How to Set up a Junior Enterprise Conteúdo How to Set up a Junior Enterprise......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Step 1.1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Step 1.2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Step 1.3 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Step 1.4 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Step 1.5 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Step1.6 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Level 2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Step 2.1 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Step 2.2 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Step 2.3 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Step 2.4 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Step 2.5 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Step 2.6 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Step 2.7 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Step 2.8 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Level 3 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Step 3.1 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26 Step 3.2 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Step 3.3 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28 Step 3.4 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29 Step 3.5 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30 Step 3.6 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32 Step 3.7 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Step 3.8 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34 Level 4 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Step 4.1 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36 1 Level 1 Level 1 – Forming 1.1 One person (student or university staff member) is responsible for the initiative and is committed in a Student Group founding a Junior Enterprise. Contact name and email: 1.2 A contact has been established with local JADE (or JADE Headquarters, in case of no local JADE) in order to obtain more information about Junior Enterprises and on how to set up a JE. Contact name in JADE: 1.3 A group of likeminded students has been formed, and is getting organized to set up a Junior Enterprise. Names and contacts of the students: 1.4 The group is meeting regularly and each member has been assigned to one or more tasks. Frequency of meetings and main tasks assigned: 1.5 The initiative has been presented to the University in order to discuss possibilities of support and cooperation. Answer given by the University: 1.6 A road map for becoming a Junior Enterprise has been defined, where the objectives of the future JE are described. Timeline for becoming a JE and defined objective: 2 Step 1.1 One person (student or university staff member) is responsible for the initiative and is committed in founding a Junior Enterprise: What: Making the decision to become responsible for the initiative When: The decision is usually made after the person interested to start a student enterprise has already made some research and found out a few encouraging facts that might be supportive to the initiative. Where: The decision can be made at the university or while the interested person is abroad for exchange studies at another university and get in touch with entrepreneurs from a well established JE. Why: The decision is made because a person interested in learning about entrepreneurship or supporting entrepreneurial activities wants to really implement good ideas about projects and takes the risk of investing lots of time in an activity which doesn’t necessarily promise to be successful. Who: The initiative starts usually from a student who has strong interest in becoming an entrepreneur after the studies or from a group of students who already know each other because they had courses together or they are friends, or from a lecturer who has interest in entrepreneurship or even from the business center of the university that aims at supporting entrepreneurial activities of the students. How: It is an internal decision and it might strongly depend on the way people think, judge and handle. Usually the person who is interested to start a Junior Initiative weighs the pros and the cons for involving himself/herself in such a project. At the same time he/she starts to make a basic research about the support chances from colleagues, the university and firms. In the end the decision is taken and the person is usually very enthusiastic and optimistic about the new project that is about to start. How Much: This in a personal/an internal process and there are no costs involved. 3 Step 1.2 A contact has been established with local JADE (or JADE Headquarters, in case of no local JADE) in order to obtain more information about Junior Enterprises and on how to set up a JE What: Contacting (local) JADE to obtain more information about the JE business model and JE and JADE guidelines. When: It is common that this step takes place simultaneously to step 2 and step 3 or even before that. It can also take place after step 2 and step 3 especially if you are not aware of the support that you might receive from (local) JADE. Where: Your contact to (local) JADE is mostly to be established via e-mail or phone call. Visit the homepage of (local) JADE to get the relevant contact details. Why: Establishing contacts to (local) JADE which is a representative and coordinative organisation for all the JEs in the (national) Network proves to be especially important if you don’t have support from other organizations or from your university. You receive very relevant and made-to-measured support. Especially if your intention is to join the JADE as soon as possible, it is very wise to involve colleagues from JADE Enlargement Team as external advisors to your own team. Who: The contact should be made by the team leader since this is the person who is in charge of coordinating your team work and collecting the information for the reports to be made to external supporters. How: One of the first tasks to be done is to contact (local) JADE. This first contact has two important aims. The first aim is to let JADE know that a student group is interested in creating a new JE in the country. You have to be aware of the fact that JADE is a lobbying organization and is working in promoting the JE concept at national and international level therefore you’ll find a strong and reliable partner in JADE. The second and very important aim is to obtain from JADE more information about the JE business model as well as about the JE and JADE guidelines. While writing your first e-mail to (local) JADE be very precise about your team achievements, your team structure and team members as well as about the project plan. You have to create a good communication basis and providing a professional report while you take your first contact makes a good impression and is a sign of your commitment toward an organization in which in the next future you would like to adhere. What to include in this report? How did the initiative start? Who are the main actors in it? What is the team structure? Who will be the contact person to (local) JADE? How does the project plan look like? (the plan to develop the JE – if there are any certain ideas at this point) What kind of difficulties have you encountered in your work so far? What kind of help would you need from JADE? Where to send your report: JADE Headquarters: ;; +32(0) 2 420 1752. JADE HQ can also provide you with the National contact for your country. How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. 4 Step 1.3 A group of likeminded students has been formed, and is getting organized to set up a Junior Enterprise. What: Find likeminded students to set up a student organization. When: You need to look for students almost during the whole lifetime of the Junior Enterprise but it is especially important in the beginning of your efforts to set up a JE. Where: The aim should be to find likeminded students at your university since it is common that Junior Enterprises are linked to a single university where the students (who are going to run it), are completing their studies. It is possible that you establish a group of students who come from different universities at your city. Why: It is crucial that you have a group of students who will work consequently in fulfilling the necessary steps until your JE is created. You can share thoughts and have constructive discussions in the group, which proves to provide a good basis for creative and more stable solutions. Apart from that you can better manage your time and be able to create a team during the whole process. You will learn by doing and this happens to be also the crucial rationale for the existence of a Junior Enterprise. Who: You might be a single student who has heard of business initiatives of students in your city, or in other cities of your country or at international level. You might be a group of student who has participated at a national or international event and has heard that initiatives like the Junior Enterprises are very successful and attractive ones. You might be a university professor who worked somewhere and sometimes for a Junior Enterprise. Now you are a university assistant / professor and would like to motivate your students to create and run a Junior Enterprise. You might also be a representative of a business sub entity of your university and you would like to foster the entrepreneurial initiatives among your students since in an indirect way this is also a good way to attract prospective students to become students of your university. In the end of this step it should be at least 3-8 students who take the initiative to start working on the creation of a JE. How: 1. As a single student: a. Needed characteristics: i. You need to be curious, open-minded, inclusive, self-convinced and enthusiastic about the start up idea and you need to have also good analytical and negotiating skills. b. Needed Recruiting and marketing activities: i. Talk to your colleagues with whom you already have had good experience in doing project work in preparing papers or attending courses, business events, business competitions and tell them about your start up idea at the university, tell them about JADE and about the knowledge that already exists in this network from which you might directly profit. ii. While participating at different university courses, observe who are the participants that are most curious ones and raise the most questions to the professors. Talk to them after the course is over or during the breaks. 5 iii. Talk to colleagues from student organizations at the university that have other aims then the aims that are typical for a Junior Enterprise. In this case you already have a reference that these students are interested in participating at extracurricular activities and have own initiatives to implement project ideas and do team work. Because the organizations, for which they work for, have other aims, they might be more willing to join your initiative since they will have the chance to make different experiences, get in touch with a new environment and new challenges. iv. You have to prepare a good communication strategy since you have to atract students’ attention and to make them follow you and your ideas. You should able to make them think about what you told them, bring them to ask you questions and inspire them to further discussions with you and with other colleagues. v. You should be prepared to have short talks and longer ones, as well as to write longer explanations and perhaps also to prepare and hold power point presentations. 2. As a group of students a. You might start your work as a student group i.e. after you’ve met a JADE official from a JADE National Confederation or Consultative Member or JADE Executive Board during a conference or a competition or even a university project. b. If you are already a group of five to eight students you don’t need to make further recruitment in the preparatory phase of your start up. You might raise the awareness among the students of the university that a new initiative will soon start activities and that they will be contacted by you in next future. c. If you are a group of two to four students it might be a good idea if you involve yourselves in recruitment activities as those described in the chapter above. 3. As a university assistant / professor a. The perspective of a university assistant / professor on the Junior Enterprise movement is a different one since a professor can act as a supporter and a promoter but not as a main actor in the start-up process as well in the enterprise development afterwards. b. A professor though can be very important in the selection process of the founders of the JE and in composing the team. The choice might be based in the practical and research work of the students. The students that meet the best characteristics that an entrepreneur should have can be contacted by the professor. Training might be provided to the students so as to make them aware of the challenges ahead as well as to provide them with necessary skills especially for young entrepreneurs. Good references might be given to the students that can be used in the negotiations with various entities including the university itself. c. The professor might also involve students from the created student group in a project that is being performed under his/her leadership which might be very motivating since in the beginning it’s not easy to get the chance to work in the implementation of interesting or big projects. 4. As a university sub entity a. Universities and especially business or technology schools normally have a business center that aims at supporting business initiatives from students and young graduates. 6 b. The perspective of the university business center on a Junior Enterprise is very similar to that of a professor. The most crucial difference between them is that the business center might provide also an office and financial support on behalf of the university, something that a professor not necessarily can do. Providing an office during the start-up process is very important since having a common place where to meet and prepare for the start up and having the security that the university fully supports the initiative proves to be very motivating. The university (business center) might provide also a small start capital which might be necessary to overcome the first obstacles such as the registration fee for NGOs, preparation of flyers, or the payment of an office rent. c. The university (business center) similarly to a university professor can support the selection process of the students as well as the formation of the founders’ team. How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. Examples: know & how Junior Enterprise (Graz, Austria): The student group that started the Junior Enterprise was composed of eight students, four students of the Karl-Franzens University and four students of the Technical University of Graz. UNI Group Junior Enterprise (Prishtina, Kosovo): The student group that started the Junior Enterprise was composed of three students, two students studying in Austria and one student at the University of Prishtina. 7 Step 1.4 The group is meeting regularly and each member has been assigned to one or more tasks. What: Creating the team, getting organized. Establishing and assigning initial tasks. When: After having formed a group of students who will work on creating a JE, you can start with this second step of creating the team, the team spirit, providing a basic structure for the group as well as establishing and assigning tasks to each of the group members. Where: The aim should be to create the team at your university. To get organized you can use different platforms to communicate and share information among you such as Google docs, Google groups, Facebook groups, Dropbox etc. You can have face to face meetings with all members present or via internet using different internet platforms such as Skype to have live conferences with your colleagues. Note the importance of taking minutes during your meetings. Why: It is crucial that you have a group of students who will work consequently in fulfilling the necessary steps until your JE is created. You can share thoughts and have constructive discussions in the group, which proves to provide a good basis for creative and more sustainable solutions. Establishing and assigning tasks proves to be important since especially at the beginning you need to be very active and work together to accomplish your aims step by step and to create a strong team spirit which will be of major importance especially in harder times. You will learn by doing throughout the whole process and this happens to be also the crucial rationale for the existence of a Junior Enterprise. Who: The group of students who is working on creating the Junior Enterprise is responsible of creating the team and getting organized. It is common that the person(s) who as first took the initiative to create the JE coordinate(s) the work and lead(s) the tasks. How: If the initiative of creating a JE has started from a single student, it is normal that this student will at least in the beginning coordinate the team and propose a first structure for it. If you were more than one student to start the initiative, it is important that you choose one of you to act as coordinator / team leader. The job of the team leader in the beginning consists of coordinating the work, collecting the results achieved; also observing the progress made by each team member and making this public to each one in the team. This transparency proves to be very important once the team has already achieved a few results and the decision has to be taken who will the members of the first board of the new organization. The best way to judge on people is while relying on their results. A meritocratic system proves to be the most efficient one in enterprises and in Junior Enterprises as well. As time goes by, if no strong results are achieved, the students in the group tend to go apart, and the motivation is not anymore the same as in the moment when they joined the initiative. Especially in these cases a new task rises for the team leader who has to keep up the strong team spirit, to motivate the colleagues and to provide a sort of anchor for the whole group. It is important to keep in mind from the beginning that being a team leader in the starting activities of the enterprise doesn’t necessarily mean that the same person has to be the president of the Junior Enterprise. The starting phase can be seen as a testing phase for each of the students involved, also for the (elected) team leader. 8 Apart from the election of a team leader it is important that some other positions are defined. You need people who take care of the legal questions, of the IT questions, and of the financial questions. What kind of criteria can be used to elect/assign students to the different positions in the student group? The most important criteria should be the experience achieved by the student until the moment he/she joined the student group. Practical experience is always good and helps also the team as whole to be more realistic in the decisions to take for each of the questions arising. Other very important criteria are the results achieved at the university. It’s not necessarily the case that the best students are also the best entrepreneurs but commitment and ambition during the studies is a good sign that the same person might be very committed and eager to achieve big results also while working for the Junior Enterprise. Other important criteria are the natural qualities of the students involved. They can be very creative and enthusiastic, or very analytical, or very pedant and accurate. If the people in the group have had chance to know each other and work together before, they might be already aware of the natural qualities of each other and therefore can make a decision also based upon this important criteria. As times goes by, it might result that for instance people involved in the legal questions might be more appropriate for the IT questions, or financial questions, or the external relations questions. It has again to be emphasized that you need to keep record of the results of each other, to be transparent throughout the process and give feedback to each other. How to establish and assign tasks? As in case of starting a project the team and the team leader need to meet and exchange ideas and individual achievements that were reached before the team was created. Brainstorming should take place where tasks should be established and assigned to singular students or to task teams created on the special purpose to get a task accomplished within a short period of time. The team leader should keep record of the results of the discussion and based on that should prepare a project plan that has to include also a proposed timeline for the implementation of the tasks. To the tasks to be established while starting working on the creation of a Junior Enterprise, belong: Keeping record of the personal details of everybody in the team, including contact details Creating communication channels among the colleagues in the team: e-mail list, yahoo or google group, team blog, blog on the project progress Establishing a project plan including a timeline for the implementation of the tasks defined in it Establishing first contacts to other students who might be interested in the JE Starting researching on project opportunities for the JE Starting researching on funding opportunities Starting researching on other JEs in the city or in the country as well as on other organizations with the aim to create benchmarks for the own organization Starting reflecting on the organization and its functionalities 9 Assigning tasks should be made in open discussion with the team members. The team leader might make proposals as well as each of the team members. Task teams might be created for each of the tasks which might provide also an opportunity for the students to get involved in more than one type of tasks so as to have the chance to discover where their strengths and weaknesses lie. Task teams prove to create also platforms for discussion and more creative solutions than the involvement of individuals for the implementation of tasks. You might also choose to make individual students responsible for each task but in that case it would be good that you assign at least a second person to supervise if and how the work is being done. How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. 10 Step 1.5 The initiative has been presented to the University in order to discuss possibilities of support and cooperation. What: Present the initiative to the University with the aim to get support and establish a cooperation basis. When: It makes sense to present the initiative to the University once you have already achieved results in organizing the student group and in accomplishing a few tasks. You can by then provide a framework for the work ahead and ask if the university might provide an office and financial support for the initiative. Where: The aim should be to reach the Dean of the university but in case a meeting with the Dean is not possible the aim should be to reach at least a few professors from different departments of the university. Why: The support of the university is very important especially in front of clients with whom you get in touch for the very first time. It proves to be important also in case you contact students with the aim to inspire them to get involved with the Junior Initiative. Who: The presentation should be made by a delegation of two to three students who have very good presentation and negotiation skills and who perhaps had already a course with the Dean / professor. Before the meeting takes place you can test who are the most adequate persons in the team to make this presentation. In any case the team leader should be member of this delegation. How: The contact to the Dean can be established through the Dean’s office. You might also ask to meet with an assistant of the Dean. Your presentation should contain information about the concept of a Junior Enterprise, the best cases from the JADE network including the relations that JEs in other countries (or cities of your country) already have with the university, your short time and longer time plans on how to establish the JE in the consultants’ market of your city. You should be very specific on what you think about the cooperation to the university, what kind of support you want from the university and what you can provide in exchange. You can obtain a sample presentation targeted at universities from JADE Enlargement Team. How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. 11 Step1.6 A road map for becoming a Junior Enterprise has been defined, where the objectives of the future JE are described. What?: Write down a road map with the aim to set a basis for the strategic development of the Junior Enterprise (Initiative). When: The team can start working on the road map since the first team meetings take place. Where: It depends on how you have organized your team work. You can have face to face meetings or have Skype talks and forum (e-mail group) discussions. Why: The road map can be considered as your framework for the strategic development of the Junior Enterprise. You need to have in advance an idea about where you are going with your initiative. The road map could partly refer to the business plan, although at this step you might not yet have started working on the details necessary for the business plan. After you have a road map you are more aware about what does expect you in the days and months to come, you can better organize your team work and you can also better argue in front of the potential supporters of the Junior Initiative. Who: The team leader should be the person who works harder on preparing the road map. He/She can organize team meetings to brainstorm and can coordinate the team members, collect the ideas and prepare a final document. How: As a team leader you can initiate this step by organizing a team meeting where you’ll discuss about the potential strategic development of the organization. Where do you want to go? What do you want to reach in the short term and in the long term? What are the possible steps to reach your aims? You can brainstorm for a couple of hours or a couple of days and come to a result which will be a basis for your work. How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. 12 Level 2 Level 2 – Junior Initiative Building Process 2.1 Other Junior Enterprises have been contacted in order to support the creation of your JE. Junior Enterprises contacted and contact person: 2.2 Your team has brainstormed on the services you might provide and on its market viability. List of possible services: 2.3 A list of possible supporters of your future Junior Enterprise has been made and you are getting in contact with them. Possible supporters: 2.4 The financial and material resources needed for founding your JE are listed and you have a first budget. Financial and material necessities: 2.5 The organisational structure of the Junior Enterprise has been designed in order to fit the JE’s objectives. Organisational chart: 2.6 The task team has defined the appropriate legal form of the Junior Enterprise and the statutes were built and registered. Legal form chosen and date of statutes registration: 2.7 The Junior Enterprise’s Internal Rules, including the Selection and Election Processes, were defined and agreed on by all members. Brief description of the election process: 2.8 Elections were held and the JE has its first Executive Board. 13 Step 2.1 Other Junior Enterprises have been contacted in order to support the creation of your JE What: Your team contacts other Junior Enterprises and ask them to support your initiative. When: It should be done in the earlier stages of the set up process of your initiative. Where: You can contact other JEs through their websites where you can find information about their contact details, phone number, and mail address. You can have also face to face meetings with them if you think this is important for your communication. Why: Contacting other JEs can be important in many respects: You get to know how JE activities in your environment, in another city / country are going A JE can provide you support in promoting your association or to setting up your JE. Other JEs can provide you with templates or tips about the JE structure or about the market. You can establish a partnership It can be an example for your University/School about why the existence of a Junior-Enterprise at the university is important and to show what a Junior-Enterprise can provide to your education. Other Junior Enterprises can also help you in recruiting the right people to build the rest of your team. Who: At least the Executive Board should participate. But the involvement of all the members of the JE is highly recommended. You can also designate a specific person in charge of external relation. The best can be the president or the vice president. How: When you are looking for contacts to other Junior-Enterprises, there are different places where you can make research. You can search: In your school/University (talk with the student association board In your country Ask JADE to get you in touch with other JEs to support your initiative When you will ask for support/help, you will need to present your initiative. So the person in charge of this task will have to prepare a presentation of your project The name of the JE (if you have found one) Your contacts details Your education, your school/University What is your project Why you are asking for help The document that you need to prepare must be convincing so that you make a good impression as a promising team of Junior Entrepreneurs. Important: Once you have the support of other Junior-Enterprises, it is important to keep in touch with them and inform them about how your project is proceeding. How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved unless you want to meet the members of the other JE. Step 2.2 14 Brainstorm on the services you might provide and on its market viability What: You need to brainstorm to determine the services you might provide with your JE. When: You need to conduct this brainstorming in the earlier stages. Indeed if you cannot provide services, there is no rationale for the existence of a Junior Enterprise. Where: There’s no need of a special place to do the brainstorming. You can have face to face meetings but you can also communicate via e-mail, forum, skype, etc. Why: As it is written above without services there is no rationale for the existence of a Junior-Enterprise. Indeed the goal of a Junior Enterprise is to bridge the gap between universities and business. The Junior Enterprise has to give students the opportunity to put into practice their theoretical knowledge. Areas of expertise are the essence of the Junior-Enterprise. Who: The whole team needs to be involved in this brainstorming. You can ask your teachers and your faculty to help you. How: First of all you need to find out the areas of expertise of your team members. The goal of a JE is to add value to your education and you will recruit people who are studying at your school/University. You have to be aware that you cannot offer and sell services that you are unable to provide. How to define the skills of the school? Look for some advice concerning your school, i.e. at the career center of the university You might perhaps already know what is taught at your school/university, but you can also take a look at the program (the different material that are provided to interested people) Ask your teacher about what you are supposed to be able to do at your stage of development / education You can simply schedule an appointment with your faculty. Indeed they will tell you what a student can do in each scientific field that is taught in your school/university. Do not neglect the areas you do not study but in which your colleagues might have experience and be well-prepared/experts. You can also have make a research and find out what are people doing who graduated at your school/university. Establish a synthetic note Establish a synthetic note of the different services that you can provide for the future customers. It will help you to identify your product service, what you could sell, and who will be your customers. Do not hesitate to ask your teacher. The fact that you can provide concrete services is also a good sign for the quality of their teaching. How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. Examples: Some examples of areas of expertise in France: Market surveys Creating websites Technical studies Feasibility studies Bibliographic studies It is not an exhaustive list. Your services will be specialized according your school: Food engineering, business, financial services… 15 Step 2.3 Do a list of possible supporters of your future Junior Enterprise and get in contact with them. What: Prepare a list of possible supporters for your JE. When: The list should be prepared in the earlier stages of setting up the JE, even before having elected a board. Where: There’s no need of a special place where you can prepare the list. It can be during face to face meetings, it can be via e-mail exchange or in your forum. Why: Don’t forget that you are still students and references and support from different parts it’s important to your potential customers. You still need to learn a lot and having people and organizations at your side is also important for you. A Junior Enterprise is an enterprise and you need to be aware that you will have to face difficulties of whose existence you didn't suspect before. These difficulties can be very specific and your problems might require advice from an expert. There are many areas in Junior Enterprises where you might not yet have the expertise to manage them: financial part, team management, communication, strategy, in the services that you provide… Some examples of situations where support from outside might be necessary, are: You will need an office where to establish your J.E. HQ (ask your school for example) You will need information to help realizing what kind of services you can offer/sell You will need an internet access, a phone, a fax… You will need some equipment to run your Junior Enterprise or to achieve the service that you have sold You will need a lawyer An accountant People that can help you to communicate Who: Everybody needs to be involved in this task. You need to build your network with contacts of your entire student team. How: To have the more supporters possible you need to convince them that what you are doing is important and good. It is important that you create a document to present your project. 16 The different topics to be presented in your document can be: 1. Your Team: a. Describe your team, the key staff, their positions and responsibilities b. Explain how new staff will be trained c. The résumé of your career until now d. A nice and professional photo of your team 2. The presentation of your project: a. Present what is a Junior Enterprise b. Explain what do you want to do and where you want go 3. The advantages for your school: a. A good communication tool from your school and professional b. Help of worldwide and recognized network c. Dynamism and professional team d. A good approach of the professional world for the students of the school 4. Your needs: this part needs to be adapted with regard to the contact person / organization a. Help, support, office b. Financial support… Overall your document needs to be adapted with regard to your contact person and also specialized in relation to what it can bring you. If you will ask for knowledge (teacher…) you will underline what the Junior Enterprise brings to your education, in what it is complementary, what you are learning… If you need a financial support you will need to argue why you need this support and why it is useful Important: Once you will be in contact with somebody who is agreeing to support you, you must maintain and care this relationship. Here a few tips how to achieve this: Take regular news from the person who is supporting you / the organization that is supporting you Show to your support what he is bringing to you and show the outcome of your partnership Greeting card Make regular reviews How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. 17 Step 2.4 You need to list the financial and material resources needed for founding you J.E. and establish your first budget What: You need to list the financial and material resources needed for founding you J.E. and establish your first budget. When: At the beginning of your efforts to establish the Junior Enterprise. Where: At your J.E. HQ or somewhere else if you don’t have yet an office. You can also work online and share information via e-mail or in your forum. Why: Because it is easier to get what you want when you know what you want and you have an anticipation of what that might cost you. Who: Somebody in the team, if you have somebody specialized in financial management then he/she might be the right person to do this. To build the budget, you can entrust this task to someone who feels comfortable with calculating. How: To list the material resources needed, build a table with four columns: The material resource needed Why you need it How you can get it (contact) How much it will cost you For your budget, here a small help with a simple excel sheet: Budget Line Current Year Next Year (N+1) Following Year (N+2) TOTAL INCOMES 300€ 3000€ 4000€ Income from projects for customers* 0€ 2700€ 3700€ Subsidies 300€ 300€ 0€ Other Incomes (participation fee)/ reported Income (from profit) 0€ 100€ 700€ TOTAL EXPENSES 300€ 2600€ 3600€ Administrative expenses** 100€ 100€ 100€ Structure expenses (office, computing…) 200€ 1500€ 1500€ Activities expenses*** 0€ 1000€ 2000€ Others… 0€ 0€ 0€ Net Income/loss 0€ 400€ 800€ *For the 1st year don’t plan to easily to get project from customers, think better to establish your structure. You might also plan to have projects, but they will be mostly not paid projects. Your aim in this kind of projects should be to establish trust to your business partner who will perhaps become a customer of yours in a longer term. ** Administration expense: printing paper, phoning, registration of the association… *** Expenses according to the payment of the students for the project and charge for the project (travels…) How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. 18 Step 2.5 Design the organisational structure of the Junior Enterprise in order to fit the JE’s objectives. What: We meant that the students have defined the divisions, departments and positions that will exist in the JE. In this step, you have to design the organizational chart, the description of the positions and the career plan inside the J.E. When:As soon as possible Where: At your JADE HQ but you can have discussions also elsewhere if you don’t have an office yet. Discussions can be conducted and documents can be exchanged also via e-mail exchange and can be shared online also in your forum. Why: This step is important because it is useful to have an organisation structure in which departments and tasks of the people to be involved in each department are well defined. Who: The team. How: You must make a grid to define the skills of each person in the team and the position they want have The three positions that you will need to begin are: The President: He/she has the ultimate responsibility for the association, has to keep an eye on the team and make important decisions that will guide the association to the summit. He generally has strong relationships with external people (Head Director of the school…) The General Secretary: He/she has to oversee the development of the Junior enterprise, do reports of the meetings, set up meetings, place orders (depends on the need of the JE) and decisions in the JE with the President The Accountant: He/she has to establish and send the invoices of the JE, control the accounting of the JE, and administer budget. You might also plan other positions such as: marketing manager, communication manager, quality manager, international manager… Project manager will be everyone in charge for completing a project. You might also plan to have a special position in the JE of the project manager. Apart from the managing positions you will also have the consultants positions. Sometimes, your legal status as an association or other legal form might require you to plan some specific positions. You have to check this before. How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. 19 Step 2.6 Define the legal form of the Junior Enterprise and build and write the statutes What: Define the legal form of the Junior-Enterprise and build and write the statutes. The choice of the legal status of your J.E. is an important step in the Junior-Enterprise creation. The legal form will vary from a country to another depending on the country legislature. Some J.E.s find it easier to start as an association, a foundation or a Limited Company. Check which legal form is most appropriate for a Junior Enterprise in your country. If you choose a certain status make sure you know all the pros and cons and what it will mean for your organisation. Statutes should include JADE’s requirements such as nonprofit, non-political etc. When: At the earlier stage of the association. Where: At the Junior Enterprise Head quarters Why: Your J.E. will need binding rules so that it can keep afloat and ensure the continuation of its existence. Furthermore the statutes and legal form should be outlined in the report produced for the application as a J.E (JADE membership process). Who: Your J.E. ExBo should be involved in this task. How: You could start by including JADE’s requirements and then brainstorm of what you think would be best for J.E.s. It might be useful to contact other J.E. to have an example of their statutes and ask for advice from the ExBo of JADE. This advice will provide you with the most up-to date information concerning the statutes of JEs. 20 Here you find a framework for the statutes of an association: Denomination: The name of your J.E. Registered office: Contact, address of your J.E. (put the same as your university, it’s why it’s important to get the support of your university/school) Object: Aims of the association, here you should describe which are the mains aims of your association, services that you can provide to students and companies Composition of the members/Admissions: Explain the differences between physical and moral members What kind of members can join your association (active members, consultative, passive members, honorary members) Right of the members: Describe what can do each member. For example describe the function of the secretary or that only the president’s signature right. Obligation of the members: Define what are the main obligations of a Junior-Enterprise’s members. You need to write here if they need to pay a participation fee and if yes, how much is the participation. Limits and responsibilities of the members: Restrict the responsibilities of the members; how they can work of the association, what are their limits? In which cases a member can be expulsed of the J.E.. Organization of the association: How you define your General Ordinary Assembly How you define your General Extraordinary Assembly Definition of the meeting between the members: where? When? Which frequency? Definition of the ExBo. Generally within an association there is the executive Board which has important responsibilities within the association and the Council administration Board which still have important responsibilities. In this article you should define how you select the people inside of the board… Definition of the Executive Board: How many people in the board? Who are they? Financial year: Define when start and finish the exercise of the association Dissolution of the association: Define how the association could be dissolved How much: The registration process might take a long time and be also costly. This will directly depend on the procedures that apply in your country. Unfortunately, we cannot give you an exact figure or even estimation for this point. 21 Step 2.7 Define the Junior Enterprise’s Internal Rules, including the Selection and Election Processes What: The association will not work without values…before the rules; you must define which your values are. The strategy, the rules, the objectives come afterwards. Once, the Status are written down, you should send us a copy (don’t need to translate all the articles), and proofread it by a teacher from your school or a specialist. Moreover, you can complete it by writing the internal rules, more flexible rules that explain, and deepen the statutes with more regulations of processes and of responsibilities. Don’t forget that your values are the base for your work. So don’t be too much abstract and choose true values that all members and partners can understand. When: As soon as possible Where: At your J.E. HQ Why: It is essential to have internal rules to work. Who: All members need to agree with the internal rules and with selection and election processes. How: The values of our Junior-Enterprise come from 4 words: Personal development to enable people to fulfill their potential Synergy to have a united development Innovation to develop and grow Advice to help and support These words gather the values of your Junior Enterprise. As soon as you do this ethical charter, your customers, partners, and you will have a reference of your vision. An ethical charter helps you communicate and gives a reference for your Junior Enterprise; it makes you not only a group of students who wants to do business but also people who have values. After this, you can make the rules on how your Junior Enterprise will function. The internal rules are just very detailed explanations of the statutes and perhaps some extensions. These rules are not written in a legal language. You need to define your selection process You need to define your election process The best method for an election is with a ballot box! Someone who is not part of the team will count the vote and announce the results.Don’t forget that the election of officers is something important for your J.E. Each of you has to prepare a speech to show to the others what you can do and bring for the organization, what will be your strategy. How much: It will cost you time but not money. 22 Step 2.8 Election What: All the members of the JE are present!!! Now it is time to vote! Vote what? Make official the first election of your Exbo Board Make official the first election of your CA Board When: As soon as the election process will be defined Where: At the J.E. HQ Why: Because to run an enterprise such as a Junior-Enterprise it is important that roles are defined and that everybody have his own responsibility. Who: All the member need to vote. How: Before the vote you need a team You have to communicate the advantages of your project and the advantages of being a part of a Junior Enterprise: With motivational speeches With a good presentation of your project, while underlining the potential membership at a recognized network (JADE), the chance provided to students to be better prepared for the job world, image, and contacts with companies… General promotion by dispatching posters… Speak with your friends… People who want to start the project must be Determined Motivated Creative Open-minded Relatively professional Relentlessness Perseverant Hard working The students should be available the whole year (no exchange students for example). Define the skills of each person in the team You must make a grid to define the skills of each person in the team and the position they want have The three positions that you need for begin are: The President: He/she has the ultimate responsibility for the association, has to keep an eye on the team and make important decisions that will guide the association to the summit. He generally has strong relationships with external people (Head Director of the school…) 23 The General Secretary: He/she has to oversee the development of the Junior enterprise, do reports of the meetings, set up meetings, place orders (depends on the need of the J.E) and decisions in the J.E with the President The Accountant: He/she has to establish and send the invoices of the J.E, control the accounting of the J.E, and administer budget. These three positions are part of the executive board, but you can also have other positions such as: marketing manager, communication manager, quality manager, international manager … Now it is time to vote As we told in the step 7 the best election process is a ballot box. Someone who is not part of the team will count the vote and announce the results. Don’t forget that the election of officers is something important for your J.E. To present yourself each of you has to prepare a speech and a presentation to show to the others what you can do and bring for the organization and what your strategy is. How much: Election cost nothing except paper. Nevertheless you can organize a little party or a cocktail to celebrate your new board elected. Level 3 Level 3 – Developing your Junior Initiative 3.1 A strategy has been developed, and your JI now have a mission, a vision and clear goals. What are your mission and your vision? 3.2 A portfolio has been defined, with all the projects and services your JI is going to offer to your clients. What are the services offered? 3.3 A Corporate Identity has been created and your JI now has a logo and personalised office material. 3.4 Your JI have established its commercial procedures and materials, and is now ready to have its first customer. 3.5 A market research has been done and a promotion strategy was developed based on it. Your JI is now communicating its services to potential clients. Describe your promotion strategy: 3.6 Your internal operations processes and activities, as team meetings, reporting, project management, decision-making processes, recruitment, training, handover, etc. are established. Main processes established: 3.7 A recruitment process has taken place and you now have new members in your junior initiative. Number of new members: 3.8 Your Junior Initiative is interacting with JADE Network, attending to national or international events or inviting JADE to its own events. Events attended: 24 25 Step 3.1 A strategy has been developed, and your JI now have a mission, a vision and clear goals. What: Develop an enterprise strategy with the aim to reach a sustainable competitive advantage in the market (towards other companies) When: The team can start working on the strategy since the first team meetings take place. Where: It depends on how you have organized your team work. You can have face to face meetings or have Skype talks and forum (e-mail group) discussions. Why: The strategy is important for the orientation of the JI (JE) in the marketplace where it is going to establish itself. Working on the strategy it is important since it is the best way to better understand what the resources within the enterprise that make it have a sustainable competitive advantage towards the competitors are. Going through the process of developing a strategy provides a clear view on how the enterprise will position itself in the future and what its key priorities will be. Who: The team leader in the strategy development process should be the president of the JI or perhaps the whole board. Having a team discussion and decision on the strategy makes it more acceptable for everybody since it represents the vision of all the decision makers of the JI: How: It is similar to the process of preparing a road-map for the JI. As a team leader you can initiate this step by organizing a team meeting where you’ll discuss about the potential strategic development of the organization. The old-strategy based business development offers a top-down approach. You should decide on the vision, the mission, the goals, the strategies, the tactics and the action plans. How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. 26 Step 3.2 A portfolio has been defined, with all the projects and services your JI is going to offer to your clients. What: Define a portfolio with projects and services your JI is going to offer. When: The team can start working on the portfolio since the first team meetings take place. Somebody (especially the person who initiates the creation of the student group) might have a great idea which can be better implemented through an organization such a Junior Enterprise. Where: It depends on how you have organized your team work. You can have face to face meetings or have Skype talks and forum (e-mail group) discussions. Why: The portfolio of projects and services that are aimed to be offered to the clients is important since this is how you can become very concrete in your presentations to potential clients and this is also how you can better find out what kind of clients you can address with your offers. You can better present yourself also on your website so that through a web search potential clients might visit your page and decide to contact for projects of interest for them. Who: The team members should brainstorm and decide together on the portfolio that can be offered. This is a better way to come to new ideas and see from the beginning on what kind of teams can be created for each of the projects and set of services that are to be offered. How: First of all start by brainstorming and gathering information on the experience everybody in the team has already got in working for other enterprises and organizations. In this way you can have a basis on the skills that you have and that you can offer to the enterprises. As second step you should think on the services you might offer, which can be the same that the team members have offered elsewhere or can be a new service that is being created as result of the synergy of skills already existing in the team. As third step you should write down all kinds of services and projects to be offered and create a service catalogue that you can use for your presentations (and for your presentation on your website). How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. 27 Step 3.3 A Corporate Identity has been created and your JI now has a logo and personalised office material. What: Create a Corporate Identity, a logo and personalise office material. When: The team leader can organize the work for collecting ideas on the corporate identity and logo. This strongly depends also on the fact whether you have a graphic designer in your team or you have to ask somebody in your network. On the personalised office material can be worked in a later stage, i.e. while you start preparing the presentation dedicated to the potential clients of the organization. Where: It depends on how you have organized your team work. You can have face to face meetings or have Skype talks and forum (e-mail group) discussions. Why: The Corporate Identity is important in order to create the right image of the company in the market. It will serve to distinguish you from your competitors, to help you establish yourself in the market and to attract and keep human capital in your organization especially in times and places where it is difficult to find students ready for this kind of challenge bearing in mind that there are many other opportunities and organizations that can offer similar job positions as you will do. Who: The team members should brainstorm and decide together on the corporate identity. This is a better way to come to creative solutions which. How: First of all start by brainstorming and gathering ideas about everything that will identify your organization. This can be words and images. You should be clear about the fact that the identity will stand for the type of business you are. You need to say what you are, why you are in the market, what you are going to do and how you are going to do that. You hire then a graphic designer and pay for the service or if you have one designer in your team this will be even better. You can also ask somebody from your personal network and consider the designing of the logo and of the personalized material for the JI as a sponsorship for the organization that is being established. You can for example offer to provide contact address of this person (or firm) on your website. How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved if you have the designer in your team or from your personal network. 28 Step 3.4 Your JI have established its commercial procedures and materials, and is now ready to have its first customer. What: Establish commercial procedures and materials. When: The team can start working while the presentation for the first client is being prepared. It can happen also before this or after the first client has been acquired. In many cases the first client happens to be an acquaintance of somebody in the student team who already has confidence that the team will do a good job even if this is will be their first project. Where: It depends on how you have organized your team work. You can have face to face meetings or have Skype talks and forum (e-mail group) discussions. Why: The commercial procedures and materials are important in many aspects. The provide a good image towards potential clients who are used to commercial procedures in their work with consulting enterprises and who pose attention to certain levels of quality while they are deciding between different offers from consultants. These procedures and materials provide a good negotiation basis to the students and furthermore they provide a basis for the continuous quality of your service even after the founding members of the JI step out of the JI and the new recruits continue the work. Who: The team members who should work on the commercial procedures and materials should be mainly students of Law Sciences or who at least have had experience with commercial procedures before, designers who will prepare the layouts for the materials and of course the Board who will give input on the procedures and materials and who will decide for the acceptance of the final versions. How: First of all make a research online on commercial procedures that are common in your country and at international level. In this way you are able to have a first overview free of charge on the situation in the market. Then you should gather and decide on how your procedures will look like, how do you aim to attract your customers, what kind of activities will you conduct until you get a first appointment and make a first presentation, what kind of materials will you present (power point presentation, flyers, brochures with your portfolio of services to be offered etc.), what are the next steps until you reach a deal. Then it should be in advance what kind of contracts will you use and what will be their content, who will undersign and take the responsibility for the project, what kind of guarantee can you provide for your services and if you can provide also support for maintenance (that for example in case of technical projects that aim at creating internet portals etc.). How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. But if you need to have external support for the law consultancy and the design, then it might be necessary that you pay for the service. What you could offer in this case is that you would do work free of charge for a lawyer or a designer who assists you in doing this. 29 Step 3.5 A market research has been done and a promotion strategy was developed based on it. Your JI is now communicating its services to potential clients. What: Do market research and develop a promotion strategy based on the results of the research. When: The experience shows that in the beginning there is almost always room for a Junior Enterprise operating close to a university. That’s why it is not indispensable that you do market research since the beginning of your activity. You can start preparing and launching your promotion activities and then in a second stage of your work you can work on realizing the position you already have in the market, the perception of your JE and your services from the clients and other market participants and work on improving yourself. This can be best achieved in the course of a market research where you involve a part of your team. Where: The market research needs to be made with market participants of the market that you want to reach with your services. That would mean field research that could last a couple of weeks to one month, depending on the range of the market and of the market participants that you want to involve. The work for the promotion strategy can be done in face to face meeting or in online discussions (forums or Skype). Why: The market research and the promotion strategies are very important if you want to establish yourself the sooner possible in the market where you aim to perform. Even though the market research can be postponed for a second stage of your activities, you need to be fast in preparing a good promotion strategy for your start, since it is common that you won’t be cheered by the enterprises in need for consulting services. They will be reluctant about your capabilities and your capacities. This shouldn’t discourage you on the contrary this should make you understand why a good promotion strategy is important, namely them with a good confidence base for the start. Then it’s up to you to show how worthy you with your consultant services are. Who: The team members who should work on the market research and the promotion strategies are students who already have had experience in preparing and conducting market research and promotion activities for enterprises or for university projects (like course work). How: Market research: You might already be aware of them because of your business studies, but here we present a few steps that prove to be important in order to conduct a good market research. You should start with determining the goal of your research. Then you should conduct some research online, then read through magazines, government reports and get information from the chamber of commerce to find out more about the market you want to reach. You prepare then the survey and conduct it via mail, telephone or face to face. If you conduct the research at a second stage of the existence of the JI, you can focus on your customers and have them involved by filling questionnaires, having face to face meetings with the aim of personal interviews and by observing them at various points of contact you have had with them. As a next step you should analyze the data you have gathered and prepare a final report on which you can base your marketing strategy for the future. Part of this marketing strategy will be also the promotion strategy. As follows you can find a few tips on how to manage the process of developing a promotional strategy. 30 Promotion strategy: First of all you should understand who you are and be sure about your identity as a young enterprise. Then you should develop the theme of your strategy: you want to establish yourself in the market as a start-up of young, motivated students. You should identify the audience for your promotion activities: enterprises, university, students, and government agencies. Then you should establish the objectives of your strategy. They should be clear and measurable, so that in the end when you conduct an evaluation for your strategy, you can measure the impact of your investment in this strategy. You should furthermore develop the content and the format of your message, and choose how you will disseminate this message to the target audience. In the end you should also conduct some evaluation and see what the impact of the strategy has been and if your objectives have been reached. How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. But if you need to have external support for the market research, then it might be necessary that you pay for the service. What you could offer in this case is that you would do work free of charge for a market research company or a consultant who assists you in doing this. 31 Step 3.6 Your internal operations processes and activities, as team meetings, reporting, project management, decision-making processes, recruitment, training, handover, etc. are established. What: Establish internal operations processes and activities. When: It makes to start thinking about these processes since the beginning of your work in the student group. Though you can wait a few months and see how things are proceeding before you start writing down the internal operations processes. This will help you proceed more easily also in the direction of having Quality Management since the beginning of your activities. This will be a good point also in your negotiations with JADE since it will show that you are committed to quality which is a main topic for JADE. A few months after you activities have started you should seriously think about starting writing down the internal operations processes. During this time you might have had enough time to observe and take notes of the evolvement of the communication in the team and you should have experienced also many team meetings, at least one election of the Executive Board, perhaps also a project and a recruitment process which would require also some training sessions for the recruits. Where: It depends on how you have organized your team work. You can have face to face meetings or have Skype talks and forum (e-mail group) discussions. It is very important that in your internet portal, you organize to have also a place where to share documents with team colleagues. There everybody can have access and download as well as upload important documents that document your work as a JI. Why: Reaching this stage of development when you write down the internal operations is a good sign that your JI is maturing and working in a very serious way. As stated above this will help you also in your negotiations with JADE since it will show that you are committed to quality which is a main topic for JADE. Working on Quality Management is also a good sign for students who would like to join the JI since it provides them with an important information, that when they will start working for the JI, they will find a very good basis on which to build upon. If you promote it properly it can have also an impact in your audience composed of customers, potential customers, university, etc. Who: The team members who should work on the internal operations processes are those who have gained more experience since the beginning of your effort to build the student group. They should have made observations, taken notes, and lead election processes and worked on writing minutes of team meetings. In many cases this work is organized and lead by the Secretary General who is in charge of documenting the work of the JI, but it can be also someone who leads the team, perhaps a student who has more experience in Quality Management. How: You can start your work by collecting all the notes you and your team colleagues have taken during the establishment process of the JI, the minutes of your team meetings, the statutes where you have already regulated the election process of your Executive Board. Then you should continue by starting to write down concepts for your internal operations processes while specifying to whom they are directed. For example the recruitment processes should be directed to the Human Resources officer, the election processes to the Secretary General and so on. After you write down first concepts it would be good if you contact JADE and ask for support from their part. They should check the concepts you’ve written and give feedback on them while making a comparison to other examples in the network as well as to their own internal processes. You can send your interest for exchange to your national JADE organization or to JADE in Brussels or to both of them to have different perspectives the national, and the international one.Then based on the feedback, you can finalize your work. Do not forget to upload the documents in your shared content space on your web portal. How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. 32 Step 3.7 A recruitment process has taken place and you now have new members in your junior initiative. What: Organize a recruitment process. When: The first publicly organized recruitment process should take place once you have established a solid student team whose members are sure about their commitment to the enterprise that is being built that have already shown to be able to work together as a team. In best case you have already acquired a project or more and you need co-workers for your project. In such cases also the interest of the students proves to be higher since they have a concrete project on which they are going to work. Where: You can organize the recruitment process by using first of all your website, flyers announcing the recruitment process, as well as mouth to mouth propaganda. In best case you will be supported by the university with an office or seminar room where you can organize the recruitment process. Why: Recruitment is an important process to let your enterprise grow. It is considered to be also a sign of maturity since it proves that the student team is be able and also willing to ensure continuity for the JI. It is also a good sign to other stakeholders such as the university, customers and potential customers. Who: The recruitment process should be initiated and organized by the Executive Board. In best case you have already selected one or two persons with experience in Human Resources who will take care of the Human Resources department and who already have prepared procedures for the recruitment that has also been approved by the Executive Board. How: You should start by figuring out what kind of needs you have for new human capital in your enterprise. Do you need people for the management only or do you need people also for a project you are aiming to start or that you have already started? You may think that it would be a good idea to hire good friends or family members who may have heard of the JI and are interested to participate. Experience proves that hiring people because of these reasons is not a good idea and proves to be even dangerous since in case of friends and family you cannot decide so easily based only on objective facts and results. Thus friends and family should go through the same filter of the recruitment procedures as other potential recruits. Once you know what you need, you have to decide how you aim to reach the students. You can launch an announcement on your website, on your facebook group, on student forums of your university, disseminate flyers, and in case you have already established good relations to the university, you might ask the University for Help in disseminating the information to all the students they have in their mailing list. The recruiting procedures should contain: a presentation of the candidates via e-mail through a Curriculum Vitae, a Motivation letter on why they are aiming at joining the team, references if they have any. Once they have gone through this filter, they can be invited to one or two interviews where apart from the Human Resource officers also the (other) Board Members participate. You can prepare a catalogue of questions which are important to you. Another way to organize your work would be through an assessment center, though this is a topic mainly handled by very well established Junior Enterprises that have gained so much experience in recruitment processes that they can invest time and efforts in such a process. In best case you will be able to involve the university as a partner of this process. This will provide a good signal also to your potential co-workers that your enterprise is serious and that they have found the chance of their student life. How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. 33 Step 3.8 Your Junior Initiative is interacting with JADE Network, attending to national or international events or inviting JADE to its own events. What: Interact with JADE Network, attend national or international events or invite JADE to your own events. When: You can start interacting with JADE even at the beginning of your work, supposing that you are already aware of JADE and what the organization stays for. You can contact JADE also at a later stage when you already have established a student team, and are working on the statutes, or on preparing for launching the initiative, writing the internal operations procedures or organizing your first official recruitment process. It’s up to you when you decide to contact JADE, but if your aim is to join JADE the sooner possible, than it’s better to contact them earlier than later. JADE will have to check if you fulfil the conditions to be admitted as a member and it’s better if this goes along as a process of exchange between your JI and JADE. You’ll have the chance to earn much of the knowledge that is being accumulated in the network in more than 15 years of JADE life. Where: Your communication will start online since the best and cheapest way to reach JADE is by visiting the homepage and figuring out the e-mail address of the Enlargement Team ( or the address of the National Manager or President of JADE at national level. You can also have direct telephone contact to the Board Members of JADE since all contact details are provided on the website. In a later stage you can meet with JADE representatives and have face to face meetings. Why: If your aim is to join JADE, then establishing a contact and interacting with JADE is very important. And it’s better if you start interacting at an earlier stage of your development since you can receive tips and tricks on how to better manage your work in the team and establish high quality levels for your work since the beginning. The JADE network is a very challenging one and you need to be faced with this challenge the sooner possible. Participating at JADE events prior to your admission in the network proves to be important since you can exchange with colleagues from different countries, get feedback for your achievements and be better prepared for the application process to become a JADE member. Also inviting JADE Executive Board to participate at an event of yours makes a lot of sense. First of all it shows to JADE ExBo that you are able to organize events with international guests thus might be qualified to organize also one of the JADE events to come. Furthermore it makes you work seriously in organizing an exchange event where you can invite also students interested in the JE concept and in participating in your JI, also university members (professors or employees of the administration) who are keen to know more about the benefits of being part of an international network. Who: The first contact should be made by the person in charge of international affairs. Depending on the stage of development that your JI already has, this can be the leader of the student team, the president or the head of the International Department of your JI. How: This is quite simple. Since you are reading this document, you should already have found your way to reach JADE. The right address for questions concerning enlargement in the JADE network is that of the Enlargement Team If you don’t find a direct way to your JADE organization at national level, the Enlargement Team will be happy to provide you with information. Each of the team members is responsible for contacts to a few member countries and is equipped with know-how that might be of relevance for you. How much: This in an internal process and there are no costs involved. Also the service you’ll get from JADE at international or national is free of charge so feel free to contact us whenever you want. 34 Level 4 Level 4 – Application for JADE Membership 4.1 A board member has certified that the Junior Initiative fulfils JADE’s requirements to become a member, according to local JADE’s Application Process. (In case of no local JADE, consult JADE’s Confederation Maturity Model, in order to see how to apply for a Consultative Membership.) Comment: 4.2 A letter of interest has been sent to JADE, expressing the intentions of the Junior Initiative on joining the network and the timeframe it intends to do so. The completed Junior Enterprise Maturity Model was attached to this letter. Date of dispatch and recipient: 4.3 The Junior Initiative made a first presentation on a JADE General Assembly showing its interest to apply for Membership. Date and place of presentation: 4.4 An application report according to JADE’s Application Process was produced and sent to JADE at least three weeks before a JADE General Assembly. Date of dispatch and recipient: 4.5 The Junior Initiative and its application were presented and voted at a JADE General Assembly. Date and place of presentation: 35 Step 4.1 Application for JADE membership What: There are mainly two cases: 1. You want to become a member of your local confederation. 2. There is no confederation member in your country, so you want become a member of JADE. When: The membership application is coming after have done each step of the J.E. maturity model. Where: You will have to present yourself to JADE. But the preparation is doing at your J.E. HQ Why: To be recognized and to become part of the big JADE network. Who: The whole team can prepare the application but the Exbo needs to be involved more than others. How: If there is a local confederation in your country you will have to contact them and follow their requirement. Otherwise, you will have to apply for a JADE consultative member membership. In order to do this you will have to: 1. A board member has certified that the Junior Initiative fulfils JADE’s requirements to become a member, according to local JADE’s Application Process or JADE if there is no local JADE in your country. 2. A letter of interest has been sent to JADE, expressing the intentions of the Junior Initiative on joining the network and the timeframe it intends to do so. The completed Junior Enterprise Maturity Model was attached to this letter. 3. Come to a General Assembly and make a presentation about yourself showing your interest to apply for membership. 4. An application report according to JADE’s Application Process was produced and sent to JADE at least three weeks before a JADE General Assembly. 5. Come to a second (third) General Assembly and officially apply with subsequent vote. Here there is the document that you need to produce to apply for consultative membership, as outlined in the internal rules: Historical overview of the development of the J.E. concept in the country applying for Consultative Membership Structure of the applicant for Consultative Membership with regards to: legal and fiscal organisation, administration, quality assurance, project-management for consulting projects Statistics and numerical data: number of members in the Junior Enterprises, fields/subjects of the consulting projects, international projects and contacts, turnover (analysis regarding the consulting projects per field, per year, etc.) Strategy for expansion and development Strategy for supporting the creation of new Junior Enterprises Strategy for the creation of a National Confederation What is the motivation to apply for Consultative Membership in JADE? What are the expectations from the Consultative Membership? 36
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