How to Play by the (Final) Rules: An Overview of Meaningful Use Stage 2 and the Standards and Certification Criteria Final Rules Presented by: - Travis Broome, MBA, MPH – Policy Analyst, Office of eHealth Standards and Services, CMS - Steve Posnack, MHS, MS, CISSP - Director of the Federal Policy Division, ONC Moderated by: - Kate Berry, CEO, NeHC August 30, 2012 Join the new NeHC membership program Benefits of being a NeHC member include: • • • Visibility and public recognition as participating with an influential national health IT organization Members-only opportunities for networking with public and private sector health IT thought leaders Strategic workgroup and program-level leadership opportunities • • • • Unlimited access to NeHC University classes and materials at no charge Access to additional informational resources through members-only website content and email newsletter Discounted sponsorship of NeHC conferences and meetings Semi-annual member briefings Learn more at or email us at NeHC Members My-Villages, Inc. Because it takes one… Technology Crossroads Conference • • • • Explore the intersections between audio visual (AV) and digital health IT Discover the benefits and opportunities of using AV technologies in healthcare Accelerate the transformation of healthcare through new uses of AV technology HIE track will offer presentation and discussion of outcomes of NeHC HIE Learning Network work groups For more information visit our website: Upcoming NeHC University Programs September 5: HIT Orientation 2:30 PM to 4:00PM ET Gwenn Darlinger, Quest Diagnostics September 11: Rural Health IT Landscape 1 to 2:30PM ET Chantal Worzala, American Hospital Association and Earle Rugg, Rural Health IT Corporation Mark Your Calendar September 12: Privacy & Security 11:00 AM to 12:00PM ET Joy Pritts, ONC Laura Rosas, ONC Will Phelps, HHS Upcoming NeHC University Programs September 13: Standards & Interoperability Framework 1 to 2:30PM ET Dr. David Muntz, ONC Dr. Doug Fridsma, ONC September 14: Quality in Health IT 11:00 AM to 12:00PM ET Dr. Farzad Mostashari, ONC Carolyn Clancy, AHRQ Mark Your Calendar Patrick Conway, CMS *September 19: Increasing Medical Record Security 1 to 2:30PM ET Paul Tuten, ONC -- Dr. Bill Braithwaite, Anakam Dr. Michael Nelson, Equifax -- Drew McNichol, HEALTHeLINK *Sponsored by Equifax Presentation slides are now available! Recorded webinar will be on our website by 5:00PM ET. Full transcript will be available in approximately 7 to 10 days. Want more? You can also continue today’s discussion by joining the Meaningful Use group in NeHC’s online community: Please enter your questions in the Q&A window at the bottom right of your screen You can also send us an email at, tweet a question using hashtag #NeHC, or comment on our Facebook page at Medicare & Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs Stage 2 Final Rule Travis Broome, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services NeHC 8-30-12 What is in the Rule q Changes to Stage 1 of meaningful use q Stage 2 of meaningful use q New clinical quality measures q New clinical quality measure reporting mechanisms q Payment adjustments and hardships q Medicare Advantage program changes q Medicaid program changes 10 What Stage 2 Means to You q New Criteria – Starting in 2014, providers participating in the EHR Incentive Programs who have met Stage 1 for two or three years will need to meet meaningful use Stage 2 criteria. q Improving Patient Care – Stage 2 includes new objectives to improve patient care through better clinical decision support, care coordination and patient engagement. q Saving Money, Time, Lives – With this next stage, EHRs will further save our health care system money, save time for doctors and hospitals, and save lives. 11 Stage 2 Eligibility 12 EHR Incentive Program Eligibility 1. In general, eligibility is determined by the HITECH Act. 2. There have been no changes to the HITECH Act. 3. Therefore the only eligibility changes are those within our regulatory purview under the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program. 13 Stage 2 Change: Hospital-Based EP Definition EPs can demonstrate that they fund the acquisition, implementation, and maintenance of CEHRT, including supporting hardware and interfaces needed for meaningful use without reimbursement from an eligible hospital or CAH — in lieu of using the hospital’s CEHRT — can be determined non-hospital-based and potentially receive an incentive payment. Determination will be made through an application process. 14 Stage 2 Meaningful Use 15 Stages of Meaningful Use Improved outcomes Advanced clinical processes Data capturing and sharing Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 16 What is Your Meaningful Use Path? For Medicare EPs: 17 What is Your Meaningful Use Path? For Medicare Hospitals: 18 Meaningful Use: Changes from Stage 1 to Stage 2 Stage 1 Stage 2 Eligible Professionals Eligible Professionals 15 core objectives 17 core objectives 5 of 10 menu objectives 3 of 6 menu objectives 20 total objectives 20 total objectives Eligible Hospitals & CAHs Eligible Hospitals & CAHs 14 core objectives 16 core objectives 5 of 10 menu objectives 3 of 6 menu objectives 19 total objectives 19 total objectives 19 Changes to Meaningful Use Changes No Changes q Menu Objective Exclusion– While you can continue to claim exclusions if applicable for menu objectives, starting in 2014 these exclusions will no longer count towards the number of menu objectives needed. q Half of Outpatient Encounters– at least 50% of EP outpatient encounters must occur at locations equipped with certified EHR technology. q Measure compliance = objective compliance q Denominators based on outpatient locations equipped with CEHRT and include all such encounters or only those for patients whose records are in CEHRT depending on the measure. 20 2014 Changes 1. EHRs Meeting ONC 2014 Standards – starting in 2014, all EHR Incentive Programs participants will have to adopt certified EHR technology that meets ONC’s Standards & Certification Criteria 2014 Final Rule 2. Reporting Period Reduced to Three Months – to allow providers time to adopt 2014 certified EHR technology and prepare for Stage 2, all participants will have a threemonth reporting period in 2014. 21 Stage 2: Batch Reporting Stage 2 rule allows for batch reporting. What does that mean? Starting in 2014, groups will be allowed to submit attestation information for all of their individual EPs in one file for upload to the Attestation System, rather than having each EP individually enter data. 22 Stage 2 EP Core Objectives EPs must meet all 17 core objectives: Core Objective Measure 1. CPOE Use CPOE for more than 60% of medication, 30% of laboratory, and 30% of radiology 2. E-Rx E-Rx for more than 50% 3. Demographics Record demographics for more than 80% 4. Vital Signs Record vital signs for more than 80% 5. Smoking Status Record smoking status for more than 80% 6. Interventions Implement 5 clinical decision support interventions + drug/drug and drug/allergy 7. Labs Incorporate lab results for more than 55% 8. Patient List Generate patient list by specific condition 9. Preventive Reminders Use EHR to identify and provide reminders for preventive/follow-up care for more than 10% of patients with two or more office visits in the last 2 years 23 Stage 2 EP Core Objectives EPs must meet all 17 core objectives: Core Objective Measure 10. Patient Access Provide online access to health information for more than 50% with more than 5% actually accessing 11. Visit Summaries Provide office visit summaries for more than 50% of office visits 12. Education Resources Use EHR to identify and provide education resources more than 10% 13. Secure Messages More than 5% of patients send secure messages to their EP 14. Rx Reconciliation 15. Summary of Care Medication reconciliation at more than 50% of transitions of care Provide summary of care document for more than 50% of transitions of care and referrals with 10% sent electronically and at least one sent to a recipient with a different EHR vendor or successfully testing with CMS test EHR 16. Immunizations Successful ongoing transmission of immunization data 17. Security Analysis Conduct or review security analysis and incorporate in risk management process 24 Stage 2 EP Menu Objectives EPs must select 3 out of the 6: Menu Objective Measure 1. Imaging Results More than 10% of imaging results are accessible through Certified EHR Technology 2. Family History Record family health history for more than 20% 3. Syndromic Surveillance Successful ongoing transmission of syndromic surveillance data 4. Cancer Successful ongoing transmission of cancer case information 5. Specialized Registry Successful ongoing transmission of data to a specialized registry 6. Progress Notes Enter an electronic progress note for more than 30% of unique patients 25 Stage 2 Hospital Core Objectives Eligible hospitals must meet all 16 core objectives: Core Objective Measure 1. CPOE Use CPOE for more than 60% of medication, 30% of laboratory, and 30% of radiology 2. Demographics Record demographics for more than 80% 3. Vital Signs Record vital signs for more than 80% 4. Smoking Status Record smoking status for more than 80% 5. Interventions Implement 5 clinical decision support interventions + drug/drug and drug/allergy 6. Labs Incorporate lab results for more than 55% 7. Patient List Generate patient list by specific condition 8. eMAR eMAR is implemented and used for more than 10% of medication orders 26 Stage 2 Hospital Core Objectives Eligible hospitals must meet all 16 core objectives: Core Objective Measure 9. Patient Access Provide online access to health information for more than 50% with more than 5% actually accessing 10. Education Resources Use EHR to identify and provide education resources more than 10% 11. Rx Reconciliation Medication reconciliation at more than 50% of transitions of care 12. Summary of Care Provide summary of care document for more than 50% of transitions of care and referrals with 10% sent electronically and at least one sent to a recipient with a different EHR vendor or successfully testing with CMS test EHR 13. Immunizations Successful ongoing transmission of immunization data 14. Labs Successful ongoing submission of reportable laboratory results 15. Syndromic Surveillance Successful ongoing submission of electronic syndromic surveillance data 16. Security Analysis Conduct or review security analysis and incorporate in risk management process 27 Stage 2 Hospital Menu Objectives Eligible Hospitals must select 3 out of the 6: Menu Objective Measure 1. Progress Notes Enter an electronic progress note for more than 30% of unique patients 2. E-Rx More than 10% electronic prescribing (eRx) of discharge medication orders 3. Imaging Results More than 10% of imaging results are accessible through Certified EHR Technology 4. Family History Record family health history for more than 20% 5. Advanced Directives Record advanced directives for more than 50% of patients 65 years or older 6. Labs Provide structured electronic lab results to EPs for more than 20% 28 Closer Look at Stage 2: Patient Engagement • Patient engagement – engagement is an important focus of Stage 2. Requirements for Patient Action: • More than 5% of patients must send secure messages to their EP • More than 5% of patients must access their health information online • EXCULSIONS – CMS is introducing exclusions based on broadband availability in the provider’s county. 29 Closer Look at Stage 2: Electronic Exchange Stage 2 focuses on actual use cases of electronic information exchange: • Stage 2 requires that a provider send a summary of care record for more than 50% of transitions of care and referrals. • The rule also requires that a provider electronically transmit a summary of care for more than 10% of transitions of care and referrals. • At least one summary of care document sent electronically to recipient with different EHR vendor or to CMS test EHR. 30 Changes to Stage 1: CPOE Current Stage 1 Measure Denominator= New Stage 1 Option Unique patient with at least one medication in their medication list Denominator= Number of orders during the EHR Reporting Period This optional CPOE denominator is available in 2013 and beyond for Stage 1 31 Changes to Stage 1: Vital Signs New Stage 1 Measure Current Stage 1 Measure Age Limits= Age 2 for Blood Pressure & Height/ Weight Exclusion= All three elements not relevant to scope of practice Age Limits= Age 3 for Blood Pressure, No age limit for Height/ Weight Exclusion= Blood pressure to be separated from height /weight The vital signs changes are optional in 2013, but required starting in 2014 30 Changes to Stage 1: Testing of HIE Current Stage 1 Measure Stage 1 Measure Removed One test of electronic transmission of key clinical information Requirement removed effective 2013 The removal of this measure is effective starting in 2013 33 Changes to Stage 1: E-Copy & Online Access New Stage 1 Objective Current Stage 1 Objective Objective= Provide patients with e-copy of health information upon request Objective= Provide electronic access to health information Provide patients the ability to view online, download and transmit their health information • The measure of the new objective is 50% of patients have accessed their information; there is no requirement that 5% of patients do access their information for Stage 1. • The change in objective takes effect in 2014 to coincide with the 2014 certification and standards criteria 34 34 Changes to Stage 1: Public Health Objectives Current Stage 1 Objectives New Stage 1 Addition Immunizations Addition of “except where prohibited” to all three objectives Reportable Labs Syndromic Surveillance This addition is for clarity purposes and does not change the Stage 1 measure for these objectives. 35 Clinical Quality Measures 36 CQM Reporting in 2013 • CQM reporting will remain the same through 2013. • 44 EP CQMs • • • 3 core or alternate core (if reporting zeroes in the core) plus 3 additional CQMs Report minimum of 6 CQMs (up to 9 CQMs if any core CQMs were zeroes) 15 Eligible Hospital and CAH CQMs • Report all 15 CQMs • In 2012 and continued in 2013, there are two reporting methods available for reporting the Stage 1 measures: • • Attestation eReporting pilots • Physician Quality Reporting System EHR Incentive Program Pilot for EPs • eReporting Pilot for eligible hospitals and CAHs • Medicaid providers submit CQMs according to their state-based submission requirements. 37 CQM Specifications in 2013 • Electronic specifications for the CQMs for reporting in 2013 will not be updated. • Flexibility in implementing CEHRT certified to the 2014 Edition certification criteria in 2013 • Providers could report via attestation CQMs finalized in both Stage 1 and Stage 2 final rules • For EPs, this includes 41 of the 44 CQMs finalized in the Stage 1 final rule • • Excludes: NQF 0013, NQF 0027, NQF 0084 • Since NQF 0013 is a core CQM in the Stage 1 final rule, an alternate core CQM must be reported instead since it will not be certified based on 2014 Edition certification criteria. For Eligible Hospitals and CAHs, this includes all 15 of the CQMs finalized in the Stage 1 final rule 38 How do CQMs relate to the CMS EHR Incentive Programs? • CQMs are no longer a core objective of the EHR Incentive Programs beginning in 2014, but all providers are required to report on CQMs in order to demonstrate meaningful use. 39 CQM Selection and HHS Priorities All providers must select CQMs from at least 3 of the 6 HHS National Quality Strategy domains: q Patient and Family Engagement q Patient Safety q Care Coordination q Population and Public Health q Efficient Use of Healthcare Resources q Clinical Processes/Effectiveness 40 Aligning CQMs Across Programs • CMS’s commitment to alignment includes finalizing the same CQMs used in multiple quality reporting programs for reporting beginning in 2014 • Other programs include Hospital IQR Program, PQRS, CHIPRA, and Medicare SSP and Pioneer ACOs Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act Physician Quality Reporting System 41 Medicare Shared Savings Program and Pioneer ACOs Aligning Reporting Mechanisms • Identifying ways to minimize multiple submission requirements and mechanisms Provider Requirements Mechanisms EPs CY 2013 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) NPRM includes proposals for aligning reporting requirements •Option to submit once and get credit for the CQM requirement in two programs • Individual EPs •PQRS EHR reporting option •Group Practices •PQRS GPRO options •Medicare SSP or Pioneer ACOs Eligible Hospitals and CAHs FY 2012 and FY 2013 Inpatient Prospective Payment Schedule (IPPS) final rules include target for electronic reporting in Hospital IQR Program eReporting pilot will be the possible basis for the electronic reporting mechanism in hospital reporting programs, beginning with the Hospital IQR Program 42 Electronic Submission of CQMs Beginning in 2014 • Beginning in 2014, all Medicare-eligible providers in their second year and beyond of demonstrating meaningful use must electronically report their CQM data to CMS. • Medicaid providers will report their CQM data to their state, which may include electronic reporting. 43 CQMs Beginning in 2014 • A complete list of CQMs required for reporting beginning in 2014 and their associated National Quality Strategy domains will be posted on the CMS EHR Incentive Programs website ( in the future. • CMS will include a recommended core set of CQMs for EPs that focus on highpriority health conditions and bestpractices for care delivery. • 9 for adult populations • 9 for pediatric populations 44 Recommended Core CQMs for EPs CMS selected the recommended core CQMs based on analysis of several factors: • Conditions that contribute to the morbidity and mortality of the most Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries • Conditions that represent national public/ population health priorities • Conditions that are common to health disparities 45 Recommended Core CQMs for EPs(cont’d) • Conditions that disproportionately drive healthcare costs and could improve with better quality measurement • Measures that would enable CMS, States, and the provider community to measure quality of care in new dimensions, with a stronger focus on parsimonious measurement • Measures that include patient and/or caregiver engagement 46 Changes to CQMs Reporting Beginning in 2014 Prior to 2014 EPs Eligible Hospitals and CAHs Report 6 out of 44 CQMs • 3 core or alt. core • 3 menu Report 15 out of 15 CQMs EPs Report 9 out of 64 CQMs Selected CQMs must cover at least 3 of the 6 NQS domains Recommended core CQMs: 9 for adult populations 9 for pediatric populations Eligible Hospitals and CAHs Report 16 out of 29 CQMs Selected CQMs must cover at least 3 of the 6 NQS domains 47 EP CQM Reporting Beginning in 2014 Eligible Professionals reporting for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program Category EPs in 1st Year of Demonstrating MU* Data Level Aggregate Payer Level All payer Submission Type Attestation Reporting Schema Submit 9 CQMs from EP measures table (includes adult and pediatric recommended core CQMs), covering at least 3 domains EPs Beyond the 1st Year of Demonstrating Meaningful Use Option 1 Aggregate All payer Electronic Submit 9 CQMs from EP measures table (includes adult and pediatric recommended core CQMs), covering at least 3 domains Option 2 Patient Medicare Electronic Satisfy requirements of PQRS EHR Reporting Option using CEHRT Group Reporting (only EPs Beyond the 1st Year of Demonstrating Meaningful Use)** EPs in an ACO (Medicare Shared Savings Program or Pioneer ACOs) Patient Medicare Electronic Satisfy requirements of Medicare Shared Savings Program of Pioneer ACOs using CEHRT EPs satisfactorily reporting via PQRS group reporting options Patient Medicare Electronic Satisfy requirements of PQRS group reporting options using CEHRT *Attestation is required for EPs in their 1st year of demonstrating MU because it is the only reporting method that would allow them to meet the submission deadline of October 1 to avoid a payment adjustment. **Groups with EPs in their 1st year of demonstrating MU can report as a group, however the individual EP(s) who are in their 1st year must attest to their CQM results by October 1 to avoid a payment adjustment. 48 Hospital CQM Reporting Beginning in 2014 Eligible Hospitals reporting for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program Category Eligible Hospitals in 1st Year of Demonstrating MU* Data Level Aggregate Payer Level Submission Type All payer Attestation Reporting Schema Submit 16 CQMs from Eligible Hospital/CAH measures table, covering at least 3 domains Eligible Hospitals/CAHs Beyond the 1st Year of Demonstrating Meaningful Use Option 1 Aggregate All payer Electronic Submit 16 CQMs from Eligible Hospital/CAH measures table, covering at least 3 domains Option 2 Patient All payer (sample) Electronic Submit 16 CQMs from Eligible Hospital/CAH measures table, covering at least 3 domains Ø Manner similar to the 2012 Medicare EHR Incentive Program Electronic Reporting Pilot *Attestation is required for Eligible Hospitals in their 1st year of demonstrating MU because it is the only reporting method that would allow them to meet the submission deadline of July 1 to avoid a payment adjustment. 49 CQM – Timing Time periods for reporting CQMs – NO CHANGE from Stage 1 to Stage 2 Provider Type Reporting Period for 1st year of MU Submission Period for 1st year of MU Reporting Period for Subsequent years of MU (2nd year and beyond) Submission Period for Subsequent years of MU (2nd year and beyond) EP 90 consecutive days within the calendar year Anytime immediately following the end of the 90-day reporting period, but no later than February 28 of the following calendar year* 1 calendar year (January 1 – December 31) 2 months following the end of the EHR reporting period (January 1 – February 28) Eligible Hospital/ CAH 90 consecutive days within the fiscal year Anytime immediately following the end of the 90-day reporting period, but no later than November 30 of the following fiscal year* 1 fiscal year (October 1 – September 30) 2 months following the end of the EHR reporting period (October 1 – November 30) *In order to avoid payment adjustments, EPs must submit CQMs no later than October 1 and Eligible Hospitals must submit CQMs no later than July 1. 50 2014 CQM Quarterly Reporting For Medicare providers, the 2014 3-month reporting period is fixed to the quarter of either the fiscal (for eligible hospitals and CAHs) or calendar (for EPs) year in order to align with existing CMS quality reporting programs. In subsequent years, the reporting period for CQMs would be the entire calendar year (for EPs) or fiscal year (for eligible hospitals and CAHs) for providers beyond the 1st year of MU. Provider Type Optional Reporting Period in 2014* EP Calendar year quarter: January 1 – March 31 April 1 – June 30 July 1 – September 30 October 1 – December 31 Fiscal year quarter: Eligible Hospital/CAH October 1 – December 31 January 1 – March 31 April 1 – June 30 July 1 – September 30 Reporting Period for Subsequent Years of Meaningful Use Submission Period for Subsequent Years of Meaningful Use 1 calendar year (January 1 - December 31) 2 months following the end of the reporting period (January 1 - February 28) 1 fiscal year (October 1 - September 30) 2 months following the end of the reporting period (October 1 - November 30) *In order to avoid payment adjustments, EPs must submit CQMs no later than October 1 and Eligible Hospitals must submit CQMs no later than July 1. 51 Payment Adjustments & Hardship Exceptions Medicare Only EPs, Subsection (d) Hospitals and CAHs 52 Payment Adjustments • The HITECH Act stipulates that for Medicare EP, subsection (d) hospitals and CAHs a payment adjustment applies if they are not a meaningful EHR user. • An EP, subsection (d) hospital or CAH becomes a meaningful EHR user when they successfully attest to meaningful use under either the Medicare or Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Adopt, implement and upgrade ≠ meaningful use A provider receiving a Medicaid incentive for AIU would still be subject to the Medicare payment adjustment. 53 EP Payment Adjustments % Adjustment shown below assumes less than 75% of EPs are meaningful users for CY 2018 and subsequent years 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020+ EP is not subject to the payment adjustment for e-Rx in 2014 99% 98% 97% 96% 95% 95% EP is subject to the payment adjustment for e-Rx in 2014 98% 98% 97% 96% 95% 95% % Adjustment shown below assumes more than 75% of EPs are meaningful users for CY 2018 and subsequent years 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020+ EP is not subject to the payment adjustment for e-Rx in 2014 99% 98% 97% 97% 97% 97% EP is subject to the payment adjustment for e-Rx in 2014 98% 98% 97% 97% 97% 97% 54 EP EHR Reporting Period Payment adjustments are based on prior years’ reporting periods. The length of the reporting period depends upon the first year of participation. For an EP who has demonstrated meaningful use in 2011 or 2012: Payment Adjustment Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Based on Full Year EHR Reporting Period 2013 2014* 2015 2016 2017 2018 * Special 3 month EHR reporting period To Avoid Payment Adjustments: EPs must continue to demonstrate meaningful use every year to avoid payment adjustments in subsequent years. 55 EP EHR Reporting Period For an EP who demonstrates meaningful use in 2013 for the first time: Payment Adjustment Year 2015 Based on 90 day EHR Reporting Period 2013 Based on Full Year EHR Reporting Period 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2014* 2015 2016 2017 2018 * Special 3 month EHR reporting period To Avoid Payment Adjustments: EPs must continue to demonstrate meaningful use every year to avoid payment adjustments in subsequent years. 56 EP EHR Reporting Period EP who demonstrates meaningful use in 2014 for the first time: Payment Adjustment Year 2015 Based on 90 day EHR Reporting Period 2014* Based on Full Year EHR Reporting Period 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2015 2016 2017 2018 2014 *In order to avoid the 2015 payment adjustment the EP must attest no later than October 1, 2014, which means they must begin their 90 day EHR reporting period no later than July 1, 2014. 57 Payment Adjustments for Providers Eligible for Both Programs Eligible for both programs? If you are eligible to participate in both the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs, you MUST demonstrate meaningful use according to the timelines in the previous slides to avoid the payment adjustments. You may demonstrate meaningful use under either Medicare or Medicaid. Note: Congress mandated that an EP must be a meaningful user in order to avoid the payment adjustment; therefore receiving a Medicaid EHR incentive payment for adopting, implementing, or upgrading your certified EHR Technology would not exempt you from the payment adjustments. 58 Subsection (d) Hospital Payment Adjustments % Decrease in the Percentage Increase to the IPPS* Payment Rate that the hospital would otherwise receive for that year: % Decrease 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020+ 25% 50% 75% 75% 75% 75% Example: If the increase to IPPS for 2015 was 2%, than a hospital subject to the payment adjustment would only receive a 1.5% increase 2% increase X 25% = .5% payment adjustment *Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) 59 OR 1.5% increase total Subsection (d) Hospital EHR Reporting Period Payment adjustments are based on prior years’ reporting periods. The length of the reporting period depends upon the first year of participation. For a hospital that has demonstrated meaningful use in 2011 or 2012 (fiscal years): Payment Adjustment Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Based on Full Year EHR Reporting Period 2013 2014* 2015 2016 2017 2018 For a hospital that demonstrates meaningful use in 2013 for the first time: Payment Adjustment Year 2015 Based on 90 day EHR Reporting Period 2013 Based on Full Year EHR Reporting Period 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2014* 2015 2016 2017 2018 *Special 3 month EHR reporting period To Avoid Payment Adjustments: Eligible hospitals must continue to demonstrate meaningful use every year to avoid payment adjustments in subsequent years. 60 Subsection (d) Hospital EHR Reporting Period For a hospital that demonstrates meaningful use in 2014 for the first time: Payment Adjustment Year 2015 2016 Based on 90 day EHR Reporting Period 2014* 2014 Based on Full Year EHR Reporting Period 2017 2018 2019 2020 2015 2016 2017 2018 *In order to avoid the 2015 payment adjustment the hospital must attest no later than July 1, 2014 which means they must begin their 90 day EHR reporting period no later than April 1, 2014 61 Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Payment Adjustments Applicable % of reasonable costs reimbursement which absent payment adjustments is 101%: % of reasonable costs 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020+ 100.66% 100.33% 100% 100% 100% 100% Example: If a CAH has not demonstrated meaningful use for an applicable reporting period, then for a cost reporting period that begins in FY 2015, its reimbursement would be reduced from 101 percent of its reasonable costs to 100.66 percent. 62 CAH EHR Reporting Period Payment adjustments for CAHs are also based on prior years’ reporting periods. The length of the reporting period depends upon the first year of participation. For a CAH who has demonstrated meaningful use prior to 2015 (fiscal years): Payment Adjustment Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Based on Full Year EHR Reporting Period 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 For a CAH who demonstrates meaningful use in 2015 for the first time: Payment Adjustment Year 2015 Based on 90 day EHR Reporting Period 2015 Based on Full Year EHR Reporting Period 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 To Avoid Payment Adjustments: CAHs must continue to demonstrate meaningful use every year to avoid payment adjustments in subsequent years. 63 EP Hardship Exceptions EPs can apply for hardship exceptions in the following categories: 1. Infrastructure EPs must demonstrate that they are in an area without sufficient internet access or face insurmountable barriers to obtaining infrastructure (e.g., lack of broadband). 4. EPs must demonstrate that they meet the following criteria: • • Lack of face-to-face or telemedicine interaction with patients Lack of follow-up need with patients 5. EPs who practice at multiple locations must demonstrate that they: • Lack of control over availability of CEHRT for more than 50% of patient encounters 2. New EPs Newly practicing EPs who would not have had time to become meaningful users can apply for a 2-year limited exception to payment adjustments. 3. Unforeseen Circumstances Examples may include a natural disaster or other unforeseeable barrier. 64 EP Hardship Exceptions EPs whose primary specialties are anesthesiology, radiology or pathology: As of July 1st of the year preceding the payment adjustment year, EPs in these specialties will receive a hardship exception based on the 4th criteria for EPs EPs must demonstrate that they meet the following criteria: o Lack of face-to-face or telemedicine interaction with patients o Lack of follow-up need with patients 65 Eligible Hospital and CAH Hardship Exceptions Eligible hospitals and CAHs can apply for hardship exceptions in the following categories 1. Infrastructure Eligible hospitals and CAHs must demonstrate that they are in an area without sufficient internet access or face insurmountable barriers to obtaining infrastructure (e.g., lack of broadband). limited to one full year after the CAH accepts its first Medicare patient. • For eligible hospitals the hardship exception is limited to one full-year cost reporting period after it accepts its first Medicare patient. 3. Unforeseen Circumstances 2. New Eligible Hospitals or CAHs Examples may include a natural disaster New eligible hospitals and CAHs with or other unforeseeable barrier. new CMS Certification Numbers (CCNs) that would not have had time to become meaningful users can apply for a limited exception to payment adjustments. • For CAHs the hardship exception is 66 Applying for Hardship Exceptions q Applying: EPs, eligible hospitals, and CAHs must apply for hardship exceptions to avoid the payment adjustments. q Granting Exceptions: Hardship exceptions will be granted only if CMS determines that providers have demonstrated that those circumstances pose a significant barrier to their achieving meaningful use. q Deadlines: Applications need to be submitted no later than April 1 for hospitals, and July 1 for EPs of the year before the payment adjustment year; however, CMS encourages earlier submission For More Info: Details on how to apply for a hardship exception will be posted on the CMS EHR Incentive Programs website in the future: 67 Medicaid-Specific Changes 68 Medicaid Eligibility Expansion Patient Encounters: The definition of what constitutes a Medicaid patient encounter has changed. The rule includes encounters for anyone enrolled in a Medicaid program, including Medicaid expansion encounters (except stand-alone Title 21), and those with zero-pay claims. Ø The rule adds flexibility in the look-back period for overall patient volume. 69 Provider Eligibility: Patient Volume Calculation Medicaid Encounters: • Previously under Stage 1 rule: o Service rendered on any one day where Medicaid paid for all or part of the service or Medicaid paid the copays, cost-sharing, or premiums • Changed in Stage 2 rule (applicable to all stages): o Service rendered on any one day to a Medicaid-enrolled individual, regardless of payment liability o Includes zero-pay claims and encounters with patients in Title 21-funded Medicaid expansions (but not separate CHIPs) 70 Provider Eligibility: Patient Volume Calculation Zero-pay claims include: • Claim denied because the Medicaid beneficiary has maxed out the service limit • Claim denied because the service wasn’t covered under the State’s Medicaid program • Claim paid at $0 because another payer’s payment exceeded the Medicaid payment • Claim denied because claim wasn’t submitted timely • Such services can be included in provider’s Medicaid patient volume calculation as long as the services were provided to a beneficiary who is enrolled in Medicaid 71 Provider Eligibility: Patient Volume Calculation CHIP encounters to include in patient volume calculation: • Previously under Stage 1 rule: o Only CHIP encounters for patients in Title 19 Medicaid expansion programs • Under Stage 2 rule (applicable to all stages): o CHIP encounters for patients in Title 19 and Title 21 Medicaid expansion programs • As before, encounters with patients in stand-alone CHIP programs cannot be included in Medicaid patient volume calculation 72 Provider Eligibility: Patient Volume Calculation 90-day period for Medicaid patient volume calculation: • Under Stage 1 rule, Medicaid patient volume for providers calculated across 90-day period in last calendar year (for EPs) or Federal fiscal year (for hospitals) • Under Stage 2 rule (applicable to all stages), States also have option to allow providers to calculate Medicaid patient volume across 90-day period in last 12 months preceding provider’s attestation • Also applies to needy individual patient volume • Applies to patient panel methodology, too o With at least one Medicaid encounter taking place in the 24 months prior to 90-day period (expanded from 12 months prior) 73 Children’s Hospitals Medicaid made approximately 12 additional children’s hospitals eligible that have not been able to participate to date, despite meeting all other eligibility criteria, because they do not have a CMS Certification Number since they do not bill Medicare. 74 Children’s Hospitals Children’s hospital: • Not children’s wings of larger hospital • Previously under Stage 1 rule: o Separately certified hospital that has CMS Certification Number (CCN) with last 4 digits in the series 3300-3399 • Under Stage 2 rule (applicable to all stages): o Now also includes children’s hospital that does not have CCN because they do not serve Medicare beneficiaries, but has received alternate number from CMS for Incentive Program participation 75 Hospital Incentive Calculation Changes under Stage 2 rule for determining discharge-related amount: • Hospitals that begin participating in FFY 2013 or later use discharge data from most recent continuous 12-month period for which data are available prior to payment year • Hospitals that began participating before FFY 2013 use discharge data from hospital fiscal year that ends during FFY prior to hospital fiscal year that services as the first payment year 76 Stage 2 Resources CMS Stage 2 Webpage: • Links to the Federal Register Tipsheets: • Stage 2 Overview • 2014 Clinical Quality Measures • Payment Adjustments & Hardship Exceptions (EPs & Hospitals) • Stage 1 Changes • Stage 1 vs. Stage 2 Tables (EPs & Hospitals) 77 2014 Edition Standards & Certification Criteria Final Rule Steve Posnack, MHS, MS, CISSP Director, Federal Policy Division S&CC 2014 Edition Final Rule Major Themes • Enhancing standards-based exchange • Promoting EHR technology safety and security • Enabling greater patient engagement • Introducing greater transparency • Reducing regulatory burden 79 S&CC and Meaningful Use Complementary but Different Scopes • S&CC scope = “technical” – Specifies the capabilities EHR technology must include and how they need to perform in order to be certified – It does not specify how the EHR technology needs to be used • Meaningful use scope = “behavioral” – Specifies how eligible providers need to use Certified EHR Technology in order to receive incentives 80 NPRM versus Final Rule S&CC February ‘12 S&CC August ‘12 § 170.314 § 170.314 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Clinical (n=18) Care Coordination (n=6) CQMs (n=3) Privacy and Security (n=9*) Patient Engagement (n=3) Public Health (n=8) Utilization (n=4) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Clinical (n=17) Care Coordination (n=7) CQMs (n=3) Privacy and Security (n=9*) Patient Engagement (n=3) Public Health (n=6*) Utilization (n=4) * = includes optional certification criteria 81 “New” Certification Criteria Ambulatory & Inpatient Inpatient Only Ambulatory Only Electronic Notes Electronic medication administration record Secure messaging Image results eRx (for discharge) Cancer case information Family Health History Transmission of electronic lab tests and values/results to ambulatory providers Transmission to cancer registries Amendments View, Download, & Transmit to 3rd party Auto numerator recording Non-%-based measure use report Safety-enhanced design Quality management system Data Portability 82 “Revised” Certification Criteria Ambulatory & Inpatient Ambulatory Only Drug-drug, drug-allergy interaction checks Vital signs, body mass index, and growth charts eRx Demographics CQMs (3 criteria) Clinical summaries Clinical information reconciliation Incorporate lab tests and values/results Problem list End-user device encryption Clinical decision support Auditable events and tamper-resistance Drug-formulary checks Audit report(s) TOC – receive, display, and incorporate toc/referral summaries TOC – create and transmit toc/referral summaries Patient list creation Patient-specific education resources Smoking status Automated measure calculation Transmission to Immunization Registries Transmission to public health agencies – syndromic surveillance Inpatient Only Transmission of reportable lab tests and values/results 83 “Unchanged” Certification Criteria Ambulatory & Inpatient CPOE Advance directives Medication list Immunization information Medication allergy list Automatic log-off Authentication, access control, & authorization Emergency access Integrity Accounting of disclosures Incorporate lab test results (inpatient only) Smoking status Vital signs, body mass index, and growth charts Drug-formulary checks Patient lists Patient reminders Public health surveillance Reportable laboratory tests and values/results • These certification criteria would be “eligible” for “gap certification” 84 Revised Certified EHR Technology (CEHRT) Definition July 2010 Final Rule Policy Static Definition Driven by Certification Criteria Still available option and effective through 2013 in addition to other flexibilities August 2012 Final Rule Policy Dynamic Definition Driven by Meaningful Use Would be available as soon as final rule is effective and once EHR technology certified to the 2014 Edition EHR certification criteria is available 85 2014 Edition CEHRT Easy as 1, 2, 3 + C* What varies is the quantity of EHR technology certified to the 2014 Edition EHR certification criteria that would be necessary to be used to meet MU EP/EH/CAH would only need to have EHR technology with capabilities certified for the MU menu set objectives & measures for the stage of MU they seek to achieve. EP/EH/CAH would need to have EHR technology with capabilities certified for the MU core set objectives & measures for the stage of MU they seek to achieve unless the EP/EH/CAH can meet an exclusion. Base EHR 1 EP/EH/CAH must have EHR technology with capabilities certified to meet the Base EHR definition. *C = CQMs 86 Revised CEHRT Definition • Most important point: Quantity… Quantity… Quantity… • It is all about the quantity of EHR technology certified to the 2014 Edition EHR certification criteria for MU stage you seek to meet. • EHR technology developers have the opportunity to rethink EHR software package(s) to offer “right size certifications” to their customers. 87 So what? Why should I be excited? Now 3 ways to meet CEHRT definition • Complete EHR (ultimate assurance) • EHR Module(s): – Combination of EHR Modules – Single EHR Module • In the case of EHR Modules, it is now possible for an eligible provider to have just enough EHR technology certified to the 2014 Edition EHR certification criteria to meet the CEHRT definition. 88 Two Types of Certifications Issued “Complete EHR” or “EHR Module” 1 Universe of EHR technology capabilities (e.g., all of what XYZ’s EHR technology includes) 2014Ed Complete EHR definition 2 Supports MUS1 or MUS2 achievement Certified to all 2014Ed cert. criteria for setting EHR Module certified to quantity of 2014Ed 3 necessary to support MUS1 4 MUS2 MUS1 Inner square = EHR Module certified to quantity of 2014Ed less than MUS1 (or MUS2) Outer square = EHR Module certified to quantity of 2014Ed necessary to support MUS2 5 Base EHR definition = certified EHR Module 6 EHR Module certified to less than Base EHR definition Point to remember: Certification’s scope does NOT address all capabilities included in EHR technology 2014 Edition Scope Stops Here 89 A Different Look: Understanding the CEHRT Definition Quantity Spectrum 2014 Edition Complete EHR 2014 Edition EHR Module Approaches Base EHR Stage 1 EP/EH Stage 2 EP/EH Base EHR Stage 1 EP/EH MU1 Menu MU1 Core Base EHR Vendor X Vendor B MU1 Core Vendor A Base EHR MU1 Menu Vendor B MU1 Core MU1 Core MU2 Menu Vendor A Base EHR MU1 Menu Vendor B Vendor A MU1 MU2 Menu MU1 Core Base EHR Stage 1 EP/EH Stage 2 EP/EH 4 5 w/exclusions 1 2 3 Vendor A Vendor B MU2 Menu Vendor C MU2 MU2 Menu MU1 Core Base EHR Stage 2 EP/EH w/exclusions 906 Certification Criteria Assigned to Final Base EHR Definition • It is a definition. It is meant to be used like a checklist to meet the CEHRT definition. • It is not “a Base EHR” or a singular type of EHR technology that has these capabilities. • The Base EHR definition includes CQM requirements not specified in this table. 2014 Edition EHR Certification Criteria Required to Satisfy the Base EHR Definition EHR technology that: Certification Criteria Demographics § 170.314(a)(3) Vital Signs § 170.314(a)(4) Includes patient demographic and clinical health information, such as Problem List § 170.314(a)(5) medical history and problem lists Medication List § 170.314(a)(6) Medication Allergy List § 170.314(a)(7) Has the capacity to provide clinical decision support Has the capacity to support physician order entry Has the capacity to capture and query information relevant to health care quality Has the capacity to exchange electronic health information with, and integrate such information from other sources Has the capacity to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of health information stored and exchanged Drug-Drug and Drug-Allergy Interaction Checks § 170.314(a)(2) Clinical Decision Support § 170.314(a)(8) þ N/A þ þ þ N/A þ Computerized Provider Order Entry § 170.314(a)(1) þ Clinical Quality Measures § 170.314(c)(1) through (3) þ Transitions of Care § 170.314(b)(1) and (2) Data Portability § 170.314(b)(7) View, Download, and Transmit to 3rd Party § 170.314(e)(1) Privacy and Security § 170.314(d)(1) through (8) þ þ N/A þ 91 Revised Definition of CEHRT Effective Dates EHR Reporting Period FY/CY 2011 FY/CY 2012 FY/CY 2013 FY/CY2014 MU Stage 1 MU Stage 1 MU Stage 1 MU Stage 1 or MU Stage 2 All EPs, EHs, and CAHs must have: 1) EHR technology that has been certified to all applicable 2011 Edition EHR certification criteria or equivalent 2014 Edition EHR certification criteria adopted by the Secretary; or 2) EHR technology that has been certified to the 2014 Edition EHR certification criteria that meets the Base EHR definition and would support the objectives, measures, and their ability to successfully report CQMs, for MU Stage 1. All EPs, EHs, and CAHs must have EHR technology certified to the 2014 Edition EHR certification criteria that meets the Base EHR definition and would support the objectives, measures, and their ability to successfully report the CQMs, for the MU stage that they seek to achieve. There is no such thing as being “Stage 1 Certified” or “Stage 2 Certified” – 2014 Edition EHR technology would be able to support the achievement of either meaningful use Stage. 92 2014 Certification Criteria associated with a Base EHR: 2014 Certification Criteria associated with MU Core Stage 2: MU Menu • Demographics (170.314(a)(3)) • Problem list (170.314(a)(5)) • Drug-drug, drug-allergy interaction checks (170.314(a)(2)) MU Core • Vital signs, BMI, & growth charts (170.314(a)(4)) • Medication list (170.314(a)(6)) • Medication allergy list (170.314(a)(7)) • Clinical decision support (170.314(a)(8)) • Smoking status (170.314(a)(11)) Base EHR • Patient list creation (170.314(a)(14)) • Patient-specific education resources • Transitions of care (170.314(b)(1) & (2)) • Data portability (170.314(b)(7)) • Clinical quality measures (170.314(c)(1) - (3)) (170.314(a)(15)) • Privacy and Security CC: • eMAR (170.314(a)(16)) Authentication, access control, & authorization (170.314(d)(1)) o Auditable events & tamper resistance o • Clinical information reconciliation (170.314(b)(4)) • Incorporate lab tests & values/results (170.314(b)(5)) • View, download, & transmit to Party (170.314(e)(1)) • CPOE (170.314(a)(1)) (170.314(d)(2)) o 3rd o o • Immunization information o (170.314(f)(1)) o • Transmission to immunization registries (170.314(f)(2)) o o • Transmission to PH agencies – syndromic surveillance (170.314(f)(3)) Audit report(s) (170.314(d)(3)) Amendments (170.314(d)(4)) Automatic log-off (170.314(d)(5)) Emergency access (170.314(d)(6)) End-user device encryption (170.314(d)(7)) Integrity (170.314(d)(8)) Accounting of disclosures* (170.314(d)(9)) 2014 Certification Criteria associated with MU Menu Stage 2: • Transmission of reportable lab tests & values/results (170.314(f)(4)) • Electronic notes (170.314(a)(9)) • Drug-formulary checks (170.314(a)(10)) 2014 ed. certification criteria for which certification may be required: • • • • *= optional Automated numerator recording (170.314(g)(1)) Automated measure calculation (170.314(g)(2)) Safety-enhanced design (170.314(g)(3)) Quality management system (170.314(g)(4)) • Image results (170.314(a)(12)) • Family health history (170.314(a)(13)) • Advance directives (170.314(a)(17)) • eRx (170.314(b)(3)) • Transmission of e-lab tests & values/results to providers (170.314(b)(6)) Do you have EHR Technology that meets the new Certified EHR Technology definition for Meaningful Use Stage 1? START HERE Do you have a 2014 Edition Complete EHR for the Ambulatory (EPs) or Inpatient (EHs/CAHs) Setting? Yes Yes No Do you have EHR technology that has been: Yes ü Certified to ≥ 9 CQMs § ≥ 6 from CMS’ recommended core set § Address ≥ 3 domains from the set selected by CMS for EPs? Yes Is your EHR technology certified to the following certification criteria required to meet the Base EHR definition? § 170.314: ü(a)(1),(3)&(5-8) – CPOE/Demogfrx/ProbList/ MedList/MedAllergyList/CDS ü(b)(1),(2)&(7) – TOC/Data Port ü(c)(1)-(3) – CQMS ü(d)(1)-(8) – P&S Is your EHR technology certified to the following certification criteria to support the MU1 EP Core Objectives you seek to achieve and for which you cannot meet a MU exclusion? § 170.314: Yes Is your EHR technology certified to the following certification criteria to support the MU1 EP Menu Objectives you seek to meet? § 170.314: ü(a)(10) – RxFormulary ü(a)(14) – Pt List ü(a)(15) – Pt Edu ü(b)(4) – ClinInfoRec ü(a)(2) – DD/DA ü(b)(3) – eRx ü(a)(4) – Vitals ü(e)(1) – VDTx3 ü(a)(11) – Smoking ü(e)(2) – Clinical Sum Yes ü(b)(5) – Incorp Lab ü(f)(1) – Immz Info ü(f)(2) – Immz Tx ü(f)(3) – Syn Surv No No No No No No EP No Yes Do you have EHR technology that has been: ü Certified to ≥ 16 CQMs from CMS’ selected set for EH/CAHs § Address ≥ 3 domains from the set selected by CMS for EH/CAHs? Is your EHR technology certified to the following certification criteria to support the MU1 EH/CAH Menu Objectives you seek to meet? § 170.314: Is your EHR technology certified to the following certification criteria to support the MU1 EH/CAH Core Objectives you seek to achieve and for which you cannot meet a MU exclusion? § 170.314: Yes ü (a)(2) – DD/DA ü (a)(4) – Vitals Note: To meet the CEHRT definition, EHR technology will need to have been certified to: § Automated numerator recording (170.314(g)(1)) or Automated measure calculation (170.314(g)(2)); § Safety-enhanced design (170.314(g)(3)); and § Quality management system (170.314(g)(4)) ü(a)(11) – Smoking ü(e)(1) – VDTx3 Yes ü(a)(10) – RxFormulary ü(a)(14) – Pt List ü(a)(15) – Pt Edu ü(a)(17) – AD ü(b)(4) – ClinInfoRec ü(b)(5) – Incorp Lab ü(f)(1) – Immz Info ü(f)(2) – Immz Tx ü(f)(3) – Syn Surv ü(f)(4) – ELR Yes EPs: Do you have EHR Technology that meets the new Certified EHR Technology definition for Meaningful Use Stage 1? START HERE Do you have a 2014 Edition Complete EHR for the Ambulatory Setting? Yes Yes No Is your EHR technology certified to the following certification criteria required to meet the Base EHR definition? § 170.314: ü(a)(1),(3)&(5-8) – CPOE/Demogfrx/ProbList/ MedList/MedAllergyList/CDS ü(b)(1),(2)&(7) – TOC/Data Port ü(c)(1)-(3) – CQMS ü(d)(1)-(8) – P&S Yes No No Do you have EHR technology that has been: ü Certified to ≥ 9 CQMs § ≥ 6 from CMS’ recommended core set § Address ≥ 3 domains from the set selected by CMS for EPs? No Yes Is your EHR technology certified to the following certification criteria to support the MU1 EP Core Objectives you seek to achieve and for which you cannot meet a MU exclusion? § 170.314: ü(a)(2) – DD/DA ü(b)(3) – eRx ü(a)(4) – Vitals ü(e)(1) – VDTx3 ü(a)(11) – Smoking ü(e)(2) – Clinical Sum Note: To meet the CEHRT definition, EHR technology will need to have been certified to: § Automated numerator recording (170.314(g)(1)) or Automated measure calculation (170.314(g)(2)); § Safety-enhanced design (170.314(g)(3)); and § Quality management system (170.314(g)(4)) No Yes Is your EHR technology certified to the following certification criteria to support the MU1 EP Menu Objectives you seek to meet? § 170.314: ü(a)(10) – RxFormulary ü(a)(14) – Pt List ü(a)(15) – Pt Edu ü(b)(4) – ClinInfoRec ü(b)(5) – Incorp Lab ü(f)(1) – Immz Info ü(f)(2) – Immz Tx ü(f)(3) – Syn Surv Yes ONC HIT Certification Program Final Changes • Temporary Certification Program Sunsets – Upon 2014 Edition final rule effective date • Program Name Change – “ONC HIT Certification Program” • Revisions to EHR Module Certification Requirements – Privacy and Security Certification Policy • Will not require upfront certification to P&S for the 2014 Edition CC • Policy outcome now reflected in Base EHR definition (which includes all P&S CC) – Other tweaks to make certification more efficient 96 ONC HIT Certification Program Final Changes (cont.) • Application of certain new certification criteria to EHR technology – § 170.314(g)(1): Automated numerator recording – § 170.314(g)(3): Safety-enhanced design • 8 Medication related certification criteria: CPOE; Drug-drug, drug-allergy interaction checks; Medication list; Medication allergy list; Clinical decision support; eMAR; e-prescribing; and Clinical information reconciliation. – § 170.314(g)(4): Quality management system • Price Transparency: ONC-ACBs are required to ensure that EHR technology developers notify eligible providers about additional types of costs (i.e., one-time, ongoing, or both) that affect a certified Complete EHR or certified EHR Module’s total cost of ownership for the purposes of achieving meaningful use. • Test Result Transparency: The final rule requires that ONC-ACBs submit a hyperlink of the test results used to issue a certification to a Complete EHR or EHR Module. 97 Standards Applicability Purpose Vocabulary & Code Sets Demographics OMB Race/Ethnicity ISO 639-2 (constrained) Problems SNOMED CT + US ext CDS Transport HL7 Infobutton + IGs Smoking Status SNOMED CT + US ext Family Health History SNOMED CT + US ext HL7 Pedigree Patient Ed Resources ToC – receive, display, & incorporate Content Exchange / Utilization HL7 Infobutton + IGs SNOMED CT + US ext RxNorm CCD/C32 Applicability Statement for Secure Health Transport CCR AppState + XDR/XDM Consolidated CDA SOAP RTM + XDR/XDM 98 Standards Applicability (cont.) Purpose Vocabulary & Code Sets Content Exchange / Utilization [Common MU Data Set] ICD-10-CM CVX Consolidated CDA e-Rx RxNorm NCPDP SCRIPT 10.6 Incorporate Labs (ambulatory) LOINC HL7 S&I LRI Spec Data Portability [Common MU Data Set] ICD-10-CM CVX Consolidated CDA ToC – Create & Transmit Transport Applicability Statement for Secure Health Transport AppState + XDR/XDM SOAP RTM + XDR/XDM 99 Standards Applicability (cont.) Purpose Vocabulary & Code Sets Content Exchange / Utilization CQM Export QRDA Category I CQM Import QRDA Category I CQM e-Submit QRDA Category I & III Consolidated CDA View, download, transmit to 3rd party [Common MU Data Set] Clinical Summary [Common MU Data Set] Consolidated CDA Immz Reporting CVX HL7 2.5.1 + IGs Syndromic Surveillance WCAG Level A Transport Applicability Statement for Secure Health Transport HL7 2.5.1 +IG (inpatient only) ELR SNOMED CT + US ext LOINC HL7 2.5.1 + IG Cancer Registry SNOMED CT + US ext LOINC CDA R2 + IG 100 What’s Next? A Brief Timeline • Aug 2012 – Final rule issued • Sept 2012 – Dec 2012: – Waves of Test Procedures published – Test Procedures available for comment – Final rule effective date reached TCP sunsets 101 But wait, there’s more! • Check back to: Now: – CEHRT Infographic flows and Bull’s eye diagrams Coming soon: – Grids comparing MU1 and MU2 w/ 2014 Ed. – Standards resource page where all the adopted standards as part of the 2014 Edition EHR Certification Criteria will be listed with URLs to where you can find/access them. 102 Questions 103 Please enter your questions in the Q&A window at the bottom right of your screen You can also send us an email at, tweet a question using hashtag #NeHC, or comment on our Facebook page at Please take a moment to fill out the survey that will appear once you log out of the webinar. Didn’t get your question answered? You can continue today’s discussion by joining the Meaningful Use group in NeHC’s online community: Questions or Suggestions? Send us an email at Thank you for your participation! National eHealth Collaborative 1250 24th St. NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20037 (877) 835-6506 Register for NeHC University classes:
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