METAL 2003 20. - 22. 5. 2003 Hradec nad Moravicí __________________________________________________________________________________________ THE ANALYSIS OF CARBIDE PHASE DISTRIBUTION IN THE ANNEALED AND HARDENED STEEL OF ABOUT 2% C AND 12% Cr TYPE WITH THE ADDITION OF TUNGSTEN AND VANADIUM Tadeusz Nykiel, Tadeusz Hryniewicz TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF KOSZALIN Raclawicka 15-17, 75-620 Koszalin, Poland, E-mail: Abstract It was found during the experimental studies that in the forged rods of diameter of about 13 mm soft annealed and quenched after austenitizing at the temperature range of 900 ºC to 1150 ºC the distributions of intersept lengths of carbide particles are distinctly nonsymmetrical. In the annealed steel the most numerous fraction is formed by the carbides of the intercept lengths of about 0.5 µm, whereas after austenitizing at 1150 ºC during 30 minutes, the fractions of lengths from about 0.75 up to 1.75 µm with distinctly less number than in annealed steel. Distributions of the carbide particles cross-sections, on the secant 0.056 mm long, in the quenched steel after austenitizing at 900, and 950 ºC are close to the symmetrical distribution, and at 1000, 1050, and 1150 ºC are distinctly non-symmetrical. 1. INTRODUCTION The process of carbides dissolution in austenite during austenitizing of tool steels has fundamental meaning as it affects the degree of austenite saturation with carbon and alloying elements [1-8]. Moreover the non-dissolved carbides inhibit the grain growth/coarsening of austenite [9-11]. Authors of the higher mentioned references concerned with the process of carbides dissolution analyse and discuss changes in carbides contents determined by the electrolytic extraction method as the function of austenitizing temperature and time in steels of type of about 2% C and 12% Cr. The weight percentage of carbides is analysed there. It is well known that a flat metallographic specimen may serve to determine many parameters of the spatial structure, e.g. specific volume of carbide phase, surface share/specific surface, and assuming sphericity of carbides, also the number of spheres in one cubic milimeter and the average diameter of spherical carbides [12, 13]. Most of the presented in the literature investigation results concerned with the effect of austenitizing parameters on the parameters of spatial structure in steels of about 2% C and 12% Cr type have a fragmentary character. Some exemplary papers discussing the problems are [14-16]. The purpose of the work was to collect possibly significant amount of experimental data concerning the effect of austenitizing temperature on the arrangement of carbides and their size/intercept lengths. The spatial arrangement of carbides in bars of the studied NCWV/D3 steel versus austenitizing temperature and time will be presented in another paper. 2. MATERIAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The studies were carried out for NCWV/D3 steel of the composition given in Table 1. Table 1. Chemical composition of the studied NCWV/D3 steel, wt% C 1.95 Cr 11.56 W 1.32 V 0.31 Mo 0.05 Ni 0.122 Mn 0.44 Si Cu P 0.27 0.073 0.024 S N 0.022 0.016 The samples for the study were prepared from bars of diameter 13 mm, forged and soft annealed coming from one heat/melt. The heat treatment was carried out in the furnace with 1 METAL 2003 20. - 22. 5. 2003 Hradec nad Moravicí __________________________________________________________________________________________ controlled/protective nitrogen atmosphere. The temperature control accuracy was ± 2 ºC. This paper deals with the experimental results obtained on samples of NCWV/D3 steel austenitized at 900, 950, 1000, 1050, and 1150 ºC during 30 minutes. After austenitizing, the samples were cooled down in the hardening oil of a temperature of about 20 ºC. 2.1 Metallographic microscopic studies Metallographic specimens were prepared mechanically using abrasive papers of graininess from 100 to 2500. Afterwards the samples were polished using aquaeous Al2O3 suspension. To reveal the carbides, microsections of annealed steel samples and quenched samples were etched using Murakami’s reagent (3 g potassium ferrocyanide + 100 g KOH + 100 cm3 H2O). Metallographic photographs were done by means od Epityp 2 microscope. 2.2 Determination of intercept lengths and a number of carbide grains cut Measurements of intercept lengths were carried out on micrographs of magnification 1250x by random drawing of secants 70 mm long, with the use of set of micrographs taken in different sites of 3 samples quenched after austenitizing in higher mentioned temperatures. Number of secants drawn on each set of micrographs equalled 84 whereas the number of measured intercepts of carbide grains/particles for samples under annealed state was 1124, and hardened after austenitizing at 900 ºC was 957, at 1000 ºC was 670, at 1050 ºC was 556, and at 1150 ºC was 637. In order to determine exactly the distribution of the number of carbide particles intersected, the number of secants for samples quenched after austenitizing in the temperature range from 900 to 1050 ºC was increased up to 154, and at 1150 ºC up to 230. 3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In order to determine the distribution of carbide particles’ intercept lengths in the NCWV/D3 steel annealed and quenched after austenitizing in the temperature range from 900 to 1150 ºC, the obtained intercepts were grouped in respective distributive series of constant gradation of intercepts equalling 0.2 µm. Intercept lengths’ distributions of carbide particles of lengths up to 3.2 µm and micrographs presenting carbides after etching with the use of Murakami’s reagent are presented in Figs. 1 to 5. Fig. 1. Picture of carbide particles in NCWV/D3 steel: (a) annealed, (b) quenched after austenitizing for 30 minutes at 950 ºC. Murakami’s reagent was used for etching 2 METAL 2003 20. - 22. 5. 2003 Hradec nad Moravicí __________________________________________________________________________________________ Number of carbide grains chords ncc 180 TA = 900 ºC τA = 30 min Σki = 84 ANNEALED 163 160 Σki = 84 156 140 120 100 Up to 3.2 µm 80 60 40 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Intercept lengths of carbide grains [x0.2 µm] Fig. 2. Histogram of the carbide particle intercept lengths in NCWV/D3 steel: - quenched after austenitizing at 900 ºC for 30 minutes - annealed, Fig. 3. Picture of carbide particles in NCWV/D3 steel quenched after austenitizing for 30 minutes at: (a) 1000 ºC, (b) 1050 ºC, and (c) 1150 ºC It results from the studies carried out that in NCWV/D3 steel bars of diameter 13 mm forged and soft annealed, the distribution of carbide particles’ intercept lengths is approaching a logarithmic-normal distribution, and carbides of the intercept lengths of 0.4 µm are the most numerous fraction. Very similar behaviour concerning distribution is observed in the quenched samples after austenitizing for 30 minutes in the temperature range from 900 up to 1150 ºC with the successive decrease in the number of carbides of the smallest sizes with temperature increase. In the quenched samples after austenitizing at 900 and 1000 ºC for 30 minutes the most numerous fraction is still the carbides of the intercept lengths of about 0.4 µm, whereas at 1150 3 METAL 2003 20. - 22. 5. 2003 Hradec nad Moravicí __________________________________________________________________________________________ Number of carbide grains intercepts ncc ºC, the fractions of the range of 0.6 up to 1.4 µm. Worth of noting is the distribution of carbides intercept lengths obtained for the steel samples quenched after austenitizing at 1200 ºC which indicates distinctly non-uniform, fluctuating, character. 180 TA = 1000 ºC τA = 30 min Σki = 84 Σci = 620 160 140 TA = 1050 ºC τA = 30 min Σki = 84 Σci = 515 120 100 Up to 3.2 µm 80 60 40 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Intercept lengths of carbide grains [x0.2 µm] Fig. 4. Distribution of carbide grains’ intercept lengths in NCWV/D3 steel quenched after austenitizing for 30 minutes at: (a) 1000 ºC, (b) 1150 ºC TA = 1200 ºC τA = 30 min Σki = 248 Σci = 509 Relative total number, % 20 TA = 1150 ºC τA = 30 min Σki = 160 Σci = 558 15 10 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Intercept lengths of carbide grains [x0.2 µm] 14 15 16 Fig. 5. Distribution of relative number of carbide grains’ intercept lengths in NCWV/D3 steel quenched after austenitizing for 30 minutes: at 1150 ºC, and at 1200 ºC 4 METAL 2003 20. - 22. 5. 2003 Hradec nad Moravicí __________________________________________________________________________________________ Fig. 6. Micrographs of sample surface fractures taken by means of scanning electron microscope of Jeol JSM-S1 make on NCWV/D3 steel samples quenched after austenitizing for 30 minutes at: (a) 950 ºC (b) 1000 ºC, and (c) 1100 ºC To find out what is the behaviour of carbides of various sizes during cracking of samples loaded with the force of impact character, the studies of samples quenched after austenitizing at 950, 1000, and 1100 ºC for the same period of time equalled 30 minutes, were performed. For the cracking experiment, cylindrical samples of diameter 10 mm, 100 mm long with the V-shape notch made in the middle part of the sample, were prepared. The surface pictures/micrographs obtained on the broken samples are presented in Fig. 6. It results from the observation and micrographs of the fractures( Fig. 6) that: (a) during cracking of samples due to impact loading, single big carbides crack along different planes, the fracture surfaces are usually smooth, and often crack perpendicular/normal to the primary fracture occur (b) carbides of small sizes and spheroidal shape do not undergo cracking but are rather drew out of one part and left embedded in another part of the fracture (c) cracking of carbides in the area of their segregation leads to the arising a number of projections appearing with sharp edges. 3.1. Discussion of results Based on the carbide particles’ intercepts lengths measurements carried out the changes in the volumetric share of carbides versus austenitizing temperature were determined. These specific problems are to be considered in another paper where a point method is to be used to compare the results with the determination results of weight share of carbides based on the method of electrolytic extraction. Another parameters of steel structure which may be determined by linear method of random secants are: (i) specific surface area of carbide phase and (ii) specific length of carbide particles’ boundaries. In this paper, in order to increase the calculation accuracy of these two parameters, the number of secants of 70 mm long, lreal = 0.056 mm, was increased for steel samples quenched after austenitizing for 30 minutes at the temperature range from 900 to 1100 ºC up to 154, whereas at 1150 ºC, up to 230. Counting of the number of carbide particles cut was done based on the same micrographs which were used to measure the carbide particles intercepts’ lengths. Distributions of the number of carbide particles cut by secants of the length of 70 mm (lr = 0.056 mm) are presented in Fig. 7. 5 METAL 2003 20. - 22. 5. 2003 Hradec nad Moravicí __________________________________________________________________________________________ Relative occurrence frequency 0.3 e d 0.2 c a b 0.1 b e d c a 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Number of carbide particles intersected Fig. 7. Changes of relative frequency vs. number of carbide particles intersected after austenitizing at: (a) 900 °C, (b) 950 °C, (c) 1000 °C, (d) 1050 °C, (e) 1150 °C It results from the Fig. 7 that distributions of the number of carbide particles intersected in the NCWV/D3 steel quenched after austenitizing at 900 °C, and 950 °C for 30 minutes time are very close to symmetric, whereas the distributions after austenitizing at 1000 °C, 1050 °C, and 1150 °C, are non-symmetric with the tail extended into the direction of increased number of intersected carbide grains. With the rise in austenitizing temperature the number of carbides on 1-mm distance is decreasing from 192 in the quenched steel after austenitizing at 900 °C down to 73 after austenitizing at 1150 °C. The results of calculations, with the course of changes of the specific surface area and the specific length of carbides boundaries as the function of austenitizing temperature, are presented graphically in Fig. 8. It should be stressed that the presented distributions of carbide particles’ intercepts lenths as well as distributions of number of carbides intersected are performed based on measurements and counting carried out on micrographs of sample microsections normal to the bar axis (transverse). On these microsections the big primary carbides are of shape more or less close to the circle whereas many of these carbides in the longitudinal section are approaching rather rectangle and other longitudinal figures resulting from the orientation of the biggest forces acting during plastic working of metal. One should state then that calculated and given in this paper the spatial parameters of carbide phase of alloys based only on the traverse microsections do not reveal fully the real structure of these steels. 6 Specific length, mm/mm2 Specific surface area, mm2/mm3 METAL 2003 20. - 22. 5. 2003 Hradec nad Moravicí __________________________________________________________________________________________ τA = 30 min 1000 800 600 400 200 900 950 1000 1050 1100 Austenitizing temperature, °C 1150 Fig. 8. Effect of austenitizing temperature at constant time of 30 min on: area of carbide phase, specific length of carabide grains boundaries specific surface 4. CONCLUSIONS Based on the studies carried out the following conclusions may be formulated: 1. In bars of NCWV/D3 steel of 13 mm diameter obtained by forging method and undergoing soft annealing the main group of carbides are those of the intercept lengths up to about 1.2 µm with the content of carbides systematically decreasing with the increase of austenitizing temperature from 900 to 1150 °C. The process of dissolution of these carbides affects the amount of carbon, chromium, tungsten, and vanadium in the matrix of quenched NCWV/D3 steel. 2. During cracking of samples due to impact loading the carbides of small dimensions are drew out of substrate remaining in one part of the fracture surface. The big primary carbides usually crack along the plane running across the whole carbide particle whereas cracking the carbides in the area of their segregation leads to arising series of protruding sharp edges. 3. Distributions of intercepts lengths of carbide particles in NCWV/D3 steel annealed and quenched after austenitizing in the temperature range from 900 to 1150 °C are nonsymmetrical distributions, qualitatively similar one to another. On the other hand, the distributions of number of carbide patrticle sections/cuts in samples quenched after austenitizing at 900, and 950 °C for 30 minutes approach the symmetrical distribution, and after austenitizing at 1000 °C, 1050 °C, and 1150 °C are non-symmetrical. Number of carbide particles cut/cross-sectioned on the distance of 1 mm decreases, with the increase of austenitizing temperature, from about 192 per mm in the quenched samples after austenitizing for 30 minutes at 900 °C, down to about 73 per mm after austenitizing at 1150 °C. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. SATO T., HONDA Y., NISHIZAWA Z., Tetsu To Hagane, 42, 12, 1956, 1118-1122. 2. GŁOWACKI Z., Badania nad węglikami stali chromowych, Mater. 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