JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2012-13 Middle and High School Application for Magnet Schools, Magnet Programs, Optional Programs, and High School Open Enrollment How to Apply 1. Choose a school. Students may apply to the school that serves their address, to magnet schools, and to even more schools by applying to their magnet or optional programs. Descriptions of schools and programs are available throughout this guidebook. To find out which school serves your child’s home address, call the JCPS Demographics Office at (502) 485-3050 or use the online SchoolFinder at /demographics/schoolfinder.aspx. 2. Fill out this application. s The form lets you list a first- and a second-choice program/school. Don’t select more than two. s Don’t list a traditional magnet school, the Brown School, or a middle school Mathematics/Science/Technology (MST) Program as a second choice. Applications for these schools and the MST Program are randomly selected for available openings. Students are included in the random-draw list only if the program or school is listed as the first choice. s Be sure to fill in all the requested information on the form. Blank spaces may slow the acceptance process. Don’t use post office (P.O.) box numbers for your child’s address. s Elementary and middle school students who are already enrolled in a traditional magnet school or program don’t need to fill out an application for a traditional magnet middle or high school if their traditional school is a feeder school to the next level. (See page 7 for information on elementary schools offering traditional education. See page 30 for information on traditional middle schools and page 55 for information on traditional high schools.) 3. Submit your application. Or take your application to: JCPS Optional, Magnet, and Advance Programs Office Lam Building, Room 104 4309 Bishop Lane (The Lam Building is located behind the VanHoose Education Center.) Confirmation and Acceptance s After you submit the application, you should receive a postcard confirming that JCPS is processing it. If you don’t get the postcard within three weeks, call the JCPS Optional, Magnet, and Advance Programs Office at (502) 485-3323. s After the office processes your application, some schools ask for additional information, such as a student work sample or test score, a copy of a report card or progress report, and a checklist completed by a teacher or childcare provider. If a school asks you for additional information, please reply promptly and send the information directly to the school. Don’t send any additional information to the Optional, Magnet, and Advance Programs Office. s Students will be assigned to a school for the next school year before the end of the current school year. Please note: s 3UBMITTINGANAPPLICATIONDOESNTGUARANTEEPLACEMENTINASCHOOLOR program. s 3CHOOLSDONTKEEPWAITINGLISTS s $ONTSUBMITMORETHANONEAPPLICATION)FYOUDOTHESECONDONEWILLCANcel the first, which could jeopardize acceptance into a school or program. The JCPS Optional, Magnet, and Advance Programs Office must receive your application by 5 p.m. on Fri., Jan. 6, 2012. s 3UBMITTINGFALSEINFORMATIONWILLVOIDANAPPLICATION Mail your application—if you’re sure it will arrive in time to meet the deadline—to the following address: Need more information on the application process? Optional, Magnet, and Advance Programs Office Jefferson County Public Schools P.O. Box 34020 Louisville, KY 40232-4020 Call the Optional, Magnet, and Advance Programs Office at (502) 485-3323. Applicants whose parents are moving into Jefferson County from another county or another state may apply but must provide proof of residence in Jefferson County before enrollment. Applicants who are not residents of Jefferson County will not be considered for school placement until all Jefferson County applicants have been considered. clip Application Codes Highland r 'JOF"SUT01" r *OUFSOBUJPOBM4UVEJFT.(" Jefferson, Thomas r $PNNVOJDBUJPOT.(" Lassiter r &OWJSPONFOUBM&EVDBUJPO01" Mathematics/Science/Technology (MST) Programs r 'BSOTMFZ.FZ[FFLBOE/FXCVSH .45999 Moore Traditional r &OWJSPONFOUBMBOE-JGF4DJFODF01" Noe r (JGUFEBOE5BMFOUFE.(" r 7JTVBMBOE1FSGPSNJOH"SUT.(# Olmsted Academy North r "MM#PZT4DIPPM.(" Olmsted Academy South r "MM(JSMT4DIPPM.(" Stuart r )FBMUI$BSFFST01" Traditional Magnet Schools r #BSSFU+FGGFSTPO$PVOUZBOE+PIOTPO ...999 Western Middle r 7JTVBMBOE1FSGPSNJOH"SUT.(" Westport r .POUFTTPSJ.(" High Schools Network 1 Doss r #VTJOFTTBOE'JOBODF5&$ r *OGPSNBUJPO5FDIOPMPHZ5&# Fairdale r )VNBO4FSWJDFT-BX(PWFSONFOU4FSWJDF 'JSF1PMJDF&.4 .(" r &EVDBUJPO5&. r *OUFSOBUJPOBM4UVEJFT5&$ r )FBWZ&RVJQNFOU4DJFODF.(# Iroquois r &OHJOFFSJOH5&9 r "SDIJUFDUVSF5&$ r $POTUSVDUJPO.(" r /BWZ+305$513 Pleasure Ridge Park r $PNNVOJDBUJPOT5&# r &MFDUSPOJDBOE1SJOU.FEJB5&" r 7JTVBMBOE1FSGPSNJOH"SUT5&$ Valley r .FEJDBM"SUTBOE4DJFODFT5&# r "MMJFE)FBMUI5&$ r &OWJSPONFOUBM4DJFODF5&" r /BWZ+305$513 Fern Creek r $PNNVOJDBUJPOT5&% r &MFDUSPOJDBOE1SJOU.FEJB5&# r 7JTVBMBOE1FSGPSNJOH"SUT5&$ r .BSJOF$PSQT+305$513 Jeffersontown r &OHJOFFSJOH5&9 r .BOVGBDUVSJOH5&" r $POTUSVDUJPO5&$ r .BSJOF$PSQT+305$513 Moore r .FEJDBM"SUTBOE4DJFODFT5&# r )FBMUI5&$ r &OWJSPONFOUBM4DJFODF5&% r "JS'PSDF+305$513 Seneca r )VNBO4FSWJDFT-BX(PWFSONFOU4FSWJDFT 5&$ r &EVDBUJPO5&. r -JCFSBMBOE*OUFSOBUJPOBM4UVEJFT5&# r 6SCBO"HSJTDJFODF5FDIOPMPHZ.(" r .BSJOF$PSQT+305$513 Southern r #VTJOFTTBOE'JOBODF5&$ r *OGPSNBUJPO5FDIOPMPHZ5&% r 5SBOTQPSUBUJPO5FDIOPMPHZ.(" r .BDIJOF5PPMBOE%JF5FDIOPMPHZ.(# r "SNZ+305$513 Network 3 Academy @ Shawnee r &OHJOFFSJOH5&9 r "FSPTQBDF'MJHIU4DIPPM.(" r "FSPTQBDF"WJBUJPO.BJOUFOBODF5FDIOPMPHZ .(# r /BWZ+305$513 Atherton r )VNBO4FSWJDFT-BX(PWFSONFOU4FSWJDF 5&" r &EVDBUJPO5&. r *OUFSOBUJPOBM4UVEJFT*OUFSOBUJPOBM#BDDBMBVSFBUF.(" Ballard r $PNNVOJDBUJPOT5&" r &MFDUSPOJDBOE1SJOU.FEJB5&# r 7JTVBMBOE1FSGPSNJOH"SUT5&$ Eastern r #VTJOFTTBOE'JOBODF5&" r *OGPSNBUJPO5FDIOPMPHZ5&# r "SNZ+305$513 Waggener r .FEJDBM"SUTBOE4DJFODFT5&& r )FBMUI5&' r &OWJSPONFOUBM4DJFODF5&( When your application is received, a confirmation postcard is mailed. If you have not received this card within three weeks of submitting your application, please call 485-3323. Please print. Student’s Full Name: Academy @ Shawnee r "FSPTQBDF'MJHIU4DIPPM.(" r "FSPTQBDF"WJBUJPO.BJOUFOBODF5FDIOPMPHZ .(# _________________________________________________________________ First Middle Brown r 4FMG%JSFDUFE-FBSOJOH.(" Date of Birth: ___________________ Central High School Magnet Career Academy (MCA) r #BOLJOH'JOBODF#VTJOFTT.BOBHFNFOU &OUSFQSFOFVSTIJQ.(# r $PNQVUFS5FDIOPMPHZ.(" r %FOUBM1IBSNBDZ1SF.FE/VSTJOH.(% r -FHBM(PWFSONFOUBM4FSWJDFT-BX .($ r 7FUFSJOBSZ4DJFODF.(& Current School: ❏ Yes ❏ Female ❏ No ❏ Grade Six ❏ Grade Nine ❏ Grade Seven ❏ Grade Eight ❏ Grade Ten ❏ Grade Eleven Is the student Hispanic/Latino? ❏ Yes ❏ No Information on race will not be used in the assignment of an individual student. Father’s Birth Country: Mother’s Birth Country: Child’s Birth Country: Address: Post office box numbers/addresses cannot be processed. .UMBER 3TREET #ITY Parent’s/Guardian’s Telephone No.: Open Enrollment 3TATE Work: (______) _________________ Home: (______)___________________ 4FFQBHF Network 1 r %PTT0&9 r 'BJSEBMF0&9 r *SPRVPJT0&9 r 1MFBTVSF3JEHF1BSL0&9 r 7BMMFZ0&9 r 8FTUFSO0&9 Enter six-digit application codes here: FIRST CHOICE: ___________________________________________ SECOND CHOICE:* _________________________________________ *A student will be included in the random-draw list for a traditional magnet school, the Brown School, Network 2 r 'FSO$SFFL0&9 r +FGGFSTPOUPXO0&9 r .PPSF0&9 r 4FOFDB0&9 r 4PVUIFSO0&9 January 6, 2012 Students new to the district may apply after the deadline, but placement is dependent upon available openings and admission criteria of specific programs. s3UBMITTINGANAPPLICATIONdoes notGUARANTEEPLACEMENTINA PROGRAMSCHOOL sSubsequent Applications: Submitting an additional application will void the previous application. s&ALSIFYINGINFORMATIONTOGAIN ENTRANCEINTOASCHOOLWILLVOID YOURCHILDSELIGIBILITYTOATTEND THATSCHOOL ❏ Grade Twelve Is the student from one or more of these races? (Check all that apply.) ❏ American Indian/Alaska Native ❏ Asian ❏ Black or African American ❏ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander ❏ White Western r &BSMZ$PMMFHF.($ r $VMJOBSZ"SUT.(# Network 3 r "DBEFNZ!4IBXOFF0&9 r "UIFSUPO0&9 r #BMMBSE0&9 r &BTUFSO0&9 r 8BHHFOFS0&9 ❏ Male Check the level/grade the student will be in NEXT school year: DuPont Manual High r $PNNVOJDBUJPOT.FEJB"SUT.($ r )JHI4DIPPM6OJWFSTJUZ.(" r .BUIFNBUJDT4DJFODF5FDIOPMPHZ.(% r 7JTVBM"SUT1SPHSBN.(# Youth Performing Arts School r #BOE8JOEBOE1FSDVTTJPO*OTUSVNFOUT .(& r %BODF.(# r %FTJHOBOE1SPEVDUJPO5FDIOJDBM5IFBUSF .(% r .VTJDBM5IFBUSF.() r 0SDIFTUSB4USJOHFE*OTUSVNFOUT.(( r 1JBOP.(' r 5IFBUSF%SBNB"DUJOH .(" r 7PDBM.VTJD.($ Sex: Last _______________________________________________________ Is the student new to Jefferson County? clip Crosby r -JCFSBM"SUT"DBEFNZ01" Network 2 Schools or a middle school Mathematics/Science/Technology (MST) Program only if the program or school is indicated as the student’s first choice and the application is submitted by the deadline. ✃ Brown r 4FMG%JSFDUFE-FBSOJOH.(" Middle and High School: Grades Six Through Twelve :)0 s3TUDENTSAREEXPECTEDTO REMAININAPROGRAMFORONE FULLYEAR s7AITINGLISTSARENOTMAINTAINEDFROMYEARTOYEAR s3TUDENTSCURRENTLYENROLLEDIN TRADITIONALMAGNETELEMENTARY ANDMIDDLESCHOOLSPROGRAMS SHOULDNOTlLLOUTANAPPLICATIONFORATRADITIONALMIDDLE HIGHSCHOOL3EEPAGESAND 30.) s!LLSTUDENTSWILLBEPLACEDBY THEENDOFTHESCHOOLYEAR Parents of siblings who share the same birth date (twins, triplets, etc.) who are applying to a traditional magnet school or the Brown School must submit a separate application for each child, but these applications will be treated as one application. Traditional magnet schools and the Brown School give no priority to the siblings of students previously enrolled. Is the applicant a twin, triplet, etc.? ❏ Yes ❏ No If yes, give name(s).____________________________________________ Is the applicant’s twin/triplet, etc., applying to the same school? ❏ Yes ❏ No When your application is received, a confirmation postcard is mailed. If you have not received this card within three weeks of submitting your application, please call 485-3323. Optional, Ma and Advan gnet, Programs ce Office 485-3323 Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: _____________________________________________Date: ________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Name: (Please print.) ___________________________________________________________ Traditional Program Magnets It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to mail the application to: Jefferson County Public Schools, Optional, Magnet, and Advance Programs Office, P.O. Box 34020, Louisville, KY 40232-4020, or to bring the application in person to the JCPS Optional, Magnet, and Advance Programs Office at 4309 Bishop Lane, Room 104 (behind the VanHoose Education Center). r #VUMFS5SBEJUJPOBM)JHI459 r -PVJTWJMMF.BMF)JHI459 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities clip Middle Schools Application Deadline Magnet Schools, Magnet Programs, Optional Programs, and High School Open Enrollment Use the six-digit codes below on the attached Application Form to identify the school(s) and program(s) for which you are applying. Western Districtwide Magnet r &BSMZ$PMMFHF.($ r $VMJOBSZ"SUT.(# 2012-13 Application clip Application Codes Highland r 'JOF"SUT01" r *OUFSOBUJPOBM4UVEJFT.(" Jefferson, Thomas r $PNNVOJDBUJPOT.(" Lassiter r &OWJSPONFOUBM&EVDBUJPO01" Mathematics/Science/Technology (MST) Programs r 'BSOTMFZ.FZ[FFLBOE/FXCVSH .45999 Moore Traditional r &OWJSPONFOUBMBOE-JGF4DJFODF01" Noe r (JGUFEBOE5BMFOUFE.(" r 7JTVBMBOE1FSGPSNJOH"SUT.(# Olmsted Academy North r "MM#PZT4DIPPM.(" Olmsted Academy South r "MM(JSMT4DIPPM.(" Stuart r )FBMUI$BSFFST01" Traditional Magnet Schools r #BSSFU+FGGFSTPO$PVOUZBOE+PIOTPO ...999 Western Middle r 7JTVBMBOE1FSGPSNJOH"SUT.(" Westport r .POUFTTPSJ.(" High Schools Network 1 Doss r #VTJOFTTBOE'JOBODF5&$ r *OGPSNBUJPO5FDIOPMPHZ5&# Fairdale r )VNBO4FSWJDFT-BX(PWFSONFOU4FSWJDF 'JSF1PMJDF&.4 .(" r &EVDBUJPO5&. r *OUFSOBUJPOBM4UVEJFT5&$ r )FBWZ&RVJQNFOU4DJFODF.(# Iroquois r &OHJOFFSJOH5&9 r "SDIJUFDUVSF5&$ r $POTUSVDUJPO.(" r /BWZ+305$513 Pleasure Ridge Park r $PNNVOJDBUJPOT5&# r &MFDUSPOJDBOE1SJOU.FEJB5&" r 7JTVBMBOE1FSGPSNJOH"SUT5&$ Valley r .FEJDBM"SUTBOE4DJFODFT5&# r "MMJFE)FBMUI5&$ r &OWJSPONFOUBM4DJFODF5&" r /BWZ+305$513 Fern Creek r $PNNVOJDBUJPOT5&% r &MFDUSPOJDBOE1SJOU.FEJB5&# r 7JTVBMBOE1FSGPSNJOH"SUT5&$ r .BSJOF$PSQT+305$513 Jeffersontown r &OHJOFFSJOH5&9 r .BOVGBDUVSJOH5&" r $POTUSVDUJPO5&$ r .BSJOF$PSQT+305$513 Moore r .FEJDBM"SUTBOE4DJFODFT5&# r )FBMUI5&$ r &OWJSPONFOUBM4DJFODF5&% r "JS'PSDF+305$513 Seneca r )VNBO4FSWJDFT-BX(PWFSONFOU4FSWJDFT 5&$ r &EVDBUJPO5&. r -JCFSBMBOE*OUFSOBUJPOBM4UVEJFT5&# r 6SCBO"HSJTDJFODF5FDIOPMPHZ.(" r .BSJOF$PSQT+305$513 Southern r #VTJOFTTBOE'JOBODF5&$ r *OGPSNBUJPO5FDIOPMPHZ5&% r 5SBOTQPSUBUJPO5FDIOPMPHZ.(" r .BDIJOF5PPMBOE%JF5FDIOPMPHZ.(# r "SNZ+305$513 Network 3 Academy @ Shawnee r &OHJOFFSJOH5&9 r "FSPTQBDF'MJHIU4DIPPM.(" r "FSPTQBDF"WJBUJPO.BJOUFOBODF5FDIOPMPHZ .(# r /BWZ+305$513 Atherton r )VNBO4FSWJDFT-BX(PWFSONFOU4FSWJDF 5&" r &EVDBUJPO5&. r *OUFSOBUJPOBM4UVEJFT*OUFSOBUJPOBM#BDDBMBVSFBUF.(" Ballard r $PNNVOJDBUJPOT5&" r &MFDUSPOJDBOE1SJOU.FEJB5&# r 7JTVBMBOE1FSGPSNJOH"SUT5&$ Eastern r #VTJOFTTBOE'JOBODF5&" r *OGPSNBUJPO5FDIOPMPHZ5&# r "SNZ+305$513 Waggener r .FEJDBM"SUTBOE4DJFODFT5&& r )FBMUI5&' r &OWJSPONFOUBM4DJFODF5&( When your application is received, a confirmation postcard is mailed. If you have not received this card within three weeks of submitting your application, please call 485-3323. Please print. Student’s Full Name: Academy @ Shawnee r "FSPTQBDF'MJHIU4DIPPM.(" r "FSPTQBDF"WJBUJPO.BJOUFOBODF5FDIOPMPHZ .(# _________________________________________________________________ First Middle Brown r 4FMG%JSFDUFE-FBSOJOH.(" Date of Birth: ___________________ Central High School Magnet Career Academy (MCA) r #BOLJOH'JOBODF#VTJOFTT.BOBHFNFOU &OUSFQSFOFVSTIJQ.(# r $PNQVUFS5FDIOPMPHZ.(" r %FOUBM1IBSNBDZ1SF.FE/VSTJOH.(% r -FHBM(PWFSONFOUBM4FSWJDFT-BX .($ r 7FUFSJOBSZ4DJFODF.(& Current School: ❏ Yes ❏ Female ❏ No ❏ Grade Six ❏ Grade Nine ❏ Grade Seven ❏ Grade Eight ❏ Grade Ten ❏ Grade Eleven Is the student Hispanic/Latino? ❏ Yes ❏ No Information on race will not be used in the assignment of an individual student. Father’s Birth Country: Mother’s Birth Country: Child’s Birth Country: Address: Post office box numbers/addresses cannot be processed. .UMBER 3TREET #ITY Parent’s/Guardian’s Telephone No.: Open Enrollment 3TATE Work: (______) _________________ Home: (______)___________________ 4FFQBHF Network 1 r %PTT0&9 r 'BJSEBMF0&9 r *SPRVPJT0&9 r 1MFBTVSF3JEHF1BSL0&9 r 7BMMFZ0&9 r 8FTUFSO0&9 Enter six-digit application codes here: FIRST CHOICE: ___________________________________________ SECOND CHOICE:* _________________________________________ *A student will be included in the random-draw list for a traditional magnet school, the Brown School, Network 2 r 'FSO$SFFL0&9 r +FGGFSTPOUPXO0&9 r .PPSF0&9 r 4FOFDB0&9 r 4PVUIFSO0&9 January 6, 2012 Students new to the district may apply after the deadline, but placement is dependent upon available openings and admission criteria of specific programs. s3UBMITTINGANAPPLICATIONdoes notGUARANTEEPLACEMENTINA PROGRAMSCHOOL sSubsequent Applications: Submitting an additional application will void the previous application. s&ALSIFYINGINFORMATIONTOGAIN ENTRANCEINTOASCHOOLWILLVOID YOURCHILDSELIGIBILITYTOATTEND THATSCHOOL ❏ Grade Twelve Is the student from one or more of these races? (Check all that apply.) ❏ American Indian/Alaska Native ❏ Asian ❏ Black or African American ❏ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander ❏ White Western r &BSMZ$PMMFHF.($ r $VMJOBSZ"SUT.(# Network 3 r "DBEFNZ!4IBXOFF0&9 r "UIFSUPO0&9 r #BMMBSE0&9 r &BTUFSO0&9 r 8BHHFOFS0&9 ❏ Male Check the level/grade the student will be in NEXT school year: DuPont Manual High r $PNNVOJDBUJPOT.FEJB"SUT.($ r )JHI4DIPPM6OJWFSTJUZ.(" r .BUIFNBUJDT4DJFODF5FDIOPMPHZ.(% r 7JTVBM"SUT1SPHSBN.(# Youth Performing Arts School r #BOE8JOEBOE1FSDVTTJPO*OTUSVNFOUT .(& r %BODF.(# r %FTJHOBOE1SPEVDUJPO5FDIOJDBM5IFBUSF .(% r .VTJDBM5IFBUSF.() r 0SDIFTUSB4USJOHFE*OTUSVNFOUT.(( r 1JBOP.(' r 5IFBUSF%SBNB"DUJOH .(" r 7PDBM.VTJD.($ Sex: Last _______________________________________________________ Is the student new to Jefferson County? clip Crosby r -JCFSBM"SUT"DBEFNZ01" Network 2 Schools or a middle school Mathematics/Science/Technology (MST) Program only if the program or school is indicated as the student’s first choice and the application is submitted by the deadline. ✃ Brown r 4FMG%JSFDUFE-FBSOJOH.(" Middle and High School: Grades Six Through Twelve :)0 s3TUDENTSAREEXPECTEDTO REMAININAPROGRAMFORONE FULLYEAR s7AITINGLISTSARENOTMAINTAINEDFROMYEARTOYEAR s3TUDENTSCURRENTLYENROLLEDIN TRADITIONALMAGNETELEMENTARY ANDMIDDLESCHOOLSPROGRAMS SHOULDNOTlLLOUTANAPPLICATIONFORATRADITIONALMIDDLE HIGHSCHOOL3EEPAGESAND 30.) s!LLSTUDENTSWILLBEPLACEDBY THEENDOFTHESCHOOLYEAR Parents of siblings who share the same birth date (twins, triplets, etc.) who are applying to a traditional magnet school or the Brown School must submit a separate application for each child, but these applications will be treated as one application. Traditional magnet schools and the Brown School give no priority to the siblings of students previously enrolled. Is the applicant a twin, triplet, etc.? ❏ Yes ❏ No If yes, give name(s).____________________________________________ Is the applicant’s twin/triplet, etc., applying to the same school? ❏ Yes ❏ No When your application is received, a confirmation postcard is mailed. If you have not received this card within three weeks of submitting your application, please call 485-3323. Optional, Ma and Advan gnet, Programs ce Office 485-3323 Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: _____________________________________________Date: ________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Name: (Please print.) ___________________________________________________________ Traditional Program Magnets It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to mail the application to: Jefferson County Public Schools, Optional, Magnet, and Advance Programs Office, P.O. Box 34020, Louisville, KY 40232-4020, or to bring the application in person to the JCPS Optional, Magnet, and Advance Programs Office at 4309 Bishop Lane, Room 104 (behind the VanHoose Education Center). r #VUMFS5SBEJUJPOBM)JHI459 r -PVJTWJMMF.BMF)JHI459 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities clip Middle Schools Application Deadline Magnet Schools, Magnet Programs, Optional Programs, and High School Open Enrollment Use the six-digit codes below on the attached Application Form to identify the school(s) and program(s) for which you are applying. Western Districtwide Magnet r &BSMZ$PMMFHF.($ r $VMJOBSZ"SUT.(# 2012-13 Application
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