REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! PREGNANCY AND BIRTH CURRENT CLINICAL ISSUES ANNUAL CONFERENCE December 13 & 14, 2012 Toronto Downtown Marriott Eaton Centre Conference Objectives 3 easy ways to register Through lectures and interactive discussions between the audience and experts, participants will learn about research-based approaches to a variety of important and commonly encountered aspects of prenatal, intrapartum, postpartum and neonatal care. Fax: 416-480-5633 Topic Highlights Skin-to-skin HIV at-risk patients Cord Blood Banking A conference aimed towards the obstetrician, neonatologist, family physician, nurse, midwife, doula, or public health professional! Email: Mail: The Centre for Mother, Infant, and Child Research Sunnybrook Research Institute Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre C8-2075 Bayview Avenue Toronto, ON M4N 3M5 Register for 1 or 2 days! Breakfast and lunch provided on both days. 525 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2L2 Phone: 1-416-597-9200 Toll Free: 1-800-905-0667 Fax: 1-416-597-9211 Web: Participants at the Pregnancy and Birth Conference must make their own hotel reservations. A limited number of rooms are reserved at the Toronto Downtown Marriott Eaton Centre, which features a special rate for conference participants. Comfort rooms are available from $189, plus all applicable taxes. Individual reservations can be made contacting reservations at: Phone: 1-416-597-9200 Toll Free: 1-800-905-0667 Fax: 1-416-597-9211 Web: by AGENDA CONFERENCE LOCATION & ACCOMMODATION Toronto Downtown Marriott Eaton Centre Thursday, December 13, 2012 0800 0845 Registration & Breakfast Welcome and Opening Remarks 0900 The Sleep TYME (Throughout Your Motherhood Experience) Study 0945 Dr Elizabeth Asztalos & Dr Alan Bocking Chair: Jo Watson Dr Robyn Stremler Mothers as analgesia. The pain relieving benefits of skin-to-skin contact Dr Marsha Campbell-Yeo 1030 1100 Break & Exhibits The TIPS (Tips for Infant and Parent Sleep) Study 1145 Twins: Why should we be concerned 1230 Lunch & Exhibits 1330 To repeat or not repeat Antenatal corticosteroids: That is the question 1415 HIV in the at-risk women: beyond the medical care 1500 1515 Break HIV management of mother and baby 1600 Group B Streptococcal infection in pregnancy: Why is it still a problem? 1645 Conference Day One Ends Dr Robyn Stremler Dr Jon Barrett Chair: Dr Jon Barrett Dr Kellie Murphy Ms Jay MacGillivray Dr Mark Yudin Dr Vibhuti Shah Friday, December 14, 2012 0800 0845 Registration & Breakfast Welcome 0900 Neuroprotection during labour: The role of magnesium sulfate 0940 Perinatal Depression: Where are we with diagnosis and treatment 1020 1040 Break & Exhibits Developmental origins of health and disease: Implications for the mother and baby Dr Elizabeth Asztalos Chair: Dr Karen Fleming Dr Prakesh Shah Dr Sophie Grigoriadis Dr Stephen Matthews Get the direct online link by visiting our blog at: and clicking on the Marriott link. 1120 1200 Lunch & Exhibits You must mention the group name “Pregnancy and Birth” to ensure that you receive the appropriate rate and are included in the guest suite block. All reservations must be made by November 23, 2012 as rooms will only be held on a space-available basis after this date. 1300 Why is infertility so prevalent now? 1415 Delayed cord clamping: Is there enough evidence or is more required? 1455 Cord Blood Banking in Canada – Current Options and Opportunities 1535 Conference Day Two Ends Hypothyroidism in pregnancy Dr Michiel van den Hof Chair: Dr George Carson Dr Marjorie Dixon Dr Eileen Hutton Dr B Anthony Armson Stay up-to-date with conference news on our blog: CONFERENCE FACULTY Conference Director Dr Elizabeth Asztalos Session Chairpersons Dr Jon Barrett, Dr George Carson, Dr Karen Fleming, Dr Jo Watson Planning Committee Dr Elizabeth Asztalos, Dr B Anthony Armson, Dr Jon Barrett, Dr George Carson, Dr Karen Fleming, Dr Robyn Stremler, Dr Jo Watson, Dr Rory Windrim, Ms Judy Cardwell Presenting Faculty Dr Elizabeth Asztalos, Medical Director, Neonatal Follow-up Program; Director, The Centre for Mother, Infant, and Child Research, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Associate Professor, Departments of Paediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Dr Jon Barrett, Chief, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Program Research Director, Women and Babies Program, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Dr Alan Bocking, Chief, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology , Mount Sinai Hospital, Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Health Complex, The University Health Network, Women's College Hospital; Gordon Leitch Chair, Toronto, Ontario Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Dr Marsha Campbell-Yeo, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, IWK Health Centre Halifax, Nova Scotia; Co-principal investigator for Enhancing Breast Milk Production with Domperidone in Mothers of Preterm Neonates (EMPOWER Trial) Dr George Carson, Director, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region, Regina General Hospital, Regina, Saskatchewan Dr Marjorie Dixon, Gynecologic Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, First Steps Fertility Inc., Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, Toronto, Ontario Dr Karen Fleming, Assistant Professor, Dept of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Dr Sophie Grigoriadis, Head, Women's Mood and Anxiety Clinic: Reproductive Transitions, Fellowship Director, Department of Psychiatry, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Canadian Institutes of Health Research, New Investigator; Associate Scientist, Sunnybrook Research Institute; Adjunct Scientist, Women’s College Research Institute; Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Dr Eileen K Hutton, Assistant Dean Faculty of Health Sciences, Director Midwifery Education Program, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario; Professor Midwifery Science, VU University and VUMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dr Stephen G. Matthews, Ernest B. and Leonard B. Smith Chair, Department of Physiology, Professor, Physiology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Ms Jay MacGillivray, Registered Midwife, Sages Femmes Rouge Valley Midwives, Cofounder, co-director, Positive Pregnancy Programme St Michael's Hospital Toronto, Ontario Dr Kellie Murphy, Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist, Mount Sinai Hospital; Principal Investigator in Multiple Courses of Antenatal Corticosteroids for Preterm Birth Study (MACS); Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Dr Prakesh S Shah, Neonatologist and Clinical Epidemiologist, Associate Professor , Departments of Paediatrics and HPME, University of Toronto , Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario Dr Vibhuti Shah, Staff Neonatologist, Mount Sinai Hospital; Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics and Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Dr Robyn Stremler, CIHR New Investigator; Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation Early Researcher Award Recipient; Assistant Professor, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto; Adjunct Scientist, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario Dr Michiel van den Hof, Professor, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia Dr Jo Watson, Director, Women’s & Babies Program, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario Dr Mark H. Yudin, Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Infectious Diseases, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Ontario CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES Through lectures and interactive discussions between the audience and experts, participants will learn about research-based approaches to a variety of important and commonly encountered aspects of prenatal, intrapartum and postpartum care. CME CREDITS To be announced… CONTACT DETAILS - please print (clearly) Designation: □ MD □ RN □ RN(EC) □ RM □ Student □ Other _____________________________________________________ Affiliation □ Dr. □ Mr. □ Mrs. □ Ms. _____________________________________________________ Last Name Given Name(s) _____________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ City Prov/State Postal Code _____________________________________________________ Telephone (bus) Telephone (home) ____________________ Fax _____________________________________________________ Email CONFERENCE FEES 2 Days Late Registration after Nov 23, 2012 I would like to attend both days (the whole conference) Allied Health Students* □ $495 □ $275 □ $569 □ $275 □ Thursday □ Friday □ $275 □ $315 □ $150 □ $150 I would like to attend one day: Allied Health Students* * Students must present proof of status at the time of registration in order to receive this reduced rate by supplying a photocopy of their student ID. Paper syllabus will be available at the registration desk, at no additional charge. PAYMENT $_____________________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED □ VISA □ MasterCard □ American Express _____________________________________________________ Credit Card Number Please return the completed registration form and full fee by: Fax Fax us at 416-480-5633 to register using your credit card. Please feel free to duplicate the adjacent form, and type or use dark ink to complete it. Email Email us at with all your contact details. Mail Mail your registration form using the adjacent form with your cheque or credit card details. Please make cheques payable to The Centre for Mother, Infant, and Child Research – SHSC. The Centre for Mother, Infant, and Child Research Sunnybrook Research Institute Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre C8 – 2075 Bayview Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4N 3M5 Refund and Cancellations Should you need to cancel your registration you must do so immediately in writing via email at or via fax at 416-480-5633 prior to November 16, 2012. A $60 handling fee will apply. Inquiries Conference fees include breakfast, refreshments & lunch on both days Early Registration by Nov 23, 2012 HOW TO REGISTER Toronto Downtown Marriott Eaton Centre, Toronto, ON December 13 & 14, 2012 1 Day REGISTRATION FORM Pregnancy and Birth Conference Expiry Date _____________________________________________________ Name of Cardholder Only forms accompanied by full payment will be processed. To ensure conference materials are ready for you, your registration must be received by December 9, 2012. Payment receipts will be emailed to you so please ensure that we have your email address. The Centre for Mother, Infant, and Child Research Sunnybrook Research Institute Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre C8 – 2075 Bayview Avenue Toronto, ON M4N 3M5 Tel: 416-480-5632 Fax: 416-480-5633 Email:
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