How to Pack Your camping groups l. 2. ' 5. 4. a Backoach q""t ."" basically be divided into these four gear lightweight bulkYl Soft, bags SleePinq A. clothes and other Sweater B. gear heavier comPact, Soft, Tent and flY A. Food in baqs B. Fi rrn, buI kY, I i thtwei ght gear knife utensilst Flashliqht, A. kitt survival aid kitr First B. Sunql asses gear heavier comPact, Fir m, Stove A. Pots and Pans B. Tent Poles C. bottles l,later and fuel D. to the outside it 07 strap pack the sleeping bag on the bottom, packed centrally be group two should gt-. in ih. at the bottom. Pack group gear three' in the ar.ound and pack, in the within cornfort your {ar to close back and high grouP four gear in the If the as necessary' the clothes Distribute and ea5,y carrying. possible to them as much as tighten straps, pack has compresiion keep the load still. Frame Packs External weight be centered should hil:e, on a trarl ."rtyi.,9 For easy weight ski or climbing, touring Fclr back. the to high and close Tighten cc1mpression balance. irnproved {or be lower should pack' loading you' have a {ront if straps FneDlufl LIbHI DIAGRAM BACKPACK 3. JESUS ]IBLE/ t . lI T H ) N TH. ESC O UTTR A I L l. ls t AID KI T REPAIR KIT ASP I R I N N A SE SP L RAY Oi N T M EN T FO O T AI D B AND Q.TIPS G A UZ E A DHES I VTEAP E R EP E L L A N T iNS EC T b. rl 7. E X TRAS HIRT I I CA NT E E N UNDIRWE AR1 1 S T O V EO R (r CHA RC0 A L / P A NTS B URNE R OC KSS S OCK I t BURNER iq | ! v L | \ 't L r r | r l r T 0 WE L GLOVES S HOES C A MP r' !! W RTER S HO ES T RiNG S RUB B E B RA ND S S T RI NG S A F E T YP I NS MA S K I NG TAPE 4. . KI T ;U RVI V AL ,I H I S TL E.A SP I R I N ]AN DA G- EB A N D A I D Y NS ]. TI PS - S A F ET PI :I SH I NGL I N E, l . |T S. ,H OOK S .,ATER PROOF MATRESS C U , C. } O UI LLO N BE SET .IEAR JNIFORM +IK.INGSHOES ;[IEATER/JACKET ]AP RAI NCO AT ORPOI{CHO TTNT& ST AKES UNDER FLAP I l,lASH CLOTH COHB SO A P PS AH S /T E TO O T H BR U BA BYOI L RAZ O R / BL AD E S PE N C I L STEP T I C DEODORANT N A I LC L I P IN T O I L ETT H I N G S BA G . P L AS T I C FLASHL IGH T R0PE/C0 R D CANDLES ME SSKIT ' ' V i T TLEKIT TOt,lELS PAPER S A LT MATCHES E X TRA BAG S LE E P ING A IR I'IA T T RE S S A IR P ILLO I , I GROUNDCLOTH POC KETS COMB P E N C IL. NOTEBOOK P E N. HANKERCHIEF K N IF E C OMP ASS/MIRROR BAG T OIL E TTISSUE/PLASTIC B A N DA IDS SALT- MATCHES FILM CAMERA/ N A IL C LIP & MONEY I,IALLET CLOTH I NG 7. F00D/ Fi R E & W ATER R MESSKIT , T T C . 9. SLEEPGE AR ITE},IS SEASONAL S I , I I MS UI T DA RKG A L S S ES O F P AC K I , I E I G HT 0F YoUR'llT. 251, 20 - cuts and sores with antiseptic and adhesivebandages or mole-skin when necessary.Hot spots should be given immedrate attention. YOURPERSONALEOUlPMENT Photography '{ Although optronal, a camera will record memorable experiences and beautiful scenes.Some crews select a crew photographer who takes shots for everyone. Another weight-saving scheme is for several crew members to share a camera and have duplicate pictures made at home. If you have one set developed first, you can sort our poor photos before having additional copies made. You will save money as well as weight. Packing . pack with paddedhip belt (rentalavailable). , . . . capacity:externalframe-4000 cu in +/internalframe-4800 cu in +/' *pack cover-waterproof nylon. . . -6-12 (gallonsize) Ziploc plasticbags to pack clothes. Labels Sleeping sleepingbag in stuff sack lined with plasticbag. . sleep clothes-worn only in sleepingbag (T-shirtand gym shorts) *strapsto hold sleepingbag on pacK. Be surc to label aII of your clothing and equipment with your name and Expedition Number so you can readily id.entifywhat is yours and so any of your beLongingstost and found can be returned. Check - t o a m s l e e p i n g p a d ( c l o s e d c e | | o r T h e r m a - R e s t) .CLOTHING Laver A (Hiking Clothes) hikingboots-well brokenin. . ., . lightweightsneakersor tennis shoes . 3 pairs heavy socks -3 pairslighterinnersocks(polypro) 3 changesunderwear "2 hikingshorts.. .2 short sleeveshirts (not nYlon) *1 hat or cap-llexible, with brim Layer B (Cool Evening) .1 long sleeveshirt (wool or synthetic). .1 long pants,cottonor nylon (not heavy ' .- ieans) "1 pair insulaledunderwear(polypro) Layer C (Cold) *1 sweateror jacket (wool or polarfleece) .1 stockingcap (woolor polyPro). "1 glovelinersor mittens(woolor polypro) Laver D (Cold, Wet,WindY) .1 sturdy rain suit (A) . . . Eating .deep bowl (small,plastic) *cup (measuringstyle). 'sooon . "3 or 4 one qt. water bottles(BB, A). . . . Double Check Backpacking Stoves Personaland Miscellaneous -small pocketknife(A). *matches and lighterin waterproof container(BB, A) . -tlashlight(smallwith extra batteriesand bulb) -rPhilmontmap (A) 'compass-liquid-filled (A). . . .2 bandannasor handkerchiefs(BB) . ,: money($10-$20in small bills) . . ,'lip balm (BB, A) (with SPF of 25) chapsrick 'soap, biodegradable(BB, S) . . . . 'toothbrush/toothpaste (BB, S). .small camp towel. . . -tampons/sanitary napkins (BB). . . 'sunglasses(inexpensive) -ditty bag (tor personalitems in bear bag) Optional *cameraand film (BB) -whistle watch,inexpensive 'f ishingequipmenVlicenses -postcards,pre-stamped rubberbands (largefor packing) "fooi powder(BB, S) *note pad and pen -daypackfor side hikes (S) Philmont requires using backpacking stoves. They will save time throughout your trek, particularly on wet momings or when you need to start hiking early to avoid high aftemoon temperatures(see page 1l). . . .l NO RADIOS,CD/MP3PLAYEBS,VIDEOGAME DEVICESOR HAMMOCKS.CELLULARTELEPHONESARE DISCOURAGED. DO NOT BRINGDEODORANT. Code 'Available at Philmont'sTooth of Time Traders (BB)-Packed together in plastic bag to be placed in bear bag at nighl (S)-Share with buddy (A)-Easrly accessiblein pack or carriedon person to You must bring your own stoves. Philmont trading posts carry white gas, max fuel, stoves, and spare parts. If your crew uses butane, plan to carry the empty cartridges with you since they create a hazardous disposal problem in the backcountry. Backpacking stoves must be used with adult supervision and should never be used in or near tents becauseof excessive fire danger. Bottles designed for fuel (available in the Philmont trading post) should be used to carry fuel. For safety, fuei may be purchased at Philmont rather than carrying it from home. Check the gasket of your fuel bottles to make sure they will not leak. A small funnei is needed for easy transfer of liquid fuels. If using commercial transportation, check with your carrier regarding reguiations for shipping stoves. One stove per four persons is generally best. Learn and follow these safety tips: 1. Keep fuel containers away from hot stoves and fires. Never use fuel to start a campfire. 2. Let hot stoves cool before changing cylinders or refilling. 3. Never fuel or operate a stove in a tent, building, or dining fly. 4. Place stove on a level, secure surface before operatrng. 5. When lighting astove. keep fuel bortles and extra canisters well away, do not hover over stove, open fuel valve slowly, and light carefully. The pressure differential is greater at Phiknont's high altitudes. 6. Refill stoves away from open flames. Recap all containers before lighting sloves. 7. Do not overload the stove. 8. Do not leave a lighted stove unattended. 9- Perform stove maintenance regularly, at home and at Philmont. 10.Store fuel in proper containers. 11. Carry out empty compressedfuel containers: they will explode if heated. 12.Use stoves only with knowledgeable adult supervision. It CREW EQUIPMENT ISSUEDAT PHILMONT Eachcrewof 7-12persons is issued thefollowingequipment freeof charge EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY CREW Necessary itemsof equipment for eachcrewof'7-12persons to bdngro (except for damage or replacement charges when returned) Person Responsible I nylon dining fly 12'xI2', weight about 4 pounds 2 collapsibie poies for dining fly, weight about I pound I BSA Philmont backpacker nylon tent with poles (per each 2 persons), weight about 511pounds 1 trail chefkit: 6 pounds or: 4 pounds Philmont or to purchase include these: I sewing kit with heavy thread and needle +metal tent pins, 10 per person +2-3 collapsible water containers 1/2 gal. each ,2 *2 or 3 backpacking stoves *2 one-quart fuel bottles and funnel I crew first aid kit-see page 38 (BB) tduct tape for equipment repair (BB) pices for cooleng (oprional) (BB) padlock for your crew locker (extra security) *waterproof ground cloth, 5'6"x7'6", 1 per tent +3 fifty ft. X" nylon cord *Philmont Field Guide *sunscreen and shampoo (BB) +rnsectrepellent-not aerosol (BB) *2 or 3 water purifiers/filters 1 multi-type tool +Philmont sectional maps +insectrepellent(BB) x1 bottle sunscreen,at least 25 spf (BB) *1 camp shovel/trowel 8-quartpot 4-quartpot with lid 6-quartpot with lid 4-quartpot with lid 1 fry pan with handle 1 fry pan with handle I chef cutlery kit: 2 large spoons, 1 large spatula, weight about X pound 2 pair hot-pot tongs, weight about X pound I extra 8-quart or 6-quart pot for washing dishes, weight about 1 pound plastic trash bags, salt and pepper dishwashingsoap,hand sanidzer rub pads water purification chemical 150-foot length of %-inch nylon rope, weight about 2X pounds 3-5 bear bags (for hanging food), weight about 1,|,{ pounds astic strainer (or screen) and rubber scraper, weight about %pound toilet paper 18 *Available at Philmont Trading Posr (BB) Packed in plastic bag to be placed in bear bag at oighr Additiooal supplies may be required for your trip to aod from Philmont 19
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