil la to Ita pt-evMia llwt. The daily capacity of th >*M reeentlyacquln'd mllla la l'£i tona of pit ;>cr uud H'IH tona of WIMHI pulp. When one on y a paper for 2 ceuta It la hard to realise th • Imuieualty which auch trifles reach. SENT FREE TO MENENTIRELY CORED! 1 1 i«i BENSON'S. emin^ton t Is the best Standard Typewriter POROUS PLASTER Moth Proof Bags win mm & j^j5_ TDistmas E Je*ApJ«. «T^-2SSJKtt K CANARY BIRDS f Seth Green Fish and Oyster Co. ' 'he approach of Lent calla many of the cli igy to prepare for increased duty and th -y need to be lu good condition to meet It. Di ring auch n time there is aa Increased te ideuey to publiab sermons or rather ahat arts of aermoua and tho preachers frequfiitly complalu of Injustice. An instance in Iced u found lu Bishop Potter who claimed th it hie atatemeut concerning aaloons Is not correctly pub'tahed. Meanwhile the clergy ar> offering their pulpit attractions through thi odvertlslug <'oluuius and Charles H. Raton aunouncea an bla theme the "Preacher th it New York Needs." aa though New i'ork dl Tcred with the country In thla reapect. If It does Indeed, how ia It that Ita pulplta are cl lelly aupplied from the rural dlstrlcta? Ki ton ought to know that the world la the eame, city or country. Hugh O. Pentecoat Speaking of libraries, as poor folks can- ai uounecs aa hla theme. "Forget It," and a not use the Astor, an interesting feature in frend at my elbow a.uggests that the comm expreaalon Is "Hang It Up." To return the Improvement of the tenement popula- m to Lent, what a and proapertjfo the large tion is the n e w system of "home libraries."' el isa which Uvea ou the outlay 6T t*e world T h e method la t o aend a half doaen books of pleasure, but they will at least have a Or more to a family and to request one of gimid benefit In^Mardl Oraa. For thla oe, Indeed all the muatclans In the cltf the children t o serve as librarian for the cnalon nn> engaged and It will be Indeed a carnival others. Then a visitor is sent to converse of dlstiugulahed brilliancy. with the children and lead them to rend the books. This effort has thus fur been "hat a stormy winter all will exclaim as very •ucceesful and its usefulness will in- w» feel the effect of the recent bllasard. ch an Immense anowfnll and the aurface to crease as fast as visitors con be obtained. Hi h< cleared In the borough of Manhattan alone It is of course a very aelf-denynig service, la M.ono acres. What a taak for the streetbut all engaged in it become deeply Inter- el Minlnjr department and how mncb tney n aa Colonel Waring! Now la the time when ested in its beneficent result tl e rolserv of the winter concentrates «nd oet>^een this and spring what clalma are made T h e annual charity ball, recently held at on charity! And to aee the crowda of appllt h e Waldorf-Astoria, fa the most » h \ w y ci nta at the office of public relief. Alaa.^to beneficence of which N e w York is capable tt Ink that all great cities rouat yield a perflood of miaery and one which seems and witbotrt rt the «ea*>n would indeed be P"tnal t< exceed all others, nottced ^ J J ^ T ^ A T v a c a n t Everybody that in anybody must attend, and hence the financial gain is Solomon tnd Masonry. never less than $10,000. The object to The Tyler. which it ia devoted is deserving i n d hence An Illinoie boy w a s aeked to write an no one can object t o such a splendid dise s w y on Mnaonry, and here ia w h a t he play of featlve charity. The Waldorfvirote: ''King Solomon w a s a man w h o Astoria, never held a grander representative of the high life of the metropolis and 1 ved ao many years \n the eouirtry that now that It ia past the cash benefit is real- ,b 5 waa the whole push. H e w a s an awful ised by those w h o feel ha need. Fifth v ise man, and one day t w o women enme avenue on auch an occasion I* a wilderness t • him, each holding to the leg of a baby of horses and carriages whose confused aad nearly pulling ft in two and each cliimmovemonts suggest what an Improvement iujc It. And King Solomon wasn't feeling the automobile will be. T o get away from r ght good and he said: "Why couldn't «ucu a place in the midst of an immense t i e brat have been twins and stopped crowd la so annoying that it seriously de- t i l s bother?' And then he called for hla tracts from the pleasure, but such are ihe iwichete and was going to Weyleriae the penaltdee to which fashion must submit. roor, innocent little baby, and give each irotnan a piece of it, when the real mother < f the hahy eaid: 'Stop, Solomon: stay thy Although the charity ball was public there U n d . Let the old hag have It. If I can't was a protection against Intrusion, for the l n v e a whole oaby I won't hnve any.' tickets were sold only to respectable people 'Ixen Solomon told her to take the baby and in this manner a eertslu degree of ex- 1 nd go home and wash its face, for he cluslveness wss maintained. It la a good new It w a s hers. H e told the other place, however, for parvenuea to work their roman to go chase h e r s e l t K i n g Solomon way Into high Ufa, but only the best class milt Solomon's Temple, and w a s the father of parvenuea were admitted. Borne of them, •> <t Masons. H e had aeven hundred wivee however, seemed to be rather forward and I n d three hundred lady friend*, and that it la often difficult on snch occasions for the 1 why there are ao many Masons in the blue bloods to keep the parvenuea In their vorld. My papa aays King Solomon waa place, for fools rush in where angels fesr II warm member and I think be waa hot to tread. A very Interesting feature In the iituff myself. That is all I know about x charity ball waa the fad of several social : ting Solomon." »•• "'••• » una—wwmimwi»isiimi — leaders to five supper parties and then copvey all the guests to the ball. Among those At tho Chateau dV If. who led la this waa Mra. AJ merle Paget, Westminster Gaaettc who brought thirty. Mrs. George Boldt A eapltal story ia told by a gentleman wife of the Waldorf-Astoria landlord, also a-ho visited the Chateau d'If. A good entertslned a number, and then brought noman showed a party the decaying dun* them in. The Holdts are pop tils r with the reona in which Abbe Fnria and Edmond gentry and will eventually werk their way >antee were Immured, and the visitors Into good aoclety, but thaj must be patient :u*ed at these ruins meditatively. "It aad remesabar that ail things oosae te them leenm to me," said the narrator ef the inthat wok. cident, "tfcat these cells are very near t o me another, and Alexandre Dumae deAnother splendid beaeflcenee was the Gerbe* them as being further apart.'^ **Oh, man charity ball, held at the Metropolitan ndeed," •aid opeaa house, which was also a grand df «iuptu<MwV IVoluJiir C of health and taste. ATh«# jgfstjv^ M NAM* ON SVERY FEBRUARY 11. 1809. j.^^xMMritwfUfcuaiiiiffr ii*i»>ni' mm MannI>>.»^*m,.. *,••>*-..• .-..*...-v-***-..*-* Lauren H.Q a rdnej How to be flc<hy in Winter. Winter is ai trying time for delicate people* Coughs, colds &nd pneumoniia, find them e&*y victims. Do you cttch cold easily? It snows that your system is not in a condition to resist diseases, You will be" fortunate if you escape pneuj monia. Nature is always figntind gainst disease. The right Kind of medicine is the Kind that' helps Nature by toning up the system and enabling it to resist" disease. Such a tonic is found in DrWiHiawmV Pfnk Pillsv for Pkxlt P«opl«e _ By building up the blood and strengthening the nerves these> ^ ^ pills reach the root of many serious diseases, such as sciatic*, neuralgia, rheumstism and *ll forms^pf weakness, cither in men or.women. Miaa Pearl Wood, a popular yonng lady o f Arlington, Ind., aaya: **I h a d fairly good health until two years ago, when fecial neuralgia developed. T h o pain waa fearful. Frequently X would have aevere attacks during the n i g h t , m a k i n g it impossible to ever g e t a night's rent. I suffered severely from thie disease for m a n y weeks. Our physician waa unable to h e l p m e and w e tried another doctor, but with the s a m e reeult. I used different remedies but w i t h n o benefit Happening to read in the newspaper concerning the merits o f Dr. •' Williams' Pink Fills I concluded to try the pUla. W h e n I finished the second b o x , I waa better. I waa never more happv in m y life than over the aact that I wan t i n g well. After taking the third box the pain left me, and w h e n I h a d iao^thenithboxIwa%wcU.,,-i?^Mv»^(/a^.)Crar*a^ E liu\y imitation* of thest pills ire offered, some of them cyen colored pink. Be sure you get the genuine. 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