"How to Use Little Known Real Estate Marketing Secrets No One Else Will Tell You…To Close More Transactions In A Month Than You Now Close All Year!" "I’ve got four listing appointments this week and three set for next week! I've never had so many appointments and so much confidence walking in a listing! I've also got more good quality buyers than ever before too!" - Jim Estes, Coldwell Banker – Buyer Ads that Will Have Your Phone Ringing Off the Hook This is another way to use free reports and "free recorded messages". The basics are similar to the other free reports strategies, you're just aiming at renters. The objective is to stimulate interest and also agitate them just a little bit about the fact they're wasting money on rent - when they could be owning. You place one of these ads in a local newspaper, penny saver or your homes magazine and the results will follow. I've seen agents generate as many as 50-100 calls in a single weekend with these ads. The publications they used varied from market to market, but the ad worked virtually everywhere it ran. Also a quick point about the second ad. You'll notice it's editorially formatted. It looks kind of like a news article. In newspaper (outside of the classified section) ads that look like news will pull as much as 300%-500% better than ads that look like ads. Positioning is Absolutely Crucial! In planning your advertising strategy, another major key to consider is the position of your ads within a given publication. I've seen the exact same ad pull 2 calls one weekend. The very next weekend in the same publication (positioned correctly) it pulled 47 responses... again same ad, same publication, same everything, just different positioning. So consider these things when planning your next ad placement strategies. Also, I would suggest that you refer to your course materials for a much deeper explanation and for more examples and case studies. These two ads are just the beginning - but a good beginning they are! AD#1 Free Report Reveals How to Stop Paying Rent Forever and Own a Home of Your Own! Washington, DC - A free report has just been released that shares startling new ways to stop paying rent and own a home of your own. Call Toll-Free 1-800-xxx-xxxx, Recording # xxxx, 24 hrs, for a recorded message and a free copy of this report. Call to find out what your landlord is hoping you will never read about! AD#2 Who Else Wants to Stop Paying Rent Forever and Own a Home of Your Own Instead? Quit Paying Your Landlord's Mortgage! Everytime You Write a Rent Check You're Putting a Flaming Torch to Your Money...There is a Better Way! Your town, State – Mary and John were in awe. The feelings they had were hard to describe. They could hardly believe they were actually moving into a home of their very own. They watched from the sidewalk as the movers loaded their last piece of furniture into the moving van. They were finally getting out of that cramped little apartment they lived in for the last four-and-a-half years. They hopped in the car and Mary felt butterflies in her stomach as she said, "Let’s go home." A few minutes later they rounded the corner and Mary caught a glimpse. When it came into full view, she began to tear up and think back to all the times they put off the idea of buying, thinking they couldn’t afford it. That's when Jimmy, their four year old, asked from the back seat, "When are we going to get there Mommy?" She turned, leaned her head back and said, "We’re home sweetie. We’re home." The garage door opened and they happily eased the car in. As the car stopped Mary remembered all the times she prayed for a way to get out of that small cramped apartment. All that changed one day when Mary was browsing through a local paper and noticed an article offering a free report entitled, "How to Stop Paying Rent Forever and Own a Home of Your Own!" Out of curiosity she decided to call for the free report. A couple days later it arrived in the mail, and as she read it she could hardly believe it. A new feeling of hope and excitement shot through her. The details in the report revealed options she and John didn’t know existed. The report explained ways of owning that only required a small down payment and low income requirements. That was the beginning. Just three weeks after getting the report John and Mary were moving into their very own home. They did it! And with far less money than they imagined. To get a copy of this revealing report call the recorded information line below. Call now to discover what your landlord hopes you will never read. Call Toll-Free 1-800-xxx-xxxx, Recording # xxxx, 24 hrs, for a Recorded Message and Your FREE Report. How to Get 300% to 500% More Sign Calls That Go Straight to You…Not a Receptionist! What’s the key? Again, just like everything else in your marketing, make it easy and inviting for your prospect to call you. Recorded Info / 24 Hours is the perfect hook! We’ve seen agents go from 8-10 sign calls a month to 30-50 calls by putting this simple message on a sign rider. For Recorded Information – 24 Hours Toll-Free 1-800-XXX-XXXX ID# 2100 Sign riders are a good source for generating calls. They won’t produce as many calls as your homes magazines and other sources, but the calls you get will be high quality leads. You’ll get good quality drive-by callers and you’ll also get the neighbor who’s been thinking about selling. Plus, an added benefit of the rider is it makes your sellers happy. It’s a constant reminder that you are giving them 24-hour-a-day advertising. There are several points to consider with sign riders. The first is visibility. Like one agent told us, "The most important thing about my riders is that they get noticed. I want everyone who drives by to see the 24-hour recorded information sign. That’s why I printed it on both sides of the rider, I mount it on top of my sign, and I also decided to get the larger riders so they would be easy to see. I used to have 8x24 inch riders, but since I have a 30 inch width sign I decide to change to 12x30 inch riders. Now they are a lot easier to see. And the response has been significantly better." To summarize the key points: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Have the recorded information message printed on both sides of your rider Get as large of a rider as your signs will accommodate (12x30 if possible) Be sure to include 24-Hour and Recorded Information (examples follow) Mount the rider on top of your sign Position your sign for maximum visibility Example proportioned the same as a 12x30 inch rider: You can use any sign rider source you choose to get your riders done. The prices vary from $5 to $15 depending on the material used for the rider and the quantity you order. If you don’t have a source, here are two sources that have done good work for our clients in the past: • • Aztec Marketing Company in Austin, TX 800-252-8134 Sam’s Signs in Atlanta, GA 800-451-9878 Call to get a quote from each one and go with whoever you feel most comfortable. Both of these companies refer to this style of rider as "hotline riders". How to Target Renters and Get Them to Respond This strategy is similar to some of the strategies I explained in listing articles concerning the use of educational reports. It involves direct mailing renters with a series of postcards and letters designed to generate an inquiry for a free educational report. Once the prospect inquires, you launch a plan for consistently following-up until your prospects convert. One of our agents who focuses purely on buyer agency told us, "Since I don’t carry any listings I have to aggressively market for buyers and this approach has worked great. Every mailing I get 2%-5% response for the free report. I call them first, to confirm their address and kind of warm them up a little bit. I mail them the report. Then I follow up by phone three days later to see if I can get them to take the next step. If they are a little defensive, I try to put them at ease so they’ll be receptive to me later. Then I put them in my contact manager and follow up with them until they do something." He also explained, "Every time I mail them a letter or call them on the phone I have something to offer them. I offer to help them get financed. If their credit is bad, I offer to help them get it cleaned up. If they want to look for a particular kind of home, I offer to send them a list of properties in their range. The main thing is I let them know that I’m available to be of service and I try to make them feel at ease." How effective has this approach been for our agent? He’s doing an average of six to eight transactions a month with it! He does this nine months a year, then he takes three months off and relaxes. Not a bad lifestyle…huh? So the keys to the approach are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Mail renters a series of postcards and letters offering a free report (course materials) Once they respond for the report, call, confirm their address, and begin warming up Mail the report Follow up by phone three days later Follow up every ten to thirty days depending on their buying temperature Be consistent in your follow up until they do something Every time you follow up have some service to offer In every communication strive to make them feel at ease One of the key things to understand with this strategy is: It’s a longer term strategy. Plus, it’s purely a numbers game. When you mail 500 renters a postcard or letter, 10-20 of them will respond for the report. Then with good consistent follow up 30%-40% will convert over the next six months. Some will convert quickly, while others will take more time and consistent follow-up. So over six months, three to eight prospects will ultimately convert to transactions. If you mail 500 renters every month and you consistently follow-up with every lead, ultimately you will be producing between three and eight transactions every month from this one strategy. The biggest key is consistency of follow-up and the willingness to pay the price of six months to make it happen. A 6-Step Mailing Program for Renters With this mailing program you alternate mailing renters an "article" one month (examples in your course materials), a letter the second, an "article" the third and so on. There are three letters and three "articles" for a total of six months. At the end of six months you simply start over at month one and repeat the process. This mailing approach can be done over and over because the renter market is constantly shifting and changing. Plus, after repeated exposure the likelihood of getting a renter to respond increases significantly. Another consideration is that you may want to carry this process out on an every-other-month basis. Depending on how aggressively you want to cultivate the renter market, you may find it more appropriate to implement a toned-down version of the process outline in your course materials. Whatever the case, if you work the system, the system will produce. All of these materials are on the diskette that comes with your course. Each "article" is an editorially formatted ad that you should print, fold and tear an edge along the top of the ad, and photocopy it on another sheet of paper. This will make it look like you found an article for your renter prospect to read. Then write (or pay someone to write) with a blue felt tip pen, a quick note above the "article" and sign your name. For example, "Mr. Smith, I thought you might like to read this. John" If you personalize it with "Mr. Smith" it costs a little bit more, but the response rates will be significantly better. Also, I would recommend that you refresh your memory concerning the A pile, B pile theory of Gary Halbert’s. It’s a direct mail fundamental! In order to consistently get the response rates you need to make this strategy work with peak effectiveness, every "little thing" like personalizing your mailer is very important. Plus, once you have a system where other people prepare your mailings, it doesn’t take any more of your time to make it "personal". But the rewards will be increased response rates, better conversion rates and more commission checks cashed! How to Use Free Reports the Right Way... You'll Explode Your Listing Inventory How would you like to have a list of 300 prospects that each month, when you mailed them a letter, you got anywhere from 8 to 12 of them to list with you. Sound impossible? It’s not. Not if the prospects you’re mailing have indicated an interest in selling at some point in the near future. How do you get a list like that? By using the free "educational report" strategy that I’m going to explain. One of our agents explains it like this, "I advertise an offer for a free educational report about how to sell your home quickly and for more money. It works really well when I run the free report ads right along with my listings in the homes magazine. The caller who requests the report is obviously thinking about selling. It may not be today or even next month, but I have them in my database and I can mail them a letter once a month to stay in touch. My database is growing, I now have about 300 prospects who’ve requested reports in the last eight months, and each month I mail all 300 of them a letter. Generally I will get 12-15 calls, 10-12 appointments, and I close over 90% of them with the listing presentation you showed me." Not bad huh? This is how you target market. By getting prospects to raise their hand and tell you they are interested in information about selling, you identify them. They are part of the "active market". Now you can target them every month until they respond to your message. Most of the agents we work with, if they did any mailings prior to this strategy, would get dismal results at best. Agents would average maybe a half percent and that’s if they were lucky. Most of our agents used to get such bad results from their direct mail that they simply stopped doing it. This approach changes that. Why? Because the prospects you are mailing have elevated themselves to a new level. They have told you something about themselves. Now, is every one of your prospects going to respond? No. But your response rates will be excellent and very profitable, if you consistently follow through. Understand it takes a little time and consistent effort. The listing leads you get with this strategy will be A, B and C prospects. Some will want you to come out for a listing appointment right away, but those are the minority. The majority of your prospects are responding in the early part of their "thinking about selling" process. Which is perfect because you capture them before any other agent has an opportunity to get their hooks into them. Now you simply have to consistently stay in touch with them until they are ready. I have another suggestion. If you don’t have the ability to stay in touch with a large number of prospects consistently I suggest you invest in a contact management program. Goldmine, Act, Top Producer, On-Line Agent, Agent 2000... whatever. You need to have something in place that will help you quickly and easily stay in touch with lots of prospects. To make this particular strategy effective it's crucial to stay in touch. A good contact manager will help you do that. How Much Is It Worth to Stay In Touch? You’ve generated a prospect who will eventually list with someone. The cost of staying in touch with that prospect once a month for the next year, if necessary, is about $8. Now, according to Craig Proctor’s organization, 79% of their prospects list within the first six months. But let’s be conservative and say only one in ten of these prospects lists their home in the next year. Again remember, this prospect requested an educational report about how to sell their home quickly and for the most money. They are thinking about selling! But let's say only one in ten does something in the next year. That means a single listing would cost you $80 to generate. Ten prospects x a year’s follow up cost = cost of generating one listing (10 x $8 = $80). Would you invest $80 for a good listing? What’s the cost if you don’t spend the $80 to stay in touch? One of your competitors cashes the check! With this strategy, look at the bigger picture. This is a longer-term strategy that could position you to be very dominant in your market. By capturing prospects early in the process, you close-out your competition as long as you consistently stay in touch. And all you need to stay in touch is a "personal" letter once a month until they list. It’s pretty simple! But…it takes a little bit of work to get the system set up so it doesn’t take you any time to follow through. If you had to personally write a letter to 300 prospects a month it would be far too cumbersome to ever work long term. Again, you need to automate the process with a contact manager. Your need these tools so you can personalize every letter you send to prospects. You don’t want to send them cold, impersonal letters. That’s not staying in touch. Staying in touch requires a "personal touch." Steps to Successfully Using Free Educational Reports In Your Marketing Our agent mailing 300 prospects per month had some additional insights she explained, "When I mail the report out, I wait three days and then I follow up by phone. I’m very gentle and service-oriented, but I’m still looking for an appointment if possible. If I get it great. If not, I let them know I will be staying in touch and if there is any way I can be of service, I want them to feel comfortable calling me. Then I put them in the database and mail them a followup letter every month. With my database growing like it is, I now stage my mailings so that only one fourth of my prospects get mailed each week. This way every prospect gets a letter once a month. And by doing it this way, it enables me to follow-up by phone, too. I follow up by phone a few days after I mail them a letter. But, I only do this every other month because that’s about as much as my prospects seem to feel comfortable with." The steps to success as our agents outlined them are: 1. Use the free educational report ads that are included in your direct response ad kit 2. Run your free report ads along with your listings in your homes magazines or newspaper 3. Understand the strategy is a longer-term strategy that takes a little time. 4. Build your database of prospects 5. Mail them the follow-up materials (included in your course materials) every month 6. Follow-up (using scripts from your course materials) a few days after you send the report 7. Follow-up by phone, every other month, a few days after you send a letter Make your prospects an offer, give them a reason to pick up the phone to call you. Make them feel comfortable. Close your letters and follow-up calls in a very service- minded way. Try to disarm them and make them feel totally at ease. If you can get your prospects to begin an ongoing dialog with you, you’re in. You own their business. By serving them at this high level you effectively shut out the competition. You have what Jack Trout, author of "Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind," refers to as "complete mind-share." When that prospect thinks real estate the first and only name that comes to mind is yours! In Conclusion This strategy is just the beginning of what you can do with this system. It’s virtually unlimited the number of things you can do, when you begin to think both strategically and tactically. I’ve given you one powerful tactical strategy and our course materials give you virtually all the follow-up materials to support them. But I hope you will begin to look at the bigger picture and see the underlying principles that make this system so effective. "How to Completely Dominate Your Competition, Win the Listing 95% of the Time or More, and Do it All With Incredible Ease...Even If You're Competing with the Top Agent in Your Market!" The Ultimate Listing Presentation! Dear Fellow Real Estate Professional, When you walk into a listing appointment are you fired up with anticipation? Do you know beyond any doubt that you'll walk out of that home with the listing? Let me restate it. If you were going up against the number one agent in your market...how would you feel? Would you be ready to take them on head-to-head, nose-to-nose? Well, read through the following listing presentations and imagine yourself using the tools our agents use. Then come back and answer these questions! "It was the heat of intense competition!" The listing was the most appealing home in the area. He was given twenty minutes with the homeowners and if he didn’t impress them, the listing was going to the largest company in his area. His competitor was a firm that did over $375 million in transactions the previous year. So our agent was up against pretty stiff odds. Describing the evening of his presentation Michael explained, "I had prepared for the presentation just like you told me to. I did a recording describing the home. I prepared a brochure for fax-on-demand. I had my cell phone..." "I was ready!" "When I arrived, I was quickly let in. The homeowners seemed in a hurry. They wanted to get going because they said they had plans later that evening. But I think they had already decided they were going to give the listing to the other company. "So I opened up with, ‘Folks I’ve set up this new system specifically for you and your home. It’s a system that gives you 24-hour-a-day advertising and it generates hundreds of sales leads! Here’s how it works. I advertise your home with a big bold call-to-action ad. It tells prospects to call for recorded information and fax-on-demand information anytime, 24 hours a day. Prospects dial in to hear a recorded description of your home and the best part is when they connect, I get their name, address, and phone number automatically – 100% of the time, whether they leave it or not! So I can follow up on every possible lead! Absolutely nothing slips through the cracks! Let me show you how it works! Grab the phone and dial this number.’ "Bob, the husband, dialed my hotline number and entered the extension. As he began listening his eyes got bigger, he reached over and started to elbow his wife, and said, ‘honey, listen it’s our property!’ As they squeezed together my cell phone notification went off. I handed it to Bob and said, ‘Now here’s the best part.’ "It was awesome because Bob was staring at his ‘unlisted’ phone number, the one he just dialed from fifteen seconds ago! Then I told him, ‘Whenever someone calls and listens to the advertisement describing your home, my system automatically notifies me in 15-20 seconds, with their phone number, name and address and the fact that they've inquired about your home. So I can call them back right away, while their interest is at a peak.’ Their heads started bobbing and nodding like a doggie toy in the back of a car window! "Bob and his wife started to nod, scooted up to the edge of their seats, and really began tuning into everything I said. Then, as the recording finished, I said, ‘Here’s another great benefit. Press three and enter your fax number.’ He did. Ten seconds later the fax machine in Bob’s home office clicked on. It was so cool." "After the system faxed my two-page brochure, Bob and his wife seemed to relax. They seemed to forget they were in a hurry and started to ask questions. We talked about my marketing plan and they could clearly see I had an advantage. Even though my competitor was huge, Bob and his wife understood the value of timing. They understood the importance of reaching the prospect while their interest was at a peak. Without this system, I don’t think I could have got Bob and his wife to slow down and listen." Really picture it! Isn’t this an awesome story? Michael stopped them dead in their tracks! Without this powerful demonstration it’s likely they would have nodded and smiled for 15-20 minutes, then showed him the door! You’ve been there. You know that feeling! Instead he walked away with the nicest listing in the entire area! Now let’s take it a step further… Their eyes get as big as pancakes when you WOW them with this! Kevin (who now does over 100 transactions a year), like the other agent, he prepares a recording of his prospective seller's property. Then he briefly explains, "Most agents are available 40 hours a week. My business is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week! Dial this number and enter this extension." After his soon-to-be-clients dial, they're pleasantly surprised because again it's an advertisement for their property! Then Kevin's cell phone notification goes off. He hands it to them. As they look at the phone number, again, they are amazed...it's their phone number, the one they just dialed from 20 seconds ago! Here's the clincher... Kevin follows with, "Now press zero." They do. Six seconds later, his cell phone rings. He answers and the sellers are talking to him from six feet away. He then says, "Anyone, anytime, anywhere can call my recorded info line to get more details about your home and immediately reach me to set up a showing. My system works 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help me sell your home. Other agents give you 40 hours a week. That's why I do a better job of selling homes than other agents." Then softly with a smile he says, "So who do you want to list with?" Twenty minutes later he leaves with their listing. Understand Kevin doesn't work 24 hours a day. In fact, he shuts his cell phone off after 6:00 in the evening. He's explaining how his system takes care of business 24 hours a day. Now you fire your final cannon! Here’s where you pound your competitors into dust with... Both these presentations are incredibly powerful, but it’s not done! Now you show your sellers page after page after page of detailed call reports. One agent explained, "When I follow your presentation to the letter, it’s enough to close the listing 95 percent of the time. But when I show them a stack of call reports with names, addresses, and phone numbers of hundreds of callers, they are in awe. If they’re the slightest bit skeptical during my presentation, now there’s no way they can dispute what I’m saying. I’ve just given them concrete written proof that I’m generating 150-200 calls a month or more! Compared to the average agent who gets maybe 20." Now let me ask, do you think you could close a few more listings with this presentation? Does this seem like it would add impact and help swing a few more of those close ones? You know which ones I'm talking about. The ones you feel were almost ready to swing your way, but a week or so later you see a competitor's sign in their yard! This is your chance to add incredible power and impact to your presentation and win the listing 95% of the time or more! If these ideas make sense take a closer look... investigate... "This is the best listing tool I've ever used. People are in awe when I go to a listing and they hear a recorded description of their home already done! I'm already a step ahead of my competition!" Beverly Frazier, RE/MAX Realty Select, Naples, FL “How A Simple Classified Ad Formula Can Have You Closing Multiple Transactions Every Single Month...and All it Takes is 30-45 Days to Get the Train Rolling!” The Lowly Classified Ad Has Some Agents Earning Six-Figures Year After Year...While Other Agents Complain They’re a Waste of Money…Who’s Right? Read This Amazingly Simple Formula… Then You Decide… Dear Friend, You're about to to be introduced to a formula that is so simple, so common sense, yet so powerful in it's implications that you actually need to be careful. It's a formula that (when applied correctly) can have your phone ringing off the hook! And the best part is within a matter of days you can profit! It's almost shameful (but lucky for you and me) that all too often agents overlook the massive profit potential of classified ads. They either view them as necessary to keep sellers happy, run boring useless ads that don't produce calls or they simply don't use them at all. Well, I'm going to let you in on a very important secret. Classifieds can be (dollar for dollar) the most profitable advertising source in your marketing arsenal. The key is how you approach them. To make classified ads work you have to apply a simple concept a trainer friend of mine teaches. He says, "All you need to do is find out what people want and need and make it easy for them to get it." Makes sense doesn't it? "Find out what people want and need and make it easy for them to get it!" Well in a minute we will look at classified ads and talk about how to do exactly that, but first there are... Three Reasons Every Agent Should Love Classified Ads There are three main things about classified ads agents should love - besides the fact they can make you a whole lot of money! First, they are generally inexpensive to run - relative to display ads. Second, they are quick and easy to test. You can place an ad on Thursday. It hits the paper over the weekend. And by Monday or Tuesday you've got real measurable results. Third, and probably most importantly, they produce really good, quality leads. Prospects you produce with classified ads are ready to act now! Think about it! It makes sense that classified leads would be of good quality because people looking through the classifieds are LOOKING! People Don't Browse the Classifieds for Entertainment They look through the classifieds because they have a purpose. And the vast majority of leads you produce with classifieds are ready to do something soon! In fact, some of the best sources for your classified ads are those free newspapers that get distributed throughout communities. In my neighborhood, for example, there is a free paper that gets thrown on my driveway every other day. It used to irritate me because I had to pick it up and 99% of the time I just tossed it in the trash. But you know, an interesting thing happened when my wife and I started shopping for our current home. I started picking those crazy things up and looking through the classified ads! Now let me ask you...do you think that's a common experience? From our agents' experiences, I can assure you it is! It's a very common, if not universal fact, when someone is looking for information, they tend to look in the quickest easiest sources available to them. Yeah I know the Internet is changing the game but let me tell you something. Nothing is easier for prospects than classified ads. And I should know because I've got T1 Internet access and I can search things at blazing speed over the Internet, but I still turned to the classified ads first! And if you really think about, I'll bet that's the way most people in your market are too! Even with high speed access and the ability to search the Internet quickly, prospects still tend to prefer the classified ads. And again, from our agents' experiences, classifieds work incredibly well...when done correctly! Now...How to Use Classifieds Ads to Create Massive Profit! There are four key components to successful classified ads: • • • • An Attention getting headline. Copy that generates Interest. A message that creates Desire. A compelling call to Action. You may recognize this as the age old AIDA formula... Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. It's been used for over 100 years and an interesting thing is it still works! Why? Because it's a fundamental and fundamentals will always work. Now let's look at each component in turn and then give you clear examples you can apply to your classified ads. ATTENTION - The key with attention is to get "relevant" attention. You want to telegraph a headline that speaks directly to the prospect you're interested in. For example, if you have a $350,000 listing you don't really care to attract the attention of prospects who can only afford a $125,000 home. You want to call out to those who are truly looking for a $350,000 home. EXAMPLE: "Elegant Home in Gated Community" The words "elegant" and "gated community" imply a higher-end property and will tend to flag down a more suitable prospect for you. Too many agents try to use cute or tricky headlines to get people to notice them. This is a mistake because you may get attention but you're actually less likely to reach the prospects you really want to reach. So be selective with your words and target your ideal prospect. INTEREST - In your ads, highlight the most compelling benefits (notice I said benefits and not features) of the property. Point out the sumptuous master bath with sunken whirlpool tub...talk about how affordable the home is...give your prospect information about the neighborhood...capture their interest! EXAMPLE: Gorgeous home on private lot with lots of nice trees, great neighborhood! The things that will interest them most are the emotional benefits of the home you're offering. You're not selling bricks and lumber. You're selling the pride of ownership, safety and security for their family, and any one of of a hundred other "emotional" benefits. Which leads to desire... DESIRE - To create "desire" you have to accentuate and build on the "emotional" benefits. Prospects never buy based on logic. They always buy emotionally and then justify the purchase with logic. So in your effort to draw them out and get them to respond, you have to strike emotional cords. Throughout your copy you need to fill it with emotional words like: spacious, striking, stunning, lavish, charming, scenic, dramatic, comfortable, quiet street, cozy, all new and hundreds of other powerful emotion- provoking words and phrases. EXAMPLE: Charming home in quiet neighborhood, all new flooring, spacious kitchen, lots of trees, an amazing bargain at $229,500. For a list of the 303 most powerful emotion provoking words for advertising copy get a copy of John Caples book "How to Make Your Advertising Make Money". Caples is a true master of the written word and this book will help you craft ads that will pull like gangbusters! ACTION - Now here's where we get to the nitty gritty! It's all fine and good to get their attention, stimulate interest, even provoke a little desire, but if you don't get them to take action...you've got nothing! So...now it's time to tell them what to do! You've got to get them up off their backsides and get them to take action. How do you do that? Well let's go back to what my trainer friend says, "Find out what people want and need and make it easy for them to get it." The Single Greatest Factor to Success With this Strategy is...MAKE iT EASY! Now let's think about this together. What do prospects really want? Once you've gotten their attention, interest, desire...what do they really want? They want more information... so let's make it EASY for them to get it! How? This is the single biggest secret of many many top producing agents I know! And it's so simple! Offer a "Recorded Information Hotline" for them to call anytime 24 hours a day! This way they can call for "recorded info" (without the threat of being hounded by a salesperson) to get what they want! Again, "Find out what people want and need and make it EASY for them to get it!" That's what you're doing with a "Free Recorded Message" line! EXAMPLE: For a Free Recorded Message 24 Hours Call Toll-Free 1-800-555-5555 ID# 5555 OK, we've covered the AIDA formula. Now I want to give you a couple closing thoughts on classifieds and then give you a number of clear examples you can model in your own classified ads. Understand that with classified ads you are competing for your prospect's attention, so most things you can do to help draw attention to your ad are worthwhile, like boxes, bolding, reverse type, quotes around your headline...things that will make your ad stand out from the others. But here's a caution...remember to remain relevant. Don't try to use cutesy tricks to dupe someone into noticing you. This is their largest investment we're talking about. This is not the time to try to be humorous or to use trite worn-out phrases that don't mean anything to prospects anymore. So use the AIDA formula...use formatting elements to stand out from the rest and go for it. Classifieds are a great way to make your phone ring constantly with interested new prospects every day of the week. Following are some examples you can model to use in your classifieds: Classified Ad Examples "THINKING ABOUT OWNING IN FLORISSANT?" - Terrific home on a quiet street, low down payment, Free Recorded Message 24 Hrs. Toll-Free 1-800-555-5555 Recording #5555 ABC Realty "CONTEMPORARY HOME ON 2.7 ACRES" - Minutes to shopping, low down payment, only $1,237/month, beautiful home, sumptuous Jacuzzi tub in master, nice quiet area. Call now for a Free Recorded Message Toll-Free 1-800-555-5555 Recording #5555 ABC Realty "STOP PAYING RENT TODAY!" - You may be able to "own" for what you pay in rent right now! Free list of homes, easy financing, under $900/mo, sent to you every week. Free Recorded Message Toll-Free 1-800-555-5555. Recording #5555. ABC Realty "THINKING ABOUT SELLING?" Find out what your home is worth by comparing recent home sales in your area! Call for a FREE list of recent sales in your neighborhood. Free Recorded Message 1-800-555-5555 Recording #5555. ABC Realty "NEWLY BUILT WITH SUPER-EASY FINANCING" low down payment only $1,057/mo. 3 bdrm, 2 bath on quiet cul-de-sac, beautifully landscaped with nice trees. Call now for a Free Recorded Message 24 Hrs. Toll-Free 1-800-555-5555 Recording #5555 ABC Realty "7.3 LUSH ROLLING ACRES" - Spectacular home, incredible view $187,500 with 100% financing available. Free Recorded Message 24 Hrs. Toll-Free 1-800-555-5555 Recording #5555 ABC Realty "EXCLUSIVE AREA WITH 2-3 ACRE LOTS!" – Terrific homes! Gorgeous lots! Secluded area, most under $200,000. Call for a FREE list of available properties. Free Recorded Message 24 Hrs. Call Toll-Free 1-800-555-5555. Recording #5555. ABC Realty "SHOP FOR A HOME THE EASY WAY - WITH ABSOLUTELY NO SALES PRESSURE!" FREE list of homes for sale in your desired price range sent to you each week. Complete with addresses! Call for a Free Recorded Message Toll-Free 24 Hrs. 1-800-555-5555. Recording #5555. ABC Realty One last final recap. First get attention, second stimulate interest, third create desire with emotion-filled words and descriptions, then fourth, prompt your prospect to act. And the best way to get them to act is to MAKE IT EASY for them to respond with a Free Recorded Information response hotline! Now go to it...put these classified ideas to work and go make a carload of money! My very best to you in your business-building. How to Create 300%-500% More Quality Inbound Leads While Slashing Advertising Costs 40%-50%! I’m going to show you a way you can take any ad source you're currently using and get 300%500% more quality inbound leads out of that source without your ad costing you a single penny more! Have you ever wondered why more people don’t pick up the phone and call? Or why they call your competitor instead of you? Well, it’s not because they aren’t good prospects. And it’s not because they aren’t ready to do something. The reason is you make it hard for them to call you! Now I realize this may be hard to take but let me explain. Think about it. Prospects are shy. They’re intimidated. Even the best prospects have a natural built-in sales resistance! To illustrate let me ask you, what’s your perception of the word "salesperson"? Even though you and I are in the profession of "selling", if you’re like I am your sales resistance starts to well-up just thinking about the word "salesperson". Think about the last time you were in a furniture store and the "salesperson" strode up and said, "Welcome to ABC Furniture. How can I be of service today?" What was your response? If you’re like 98% of every person living, you said, "Oh, I’m just looking". When you and I know darned good and well you wanted a sofa, in a certain style, with a certain color fabric and so on. But you said, "I’m just looking". Why? It’s because everyone has been hounded, pressured and "sold" until they’re blue in the face! So let me ask again, what’s your perception of a "salesperson"? Well, guess what? The prospects you are trying to entice into calling feel the exact same way! They have sales resistance! When they get a telemarketer calling in the middle of their dinner they hang up the phone too! To bring the point home, when those same prospects see your ad, that requires them to pick up the phone to talk with a "salesperson", here’s the painful truth - they put it off! The Deadliest Sales Sin of Them All! The deadliest thing you can do to a good prospect is encourage them to put it off. If you encourage your prospects to put off the buying decision you’ll never bring them to the closing table! You’re probably thinking, "I would never encourage a prospect to put the decision off!" Well, that’s exactly what your ads are doing! Your ads are building barriers that encourage prospects to put it off, instead of making it easy and inviting for them to take the next step to get information! Make It Easy and Inviting for Prospects to Get Information from You! Your prospects need to feel comfortable responding if you’re ever going to get the maximum response from your ads, mailers, postcards or whatever! So how do you do that? By offering "Free Recorded Information – 24 Hours A Day!" It works like magic! Offer your prospects the opportunity to hear a "recorded verbal tour" of your most popular models along with all the features, amenities and attractions of your new community. When they call, they hear a visually descriptive message that heightens their senses. It paints vivid mental pictures of them luxuriating in the benefits of your new community! The recording has them "seeing" the model home and "experiencing" the walk through. The more they listen, the more their excitement and anticipation builds! Now they’re positioned perfectly for one of your sales staff to follow-up. It takes away your prospect’s sales resistance, makes it easy, inviting and comfortable to respond, and when they call – you have your lead! Think about it! Let’s say you had a product you were interested in. Which would you rather do, call and get "Joe Salesman" on the phone or call and listen to a descriptive recorded message that gave you some of the benefits and then enabled you to have a brochure faxed or mailed to you? According to the Direct Marketing Association, 83% of all consumers would prefer the second choice. 83% - over 4 out of 5 people would prefer to call for recorded information to begin the entire process getting a little information, before talking with a salesperson. Here’s another point about those prospects who got information before talking to a salesperson. 91% said they would be more likely to do business with those companies that offered to provide information first. What does it tell you? It says the prospects of your market want information, service and benefits – not a sales pitch! So how do you give it to them? By setting up your Response Hotline! We’ve been teaching this method of advertising and marketing with 24-hour recorded information for over eight years now. We’ve worked with thousands of builders, lenders and Realtors from all across the country and our number one goal has been to help our clients increase their marketing effectiveness with recorded information, as a "2-step" marketing method. We’ve been showing these professionals how to use a simple recorded message system to grow their businesses by quantum leaps! And it’s absolutely amazing to see the affect this simple strategy can have on a builder’s bottom line. The approach of simply shifting from pushing a prospect to call a "salesperson" to enticing your prospect to call for "recorded information" has increased our clients lead generation effectiveness as much as 300%-500%! And… When They Call, You Have Your Lead! The biggest benefit of this approach is integrating it with our high-tech, yet incredibly simple Response Hotline call-capture technology. It’s called Provantage. It’s a technology that utilizes a sophisticated Caller ID system called Automatic Number Identification or ANI for short. ANI captures the phone number 100% of the time! All calls (even unlisted numbers) that come through our system are recorded and captured. No number can be blocked! And yes! It’s perfectly legal, moral, ethical -- even with the new Do Not Call Rules -- and your customers will love using it! When a prospect calls for "recorded info" from one of your ads we can page you, "the consultant" with the phone number and a four-digit code identifying the exact property they are interested in – all within 20-30 seconds! Or if you prefer, the system can automatically fax you an up-to-the-second update anytime 24hours a day. Or you can even get your leads directly off our Internet web site. All the information is up-to-the-second. Now You Get Names and Addresses Too! As a FREE Added Benefit! An advantage of our call reports (via fax or web) is about 65% of the phone numbers have an accurate name and address - our data source is updated daily from over 450 different sites around the country. Clients report less than 1% of their mail gets returned! That’s over 99% accuracy! This is amazingly powerful for building a database of prospects for a mailing list! I could go on for about an hour on this one benefit alone, but I won’t. Back to the pager! The biggest advantage of the pager is you can follow-up in a matter of minutes. So you, "the consultant," get paged or text messaged on your cell phone with the phone number of the prospect and a four-digit code. The phone number enables you to call your prospect back quickly! Then, the four-digit code enables you to know what information your prospect requested and the ad that caused them to call you. With that information it’s easy for you to follow-up and begin a dialog with your prospect.Now this part is critical. Here’s where I’m always asked, "What does the prospect thinkwhen you call back? Are they upset you have their phone number?" The answer is yes - if you "high-pressure" them! But if you approach it correctly they love it and you deeply position yourself as someone who wants to be of service. An Unbelievably Simple, Yet POWERFUL Follow-Up Script! For example here’s how a Realtor of ours does it. He calls back and says, "Hello this is Jim Miller with XYZ Realty. A few minutes ago you called my recorded information line and got information about the home on Elm Street we’re advertising in the homes magazine. I know you weren’t expecting me to call you back, but I wanted to call for a couple reasons. First, I wanted to thank you for calling about the home on Elm Street, I appreciate your interest. But second, I wanted to tell you a little more about the home because in 45-60 seconds I couldn’t really tell you everything about it. Would it be OK if I told you a little bit more about it?" He does four things with this approach that are universal and would work in just about any setting. First, he identifies with them. Second, he appreciates them. Third, he demonstrates he wants to serve. Fourth, he is respectful and asks permission to continue. If they don’t want him to, he ends the conversation. If they want him to continue, he starts building rapport! How Well Does This Work? Our agent tells us that out of a hundred calls he gets 99% of the callers to talk with him and begin the sales dialoging process! Is it effective? Well, last year he made over $250,000 using this technology! The year before he made about $75,000 without using our technology. You be the judge…is it effective? I’d say so! But then again, I’m biased. How to Make Your Homes Magazines Produce Profit...Not Just Pacify Sellers Most agents I talk to, who advertise in homes magazines, feel it's a necessary evil of the business. They feel like it's just something they do to keep their sellers happy. Well, listen up! If it's not producing a profit...you cut it from the "payroll"...PERIOD! Bottom-line is every piece of marketing you put out, every sales letter you mail, every postcard you send has to cost-justify itself. You should view your marketing like a salesperson. Either your "salesperson" produces a clear measurable profit or you fire them. You wouldn't employ a salesperson who was a drain on your cash flow...so why do it with an ad source. Frankly, doing something to pacify a seller makes no sense and does not serve your clients at the highest level. Everything you do should have a real and meaningful benefit to your clients. So now I'm going to show you how to fire the lazy "salesperson" (the underperforming homes magazine) and hire a new more aggressive "salesperson" (a homes magazine done the right way) that will bring prospects flooding through your doors! Homes Magazines are a Great "Salesperson" Done Right When I tell you this, you may balk at it. But frankly, the single most potent lead generation source for our agents has been their local homes magazines. I know this is contrary to what most agents experience without this service. Like one agent said, “I was completely fed up with the response I used to get from my homes magazines. I considered stopping them all together, but I thought I needed to keep running the ads to make my sellers happy. Then, when you suggested that I change my homes magazine ads and make them look like your examples, I couldn’t believe it. The response was amazing! I got 18 calls the very first day my ad came out. And what’s even better is the fourth lead I got from the system closed about three weeks later. Now I love my homes magazines, but I honestly don’t think I will ever advertise in them again without this service.” You simply wouldn’t believe the number of times we’ve heard the same thing from agents everywhere. Homes magazines, when displayed like our example, produce exceptional results. It’s not uncommon to see an agent’s calls go from 10-15 calls a month, to 100-150 calls. Another nice thing about homes magazines is they actually produce both buyer and seller leads. The ratio is about four to one. Our agents have found that for every four buyer leads you generate from your homes magazine ad, you’ll generally produce one listing lead. Now this ratio could be improved by the strategy you employ on follow-up. If you gently dig a little, you’ll find that a high percentage of your buyer prospects also have a home to sell. So like I said before, virtually everything about this entire group of strategies hinges on one thing: how effectively you follow-up, more on that in Section 5 of your course materials. For now, let’s answer the question: How do we bring prospects flooding in the door with homes magazines? Answer: By formatting your ad like our example on the following page. Ad Formatting Example Free Recorded Information - 24 Hours a Day! Call Toll-Free 1-800-xxx-xxxx then enter the RECORDING number below the property to hear a recorded description Maryville, 3 BR, 2 BA, Nice Trees, Private Fenced Yard! Benton, 4 BR, 3 BA, Cathedral Ceilings, Cozy Fireplace Lakewood, 3 BR, 2 BA, Open and Spacious, Secluded Yard Enter Recording # 2001 Enter Recording #2101 Enter Recording #2201 Lakewood, 4 BR, 2 BA, Gourmet Trenton, 3 BR, 2 BA, Quiet Safe Neighborhood Top 10 School District Nationwide! Kitchen, Elegant Master Bath Enter Recording #2301 Enter Recording #2401 Trenton, 4 BR, 3 BA, Enter Recording #2501 Trenton, 5 BR, 3 BA, Golf Course Community Enter Recording #2601 Hillsboro, 3 BR, 2 BA, Ideal Separate Guest Quarters Enter Recording #2901 Your Picture and Office Information Here If You Don’t Have Any Inventory I would like to make a suggestion. If you don’t have any inventory, borrow some! Pick some of the nicest inventory in your office and advertise it. Other agents don’t mind. It’s free advertising. And the whole idea here is simply to generate prospects. It’s all about talking to people interested in buying or selling real estate. And if you don’t have any inventory, this is a great way to start. Now quickly, before I break apart this ad format and explain why it’s so effective, I have a question for you. What is the purpose of your ad? Is it to keep your name out there? Is it to create a good image? Or is it to make your phone ring? In our opinion the number one goal of your ad should be to make your phone ring… to generate prospects. All the other reasons are secondary. Yes, they are benefits of advertising, but they shouldn’t be the goal. The goal, your entire focus, should be to make your phone ring. If you focus on getting prospects to respond, your image and name recognition will benefit greatly too - as a natural side benefit of making the phone ring! So they go hand-in-hand, but your focus has to be on getting prospects to respond. OK, now let’s talk about this ad format. Why Does this Example Work So Well? Because it’s unique. This type of format will get a prospect’s attention, which is your first major step. Once you’ve gotten their attention, then fire your biggest bullet immediately! Give them your most compelling reason to call you in your headline! Because… Headlines are 90% Of Your Ad’s Effectiveness Your headline is crucial! That’s why you should minimize your banner and put it at the bottom. The top of the page is for your headline and your headline should be the most compelling reason for a prospect to pick up the phone to call you, which is “Recorded Information - 24 Hours.” “Recorded Information - 24 Hours” If you want prospects to call, the most noticeable thing about your ad should be “recorded info” and “24-hours”. This precise wording is important. It takes away sales resistance and you make it extremely convenient for your prospect to call…and again, that’s the goal. Next… Minimize Your Ad Copy If you tell prospects everything in your copy, what do they need you for? The reason you minimize ad copy is to give your prospects a reason to call. By giving them the area, bedrooms, baths and a couple emotional words (words that provoke an emotional response) you entice them without giving away the farm. By leaving everything else out of the copy, you give them a compelling reason to call…curiosity! How to Slash Marketing Costs By 30%-50% Instantly Imagine being able to track every single response you get from every single ad you run – with pinpoint accuracy! You know exactly which ad, which publication, which headline, which offer, right down to the very last detail, caused your prospect to pick up the phone to call you. Your finger is on the pulse of your marketing with precision! There’s no chance for human error! It happens every single time! A prospect calls – you track everything! You know where every last call comes from! What would this do for you? It would give you the ability to slice and dice! You would quit spending money on ads that don’t produce and focus exclusively on those ads that do produce! You could cut every ad source that was under-performing and you could increase your presence in those publications or sources that generated more quality response! That’s called "Massive Upside Leverage"! It’s taking the money you are already spending and leveraging it to produce a greater response! It’s like taking your money out of a bank account that’s slugging along at 3% interest and putting it into an incredibly secure high yield investment that generates you 200% annually for the next ten years! The power and upside potential is staggering! But, it all depends on your ability to track your response, then improve your approach. If you’re like most builders I know you try to do this already, but it’s very difficult if not impossible. You get calls that no one records. Or they take a message but never ask what caused the caller to respond. And it happens time and time again no matter how much you try to prevent it. Sometimes even you take a call and don’t ask…am I right? Looking at the situation, it’s frustrating! You want to know where your advertising dollars are best invested but all you have is a vague, hazy hunch "about" or "of" what’s producing. You know if you spend X amount of dollars, the phone keeps ringing. Without the ability to track and measure accurately, you just continue to throw mud against the wall and hope some continues to stick. THERE IS A BETTER WAY! What if you had a way that every time you ran an ad you knew with pinpoint precision and accuracy EXACTLY how many leads it produced? Again, if you knew exactly how many calls each source generated you could shave and trim marginal or under-performing ad sources out of your budget and focus more heavily on things that were more profitable. What’s the effect? Let’s look at an example. If you were advertising in four sources that all cost about the same and found: Publication #1 generates 8 calls a month // Publication #2 generates 29 calls a month // Publication #3 generates 7 calls a month // Publication #4 generates 37 calls a month what would you do? First you would look at the conversion rates before you did anything drastic because the publication producing only 7 calls could be the one producing the most ACTUAL SALES. But all things being equal, you would cut #1 & #3 and you’d focus more on #2 & #4…the effect? You could take out larger ads in publications #2 & #4, negotiate longer-term, better-rate deals, and increase your overall lead generation with 40%-50% less advertising money spent! With our response hotline you have this ability! Amazing Secrets Make Your Newspaper Advertising 750% More Profitable! The information I’m going to share with you this month comes from one of the true advertising geniuses of our time. If you combine all the newspaper advertising he’s purchased for himself and his clients, his company would be the third largest newspaper advertiser in the United States! The man I’m talking about is the true legend of direct response advertising, Gary Halbert. Gary primarily does full page advertising but, nonetheless the points he makes have direct application for your advertising efforts. As an example, I advised a client of ours with this same information. He took an ad that had produced 2 calls in a Sunday paper to 47 calls two weeks later. It was the exact same ad, exact same newspaper, exact same city...everything! So, let’s get to the heart of what made the difference. In the past, it has often been said that the three most important factors in choosing investment real estate are (1) location, (2) location and, (3) location. I think that’s probably true. And when it comes to running ads in newspapers, a similar precept needs to be held in mind. Namely, that the most important factor of all is... Position! Position! Position! Understand something. The #1 reason people don’t respond to a newspaper ad is because they don’t see it! Daily newspapers are huge. Many of them are several hundred pages thick. In fact, a recent issue of the L.A. times contained 405 pages! Whoee! You sure could get lost in there, couldn’t you? In the past, I’ve always tried to drum home the point that Americans sort through their mail standing over the waste basket. It’s a good mental image to have when you prepare a mail piece. It slams home the importance of grabbing their attention with a "killer" headline...a powerful, self-serving benefit to your reader. Basically, you’ve got one or two seconds! Now, here’s something else for you to keep in mind: As soon as people sit down to peruse their daily newspapers, they immediately divide it into sections. A man may ask his wife for the sports pages. The wife might zero in on the entertainment section. Entrepreneurs may want the business section. Gossip mongers may pick up the society pages. And so on. But, nobody reads the entire paper. In fact, hardly anybody opens up more than two or three sections. Think about it, do you? So, what does this all mean to you on a practical basis? This: that the very best place your ads can appear for maximum visibility (and hence, maximum readership) is on the front side of a section. And the second best place? It’s the back of a section. Here’s why. You see, even though most people don’t read or even open up every section, most people at least touch every section. Yes, they touch it if for no other reason than to pick it up to hand it to someone else or to throw it away. And, while they are thus handling each section, they are forced to at least glance at the front pages of those sections and (to a lesser degree) the back pages of said sections. And, of course, while they are glancing at those pages, should they happen to see an eyecatching ad, an ad with a "killer" headline, they just might read a couple of paragraphs to see what it’s all about. And if those first couple paragraphs are real good, then just maybe they’ll read the rest of the ad. And, if all that happens, who knows, maybe you’ll get a call. So, know this: your first job is not to get your customer to read your ad. No. Your first job is to get them to see your ad! It’s just common sense. If you can’t get your ad placed on the front or back side of the section, work for second best. Get your ad placed in the upper half, right hand page, as close to the front of the section as possible. Preferably the upper right hand corner. This is the number one secret to effective newspaper advertising...position! Now for number two. In a nutshell, the second biggest secret is: Make Your Ads Look Like A News Story Don’t make your ads look like an ad. Don’t use line art. Don’t use arrows, cute graphics, reverse type (except maybe to highlight a phone number), weird typestyles... Or anything else that might win an award for graphic design Come closer. Listen. Here is how to put together ads that are 500% more likely to get seen and hence, read. A cunningly, careful, highly scientific examination of reader habits yields a useful piece of data. Editorial material (or material that appears to be editorial) gets 500% more readership than material that is obviously advertising. Think about that. So...once you get your ad positioned well, make it grab your readers' attention. Write it in an editorial style with a headline that telegraphs your biggest self-serving benefit to your reader! Don’t make it look like an ad. That’s what everyone else does. In fact, so much so, that looking through the real estate section becomes an eye strain. Capitalize on this fact. Make your ads stand apart. Box them and format them just like a news article and they will stand apart. And, they’ll achieve your first objective...to get them seen! Plus, it will increase the likelihood of it getting read by 500%, provided the headline grabs them and the rest of the ad is well written. Don’t limit this approach to just newspaper advertising either. Take these same fundamentals and... Use Them in Your Magazine Ads Too! Pick up a recent copy of a local homes magazine. Look through. Do you notice anything? Do you see how all the ads start to look the same? Sameness = boring! And, one thing I can assure you of, is people will not allow themselves to be bored in print. It’s one form of communication in which you can’t afford sameness. Now, when I say sameness, I mean you can’t afford to look and sound like everybody else. By no means am I saying you need to change all the time. In fact, just the opposite is true. When agents find an effective method of advertising, they usually grow tired of it way before the market does. They change just for the sake of change. Which is foolish and costly. My point? Make your ads stand out. Be different. Use some of the ideas presented here and watch the responses multiply. And when you find something that works...work the dog out of it. Work it until it completely runs out of gas. And while you are working the new approach, plan your next stage, but don’t quit using a profitable method until it’s no longer profitable! Once it’s no longer profitable, move on to your newly planned out approach. What Was Once Successful Can Still be Successful! Another suggestion. Think back through your previous advertising efforts. Think about your most successful direct mail piece, advertisement...whatever. Re-visit that approach in your mind. If you think about it, that approach may have direct application right this very minute. But you discarded it just for the sake of change. If you had an approach that worked particularly well, you should get it out, dust it off and try it again. You may find that it will work equally well...right now! A New Idea! First I want to thank all the agents who’ve been sharing their secrets with us. We really appreciate you taking the time to call or fax us your ideas. Virtually all the ideas will be covered, at some point, in up-coming newsletters. This idea comes to us from an exceptionally creative and effective agent in Kenmore, NY. Whenever the opportunity presents itself, John shows other professionals he’s networked with in his community (doctors, accountants, insurance agents, etc.) how his response hotline works. John keeps the greeting on his response hotline generic. This way he can offer these professionals an opportunity to use one of his extensions for a flat fee of ten dollars per month. Now, generally, they won’t use more than ten dollars. If they do, he suggests that they get their own response hotline and he gives them our number. This gives him an opportunity to pick up a referral fee. But, more importantly...it strengthens his network. It has these other professionals feeling indebted to him because he’s continually thinking about ways to bring more value to their businesses. In turn, they want to bring more value to his. Makes sense, doesn’t it? The moral of the story? Whenever you come across ideas that can be of value (i.e. response hotlines, marketing ideas, whatever...) to other professionals…share! You’ll build your referral base stronger and we all know referrals are the best thing since sliced bread. How to Exploit Your Cutting Edge "Secret Weapon"... Focus on Fundamentals! In spite of all the exciting and revolutionary changes, I want to start off by going back to basics and addressing some key fundamentals. Because it’s the fundamentals combined with cutting edge tools, like our Response Hotline, that will have you beating the pants off your competition! Not focusing on the fundamentals is like building a house on sand. The three fundamentals I’m going to address in this report...headlines...ad positioning...and follow-up preparation. It amazes me when I look through my local newspaper. I see ads with nothing but purely selfserving headlines. They basically say give me your business because I want your money. I guess the writer thought it would be good enough to just write something "catchy". From experience in the school of hard knocks, I can tell you... it’s not! How important are good headlines? According to David Ogilvy (one of the all time great advertising masters), "Headlines are 90% of your ad's effectiveness. I’ve had one ad out-produce another ad by 22 times. The only difference was the headline. "Really think about that one folks! A 2200% difference and the only change was the headline. So, what makes a good headline? There have been entire books written on the subject of headlines. But, I’ll quickly give you a couple pointers. It has to promise your reader a clear, self-serving benefit...from their perspective...not yours! Really try to step outside your own experience and get into their shoes...what would be important to you if you were buying or selling a home? The other thing, don’t limit yourself to a set number of words. As long as it's meaningful to your reader, it doesn’t matter. Prospects will read everything you put in front of them as long as it’s interesting and important to them. My point is, whenever you’re putting together a flier, sales letter or anything that’s going to be in a prospects hands...focus a great deal on the headline. Try to fashion your headlines to contain one or more of these four key points: • • • • The most important is it must be written with the self-interest of your reader in mind Try to make the headline appear to be something news-worthy. Readers love news Make it appear that you have a quick and easy solution to their problem Avoid headlines that only provoke curiosity...combine curiosity with self-interest, news and a quick and easy solution and you’re virtually guaranteed a winner As a footnote, I would like to strongly urge you to get a copy of "Tested Advertising Methods" by John Caples. It’s a fabulous book that will teach you the fundamentals of writing good headlines and ad copy. It has helped build more successful ad campaigns and produce more profitable advertising than any other book ever written! To many advertising people it is like the bible of direct response advertising! If you get a copy and make a study of it, you will have the ammunition to take your ads from dead, tombstone ads to gushers of profitability! The second fundamental I want to address is ad positioning. Due to the limited amount of space in this newsletter, I’m just going to touch on this subject. I plan on going into much greater detail in an up-coming issue. Let’s assume you have a good headline and the ad copy supports your headline and calls your reader to action. In order to make that ad successful, the first goal is to get the ad seen. That’s why the number one, single-most important factor in newspaper advertising is positioning. If your ad is going to generate a response, it first has to be seen. If it doesn’t get seen, it makes no difference how good your headline or ad copy. It has no chance at all. I’ll give you a quick example using an ad in our direct response ad kit with the headline, "WARNING! Don’t List Your Home Until..." In the Sunday edition of a newspaper, it pulled 47 responses in one day... positioned correctly. We had another agent, in the exact same city, use the exact same newspaper with the exact same ad for a Sunday edition a couple weeks later. The ad pulled 2 responses! What was the difference? It was buried in the section and rarely seen. What’s the lesson? Fight for good position! Try to get your ad placed on the front or backside of a section. People sort their papers by section before they read. If you can’t get the front or back side of a section, get it placed in the upper half, left side of pages 2 or 3 of a section. When readers open a section, their eyes tend to scan the upper half of the inside two pages...from left to right. In an upcoming issue, I’m going to cover this in great detail. This is so important it bares repeating. It can save you thousands of dollars in wasted advertising. It can leverage the effectiveness of your ads. With proper placement (provided you have a well-crafted ad with a good headline), you can achieve profitable results. The third fundamental I want to address is follow-up preparation. This is a fundamental I’m sure gets over-looked more times than not. As an agent you get caught up in the day to day routine. Finding time to plan your follow-up can be difficult. But, one of the major keys to being successful in anything you do is planning. I like the way Jim Rohn puts it, "Life does not get better by hope. It gets better by plan!" Isn’t that great? The same can be said for follow-up. You need to plan your follow-up. You might be thinking, "If I get a pager call and I’m calling back in 3 minutes, how can I plan my call?" Well, here’s a razor sharp way. Look up a list of comparable properties for every one of your listings. And when you get a page, pull out your list of comparables and call your prospect back. The conversation would go something like this... "Hello, this is Jane Realtor with ABC Realty, a few minutes ago you called about one of my listings on Cherry St. from the ad in the homes magazine. As a courtesy I always follow up to see if I can be of service. Does that home seem to have what you are looking for in a home?" At this point you’ll probably get the question, "What’s the price of the home?" Don’t do it. Don’t tell them yet...ask the question, "Well, what price range are you looking for?" Then, guide the conversation with open-ended questions. If they continue to ask about the property they called on, enthusiastically tell them about it...then give them the price. You’ll build some value before dropping the bomb. Now, you’ll get a true feel for their interest level. At this point in the conversation, it’s the perfect time to bring up your list of comparables. Begin by saying something like, "You know based on what you’ve told me, we have a house in the same area of town, with the same number of rooms, it’s every bit as nice for about $12,000 less. Would you be interested in hearing about that one?" Again, this isn’t a new way of doing business, it’s a new way to make contact. The fundamentals are the same! How to Make Direct Mail Profitable... the Key is the "Personal Touch" An agent of ours who mails over 300 prospects every month explains how she creates the personal touch, "My contact manager mail merges a nice personal letter to each one of my prospects. Then I have my niece hand address each envelope. She then signs my name, folds, stuffs, seals and stamps each envelope with a first class stamp. I pay her 15 cents per complete mailer. She makes a little money and I save myself a ton of time. Plus the mailers have a real nice personal appearance." The keys to the "personal touch" are: • • • • • Always mail merge the prospects name into your letter Never, ever, ever, use mailing labels - it’s cold and impersonal Either print envelopes or have someone hand-address them for 5-7 cents each Sign every letter, pay someone 3-5 cents to sign them for you or laser print your signature with a good enough laser printer that you can’t tell it’s printed Use a live first-class stamp - don’t meter or bulk mail You can pay people to put together mailings for you and you should be able to get them completely done and mailed for about 50-60 cents a mailer. Also there are companies that will do the job from start to finish for a little bit more, generally about 70-75 cents per mailer. Again, if you are going to prepare the mailings you’ll need a good word processor and contact manager. With these programs you can "personalize" literally thousands of letters and prepare them with little to no time spent. And that’s the key -- little to no time spent! You need to develop ways of getting things like this done without exhausting your time. Your time at its highest level is worth $300-$500 an hour. By developing systems for getting the $7-$8 an hour work done, you can spend the majority of your time creating strategies for getting face-to-face with more good, quality prospects. WARNING! Your Current Hotline, 24-Hour Info Line or Toll-Free Service Could be Costing You $5,000-$10,000 a Month...or More! Dear Fellow Real Estate Professional, If you’re creating 3 to 4 transactions a month with your hotline and another superior service would help you create 6 to 7 transactions a month – the reality is, your inferior hotline is costing you 2 to 3 transactions every month! So yes! Right now, right this very minute, your hotline is costing you $5,000 to $10,000 a month or more! Let me explain... There are Two Types of Hotlines... One is the "box unit" that uses a local caller ID. The other is a response hotline that uses Automatic Number Identification or ANI for short. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. First, the box unit is like shooting yourself in the foot! Why? It only captures about half your leads, the other half of your calls register as "Not Available" just like your Caller ID at home. Yes, it's a "fixed" cost each month, but you lose nearly half your leads! So the lost income and opportunities negate any "savings" you get from the "fixed" cost. It's a Classic Case of Tripping Over Pennies on Your Way to the Dollars! Response hotlines, that use ANI, capture the phone number 100% of the time…but...the drawback is they don’t give you a name and address. (One service "claims" to, but we’ve heard their name and address accuracy is terrible)... Now imagine having the best of both worlds…ANI 100% call capture and a high quality **very reliable and accurate** name and address feature. **With the Right System** You'll Unleash Massive Growth... Guaranteed! Let me illustrate by sharing a quick story. An agent of ours in Owensboro, KY explains the benefits of having ANI 100% Call Capture and accurate names and addresses... "About three years ago I cancelled another hotline I was using from a company in Texas because I was extremely disappointed with the lousy name and address quality their system provided. When you told me about your service and explained the effort and investment you made to ensure good quality names and addresses, I decided to try it again. Let me tell you, it has been great! Since starting up with you in March of '98 I’ve added over 100 prospects a month to my mailing list. I use Top Producer and do a mailing to these prospects every month and it’s absolutely amazing! I get less than 1% of my mail back from each mailing. So yes, you were right. The quality of your names and addresses is great! What are the results it has produced? When I started consistently doing this in March, my production by the end of '98 was up 36.7% to 5.7 million. In '99 I closed 7.7 million. This year I’ve already closed 8.2 million and I’ve got four months to go. So has it been worth the effort? And are accurate names and addresses important? Absolutely! Frankly I wouldn’t have bothered trying to do this with the hotline out of Texas, but your new service makes it well worth my time. By doing this I’m now able to cherry pick who I want to work with. It makes it so easy! With what’s in the pipeline and the momentum of my business, I’m on target to finish the year well over 11 million in total production! Thanks so much for your incredible hotline service. It beats the heck out of the other system I tried plus it’s super easy to use. Their system was so techy and confusing." - Jim Estes, Coldwell Banker Think about that story for a minute! Isn’t that just awesome! This agent downloads his leads from our web site (or has our system fax them to him automatically) and imports them directly into his Top Producer contact manager - then he mails them a letter once a month until they do something! It’s quick, simple and easy to use! And he produces A TON OF BUSINESS FROM IT! Simple Mistakes Can Cost You Thousands of Dollars...Every Single Month! If you’re using a response hotline, that uses ANI, you've made the right choice on the first part...but...they’re not all created equally. In fact, most are inferior and overpriced for what you get. Most are 24 to 27 cents per minute and they only give you the phone number…they don’t give you an "accurate" name and address. Here's the Best of Both Worlds! Our service gives you everything any other response hotline offers, plus the added benefit of accurate names and addresses! We capture the phone number 100% of the time and on approximately 65%-70% of the calls we give you accurate names and addresses…at no additional cost! The accuracy of our names and addresses is just phenomenal. Our data pool gets updated by over 450 different sources around the United States on a DAILY basis. So it's truly current, accurate names and addresses you're getting. Plus Our Rates Blow Our Competitors Away! Our monthly service fee is $297 and 18.9 cents per minute, rounded in 6-second increments. For higher volume accounts we bill at 14.9 cents per minute for over 1,500 minutes in monthly usage! Our rates are by far and away the best in the industry…bar none! But even more importantly we bring value to your real estate business. By providing you with TRULY ACCURATE names and addresses on approximately 2 out of 3 calls, you can build a mailing list that other agents would absolutely kill for! You'll Build an Asset That You will be Able to Sell for Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars! What's the value of being able to build your database with quality, accurate names and addresses? Well, you’re building an asset that's referred to as a "Trophy Database". A "Trophy Database" has real marketable value! If you ever want to get out of real estate you can sell that asset for a substantial amount of money! Think about it! If you add 100-200 names of "warm" prospects, prospects who are part of the active market place, each and every month, within two years your database will have over 2,000 names in it! How much is that worth? If you build an asset that continually and perpetually yields 10-20 transactions a month how much is that worth? On a monthly basis it’s worth $30,000 to $60,000 or more in gross revenue. But on a valuation basis, it makes your business worth in the hundreds of thousands of dollars! So with our service you can turn more transactions each and every month and… you’ll be building an asset that you can sell and retire from. Can You do That with Other Services? Yes, But... Let’s look at the real picture. With the box unit you’re losing half your leads…so you build your asset and your income half as fast. Is it worth saving a few dollars a month…hmmm…doesn’t seem like it, does it? With all the other response hotlines, in order to build your database you have to call every single prospect back (which is a good idea by the way!), but you and I know the realities of your business don’t always enable you to do that. So regardless of how good-intentioned you are about calling back…you still miss out on the benefit of adding an accurate name and address to your database. The Solution? Our service! It’s the best of both worlds! You get ANI 100% Call Capture and you get accurate names and addresses to build your database…plus it saves you money with lower rates…and it’s super, super easy to use and implement. If you’re using any other system, you know your current system is techy and confusing. Our system is super smooth, simple, and easy! We’ve set it up so that it’s easy for you to learn and adapt to, plus it’s super easy to teach if you want to delegate the administration of it out. So Now That You Know the Advantages… Here’s My Shamelessly Irresistible Offer to Switch! If you switch over to our response hotline within the next 30 days, I will set up your new hotline free of charge – no activation fee! Plus I will give you a new $297 package of marketing materials that will blow your doors off! It is the absolute best of the best! Our marketing materials are absolutely awesome! Here are some highlights. They're broken up into five different categories: Listing Strategies, Buyer Strategies, "Killer" Customer Service, Fundamentals of Marketing and The Perfect Follow-Up System. Listing Strategies • • • • • • • 7 fail-safe steps to create a constant stream of new listing clients! How to focus like a laser and attract a more profitable listing clientele. 6 keys to identifying sellers before your competitor has the slightest clue. 11 mistakes most agents make with free reports and how you can exploit this incredibly powerful inventory building tool. Completely stress-free method for listing tons of FSBOs. How to develop an extraordinary Unique Selling Proposition or USP. How to hit the bull's eye with Move-Up prospects (an absolute gold mine!). Buyer Strategies • • • • • • • Easy 5-step system to target renters and turn transactions every month. 6 ways to improve your buyer ads, postcards, newsletters or mailers. 2-step classified ad technique for attracting buyer after buyer! 10 guaranteed ways to increase the number of qualified buyers you reach. The most important part of every buyer ad, postcard or mailer you write. Time-tested words and phrases that bring buyers to your door. Proven formula for "niche" marketing to the high-end buyer. "Killer" Customer Service • • • • • • The best way to eliminate your #1 complaint, "We never hear from our agent." How to have the perfect "employee" for sweat-shop rates of $2-$3 a day. Simple, super-quick and easy method of making unqualified buyers a referral source worth thousands of dollars to your bottom line. Customer service techniques guaranteed to generate tons of referrals. How to use your response hotline as a customer service workhorse - saving you as much as 5-10 hours a week! Use info-on-demand to update your most demanding clients effortlessly. Fundamentals of Marketing • • • • • • • • How to slash all your marketing costs by 30%-50% instantly! Simple classified ad produces 3, 5 even 10 or more new listings per month! How to guarantee your ads get seen, read and you get the call. The real reason people choose to buy anything - the secret truth long known by master salesmen, sociologists and "con men": finally revealed. Slash your average time on the market by 27%...regardless of your market! Classified ads that have highly qualified prospects calling you. How to create direct mail that is powerful, impactful and profitable. How to get 1600% greater response with a simple headline change! The Perfect Follow-Up System • • • • • • • • Exact word-for-word sample scripts that have prospects opening up to you. Simple 6-stage follow-up method so easy and natural anyone could do it! 5 sure-fire follow-up formulas for every potential prospect. How to put yourself in the "perfect frame of mind" for follow-up. The real reason prospects respond to your follow-up. Carefully worded phrases guaranteed to increase response to your follow-up. How to offer info prospects are craving...and maximize your response. How to write follow-up letters that make prospects want to work with you. The above strategies and techniques are the most forward-thinking, aggressive, bottom-line business-building concepts for this technology available virtually anywhere in the real estate industry. And the follow-up scripts and materials are beyond belief! After doing this for some time now you know that follow-up is where it all happens. This is where the rubber meets the road and our new package gives you a six month follow-up action plan for every type of prospect you could possibly generate. It has follow-up letters, postcards, phone scripts…you name it! This package is easily worth the $297 price we’ve put on it! And it’s yours FREE for switching over. Part 2 - of Your Special Offer… I’ll Give You Up to $270 to Switch Over! Yes! You heard me right! I’ll give you up to $270 in real savings to switch! Here’s how it works. If you cancel your other service and fax me your last month’s bill – I’ll give you credit for the full number of minutes you billed with them – up to 1,000 minutes! At 27 cents per minute (our main competitor's rate), that’s a $270 value! Part 3 - I’ll Also Unconditionally Guarantee You Will Absolutely Love Your New Service! If after 30 days of using your new response hotline and service, you don’t think it’s the easiest, best and most profitable hotline service you’ve ever experienced, I’ll immediately cancel your service, you’re under no further obligation and you won’t even have to pay for the 30 days you used our response hotline service. How can I do it? Because you’re going to love this service…it beats the heck out of all the others put together! You know your hotline’s weaknesses and you intimately know what will serve your business-building needs better! Once you experience our service you will see the clear-cut advantages! What's the Catch? Now you're probably thinking this all sounds great, so what's the catch? Well, there is no catch! All we ask (to send you your $297 marketing package, to set up your new response hotline and to unconditionally guarantee you'll love the service or you pay nothing) is that you fax us your last month's bill from any of our competitors, along with our client information form. That's it! This way we can determine how many free minutes of usage to give you. Now if you're using the "box unit" you'll need to fax us your purchase invoice. And since you shelled out $2,000 for that puppy, we're going to give you the full 1,000 free minutes credit. You deserve it for the investment you've already made to this marketing approach! OK! So by simply faxing us your last month's bill or your purchase invoice along with our client info form, you get: a $297 marketing package FREE, up to $270 in free minutes and an unconditional guarantee that you'll love your new service or we'll part ways and you pay nothing...plus you get to keep the marketing materials as a "thank you" for taking us up on our offer! So here it is! Now the ball is in your court. I have an awesome new service for you – set up free of charge – no activation fee, a $297 marketing package is yours FREE, I’ll give you up to $270 in value to switch – and… You’ll get a vastly superior service with a super high-quality name and address feature for considerably less money each and every month! Sound good? So, it’s time! Honestly, don’t you think it’s time to get everything you can from your hotline? To produce less than is possible because you’ve got an inferior service is truly shameful when you know there’s a better alternative! It's Time for You to Get a Competitive Upgrade... Wouldn't You Say? My suggestion…CALL NOW! (703) 946-8035 Within 48 hours we can have your new hotline up and running, your new marketing materials in your hands, and your database growing every day with accurate names and addresses! We’re talking about a higher quality service that will help you create more transactions every month… all for 30%-40% less money per month. Plus you’ll receive up to $567 in value right now for making the leap and switching over! So again, CALL NOW! (703) 946-8035 and let’s get you going! I sincerely hope you’ll take me up on my offer! I’m very anxious to serve you and your business building needs! I look forward to hearing from you… and as always I remain respectfully and appreciatively… Yours for a more profitable real estate business! PS I realize the switch over takes a bit of effort. That’s why I’ll give you up to $270 and a $497 marketing package FREE, as well as unconditionally guarantee you’ll love your new service! PPS More and better service for less money… how can you lose? You can’t… we’ve made sure of that! Together let’s help you get the most from this amazing approach to marketing and help you create more transactions each and every month! 3 Answering Machine Scripts That Will Capture 23 FSBOs A Month FSBOs on the Do Not Call list are protected from cold calls. As always check names against the DNC list. However, even if they are on the DNC list, if you have an interested buyer, you are free to call FSBOs. See the February 23, 2005 Realtor.org Do-NotCall/Email/Fax Update. Strategy 2 of 9 As Joan said in the last issue, it really is very simple to make money in real estate...if you have these things: 1. "You will be the best in the business" mindset. There's no room for failure here. From the start, believe you will be the best. 2. "Go out of your way to help people with their goals of buying or selling their homes." Be kind and sincere. 3. "Prospect your FSBO leads, past clients and business relationships...everyday. Also send out thank you cards to everyone who's ever done something to help you get business." 4. "Leave a kind message on FSBOs' answering machines." This last tip is especially important...it alone was responsible for 2-3 FSBO listings a month for Joan! That's exciting isn't it? And I bet now your probably thinking, "Tell me what she said!!" Well, because Joan didn't leave us with any specific scripts, she did leave us with suggestions on what to say. And based on those suggestions, we crafted and tested 3 scripts that have been proven to be effective. Here they are: Script #1 "Hi, this is (your name) with (your co.). I see that you're tring to sell you home on your own. "Before you hit the delete button on this message I just wanted you to know that I'm a full time REALTOR who lists and sells homes in your neighborhood and I would like to help you reach your goals in selling your home. "If there's anything I can do to help you please call me on my cell phone at 000-000 0000. I'm not a pushy salesperson...we'll just talk and see if there's anything I can do to help you reach your goals. Again my cell phone number is 000-000-0000. Take care and make it a wonderful day." Script #2 "Hi, this is (your name) with (your co.). I may have good news for you. "I'm working with clients right now who have an interest in purchasing a home in a neighborhood like yours. "My question is would you consider paying a 3% commission (instead of the normal 6% listing fee) if I brought you a buyer that would give you a full-price offer? "If you have any interest please give me a call on my cell phone at 000-000-000. Again my number is 000-000-0000. Take care and make it a wonderful day!" Script #3 "Hi, this is (your name) with (your co.). I just wanted to call and see if you've thought about the idea of paying a commission for a full-price buyer. "I'm working with some new clients right now who are interested in purchasing a home in a neighborhood like yours. "If you have an interest call me on my cell phone at 000-000-000. Again my number is 000-0000000. Take care and make it a wonderful day!" Once again, the beauty of leaving messages on FSBOs' answering machine is that it's a completely rejection-free method to 2-3 listings a month. If you consistently use these scripts and follow up regularly... I think it's safe to say that you could easily add 2-3 listings to your inventory every month...month in, month out...consistent as the setting sun. Try it and see for yourself! Now for the next issue... When This Man Speaks, People Listen In the next 2 issues we will open the platform to a superstar agent and world-class trainer that is unmatched in the business. Grant Dolby is out of Colorado and is recognized nationally for training, mentoring and producing award winning agents. He's developed and coached the most profitable Keller Williams broker in the state of Colorado...and even coached the Keller Williams Rookie of the Year for the last 3 out of 4 years. Before that he spent 15 years as a dominate broker and real estate agent himself. Grant will share with you... The Worst Mistake to Make When Working With FSBOs Making this mistake will have 7 out of 10 FSBOs your working with rude, hostile and cranky. More than that, they'll become emotional and financial strains. Eight Irresistible Reasons Why FSBOs Can't Live Without You FSBOs on the Do Not Call list are protected from cold calls. As always check names against the DNC list. However, even if they are on the DNC list, if you have an interested buyer, you are free to call FSBOs. See the February 23, 2005 Realtor.org Do-NotCall/Email/Fax Update. Strategy 8 of 9 Face it: approaching FSBOs can be hard. But it doesn't have to be...and here's why. In a minute you'll discover how easy it is to approach and list FSBOs...and you'll do it with the help of an amazingly simple but persuasive list called "The Eight Irresistible Reasons FSBOs Can't Live Without You." Our agents have used these "eight irresistible reasons" often and have found them to be unbelievably effective, dissolving the resistance of even the most stubborn FSBO...without even breaking a sweat. Furthermore, whenever they use this foolproof list they almost always move mountains of money into their pockets. And so can you. Eight Irresistible Reasons Why FSBOs Can't Live Without You When approaching FSBOs for the first time, use these ideas to prove to them that the adventure of selling their home can either be pleasant...or very painful. 1. You are worth your commission: REALTORS sell homes for more: 27% more according to the 2002 National Association of REALTORS "Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers." For a $100,000 home, that's 27,000 more dollars. 2. You are a legal expert: You know all the contracts, forms, disclosure statements backwards, front wards, inside and out. If they did it solo, chances are high they'll miss something...that may be costly. 3. You are a professional: Like a doctor or lawyer. You're worth your commission because you're an expert. You live and breathe this stuff. Ask them how many people would defend themselves in a court of law? Or, how many people feel confident performing surgery on themselves? Neither should someone be expected to sell a home on their own. It's best left to the experts. 4. You are a master of the market: You know the market and can price the homes competitively. Explain to them the importance of pricing right the first time and the danger of over-pricing. 5. You are a expert on financing: You know how to pre-qualify, qualify and point prospects in the right direction for financing. Unless they are lenders by trade, wish them good luck. 6. You are a specialist: You can handle criticism, objections and demands objectively and professionally...a must when trying to persuade someone a certain home is their dream home. 7. You are a negotiator: You know how to balance offers, counteroffers and negotiate contingencies that often will drive a FSBO bananas. Offer your batting average for selling homes at full-asking price asked. If your good, they'll thin you're a genius. 8. Finally, you are a network: Develop a list of the tasks that must be completed before closing, including all the inspections, insurance, permits and improvements, etc. Title it "The FSBO Nightmare." Then explain to them you know all the right people and could have everything arranged in an afternoon. They'll get the point. Now remember, working FSBOs can be long term. But if they're highly motivated, lightly but persistently hold their feet to the fire for the next couple of weeks emphasizing the above points. As the frustration builds, their tipping point will get lower and lower. Eventually they'll crawl into your lap. What Every FSBO Fears How long has it been since you've read something racy? That's right, racy. Controversial. Contrary. It's a great old tradition in America to rock the boat...but more often than not it's done simply for the sake of scandal. But in the next FSBO Strategy Report I'm going to share something with you that's genuine...but could be very explosive. And if the word gets out, it will have FSBOs across America reaching for the phone to call the nearest REALTOR... How to Attract the Move-Up Buyer… Who Has a Home to Sell Too! This strategy could be considered both a listing strategy and a buyer strategy. And it requires a little bit of research. The first thing you need to know is the average time a homeowner in your area owns a home before selling it to move-up. You want to find out what Tom Hopkins refers to as the "itch cycle" for your area. The itch cycle is how often someone moves. In some areas it’s every seven years. Other areas it may be every ten to twelve. The key here is to find out what the average is, then target homeowners eighteen months either side of the average. For example, if the itch cycle for your area is seven and a half years, you would want to target anyone who has been in their home for six to nine years. This three-year window is your best target for the move-up buyer or seller. Once you know what your itch cycle is, you need a list of homeowners in that range. You can research public records or you can purchase lists from various companies, like Edith Roman and Cahners Business Lists. Once you have your list, this strategy is somewhat similar to other strategies we cover in your course materials. Your first objective is to identify the prospects on your list that are part of the "active market". Like the other strategies, you identify your "active" prospects by getting them to inquire for a "free educational report". Then, once they’ve requested a report, it’s simply a matter of following up with them until the timing is right and they convert. One agent summed it up by saying, "It’s all a matter of timing and having the right offer. Your letters really do the trick. I mail a target farm of about 500 homes every other month just like you laid out. The results have been 7 listings and 9 buyer side transactions in the first four months of this year from this one single approach. Your other materials are producing transactions to, but I really like the Move-Up market." A 3-Step Mailing Program for the Move-Up Buyer / Seller Because of the lower urgency level, the move-up buyer should only be mailed every other month. Then, once they request the report, your follow-up system is the same as any other "active" prospect. But the target group in general should only be mailed every other month. The letters in your course materials can be mailed again and again. The first letter appeals to the idea that they may be able to lower payments and own a nicer home. The second letter relates to ways of removing the stress from the transaction process. And the third letter provokes interest with the thought that you may have a buyer interested in their home and they need to act quickly. Then your course materials presents a series of follow-up letters that take a similar path. The first one focuses on their equity and how it could be used to help them move-up. The second letter again tries to entice them to consider moving because you have buyers that may be interested in their home. And the third letter tries to provoke interest through easy financing options. The reason you can mail and re-mail letters using these ideas is your prospect won’t receive a letter focusing on the same idea for a few months. By this time they’ve completely forgotten the content of your other letters. Therefore the process can be carried out almost indefinitely. The only thing you need to do is alter each letter slightly so it doesn’t appear you’re sending the exact same letter. For example, change the number of prospects you mention in the letter about a potential buyer. Also, you could reference earlier letters you’ve mailed them, "I’ve written you a few times over the last eight months." Make your letters look more personal so it doesn’t look like you’re just mailing the same letters over and over. But you can use the same ideas again and again, the key is to make it look personal. How to Cultivate FSBO Listings Without Ever Calling on Them Most of the agents I talk to don’t particularly like the "For Sale By Owner" market. They tend to be put off by the defensive attitude of FSBOs. And it’s true, the FSBO can be a tough nut to crack. They probably have a higher level of sales resistance than any other type of prospect. But, there are huge opportunities in the FSBO market if you have the right strategy. Right now approximately 30-40% of the homes for sale across the country are FSBO. More and more homeowners want to try selling on their own, before they list with an agent. But statistically about half to three quarters of them eventually wind-up listing with an agent…that’s huge! Personally, the FSBO market is my favorite market because of the huge opportunities, plus I can relate to their feelings. I can appreciate the fact that they are trying to keep as much of their equity as possible. As a businessperson, it’s easy to see where they are coming from. And when you can relate to your prospect’s feelings, it’s easy to develop an effective strategy to penetrate their tough exterior. Think about it. They are simply trying to save money. But you and I know that the vast majority of FSBOs do not have the wherewithal to complete the transaction smoothly. They don’t understand all the little intricacies to the transaction process. This is where your opportunities are, in the little intricacies of the transaction process. How to Penetrate Their Thick Skin of Sales Resistance The first and biggest hurdle to the FSBO market is their defensive posture. There’s a huge barrier of sales resistance. You know what I mean. If you’ve ever called on a FSBO, there is a good chance they will hang up on you. They are always on their guard. And it’s understandable - they’re getting calls from Realtors all the time. So how do you break through that shell? Well, don’t prospect them at all. As a Realtor, your point of entry is so high that you shouldn’t call them. You should have someone else contact them. Let me give you an example of how our agents list FSBOs without ever calling them. An agent in Florida explains it this way, "When you suggested I start working FSBOs, the hair on my neck stood up. I’ve always hated FSBOs. But when you explained the approach and how I should hook up with my lender, it made sense. I explained it to my lender and she got really fired up. Now she calls them, lends the recorded information service to them, and about two months later 50%-75% of them wind-up listing with me because of her recommendation. Plus we wind-up with some pretty good buyers, too. Most of the time the buyer isn’t really interested in the FSBO. And with my lender doing the follow-up, the buyer comes to me pre-qualified and ready to go." Do you get the gist of it? The strategy is first to break-down the barrier of resistance. What’s the best way to do that? Don’t threaten their equity. Whenever an agent calls, the FSBO is immediately defending their equity. They see you as being out to get 6%-7%, which may represent a huge chunk of their total equity! But the lender doesn’t cost them anything. The lender is a service person who makes money without dipping into their hard-earned equity. The "Hunger Factor" So the first step to carrying out this strategy is to partner with a good aggressive lender. Find a lender who has what I call a good "hunger factor". The "hunger factor" is critical to the success of the partnership. Many of the agents we work with have great lending affiliates but they have a low hunger factor. If a lender has five or six top producers feeding them leads, they don’t need or necessarily have the ability to handle more business. Another thing to consider in selecting the right lender for this strategy is their attitude toward innovation. This is an innovative strategy and if the lender you’re thinking about isn’t really aggressive about new ways to generate more business they might not be the right candidate. This strategy is worth taking the time to hand pick the right lending affiliate. It’s been incredibly effective and if you have any doubts about your lender’s commitment to it, you should move on to someone else. This strategy, executed well, will make you both thousands of dollars. Which brings me to my next point. If the approach is making your lender thousands of dollars…who should pay for it? Hmm…are you with me? Your lender should be picking up the tab…or at least a really good portion of it. In fact, I would estimate that about 20% of our agents don’t pay for their service…their lenders do. Before Your Approach If you are going to get your lender involved, you need to have a well-organized plan for your presentation. If you don’t, your lender may say "yes" and pay for a portion of your bill but that’s not the entire objective here. You want your lender to be fully committed to working the system to get maximum effectiveness. Selling it to your lender should be easy because of your position. You’re a profit center to that lender. They already value your contributions, so they should be all ears. But – this is really important – if you are going to get the most from this strategy, you still have to present it well and sell them on what’s in it for them. The first thing you should do before your lender presentation is prepare a FSBO marketing package for your lender. The FSBO marketing package should contain: 1. FSBO lead generation letters (examples in course material) 2. FSBO agreement (examples in course material) 3. Checklist of things to be included in recorded information (examples in course material) 4. Telemarketing script (examples in course material) Then you should suggest to your lender that they develop a package of free services to offer the FSBO. Things to consider for that package include: 1. CMA of the FSBO’s home 2. A property brochure - have your lender help them prepare a professional brochure of their home with your response hotline number 3. CMA of FSBOs potential purchase 4. Income Tax implications of new home 5. Any other pertinent financial information 6. Suggestions for any of the FSBO’s advertising Once you’ve prepared your presentation materials call your lender and set a time to get together with them to discuss the strategy. How to Present This to Your Greatest Advantage The main thing to keep in mind as you are presenting this to your affiliate is: "What’s in it for them". Really focus on how this service and these strategies will benefit them. Show them the potential for generating tons of loan apps from the FSBO market. Our agent in Florida explained the way he approached his lender like this, "I first showed her my advertising and then a call report. After that I called my information line and gave her a live demonstration – just like I do on my listing appointments. I went on to explain how this new system generates hundreds of calls and how she could benefit from those calls, too. Then we got into the FSBO idea. I explained how the FSBO market is a great market, but because I’m an agent, it was a lot harder for me to get their interest than it would be for her. She was on the same page immediately. She could easily see the potential." Now his affiliate "loans" the recorded information service to FSBOs. The FSBO advertises it in the newspaper and various other sources. The lender puts a sign in each of the FSBOs’ yards and then she takes the choicest properties and runs an ad in the local homes magazine. In the process, she’s careful to not identify the properties as FSBO because it might alienate her from the other Realtors in the area. But the fact that she doesn’t identify them as FSBO makes no difference, she still generates tons of calls and…they’re all potential loan applications and potential buyers for you, if the FSBO property isn’t of interest. Now here’s the best part. Two or three months later the FSBO is getting frustrated. That’s when your lender recommends they list with you. And guess what? About 70%-80% of time they will because they already have a trusting relationship with your lender. It’s a win-win-win deal all around. The FSBO gets free advertising and a free group of services. The lender gets loan apps. And you get listings and pre-qualified buyers. Now do you see why I’m so excited about FSBOs? They’re a great market! How To Turn FSBOs Into Clients With One Single Question FSBOs on the Do Not Call list are protected from cold calls. As always check names against the DNC list. However, even if they are on the DNC list, if you have an interested buyer, you are free to call FSBOs. See the February 23, 2005 Realtor.org Do-NotCall/Email/Fax Update. Strategy 4 of 9 Now, like we promised, we are sending you part 2 of a 2-part series by the world-class real estate trainer and coach Grant Dolby. The best prerequisite for pre-qualifying a FSBO is knowing when they need to or plan to move out. Once you know this information, ask them this very powerful question: “What are you going to do if your FSBO efforts are coming up short? And what kind of effect is this going to have on your job transfer, wedding day, etc.?” This brings their problem to light. They'll start discussing all the terrible things that could happen: • • • paying 2 mortgages selling a house from out of state the distress they'll feel having to do this all alone Quickly they will see the value in using you as their agent and suggest to YOU that you help them. They’ll even think they thought it up themselves...and all you did was ask them a simple question! If the FSBO is highly motivated, they won’t last long in the market - maybe one to two weeks. Now, here are a few key requirements when dealing with FSBOs. 2 Lethal Mistakes Realtors Make When Prospecting FSBO's There may be more ways to burn a FSBO, but these two rank up there as the world's deadliest and most common: 1. Emphatically disagree with a FSBO 2. Become visibly angry with a FSBO Here's what you need to do to avoid burning FSBO leads: 1. Keep your emotions in line (stay calm, slow to anger). Listen, listen, listen. 2. Be agreeable. Say things like, “I can appreciate that, I can tell it’s very important to you.” This may seem obvious, but it's common sense that some of the brightest minds in real estate seem to miss! If you master these two principles, I don't doubt that in no time your listing inventory will magically grow and you'll be converting more and more FSBOs to listings! Six Hypnotic Suggestions To Turn FSBOs Into Clients In the next report, you are going to discover 6 ways to get FSBO's behind the 8-ball so that they have no way BUT to use you as their agent...using information that a lot of coaches and trainers don't even know exists. How to Use Free Reports the Right Way... You'll Explode Your Listing Inventory How would you like to have a list of 300 prospects that each month, when you mailed them a letter, you got anywhere from 8 to 12 of them to list with you. Sound impossible? It’s not. Not if the prospects you’re mailing have indicated an interest in selling at some point in the near future. How do you get a list like that? By using the free "educational report" strategy that I’m going to explain. One of our agents explains it like this, "I advertise an offer for a free educational report about how to sell your home quickly and for more money. It works really well when I run the free report ads right along with my listings in the homes magazine. The caller who requests the report is obviously thinking about selling. It may not be today or even next month, but I have them in my database and I can mail them a letter once a month to stay in touch. My database is growing, I now have about 300 prospects who’ve requested reports in the last eight months, and each month I mail all 300 of them a letter. Generally I will get 12-15 calls, 10-12 appointments, and I close over 90% of them with the listing presentation you showed me." Not bad huh? This is how you target market. By getting prospects to raise their hand and tell you they are interested in information about selling, you identify them. They are part of the "active market". Now you can target them every month until they respond to your message. Most of the agents we work with, if they did any mailings prior to this strategy, would get dismal results at best. Agents would average maybe a half percent and that’s if they were lucky. Most of our agents used to get such bad results from their direct mail that they simply stopped doing it. This approach changes that. Why? Because the prospects you are mailing have elevated themselves to a new level. They have told you something about themselves. Now, is every one of your prospects going to respond? No. But your response rates will be excellent and very profitable, if you consistently follow through. Understand it takes a little time and consistent effort. The listing leads you get with this strategy will be A, B and C prospects. Some will want you to come out for a listing appointment right away, but those are the minority. The majority of your prospects are responding in the early part of their "thinking about selling" process. Which is perfect because you capture them before any other agent has an opportunity to get their hooks into them. Now you simply have to consistently stay in touch with them until they are ready. I have another suggestion. If you don’t have the ability to stay in touch with a large number of prospects consistently I suggest you invest in a contact management program. Goldmine, Act, Top Producer, On-Line Agent, Agent 2000... whatever. You need to have something in place that will help you quickly and easily stay in touch with lots of prospects. To make this particular strategy effective it's crucial to stay in touch. A good contact manager will help you do that. How Much Is It Worth to Stay In Touch? You’ve generated a prospect who will eventually list with someone. The cost of staying in touch with that prospect once a month for the next year, if necessary, is about $8. Now, according to Craig Proctor’s organization, 79% of their prospects list within the first six months. But let’s be conservative and say only one in ten of these prospects lists their home in the next year. Again remember, this prospect requested an educational report about how to sell their home quickly and for the most money. They are thinking about selling! But let's say only one in ten does something in the next year. That means a single listing would cost you $80 to generate. Ten prospects x a year’s follow up cost = cost of generating one listing (10 x $8 = $80). Would you invest $80 for a good listing? What’s the cost if you don’t spend the $80 to stay in touch? One of your competitors cashes the check! With this strategy, look at the bigger picture. This is a longer-term strategy that could position you to be very dominant in your market. By capturing prospects early in the process, you close-out your competition as long as you consistently stay in touch. And all you need to stay in touch is a "personal" letter once a month until they list. It’s pretty simple! But…it takes a little bit of work to get the system set up so it doesn’t take you any time to follow through. If you had to personally write a letter to 300 prospects a month it would be far too cumbersome to ever work long term. Again, you need to automate the process with a contact manager. Your need these tools so you can personalize every letter you send to prospects. You don’t want to send them cold, impersonal letters. That’s not staying in touch. Staying in touch requires a "personal touch." Steps to Successfully Using Free Educational Reports In Your Marketing Our agent mailing 300 prospects per month had some additional insights she explained, "When I mail the report out, I wait three days and then I follow up by phone. I’m very gentle and service-oriented, but I’m still looking for an appointment if possible. If I get it great. If not, I let them know I will be staying in touch and if there is any way I can be of service, I want them to feel comfortable calling me. Then I put them in the database and mail them a followup letter every month. With my database growing like it is, I now stage my mailings so that only one fourth of my prospects get mailed each week. This way every prospect gets a letter once a month. And by doing it this way, it enables me to follow-up by phone, too. I follow up by phone a few days after I mail them a letter. But, I only do this every other month because that’s about as much as my prospects seem to feel comfortable with." The steps to success as our agents outlined them are: 1. Use the free educational report ads that are included in your direct response ad kit 2. Run your free report ads along with your listings in your homes magazines or newspaper 3. Understand the strategy is a longer-term strategy that takes a little time. 4. Build your database of prospects 5. Mail them the follow-up materials (included in your course materials) every month 6. Follow-up (using scripts from your course materials) a few days after you send the report 7. Follow-up by phone, every other month, a few days after you send a letter Make your prospects an offer, give them a reason to pick up the phone to call you. Make them feel comfortable. Close your letters and follow-up calls in a very service- minded way. Try to disarm them and make them feel totally at ease. If you can get your prospects to begin an ongoing dialog with you, you’re in. You own their business. By serving them at this high level you effectively shut out the competition. You have what Jack Trout, author of "Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind," refers to as "complete mind-share." When that prospect thinks real estate the first and only name that comes to mind is yours! In Conclusion This strategy is just the beginning of what you can do with this system. It’s virtually unlimited the number of things you can do, when you begin to think both strategically and tactically. I’ve given you one powerful tactical strategy and our course materials give you virtually all the follow-up materials to support them. But I hope you will begin to look at the bigger picture and see the underlying principles that make this system so effective. The Man With The Instinct To Make Money FSBOs on the Do Not Call list are protected from cold calls. As always check names against the DNC list. However, even if they are on the DNC list, if you have an interested buyer, you are free to call FSBOs. See the February 23, 2005 Realtor.org Do-NotCall/Email/Fax Update. Strategy 5 of 9 In the next 3 minutes you are going to discover 5 ways to get FSBOs behind the 8 ball so that they have no choice but to list with you as their agent... using information a lot of real estate coaches and trainers don't even know exist... it's like knowing the FSBO Achilles Heel. To say Ron Quintero (the aggressive, business-building, profit- generating machine) is a smart guy, is an understatement. He is a walking encyclopedia of real estate knowledge, so there are a thousand things I could have asked him to share...but after much thought, we decided that these are the secrets we wanted in your hands. Because money-making wise, these 5 secrets alone could improve your effectiveness with FSBOs five to ten-fold. So without further delay... Six Hypnotic Suggestions To Turn FSBOs Into Clients 1. Demonstrate the long list of all that's involved in marketing a property - from advertising and photography to negotiating and closing a deal (you should be able to rattle off at high-speed 8-10 things. The idea is to overwhelm them. 2. Compare, through illustrations, how you as an expert with all the tools, your network and the MLS will open the door wide for the world to see their property, where their efforts will amount to tiny and insignificant exposure 3. Explain to FSBOs that agents on average routinely land 27% more money for their clients homes than FSBOs do, that 4 out of 5 FSBOs throw in the towel, and agents regularly sell the homes several months sooner 4. Offer them a free list of selling tips and marketing tools they could use, such as: listing on MLS, posting on FSBO websites or brochure boxes, For Sale signs, open house signs, free school reports for buyers 5. Be persistent. FSBOs are prone to tune you out and reject you...at first. But as their frustration level rises in the following weeks, they will quickly accept any offer of help Use these suggestions well, and at the right time, and you'll clearly find the FSBO tipping point lower than normal...the consistent 2-3 new FSBO listings a month added to your inventory will prove it you! Do You Have The One Quality Shared By Most Top Producers? According to Brent Warnock, of Warnock's By Owner, super-successful agents are not all highlytalented salespeople, exceedingly influential talkers or simply lucky ones in the "right" market. After interviewing thousands of agents for over 12 years, he feels he's isolated the single quality that almost every superstar agent has...and it shatters every old preconception about real estate money-makers. The One Quality Almost All Top Producers Share FSBOs on the Do Not Call list are protected from cold calls. As always check names against the DNC list. However, even if they are on the DNC list, if you have an interested buyer, you are free to call FSBOs. See the February 23, 2005 Realtor.org Do-NotCall/Email/Fax Update. Strategy 6 of 9 An amazing success in FSBO marketing for over 12 years, Brent Warnock still serves as a leader and teacher to agents in the demanding FSBO marketplace. Since he created Warnock's By Owner, the FSBO generating company that serves over 394 markets and 7000 plus agents across the nation, Brent has aligned himself and brainstormed with some of the industries brightest minds. He has a treasure chest of listing secrets (whether FSBO or not), and now after interviewing hundreds of top producing agents during his career, he feels he's isolated the one quality that almost every superstar agent has...and this crucial, strikingly-simple, wealth-producing secret is yours today... The One Quality Almost All Top Producers Share In all his conversations with these enormously successful agents there is one reoccurring character trait they've developed that clearly differentiates these agents from others, and it's nothing more than this: consistency. Bottom line, those who produce listing after listing from "By Owners" are those who "religiously" contact these home sellers every day. It was interesting to note that many of these star performers actually used the term "Religiously" to describe their prospecting efforts. Those who prospect "By Owners" have successfully organized systems (scripts, strategies, etc.). But even more importantly...they tenaciously weld themselves to the systems they have established. One agent I spoke with explains: "I prospect (FSBOs) every day for two hours. Others ask me how can I do it. "It's simple. I respond, 'I earn $35 every time I dial the phone.' No - I don't get a listing appointment every day. And sometimes I go days without having much apparent success. But then, suddenly, it turns around and I find myself making two, three or four listing appointments all within a day or two - and all from my prospecting efforts." Another agent re-frames the effort and says, "It's my job to disqualify people rapidly and determine who I want to work with." I love that mind-set. It's empowering. You are no longer at the mercy of their reaction - you are in control and you're out to produce a result. Does that suggest you should be rude? No. Always be kind. Always be polite...but know your objective and be determined. It would be real easy to quit during those days or even weeks with no apparent success. Most agents do - that's why so few are working "By Owners" at all. And of those few who are working "By Owners" even fewer are working them successfully. This leaves just a handful collecting the massive windfall of profits from all the "By Owner's" who are listing. If the majority of By owner's do list - and they do - it makes you wonder who are they listing with. The answer is deceptively simple - it's the few that are prospecting "religiously". So let this be a lesson in never giving up...never, never, never give up! Because there are agents out there making mountains of money working FSBOs...and there's no reason that agent can't be you! The Surprising Secret of Top Producers Harry Beckwith calls it the "Principle of Collision." Dale Carnegie says it makes more people millionaires than predetermined, carefully designed plans. Brent Warnock views it as the darling of FSBO success... Yet ironically most Realtors seem convinced that this secret doesn't apply to them. "That's just the way we like it," one Realtor who's made a killing in real estate for years said. The One Quality Almost All Top Producers Share cont. FSBOs on the Do Not Call list are protected from cold calls. As always check names against the DNC list. However, even if they are on the DNC list, if you have an interested buyer, you are free to call FSBOs. See the February 23, 2005 Realtor.org Do-NotCall/Email/Fax Update. Strategy 7 of 9 "Someday. Tomorrow. Eventually..." Three of the worst times to start approaching or following-up with FSBOs... Because hour for hour, dollar for dollar FSBO leads are some of the most lucrative leads in real estate. Yet there are thousands of agents ignoring them. But there is one super-simple (almost too simple) key to success with FSBOs that helps any agent to list more FSBOs...almost effortlessly. Harry Beckwith calls it the "Principle of Collision." Brent Warnock views it as the darling of FSBO success...What is it? The Unexpected Secret of Top Producers There are as many ways to approach and to list "By Owners" as there are Realtors. But in conversations it became apparent to Brent Warnock that there was only one super-simple fact that consistently surpassed all the others, and it was this: timing. Fact is, Brent realized that being in the right place at the right time almost always meant the difference between extraordinary wealth and average, barely-enough income. Not long ago, Brent had a Realtor with Warnock's call him after just a few days of getting her FSBO list. She was excited...said she had just gotten her first listing from a "By Owner." "What happened". Brent asked. "Well, it kind of was an accident. I called this 'By Owner' who was on your list this morning. He was rude, offensive...told me where to go. I hung up determined not to let that bother me, then finished with my calls. "Later that afternoon as I was attempting to call those who I missed - I accidentally called this guy again. The minute he answered...I recognized his voice. "My heart dropped. I thought about hanging up immediately. But hey, I thought, this was a great time to practice a different approach - so I introduced myself again, differently this time. Apparently much had changed since the morning. Either he had plenty of other Realtors call - or he had grown frustrated that he had not sold the home yet. "Whatever the case - he asked me what I thought I could do for him. I told him directly 'I can sell your home.' He invited me over. I listed it that very day." To Brent this was no accident. It was simply being in the right place at the right time. And there is no magic in being in the right place at the right time. Brent explains, "It had nothing to do with fortune or luck. This agent was working, she was calling, she was there...any other agent could have been on the phone with this 'By Owner' just about the time when he was growing weary and ready to list - but one thing is sure - that someone will be someone who is working FSBOs religiously - period!" Top Producer Confesses Secret to Success Brent had another Realtor who called him laughing one day. This guy said he had picked up one of Warnock's FSBO Finder lists off of his company fax machine. Intrigued, he made a few phone calls. On his third call, he made a listing appointment and got the listing. Later that week he called and said: "I have no clue what you are doing - but I want to sign up." Again this was not luck - nor coincidence - nor accident. He got a listing because he called. Brent talks with hundreds of agents every day who say to him "I don't work FSBOs." "That's not surprising," he responds, "hardly anyone does." And That's exactly why most of the top REALTORS do. Studies show that 80-90% of "For Sale By Owner's" will eventually list - yet ironically most Realtors seem convinced that prospecting "By Owners" is not for them. "That's just the way we like it", said one Realtor who has made a killing prospecting By Owners for years. It's not surprising that a very small minority of agents are doing a huge majority of the business: why wouldn't they, when they're the only ones drinking from this deep, extremely lucrative well? Eight Irresistible Reasons FSBOs Can't Live Without You =============================== Face it: approaching FSBOs can be hard. But it doesn't have to be...and here's why. Picture a proven, highly-effective list of 8 objection handlers that made listing with you the only reasonable thing for FSBOs to do... And if you just used this list, persuading FSBOs to do what you want, when you want, becomes child's play. With this list, approaching FSBOs becomes easy. And if such a monster like "the eight most persuasive things to say to FSBOs" existed, would you want it? The Rejaction-Free Secret to Listing 2-3 FSBOs Every Month! FSBOs on the Do Not Call list are protected from cold calls. As always check names against the DNC list. However, even if they are on the DNC list, if you have an interested buyer, you are free to call FSBOs. See the February 23, 2005 Realtor.org Do-NotCall/Email/Fax Update. Strategy 1 of 9 This strategy comes from a soft-spoken lady who nearly took over her real estate market with an original, but not new, approach: she was nice! When you meet her, however, don't let her humble and sincere spirit fool you...because after 29 years in the business, she's competed shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the toughest agents anywhere, and always seems to come out on top. From 1987-2000, she was Coldwell Bankers #1 agent in America. She's one of the best coaches and trainers around, teaching agents how to make hundreds of thousands of dollars. So she's more than qualified to share her secrets with you. Without further delay... One thing that plagues a lot of agents in this business is the uncertainty or inconsistency of income. It's been called "the Bungee Cord income." Up, then down. Up, then down. Joan Pate learned early in her career that if she was going to last, she had to create a consistent income. Through her 29 years she discovered 4 things that helped bring a balance to her income: 1. Follow up consistently with FSBOs 2. Prospect everyday 3. Always ask for business and referrals This next secret is where many agents disagree with Joan, but experience proved that by doing this one simple thing, she tripled her call backs from FSBOs. What was her secret? Nothing more than this... 4. She left messages on FSBOs' answering machines! This guaranteed her at least 2 listings a month. (Weird, isn't it, something so small could have such a major impact? As the proverb goes, "Little hinges swing big doors.") Now, if you've got call-reluctance here are a couple of pointers from Joan to help you get over that: • • • • Memorize some soft openings to build confidence and deflect the ire of the FSBO (Question Based Selling by Tom Freese has several) Practice with a friend who is a good speaker and is not afraid to tell you what you are doing wrong (again, the point is to build confidence) Don't procrastinate. The longer you wait, the more stressed out you will become thinking about it Prospect during a time of day you are at your peak (For larks, it's usually first thing in the morning after a cup or two of coffee. Owls prefer later in the afternoon.) And if all fails to subdue your fear, then JUST DO IT AFRAID! It would be a terrible thing to miss becoming successful simply because you failed to do the necessary things to make money and confront your fears. 3 Answering Machine Scripts That Will Capture 2-3 FSBOs A Month Cat have your tongue? Well, we have the solution for you. If crafting scripts is not your cup of tea or you simply don't have the time and want to get started leaving messages on FSBOs' answering machines, but you want to do it right... we have 3 professionally-written, dollar-producing, agent- tested scripts available to you... The Worst Mistake You Can Make When Working FSBOs FSBOs on the Do Not Call list are protected from cold calls. As always check names against the DNC list. However, even if they are on the DNC list, if you have an interested buyer, you are free to call FSBOs. See the February 23, 2005 Realtor.org Do-NotCall/Email/Fax Update. Strategy 2 of 9 This FSBO strategy comes from Grant Dolby out of Littleton, CO. Recognized nationally for training, mentoring and producing award winning agents, Grant has been coaching and training agents since 1996. Before that he spent 15 years as a dominate broker and real estate agent himself. He's developed and coached the most profitable Keller Williams broker in the state of Colorado and even coached the Keller Williams Rookie of the Year for the last 3 out of 4 years. This is part 1 of a 2-part series by Grant. Next issue he'll discuss the Single Most Important Question to Qualify FSBOs. Grant is going to share... The Worst Mistake to Make When Working With FSBOs And what is the worst mistake an agent could make when working with FSBOs? * Not being choosy about who they put in the follow up sequence. 7 out of 10 people will not be ready and without a timeframe. If you don't approach them correctly they can be a drain on finances and emotions. But out of those 10, 3 of them will be realistic, nice and have a timeframe. And if they make an appointment, during the meeting, ask all of the questions of a listing presentation...but act as a consultant. Find out what problems these people have that you can help solve. Imagine yourself as a doctor or lawyer...potential patients don’t just open the phone book and choose a doctor and neither do possible clients depend on the Yellow Pages to pick a lawyer...and neither should your prospect do the same thing when choosing a real estate agent. Position yourself as a professional...a money consultant. Of course they're paying you...but they're paying you big because you know exactly what to do and exactly when to do it. You're worth your commission. So what's the point? Be aggressive when qualifying FSBOs for follow up. How to Turn FSBOs Into Clients With One Question Next issue Grant will tell you How To Turn FSBOs Into Clients With One Single Question. With this one question, you can determine which FSBO is going to be money in the bank and which one is going to be an emotional and financial drain. When making as much money as you do, and seconds are sacred, you can't afford to waste even a minute with a car-chasing FSBO. Uniqueness...The Key to Listing or Re-Listing Expireds! One good thing about an expired listing is you know they want to sell. The biggest difficulty is they are getting hit with a ton of calls once their listing expires. They get calls, mailers and agents knocking on their door. With so many messages being flashed in front of them, how do they decide? This is where the power of a crystal clear USP is so crucial. If you don’t have a clear, distinct, compelling reason for them to choose you…frankly, why should they? So how do you do that? How do you separate yourself from the growing crowd of lookalikes? Again, you have the easiest, simplest, most compelling reason for them to want to do business with you in your hands right now! This marketing system! What is it about these strategies and a response hotline that would appeal to an Expired? Let’s look at the top three complaints of sellers: "agent didn’t show property enough", "agent didn’t advertise enough" and "agent didn’t communicate enough". This system solves all three problems! If you can solve your prospect’s problems, eliminate their complaints and serve them in a way that brings value, they'll want you! You don’t have to sell them. Once they understand the value of your offer…they'll want you! Do You Call Them or Mail Them? I would suggest you do both. First, I’ll talk about the direct mail step. Then, I will explain the thought process behind your next step, the expired phone call. Both steps ultimately lead your prospect to this system as your Unique Selling Proposition. Your first step is to mail your expired prospect a brochure, in a plain white envelope, with a two-line address. Leave your company name and logo off the envelope. I know that many local boards have regulations about company name and so forth. But nowhere in the country are you required to put it on an envelope. Your advertisements maybe but not the envelope. The A-Pile...Make It Look "Personal" The strategy here is simply to get your envelope opened. One of my direct marketing mentors, Gary Halbert, explains it as the A pile, B pile theory. He suggests that we tend to sort our mail standing over the trash can. It’s a very useful mental picture. Your prospects quickly scan their mail to determine what is worth opening (A pile) and what is junk (B pile).According to Halbert, your first objective has to be getting your mail in the A pile. He further explains that the best way to get your mail in the A pile is to have it appear personal, because everyone will read a personal letter.There are six steps to achieving the "personal" look: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Use a plain white envelope Leave out your company name and logo Put a simple two line return address Never use address labels Always use a live first class stamp Preferably make them handwritten (hire a school kid for 3 cents an envelope) If you prepare mailings in this fashion, you maximize the probability of clearing your first direct mail hurdle. Getting your envelope opened by an Expired prospect is probably your biggest challenge. Once you’ve got it opened, at a minimum, you have a few seconds of undivided attention. Your Offer Has To Be Inviting Once you have their attention, you need to make your offer inviting. It needs to appeal to prospects and be easy for them to take the next step. Taking the next step is your entire objective at this stage of the game. All you want them to do is pick up the phone and dial for recorded information. By calling for information, they’ve opened the door to your follow-up call. So what kind of offers will get an expired prospect to pick up the phone? Once again, we go back to the three top complaints. If you can solve a prospect’s problem they want to do business with you! Here’s an example: 4-Step Postcard Strategy for Expireds These four post cards can be used as a four-step mailing program for expired listings. Mail them one postcard per day for four consecutive days, or until they call your recorded information line. Call The 24-Hour Demo Line For A FREE Sample Report! It's 1-800-959-6550 ID# 6005. Go Ahead Call...Get The Report...And Check This Out! If They Don’t Respond to Your Mailers...Call Them! After you’ve sent them a mailer, if your expired prospect hasn’t called your response hotline, I would suggest calling them. Make it a very simple, non-threatening call. And when you get them, follow the sample scripts we provide you in your course materials. Remember all you want to do at this stage is to get them to take the next step. You’re not trying to close for the appointment. If you can get them to take the next step, you will have a very high probability of being able to set the appointment when you follow- up. Agents using this approach are setting themselves apart from the crowd. And with Expireds…that’s what it takes…distinction! What Every FSBO Fears FSBOs on the Do Not Call list are protected from cold calls. As always check names against the DNC list. However, even if they are on the DNC list, if you have an interested buyer, you are free to call FSBOs. See the February 23, 2005 Realtor.org Do-NotCall/Email/Fax Update. Strategy 9 of 9 In a minute we will share with you one man's explosive story that will revolutionize the way you look at FSBOs forever. And if his message gets out, I promise you it will have FSBOs across America reaching for the phone to call the nearest REALTOR... And you could be at the head of that landslide of listings. Broker John Veneziano is not out to scare any one. Instead, he's on a mission. And you can tell... When he talks about it, he gets fired up and passionate. Immediately you know this guy is genuine. What is John so worked up about? Simply this: FSBOs and their willingness to welcome strangers into their homes. John can't understand why anyone would EVER let a stranger into their home. In a chaotic, unpredictable world, a person's home is their last sanctuary. And an unpredictable stranger can very easily violate that sanctuary. That's why John doesn't have a problem approaching FSBOs and saying, "Are you crazy?" Commission v. Family "What is your family worth?" he'll then ask. "Don't you realize that you are going to let strangers into your house? Would you let the cable guy or the phone guy in with out an appointment? What about the dozen or more people who want to see your house? If they drive up, are you going to let them in?" Like a deer trapped in headlights, they stare blankly at him. "Or what about a phone call like this: 'I saw your ad in the paper this morning and was wondering if you'd be around Monday about 2pm?' 'No, can't do that, my wife and I'll be at work,' you say. 'Fine, how about 6pm?' 'Great. See you then.' "Then the next day around 2pm your house is broken into." "Or how about a call like this: 'I live in a bad neighborhood and my family and I want to move. Is your neighborhood safe?' 'Sure,' you proudly respond with your big, strong voice, 'so safe nobody even needs an alarm.' Know what happens? You guessed it, that very home is burglarized the next day." John says these are just a few of the things that could happen. A creative criminal could come up with a dozen things to say or do to an unsuspecting FSBO. Then John will confront the FSBO with this: "Listen, when I don't come home from a showing, my wife knows to call the police. Who knows that you've been showing a home to a stranger? Who's gonna call the police for you?" The typical response is, "I didn't think of that." REALTORS Are Worth Their Commission Then, John changes tactics. He says, "On average, it takes me 60 days to sell a house with the help of 300 other agents and their 1500 pre-qualified buyers. "I know you want to save commission, but qualified buyers will generally gravitate to the homes that are sold by reputable brokers because they represent 97% of the homes for sale. "FSBOs, on the other hand, who have only 3% of the homes for sale attract less-than desirable traffic...buyers who also want to save the commission will look for FSBOs...and don't be shocked when they beat you up on price. The commission you're wanting to save, they will easily take." "What if I just try," says the FSBO, "and in 3 weeks, if it's not sold, I'll call you." "And you still feel okay letting strangers in during that time?" John says. "Listen, why don't you just do the right thing and protect your family and let us help you sell your house safely, quickly and for more money. You have nothing to lose." You'll Never Forget John Veneziano John said that the classic response from a FSBO when confronted with this argument is usually resistance. He explains it's human nature..."They don't want to look like they're wrong, stupid or foolish. But eventually they come around. And you know what, they'll always remember me as the guy who got in their face to protect them." To some, John's approach may appear to rely on sensational or deceptive tactics to get the listing. John angrily disagrees... "When you've had 3 colleagues in the past brutalized or murdered by criminals disguised as 'buyers,' I think you too would make it your mission to educate the public about the dangers of going FSBO." Of the 3 colleagues, only one survived. She was raped, beaten and had her throat slit while showing an empty home. Fortunately she crawled to a phone that was supposed to be disconnected and called for help. The other's weren't so lucky. One was raped, strangled, found dead on the side of the road. The other shot dead while a "buyer" stole his car. Going Public A lot of people, including his wife, say he's crazy for his approach, but John explains, "A lot of emphasis goes into protecting agents and training them to be safe, and even they still get hurt or sometimes killed. That's why it's easy for me to ask anyone, 'Are you crazy? Don't let strangers into your house.' When someone's life is in danger, I won't shy away from telling them simply because someone might think I'm overreacting." (JTI Financial) presents: ”The Next Step” An Exclusive Invitation Brought to you by (JTI Financial) Every Wednesday & Friday at 2:00 p.m. (EST). Take your real estate business to the next level and join National Real Estate Speaker and technology innovator Jordan Wexler as he presents what could possibly be the most powerful 25 minutes of your life. Jordan will personally provide you the tips, tools and techniques top agents use to dominate their markets. You will learn how to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Provide 24 hour verbal and faxed information on all of your properties Allow callers to directly connect to you 24 hours a day Close virtually every listing appointment regardless of the competition Maintain a built-in voice mail system with auto notification Automatically track the cost-effectiveness of your advertising Provide a constant flow of Buyers and Sellers Objectively reduce prices on stagnant listings Automatically stay in touch with your past and present clients Find hidden areas full of Buyers and Sellers Have For Sale By Owners and expired listings begging to do business with you Differentiate yourself from your competitors Position yourself as the foremost expert in your marketplace Turns internet “hits” into leads 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Create multiple inbound opportunities Cement their relationships with other industry professionals Access over 90 professionally recorded consumer tips Get flyers, mailers, newspaper/magazine and other advertising formats Automatically capture testimonials Follow up on every prospect – even if they have Caller ID Blocking Update price changes on all marketing materials in seconds Focus time on closing deals rather than looking for business And a lot more … Don't be left behind! This is a LIMITED and PRIVATE event. You must contact your (JTI Financial) representative at (703) 946-8035 to receive your special dial-in phone number and password.
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