HOME INVASIONS, KIDNAPPINGS AND KEEPING JEWELERS AND THEIR FAMILIES SAFE JOHN J. KENNEDY, PRESIDENT SCOTT F. GUGINSKY, VP, (NYPD, RET.) JEWELERS’ SECURITY ALLIANCE JUNE 2, 2013 JEWELER HOME INVASIONS • TEN IN 2012 IN U.S., UP FROM THREE IN 2011 • 26% OF OFF-PREMISES CRIMES TOOK PLACE AT A JEWELER’S RESIDENCE • 43% OF ALL OFF-PREMISES CRIMES WERE OF RETAILERS, NOT TRAVELING SALESPERSONS HOME INVASION CASES, 01/01/12Portsmouth, VA Houston, TX Cherry Hill, NJ Lilburn, GA Snellville, GA Chesterfield, MO Cranston, RI Indianapolis, IN St. Louis, MO South Whitehall, PA 01/26/12 02/01/12 02/07/12 02/13/12 02/17/12 02/16/12 08/09/12 09/15/12 12/24/12 12/28/12 Tredyffrin, PA 01/31/13 Fairfield/Meriden, CT 04/11/13 Rang bell, jlr. to store As jeweler arrived home Forced way in Broke in back door Entered through back door Surprised outside home Robbed at gunpoint inside From rear door; jlr. shot Forced way in; jlr. to store Wife held; jlr. to store Wife held; jlr. to store 2 held at apt.; 2 to store GOING AND COMING: ARE YOU BEING FOLLOWED? Vary route and time. Use evasive driving techniques: for example, drive very slowly; make rapid u-turns and left turns; circle the block; pull into a location and exit in the opposite direction. Is someone still following? If you have a flat tire or your car overheats, consider yourself a target, call 911 and try to drive to a place of safety. If being followed call 911 and say you are in the jewelry business and are about to be the victim of an armed robbery. If you can, drive directly to a police station. CASING: IS YOUR HOME BEING WATCHED? • ARE UNKNOWN PERSONS PARKED ON THE STREET ON REPEATED DAYS, POSSIBLY WATCHING YOU? • ARE YOU RECEIVING SUSPICIOUS PHONE CALLS? • HAVE YOU HAD ANY BREAK-INS OR ATTEMPTS? • IF YOU EVEN SUSPECT YOU ARE BEING CASED, CALL YOUR LOCAL POLICE IMMEDIATELY – DON’T WAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE. PHYSICAL SECURITY AT HOME • CONSIDER SECURITY FACTORS WHEN CHOOSING WHERE TO LIVE: HOUSE VS. CONDO OR APT.? ISOLATED? DEAD END STREET? CLOSE TO NEIGHBORS? ATTACHED GARAGE? • LOCKS – WINDOWS AND DOORS • ALARM • GOOD OUTDOOR LIGHTING TRAINING FAMILY MEMBERS • OPENING DOOR TO UNKNOWN PERSONS • GIVING OUT INFORMATION ON THE PHONE • POSTING INAPPROPRIATE PERSONAL INFORMATION ON SOCIAL NETWORKS • KEEP EYES OPEN FOR SUSPICIOUS PERSONS IN STREET • SECURITY CODE WORDS FOR USE AT HOME HOME INVADER • FLOWER RUSE OTHER SECURITY TIPS AT HOME • HOUSEHOLD HELP – DO YOU KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT THEM? • GET A DOG? • KEEP CAR KEYS AND PHONE BY BED. CAR KEYS TO HIT PANIC ALARM IF SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY • TRY TO CONTROL TELEPHONE, SOCIAL NETWORK AND INTERNET LISTINGS • NO LARGE SAFE OR JEWELRY MERCHANDISE AT HOME SOURCES OF HELP • CONFIDE IN TRUSTED NEIGHBORS FOR EXTRA EYES ON STREET • DEVELOP A FRIENDLY CONTACT IN YOUR LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT • FORM A LOCAL OR NEIGHBORHOOD CRIME PREVENTION NETWORK WHAT TO DO IN A HOME INVASION • IN THE CASES REVIEWED, WHEN THERE IS NO RESISTANCE BY THE JEWELER, NO ONE GETS HURT • FOLLOW THE ROBBERS’ DEMANDS • DON’T STARE DOWN THE CRIMINALS, BUT BE AWARE OF CLUES FOR LATER INVESTIGATION – WHAT THE CRIMINALS SAY AND DO, HOW THEY LOOK, MAKE AND MODEL OF CAR, ETC. WHAT CRIME PREVENTION TOOLS DOES JEWELERS’ SECURITY ALLIANCE OFFER? • 1. The 137-page JSA Manual of Jewelry Security, the only available book on this subject, and soon to be in E-book format. • 2. Weekly Email Crime Alerts on crimes, suspects and crime prevention advice sent to its members. • 3. Crime Website, www.jewelerssecurity.org • 4. Stolen jewelry website, www.stolenjewelry.org • 5. A 24-minute DVD entitled “Jewelry Crime for Law Enforcement.” • 6. A booklet on how to start a local crime prevention network for jewelers. JSA Manual of Jewelry Security • 137-page Manual JSA Weekly email crime alert 24-minute training DVD for law enforcement DVD NEW YORK JEWELERS CRIME ALERT NETWORK: www.nyjcan.com • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • New York Jewelers Crime Alert Network CRIME ALERT! www.nyjcan.com BULLDOZER BURGLARY AT JEWELRY EXCHANGE February 9, 2013; approx. 5:00 AM Springfield, NJ As the snow was falling heavily in the recent storm, someone drove a stolen bulldozer up to a jewelry exchange in Springfield, NJ, smashed through the wall and removed a safe containing approximately $1 million in jewelry. The safe was lifted onto a flatbed truck and was driven off. Reports indicate that the camera system may not have been functioning at the time of the burglary. This alert is being distributed as a free service to members of the jewelry industry who have provided their email addresses and requested to receive security alerts. If you wish to be removed from this distribution list, please reply to admin@nyjcan.com with REMOVE in the subject.If you have any questions about the information contained in this alert or about the New York Jewelers Crime Alert Network, please contact Paul Silverman at psilverman@mjmglobal.com, or at 201-720-7700. Chicago Jewelers Assoc. Texas Jewelers Security Hotline
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