66 2004: 18 0 1 2 $11,682 Off Dirt: 6 1 1 0 $21,180 Breeder: Mr. &Mrs. Bertram R. Firestone ( 7-0-1-1 ) 18the 0mount? 14 26-'How $11,682 Off Dirt: 6 2 go? 13 # 12What’s 06$21,180 R37* +,.' 7'* 'look *'006 L7.2+7.2'.3D''*E] .9\X # Who 2004: $ # 72" H$58,990 #his breeding? BlackLTie Affair (IRE) - Sharp Flash=7 (GB) by Kris (GB),the KY7. (May 1H 16, 1998) Gr/ro.m.7 Clm Price: $20,000 Who did he beat? had fast did## they For answers performances ofPrice: this 66; 3 $96,721 Distance: 25#$ Black R37* L Tiethe -7*.24H I' 9D( .DD *7: W $ Life: << ! " <2 6 +, Gr/ro.m.7 Clm Black Affair (IRE)[@' - Sharp Flashto(GB) by past Kris)'45 (GB), KY?*@ (May1703'. H 16, 1998)pages $20,000 66 3 42 A63A $96,721 Distance: 25 2 22 32 $45,060 dots,L white sleeves, red cap Pim: $ 22 2 $48,220 Course: 14# 0 R37* +,-'. -*7'. 6 ?*@ 1703'.6 =7* -.7H .03D 27: 4 4K'8 Black A?4 : # Life: # #!#" $58,990 RED, 6 white RED, white dots, white sleeves, red cap R37* L ' *'006 7. 1H L7.2+7.2'.3D''*E] =7 .' 7'* Pim: 22 2 2 3 $48,220 Course: 14 2 2 2 $45,060 72" .9\X +,# $ # ; -' #$ # H 6 # track program. might look intimidating at first, but this will show you to+,-use the ?2*00 wealth of)'45 dataR72 each horse. LL7370 -7*.24H I' ?*@supplied 1703'. H [@'4 9D( .DD *7: all < W $ << -9 A .9\X ! " ## < +,- P how ' 0J 0'9 4 L:37H 7 ..:E]for &7D : &230NO 4K'8 A?# It W #; 4 page #H ; 6 %R37* 46 How to Read the Program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tart Place Show Earnings L7370 PR37* L:37H R72 7Win ..:E] &7D : &230NO ?2*00 ' 0J 0'9 4 0D/D 0(.0D(J: 4K'8 A?# W ; < #; -9 .9\X 4 #H;H % 4 )* -L +,- -'. -*7'. 6 ?*@ 1703'.6 =7*P*7 NO -.7H .03D 27: 4 C78.: L'@.DEF /# <6 =7* 4K'8 A?4 : # $ #72"#!#" # 0 $46 %6 6 7D*D( ;+,+, > -'A .9\X $ # ?3'70 M L*'B*/0 L'.@0H =J -97:6 [@. 70:EF @0D 9D( 278 97: !#" .9 \, # +,A #$ 6 6 5 %H #4 =J ? YW < Who did he beat? Who had the mount? How fast did they go? What’s his breeding? For the answers look to the past performance pages of the -& > 1& /7*'7B46 =7* ('0D/D $ " 4 9D#!$ "$' )*L7370 - )* C78.: L'@.DEF /# <6 72".9\X $0 > #; ; -' $ 4 5H %6 # J P- +,- ?2*00 L:37H R72P*7 NO 7 &':7002*4EF ..:E] &7D0(.0D(J: !: &230NO ' 0'9 4 4K'8 A?# W < #; -9 .9\X #H $; H %7D*D( 467D*D( +,4 \(0J .' *7: ,@B: I7D46 > e ;; ;$ A-' ! " ;+,I' )'H -07.76 # + 5(.' 6 7'* 72" -@2 #% .9\X ) 44 5 H H ;6646 4 )*>' +,#4 #7 . 3 . 3 . @ $! 7D*D( - A )Q+,- 9D @*.( .' I7D46 /7*'7B46 &':7002*4EF ,@B: 9D \( .' *7: > ; #; ;$ A ! " $0 N ""' 7D*D( )* - # C =J C78.: L'@.DEF /# <6 =7* P*7 NO 0D/D > 72".9\X #$ YWT %6?3'70 +,-K#4 # show ; +,L*'B*/0 L'.@0H =J -97:6 [@. 70:EF @0D 0(.0D(J: 9D( 278 97: 4 A-' !#".9 \, but 6 6H5$ %H ?Clm program. < Prc track It< ; all2 look at$ first, you to the wealth data supplied ?3'70 Rhorse. L*'B*/0 L'.@0H 70:EF @0D 9D( 278 ! ."might # .' %* ! # $&' 2page !will " # $&.' )*.. 0 use ! ." # -97:6 .&.' *% Aintimidating 43( !#" .9 \, %.*% 6 6 this 5 .%H #; +,#4 how F "#$ =J ? 3( YW &; & -3 0 ))) 8 : $ "/7*'7B46 [@.of !": ; ' Cfor 97: each "#@ L =J 9' - 49 ,@B: I7D46 &':7002*4EF 9D \( .' *7: ! " > #; $0 5;6 4 6 ) 7D*D( +, A ) 1&)* ;* $50,000 I' )'H -07.76 5 6 -@2 (P.P.8) e ; #% -'A 72"72" .9\X +,#4 @& >' A>' ; Lori 9D @*.( .'7'* I' )'H -07.76 # 9D @*.( .' 7'* 56 # -@2 e ; #%;$ -' .9\X ) ) 44 4 4 HH;6 4 4H4 7 +,- #4 Owner: Mailey & Tammy Wolfendale 70 Track 2 ' O <+= 4/1 A B Ramon A $4( S P H 120 ?3'70 ; L*'B*/0 @0D 9D( 278 97: L'.@0H =J -97:6 [@. 70:EF A !#" .9 \, #$ 6 6 5 %H # +,#4 D A3( H P B W Q =J ? YW >>> (:A $ < ! ." # .' %* 3( ! " # $&' %.*% . 2 ! " # $&.' )*.. 0 ! ." # .&.' *% 3( ! ." # .' %* 3( ! " # $&' %.*% . 2 ! " # $&.' )*.. Howard 0 E. Wolfendale ! ." # .&.' *% ) Trainer: ( 2-0-0-0 Dominguez Y @@:4 3 9 ) N " I 2005: 0 )9 0 0 Turf: 0 1 0 ;601 $0 >' A ) ; I' )'H -07.76 # 5 6 9D @*.( .' 7'* -@2 (P.P.8) .9\X +, G e ;<33 #%0 -'/& $072" ) 40 ? 4 0 H 4 Owner: 4 #4 (P.P.8) &Mailey Tammy Lori Mailey Owner: Lori &Wolfendale Tammy Wolfendale 70 Ramon A70 Ramon Breeder: Amin Saiden 4/1 ( 0-0-0-0 ) 4/1 A D 120 ALEXANDRIA P.P 3 2004: 5 1 0 (AL) 0 $13,110 Off Dirt: 1 0 1 0 120 $5,000F E.)*.. Wolfendale ( 2-0-0-0 )( 2-0-0-0 Howard E. Wolfendale ) .&.' *% Howard Life: 3(J2005: !25." # .' %* 3(Turf: ! $&' .$85,800 2 Trainer: !Trainer: " # $&.' 0 ! by ." #Woodman, Ch.m.5 Out of Place -S S N Phoenix FL (Apr Dominguez 17, 2000) Clm Price: $20,000 M" # 00 17 00 30%.*% Dominguez Distance: E C 0 00 5 00 3 00 70 $111,620 $0$0Turf: 0 30 0 6 $0 $0Breeder: Orange 2005: Amin Saiden ( I0-0-0-0 ) 70 green Breeder: Saiden Amin Owner: Lori Mailey & Tammy Wolfendale 2004: 3 7 5 1 18 0 09 010 0 $10,890 $13,110 Off Dirt: N 1 11 0 120113 014 0 15 $5,000 5 Pim: 2 3(P.P.8) 4 2004: 6 K 20 0-0-0-0 (Ramon 16 17 23 244/1 21 18 19 GREEN, blue collar, 'MW' in diamond frame, 22 blue bar and cuffs on sleeves, cap) X Course: 2 0 $1,770 5 125 05 30 7$13,110 OffDistance: Dirt: 171 30 3 1 6 0$85,800 $5,000 120 $20,000 A Ch.m.5 Out of Place - S S N Phoenix by Woodman, FL (Apr 17, 2000) Clm Price: Life: $111,620 Orange Price: $20,000 Out of Place S S N Phoenix by Woodman, FL (Apr 17, 2000) Clm Ch.m.5 Trainer: Howard E. Wolfendale ( 2-0-0-0 ) O 1 N3:D :OZ5 -&:FK & - ""N" : N 3 h Mb'C:TU 'UY'C:DQ C ` / C0&4" ## == # YK !TK #FE #FD !FB : 9 " # Life: 25 5 3 7 $111,620 Distance: 17 3 3 6 $85,800 Q 'MW' Dominguez *7( .' 7'* 7. 1H L7.2+7.2'.3D''*E] #.9\X <G A773' +,- frame, #4 =7 blue collar, in diamond blue' bar*'006 and cuffs on sleeves, green cap # 2005: $ Pim: #0 ; 3 0 1 Orange S 00 00-'$10,890 $0 Course: Turf: U2 0 0 #00 0 #5$1,770 0H $H GREEN, $0 L 1 GREEN, blueAmin 'MW' 9 in diamond blue and cuffs onP* sleeves, green cap Breeder: Saiden ( 0-0-0-0 3 # 0 23 Course: 2. 0 1@BH 0 T Pim: ,. - collar, 1bar - /, ) D'9. %frame, @U2 #U 9 2:F Rh "!>" # -/3 'C!QU 'LE'$CBD 0)C4 "FF"FU"FL # @C-X7.D*74EF " *87 T 5 14% 1 0CG` 0 0$10,890 $13,110 Off -c Dirt: 1# 0 #5 0$H 6 4 >. P'#H 9'* 9D( K'8 $ A ! " H H$1,770 NOA773' EF Q'.2@T 4 +, 7. 1H L7.2+7.2'.3D''*E] =7 ' *'006 *7( .' 7'* &2-+,#4 -' #.9\X # 0 BB <$5,000 #3 2004: $ ; 5 7 Ch.m.5 Out of Place S S N Phoenix by Woodman, FL (Apr 17, 2000) Clm Price: Z Life: 25 5 3 7A $111,620 Distance: 17# 3V 3H 6NO $85,800 Claimed from Biasin Richard P. for-'$50,000, Ruth A. - # Trainer A773' =7 ' *'006 7. 1H L7.2+7.2'.3D''*E] *7( .' $20,000 7'* +,#.9\X H $H <'.2@T #4 # ; & - Q4 -X7.D*74EF 6 /, 4 P* >. P'#H 9D(": 9'* D'9. *87 ! " K'8 $ # $ 4% A Cook . H#5 EF +,- Orange C7'. [ ; *.00 CD4<H ='*./ '9.4H 4 4 8D .0(09@.2 +, NO 6 6 -J* ! " ! $ #< 1 2 3 4 6Pim:8 11 0 12$10,890 Course: 13 214 150 16 0 170 18 GREEN, 19 20 21 'MW' 22 in23diamond 24 frame, blue bar and cuffs on sleeves, green cap 25 '@ 26 collar, 3 9 1 100 C7'. [ ,. CD4<H ='*./ '9.4H 4 ": 8D .0(09@.2 '@ H:.. & -;blue '.2@T # DBNO 6 NO -X7.D*74EF 6 /, 44 P* >. P'#H 9D( 9'* D'9. $ #7 $ #< A ! " ! . K'8 627 4% A23 ! " EF +,2+,- 4 &@IJ%@OZ5 ;@IJ 5 >" C-J* -/ 3 h 3 'C!YT 'BT'$#UA 0)C4 H CY 6 H CLK CQ$1,770 $K !UW @*.00 9 C! *87 &4&C&9 6 #CG` 899 322 HHH 3& " 4 : 25 20 A773' ' *'006 7. 1H L7.2+7.2'.3D''*E] -' #.9\X #5 6$DH6 $H$UK < C7'. +,- #4 e =7 h $ # ; 627 #7 &4&C&9 6 # 899 322 HHH 3& " dq-p3 7.2D ,. - ,:OZ-3 -&"OP9 (:FU $ 8D *7( .' 7'* : "! C '@ "$, <# 'C#BL 'DQ'C$EB $ ` !" 0!")4 @ #D: "NO $Q$H [ Q & 2- - ; +,*.00 CD4<H ='*./ '9.4H ": 4 .0(09@.2 # -J* 3 b $ #< A23 ! " ! 4 '.2@T ,@B: I7D#EF =J7@7* 7#64 &'+. D0 ?@. .('@(J: !" 0 % $Q; OZ # +,- 9 4 7* ,* W ; % A 60$ 9D( 9'*$ '.2@T & -,. I7D#EF =J7@7* 7#6 ?@. ,@B: .('@(J: $H % ;H 4# ,*3 W&4&C&9 ; %4% 322 A!" !" 0 #&2-+,'.2@T -X7.D*74EF 6 &'+. /, 4 P* >.7.2D D'9. P'#H ! " 4 K'8 . h #7 A H@YW NO:LR EFCDKC7J03*( +, -) 1 4 [#UK2 1D0 -#U- 5#OZ &3 - :+ "7* -/ 3627 'C!TE 'AE'$UD $ ` 23 #: ! @YW :T <H 9Y M #:=@78 *87. # 6 # 899 HHH 3&0!")4 " )* =^@79 RD -+'@ 7DD#6 77 ':4 9D +9 \(7.2D A !" .D # H H $6 # +,1+ ,* ; < 27 -J* :1+ C7J03*( )*/ ) 1 # =@78 =^@79 RD -+'@ 7DD#6 77 ':4 9D!Q +9 \(7.2D # DH H <H +,- Y M !" .D! U A 23< ,* b ; < /&!OPc% %#Qc & - 1 'C:BE '$BB'CCLD $ ` ). C@ @ @FU @TK :FE 94 !! @ '@ C7'. ;! *.00 CD4<H ='*./ '9.4H 4 ": 4 . # 8D .0(09@.2 # NO@FY 6; $6 6 :AK +, ! " h $ #< A u &[ - N ( # '.2@T ,@B: I7D#EF =J7@7* 7#6 &'+. ?@. 7.2D .('@(J: 7* ,* 3 W ; % AA !" 0 '.**: +,4 7 1* C78:'@37*D4H $&D0 !" .D ):. #0 # $H 5% <6OP +,# # ,* #$ 4 J*00D & =@3 7 1* C78:'@37*D4H $& 6 J*00D 9D 6 +9(9B.D .D #0 H <6 '.**: & +, 23 A # ,* $ ##7 $ #$ / # - ,@OP23"FK/$K 9D+9(9B.D $1 g90N54 &# h3 'CYE ) ? 9 @ $#=@3 " 627 &4&C&9 6 #$ 899 322 HHH!" 3&.D " # 4 # V 5HH H 28 C7J03*( )* ) 1 =@78 =^@79 RD -+'@ 7DD#6 77 ':4 9D +9 \(7.2D !" # A <H $6 +,Y M 1+ ,* ; < '.2@T & =J'@0EF =@DD.: 803<6 & . EF '@*@.( 72" .9\X 4 ,*# -' 4. $H % H H +, & --3 =J'@0EF =@DD.: 803<6 & .EF '@*@.( 9D # " 9D. ## ,*#& h3 < -') 72" .9\X 4. )". $H % H H '.2@T 4 2+,- ,$W+ 3 W9":K - $ $# C1 g-0N54 'C!DE $ ` ? 1 2 W 29 7* '.2@T ,@B: I7D#EF =J7@7* 7#6 D0 ?@. 7.2D9D .('@(J: !" 0 $HH;H % ; '0 A'.**: # +,4 ,* # W ; % A & & -2+,- =@3 7 =B.2 1* &'+. $& +9(9B.D A/ !" .D #0 +,,* J*00D , '0 '' C'.:#5 3 C78:'@37*D4H =8*6 -X7.D*7 .' 27.(6 3D 3*D -9 #.9\X ##% ## # 5 6 A , $ #$ ; $ K'8 '' C'.:#5 =B.2 3 =8*6 -X7.D*7 .'27.( -9 ##% 6%;H<6 %FW +, K'8 # # ; $ -3 b# -"$K /3"$K, ":W 3D <& 26 # "@/ g90N54 hb '!LE $ ` )#.9\X ? ? /.D2 )". "$ " 3*D. #4 C7J03*( ) 1 # =@78 =^@79 RD 803<6 -+'@ 7DD#6 77 ':4 9D +9'@*@.( \(7.2D *%% !" A # *$ $HH H $6#'.2@T Y M 1+ ,* ; < 30 ! $" # &' % + ! ."4. # .&%: > = <H 2 " ): * "' +,+,2 " # )&: * & -)** =J'@0EF =@DD.: & . EF 9D # ,*# -' 72" .9\X % H H 4 ! $" # &' *%% % + ! ." # .&%: *$ > = 2 " # ): "' 2 " # )&: * ;-#1st " N N H!@ :- 1st , "!" 2;A -$NAdjunct '$#" $H Maryland , " 2;<6 CN '.**: 'C@: &"H$@ +,- # =@3 7 1* C78:'@37*D4H $& 6 J*00D 9D +9(9B.D 4 28B1 +&7$( 27 A #0 5" H ,* ": $ L - Lasix, Lasix, O #$ -'$C Off Lasix, B - Bute, Bute, Med; Bred A, .' 27.( 3D 3*D +,- '' C'.:#5 =B.2 3 =8*6 -X7.D*7 -9B1 #.9\X ##% #E#-E 6 ;HBred % '0 K'8 # L1 Lasix, ; L# - Lasix, L1 -1st O $ - Off Lasix, B - Bute, - 1st Bute, A -.D Adjunct Med; - Maryland 1-1a: Gill '@*@.( 9D # ,*#Michael J.PP -' 72".9\X 4. $H % H H '.2@T & - 4 +,- =J'@0EF =@DD.: 803<6 & .EF Quarter Horse /J.Mix Line: 1-1a: Michael Gill ! $" # &' *%% % + ! ." # .&%: *$ > = 2 " # ): * "' 2 " # )&: * 2-2x: Home Team Stables;Finish Line Racing Stable 3 1 3 3 '0 A,@ '' C'.:#5 =B.2 3 =8*6 -X7.D*7 .' 27.( 3D. 3*D -9 #.9\X ##% # 6 ;H % +, K'8 # ; $ 4 2-2x: Home Team Stables;Finish Line Racing Stable 1( 2 ?(( %< ((<EM 22 %%3KM! 9%,C 2 @1 6"1 2% 34 A 0BCD 0,3CDE FG ! :? . ,HI ++ ,CJ .JKL 4 4 - 1st Lasix, O - Off Lasix, B - Bute, B1 - 1st Bute, A - Adjunct Med; E - Maryland Bred L - Lasix, L1 PIM-01/07/2005-6 1-2-5-7 ! % + ! ." # .&%: *$SELECTIONS: > = 2 " # ): * "' 2 " # )&: * 1-1a: Michael J. Gill 31 29 30 32 $" # &' *%% PIM-01/07/2005-6 SELECTIONS: 1-2-5-7 COURSE CONDITIONS EQUIBASE Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. - Lasix,Team L1 - 1st Lasix, O - OffLine Lasix, B - Bute, B1 - 1st Bute, A - AdjunctCopyright Med; E< -2005 Maryland Bred 2-2x:L Home Stables;Finish Racing Stable Copyright < 2005 EQUIBASE Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 4-1 ALEXANDRIA (AL) ALEXANDRIA (AL) ALEXANDRIA (AL) 7 7 7 7 1-1a:DESCRIPTION Michael J. Gill HORSE PIM-01/07/2005-6 2-2x: Home Team Stables;Finish Line Racing Stable A Horse’s name HORSE DESCRIPTION PIM-01/07/2005-6 SELECTIONS: 1-2-5-7 ft - fast Dirt Turf fm - firm hy-heavy Turf lifetime race record wf-wet fast sl-slow hd - hard Copyright < 2005 EQUIBASE Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. SELECTIONS: 1-2-5-7 Lifetime race record over dirt courses that were B Weight carried by horse including jockey and equipment sy-sloppy sf - soft gd - good NCopyright Lifetime race record over dirt courses that were A Horse’s name < 2005than EQUIBASE LLC. All Rights Reserved. my-muddy fz - frozen gd - good other “fast”Company C Program number forbywagering purposes jockey and equipment labeled labeled other than “fast” B Weight carried horse including yl - yeilding O Lifetime race record over today’s scheduled racing (1a, 2b reflect coupled entries) C OURSES C OURSE C ONDITIONS O Lifetime race record at this distance C Program number for wagering purposes surface at this D Post position numbercoupled in starting gate - main turf Dirt - steeplechase Turf P Race day racetrack medication ((L)/Lasix, (L*)/first time lasix, (1a, 2b reflect entries) - inner P Race (LX)/coming day medication (L1)/first time lasix, - hurdle fm - firm hy-heavy ft - turf fast E Morning odds number as determined by Oddsmaker off((L)/Lasix, Lasix) D PostLine position in starting gate dirt fast sl-slow - inner wf-wet - hard tr - training hd track (LX)/coming off meet-to-date Lasix) F Trainer and meet in-the-money percentage Q Jockey and stats E Morning linestats oddswith as determined by Oddsmaker - downhill turf gd - good sy-sloppy - equitracksf - soft Q Jockey and meet-to-date stats with in-the-money percentage G Horse’s color, gender, age and bloodlines R Lifetime stats at this racetrack F Trainer and meet stats my-muddy - Timber course fz - frozen - Off Turf gd - good at this H State or country where bredage, andbloodlines breeder and owner silks R Lifetime S TRAstats saddle clothdistance color G Horse’s color, gender, - Hunt yl - yeilding COURSES S TRA Cloth Color I Date horsesymbol was born (foaled) T Saddle Claiming Price H when State bred steeplechase MOST- main COMMON turf RACE TYPE C-ODES T Claiming J Current racehorse record U HorsePrice Claimed (-c) I Dateyear when was born (foaled) - hurdle inner turf Mdn/Msw - Maiden special weight (non-winner) U Horse Claimedclaimed (-c) from owner, price, trainer K Previous year year race race record tr - training track V Denotes J Current record - inner dirt (non-winner) - equitrack Mcl-Maiden claiming V Denotes claimed L Lifetime race record W Class Ratingfrom owner, price, trainer K Previous year race record Clm-Claiming (c=claimed) - downhill turf - Off Turf X Breeder Ocl/Aoc --Allowance optional claiming L Lifetime race record Timber course - Hunt Alw-Allowance Inv - Invitational Y Owner M Turf lifetime race record M OST C OMMON R ACE T YPE CODES PAST PERFORMANCE DATA Hcp-Handicap Dby - Derby Z Lifetime record on this surface Mdn/Msw - Maiden special weight (non-winner) Sta/Str-Starter allowance Trl - Trials 1 Date of past performance 16 Finish position and margin: ahead of 2nd finisher if winner; Mcl-Maiden (non-winner) Shp-Starter handicapclaiming Fut - Futurity 2 Racetrack abbreviation and race number (Foreign) behind winner if ran second, etc. Clm-Claiming (c=claimed) Stk-Stake 3 Course (see side bar) DATA PASTcondition PERFORMANCE Ocl/Aoc Allowance optional claiming Cst - Claiming Stakes 17 Jockey’s name 4 Course symbol (seeperformance side bar) 1 Date of past 17 Middle andjockey margins Moc - Alw-Allowance Maiden Optional Claiming Inv - Invitational 18 Weight carriedrunning by horseposition including and equipment Hcp-Handicap Dby - Derby stakes 5 Distance of race abbreviation (*/ “about” distance) 2 Racetrack and race number (Foreign) 19 Medication 18 Finishadministered position andrace margin: ahead of 2nd finisher if winner; Mst - Maiden day (B-Bute/L-Lasix) Sta/Str-Starter allowance Trl - Trials 6 Fractional time of race (in 100ths of a second) 3 Course condition (see side bar) behindcarried winnerbyifhorse ran second, 20 Equipment (see sideetc. bar) Shp-StarterEQUIPMENT handicap Fut - Futurity a-aluminum pads j-aluminum pad s-nasal strip 7 Final time of symbol race (in(see 100ths a second) 4 Course side ofbar) 19 Jockey’s name Stk-Stake 21 Equivalent Odds (*-betting favorite) (e-part of entry) b-blinkers y-no shoes l-barStakes shoes Cst - Claiming 8 Age of racerail ( position =filly, or(feet) filliesfrom and mares) 5 group Temporary permanent turf 22 rail First 20 three Weight carriedhorses, by horseweight including jockey and finishing they carried and equipment their margins c-mud Moc calks - Maiden z-tongue tie n-noOptional whip Claiming 9 Race =State Bred) 6 restrictions Distance of (race=Restricted; (*/ “about” distance) 21 Medication administered race day (B-Bute/L-Lasix) f-front Mst bandages r-bar shoe 23 Comments regarding race events for this horse - Maiden stakes 10 Type of race & race code(Stakes names are abbreviated) 7 Run-up distance (feet) from starting gate to where 24 Size 22 ofEquipment carried by horse field (Number of horses in (see race)side bar) MEDICATION EQUIPMENT (see side bar)/gross pursebegan in U.S. dollars; timing of the race 23 Equivalent Oddsdays; (*-betting L - Lasix B - Bute pad s-nasal strip 25 Layoff line (short/30 long/6 favorite) months) (e-part of entry) a-aluminum pads j-aluminum Stakes race grade (1,2,3) L1 First time Lasix C - First 8 Fractional times of race (in 100ths of a second) 26 Unofficial 24 First race threeindicator finishing horses, weight carried and their margins b-blinkers y-no shoes l-bar shoestime Bute LX - Off Lasix A - Adjunct Bleeder 11 Pace c-mud calks B o l d 9 Figure Final time of race (in 100ths of a second) z-tongue tie denotes the horse is in this race n-no whip 27 Morning workouts (b/breezing, h/handily, g/gate, (d)/dogs up) WORKOUT LINE f-front bandages r-bar shoe 12 Speed Figure 10 Age group of race ( =filly, or fillies and mares) 28 50/69 Italics denoteswork the of horse won his next start = 50th-fastest 69 works - Bullet Work H Handily M-EDICATION 13 Post 11 position Race restrictions ( =Restricted; =State Bred) 29 Wind 25 direction Comments regarding race for this horse B - Breezing Tr.T - Training Track L - Lasix B - Bute 14 Start position, or first running position 12 Type of race & race code(Stakes names are abbreviated) 26 Size of fieldtime (Number of horses in race) D - Driving - Training 30 Individual horse L1 - First time TR Lasix B1 -Race First time Bute 15 Middle(see running position and margin (d)- Dogs side bar)/gross purse in U.S. dollars; 27 Layoff line (short/30 days; long/6 months) O -upOff Lasix (W) - Wood A -Chips Adjunct Bleeder E - Easily 50/69 - Workout Stakes race grade (1,2,3) 28 Unofficial race indicator W ORKOUT LINERanking (was 50 best out of 69 works) - Bullet Work H - Handily 13 Equibase® Pace Figure 29 Morning workouts (b/breezing, h/handily, g/gate, (d)/dogs up)g - Gate work SYMBOLS Tr.T - Training Track B Breezing 14 Equibase® Figure (Bold number) 30 7/22= 7th fastest work of 22 works Examples of RaceSpeed Types - foreign Restricted - Lasix Race D - Driving TR - Training - About - 3 and up Position 31 Wind direction (d) - Dogs up- State Bred(W) -* Wood Chips •15MCLPost 7500 (maiden claiming $7,500) distance - Bullit Work 16 Start position, or first running position 32 Individual horse time E - Easily - Fillies,F&M 50/69+ -- Chute Workout startRanking - Unofficial M N th • CLM 10/9000N2L (non-winners of two races lifetime) • CLM 8/7000N2Y (non-winners of two races in a year) of Race Types • ALWExamples 34000N1X (allowance, purse 34,000 non-winners of a race other than maiden, claiming or starter) • MCL 7500 (maiden claiming $7,500) • ALW•34000N$Y (allowance, purse 34,000ofnon-winners specified money in the year) CLM 10/9000N2L (non-winners two racesoflifetime) • CLM 8/7000N2Y (non-winners of two races in a year) • ALWprovided 34000N1X Program products by (allowance, purse 34,000 non-winners of a race other than maiden, claiming or starter) • ALW 34000N$Y (allowance, purse 34,000 non-winners of specified money in the year) Program products provided by - Dead Heat(was 50th best out of 69 works) g - Gate work Race SYMBOLS - Auction - foreign * - Abt distance Restricted TROUBLE S- YMBOLS + - Chute start - 3 and - State Bred - dead heatup T - Timeform Bullet - Fillies,F&M DNF - -did not Work finish Rating - Unofficial - Equibase® - Dead Heat p3 - placed (third) Race Speed Figure Lasix dq-p3 - -disqualified and placed (third) Auction WIND D TIRECTION ROUBLE SYMBOLS HW - Head TW - Tail wind DNF - didwind not finish CW -(third) Cross wind p3 - placed dq-p3 - disqualified and placed (third) WIND DIRECTION HW - Head wind TW - Tail wind CW - Cross wind
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