JOM, Vol. 64, No. 2, 2012 DOI: 10.1007/s11837-012-0281-9 Ó 2012 TMS UPCOMING EDITORIAL TOPICS THEME: SURFACE ENGINEERING June 2012 Magnesium: Engineering the Surface Corrosion at High Temperatures Advances in Surface Engineering Manuscripts Deadline: March 1, 2012 THEME: ADVANCED MATERIALS July 2012 Progress with Lead-free Solders Magnetic Materials for Energy Applications Intelligent Materials and Structural Health Monitoring Computational Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modeling of High-energy Entropy Alloys and Amorphous Alloys Manuscripts Deadline: April 1, 2012 THEME: SUSTAINABILITY August 2012 Aluminum: Recycling and Environmental Issues Recycling of Rare Earths Waste Heat Recovery Manuscripts Deadline: May 3, 2012 THEME: MODELING AND CHARACTERIZATION September 2012 Integration of Multiscale Models and Advanced Characterization Techniques Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling on the Transport Phenomena during Casting Process Bridging the Gap: Linking Simulation and Testing Manuscripts Deadline: June 1, 2012 THEME: NANO-SCALE MATERIALS October 2012 Diffraction at Small-scale Bulk Nanostructured Materials Defect Roles on Mechanical Behavior and Synthesis of Nanomaterials Manuscripts Deadline: July 1, 2012 THEME: PRIMARY METALS PRODUCTION November 2012 Hydrometallurgy Fundamentals and Applications Technology Developments in Nonferrous Pyrometallurgy Aluminum: Bauxite-AluminaCarbon-Reduction Archeometallurgy: Solidification Science & Casting Manuscripts Deadline: August 2, 2012 THEME: HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIALS December 2012 Gas-alloy Interactions at Elevated Temperatures Advances in Refractory Metals and Alloys Manuscripts Deadline: September 1, 2012 HOW TO SUBMIT A PAPER TO JOM JOM offers its contributors a variety of formats for articles that fall within the technical calendar topics. These formats include, but are not limited to: • Overview: 4–8 printed pages (3,200–6,400 words). A well-referenced and well-illustrated introduction to the issues affecting and recent developments occurring in a topical technology. The purpose is to thoroughly introduce the general reader to the specifics of the field. • Research Summary: 3–5 printed pages (2,400–4,000 words). These papers outline recent, technically in-depth investigations in materials science and technology. • Applied Technology: 2–4 printed pages (1,600–3,200 words). These articles communicate information about advancements in commercial products or processes and are typically submitted by industrial sources. • Design: 2–4 printed pages (1,600–3,200 words). These articles emphasize the application of the design process in the development of a material system, process, or product. • Testing and Analysis: 2–4 printed pages (1,600–3,200 words). These articles emphasize the application of analytical techniques in the study of the properties and/or performance of a material. • Opinion: 1–2 printed pages (800–1,600 words). Qualified commentary by a recognized expert on a topical or controversial issue. • Nontechnical Feature: 2–4 printed pages (1,600–3,200 words). These articles examine pertinent issues in education, professional affairs, and industry economics. • Conference Reviews: 1–4 printed pages (800–3,200 words). These articles are synopses of technical presentations at major conferences or symposia. • Industrial Insight: 2–5 printed pages (1,600–3,200 words). An experiencedriven description of the economic, managerial, environmental, engineering, scientific, governmental, international, competitive, etc., factors that influence technology on an industrial scale. • Archaeotechnology: 2–4 printed pages (1,600–3,200 words). These articles explore materials usage and development throughout history. Authors should formally notify the editor of their publishing intent by submitting a 300-word abstract by completing the on-line form. An electronic abstract submission form is available at Anyone wishing to publish in JOM should follow the guidelines established in the JOM Author Kit. This material, supplied on request, features detailed information on communication, manuscript preparation, and publication procedures. A slightly abridged version of the Author Kit is available on the World Wide Web at /jom/authorguide.html. For More Information Contact: Telephone (724) 776-9000 ext. 228 sFax (724) 776-3770 s e-mail 211
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