1 Jonathan M. Zenilman, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Format (Signature) _____________________________ March 17, 2010 (Date of this version) CURRENT APPOINTMENTS Chief, Infectious Diseases Division Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Professor- Division of Infectious Diseases (Primary Appointment) Department of Medicine Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Office Address: Division of Infectious Diseases Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center 4940 Eastern Avenue Baltimore, MD 21224-2780 Phone: 410-550-9080 (Assistant=Lin Rucker; brucker2@jhmi.edu) Fax 410-550-1169 Email jzenilma@jhmi.edu Joint Appointments Professor- Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine:Obstetrics & Gynecology, Dermatology (pending). Professor-Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health : Departments of Population and Family Health Sciences, Molecular Medicine & Immunology; International Health; Epidemiology Director-Johns Hopkins Center for STI Research and Prevention Clinical Staff Appointments Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD Baltimore City Health Department-STD Program PERSONAL Birth year:1956, Queens, , NY Married, 3 children EDUCATION and TRAINING 1973-1977 Cornell University, Ithaca NY, B.A. cum laude (chemistry) - 1977 1977-1981 SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, M.D. - l98l State University-Kings County Hospital Center Brooklyn, New York 1981-1984 PGY1-PGY3 Resident (Straight Medicine) 1984-1985 Infectious Diseases Fellow Emory University, Atlanta GA 1987-1988 Infectious Disease Fellow Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta GA: 1985-1987 Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer (assigned to the STD Division) 2 ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE New York City Health Department-Office of the Chief Medical Examiner 1983-1985 Field Medical Investigator (part time) Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga 1987-1989 Clinical Research Investigator - Division of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 1988-1989 Instructor, Department of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) Johns Hopkins University Schools of Medicine and Public Health-Baltimore, MD 1989-1994 Assistant Professor of Medicine 1995-2002 Associate Professor of Medicine 2002-Current Professor of Medicine Baltimore City Health Department, Baltimore MD 1989-1993 Medical Director-Druid Disease Control Center 1993-1995 Director of Clinical Services-Baltimore City STD Program Uniformed Service: U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps Active Duty 1985-1989 (while at CDC). Discharge Rank 0-4 (Lt. Cdr). Current: Inactive Reserve Re-Activated 2010 as 0-6 (CAPT) RESEARCH ACTIVITY BIBLIOGRAPHY Books and Monographs Edwards A, Sherrard J, Zenilman JM. Fast Facts-Sexually Transmitted Infections. Health Press, ND Oxford, 2001. 2 Edition published 2007 Zenilman, Jonathan M, editor. Infectious Diseases Clinics of North America-Sexually Transmitted Infections. Volume 19 June 2005, Saunders-Elsevier, Philadelphia Green MS, Zenilman J, Cohen D, Wiser I, Balicer RD, editors. Risk assessment and risk communication strategies in bioterrorism preparedness-Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop-NATO Programme for Security through Science. Dordrecht (Netherlands). Springer Publishers, 2007 (ISBN 978-1-4020-5807-3) Zenilman JM, Shahmanesh M—Sexually Transmitted Infections—A Guide for Clinicians . 2010— Jones and Bartlett, IN Press PUBLICATIONS (263 total) PEER-REVIEWED ORIGINAL RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS (166) 1. 2. 3. Zenilman JM, Miller MH, and Mandel LJ. In Vitro Studies with Staphylococcus aureus examining the simultaneous Effects of Oxacillin on the Uptake of Radiolabeled Streptomycin and on Associated Bacterial Lethality. Antimicrobial Agents Chemother. 1986;30:877-82. Knapp JS, Zenilman JM, Biddle JW, Perkins G, DeWitt WE, Thomas ML, Johnson SR, Morse SA. Frequency and Distribution of Plasmid-Mediated High Level Tetracycline Resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae (TRNG) in the United States. J Infect Dis 1987;155:819-22 Zenilman JM, Knapp JS, Nolte FR, Menegus ML, Nims L. Spectinomycin- Resistant Gonorrhea in the United States, 1985-1986. J Infect Dis 1987;156:1002-4. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 3 Zenilman JM, Bonner M, Sharp K, Rabb JA, Alexander ER and the Disease Intervention Staff of the Dade County Health Department. Penicillinase-Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Miami-Role of Core-Group Transmitters and the Impact of Illicit Antibiotics. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1988;15:45-50. Knapp JS, Johnson SR, Zenilman JM, Roberts MC, Morse SA. High-Level Tetracycline Resistance Resulting from TetM in Strains of Neisseria spp., Kingella denitrificans, and Eikenella corrodens. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1988;32:765-67. Zenilman JM, Knapp JS, Whittington WL, Rice RJ, Biddle JW, DeWitt WE, Thomas ML, Shepherd ME, Frazier DW. Characterization of Penicillinase-Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae Isolates in Miami, Florida 1983-1986. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1988;15:158-63. Knapp JS, Zenilman JM, Rice RJ, Roberts MC, McIntire SA, Morse SA. Frequency in the United States of non-B-lactamase Producing Strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Possessing the 24.5 Mdal Conjugative Plasmid. Sex Trans Dis. 1989;16:79-83 Schwarcz SK, Zenilman JM, Knapp JS, Schnell D, Hook EW III, Judson FN, Thompson SE, Holmes KK. National Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance in Neisseria gonorrheae. JAMA 264:1990:1413-7. Zenilman JM, Reichart CA, Neumann TM, Hook EW III. Cocaine Hydrochloride and benzoylecgonine have no in-vitro inhibitory effect against Neisseria gonorrhoeae Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy. 1991;35:1228-9. Hutchinson C, Wilson C, Reichart C, Marsiglia V, Zenilman JM, Hook EW III. CD4 lymphocyte counts in patients with newly diagnosed HIV infection attending STD clinics JAMA 1991;266:253-6. Zenilman JM, Erickson B, Fox R, Reichart C, Hook EW III. Effect of HIV Posttest Counseling on STD Incidence. JAMA 1992;267:843-5. McNagny SE, Parker RM, Zenilman JM, Lewis JS. Evaluation of urinary leukocyte esterase as a screening test for the detection of asymptomatic Chlamydia trachomatis and Neissera gonorrhoeae in men. J Infect Dis. 1992;165:573-6. Reichart CA, Neuman T, Foreman P, Zenilman JM, Hook EW III. Temporal trends in gonococcal antibiotic resistance in Baltimore. Sex Trans Dis. 1992;19:213-18 Zenilman JM, Neumann T, Patton M, Reichart CA. Susceptibility of 200 Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates to OPC-17116 and other fluoroquinolones. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1993;37:2244-2246 Kassler WJ, Zenilman JM, Erickson B, Fox R, Peterman T, Hook EW III. HIV seroconversion in STD clinic patients AIDS 1994;8:351-5. Zenilman JM, Smith P, Shepard M, Celentano DA. Alcohol and other substance use in STD clinic patients: relationships with STDs and prevalent HIV infection. Sex Transmitted Disease 1994;21:220-225 Zenilman JM, Weisman CS, Rompalo AM. Ellish N, Upchurch DM, Hook EW III, Celentano D. Condom use to prevent incident STDs: The validity of self-reported condom use. Sex Trans Dis 1995;22:1-7 Thomas DL, Rompalo AM, Zenilman JM, Hoover D, Quinn TC. The association of hepatitis C infections with false positive tests for syphilis J Infect Dis 1994;170:1579-1581 Thomas DL, Zenilman J, Shih JW, Alter HJ, Shepherd M, Carella A, Quinn TC. Evidence of sexual transmission of hepatitis C to females attending Baltimore sexually transmitted disease clinics-an analysis of 309 sexual partnerships. J. Infect Dis 1995;171:768-775 deLissavoy G, Zenilman JM, Celentano D, Ahmed F, Weh ZH, Nelson K. Estimated direct costs of congenital syphilis in the United States-1990. Public Health Reports 1995;110:403-409 Spitters C, Pardoe K, Yeargain J, Zenilman JM. Prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis B and C among firefighters prior to implementation of a hepatitis B vaccination program. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1995;37:663-664 Dropulic LK, Leslie JM, Eldred LJ, Zenilman JM, Sears CL. Pseudomonas aeruginosa: an important bacterial pathogen in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. J Infect Dis 1995;171:930-937 Celentano DD, Nelson KE, Suprasert S, Zenilman JM, Kuntolbutra S, Eiumtrakul S, Zenilman JM, Wright NH, Theetranont C. Epidemiologic risk factors for incident sexually transmitted diseases in young Thai men. Sex TransDis. 1996;23:198-205 Berger BJ, Kolton S, Zenilman JM, Cummings MC, Feldman J, McCormack WM. Bacterial vaginosis in lesbians- a sexually transmitted disease. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1995;21:1402-5 Augenbraun M, Feldman J, Chirgwin K, Zenilman J, Clarke L, DeHovitz J, Landesman S, Minkoff H. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 4 Genital shedding of herpes simplex virus type 2 in HIV-seropositive women. Ann Int Med 1995;123:845-847 Zenilman JM. Quinolones as first-line therapy for gonorrhea in Baltimore: Minimal impact on antimicrobial susceptibility patterns. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1996;23:213-21 Golden MR, Rompalo AM, Fantry L, Bein M, Perkins T, Hoover D, Zenilman JM. Declining incident gonorrhea in male HIV-positive STD clinic patients following the institution of a program of early clinical intervention. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1996;23:370-378 Ellish N, Weisman CS, Celentano D, .Zenilman JM. Reliability of partner reports of sexual histories in a heterosexual STD clinic population. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1996;23:446-452 Ching S-F, Lee H, Hook E, Jacobs M, Zenilman JM. Ligase chain reaction for detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in urogenital swabs. J Clinical Microbiology 1995; 33:3111-3114 Quinn TC, Welsh L, Lentz A, Crotchfelt K, Zenilman JM, Gaydos C, Project RESPECT Study Group. Diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in urine samples from women and men by Amplicor polymerase chain reaction. J Clinical Microbiology; 1996;34:1401-1406 Peek M, Zenilman JM. Syphilis and tuberculosis: overlap of categorical public health clinic utilization patterns. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1997;24:8-10 Chaulk P, Zenilman JM. STDs and Managed Care: Magic Bullet or Shadow on the Land? Journal of Public Health Practice 1997; 3:61-70 Friedman SR, Curtis R, Jose B, Neaigus A, Zenilman JM, Kreek MJ, Culpepper-Morgan J, Borg L, Paone D, Des Jarlais DC. Sex, drugs, and infections among youth: HIV-1 and other parenterally or sexually transmitted diseases in a high-risk neighborhood. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1997;24:322-326 Kamb ML, Dillon BA, Fishbein M, and the Project RESPECT study group. Providing quality assurance for the HIV prevention counseling interventions in a multi-center randomized trial. Public Health Reports - 1996;111 (Supplement 1) 99-107 Jadack RA, Fresia A, Rompalo AM, Zenilman JM. Reasons for not using condoms at urban STD clinics. Sexually Transmitted Diseases-1997;24:402-407 Irwin DE, Thomas JC, Spitters CE, Leone PA, Stratton JD, Martin DH, Zenilman JM, Schwebke JR, Hook EW III. Self treatment patterns among patients attending sexually transmitted disease clinics and he effect of self-treatment on STD symptom duration. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1997; 24:372-377 Hook EW, McCormack WM, Martin D, Jones RB, Bean K, Maroli AN, Handsfield HH, Douglas JM, Zenilman JM, Leone P, Rice P. Comparison of single-dose oral grepafloxacin with cefixime for treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea in men Antimicrobial Agents Chemother 1997; 41:1843-1845 Nelson KE, Celentano DD, Eiumtrakui S, Maclean I, Ronald A, Suprasert S, Hoover DR, Kuntolbutra S, Zenilman JM. The association of Herpes simplex type 2, Haemophilus ducreyi, and syphilis infections with genital ulcer disease and HIV infection in Northern Thailand. J Acquired Immune Def Syndromes 1998;16:293-306. Rompalo AM, Shepherd M, Lawlor JP, Rand S, Fox R, Brookmeyer R, Quinn TC, Zenilman J, Hook EW III. Definitions of genital ulcer disease and variation in risk for prevalent HIV infection. Sex Trans Dis 1997;27:436-442 Blake DR, Duggan A, Quinn T, Zenilman JM, Joffe A. Sexually transmitted disease evaluation in young women-can it be done without a speculum? Pediatrics-1998;102:939-44 Staat MA, Tang YL, Fresia A, Halsey N, Kacergis J, Zenilman JM. Susceptibility to vaccine preventable diseases in a sexually transmitted disease clinic population. Sexually Transmitted Diseases,1998;25:331-4 Becker KM, Glass GG, Brathwaite W, Zenilman JM. The geographic epidemiology of gonorrhea in Baltimore using a geographic information system. Am J Epidemiology 1998;147:709-716 Burstein, GR, Waterfield G, Joffe A, Zenilman JM, Quinn, TC,Gaydos CA. Screening for gonorrhea and chlamydia by DNA amplification in adolescents attending middle school health centers: an essential component of STD control. Sex Transm Dis, 1998;25:395-402 Burstein GR, Gaydos CA, Diener-West M, Howell MR, Zenilman JM, Quinn TC. Incident Chlamydia trachomatis infections among inner city adolescent females. JAMA 1998;280:521-6 Hennessy M, Bolan G, Hoxworth T, Iatesta M, Rhodes F., Zenilman JM. Using growth curves to 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 5 determine the timing of booster sessions. Structual Equation Modeling 1999;6:322-342. Moss W, Bentley M, Maman S, Ayuko D, Egessah O, Sweat M, Nyarang'o P, Zenilman JM, Chemtai A, Halsey N. Healers, chemists and clinics:voices from rural Kenya on sexually transmitted infections and therapeutic options.AIDS Care 1999;11:95-113 Kamb ML, Fishbein M, Douglas JM, Rhodes F, Rogers J, Bolan G, Zenilman JM, Hoxworth T, Malotte K, Iatesta M, Kent C, Lentz A, Graziano S, Byers RH, Peterman TA and the Project RESPECT Study Group. Efficacy of risk-reduction counseling to prevent human immunodeficiency virus and sexually transmitted diseases: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA, 1998;280:1161-7 Zenilman JM, Ellish N, Fresia A, Glass G. The geography of sexual partnerships in BaltimoreApplications of Core theory dynamics using a geographic information system. Sexually Transmitted Diseases,1999; 26:75-81. Jacobson DL, Peralta L, Farmer M, Zenilman JM, Wright TC, Graham NMH. Cervical ectopy and the transformation zone measured by computerized planimetry: relationship to hormonal contraception, reproductive and sexual history. Intl J OB GYN 1999;66:7-17 Zenilman JM, Fresia A, Berger B, McCormack WM. Bacterial vaginosis is not associated with circumcision status of the male partner. Sexually Transmitted Infections 1999; 75:347-8 Irwin DE, Thomas JC, Spitters CE, Leone PA, Stratton JD, Martin DH, Zenilman JM, Schwebke JR, Hook EW III. Self-reported sexual activity and condom use among symptomatic clients attending STD clinics. Sexually Transmitted Diseases,1999; 26:286-9 Jacobson D, Peralta L, Graham N, Zenilman JM. Histologic Development of cervical ectopy: Relationship to reproductive hormones Sex Transm Dis 2000 27: 252-8 Jacobson DL, Peralta L, Farmer M, , Graham NMH, Shah K, Morsberger S, Gaydos C, Wright TC, Zenilman JM. Relationship of hormonal contraception and cervical ectopy as measured by computerized planimetry to chlamydia and HPV infection in adolescents. Sex Transm Dis 2000;27:313-19 Mehta SD, Shahan J, Zenilman JM. Ambulatory STD Management in an inner-city emergency department: descriptive epidemiology, care utilization patterns and patient perceptions of local STD clinics. Sex Transm Dis 2000;27:154-158 Thompson DK, Deal CD, Ison CA, Zenilman JM, Bash MC. A genotyping system for Neisseria gonorrhoeae based on biotynilated oligonucleotide probes to PIB gene variable regions. J Infect Dis 2000; 181:1652-1660 Jadack, R. A., Pare, B., Fresia, A. E., & Zenilman, JM. Self-reported weapon ownership, use, and violence experiences among clients accessing an inner-city sexually transmitted disease clinic. Research in Nursing and Health 2000;23:213-221 Pequegnat W, Erhardt A, Celentano D, Garnett G, Holtgrave D, Jaccard J, Schachter J, Zenilman JM, Fishbein M. Workgroup on behavioral and biological outcomes in HIV/STD prevention studies: a position statement. Sex Transm Dis 2000;27:127-132 McKee KT Jr.,Shields TM, Jenkins PR, Zenilman JM, Glass GE. Application of a Geographic Information System to Tracking and Control of a Shigella Outbreak. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2000;31:728-33. Jacobson DL, Mizell-Womack S, Zenilman JM, Peralta L, Feroli K, Meher J, Daniel R, Shah K. Concordance of HPV in the cervix and urine among inner-city adolescents with a very high prevalence of HPV.Ped Infect Dis J 2000;19:722-8 Mehta SD, Rothman RE, Kelen GD, Quinn TC, Zenilman JM. Unsuspected Gonorrhea and Chlamydia In Patients of an Urban Adult Emergency Department: A Critical Population for STD Control Intervention Sex Transm Dis 2001;28:33-39 Peterman TA, Lin LS, Newman D, Kamb ML, Graziano S, Fishbein M, Bolan G, Zenilman JM, Douglas J, Rogers J, Malotte K, Project RESPECT STUDY GROUP. Does measured behavior change reflect change in STD/HIV Risk? Sex Transm Dis 2000;27:446-51 Albarracin D, Ho RM, McNatt P, Williams WR, Rhodes F, Malotte KC, Hoxworth T, Bolan G, Zenilman JM Iatesta M, Project RESPECT Study Group. The Structure of Outcome Beliefs in Condom Use. Health Psychology 2000;19:458-68 Crosby R, Newman D, Kamb ML, Kent C, Zenilman JM, Douglas JM, Iatesta M for the Project RESPECT Study Group. Misconceptions about STD protective behavior: prevalence and change 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 6 after STD diagnosis and counseling. Am J Preventive Medicine 2000 19; 167-73 Mehta SD, Rothman RE, Kelen GD, Quinn TC, Zenilman JM. Clinical and demographic aspects of gonorrhea and chlamydia diagnosis in an acute care setting. Clinical Infectious Diseases2001;32:655-59 Malotte CK, Jarvis B, Fischbein M, Kamb M, Iatesta M, Hoxworth T, Zenilman JM, Bolan G, and the Project RESPECT Study Group. Stage of change versus an integrated psychosocial theory as a basis for developing effective behavior change interventions. AIDS Care 2000;12:357-64 Viscidi RP, Demma JC, Gu J, Zenilman JM. Comparison of por sequencing and opa typing for discrimination of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains from sexual contacts. J Clin Microbiol 2000;38:44304438 Diseker RA, Peterman TA, Kent C, Zenilman JM, Douglas JM, Rhodes F, Iatesta M, Kamb ML. Circumcision and STD in the US: Cross-sectional and cohort analyses. Sex Transm Infect 2000; 76:474-479 Friedman SR, Flom PL, Kottiri BJ, Neaigus A, Sandoval M, Curtis R, Des Jarlais DC, Zenilman JM. Consistent condom use in the heterosexual relationships of young adults who live in a in a high HIVrisk neighborhood and do not use ―hard drugs‖. AIDS Care 2001 13:285-96. Erbelding EJ, Hummel B, Hogan MT, Zenilman JM. High rates of depressive symptoms in STD clinic patients. Sex Transm Dis 2001; 28:281-4 Burstein GR, Zenilman JM, Gaydos CA, West MD, Howell MR,Brathwaite W,Quinn TC. Predictors of repeat chlamydia trachomatis infections diagnosed by DNA amplification testing among inner city females Sex Transm Infections 2001;77:26-32 Emonyi IW, Gray RH, Zenilman JM, Schmidt K, Wawer MJ, Sewankambo KN, Serwadda D, Kiwanuka N, Nalugoda F. Seroprevelance of Herpes Simplex type 2 (HSV-2) in Rakai District, Uganda. East African Medical Journal 2000 (Aug) 428-430 Burstein GR, Snyder MH, Conley D, Boekeloo BO, Quinn TC, Zenilman JM. Adolescent chlamydia testing practices in a large managed care organization. Sex Transm Dis 2001;28:477-483 Flom PL, Friedman SR, Kottiri BJ, Neaigus A, Curtis R, Des Jarlais DC, Sandoval M,Zenilman JM. Stigmatized drug use, partner concurrency and other sexual risk behaviors among 18-24 year old youth in a high risk neighborhood. Sex Transm Dis 2001;28:598-607 Rompalo AM, Seaman P, Quinn TC, Zenilman JM, Hook EW III.Modification of Syphilitic Genital Ulcer Manifestations By Co-existent HIV Infection. Sex Transm Dis 2001;28:448-454 Lawrence JM, Kamb ML, Iatesta M, Douglas JM, Hoyt LA, Bolan G, Peterman T, Fishbein M, Zenilman JM, and the Project RESPECT Study Group. Sources of recent STD-related treatment for STD clinic patients. Sex Transm Dis 2001 28:535-538. Friedman SR, Flom PL, Kottiri BJ, Neaigus A, Sandoval M, Curtis R, Zenilman JM, Des Jarlais DC. Prevalence and correlates of anal sex among young adult women in an inner city minority neighborhood. AIDS 2001;15:2057-2060 Go VF, Quan VM, Chung A , Zenilman JM, Hanh VT, Celentano DC. Gender gaps, gender traps: sexual identity and vulnerability to sexually transmitted diseases among women in Vietnam. Soc Sci Med 2002 55:467-81 Diseker RA, Lin LS, Kamb ML, Peterman TA, Kent C, Zenilman JM, Lentz A, Douglas JM, Rhodes F, Malotte KC, Iatesta M. Fleeting Foreskins: The misclassification of male circumcision status. Sex Transm Dis 2001;28:330-335 Fishbein M, Hennessy M, Kamb M, Bolan GA, Hoxworth T, Iatesta M, Rhodes F, Zenilman JM, Project RESPECT Study Group. Using Intervention theory to model factors influencing behavior change-Project RESPECT. Evaluation and the Health Professions 2001;24:363-84 Mehta SD, Bishai D, Howell MR, Rothman RE, Quinn TC, Zenilman JM. Cost-effectiveness of five screening strategies for gonorrhea and Chlamydia among male and female emergency department patients. Sex Transm Dis 2002;29: 83-91 Go VF, Quan VM, A C, Zenilman JM, Moulton LH, Celentano DC. Barriers to reproductive tract infection care among Vietnamese women. Sex Trans Dis 2002;29:201-206 Friedman SR, Flom P, Kottiri BJ, Neaigus A, Sandoval M, Fuld J, Curtis R, Zenilman JM, DesJarlais DC. Consistent condom use in non-commercial heterosexual relationships of youth in a high HIV-risk neighborhood who inject drugs or otherwise use crack, cocaine or heroin. AIDS Care. 2002 7 Aug;14(4):493-507 83. Brewer TH, Metsch L, Zenilman JM. Utilization of a public STD clinic by known HIV-positive adultsDecreased self-reported risk behavior increased disease incidence. J Acq Imm Def Syndr 2002;29:289-294 84. Zenilman JM, Glass G, Shields T, Jenkins P, Gaydos JC, McKee KT Jr. Geographic epidemiology of gonorrhea and chlamydia on a large military installation-application of a GIS system. Sex Transm Inf 2002;78:40-44 85. Rogers SM, Miller HG, Miller WM, Zenilman JM, Turner CF. NAAT-identified and self-reported gonorrhea and chlamydial infections: Different at-risk population subgroups. Sex Transm Dis 2002; 29:588-596 86. Turner CF, Rogers SM, Miller HG, Chromy JR, Gribble JN, Miller W, Leone P, Quinn TC, Zenilman JM. Untreated gonococcal and chlamydia infection in a probability sample of Baltimore adults. JAMA 2002;287:726-733 87. Friedman SR, Flom PL, Kottiri BJ, Zenilman JM, Curtis R, Neaigus A, Sandoval M, Quinn T, Des Jarlais DC. Drug use patterns and infections with sexually transmitted agents among young adults in a high risk neighborhood. Addictions 2003 ;98:159-69. 88. Mehta SD, Rompalo AM, Rothman RE, Londner MS, Zenilman JM. Generalizability of STD screening in urban emergency departments: comparison of results from inner city and urban sites in Baltimore, MD. Sex Transm Dis, 2003; 30:143-8 89. Boekeloo BO, Bobbin M, Burstein GR, Snyder MH, Conley D, Quinn TC, Zenilman JM. Provider willingness to screen all sexually active adolescents for chlamydia in an MCO setting. Sex Transm Infections 2002;78:369-73. 90. Gottlieb SL, Douglas Jr JM, Schmid DS, Bolan G, Iatesta M, Malotte CK, Zenilman JM, Foster M, Baron AE, Steiner JF, Peterman TA, Kamb ML. Seroprevalence and correlates of herpes simplex virus type 2 infection in five sexually transmitted-disease clinics. J Infect Dis. 2002;186:1381-9. 91. Mehta SD, Erbelding EJ, Zenilman JM, Rompalo AM. Gonorrhea re-infection in heterosexual STD clinic attendees: longitudinal analysis of risks for first re-infection. Sex Transm Infect 2003;79:124-8 92. Zenilman JM, Miller WC, Gaydos C, Rogers SM, Turner CF. LCR testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia in population surveys and other screenings of low prevalence populations: coping with decreased positive predictive value. . Sex Transm Infections 2003; 79:94-97 93. Reynolds SJ, Risbud A, Shepherd ME, Zenilman JM, Brookmeyer RS, Paranjape RS, Bollinger RC, Mehendale SM. Incident herpes type 2 infection and the association with HIV acquisition in India. J Infect Dis 2003; 187;1513-21 94. McKnew DL, Lynn F, Zenilman JM, Bash MC. Porin variation among clinical isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae over a ten-year period determined by por variable region typing. J Infect Dis 2003;187:1213-22. 95. Lyss SA, Kamb ML, Peterman TA, Moran JS, Newman DR, Bolan GA, Douglas JM, Jr., Iatesta M, Rhodes, F, Zenilman JM, Ehret J, Gaydos C, Newhall WJ, for the Project RESPECT Study Group. Chlamydia trachomatis among patients infected with and treated for Neisseria gonorrhoeae in sexually transmitted disease clinics in the United States. Ann Int Med 2003; 139:178-85 96. Erbelding EJ, Hutton HE, Zenilman JM, Lyketsos CG. The prevalence of psychiatric disorders in STD clinic patients and their association with STD risk. Sex Transm Dis 2004; 31:8-12 97. Warner L, Newman DR, Austin HA, Kamb ML, Malotte CK, Zenilman JM, Bolan G, Rogers J, Peterman TA. Condom effectiveness for prevention of sexually transmitted diseases-The importance of assessing partner infection status. Am J Epidemiol 2004;159:242-251 98. Pealer LN, Peterman TA, Newman DR, Kamb ML, Dillon B, Malotte CK, Zenilman JM, Douglas JM, Bolan G, Project RESPECT Study Group. Are counselor demographics associated with successful HIV/STD prevention counseling? Sex Transm Dis; 2004; 31:52-6 99. Erbelding EJ, Chung S, Zenilman JM. Following-up for HIV test results: what limits return in an STD clinic population? Int J STD AIDS 2004;15:29-32 100. Giles JA, Falconio J,Yuenger JD, Zenilman JM, Dan M, Bash MC. QRDR Mutations and Porin Type of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Isolates from Israel: Fluoroquinolone Resistance Surveillance and Typing by Molecular Methodologies. J Infect Dis 2004; 189:2085-93 101. Bernstein KT, Curriero FC, Jennings JM, Olthoff G, Erbelding EJ, Zenilman JM. Defining gonorrhea 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 8 transmission using spatial data. Amer J Epidemiol 2004 ;160:51-8 Hutton HE, Lyketsos CG, Zenilman JM, Thompson RE, Erbelding EJ. Depression and HIV Risk Behaviors among patients at a sexually transmitted disease clinic.Am J Psychiatr 2004; 161:912-14 Gottlieb SL, Douglas JM, Foster M, Schmid S, Newman DR, Baron AE, Bolan G, Iatesta M, Malotte CK, Zenilman JM, Fishbein M, Peterman TA, Kamb ML, Incidence of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Infection In Five Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics And The Effect Of HIV/STD Risk-Reduction Counseling. J Infect Dis 2004;190:1059-1067 Thompson DL, Douglas JM, Foster M, Hagensee ME, DiGuiseppi C, Baron‘ AE, Cameron JE, Spencer TC, Zenilman JM, Malotte KC, Bolan G, Kamb ML, Peterman TA, The Seroepidemiology of HPV-16 Infection among men and women attending STD clinics in the United States; J Infect Dis. 2004;190:1563-74 Giles J, Hardick J, Yuenger J, Dan M, Reich K, Zenilman JM. Taqman Assay for Determination of Quinolone Resistant N. gonorrhoeae using Applied Biosystems 7900HT Sequence Detection System. J Clin Microbiol 2004;42:3281-3 Bolu OO, Lindsey C, Kamb ML, Kent C, Zenilman JM, Douglas JM, Malotte CK, Rogers J, Peterman TA, Project RESPECT Study Group. Is HIV/sexually transmitted disease prevention counseling effective among vulnerable populations?: a subset analysis of data collected for a randomized, controlled trial evaluating counseling efficacy (Project RESPECT). Sex Transm Dis 2004;31:469-74 Zenilman JM, Yuenger J, Galai N, Turner CF, Rogers SM. PCR Detection of Y-chromosome Sequences in Vaginal Fluid-Preliminary Studies of A Potential Biomarker for Sexual Behavior. Sex Transm Dis 2005 ;32:90-94. Chaudry AN, Travers PJ, Yuenger J, Colletta L, Evans P, Zenilman JM, Tummon A. Analysis of vaginal acetic acid in patients undergoing treatment for bacterial vaginosis. J Clin Microbiol-2004; 42:5170-5 Christian P, Khatry SK, LeClerq SC, Roess AA, Wu L, Yuenger JD, Zenilman JM. Prevalence and risk factors of chlamydia and gonorrhea among rural Nepali women. Sex Transm Infect 2005;81:254–258. McGough LJ, Reynolds SJ, Quinn TC, Zenilman JM. Which patients first? Setting priorities for antiretroviral therapy when resources are limited. Amer J Public Health 2005 ;951173-80. Lynn F, Hobbs MM, Zenilman JM, Behets FMTF, VanDamme K, Rasamindrakatroka A, Bash MC. Genetic typing of the porin protein of Neisseria gonorrhoeae from clinical noncultured samples: strain characterization and identification of mixed gonococcal infections. J Clinic Microbiol. 2005; 43:368375 Ghanem KG, Hutton HE, Zenilman JM, Shaw R, Erbelding EJ. Computer Assisted Self-Interview and Interviewer Administered Questionnaire Modes in Assessing Response Bias Among STD Clinic Patients. Sex Transm Infections 2005; 81:421-5 Mehta SD, Zenilman JM, Erbelding EJ. Patient, provider, and clinic characteristics associated with public STD clinic patient satisfaction. Sex Transm Infections. 2005;81:150-4 Jadack RA, Yuenger J, Ghanem KG, Zenilman J. PCR Detection of Y-chromosome Sequences in Vaginal Lavage in Women Attending STD Clinics. Sex Transm Dis-2006;33:22-5. PMID: 16385218 Bernstein KT, Zenilman JM, Olthoff G, Marsiglia VC, Erbelding EJ. Gonorrhea re-infection among STD clinic attendees in Baltimore, Maryland. Sex Transm Dis. 2006 ;33:80-86. PMID: 16432478 Perez-Losada M, Viscidi RP, Demma JC, Zenilman J, Crandall KA. Population Genetics of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in a High Prevalence Community Using a Hyper-Variable Outer Membrane porB and Thirteen Slowly-Evolving Housekeeping Genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2005 2005 22:1887-902. PMID: 15944444 Kanno MB, Nguyen RH, Lee EM, Zenilman JM, Erbelding EJ. The prevalence of abnormal cervical cytology in a sexually transmitted diseases clinic. Int J STD AIDS 2005 16:549-52 Kottiri BJ, Friedman SR, Euler GL, Flom PL, Sandoval M, Neaigus A, Des Jarlais DC, Zenilman JM. A Community-Based Study of Hepatitis B Infection and Immunization Among Young Adults in a HighDrug-Use Neighborhood in New York City. J Urban Health. 2005 Jul PMID: 16033931 Schumacher CM, Bernstein KT, Zenilman JM, Rompalo AM. Reassessing a large-scale syphilis epidemic using an estimated infection date. Sex Transm Dis. 2005;32::659-664. PMID: 16254539 Mark HD, Sifakis F, Hylton JB, Celentano DD, Mackellar DA, Valleroy LA, Zenilman J. Sex With Women as a Risk Factor for Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Among Young Men Who Have Sex With Men in Baltimore. Sex Transm Dis. 2005 ;32:691-695. PMID: 16254544. 9 121. Ghanem KG, Hutton HE, Zenilman JM, Zimba R, Erbelding EJ. Audio computer assisted self interview and face to face interview modes in assessing response bias among STD clinic patients. Sex Transm Infect. 2005;81:421-5. PMID: 16199744 122. Rogers SM, Willis G, Al-Tayyib A, Villarroel MA, Turner CF, Ganapathi L, Zenilman J, Jadack R. Audio computer assisted interviewing to measure HIV risk behaviors in a clinic population. Sex Transm Infect. 2005 ;81:501-7. PMID: 16326855 123. Gesink-Law DC, Bernstein KT, Serre ML, Schumacher C, Leone PA, Rompalo AM, Miller WC, Zenilman JM. Modeling an early syphilis outbreak through space and time using the Bayesian maximum entropy approach. Annals of Epidemiology 2006; 16:797-804 PMID: 16882466 124. Sutcliffe S, Zenilman JM, Ghanem KG, Jadack RA, Sokoll LJ, Elliott DJ, Nelson WG, De Marzo AM, Cole SR, Isaacs WB and Platz EA. Sexually Transmitted Infections and Prostatic Inflammation/ Cell Damage as Measured by Serum Prostate Specific Antigen Concentration. J Urology- 2006 May;175(5):1937-42. PMID: 16600802 125. Laffan AM, Bellantoni MF, Greenough WB III, Zenilman JM. Burden of Clostridium Difficileassociated Diarrhea in a Long-term Care Facility. J Amer Geriatric Soc 2006 Jul;54(7):1068-73.. PMID: 16866677 126. Go VF, Quan VM, Celentano DD, Moulton LH, Zenilman JM. Prevalence and risk factors for reproductive tract infections among women in rural Vietnam. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2006 ;37:185-9. PMID: 16771233 127. Go VF, Frangakis C, Nam le V, Bergenstrom A, Sripaipan T, Zenilman JM, Celentano DD, Quan VM. High HIV sexual risk behaviors and sexually transmitted disease prevalence among injection drug users in Northern Vietnam: implications for a generalized HIV epidemic. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2006 ;42:108-15. PMID: 16763499 128. Sutcliffe S, Giovannucci E, Alderete JF, Chang TH, Gaydos CA, Zenilman JM, De Marzo AM, Willett WC, Platz EA. Plasma antibodies against Trichomonas vaginalis and subsequent risk of prostate cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2006 ;15:939-45. PMID: 16702374 129. Chemtob D, Damelin B, Bessudo-Manor N, Hassman R, Amikam Y, Zenilman JM, Tamir D. Getting AIDS: not in my back yard." Results from a national knowledge, attitudes and practices survey. Isr Med Assoc J. 2006 Sep;8(9):610-4. PMID: 17058410 130. Singh, RH, Erbelding EJ, Zenilman JM, Ghanem KG. The Role of Speculum and Bimanual Examinations when Evaluating STD Clinic Attendees. Sex Transm Infect 2007 Jun;83(3):206-10. PMID: 17108005 131. Melendez, JH, Giles JA, Yuenger JD, Smith TD, Ghanem KG, Reich KA, Zenilman JM. Detection and Quantification of Y Chromosomal Sequences by Real-Time PCR using the LightCycler® System. Sex Transm Dis 2007; 34:617-19. PMID: 17334265 132. Ghanem KG, Melendez JH, McNeil-Solis C, Giles JA, Yuenger JD, Smith TD, Zenilman JM. Condom Use and Vaginal Y-chromosome Detection: The Specificity of a Potential Biomarker. Sex Transm Dis 2007;34:620-3 PMID: 17308500 133. Kisuule F, Minter-Jordan M, Zenilman JM, Wright SM. Expanding the public health role of the hospitalist. J Hosp Med 2007 Mar;2(2):93-101. PMID: 17427252 134. Brotman RM, Erbelding EJ, Jamshidi RM, Klebanoff MA, Zenilman JM, Ghanem KG.. Findings associated with recurrence of bacterial vaginosis among adolescents attending sexually transmitted diseases clinics. J Ped Adol Gynecol. 2007 Aug;20(4):225-31. PMID: 17673134 135. Perez-Losada M, Crandall KA, Zenilman J, Viscidi RP. Temporal trends in gonococcal population genetics in a high prevalence urban community. Infect Genet Evol. 2007;7:271-8. PMID: 17141576 136. Brewer TH, Zhao W, Metsch LR, Coltes A, Zenilman J. High-Risk Behaviors in Women Who Use Crack: Knowledge of HIV Serostatus and Risk Behavior. Ann Epidemiol. 2007 Jul;17:533-9.; PMID: 17407822 137. Mark HD, Nanda JP, Roberts J, Rompalo A, Melendez JH, Zenilman J. Performance of Focus ELISA Tests for HSV-1 and HSV-2 Antibodies Among University Students With No History of Genital Herpes. Sex Transm Dis. 2007; 34:681-5; PMID: 17457239 138. Perez-Losada M, Crandall KA, Bash, MC, Dan M, Zenilman J, Viscidi RP. Distinguishing Importation from Diversification of Quinolone-Resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae by Molecular Evolutionary Analysis.BMC Evol Biol. 2007 Jun 1;7(1):84 PMID: 17543117 10 139. Friedman S, Bolyard M, Sandoval M, Mateu-Gelabert P, Maslow C, Zenilman J. The relative prevalence of different STIs in HIV-discordant sexual partnerships: Data from a risk network study in a high-risk New York neighborhood. Sex Transm Infect. 2007;29: PMID: 17728340 140. Johnson HL, Erbelding EJ, Zenilman JM, Ghanem KG. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Risk Behaviors Among Pregnant Women Attending Inner City Public Sexually Transmitted Diseases Clinics in Baltimore, MD, 1996-2002. Sex Transm Dis. 2007; 34(12):991-4 31: PMID: 17700178 141. Mark H, Nanda JP, Joffe A, Roberts J, Rompalo A, Melendez J, Zenilman J. Serologic Screening for Herpes Simplex Virus Among University Students: A Pilot Study. J Am Coll Health 2008;57:291-296. PMID: 18980884 142. Kisuule F, Wright S, Barreto J, Zenilman, J. Improving Antibiotic Utilization among Hospitalists: A Pilot Academic Detailing Project with a Public Health Approach. J Hosp Med. 2008 Jan;3(1):64-70 PMID: 18257048 143. Sutcliffe S, Giovannucci E, Gaydos CA, Viscidi RP, Jenkins FJ, Zenilman JM, Jacobson LP, De Marzo AM, Willett WC, Platz EA. Plasma Antibodies against Chlamydia trachomatis, Human Papillomavirus, and Human Herpesvirus Type 8 in Relation to Prostate Cancer: A Prospective Study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2007;16:1573-80. PMID: 17684131 144. Rogers SM, Miller WC, Turner CF, Ellen J, Zenilman J, Rothman R, Villaroel MA, Al-Tayyib A, Leone P, Gaydos C, Ganapathi L, Hobbs M, Kanouse D. Concordance of Chlamydia trachomatis infections within sexual partnerships. Sex Transm Infections; 2008 Feb;84(1):23-8. PMID: 17911137 145. Warner L, Newman DR, Kamb ML, Fishbein M, Douglas JM Jr, Zenilman J, D'Anna L, Bolan G, Rogers J, Peterman T; for the Project RESPECT Study Group. Problems with Condom Use among Patients Attending Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics: Prevalence, Predictors, and Relation to Incident Gonorrhea and Chlamydia. Am J Epidemiol. 2008; 167: 341-349 PMID: 17989058 146. Brotman RM, Klebanoff MA, Nansel T, Zhang J, Schwebke JR, Yu KF, Zenilman JM, Andrews WW. Why Do Women Douche? A Longitudinal Study with Two Analytic Approaches. Ann Epidemiol. 2008 Jan;18(1):65-73. PMID: 18063240 147. Brotman RM, Ghanem KG, Klebanoff MA, Taha TE, Scharfstein DO, Zenilman JM. The effect of vaginal douching cessation on bacterial vaginosis-A pilot study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008 198:628.e1-7.PMID:18295180 148. Yang S, Ramachandran P, Hardick A, Hsieh YH, Quianzon C, Kuroki M, Hardick J, Kecojevic A, Abeygunawardena A, Zenilman J, Melendez J, Doshi V, Gaydos C, Rothman R. Rapid PCR-based Diagnosis of Septic Arthritis by Early Gram-Type Classification and Pathogen Identification. J Clin Microbiol. 2008 Apr;46(4):1386-90. PMID:18305128 149. Datta SD, Koutsky LA, Ratelle S, Unger ER, Shlay J, McClain T, Weaver B, Kerndt P, Zenilman J, Hagensee M, Suhr C, Weinstock H. Sentinel Surveillance for High-Risk Human Papillomavirus and Abnormal Pap Tests Among the Cervical Screening Population in the United States, 2003-2005. Ann Int Med. 2008 Apr 1;148(7):493-500. PMID:18378945 150. Brotman RM, Klebanoff MA, Nonsel TR, Andrews WW, Schwebke JR, Zhang J, Yu KF, Zenilman JM, Scharfstein DO. A longitudinal study of vaginal douching and bacterial vaginosis -- A marginal structural modeling analysis. Am J Epidemio. 2008; 168:188-196. PMID:18503038 151. Ghanem KG, Moore, RD, Rompalo AM, Erbelding EJ, Zenilman JM, Gebo KA. Antiretroviral Therapy is Associated with Reduced Syphilis Serologic Failure Rates among HIV-1 Infected Patients. Clin Inf Dis. 2008; 47:258-65. PMID:18532887 152. Ghanem KG, Moore, RD, Rompalo AM, Erbelding EJ, Zenilman JM, Gebo KA. Neurosyphilis in a clinical cohort of HIV-infected Patients. AIDS 2008 22:1145-51. PMID:18525260 153. Williams JR, Zenilman J, Nanda JP, Mark H. Recruitment strategies and motivations for sexually transmitted disease testing among college students.J Am Coll Health. 2008;57:357-60. PMID:18980896 154. Quan VM, Go VF, Nam le V, Bergenstrom A, Thuoc NP, Zenilman J, Latkin C, Celentano DD. Risks for HIV, HBV, and HCV infections among male injection drug users in northern Vietnam: a casecontrol study. AIDS Care. 2009; 21:7-16 PMID:19085215 155. Sutcliffe S, Alderete JF, Till C, Goodman PJ, Hsing AW, Zenilman JM, De Marzo AM, Platz EA. Trichomonosis and subsequent risk of prostate cancer in the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial. Int J Cancer. 2008 Nov 19. PMID:19117055 11 156. Jennings JM, Stover JA, Bair-Merritt MH, Fichtenberg C, Maziad R, Ketemepi SJ, Zenilman J. Identifying barriers to the integration of infectious disease surveillance systems in a large municipal health department. Public Health Reports IN PRESS 157. Hellmann M, Mehta SD, Bishai DM, Mears SC, Zenilman JM. The Estimated Magnitude and Direct Hospital Costs of Prosthetic Joint Infections in the United States, 1997 – 2004. J Arthroplasty PMID 19679438 158. Brotman RM, Melendez JH, Smith TD, Galai N, Zenilman JM. Effect of Menses on Clearance of YChromosome in Vaginal Fluid: Implications for a Biomarker of Recent Sexual Activity. Sex Transm Dis 2010 Jan;37(1):1-4 PMID: 20118672 159. Frankel YM, Melendez JH, Wang N-Y, Price LB, Zenilman JM, Lazarus GS. Defining wound microbial flora; molecular microbiology unlocks new horizons. Arch Dermatol. 2009 Oct;145(10):1193-5. PMID 19841413 160. Silveira MF, Ghanem KG, Erbelding EJ, Burke AE, Johnson HL, Singh RH, Zenilman JM. Chlamydia trachomatis infection during pregnancy and the risk of preterm birth: a case control study Int J STD AIDS. 2009 Jul;20(7):465-9 PMID: 19541887 161. Price LB, Liu CM, Melendez JH, Frankel YM, Engelthaler D, Aziz M, Bowers J, Rattray R, Ravel J, Kingsley C, Keim PS, Lazarus GS, Zenilman JM. Community analysis of chronic wound bacteria: impact of diabetes and antibiotics. PLOS One 2009;4:e6462. PMID: 19649281 162. Johnson KE, Sherman ME, Ssempiija V, Tobian AA, Zenilman JM, Duggan MA, Kigozi G, Serwadda D, Wawer MJ, Quinn TC, Rabkin CS, Gray RH. Foreskin inflammation is associated with HIV and herpes simplex virus type-2 infections in Rakai,Uganda. AIDS 2009 Sep 10;23(14):1807-15 PMID: 19584700 163. Sutcliffe S, Kawachi I, Alderete JF, Gaydos CA, Jacobson LP, Jenkins FJ, Viscidi RP, Zenilman JM, Platz EA. Correlates of sexually transmitted infection histories in a cohort of American male health professionals. Cancer Causes Control. 2009; 20:1623-34. PMID: 19655261 164. Melendez, J.H., Frankel, Y.M., An, A.T., Williams, L., Price, L.B., Wang, N.Y., Lazarus, G.S., Zenilman, J.M. (In press) Real-Time PCR Assays compared to Culture-Based Approaches for Identification of Aerobic Bacteria in Chronic Wounds. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. PMID: 20047604 165. Sutcliffe S, Viscidi RP, Till C, Goodman PJ, Hoque AM, Hsing AW, Thompson IM, Zenilman JM, De Marzo AM, Platz EA. Human papillomavirus types 16, 18, and 31 serostatus and prostate cancer risk in the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2010; 19:614-8. PMID: 20142255. 166. Semaan S, Neumann MS, Hutchins K, D'Anna LH, Kamb ML; Project RESPECT Study Group (includes Zenilman JM). Brief counseling for reducing sexual risk and bacterial STIs among drug users--results from project RESPECT. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2010 Jan 1;106(1):7-Epub 2009 Aug 31. PMID: 19720471 U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS [peer reviewed] (13) Note: Articles with * were published as a US Government employee. Clinical Policy Guidelines 167. *Crippen PH, Zenilman JM, Alexander ER. Antibiotic-Resistant Strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Policy Guidelines for Detection, Management, and Control. MMWR 1987;36(suppl.5S):1S-1-9S. 168. *Zenilman JM, Division of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and CDC Consultants. 1989 SexuallyTransmitted Disease Treatment Guidelines. MMWR 1989;38(Supplement 8):i-xi,1-43. 169. Berg AO, Levine W, Brady W, Division of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and CDC Consultants. 1993 STD Treatment Guidelines. MMWR 1993;42:RR-14 170. Winters K, Zenilman JM [editors]. Treatment Improvement Protocol: Simple Screening Instruments for Outreach for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and Infectious Diseases. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Quality Assurance and Evaluation Branch, Division of State Programs, U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Washington DC, 1994 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 12 MMWR Reports *Zenilman JM, Morse SA, Johnson SR, Biddle JW, Alexander ER. Tetracycline Resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae - Georgia, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 1985; 34:563-570. *Zenilman, JM. Penicillinase-Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae - United States, Florida. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 1986; 35:12-14. *Zenilman JM, Biddle JW, Knapp JS, Hill W, Carlson B. Tetracycline-Resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae Oregon, Massachusetts, United States. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 1986;35:304-306. *Zenilman JM. Penicillinase-Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae - United States, 1986. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 1987;36:107-8 *Zenilman JM, Knapp JS, Davis JP, Jones JP, Jones T, Boscia JA, Pritchard C, Berney S, Bush LA. Disseminated Gonorrhea Caused by Penicillinase-Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae - Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 1987;36:161-67. *Zenilman JM, Schwarcz SK. Sentinel Surveillance System for Antimicrobial Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae MMWR 1987;36:585-6,91-3. *Rice RJ, Handsfield HH, Tulloch R, Klopfenstein L, Donnelly M, Zenilman JM. Outbreak of a Distinct Strain of Penicillinaise-producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae (PPNG) in King County, Washington. MMWR 1987:36:757-9. *Rolfs R, Zenilman JM, Peterman TA. Recommendations for Diagnosing and Treating Syphilis in HIV-Infected Patients. MMWR 1988;37-600-8. Douglas, JM Hoxworth T, Rogers J, Iatesta M Rhodes F, Malotte CK, Bolan G, Kent C; Zenilman JM, Lentz and the Project RESPECT Study Group; Prevention Services Research Br, Div of HIV/AIDS Prevention, National Center for HIV, STD, & TB Prevention, CDC. Contraceptive Practices Before and After an Intervention Promoting Condom Use to Prevent HIV Infection and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Women -- Selected U.S. Sites, 1993-1995. MMWR 1997;46:373-377 EDITORIALS- (12) 180. Zenilman JM, Cates W Jr. Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases-1989 [editorial]. Reviews of Infectious Diseases 12(suppl 6)s577-9. 181. Zenilman JM. Surveys and Urine STD Diagnostic Tests: A new paradigm for survey design and validity measurement[editorial]. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1997;24:310-311 182. Zenilman JM. The 1997 STD Treatment Guidelines-The U.S. Approach. [Editorial Review]. Sexually Transmitted Infections 1998;74:89-91 183. Zenilman JM. Letter from America. Sexually Transmitted Infections 1998;74:453-4 184. Zenilman JM. Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and the Sexual Network-Pushing the Envelope. Sex Transm Dis, 2000;27:224-225. 185. Zenilman JM, Shahmanesh M, Winter AJ.Ethnicity and STDs-more than black and white. Sex Transm Infections 2001; 77:2-3 186. Zenilman JM. Chlamydia serovars and cervical cancer-a real association? [Invited Editorial] JAMA 2001;285:81-83 187. Mehta SD, Shahmanesh M, Zenilman JM. Spending money to save money: Cost-effectiveness analysis to advocate Chlamydia trachomatis screening. Sex Transm Infections-2003;79:4-6 188. Erbelding EJ, Zenilman JM. Toward better control of sexually transmitted diseases. N Engl Medicine 2005; 352:720-1 189. Zenilman JM. The state of condom use education in a Texas community: is this the future? Sex Transm Dis. 2006 33:5. PMID: 16385213 190. Zenilman JM. Congenital Syphilis in Immigrants—Are Politics and Nativism Driving us in Reverse? Sex Transm Dis 2008; 35(4):344-5. PMID: 18362855 191. Zenilman JM. Recreating the impact of interventions in the absence of baseline data: challenges for intervention programmes. Sex Transm Infect. 2010 Feb;86 Suppl 1:i8-9. PMID: 20167738 REVIEW ARTICLES (22) 192. Zenilman JM, Cates W Jr, Morse SA. Neisseria gonorrhoeae : An Old Enemy Rearms. Infectious 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 13 Disease and Medical Letters in Obstetrics and Gynecology 1986; 8 (Suppl):2-9. Zenilman JM. Disseminated Gonococcal Infection - Diagnosis and Treatment. Internal Medicine for the Specialist. 1987;8:147-53. Zenilman JM. Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Homosexual Adolescents - Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention. J. Adolesc Health Care 1988;9:129-38. Zenilman JM. Gonorrhea in Adolescents. Adolescent Medicine-State of the Art Reviews 1990;1:497-509. Peterson HR, Galaid E, Zenilman JM. Therapeutic Options for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Reviews of Infectious Diseases 1990;12(suppl 6)s656-664. Moran J, Zenilman JM. Current Therapy of Gonorrhea. Reviews of Infectious Diseases 1990;12(suppl 6)s633-44 Zenilman JM. Update on Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease. Urologic Clinic N. America Febuary 1992. Zenilman JM . Epidemiology and Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases. February 1992. Zenilman JM. Gonorrhea: Clinical and public health aspects. Hospital Practice 1993;28 (2A):29-50 1993 Quinn TC, Zenilman JM, Rompalo AM. Sexually transmitted diseases-trends in the 1990s. Adv Int Med 1994;39:149-196 Knobil K, Wiener CMR, Zenilman JM. Herpes simplex infections in the critical care setting. J Intensive Care Medicine 1997;12:93-103 Zenilman JM. Grand Rounds at the Johns Hopkins Hospital: Typhoid Fever JAMA 1997; 78:847850. Zenilman JM. Ethnicity and sexually transmitted diseases. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases(London) 1998;11:47-52 Burstein G, Zenilman JM. Non-gonococcal urethritis-Diagnosis and treatment in 1997. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1999; 28 (Supplement 1) S66-73 Tompkins J, Zenilman JM. Quinolone resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Current Infectious Diseases Reports 2001;3:156-161. Zenilman JM. Quinolone resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae-2002 update. Current Infectious Diseases Reports 2002;4:144-147. Kanno M, Zenilman JM. Sexually Transmitted Diseases in injecting drug users. Infectious Disease Clinics of North America- WB Saunders 2002 ;16:771-80 Zenilman JM. Behavioral interventions-rationale, measurement, and effectiveness. Infect Dis Clin North Amer; 2005; 19:541-62 Ghanem KG, Giles JA, Zenilman JM. Fluoroquinolone-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae: the Inevitable Epidemic. Infect Dis Clin North Amer; 2005; 19:351-65 Miller WC, Zenilman JM. Epidemiology of Chlamydial Infection, Gonorrhea, and Trichomoniasis in the United States-2005. Infect Dis Clin North Amer; 2005; 19:351-65 Page KR, Zenilman JM. Grand Rounds at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. Eosinophilia in a patient from Latin America. JAMA. 2008 Jan 30;299(4):437-44 PMID 18230781 Martin J, Zenilman JM, Lazarus GS. Molecular microbiology: new dimensions for cutaneous biology and wound healing. J Investig Dermatol PMID: 19626034 BOOK CHAPTERS AND MONOGRAPHS (29) 214. Knapp JS, Zenilman JM, Roberts MC, Johnson SR, Shepherd ME, Biddle JW, Morse SA. High-Level Tetracycline Resistance Associated with tetM in Neisseria meningitidis and Other Neisseriaceae. In: Poolman JT (ed), Gonococci and Meningococci, Dodrecht (The Netherlands), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988:137-141. 215. Zenilman JM, Wiesner PJ. Gonococcal Infections. In: Brachman P. Evans A, editors. Bacterial Infections of Humans, 2nd Edition. New York Plenum Publishers, 1991:225-76. 216. Zenilman JM. Therapy of Disseminated Gonococcal Infection. In: Kass EH, Platt R editors. Current Therapy of Infectious Diseases, 3rd Edition. Toronto: BC Decker, 1990:211-213. 14 217. Knapp JS, Zenilman JM, Thompson SE. Gonococcal Infections. In: Morse SA, Moreland A editors. Color Atlas of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. New York: Gower Publishing, 1990:pp5.1-5.22. 218. Zenilman JM. Therapy of Disseminated Gonococcal Infection. In: Kassirer JP, editor. Current Therapy in Internal Medicine Toronto: BC Decker, 1991:242-5. 219. Hook EW III, Zenilman JM. Gonorrhea. In: Gorbach S, Bartlett JG, Blacklow N (editors). Infectious Diseases. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1992:812-817 220. Zenilman JM. Gonorrhea. In: Mandell GL , Rein MF(editors). Atlas of Infectious Diseases -Volume V Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Current Medicine, (Churchill-Livingstone) Philadelphia PA, 1996 221. DeMaio J, Zenilman JM. Gonococcal Infections. In: Brachman P. Evans A, editors. Bacterial Infections of Humans, 3rd Edition. New York Plenum Publishers, 1996 222. Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Jose B, Curtis R, McGrady GA, Vera M, Lovely R, Zenilman JM, Johnson V, White HR, Paone D, Des Jarlais DC. Adolescents and HIV risk due to drug injection or sex with drug injectors in the United States. In: Sherr L, editor. AIDS among Adolescents. Harwood Academic publishers; London; 1997:107-131 223. Zenilman JM. Prostatitis. In: Schlossberg D editor Current therapy in infectious disease. CV Mosby, St Louis, 1996:186-188 . Same Chapter was published in:Kassirer JP, Green HL II- Current Therapy in adult medicine, Mosby 1997:236-238 224. Zenilman JM. Gonorrhea. In: Rakel RE, editor. Conn's Current Therapy-1997 WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 1996:733-736 225. Zenilman JM. Prevention of HIV transmission. In: Gorbach S, Bartlett JG, Blacklow N (editors). Infectious Diseases, 2nd Edition. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1998: 1169-1184 226. Hook EW III, Zenilman JM. Gonorrhea. (chapter). In: Gorbach S, Bartlett JG, Blacklow N (editors). nd Infectious Disease 2 Edition. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1998:969-97 227. Rein MF, Zenilman JM. Trichomonas. In: Strickland GT, editor. Hunter’s Tropical Medicine 8th Edition. WB Saunders. Philadelphia, 2000; 611-614 228. Simpson, TW, Burgess DE, Zenilman JM. Trichomoniasis In : Gilles HM, Editor Handbook of Protozoal infections .Arnold, London 2000; 667-687 229. Zenilman JM. Vaginal Discharge that persists and recurs. In: Armstrong D, Cohen J. Infectious Diseases Mosby, London 2000 [Revision published in 2005] 230. Zenilman JM. From the Boudoir to Bordello: Sexually transmitted diseases and the Traveler. In: nd Schlossberg D: Infections of Leisure,2 Edition, ASM Press, Washington 1999 231. Zenilman JM. Epidemiology of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. IN: Nelson K, Graham N. Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases Aspen 2000; 611-655 232. Zenilman JM, Deal CD. Gonorrhea: epidemiology, control, and prevention. IN: Stanberry LR, Bernstein DI, editors. Sexually transmitted diseases-vaccines, prevention and control. Academic Press, London, 1999 369-385 233. Wendel KA, Zenilman JM. Sexually transmitted diseases In: Barker LR, Burton JR, Zieve PD, th editors. Principles of Ambulatory Medicine-6 edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2002:477-497. Revision 2006 234. Zenilman JM. Prevention of HIV transmission [Major Revision]. In: Gorbach S, Bartlett JG, Blacklow N (editors). Infectious Diseases, 3d Edition. 2004 Philadelphia, Saunders 1038-56 235. Ghanem KG, Hook EW3rd,. Zenilman JM, Gonorrhea [Major Revision]. In: Gorbach S, Bartlett JG, Blacklow N (editors). Infectious Diseases, 3d Edition. 2004 Philadelphia, Saunders 887-893 236. Ghanem KG, Boslego JW, Zenilman JM. Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Major Revision]. In: Gorbach S, Bartlett JG, Blacklow N (editors). Infectious Diseases, 3d Edition .2004 Philadelphia, Saunders 1641-1649 237. Mehta SD, Zenilman J. Chapter 98. Sexually transmitted infections: Screening. In: Kumar B, Gupta S, Eds. Sexually Transmitted Infections. New Delhi, Elsevier, 2005; pp 994-1000 238. Zenilman JM. Epidemiology of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. IN: Nelson K, Williams CFM, editors. Infectious Diseases Epidemiology: Theory and Practice 2nd Edition. Jones & Bartlett, Sudbury Massachussetts. 2006: 963-1020 239. Zenilman JM. Policy Issues and Challenges in Controlling Sexually Transmitted Diseases. IN: Aral SO, Douglas JM, editors. Behavioral Interventions for Prevention and Control of STDs. Springer- 15 Verlag, publisher. 2007: 549-568 240. Zenilman JM, Griffiss JM. Goncococcal Infections. In: Brachman P, Abrutyn E, editors. Bacterial th Infections of Humans (4 edition). Plenum. IN PRESS 241. Zenilman JM. Urethritis. In: Klausner JD, Hook EW III editors. Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Lange-McGraw-Hill. New York; 2007:14-18 242. Jamshidi R, Zenilman J. Vaginitis and Sexually transmitted diseases. In: Ryden J, Blumenthal PD, nd editors. Practical Gynecology-a guide for the primary care physician, 2 edition. American College of Physicians, Philadelphia 2008; pp 183-217 LETTERS AND CASE REPORTS (14) 243. Papadimos TJ, Lane EM, Biddle JW , Zenilman JM. Tetracycline Resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae in California. West J Med 1986; 145:392 244. Zenilman JM, Alexander ER, Friss HE, Goldberg M, Nelson JD. Management of the Newborn Exposed to Penicillinase-Producing Gonococci. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 1987;6:582-3. 245. Rolfs RJ, Zenilman JM, Jaffe HW. Therapy of Syphilis in Patients Co-Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Annals of Internal Medicine 1989;110:574-5. 246. Shafer RW, Razavi MH, Zenilman JM. A Life-Threatening Gonococcal Infection. Hospital Practice 1989;24(5):26-29. 247. Zenilman JM, Rand S, Barditch P, Rompalo AM. Asymptomatic neurosyphilis in a patient previously treated with doxycycline for early latent syphilis. Sex Trans Dis 1993;20:346248. Zenilman JM, Rompalo AM, Jadack R. Clinical Crossroads: a man with alcoholism and HIV infection- Comment and Question. JAMA 1996;275:32 249. Zenilman JM, Ellish N, Rompalo A, Weisman C, Hook EW III, Celentano D. Response to Letters. Sex Trans Dis 1996;23:79-82 250. Spitters CE, Zenilman JM. Response to letters. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;38:127-128 251. Zenilman JM. Response to Letters JAMA –1998;279:580 252. McGill W, Miller K, Bolan G, Malotte K, Zenilman JM Iatesta M, Kamb M, Douglas J. Awareness of and experience with the female condom among patients attending STD clinics. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1998;25:222-223 253. Flom PL, Zenilman JM, Sandoval M, Kottiri BJ, Friedman SR. Seroprevalence and correlates of Herpes Simplex Virus type 2 among young adults in a low-income minority neighborhood. J Infect Dis IN PRESS 254. Roubinian N, Kirkpatrick BD, Linn F, Zenilman J, Bash M. Evidence of Meningococcal Endotoxin and Capsule Transmission via Liver Transplantation. Emerg Inf Dis 2005;11:1327-8 255. Warner L, Macaluso M, Newman D, Austin H, Kleinbaum D, Kamb M, Douglas J, Malotte CK, Zenilman JM. Condom effectiveness for prevention of C trachomatis infection . Sex Transm Infect. 2006; 82:265. PMID: 16731685 256. Jacobson LM, Milstone AM, Zenilman J, Carroll KC, Arav-Boger R. Daptomycin therapy failure in an adolescent with methicillin-resistant Staphyolococcus aurers bacteremia. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2009 28:445-7 PMID: 19295462 Websites: 257. www.unspeakable.com- Website on STD Prevention produced for Pfizer Corporation (1996-7) 258. http://hopkins-aids.edu/prevention/index.html Comprehensive website on HIV Prevention. Part of the Johns Hopkins AIDS Service website effort (1998) 259. Bartlett J, Ticehurst J, Zenilman JM, Borio L, Charache P, Martins C,Inglesby T, and Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies. Clinical Anthrax: Primer for Clinicians. http://www.hopkinsbiodefense.org/pages/agents/anthraxprimer111401.html CD-ROM Chapters (4) 16 260. Zenilman JM. Chlamydia infection in Women. IN: Rose, B, editor UpToDate (CDROM). UptoDate, Inc, Wellesely, MA. 1999-2008 261. Zenilman JM. Chlamydia infections in Men. In: Rose, B, editor UpToDate (CDROM). UptoDate, Inc, Wellesely, MA. 1999-2008 262. Zenilman JM..Lymphograuloma venereum. In: Rose, B, editor UpToDate (CDROM). UptoDate, Inc, Wellesely, MA. 1999-2008 263. Zenilman JM. Pelvic inflammatory disease. In: Rose, B, editor UpToDate (CDROM). UptoDate, Inc,Wellesely, MA. 1999-2005 CD ROM (1) 264. Kohl, PK, Bingham JS, Paavonen J, Philpot CR, Zenilman JM.. Sexually transmitted infections and genitoanal dermatoses-diagnosis and therapy. [CD ROM] Lasion Europe, Niklaas, Belgium 1998 [Multimedia CDROM text-atlas, author of 5 chapters within the CDROM]. RESEARCH ACTIVITY AND RESEARCH MENTORING EXTRAMURAL SPONSORSHIP (as Principal Investigator): Current Active Johns Hopkins STD Center Training Grant. T32AI050056 - (10/1/01 - 9/30/011). Multidisciplinary training grant for predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees in epidemiology, behavioral sciences, and clinical STDs. Coordinated application for 21 faculty from 7 departments. Successful competitive renewal 2006. Provides support for 5-7 pre and post-doctoral trainees annually Phase I Clinical Trial Unit for Therapeutics Against Infectious Diseases ( RFP=NIH-NIAIDDMID-08-06; Contract HHSN27220080026C-- May 30-2008- May 29,2015) Perform Phase I and Phase II clinical trials for novel antimicrobials Contract proposal developed with CRM Inc (Cleveland),Case Western, and Johns Hopkins. Principal Investigator on Hopkins component. $398,000 annual direct costs to JHU in FY08; $1.5 million annual direct overall. Epidemiology of Gonococcal Subpopulations in Baltimore NIH R01AI076859. (Sept 30, 2009Sept 29,2011). Develop rapid typing systems to understand core transmission of gonorrhea using nucleic acid amplification. $50,000 annual direct costs Department of Defense/HJF Foundation Wounded Warrior Initiative (June 2008) Clinical trials of wound healing interventions and microbiological genomics in patients with burn and traumatic injuries. Estimated $440,000 annual direct costs. Johns Hopkins Center for Innovative Medicine- Microbiology and Epidemiology of Chronic Wounds. Seed grant to develop clinical research in descriptive microbiology and epidemiology of chronic wounds $75,000 direct costs As Co-Investigator /Collaborator -Current * denotes funded projects which are direct extensions of projects developed by primary mentees or fellows *HIV/STD Network Prevention Trial in Northern Vietnam. NIH 1R01 MH64895-01 (Vivian Go Ph.D - PI) Develop STD/HIV prevention infrastructure in Hanoi/Haiphong region 09/30/01-08/31/05 10% support; Re-funded 8/2007-2012 Risk Factors and Susceptibility in Gonococcal Infection (As Co-PI). R01AI065605 (JM GriffissPI- UCSF-Northern California Institute of Research. Evaluated in-site immunological determinants of gonococcus transmission between discordant partners. $120,000 annual subcontract support. STI Clinical Research Trials Group (NIAID Contract- PI= C. Cohen-UCSF; EW Hook-University of Alabama). 10% annual support for Hopkins component of consortium for Phase I-Phase III clinical trials in STI therapeutics and behavioral interventions. Evaluating Procalcitonin-Based Algorithms to Rapidly Differentiate True and False-Positive Blood Cultures in an Urban Emergency Department Setting. (Co-PI with Stephan Riedel MD, Dept of Pathology). Funder= Brahms Corporation (Annapolis MD)- --$76,000 direct costs 17 PREVIOUS FEDERAL AND FOUNDATION FUNDING (with PI or co-PI leadership role) STD Mid-Career Mentoring Award-Clinical Research in STDs. K24AI01633 - (4/1/99 - 3/31/04; Renewed 4/1/05- 3/31/08). Salary and research support for training and mentoring clinical investigation in STD and HIV prevention. Mentored 39 medical, masters, doctoral and postdoctoral students and junior faculty. Recovery of Vaginal Flora After Douching Cessation R03 AI061131 (3/1/05-2/28/07). Ascertain impact of douching cessation on recovery of vaginal flora, determined by Nugent and molecular methods Validating Sexual Behavior by Y-chromosome PCR. R01 HD043674 - (4/15/2003 - 03/31/2006). Clinical studies to characterize a Y-chromosome PCR assay in vaginal fluid using self-administered swab samples to validate self-reported sexual behavior. Validated assay will be useful in assessing condom use and HIV/STD prevention interventions. Identifying Antimicrobial Resistance in Neisseria Gonorrhoeae by PCR Methods. Development of methods to identify genetic resistance determinants by PCR in non-culture samples. Major subcontractor to CDC-SBIR Contract # 200-2004-09639 to Viratest (Chicago Illinois), K Reich PhD PI. Phase 1 8/04- 2/05 HIV & STD Risks in Tel Aviv Commercial Sex Workers. R03 HD44396 - (09/01/2003 - 8/31/2005). Qualitative research on STD risk in a population of commercial sex workers exposed to structural stress due to terrorism and trafficking. Objective is to assess changes in HIV/STD risk, client mix, and to develop potential interventions to maintain HIV/STD risk reduction efforts. Surveillance for Human Papillomavirus. CDC - (10/1/01 - 9/30/05). Develop sentinel surveillance system for HPV infection using molecular diagnostics at 3 Baltimore women‘s clinics, in collaboration with Baltimore Health Department. $186,000 direct costs in FY03. Reinventing Surveillance Systems for Communicable Disease Prevention-Linking Morbidity, Risk Behaviors and Reproductive Health Outcomes. Centers for Disease Control. H25/CCH304322 (10/1-989/30/00) Integrate surveillance systems in the Baltimore City Health Department, including registry crossmatching and GIS. 20% Support; $146,358 in FY 00. Johns Hopkins STD Clinical Research Center Grant: Targeted Gonorrhea Control in Baltimore. NIAID 5U19AI38533 (1995-1999) Development of gonorrhea control interventions using geographic-information system (GIS) mapping technology. JHU School or Public Health Distance Education. (1996-1999) Served as co-principal investigator (Co-PI with W. Henry Mosley - PI) on a CDC sponsored contract to the School of Public Health develop a distance learning certificate program in public health to provide for-credit courses and advanced training to public health outreach workers which is anticipated to be a full executive M.P.H. program within 2 years. Other information technology activities include the overseeing development of the STD Research Group website, and providing consultation services on development of STD-related commercial websites. Protective Immunological Mechanisms Against STDs. NIAID 1 P01 A34582-01 (1994-1999) Principal investigator of clinical core component of Center grant. Responsibilities include development and implementation of a computerized specimen collection and inventory system to support longitudinal studies of immunity in STD clinic patients. HIV Testing and Counseling Research –Project RESPECT. (CDC Cooperative Agreement R30/CCR307716-01) Principal investigator of 5 year (1991-1996) CDC funded cooperative agreement for a multicenter comparison of the efficacy of enhanced HIV counseling and testing compared to "standard" HIV counseling and testing in preventing high risk behaviors and STD. U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion-Development of Geographic Information Disease Surveillance Systems. (1998) Develop model GIS-based disease surveillance system at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina for STDs and enteric diseases. $163,000 direct costs FY98. American Foundation for AIDS Research. AmFAR Scholar Award 700322-12-RF HIV Early Intervention in Baltimore (1992-1995). Condom Use to Prevent STDs including AIDS. NIAID R01 AI29508 (1989-1994) Principal investigator on NIH grant to assess condom use trends in STD clinic populations. STD Self-Treatment Study. (1993-1995) Burroughs-Wellcome. 18 Previous as Co-PI (Since 2000) Molecular Epidemiology of N. gonorrhoeae. NIH- R01-AI50217 (Raphael Viscidi) (Pediatrics). Integrate molecular typing schemes and clinical data to define determinants of molecular evolution in cal hypervariable regions of N. gonorrhoeae 4/1/2002-3/3/2007. A Network & Dyad HIV Prevention Intervention for IDUs NIH R01DA016555 (Carl Latkin PhD PI). 7/01-6/07)Implement and evaluate an enhancement and modification of an HIV prevention intervention targeting sexually active injection drug users to examine its efficacy, diffusion to main risk network members, and sustainability. Ecological Risk for STDs in Adolescents and Young Adults. R01AI049530 (J. Ellen PIPediatrics) 10% Support Evaluate factors in high-risk neighborhoods which facilitate STD transmission or are protective. Involves community based ethnography, field behavioral assessments, STD assessments and use of geographic information surveillance tools. Impact of Social Networks on Syphilis Transmission. R01 AI 45724 (A Rompalo PI) Evaluate social context of syphilis transmission; implement strain-specific biological measures to define contact chains. 10% Support. Transmissibility of GC and CT diagnosed Using NAAT. – NIH (Subcontract to Research Triangle Institute S Rogers PI) Determine transmissibility of gonococcal/chlamydial infections diagnosed by nucleic acid amplification 07/01/01-06/30/05. 15% support. $383,348 contract costs in 2002-2003. Depression and HIV Risk Behavior in an STD Clinic. ( Co-PI with E. Erbelding, PI) NIMH Define the epidemiology of depression and substance abuse in an inner-city STD clinic servicing persons at high risk for HIV. 10% Support 1998-2000 Ectopy, Hormonal Contraception and STDs in Adolescents. RO1HD37785 (L. Peralta (University of Maryland) - PI) Prospective cohort study of 450 adolescents initiating hormonal contraception. Objective is to evaluate attributable risk of STDs, using cervicography and reference STD testing as outcomes. Commercially Sponsored Clinical Trials: Multiple contracts for Phase II and Phase III evaluation of pharmaceutical agents and diagnostic products, including Current Active Trials Past Trials Unipath Diagnostics- Evaluation of self-administered swab assay for candida and bacterial vaginosis Optimer Corporation-Randomized controlled trial comparing PAR-101 to oral vancomycin for confirmed C. dificil infection Temafloxacin (Abbott) ; Trovofloxacin (Pfizer); Grepafloxacin (Otsuka)—all Phase 2 and Phase 3 studies for anogenital gonorrhea; Resimiquamod (3M Pharmaceuticals) Phase 2 study for genital herpes Chiron Corporation-Phase 3 Herpes Vaccine trial Roche Amplicor-Diagnostic assays for gonorrhea and chlamydia Meridian Pharmaceuticals (now defunct)- Herpes simplex serological assays Osmetech Corporation-Phase II and Phase III -headspace analysis device for bacterial vaginosis Wyeth Corporation—Evaluation of tigecycline for diabetic foot infections EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES CLASSROOM TEACHING ACTIVITIES 19 Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Current Course Director: JHUSHPH 380.76 Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention: Using Epidemiology to Inform Policy and Program (Formerly titled The Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Their Epidemiology and Control). Third Quarter Term (Course Director since 1996. This course presents modules on the clinical aspects of STDs, intervention strategies for STD control in developing and developed countries, and utilization of behavioral and clinical interventions. Major focus on developing policy briefing skills for reproductive health. JHUSPH The Sexually Transmitted Diseases Prevention DISTANCE LEARNING/FULL WEB-BASED COURSE. Offered since 1999. Website: http://distance.jhsph.edu/sti/ This course represents a full web-based course format and objectives include developing knowledge of STI disease assessment, management and control strategies. Major focus on developing policy development and policy communication and briefing skills using simulations of briefing policymakers and government officials. . Past as Course Director JHUSPH 550.872.01 Practicum in Public Health Practice. (5 credits) Academic Years 1998, 1999, 2000. Direct field experience project for Distance education students. Field projects include assessments of STD interventions, immunization interventions, policy analyses, program evaluation. Supervised development of 20-25 field projects per year. Past as Course Co-Director: JHUSPH 550.610.80 Public Health Problem Solving in Professional Practice (4 credits) Summer 1997, 1998, 1999. As part of this course, gave keynote lectures on public health policy, assurance functions, communication, and assessment. Supervised development of data laboratory exercise on AIDS surveillance. In 2000-2002 I provided the core public health practice lectures. Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Lectures (or course lectures where I am not primary instructor) these lectures: Sexually Transmitted Infections - Pathophysiology-Infectious Diseases Modules - Johns Hopkins nd Medical School (Course give to 2 year students). Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases JHUSPH Course on Disease Control and Prevention. Dept of International Health. Herpes Simplex Infections-Virology and Clinical Aspects JHUSPH Course: Epidemiology of Viral Infections (Houmi Farzdegan-Course Director). Epidemiology of STDs JHUSPH Infectious Diseases Epidemiology Course (K Nelson Course Director). Classical Infectious Diseases in HIV Patients- JHUSPH HIV/AIDS Course (Houmi Farzdegan Course Director) CLINICAL TEACHING AND SERVICE Director of Infectious Diseases-Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center—provide didactic and clinical teaching to medical students and house officers on infectious diseases practice Director-Johns Hopkins Bayview Outpatient Infectious Diseases Service Attending Physician, Inpatient Medical Service, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center (since 2004) Attending Physician, Infectious Disease Consult Service, Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center (1989-Present). Attending Physician-Baltimore City Health Department STD Program and Baltimore STD Prevention Training Center (1989-Present). Attending Physician JHU Moore Clinic AIDS Service 1996-2000. nd Clinical Skills Preceptorship (2 year Medical Students) September 8, 1997 - January 5 1998, and previous years (4 times). 20 POSTDOCTORAL TRAINEES 1994-96 Rosemary Jadack RN, Ph.D RWJ Nursing Fellow Current: faculty University of Wisconsin 1995-96 Mary Staat M.D. Current - faculty at University of Cincinnati 1995-1997 Karen Becker DVM, MPH Current position – CDC Washington 1996-1998 Gale Burstein, MD, MPH Current position – CDC,Erie County (Buffalo NY) 1998-2000 Jane Cecil, M.D. Current position – faculty- Eastern Virginia Medical School 1998-2001 Supriya Mehta, Ph.D Current - faculty (Epidemiology); Univ of Illinois School of Public Health, Chicago 2001-2003 Jerri Dyson M.D. Current-University of Florida (with Adolescent Medicine) 2002-2004 Khalil Ghanem, M.D. Current position: Asst Prof; JHU School of Medicine 2002-2004 Hayley Mark, RN, PhD Current position: Asst. Prof: JHU School of Nursing 2003-2005 Laura McGough, Ph.D Current-University of Ghana (Accra) 2003-2005 Daniel Chemtob, MD, MPH Director of STD/HIV - Israel Health Ministry Jerusalem 2003-2006 Aaron Goodfellow, PhD Associate Director-Johns Hopkins Program on Women and Sexuality 2005-2006 Gang Shi, PhD Post Doctoral Fellow-JHU Dept of Pediatrics 2006-2008 Kristine Johnson MD Current –Faculty Johns Hopkins Bayview 2007-2008 Nadra Tyus Ph.D Current- NGO, Washington DC 2008-2010 Janet Rosenbaum Ph.D Current Fellow GRADUATE STUDENT ADVISEES AND THESIS COMMITTEE-DOCTORAL (all at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health unless indicated) Andrea Swartzendruber—Ph.D Candidate Department of Population and Family Health Sciences Rachel Weber - Ph.D. Epidemiology.(2008) Developing STD/HIV prevention interventions in trafficked women-Current: Northwestern University, Chicago (Research Associate) Kristine Johnson MD (Infectious Diseases Fellow) Masters in Clinical Investigation. Genital Hygiene Practices and HPV Prevalence among HIV-positive and negative men undergoing circumcision in Rakai, Uganda Christina Schumacher - Ph.D. Epidemiology-2008. Identifying, Characterizing and Predicting the Role of Core Groups in Syphilis Current Position-Scientist, Kings College London Khalil G. Ghanem, Ph.D 2008 (Clinical Investigation – Epidemiology). Syphilis as an Opportunistic Infection in HIV. Current Position-Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins Division of Infectious Diseases Rebecca M. Brotman - Ph.D. 2007 Epidemiology. Prospective studies of vaginal douching and bacterial vaginosis.: Current position-Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology;University of Maryland School of Medicine Hope L. Johnson - Ph.D. 2007 (International Health)- The Epidemiology of Sexually Transmitted Infections and Adverse Outcomes among pregnant STD clinic attendees Current: Postdoctoral Fellow, JHU School of Public Health Kyle Bernstein - Ph.D. 2004 - Epidemiology. Epidemiology and prevention approaches for repeat gonococcal infection in Baltimore. Current position : Director of Special Projects, San Francisco Department of Public Health Jacky Jennings - Ph.D. - Department of Epidemiology. Community Ecology of STD in Baltimore City. (Ph.D. Awarded 2002). Current position: Research Associate, JHU School of Medicine. Jennifer Smith - Ph.D. ―Investigation of Chlamydia and Herpes Simplex Virus-2 in the Etiology of Cervical Cancer‖ (Department of Epidemiology) (Ph.D. Awarded March 2000). Current position: Research Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina School of Public Health. Previous (2001-2004) IARC, Lyon France. Vivian Go. - Ph.D. ―Epidemiology of Reproductive Tract Infections in 2 Vietnamese Communes‖. (Department of Epidemiology). (Ph.D. awarded June 8, 2000). Current position: Faculty, 21 Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Denise Jacobson - Ph.D. ―Quantifying Cervical Ectopy in Adolescent Hormonal Contraceptive Users and in Adolescents With and Without Chlamydial Infection‖ (Ph.D. awarded 1998) Department of Epidemiology. Current position:Tufts School of Medicine Research Associate. Supriya Mehta - Ph.D. ―Understanding the Epidemiology of the Johns Hopkins Emergency Department STD Population‖ (M.H.S., Department of Epidemiology 1998 ). (Ph.D. awarded March 2000, also was postdoc). Current position: (as above). Thesis Committee (Substantive input but not primary advisees) Deirdre Elizabeth O‘Hanlon, Ph.D Department of Biophysics, March 24, 2010. Defenses agains infections provided by vaginal lactobacilli—Lactic acid versus hydrogen peroxide Kelika Konda Ph.D. Department of Epidemiology, March 17, 2010. Risk Behavior among Esquineros (Corner Men) in the Context of the Community Opinion Leader Trial In Peru Darcy Phelan DrPH (Department of Epidemiology, JHSPH). HPV Testing in Cervical Cancer Screening. May 7, 2009 Cathy Maulsby (Department of Behavioral Sciences-JHSPH)-Doctoral Committee Chair, Dec 3, 2008 Ran Balicer MD,PhD 2008 (Guest Committee Member-Ben Gurion University, BeerSheva, Israel)— Preparation Scenarios for Pandemic Influenza –Policy Analysis and Development Darcy Phelan DrPH (Health Policy). HPV DNA Testing in Cervical Cancer Screening at Johns Hopkins Hospital & Health System: Time Trends and Associated Provider and Patient Characteristics. March 25, 2007 Yin-Jun Cao, MD PhD. (Clinical Investigation- Pharmacology). Antiretroviral Drug Distribution into the Male Genital Tract. March 6, 2007 Siobhan Sutcliffe (Ph.D.-2005) - Sexually transmitted infections and prostatitis in the etiology of prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Mahboobeh Safaiean (Population and Family Health Sciences-PhD-2004) - Human papillomavirus infection in the Rakai cohort study. Julie Anna Bettinger (Epidemiology) - The impact of STD risk perceptions and family factors on adolescent STD risk behaviors April 4, 2003. Aimee Kreimer (Epidemiology) - Human Papillomavirus in the pathogenesis of head and neck cancer. (Ph.D. awarded March 2003). Amira Roess Ph.D.(International Health) - Sexually transmitted diseases in rural Nepal (Ph.D. awarded 2003) Patti Elaine Gravitt Ph.D. 2002 (Epidemiology). HPV Viral load as a co-factor for cervical neoplastic progression: assessment of temporality and potential misclassification of viral load. Mary Rene Howell (Department of Health Policy and Management) - Cost-effectiveness of preventions strategies for Chlamydia trachomaits infection. (Ph.D awarded 2000). Francisco Sifakis (Department of Epidemiology) - HIV and hepatitis infections among young men who have sex with men. (Ph.D. Defense March 8, 2002). Emi Suzuki (Department of Population Dynamics) - Interspousal Reliability on Reports of Coital Frequencey and Condom Use. (Ph.D. awarded 2001). Mark Lurie - Migration and Spread of HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases in South Africa. (Ph.D. awarded 2001). Keith Sabin (Department of International Health) - A study of sexually transmitted infections and associated factors in slum communities of Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Ph.D. awarded 1998). CME INSTRUCTION (SELECTED) CME Course Director: Infectious Diseases for the Primary Care Practitioner (ANNUAL), Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Sept 8-9 2005; July 31-Aug 1 2006; September 17-18 2007, October 89, 2009 2-day update course (16.5 CME hours) which provided updates in multiple infectious disease topics; 120 22 attendees each year. Developed and organized the course and curriculum. Invited CME and Grand Rounds (Selected) SUNY-Downstate Department of Medicine Grand Rounds—Infections in Persons taking TNF-alpha Inhibitors. Brooklyn, NY January 21, 2010 ENT Grand Rounds February 10, 2009—Johns Hopkins Hospital—Sinusitis University of Alabama (Birmingham) Department of Medicine Grand Rounds—A Microbiological Approach to Chronic Wounds. January 28, 2009 Grand Rounds at Harbor Hospital, Baltimore—STDs in 2008. May 30, 2008 Clinic-Pathological Conference (CPC)—Fever in a patient with Crohn’s Disease. Johns Hopkins Hospital, October 10, 2006. (Primary Discussant). Link to Videotape at: http://oac.med.jhmi.edu/CPC/caseFull.cfm?caseID=36&group=2006-2007 Genitourinary Infections- Johns Hopkins Internal Medicine Board Review Course. July 19, 2006 Perinatal Infections-Prevention Approaches Grand Rounds-Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of OB-GYN; January 6, 2005 HPV for the Primary Care Practitioner. Hopkins-Harvard Primary Care Washington Conference, Washington Convention Center, Nov 11, 2004 STDs for the Clinical Pathologist. Grand Rounds (Pathology). Johns Hopkins Hospital, June 10, 2004. Current STD Issues for Family Planning Providers. Maryland Family Planning Conference, Clarksville, MD, April 30, 2004. New STD Diagnostic Tests. Contraceptive Technology, Washington, DC, March 3, 2004. Case Studies in STDs. Contraceptive Technology, Washington, DC, March 28, 2003. Population-Based Approaches to STD Ascertainment-. University of Pittsburgh Grand Rounds (Dept OB-GYN). May 21, 2002 Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV. New York City AIDS Education Training Center, St. Vincent‘s Hospital, New York, June 21, 2002. Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections (3 hours). National Nurse Practitioners Conference, Baltimore, November 10, 2001. Viral STD Management-Herpes and HPV. Family Planning Council, Philadelphia, October 5, 2001. Strategies for HIV Prevention in Women. Johns Hopkins Course: Women‘s Issues in HIV, November 30, 1999. Johns Hopkins Course: Women’s Issues in HIV - Strategies for HIV Prevention in Women. May 12, 1998. Eighth Annual Johns Hopkins Course on the Clinical Care of the Patient With HIV: JHU HIV Course - ―Preventing HIV Infection‖. March 31, 1998. JHU School of Nursing Diagnosis, Symptom and Illness Management Course ―Infectious Diseases‖. February 23, 1998. Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center - Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds: ―Update on Congenital Syphilis‖. November 27, 1997. Baltimore City Health Department STD Training Center Lectures (each given 4-5 times per year since 1990): Gonorrhea/Chlamydia STD Overview Syphilis and Genital Ulcers CLINICAL AND ACADEMIC SERVICE ACTIVITIES CURRENT LICENSURE & BOARD CERTIFICATIONS Maryland Physician License #D39358 [Inactive Licenses: New York 151189, Georgia 27952—both lapsed when moved out of state] 23 DEA# AZ2023341 Maryland CDS M34184 Board Certified ABIM Internal Medicine (1984) Board Certified ABIM Infectious Diseases (1988) SERVICE RESPONSIBILITIES Attending Physician and Service Chief: Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center (since 2003). Attending Physician-Johns Hopkins Hospital Infectious Diseases Division (1989-2009). Teaching Attending Physician- Johns Hopkins Department of Medicine Janeway Firm (2003-5). Attending Physician-Baltimore City Health Department STD Program (1989- ). HOSPITAL COMMITTEES Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center - Antibiotic Use Review Committee – Chair. (2003- 8) Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center - P&T Committee - Member. (2003- ) Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Hospital Infection Control Committee- Chair 2003Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center-Risk Management Committee 2009ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES Institutional Appointments JHU School of Medicine ad hoc Promotions Committee (2005) JHU Department of Medicine Faculty Compensation Committee. (1995-1996) JHU Department of Medicine Women‘s Task Force. (1995-1996) JHU School of Public Health Graduate Student Ph.D. thesis committees. (average 3 per year) JHU School of Public Health ad hoc Promotions Committee. (1997, 2004,2005) JHU School of Public Health Distance Education Committee.(1996-present);(Chairman 1997) Johns Hopkins President‘s Committee on Urban Health-Subcommittee Chair. (STDs and AIDS) (19981999) Johns Hopkins President‘s Committee on Urban Health-Executive Committee. (2000-2003) Johns Hopkins Urban Health Institute- Academic Advisory Committee. (2003- 2006) Johns Hopkins School of Public Health-Professorial Search Committee. (Public Health Preparedness) (2003) PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES-CURRENT MEMBERSHIPS American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association President (2003-2007) Vice President (2001) Executive Board Member (1997-Current) Infectious Disease Society of America (Fellow) Public Policy Committee (1998-2000) British Association for Sexual Health and HIV American Society for Microbiology American College of Physicians (Fellow-FACP) SCIENTIFIC REVIEW GROUPS-STUDY SECTION NIH Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Study Section (K and T Awards) 2008, 2009, 2010 NIH ZRG-1 SBIR Reviewer December 2008 Israel National Institute for Health Policy & Health Services Research (Grant Reviewer 2006) NIH-NIAID Microbiology and Infectious Diseases B subcommittee-2007 NIH ad-hoc Study Section Reviewer 2005, 2006 NIH K30 Postdoctoral Clinical Research Grants Program-Special Emphasis Panel (June 9-11, 2004) NIH AAR-7 Study Section, Member 1999-2004 Medical Research Council (UK) reviewer- 2003,2004,2005,2006, 2007 HIVNET Prevention Research Group (June 1999) Welcome Trust ad-hoc reviewer (August 2001) 24 Ontario HIV Treatment Network-ad hoc reviewer (2002) EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES (Reviewer activities in past 3 years) Sexually Transmitted Infections (Associate Editor; 1995- 2005) Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Editorial Board 1990 - present) Journal of Burns and Wounds (editorial board 2005-) BMC Infectious Diseases (Editorial Board 2006-) JAMA New England Journal of Medicine American Journal of Public Health Journal of Infectious Diseases Clinical Infectious Diseases Annals of Internal Medicine American Journal of Public Health American Journal of Epidemiology Journal of Urban Health AIDS AIDS Prevention and Behavior Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes Journal of Clinical Microbiology Clinical Infectious Diseases Medicine Public Health Reports Epidemiology Vaccine MAJOR EXPERT COMMITTEE, CONFERENCE & CONSULTANCY EXPERIENCE: Leadership Co-Coordinator: Project Coordinator: Co-Chairman: Control of Antibiotic Resistant Gonorrhea - CDC Expert Panel Atlanta (1986) 1989 STD Treatment Guidelines-CDC Expert Panel, Atlanta (1989) U.S. Office of Substance Abuse Treatment: Expert Panel-Simple Infectious Disease Screening Instruments for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Outreach Workers (1993) Expert Panel/Consultancies CDC Representative: Oral Health Programme Panel on Infection Control, WHO, Geneva (1987) 1993 STD Treatment Guidelines-CDC Expert Panel, Atlanta (1993) Institute of Medicine Study Committee for the Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Washington DC, 1995. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment -Research Agenda Consensus Panel-1996 1998 STD Treatment Guidelines-CDC Expert Panel, Atlanta, 1997 Reproductive Health Guidelines Development Committee; US Office of Population Affairs and CDC Joint Committee, Washington, 1997 Healthy People 2010 Subcommittee on STDs and Reproductive Health; USDHHS, Washington. National Institutes of Health Workgroup on Behavioral and Biological Outcomes in HIV/STD Prevention Studies. December 10-11, 1998. Centers for Disease Control, Division of STD Prevention, External Research Review Panel, January 78, 1999 Centers for Disease Control, Division of STD Prevention-Advisory Panel on Human Papillomavirus Infection. April 13-14, 1999 Centers for Disease Control: National Center for STD, HIV and TB Prevention, Research Priorities Advisory Panel, October 28-29, 1999 25 National Institute of Mental Health Collaborative International HIV/STD Prevention Trial-Biological Outcomes Working Group 2001 STD Treatment Guidelines –CDC Expert Panel, Atlanta September, 2000 The Network Paradigm in Research on Drug Abuse, HIV and other Blood-Borne and Sexually Transmitted Infections. National Institute on Drug Abuse, May 2001 CDC Expert Panel-Developing Prevention/Intervention Strategies for Gonococcal Infections-October 10-11, 2001 Developing an Ethics Framework for Public Health Research-CDC Consultant January 27-28 2002 Maryland Commission on Infant Mortality Prevention-October 2001-STD/Reproductve tract Infections consultant HPV Vaccine in Men: Merck Inc. Consultancy Panel June 7, 2002; October 10, 2002 NIMH-NICHD Workshop: Critical Issues in Study Design for Research on Condoms and Prevention of STIs Dec 9-10, 2002 NICHD Workshop: Dual Protection-Preventing Disease and Protecting Fertility; January 9-10 2003 NIAID- HIV Prevention Trials Network External Review, Bethesda, Jan 22-23 2003 Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee-Baltimore City Health Department Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. November 20, 2003 CDC Sexually Transmitted Infections Laboratory Branch, External Review Nov 12-13 2003 CONRAD/NICHD Advisory- Evaluation of Markers of Intercourse in trials of vaginal barriers. Washington DC June 15, 2004 DC Appleseed Foundation-Evaluation of District of Columbia HIV Prevention and Treatment Services. 2004-5 Report: http://www.dcappleseed.org/projects/publications/HIV.pdf 2005-6 Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment Guidelines, Atlanta, March 2005. http://www.cdc.gov/std/treatment/2006/toc.htm Centers for Disease Control-Division of STD. Extramural Research Agenda Review, October 24-26, 2007; January 25, 2008. Chair of Laboratory Subgroup NIH Workshop Consultants Panel on Bacterial Vaginosis, Bethesda MD Nov 19-20, 2008. FDA Ob-GYN Devices External Panel. December 11 2008 (Review of Female Condom) MAJOR CONFERENCE ORGANIZER LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZER Since 2000 I have been primary organizer of 6 major international conferences, and have gained expertise in developing academic programs, contracting, dealing with vendors and venues, and raising funds from sponsors. These activities have resulted in a net revenue surplus of $100,000 2008 STIs in NYC: Third Joint Meeting of American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association (ASTDA) and British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH); Brooklyn Bridge Marriott, May 710 2008 (http://www.bashh.org/springmeeting.asp). Organized all aspects of conference including developing academic program, abstract review, plenary speakers, social events, and contracting with vendors. > 500 delegates ; 60% from United Kingdom, total budget including social events $390,000 2008 STD National Prevention Conference March 10-13, 2008. Chicago IL (www.stdconference.org). Primary responsibility for coordinating with CDC in developing logistics and budget for large multidisciplinary STD meeting. 1300 attendees and total budget >$350,000. 2006 STD National Conference-Jacksonville, FL May 8-11, 2006. (www.stdconference.org) 1400 attendees, coordinated with CDC in developing program, abstracts. Had primary responsibility for organizing meeting logistics and budget as CDC primary partner organization. In addition to overall meeting organization coordinated 4 satellite symposia and major gala event with major meeting sponsors 2005-NATO Advanced Research Workshop: “Risk Assessment and Risk Communication in Bioterrorism”- Ein Gedi, Israel. June 8-11 2005. Co-Director. Consultancy with international experts on risk communication to the general population and to policymakers. Meeting co-sponsored by Israel Center for Disease Control, Tel Aviv University and Johns Hopkins University 26 2004 STD National Conference, Philadelphia PA. March 8-11 2004. >1500 attendees, coordinated with CDC in developing program, abstracts. Had primary responsibility for organizing meeting logistics and budget as CDC primary partner organization. Coordinated 6 satellite symposia with major meeting sponsors 2000-STI at the Millennium: The First Joint Conference of the Medical Society for the Study of Venereal Diseases (United Kingdom) and the American STD Association. Coordinated large international scientific meeting in May 2000. Components included organizing 6 symposia with 16 plenary speakers, 175 accepted papers including 25 oral presentations and 150 posters, and organizing peer review of submitted papers. Administrative responsibilities included supervising communication with >650 attendees and 13 commercial exhibitors, soliciting and raising funds, negotiating contracts with hotel, airline, transportation, premium item and catering vendors, hiring and supervising staff, handling international currency transactions, and organizing 5 major social events during the course of the meeting. Conference Co-Organizer 2004 Second Joint Meeting of American STD Association and British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, Bath United Kingdom. 420 attendees. Responsible for developing meeting program and local coordination. RECOGNITION HONORS U.S. Public Health Service Commendation Medal-1988 U.S. Public Health Service Unit Citation - 1990 American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR) Scholar Award 1992-1995 CDC Charles C. Shepard Science Award 1999 (with Kamb and other co-authors of paper #47) SELECTED INVITED REVIEWS AND LECTURESHIPS (AS ABOVE) Invited Symposia/Plenary Speaker (selected) Pfizer Visiting Professor—University of Alabama (Birmingham) Jan 27-28 2010 The Lock Lecture: Sexual Health in the US-2008-Service Fragmentation, Political Forces, and Lessons on What Not to Do. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. Glasgow, UK Feb 26, 2008 STDs in Men. 2007 Conference on African Americans and AIDS, Philadelphia, New York, Feb 13,2006, (Plenary speaker at this conference every year since 1997) STDs and the Media- Presentation to Kaiser Foundation Journalism Internship Program. Kaiser Foundation, Washington DC ; June 2007c( speaker every year since 1999) STDs and Family Planning-Policy Issues in the International Context. Gates International Institute, Baltimore June 23, 2006 Treatment Options (or Lack of ) for Antimicrobial-Resistant Gonorrhea—Have we reached the end of the Road?—International Union for STI Annual Meeting-Bangkok, Nov 9, 2005 rd Behavioral Interventions for STDs-What Works? Invited symposium speaker; 43 Infectious Diseases Society of America Meeting, San Francisco, October 8, 2005 st Retooling your Program for the 21 Century. Invited plenary-National Council of STD Directors National Meeting, Baltimore October 6, 2004 th Behavioral Approaches to STD Control-What works and what doesn’t. Invited Plenary- 13 International Union against STIs Asia Pacific Conference. July 9, 2004, Chiang Mai Thailand Politics of Sexual Health in the United States. Invited plenary to 2004 Joint ASTDA-BASHH conference, Bath UK. May 21, 2004 27 Current Public Health Issues in Managing HPV. Pleanary to 2004 National STD Conference, Philadelphia. March 10, 2004 STD Trends in the United States Israel Defense Force –Israel Center for Disease Control Joint Epidemiology Conference; July 3, 2002 Chlamydia as an independent risk factor for cervical cancer. Satellite Symposium. Annual Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Chicago, May 1, 2001 Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Victims of Sexual Assault-Assessment and Forensic Applications. US Attorney for the District of Columbia and Metropolitan Police Department (DC). February 2, 2001 Validity of Self Reported Behavior in Surveys-Molecular Validation Techniques. Infectious Diseases Grand Rounds, Harborview Medical Center, Seattle WA January 25, 2001 Asymptomatic Bacterial STDs in Baltimore-Medical Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins Hospital, January 12, 2001 Biological Markers of Sexual Behavior-Implications for Survey Research Center for AIDS Intervention Research, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Dec 7, 2000 th Community-Based STD Surveys-Linkages Between Behavior and Biology. 38 Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America-Invited Symposium Speaker. September 7, 2000 Applications of GIS to STD Control- Israel Center for Disease Control. Tel Aviv, August 27,2000 Practical Behavioral Approaches for STD Risk Reduction. Pittsburgh-Magee STD Symposium (Keynote Speaker) June 14, 2000 Using Geographic Information Systems to Identify Health Priorities in an Urban Setting. State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn-Infectious Diseases Grand Rounds: April 11, 2000 ―Epidemiology and Clinical Implications of HPV‖. National Council of La Raza Symposium, Washington, DC-December 13, 1999 ―HIV-STD Prevention Currents‖. North Dakota Department of Health Annual Conference-Invited keynote speaker. October 25, 1999 Bismarck, ND ―STD Epidemiology in the United States-The Experience with GIS‖ Grand rounds for Department of Genitourinary Medicine: University of Southampton, Southampton U.K. July 29, 1999 ―The HIV-STD Connection-Implications for the Inner City‖ First Conference on AIDS in AfricanAmericans Washington, DC. February 25, 1999 ―STDs in U.S. Inner Cities-a Developing Country Within Our Midst?‖. Plenary Lecture to the Infectious Diseases Society of America, October 14, 1998 (Denver Colorado) th ‗Epidemiological Basis of STD Control Strategies‖ – Plenary Lecturer 28 Nordic Dermatological Congress, Bergen Norway, June 5, 1998 th ―Ethnicity and STDs‖ Plenary Lecturer- 75 Meeting of the Medical Society for the Study of Venereal Diseases (United Kingdom), Oxford, United Kingdom July 4, 1997. ―Surveillance for Sexually Transmitted Diseases‖ 1997 U.S. Army Preventive Medicine Officers‘ Symposium. Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, September 22,1997 ―Sexually Transmitted Diseases-An Issue for Lesbians?‖ Institute of Medicine Workshop on Lesbian Health Research Priorities, Washington DC, October 6, 1997 ―Intersecting Epidemics of Substance Use, Mental Illness, and High-Risk Sexual Behavior. Keynote lecture for National Institute of Mental Health Conference: ―Interactions of Comorbid Mental Health Factors with High-Risk Sexual Behaviors. Bethesda, MD April 29, 1998 28 POLICY AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE CONGRESSIONAL AND LEGISLATIVE TESTIMONY Maryland House of Delegates, Feb 17, 2010> Testified live on behalf of Johns Hopkins opposing House Bill 290—Treatment of Lyme Disease—Discipline. Proposed bill would have provided immunity to physicians offering inapprorpriate long-term IV antibiotics for treatment of unconfirmed chonrinc lyme disease Maryland House of Delegates 2004 Testified live in favor of Women‘s Health Initiative to develop a cervical cancer task force US Congress-House Government Reform Committee. (March 11, 2004). (Web LINK) Testified by invitation against proposed legislation to control HPV infection and enforce warning labels on condoms. Maryland House of Delegates- 1995. Testified live to support bill to make chlamydia reportable in Maryland. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE AT JOHNS HOPKINS BAYVIEW I became director of infectious diseases at Johns Hopkins Bayview in November 2003. At that time, the Division had 2 full time faculty members, no active clinical research, and had a deficit approaching $100,000 annually. I have had full responsibility for developing strategic initiatives and budgets, identifying staff needs, developing clinical services, and developing an infection control and epidemiology program. Division Expansion Since 2005, I have expanded the division to 8 faculty (FY 09) with $2.5 extramural support, excluding pending grants and contracts. Our funding includes NIH, CDC, US Defense Department and commercial grants and contracts. From the standpoint of clinical services, we have quadrupled clinical practice outpatient visits (>1,300 year) , increased inpatient consults by 2.5-fold, and quintupled clinical revenues. Our clinical practice has continued to grow and we have become recognized as a regional resource. Developing Hospital Epidemiology Program We have developed a strong hospital epidemiology program, This included implementing an multidisciplinary and aggressive antibiotic management team (Infectious Diseases, Hospitalists, Pharnacy), and focusing on antibiotic and restriction policies, formulary management and antibiotic detailing conducted as a peer intervention by hospitalists and pharmacy. Perdiem antibiotic costs at the hospital have declined in real dollars by 22% since 2003. In 2008-9, after implementation of aggressive antibiotic approval policies, our incidence of C.difficil diarrhea decreased by >50%. We have also increased the hospital infection control staff, and I have supervised investigation of multiple outbreaks, including a cluster of prosthetic joint infections, norovirus, MRSA, and meningococcal exposures. We have increased influenza vaccination rates in clinical staff from 40% to 77%. Burn and Wound Infections We have developed research interests and programs in burn infections and chronic wound infections. The Johns Hopkins Bayview Burn Center, which serves all of Maryland and surrounding areas. In 2005, we instituted an infectious disease care model where all patients were comanaged by an ID specialist. As a result, in the first year, we reduced infection related mortality by 70%, and we have eliminated systemic fungal infection as clinical entity in the Burn Center. Simultaneously, working with Dermatology, we are developing a chronic wound care program, focusing on developing clinical care initiatives and research into the microbiology and descriptive epidemiology of chronic wounds, using both traditional and molecular microbiology. Our burn and wound activities are supported in part with grants from the US Defense Department 29 PUBLIC HEALTH EXPERIENCE and COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES [outside Hopkins] U.S Attorney for the District of Columbia 1990-2003. Consultant and Trainer to the U.S. Attorney (District of Columbia) for interpretation and court testimony of STD evidence in evidence collection and interpretation for sexual assault and child abuse cases. Georgia Division of Public Health. 2001-3. Consultant to the Director of Public Health in assessment and development of STD/HIV prevention initiatives and establishing programs within the State Corrections system. 2004- Evaluation of State response to syphilis epidemic AT U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.Senior Medical Advisor.(1995-1997) As physician consultant in the Division of Public Health Policy, provided input into development of health legislation and regulatory initiatives, and provide staffing support for senior government officials. Briefed senior Administration officials on public health issues, especially as they related to managed care initiatives. Provided technical support to review of State 1115 waiver (Medicaid Managed Care) applications. Oversaw for a policy research agenda focusing on the evaluation of reproductive health, STD, and HIV prevention programs in the changing health care environment. Supervised contractual policy research project: Public Health Laboratories and Health Systems Change (produced by The Lewin Group as contractor to the Government). Initiated major study of infectious diseases surveillance capacity. At Baltimore City Health Department: Chief, STD Program- Baltimore City Health Department (1993-1995). Medical and administrative director of large urban STD program with over 30,000 patient visits, approximately 100 staff and annual budget >$4,000,000. Supervisory responsibility for 3 physicians and 12 midlevel practitioners (NP/PA). Included responsibility for recruitment and supervision of clinical and managerial personnel, budget preparation, grant preparation and negotiation with state, federal and local funding sources. Since 1995 have continued to collaborate closely with BCHD. Medical Director, Druid STD Clinic (1989-1993). Activities include supervision of clinicians and public health outreach workers, coordination of research and service activities, and education activities as a CDC designated STD Training Center, and teaching medicine and physician assistant students, and residents from internal medicine, preventive medicine and infectious disease. Implemented a computerized medical record system which has fully automated STD clinic and laboratory activities. HIV Early Intervention Initiative (1991-1994) Developed and implemented an HIV early intervention medical care and case management model at public health STD clinic. Developed clinical protocols and care manuals, supervised clinical training of medical and support staff. Integrated social workers into routine STD clinic operations including development of an on-site case management model. Funded program through successful application for competitive HRSA Ryan White Title I and Title III funds, which were the first Ryan White proposals written in 1991 and the first to fund HIV continuity care at urban STD clinics. At the Centers for Disease Control (1985-1989) Coordinated the publication of the CDC 1989 Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment Guidelines, including convening a panel of independent academic and public health experts, coordinating editing and publishing the document and review background papers and coordinating policy development with federal, state, and local health officials and with the World Health Organization. Have since served as a consultant on subsequent panels in 1993 and 1997. Developed, arranged funding for, and implemented the CDC National Gonorrhea Isolate Surveillance Project, a consortium of 21 clinics and four laboratories which monitor antimicrobial susceptibility in Neisseria gonorrhoeae (6,000 isolates/year). Implementation included negotiating with 21 state and local 30 project areas, writing the administrative and technical protocols, developing computerized data management capabilities for field sites, and developing the analysis software packages. Supervised field epidemiologic investigations (EPI-AIDS) of epidemic antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea in Miami (1989-86) and Detroit (1987), and of epidemic syphilis in Las Vegas (1988). Additional administrative responsibilities included: Technical consultation and training public health services provided to State and local governments; Federal Program Review of State public health programs; Liaison with media (TV, radio, and print press) including conducting live televised news conferences, often under field conditions. At: New York City -Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (1983-85) Medical Investigator- Part time-position field case investigator in Manhattan. Responsibilities included documenting case scenes, making preliminary death determinations, liaison with police and district attorney, collecting evidence, deciding whether full post-mortem examination was required, and death certification when appropriate. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Chairman-Baltimore City Public Schools Health Education Advisory Committee 2002-2004 Baltimore City Public Schools Health Education Advisory Committee (Member 1999-2001) Historic East Baltimore Community Action Coalition (HEBCAC) Health Subcommittee 1996-98 Region 3 Infertility Prevention Planning Group (Family Planning of Southeastern Pennsylvania) 1999-2000 STD/HIV Prevention Lecturer at Baltimore City High Schools 1999STD/HIV Prevention Seminar Leader at Maryland State Penitentiary (Inmate Education Programs) 1999Cornell Ambassadors and Alumnus Interviewer 1997Cornell Undergraduate Externship Sponsor 1997- 31
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