Document 213410

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How to assess the impact of an
electronic document? And what
does impact mean anyway?
Reliable usage statistics in heterogeneous
repository communities
How to assess
the impact of an
Received July 2009
Revised October 2009
Accepted October 2009
Ulrich Herb, Eva Kranz, Tobias Leidinger and Bjo¨rn Mittelsdorf
Saarland University and State Library, Saarbruecken, Germany
Purpose – Usually the impact of research and researchers is quantified by using citation data: either
by journal-centered citation data as in the case of the journal impact factor (JIF) or by author-centered
citation data as in the case of the Hirsch- or h-index. This paper aims to discuss a range of impact
measures, especially usage-based metrics, and to report the results of two surveys.
Design/methodology/approach – The first part of the article analyzes both citation-based and
usage-based metrics. The second part is based on the findings of the surveys: one in the form of a
brainstorming session with information professionals and scientists at the OAI6 conference in Geneva,
the second in the form of expert interviews, mainly with scientists.
Findings – The results of the surveys indicate an interest in the social aspects of science, like
visualizations of social graphs both for persons and their publications. Furthermore, usage data are
considered an appropriate measure to describe quality and coverage of scientific documents;
admittedly, the consistence of usage information among repositories has to be kept in mind. The
scientists who took part in the survey also asked for community services, assuming these might help
to identify relevant scientific information more easily. Some of the other topics of interest were
personalization or easy submission procedures.
Originality/value – This paper delineates current discussions about citation-based and usage-based
metrics. Based on the results of the surveys, it depicts which functionalities could enhance repositories,
what features are required by scientists and information professionals, and whether usage-based
services are considered valuable. These results also outline some elements of future repository research.
Keywords Digital storage, Electronic journals, Data analysis, Open systems, Statistics
Paper type Research paper
As Harnad (2008) explains, the meaning of an impact measure can only be determined
by correlating said measure with either another measure (construct validity) or an
external criterion (external validity).
The authors would like to thank Philipp Mayr, Sven Litzcke, Cornelia Gerhardt, the experts who
prefer to remain anonymous, and all participants of Breakout Group 6 at the OAI6 conference.
Editor’s note: Although this particular article does not focus on a specific open access digital
tool, it does discuss an open access project geared towards providing better and more reliable
information on usage impact in electronic journals. Hence, its inclusion in this special issue.
OCLC Systems & Services:
International digital library
Vol. 26 No. 2, 2010
pp. 133-145
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/10650751011048506
But which data should be employed to check impact measures like the Journal
Impact Factor or the Hirsch-Index?
The range and divergence of potential validating data sets, respectively their object
selection, object granularity, and complexity of calculation instructions, reveal that the
scientific value of a document has multiple dimensions (Moed, 2005b). The actual
choice depends on the perspective from which the impact (usefulness) question is
Galyani Moghaddam and Moballeghi (2008) give an extensive overview of possible
methods. But a matter seldomly addressed is the concrete motivation for impact
measurement, a question that can help in defining what impact should mean in a
specific context.
Statistical predictions and especially quality assessments can become self-fulfilling
prophecies, especially if the numbers are already in use. If we use the height of
academics as a quality criterion in the hiring of new staff members, academic teams
naturally will become taller. A later study of height and institutional quality will find a
high correlation of quality and height, not because of the inevitable working of things
but because this relation was man-made and the variables were confounded to begin
with. Nicholas addresses this issue, commenting on the Journal Impact Factor in an
interview conducted by Shepherd (2007):
Scientometric perspective
Eugene Garfield devized the journal impact factor (JIF) as a filter criterion to determine
whether a journal should be included in the Science Citation Index (SCI) sample
(Garfield, 2006). The restriction on a finite number of journals was not only a matter of
quality but also of practicability. The assumption is that a higher rate of citations
indicates a higher importance/quality/impact of an article but more importantly the
journal. JIF is (in the context of journal assessment) presumably superior to simple
publication counts, as quantity does not depend on quality, but it can be argued that
JIF rather describes a journal’s prestige, concentrates on established topics, and
depends on a certain amount of honesty while it can be easily misunderstood by the
naive or corrupted by the dishonest (Brumback, 2009).
Evaluation perspective
The use of journal impacts in evaluating individuals has its inherent dangers. In an
ideal world, evaluators would read each article and make personal judgements
(Garfield, 2006). There are two main problems in evaluation:
(1) Scientific quality and researcher value are assumed to be multidimensional,
including characteristics outside the publication activity (Moed, 2005b).
(2) Subjective or personal statements, i.e. evaluation by peers, are not reproducible,
and have in modern times the air of bias and distortion about them.
Therefore the questions are:
Which variables should be collected in addition to citation metrics?
How should the variables be weighted?
How to maximize fairness and openness, or can objective measures and
human-made recommendations be synchronized?
Jensen et al. (2009) show a rather low correlation of publication count, citation count,
h-index, and hy and the promotions – depending on peer statements – of CNRS
scientists with the h-index being the least bad. Shepherd (2007) reports that over 40
percent of their web survey sample perceive the JIF as a valid measure, but over 50
percent regard the JIF as over-used.
How to assess
the impact of an
Journal perspective
The motivations of journal editors can be assumed to be purely economic, as only
economically-sound journals can compete with economically-managed journals in a
spiral of competition. Mabel et al. (2007) investigated the attitudes of medical editors
towards the JIF, and their handling of independent variables that are likely to increase
their journal’s JIF rating. Editors relied chiefly on quality increase of their staff to boost
author recruiting, article selection, and author support.
JIF was accepted as status quo, but editors expressed their concern that JIF is not
useful to impress their practising readership; thus, they could not solely rely on
optimizing their JIF scores. They hope that complementary metrics that represent
clinical impact or public advancements will be implemented. Empirical analysis of the
interrelation of journal characteristics and journal performance (McWilliams et al.,
2005) seem to contradict some of the medical editors’ statements. It is rather likely that
different circumstances in management science and medicine account for these
discrepancies. Further assessment of the properties of different disciplines will
improve the transfer of insights.
Library perspective
Electronic documents fundamentally change the mechanisms in libraries. Whereas in
former times, the library was the keeper of objects and controlled and monitored
(sometimes even created) the processes of search, localization, and usage, they have
become an intermediate agent nowadays. These changes might be as trivial as people
being able to receive a text without physically visiting the library, leading to bulletin
boards not being read anymore. Librarians have to adapt by offering telematic
versions of their services (Putz, 2002). On the other hand, the easily-adaptable
electronic reception desk offers opportunities of personalization, customization and
portalization. (Ghaphery and Ream, 2000) and (Ketchell, 2000) warn that
personalization appeals rather to the professional or heavy user whereas customized
views, centred on a specific topic or even specific academic classes, aid the average
student user, who shuns high investments (e.g. login procedure, training period) and
has to change focus of interest quickly. Additionally, metrics can aid subject librarians
in the compilation of resources.
Another issue is billing. As libraries no longer have control over objects, they have
to rely on external server statistics provided by the publishers and hosts to make
licensing and acquisition decisions.
The COUNTER standard (Project COUNTER, 2008) is widely used to generate
usage reports.
Its granularity is rather unfit to help with acquisition decisions. Usage is reported
per journal, not per volume, making it impossible to identify irrelevant vintages that
would better be bought by article on demand and not included in a flat-rate licensing
COUNTER tends to distort the actual usage, for example Davis and Price (2006)
report how interface characteristics of the publisher portal can unjustly increase usage
Educational perspective
Educational science research in general focuses on the classroom aspects of digitization.
Collaborative work environments, online instructions, and testing environments are
designed and evaluated to enhance the lecturers’ efficiency; for example, with
homework management and on the other hand boost student-to-student and
student-to-tutor communication (Appelt, 2001). Electronic resources are produced by
students or prepared by the lecturer to be stored and possibly versioned in the system.
Course reserve collections are often created independently from library activities, as
many coursework software systems are designed as closed applications, which cannot
be easily connected with other services. The aim of education is, on the one hand, to
teach the curricula, but on the other hand, emphasis is placed on teaching information
and communication technology (ICT) competence (Sikkel et al., 2002). As education
relies heavily on textbooks, contemporary citation measures are not applicable.
The usability perspective is a specialized point-of-view that can complement the
paradigms described above. It is most obvious with education, as most education
research explicitly includes investigations of ease of use and practicability. On the
other hand, institutions and organizations in a competitive environment (libraries,
universities, and publishers) can improve their strategic position by increasing user
efficiency. These can be purely technical aspects (e.g. a user achieving his goal with
fewer steps requires less server computation time), but in general it has to be discussed
whether the service does fulfil the request at all and whether it meets the user’s needs.
Much discussed aspects of usability in information dissemination are recommender
services, though their main application is in the commercial area (Montaner et al.,
2003). The vast amount of works already available and the increasing growth rate can
be assumed to overload the faculties of non-elite information hunters and gatherers (i.e.
most students, practitioners, interested private persons, and persons concerned). Even
a professional academic researcher can overlook an article and be informed in peer
review about his non-optimal library search.
But recommenders cannot only help to clarify a topic. Content providers are very
interested in recommenders that show the visitor alternative objects of interest, hoping
that the user spends more time with the provider’s products. This can be a benefit by
itself, as straying users increase the amount of views and visits, which is reflected in
COUNTER statistics as well as in revenues for paid advertizements.
Other aspects of usability include visualization of data, personalization including
user notes, and comments being saved for later visits. See Expert Interviews and
Brainstorming Session later in this article for further examples.
But valid usage statistics are valuable to all of the perspectives. To scientometry, it
is an additional database that enables research in construct validity and sociological
aspects of citation habits, though it has to be emphasized that there is no mono-variant
relation between usage and citation (Moed, 2005a). Possibly citations and usage are
independent dimensions of multi-dimensional impact.
Access of an electronic resource can be measured in real-time and to a certain extent
in-house. This should appeal to evaluation committees as well as developers (and
usability testers) of educational methods and academic services. Methodologically
speaking, access and to a lesser degree usage are observable, whereas questionnaires
and even references/citations are susceptible to bias and distortions based on human
language, beliefs and self-consciousness (Nicholas et al., 2005).
Libraries and publishers have always counted their users’ activity. It is a simple
result of billing. And of course these numbers were used to advertize the journal
following the logic of the tyranny of the majority: The journal read by many should
also be read by you.
There are problems that have to be addressed:
The observable event in a repository of digitized objects reached via HTTP is the
client computer request for said object to the web server.
Neither a human intention nor successful delivery is strictly necessary. There are
visits that result from search engines updating their search indices, errantry, and
prefetching. Thin clients and proxy servers aggravate telling whether two
persons used a document or one person read it twice.
Furthermore, aggregated statistics (e.g. author statistic) suffer from multiple
instances of one document, but also from print-outs, private sharing of articles,
making it very hard for the statistics provider to produce an ecologically valid
parameter (Nicholas, 1999). See Stassopoulou and Dikaiakos (2007) for a dynamic
approach to robot detection.
The heterogeneity of perspectives strongly indicates that a single measure, even a
single method, is hardly a reliable decision base. Furthermore, this diversity implies
that even if one perspective were to reject usage analysis based on scientifically valid
reasons, this cannot automatically extend to other motivations.
Open Access Statistics (OA-S) and similar projects
Interoperable Repository Statistics (IRS) is a British project tailored to the British
repository context. Utilising PERL scripts and the software tool AWStats, EPrints and
DSpace repository access logs can be analysed. The strength lies in the well-prepared
presentation possibilities offering various kinds of graphs and granularities (IRS,
MESUR is a research project that has established a large set of usage data by
logging activities on publisher and link resolver servers. They aim towards creation
and validation of usage-based metrics as well as validity testing of other impact
measures (Bollen et al., 2008).
The PEER project investigates the relation between open access archiving,
research, and journal viability (Shepherd, 2007). To this end, PEER measures usage of
a closed set of journals made open access by publishers for the project’s duration.
PIRUS is developing a standard for article-level usage reports that adheres to
COUNTER Codes of Practice. A prototype and abstract description were created to
enable document hosts to report the raw access data to an aggregating server or
process it themselves (Shepherd and Needham, 2009).
Open Access Statistics (OA-S, is a
project funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) and conducted by the Project Partners State- and
University Library Go¨ttingen (Georg-August Universita¨t Goettingen), the Computer-
How to assess
the impact of an
and Mediaservice at Humboldt-University Berlin, Saarland University and State
Library, and the University Library Stuttgart. OA-S aims to:
establish protocols and algorithms to standardize calculations of usage
frequency on web-technology based on open access repositories;
create an infrastructure to collect the raw access data, process it accordingly; and
supply the participating repositories with the usage metrics.
In contrast to IRS, statistical parameters are not calculated locally, so in addition to
article-level measurements, parameters beyond document granularity can be
implemented, like author-centred statistics or usage aggregation over different
versions, or multiple instances of the same publication like preprint vs post-print or
self-deposit vs repository copy. This flexibility in scope should ease the combination
and comparison of usage statistics and bibliometric indices. Methods and experiences
are similar to those of the PIRUS project, but OA-S concentrates on the centralized
aggregation strategy and faces an even more diverse repository software ecosystem.
In addition to the bibliometric perspective, the project will specify functionalities to
enhance the usability of repositories, e.g. quality valuations, document
recommendations, based among others on usage data.
In order to focus on the services most needed, a questionnaire survey will be
conducted to determine actual user priorities. It should be noted that neither the
interviews nor the brainstorming were limited to a special perspective or methodology.
All ideas were accepted equally (see Figure 1).
Expert interviews
The expert interviews were conducted according to the guidelines given by Bogner
et al. (2005). Most experts were identified through their publications. To add publisher
and user perspective, persons who are involved in journal production and are situated
at Saarland University were contacted, too. Overall, five out of ten candidates agreed to
participate in a loosely-structured interview. Interview length ranged from 12 to 57
minutes. No person-centred presentation of results is given to ensure privacy. Most
interviews were conducted via phone. All were recorded with explicit consent from the
participants and afterwards transcribed to text.
The following list consists of the experts’ ideas and inspirations from the
recommender (high-usage-quota-based);
freshness-recommender (recent-publication-based);
minority-recommender (low-usage-quota-based);
profile-recommender (based on profile similarities);
subject-recommender (thematic-proximity-based);
usage-similarity-recommender (clickstream-similarity-based);
citation-recommender (citation-intersection-based);
favourites-recommender (users’-favourites-lists-based);
recommendation of central authors;
school-of-thought recommender (scientific social network graph);
How to assess
the impact of an
Figure 1.
The raw data generated
by user requests is
transmitted to the central
author-centred usage statistics;
repository-centred usage statistics;
subject-centred usage statistics;
user-centred usage statistics;
reordering links (usage-quota-based);
collapsing links in large result sets (usage-quota-based);
re-rendering result list layout;
dead link identification;
users’ quality statements, i.e. comments (free text);
users’ quality statements (rating);
quality statements (usage-based);
ensuring document accessibility (bridging the gaps between different storages);
automated retro-digitalization requesting;
automated translation requesting;
feed notifications;
notifying friends manually (e.g. via e-mail);
search phrase recommender; and
search result commenting.
Brainstorming session
A brainstorming was conducted as part of Breakout Group 6 at the OAI6 conference in
Geneva (Mittelsdorf and Herb, 2009). In contrast to the expert interviews, many
proposals were concerned with interface design and data visualization and
presentation. This possibly results from the fact that many participants are situated
in libraries. The ideas are grouped and preluded by buzzword labels (Arabic numbers)
to heighten readability.
central unique author identification;
i. author;
ii. identification/profile;
iii. picture;
iv. projects; and
v. competence.
network of authors;
i. social;
ii. professional;
iii. expertize; and
iv. field of interest.
Visualizations/indexing dimensions:
paper’s context;
visual social graph;
show development of ideas (network graph displaying publication times for a
document set);
visualization of publication’s geo-location;
position publication in the “landscape of science”;
project’s social map;
visualize data and connections;
semantic classification; and
numerical Semantics (speech independence).
Barrier reduction:
connect to the world (link between science and application);
publication-news-binding; and
solicit further research;
i. need stack;
ii. wish list; and
How to assess
the impact of an
iii. request notification;
Reception tracking:
consistent access statistics;
re-use tracking; and
enhanced (complex) metrics (for better evaluation).
Assistance (author and user):
automatic update/linking pre-print þ new version;
thumbnail/snapshot creation (first page display);
integrate everything (integrate information and processes and results) seamlessly
working; and
modification of the document catalogues’ structures.
practicable access to repositories not only via modern PC capabilities and resolution
(e.g. mobile phones, hand helds, OLPC, etc.)
Assistance (author):
real-time assistance in form fill-in;
automatic metadata creation/lookup;
reduce redundant work (intelligent submission);
dynamic publication (version management of production and reception; collaborative
easy submission process;
dynamic publication list (exportable);
bonus point system;
easy feedback from authors to repository;
repository as workspace;
repository as research/production environment;
educational assistance/encouragement for new authors (how-tos);
automatic/easy classification/positioning of new publication; and
automatic citation generation.
Assistance (user):
track/pursue other searchers’ way through the repository;
user recommendations as part of repository;
graph/image extraction from papers;
dataset extraction; and
assign personalized searchable attributes
i. personal comments;
ii. pictures as bookmarks;
iii. memory aids;
iv. relevance statement; and
transparent result display relevance criteria.
Simple numbers in this section indicate items from the expert interview set, while
number-letter-combinations belong to the brainstorming set.
Both samples expressed a strong awareness of and interest in the social aspects and
laws shaping modern science, calling for social graphs of publications and authors (10.
and 2.a.-f.).
Statistics were perceived as an information source to judge quality and coverage
(11.-14.), whereas the brainstorming group emphasized inter-repository consistency of
statistics as a precondition (4.a.) and possible benefits to evaluation (4.c.).
Many ideas revolved around community sharing, assuming a positive shift in the
amount of work required to identify an interesting paper (7.a.; 7.b. and 27.). These
trends are probably inspired by the widely-perceived impact of user-generated content
and community content management. The same is probably true of 7.b., 7.e.i-iv, 28., 19.,
20., and 8., but in addition, this strong demand for personalization mechanisms implies
that users have the impression of many redundant steps in repository handling (e.g.
search for a specific piece of text in a previously-read article).
Overall, the experts accepted the repository interface as it is in contrast to the
brainstorming group. Most technical and bureaucratic proposals came from the latter,
possibly because a majority are employed in the library/knowledge management
sector. The experts interviewed, on the other hand, emphasized that not only the
amount of services is important but also the service’s success rate. All of them would
tolerate recommender systems with an accuracy of 90 percent or more but would rather
not be bothered by the noise produced by an inaccurate service.
There seems to be a demand for complex measures and the unfiltered presentation
of complex interrelations instead of simplifications. The persons interviewed no longer
believed in the promise of simple numbers describing the world without loss of
Future research
To investigate the desirability order of the collected ideas, quantitative methods will be
used. The questionnaire will have three logical parts:
(1) Demographic questions for identifying user subcultures and later data re-use.
(2) General “attitude towards different kinds of service” questions. These are filter
questions that cause blocks of questions for specific services to be asked.
(3) Specific questions. A participant will have to answer a number of thematic
blocks based on his general attitudes.
The questionnaire will be a set of HTML forms. Adaptive testing is easily implemented
using dynamically-generated HTML pages. Adaptive testing reduces the number of
items presented, which helps to prevent participants from giving random answers to
questions they are not interested in.
In electronic testing, there is also no need to manually transcribe answers from
hard-copy forms into the computer, thus eliminating the risk of transcribing errors.
Execution via HTML forms is today the cheapest and most efficient way to conduct
a survey targeting a large and international sample. There will be at least a German
and an English version.
The ideas presented in this paper provide those persons concerned with usability
improvement and the creation of new services with valuable hints to the library or
interface perspective. The informative value will greatly increase, as the results of the
questionnaire survey can be quantitatively interpreted.
The benefit to the other perspectives should not be underrated. Aside from
designing specialized tools for evaluators, the data needed to implement added-value
services and the data generated by visitors utilising these services can be integrated
with established data sources’ increasing validity and the amount of variance
Usage data can be used to analyse the validity of bibliometric constructs. New
modes of synchronous and asynchronous communication can help libraries and
universities, even publishers, to tailor their stock to their clients’ demands and even to
rectify content or reference structures. A stronger awareness of the social aspects of the
publishing process can renew peer communication and make peer review more
transparent if not completely open. Educational as well as non-academic personnel are
not only a beneficiary but, as shown in the brainstorming, can be a source of major
transformations assuming that it is supported by students, academics, and
Additionally the use of open protocols and standards for object description and data
transfer are strictly necessary: Different solutions can aid the innovation process but
this should not be an excuse for implementing the same algorithm on a different set of
objects without retaining interoperatability with other providers. The OAI standards
as well as standards as IFABC, ORE, and OpenURL context objects need to be
employed and further refined.
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the BSCW system”, Parallel and Distributed Processing, 2001, Proceedings of the Ninth
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How to assess
the impact of an
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Conference on Digital Libraries, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 231-40.
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for libraries, publishers, and Project COUNTER”, Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57 No. 9, pp. 1243-8.
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Garfield, E. (2006), “The history and meaning of the journal impact factor”, Journal of the
American Medical Association, Vol. 295 No. 1, pp. 90-3.
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Information Technology and Libraries, Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 186-90.
Harnad, S. (2008), “Validating research performance metrics against peer rankings”,
Inter-research Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, Vol. 8, pp. 103-7.
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17 July 2009).
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prediction of scientists promotions”, Scientometrics, Vol. 78 No. 3, pp. 467-79.
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Information Technology and Libraries, Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 175-9.
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Organizational Research Methods, Vol. 8 No. 2, pp. 185-201.
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factor: retrospective analysis of trends for seven medical journals (1994-2005) and their
Editors’ views”, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Vol. 100 No. 3, pp. 142-50.
Mittelsdorf, B. and Herb, U. (2009), “Breakout group 6. Access data mining: a new foundation for
added-value services in full text repositories”, available at:¼72&confId¼48321 (accessed 17 August 2009).
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Information Science and Technology, Vol. 56 No. 10, pp. 1088-97.
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Project COUNTER (2008), COUNTER Codes of Practice, available at:
code_practice.html (accessed 17 July 2009).
Putz, M. (2002), Wandel der Informationsvermittlung in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken,
University of Applied Sciences for Library and Information Management, Eisenstadt,
17 July.
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education”, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Vol. 39 No. 1, pp. 26-45.
Shepherd, P. (2007), Final Report on the Investigation into the Feasibility of Developing and
Implementing Journal Usage Factors, available at:
FinalReportUsageFactorProject.pdf (accessed 17 July 2009).
Shepherd, P. and Needham, P.A.S. (2009), PIRUS Final Report, available at:
media/documents/programmes/pals3/pirus_finalreport.pdf (accessed 17 August 2009).
Stassopoulou, A. and Dikaiakos, M.D. (2007), “A probabilistic reasoning approach for
discovering web crawler sessions”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4505 No. 1,
pp. 265-72.
Further reading
Shepherd, P. and Wallace, J.M. (2009), “PEER: a European project to monitor the effects of
widespread open access archiving of journal articles”, Serials, Vol. 22 No. 1, pp. 19-23.
About the authors
Ulrich Herb studied Sociology at Saarland University, Germany. He is a member of the electronic
publishing group of Saarland University and State Library. Ulrich Herb is the corresponding
author and can be contacted at:
Eva Kranz is studying Bioinformatics at Saarland University, Germany, where she also has
been working as a student assistant for Open-Access-Statistics since 2008. Ms Kranz is actively
involved in the open source project Collabtive where she is responsible for development,
documentation and community management.
Tobias Leidinger is studying Computer Science at Saarland University, Germany. He has
worked on several electronic publishing projects at Saarland University and State Library (e.g.
OPUS 4 and Open Access Statistics), since 2006.
Bjo¨rn Mittelsdorf has been a member of Open-Access-Statistics since 2008. Previously he
spent two years at the Institute for Psychology Information, Trier, Germany, where he was
involved in digital preservation of primary research data.
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How to assess
the impact of an