! ; §intton. A. P. ROSS, Pictou. HENRY MoKAY, ARTHUR LEARY, !"• R. MoKAY, • Montreal. New Ym-k. ^ ' • CHARLES DAY, JOHN GORDON, JOHN BERRY, New ARTHUR (( BERRY, Pk^i^j^^. LEARY, Treasurer. P. BUSH, Secretary. WALTER \ HEUGH, Agent, 76 South 4th DAVID YmTc. . JOHN RICHARD Bostwi. B. MCKAY. Agent, 180 COMMMOIAL StIIMT. B08T0N. Strbm,Phil I ,' 1 \ , CHARTER. real. -??»? York, 't. PROVINCE NOVA OF SCOTIA. Vark. Anno the Acadia Beit tESIDENT. Leary, William become purpose w, Phil. any created other the pounds, Company m the The may paid such and registryof not m to corporation by-laws the shall are as persons go on into account :— shall or now namefflSlhe fofthe Manufacturing Company," body corporate and by the selling " the the to value, deeds operation of such the either of five pounds quarrying rights whole, of in this in sand twenty thou- province and sell or where, else- fit. shareholders for the and manufacture, export, quarry, think list of hi sand seventy-fivethou- shares liold real estate corporation, may shall be Company fifteen thousand into full power with belongingto as 3d. of divided bo to part of tlie Provinces all stone a uses. capital sto^k pounds, ; and other follows Coggill,Artl.ur quarrying, manufacturing, dressing,exporting,and The 2d. incorporate th|k successors corporation hereby established, Quarrying building and for to assembly, as Dickson, Henry such and in the assigns,are of council, and governor, Ross, Daniel Emmett, 'J. Freestone Acadia each P. shareholders and stone the enacted, by act Manufacturing Covqmny. and Quarrying Freestone Alexander 1st. An Victoria! Regincc, Chapter 50. decimo-sexto county until three Company. shall of annually Pictou, thousand and be registered the pounds pany Comare tually ac- w T"^ 2"??«'».;^^2:::!;i:::; '?? ^"'''No member of P"vate ' i,K,ivi,„„, »Jw. -« » / . "- „„.„ %pty a,, or Ir bod,corporate «OVEKNMKJVTiiousK, '^a'i"ax, 1st June,1853. ^* '-^'-reby certified, That ' tbeWoin.an i-Jeutenant-Governor. *? " a tunnel uncJur ^^oinpany, anj "' 'Jiiarriesand 'waj/ Hl.all " f"e fiictionof ? "1 „ot perfectly the / ni« -ater person BY-LAWS amount, 'terfere witJi^ corporate, OF THE or r MANUFACTlJlilNG AND ^opy of COMPANY. an Jvernor. ARTICLE business The control entire the affairs and elected shall be and by hereinafter as I. of this concerns mahagf'nient of ballot a shall be There as Board the hold of meeting which annual an Directors their office until after their Board persons of as election,and Directors from under be Directors, who seven iheir among r ber, num- IL meeting of the such at Directors, for the. time the of /*, shall provideclip April ih^each year, of Board by ^e stockholders ARTICLE Tuesday Company the next annual arc sh^l,before'each election. the on city of the New being, shall determine shall be elected; and until others of- such inspectors stoctholders place in meeting elected the of at upon, Directors the in their first York ^hall stockholders place; election, appoint three and the suitable / ^y, ? 6 ? ' . r i^rtse »"^ «t each ^fiT/CXEV. there slinlii «PPoiDte«J for thJ "" ^'''^'ion ,./•/,? aV^/'7'''^P«''-'Vfori^^"' /"^''«-'y .Ve\^. of t "' "'c • . - "-. ' Company. '*"''P'«'^e of meeting, . , X ' f directed '"''«' on ne, and '«"» '• R- the j be days nn'tiJ at Rt6ckhoUler, each to depositedin the Post-Oflice before each of such pl"ceof hm in the biminewi New cityof shall residence, or least fourteen York, at meetings. \ • sLal/ ho MarsJj, ARTICLE VIII. Ilic Board 'of Directors shall have power to hold such regdlar.and and in such manner, in «very specialmeetings, and upon ,8i«^^otice, , \ asjjreyshall 4"e8pd»Bt, deem ^ proper. ^ ARTICLE T|ie Board -and Secretary. Tliey may person expedient lo ; and same to subjectwhich the time from may t64'imeRx agent*,and said officers and for the regut^tions the any be allowed of tQ adopt such rtilesand' X stock " , -^ thereof shall entitlesthe holder to vot« one * submitted qu/^stion every specialmeeting-of to appear at every the same; to and the every. stockholder ARTICLE form The lipon the books the adopted by Board nor been scripfor the of such due previously paid. and ^ade on in now entitled such upon of stock the books share thereof use of alteration and^ the shall be of the Company, until all instalments transfer be made or or proxy. transfers as'ie transfersof any share transfer shall be entered shall such shall be making Company, shall be such Company, subjectto tlie control bo annual an XL stock,and of the of Directors ; and valid unless ments of stockholders,at meeting in 'personor by written such of ^tock and assess- shall have- • ? ,^ ? \. ^ ^ ?u \ the government of thqir affairs and agents as may better articIe 2^. "tlacb share and remove , upon \ able suit- in relation contract necessary, and advisable. be deemed and Company, compensation to make ma* bftdeemed may dent, Presi- appointsome may appoint all agentflnecessary the business "of the conduct of their number Treasurer,and of their number one IX. of Dfrectors shall appoint one ,y 8 ARTICLE xn rn paid, "^''- ^ the ;jy\'2 «^ '^e Board of ^'^" D^L ^^'"-" ^ .«"«"nis of fh^ ^'^ «»«h ^^' ««ch notice, pX .7; '"•'^ «^««t ^^''^ibe forfeited! S ""^?'^ "n- i„. or ,„o„ey and m '" «««« «"eh party -^^''''^ctors shaJJ ^^^^iar '''?^' ^^-"i«toctaJr^^«^«'*heBoaruo.,„" "'^neys P^^^ thereo^to "'""'^« '^ forfl^' siaj; the ^^•"esiallbe p^ ! 'r"^'' ^^^-^ the fiT' T certifieat ''' «."'«Con, ITT' ' '*" ho "ame -^ ^toct, shaJ] .„_. Paid d«]. «"^ vot'' *"^ «^«" have been f sued 1,0 for such ''''^''''^ ""'''? The Board of D" ""'"' "» entitled,and to 'n"lobW„«. ARTICLE It XV / J *^f'^"*"^ DirectX' «f the "'" . " •.?" , fl...„- the President "^ -vftich JIJ/J'""'""' 9 remain *o affairs the ^a'J «„. give written shall as ^ pay such of the of the papers Company be ; to delegated have under shall have he and Company, him to the by his all the care all suoh Board of books and ity author- and power Directors. in- ^"chstoctand ARTICLE ^^'?orethe The «h?JidecJare ' XVI. ex- as \^^'^ and Secretary shall be shall imposed all such perform him upon by the duties Board have and all such power of Directors. the- Company, 'e '""d for / such The such ?"" fime Board of be :^I. ARTICLE Directors' shall adoption, " ipay the to devise and seal common ARTICLE of adopt the seal a after which, Company. XVIIL ^ 'hey may '"' ' The divj- no ^ted to case office of the shall Company be in the city of New York. the ^-r- any ARTICLE XIX. anner, the 'o which "Poii said All action hereby and proceedings and adopted the of former ARTIOLE The f"ant l^resident Board of Directors are confirmed. and Ditectors, XX. if authorized at held meeting any in or a" from a ^'1 3d of pursuance from manner these majority of dispose of By-Laws, the or stock, by a the stockholders sell, mortgage, may the pledge of vote real and personal ing represent- convey, estate in or of the any pany, Com- payand its quarrying rights,privileges,and ARTICLE All lj?8 0f fthe deeds, documents, writing of, or "and executed iitof and by the relating to, XXI. conveyances, mortgages, the real by affixing the signatures of franchises. the estate common President of the seal and and instruments Company, of the shall Company Secretary subscribed be in made thereto, there- *«'f*? order •"?"* - "« ^^ of the R . --^' c: c; ''»" ''^:^::i7zr ^^eCompanj. ^^''^^'^'^tmg '- - two- ^ ..o((r-^ t.--' '^^"when so *^'e'n, shall eje- bo ""^^?'?ngof the ' ^«'- that p„r- •esentingtwo- PROSPECTUS. Thk Freestone Acadia in Harbor the Quarries Province situated are Nova of at head the about Scotia, and Pictou of four miles from Pictou. Company The o\^ns other and The of pier and of and two land, of acres superiorquality for a a pior extending the mile fifth in a the ing build- into the Pictou of railway connecting a its openings, waters with its length. been Company its quarry of out has Corilpany and railway have and enable consist Company a which upon quarries,being This the and apparatus, quarry hundred one freestone purposes. works harbor, of tract a itj^bounds containing within constructed considerable at place stone to board on pense, ex- vessels with great facility. qiiantityof The been limited, owing want of - to This two be remedied, Boston, New latter York, Company can and It has the has Company the has Company quarrying, and it has construction, ordered have and been the sible impos- has been tons used now become there possiblysupply witli the 4b?tjr a extent some in each favorite ^one present tion expecta- every finished, are season. per to Philadelphia,and Scotland from contemplated improvements demand city,and for consequently, twenty thousand BVeestone satisfaction. the to the as the shipping, when Acadia and approved most five thousand The shipped by imperfect apparatus demand. the of the cranes of from will the liftingpower, sufficient supply heretofore stone to is now in the cities of city has given building material cu'eater faciliti^. than fect perin the ' "tone „ ,,,,,,j „f t„. ""'•«'''„ "/?"WO iti.„„. '!""*''. '""?'"?'I •ilk U,o air. to 11,0 material ?"""''''»« " , '""""fldcMlvM,. , , " *•" »„„ *'7*:'"«'' - «» e«*„, h„„j,,j *»"•of ab„„t«,,„. '""" ""•*? o,.„„„,,„°"'' ,r^^'^ |.eo„l,a" " ''?•"e» and „pp„rt 'ke 0.W ^-"""S „ •^?•^"""'«"'«..tree b,,,,. , :; is;;7*"«s^.„,^,. ^"'^ -»' """^ct.r :;: l««e J™'* or « ' o„ ;« er„„u,d d„ri„,J'T' • «„ «.. ; X •13 '^ most perfect J'te.s, eombiniag '^ building fr^'estone, viz., "J a erected in the a dwelling-house tlicTrustees 6f Harvard Cambridge, of the gothic of the same are a now University largechapel, erecting at a cost of some thousand dollars. style, fifty is Boston,oil Temple street, At year 1855, of this stone ;^and at • it i8 sus"?'^d. ^^''c,and, by '^'striictibJe as •lontaJ wort, in ^"periority '"g mattfrial The 'oftness and "rison, on • from ., freight on a of stone ton from Pictbn to will Philadelphia, than throe dollars, making the costof average higher the wharf in fivedollars and fifty cents. Philadelj^ia, ton a not of stone ton at Philadelphia,'is of fourteen cufeicfeet, makes nine dollars eightycents ; from this is to be deducted all expenses of discharging, teen rent of yard,cpmmissions of agent,"(;., carriage, trucking, say fifcents per -seven per cent, on the sales ; makingone dollar and forty and ton a the stone per cubic foot,at priceof average seventy cents, which,for hundred ^H /^ half. a The process of - the different actual cost of The stone for • States varies at and placing it on board a ton of stone quarrying vessel on the Company'swharves at Pictou,will not exceed,as has been clearly heretofore made, two dollars proven from the shipments The onlyto ^'versalnse in the United of the stone is less which, to Philadelphia, ports,owingto the differenceof freight, than to either Bqston or New York. and Beds cost ; the each ton of stone on profit may then be shown follows : as — "» affords 'he stone Price at Philadelphia, per ton of fourteen cubic feet, at 70 cents ; per foot board vessel at Pictou welJing. Cost ison, of to Philadelphia Average freight seen in placedon All other expenses, comniissions including 19 go $2 50 of agent. 3 oo 1 47 ... 6 97 street, Profits, per $2 83 ton ^f this "f Mr. jnies' *'iiioh f the !oin- amount cultyeach reserve which season, the would three hundred thousand divide 'One, is believed to be This tons, an dividend of a a seven liberalestimate ; and upon a Company will be ten thousand able to shipwithout difiileave annuallya niit profit of twenty-«ight which would enable the Company to dollars, per cent, among its stockholders, and still fund. largesinking But there is every reason to believe that,with an fifteenthousand dollars judiciously or made at the twelve erection of extra cranes, and the of application steam of expenditure in the quarries power, that the u.,,, ... .*#.• ^"•npany wiJI be alio ^-«da, were ' , ""^^ ^'^ ^^^-ss Sied of «• "'« «ervL ,^"^'«'" r^^'^^a' ^«g«»of miner, a„d f ^^^''^^ of r' w- ^«"«andtons per' be '^f proportiou'" the course of J^m Logan, of ,^Oatey,%,a ^'Do^v '«te «"^ a EEPORT. engaged pereona/ to make a Stockholders the ""^^ a 'ports ' of ^ro Acadia the of Company Freestone Quarrymg facturing Manu- anU : acconi- the "?e- as most h^gh. to'the GENTLKMKN.-Being y6ur I quarnes, U the Monday bihtie^to Mr. he Ross report; but have you the guide I have 111 in view, the spent of 23d nK.rninff^' Company's quarries the agent, their to as also, to ; enable capa- what ascertain Company last four work to is improvement stating yield to the about requisite the put laige the let necessary scale I would in very will of quantity quarries V this with quarries that amount. any to only longer a on of meeting him of all I think operations in annual by weeks two explanation days hesitation sufficient here future their furnish to remain to the attend to able am complete in no is I I intend the the Ro^ stone to to-morrow, York, as I have quarries what here New Company and the profit. full and more a reporlDupou on Saturday^ on the of of necessary and leaving in brief be would Company reached Mr. March, inspection large quantity a advantage to of an produce improvements thera to 30th commenced ipyself, and and I left Montreal I place inspect to you that state last. March of the\28th to which Pictou, last,for M^rch by engaged leave beg object stone here fair gest sug- working ° order. , line The of quarter its since the between About and the of mile a which was is of of the from that same that before is I the in stone which land distance worked the the opening organization, Company's midway stone direction has No. call and lands an opening the quality No. 1, to was by the by made, 1, and extends worked owned Company as quarries been I call out line and with 2* wher^ No equal ^ ease. a McKenzie organized, taken for pany Com- division Mr. which the I find tliat in following the o^iLrjeCiir '"^ ^ I have For opemng laymg tracks sand ,ron wdl dr^d of time will the and tey housan might tons the or will to of of Nos. 1 railway 1r a 2 xtra at '^' ^^uv ti^on- extensive afford face ample them of room from three over for hun oplt J' all injury ^ ^ by ^ ice and in " ' enable for in and ap" lifting fourTou least other outlay unlimited immediately. secure would have more, "ItwodX done line and -« is almost enlarging main an has ^-^— supply and opening ^'''^ solid. same improvements demand the require quarritisan your the will be railway bndge, njgke These "c., length, ,n that with connect should give yards piles to pumps, dollars, and Tins saying direction, an ""' rubbish, draining, cranes, removmg cas ^^'^"^'^ ^" in of properly improving up, branch wagons tus, hesitation no line .ame stone, the in Company quantity an'd Ine, the season; suddIv five anv o' wen IbT without v ' ^^^«^^--'« cotL 1 "I «»--1"«rters opened, rreduce;^^^^^^^^ |e to from' fro™ «^ U"n per ; and dollars two as the and quarries be- more of cost ^U^t^:::^^^ n^aterials and I will placing have a more I I that o^Z^ Ul^ extended report am, gentlemen, Your 1 most ri Aprilj '^^^'"^ to obedient make 1857. "' be.eonsider- buildingstone ''''' "" shortly. servant, RICHARD • Quarries, Pictou, Nova 3d all good will \ L. A.»^' Acadia production Scotia, OATEY ^""^^ be 17 has opening an produces REPORT. stone 1 and 1 2, f railway,extra lifting apparaleastfour tliou- three "ver the height of top IS dip of the ed avound the by ice,and in supply any Sve to twenty nthout doubt, dollars and lor the quarries a out can % be^consider- scale, two practical used rpenter ip however, engine machinery he a tioned as hole expense quarry a. great a say trom the lornier any for sizes six to Report, of tons for may The in of Hut, keeping. the the stone Ix-ds Company will thirtyhorse: or ..ther purposes; the of been and present there will- quality ; although a large size in mentioned and also handling,all one quarries age drain- then quarrying has whi.-l, the good as the that of under quarries dear, the in down wante.l .;ousist"fblocks may always where Ic.s.., and lifting, thM be can can extensivelyopened, Observe of or twenty-five and more more. out be the various inches, from quarry stone, yet all or taken arc that to than pumping are labor, by only giving the they ,,s of grees, de- good very and y'ougo As twehfe quality. less not proiwrtion, if wanted, two have good pumping. of variety and time sizes, of used a sixtee/. feet, out t.. of less, whi.-h or t.. sizes will a quarries for serve great very the lollars and ir all will be the eight of you of stone can until from half a crop flags of brook, twenty tVet, more engine steam wh„.h power, a the or large size a m„re three, fe.'t, np an.l the and a re.,uire :e your inches, and part of the 'average. The an on upper of out the lands- Company's twenty-two consist report Report floors,platfonns, "c., ,tc.,and largo blocks followingthe dip thick are taken thicken level,towards be beds : is thirty f.-ef, and rubbish, the At general former the on remunerating prices. at beds eighteen inches to inilc a drainage level foot. .-ellar pavements, in the said feet of eight to full and be.ls is about the a be two of the three to can .lisposedof be above surface, the from thickness, ll quarries be- ding stone the at you quarter a about inches Manufacturing Company more a already been stratification of siv quarries you le with description,which .used to tlie n.ck overlaid Iiun- operations. .juarriesis the of length hand to has As yourquHrries. on and Quanyinp bog Gentlemen,-! or all Freestone Acadia the To tmost unlimited. igNos. ? the prepared, to save various be must shipped. indiscnijimately If so, here wish at should would I have less to you 3ATEY. size a as no sum doubt ton per understand they can than was not me be quarried named in a either stone t.) mean to be be but shipped indiscriminately, good worthless, be considered ^ or of merchantable inferior in and any put former aboard ship Report, and of when quality-, such T a say buildingstone part of the world. ^_| ? . ^ I small they that I have ?^" ^ ?^ } . closelyex« fi'l'y I am \Z^ that "«Tect: •rly opened, rn. y 5. siicJipricea . itfs (which CERTIFICATES. little such Quarryinjr acilitics of Harries I vhich r to » Mr. ves- McKay, With the stone, reference the to "lemand it has that 1855, and respect, and generally would say l|ouse in Temple street, in the given \ to build were Freestone,"I Acadian " U8edK.it for the front of my become » — the me again I perfectsatisfaction most usevthe would I of in every article same that summer could it. I obtain . \ ter mak- here or color The of the hich, on Tlie stonfl also appears 1 It (lollara attracts directed to ir i o qiiar- can be lias much stone appeared discolored at the the whole front is uniform In . me much as it bring from harder and blocks ancJL disappeared, of are inquiries many obtained. be to in want weather. toHhe exposure admiration,and be can reason every om of the several this has but use, in color. to where it to any improved ; of much attention short, I have recommend time a and satisfied, well can safely good buildingmaterial- Yours, respectfully, Jy into H. GEORGE Boston,Sept. 13, SAWIN. / 1856. ? ies ? ? are ilready St. , y^may Johns, Newfoundland, , Dec. I have found the suitable \ei7 -durable, in this city,built with the and fire of I have 1846, when restored replacea singk stone freestone from the for this climate. stones the the from that Acadia My 1856. in Pictou, N. S., Duckwortfi street establishment,stood principalpart interior of the of the houses 13, quarry, of the houses front built of Acadia town was without quarry R. the tek of destroyed, requiringto freestone. PR0U8E. 20 S^'Vrv I)b=ak8,„__, • Acadia I;,, 1855. , '- ''"^ ''?r'""!'' ku"U^. Quan,, JoHNH, Nov. """ '••on. tl. • • S . , „ " ' i' " "l"'sirMl.k.l.uiMi,,^ *'0 '"iaterid,viz. :_ ' ' 't bciiicr clioaj), IS " w,,,.!,,. , '""f easii.. ""-^ "'*''^'''' of .suscoi,til.lo „ very l.iyh fi..i.sl.. , ''"'"'•"' '"^"^eo,„„leJv! -^. ,,;?'" '•:'";"^l-ti.uhuly the hon.ses '' ' «tructed Mr. thereof Kohert were V.ou^, "" ^•'^"- . of ^;5t'li"^e.ne, yourob'tsm't, KVKAND «MirH McKav, WALSH. E8,j. \l I fir certifythart freestone r'epresente,! Nova ^'•^tou, ^^'?•^ Scotia, was used H . '*^ """ "" erected, Isf^"' the;';; i„ l""iicling. ^t has been found to stan.f tl.; .?" ' E i„, ,, ^""^ ""^^^'U^M^ WHP^ - tJKO. ' '-Cf ^^''" " Newfoundland, f'jg^f"^ BENNEIT, Assistant Collector, ^ \ / .u^ ^ 21 Bank your « " kiiij Britisii Nojith AuKRirA, op St. Johns,Newni, Dec. 10, 1855. I'irtuu of MK Sinitli McKay, I application *(^")» that freehorebycertify ^^'*^''" ^'"'??'?y. Nova .Scotia, •'i'^'toii, •u'"'*^''*' wasj I uuder- J frt'in tlie • **"" ^ "..Jw «'"' "isiJe ^'"'.'"'?""t '" "iialoliscr- work of this bank, which wa» (?f)'iJrL'Ct"'(T?h«'re in the vear I841". Tlie above stontv has been fonnd to stand I either outside or I for insidework. ANDREW was the climate of this rccofiTnu'ndit^Ra. safely material good building country,and tliatfreestone" from certify Acadia MILROY, Manager. Nova Scotia, Quarry,l'icto"i. used in the Cathedral-Church i^Tside work,as of this Diocese, both for outside and' label molding, quoins, inullions, Ac. corbots, I consider it an excellent of nice carving, leptible and climate. building material,it works injured by tiie severe is not frosts of this ' • THOMAS F. H. Archdeacon Tub is aus-easily,' of BRIDGE, M. A., ^ ".c. Newfoundland, Rkctorv, St. Johns,Newfd, Nov. 27, 1855. 1 can indorse the contents of the above certificate. JAMES S. CLIFT, Late Church Warden. ,1^ ^„ * ;•':"? J I .1
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