Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 - November 2012 Fact Sheet No 2 - Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 How to read the document The Document Compulsory, Optional and Local Clauses STRUCTURE OF THE DRAFT KEMPSEY LEP 2012 The Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 begins with a Table of Contents and is then broken down into Seven (7) parts, Schedules and the Dictionary: The Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 contains clauses in black which are either compulsory or optional, as noted within the clause name. In addition mandatory landuses within zone tables are also in black. Landuses where Council has applied discretion are in red text. • Part 1 – Preliminary: Administrative provisions about the application of the Draft LEP; • Part 2 – Permitted or Prohibited Development: Land use zones, land use permissibility and the requirement for consent for subdivision, demolition and temporary land uses – incorporates the Land Use Table; • Part 3 – Exempt & Complying Development: Development that may not require consent or that requires a Complying Development Application; • Part 4 – Principal Development Standards: Subdivision, minimum lot sizes & variations to controls, floor space ratios; • Part 5 – Miscellaneous Provisions: Controls for specific land uses, tree preservation, heritage conservation, ecotourist facilities, and development near zone boundaries; • Part 6 – Urban Release Areas: Controls applying to urban release areas as mapped on the URA map, including provision of infrastructure, services and requirements for Development Control Plan. • Part 7 – Additional Local Provisions: Controls for Acid Sulfate Soils, koala habitat, flood planning, airspace operations , development in environmentally sensitive areas, protection of scenic character. Schedules 1-5 These include listings of certain things, like Additional Permitted Uses, Exempt and Complying Development (in addition to what is covered by the SEPP Exempt and Complying Development), Environmental Heritage Dictionary: This contains all Standard LEP definitions, as well as any other definitions required to address local provisions, which are in red text. Kempsey Shire Council www.kempsey.nsw.gov.au ksc@kempsey.nsw.gov.au PO Box 3078 West Kempsey 22 Tozer Street West Kempsey 02 6566 3200 Local clauses are in red text within the document. These are added to address local matters of relevance within Kempsey Shire Council. Some of these Local Clauses are also model clauses which have been pre -approved by the Department of Planning and Infrastructure for use. The Maps The maps are all structured in the same way, but map out different attributes or controls. Map lay out is summarised below. The Grid System – The shire is divided into a number of grids which are represented by the following Map no and corresponding Grid no. Maps apply to the following areas as follows; • Map 001: Comara and Five Day Creek areas; • Map 002: Comara and Mackenzies Creek areas; • Map 003: Stockyard Creek, Warbro Brook, Willi Willi, Bellbrook • Map 004: Moparrabah, Long Creek • Map 005: Hickey’s Creek, Millbank • Map 005A: Bellbrook Villages, part Tarooka • Map 006: Tarooka, Hickey’s Creek, Mungay Creek, Moparrabah, Tegmagog • Map 006A: Village of Willarin, Tarooka • Map 007: Moparabah, Wittitrin, Turners Flat, Mooneba Yessabah, Sherwood, Dongingalong • Map 008: Western part of Kundabung • Map 009: Northern part Grassy Head • Map 010:Barraganyatii, Fisherman’s Reach, Clybucca, Rainbow Reach • Map 010A: Grassy Head,Stuarts Point, Yarrahapinni • Map 011: Skillion Flat, Yarravel, Collombatti, Aldavilla, Dondingalong, Frederickton (Rural Residential Area), Bellimbopinni, Verges Creek Note: This Fact Sheet provides general information only and may not explain all matters of relevance in the Draft Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2012 for particular circumstances. The approved exhibition material should be consulted for full details or you can contact Council to speak with Council’s Planning Staff. Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 - November 2012 Fact Sheet No 2 Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 How to read the document • Map 011A: Greenhill, Euroka, West Kempsey, East Kempsey, Kempsey CBD, Part South Kempsey, • Map 011B: South Kempsey • Map 011C: Frederickton Village, Bellimbopinni, Austral Eden, Pola Creek. • Map 011D: Smithtown, Gladstone, Austral Eden , Bellmore River, Kinchella • Map 012: Kundabung, Crescent Head (rural areas), Beranghi Road, Point Plomer Road • Map 012A: Kundabung Village, Pipers Creek, Western parts of Crescent Head (Rural) • Map 012B: Crescent Head (urban areas and surrounds) • Map 013: Rainbow Reach, Kinchella (northeastern area) • Map 013A: Macleay River Mouth, Spencer’s Creek and Fisherman’s Reach • Map 013B: South West Rocks (urban areas and surrounds), Arakoon. • Map 013C: Trial Bay and Arakoon (eastern areas). • Map 014: Kinchella • Map 014A: Hat Head Village Viewing and Working With the Maps Most people will be interested in viewing maps associated with their own land. Find the map which covers the area of land you are interested in. Determine what attribute you wish to view, such as landuse zone. Find the Land Zoning (LZN) mapset and find the map which corresponds to your land, ie LZN Map 014A for Hat Head. For any mapped attribute, such as minimum lot size or height of buildings, it will always be on the same map. If you wish to determine what the minimum lot size is in that area, consult LSZ MAP 014A and find the land you are interested in. Maps are in a PDF format. They can be viewed electronically, and the zoom tool can be used to for viewing properties of interest. Maps can also be printed. Where a more detailed map which includes other attributes such as bushfire prone land is required, Council’s planning staff will be able to assist. The Land Use Zones In most cases existing zones have been converted to the proposed zones in accordance with the table below. However there are instances where this was not followed. The section 64 Submission outlines some specific instances where this did not occur. In addition it is important to consult the Land Zoning Maps. Table indicating General Conversion of Zones Mapsets The Draft Kempsey LEP has 12 Mapsets which are; KLEP 1987 Zone Proposed Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 Zone • Land Reservation Acquisition (LRA) 1 (a1) Rural , 1 (d) Rural Investigation RU2 Rural Landscape 1 (a3 ) Rural Agricultural Protection RU1 Primary Production 1( c ) Rural Small Holdings R5 Large Lot Residential 1(e) Rural Floodway E2 Environmental Conservation 1 (f) Rural Forestry RU3 Forestry 1 (g) Rural Small Agricultural Enterprises RU4 Rural Small Holdings 2 (a) Residential R1 General Residential Residential zones 2 (b1), 2 (b2) , 2(c) and 2(d) Residential Tourist Facility R3 Medium Density Residential and Slim Dusty Centre Site SP3 Special Purpose Tourist 2 (v) Village RU5 - Village • Land Zoning Map (LZN), • Floor Space Ratio (FSR) • Heritage Map (HER) • Height of Building (HOB) • Minimum Lot Size Map (LSZ) • Acid Sulfate Soils Map(ASS) • Additional Permitted Uses (APU) • Koala Management Plan (KMP) • Natural Resources Sensitivity (NRL) • Scenic Protection Area (SCP) • Urban Release area (URA) 3(a) Business Kempsey Shire Council www.kempsey.nsw.gov.au ksc@kempsey.nsw.gov.au PO Box 3078 West Kempsey 22 Tozer Street West Kempsey 02 6566 3200 B3 Commercial Core Note: This Fact Sheet provides general information only and may not explain all matters of relevance in the Draft Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2012 for particular circumstances. The approved exhibition material should be consulted for full details or you can contact Council to speak with Council’s Planning Staff. 2 of 4 Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 - November 2012 Fact Sheet No 2 Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 How to read the document KLEP 1987 Zone Proposed Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 Zone 3(b) Business Neighbourhood B1 - Neighbourhood Centre Zone 3(c) Business Special B3 Commercial Core, and B6 - Enterprise Corridor 3(a) Business, 3(v) Business Village, 3(b) Business Neighbourhood B2 – Local Centre 4(a) Industrial General, 4(e) Industrial Extractive IN1 General Industrial 4(b) Light Industrial IN2 - Light Industrial Special Uses Zones 5(a), 5(b) SP2 - Infrastructure 6(a) Open Space RE1 - Public Recreation 6(b) Open Space RE2 - Private Recreation Zone 7(a) Wetlands Protection, 7(b) Environmental protection Habitat E2 Environmental Conservation 7(d) Scenic Protection, 7(f1) Coastal Lands Protection, 7(h) Historic Lands Protection E3 Environmental Management 7(f2) Coastal Lands Acquisition Note that all lands in current zone have now been acquired. Proposed Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 Zone Waterways considered to be of environmental value – waterways north of Southwest Rocks W1 - Natural Waterways Default zone for all other waterways W2 - Recreational Waterways Using the Land Use Tables The Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 written document also has a land use table for each zone. The land use table tells you what development is permissible and prohibited within a zone. Wherever possible, the land uses that are currently permissible and prohibited in an existing zone are treated the same way in the new zone. Within each zone land uses are listed as: • Permitted without consent (i.e you do not need Council approval subject to meeting specific controls) • Permitted with consent (i.e you need Council approval before commencing the activity or building) • Prohibited (i.e the land use is not allowed in the zone) The dictionary at the back of the written instrument defines the land use terms. Group Terms for Landuses E2 Environmental Conservation and marked Coastal Lands Acquisition, Covered by Clause 5.1A and the Land Reservation Acquisition (LRA) Map 8(a) National Parks E1 National Parks and Nature Reserves 8(b) National Park Extension E1 National Park and marked National Park, Covered by Clause 5.1A and the Land Reservation Acquisition (LRA) Map Clause 64 of KLEP 1987 Point Plomer Road E4 - Environmental Living Kempsey Shire Council www.kempsey.nsw.gov.au ksc@kempsey.nsw.gov.au PO Box 3078 West Kempsey 22 Tozer Street West Kempsey 02 6566 3200 KLEP 1987 Zone The Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 contains what are called ‘group terms’. A group term is a number of land use terms that are broadly related by their definition and grouped. For example ‘Residential Accommodation’ is the group term and includes the following sub-terms: group home, seniors housing, attached dwelling, boarding house, dual occupancy, dwelling house, hostel, multi dwelling housing, residential flat building, rural workers dwellings, secondary dwellings, semidetached dwelling and shop top housing. The Landuse Matrix and the layout of the landuse terms is a useful document that demonstrates this concept. It lists landuses with the ‘group terms’ at the head of the list, with the sub terms listed below each. You can look up ‘Residential Accommodation’ on the Matrix to see the above example demonstrated. Note: This Fact Sheet provides general information only and may not explain all matters of relevance in the Draft Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2012 for particular circumstances. The approved exhibition material should be consulted for full details or you can contact Council to speak with Council’s Planning Staff. 3 of 4 Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 - November 2012 Fact Sheet No 2 Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 How to read the document How Group Terms Work in the Land use Table • Permitted with consent (Council approval required) or A group term hierarchy is used which means that some sub-terms do not need to be listed in the land use tables despite the fact that they may be prohibited or permissible in a zone. The purpose of this is to avoid specifically listing individual uses. • Prohibited (the land use is not allowed in the zone) or In most cases not all land uses under a group term are appropriate for the zone. For example land uses that meet the zone objectives are pulled out of the group term which may be listed ‘prohibited’ and listed in ‘permitted with consent’ and the group term is listed in ‘prohibited’. This is to ensure all other land uses associated with the group term are prohibited. This can also work in reverse, where the group term is permitted and certain land uses are pulled out and listed as prohibited. • Permitted under a State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) Information in the Matrix should be verified with what is in the landuse table in the Draft Kempsey LEP 2012. Any inconsistencies between the two, the Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 landuse table will prevail, as it is the legal document for public exhibition. The Matrix The landuse Matrix is a companion document to the Draft Kempsey LEP 2012. Developed by the Department of Planning and issued to Council’s for use in preparing their Standard LEP’s. It is an “at a glance” reference of all defined landuses, all the zones and their permissibility. It notes which landuses were mandatory to be prohibited, which were mandatory to be permissible with or without consent, and which landuses and permissibility have been applied by Council choice. In addition it also notes which landuses permissibility are covered by the Infrastructure SEPP. While not officially part of the legal instrument, it will remain on Council’s website once the Draft Kempsey LEP 2012 has commenced, as an aid to interpreting the LEP. How to use the Matrix To use the matrix take the following steps; 1. Identify your zone (each zone is listed on the top row) 2. Identify the relevant land use (listed on the left side) 3. Use the legend to identify whether the land use is: • Permitted without consent (do not need Council approval subject to meeting certain requirements) or Kempsey Shire Council www.kempsey.nsw.gov.au ksc@kempsey.nsw.gov.au PO Box 3078 West Kempsey 22 Tozer Street West Kempsey 02 6566 3200 Note: This Fact Sheet provides general information only and may not explain all matters of relevance in the Draft Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2012 for particular circumstances. The approved exhibition material should be consulted for full details or you can contact Council to speak with Council’s Planning Staff. 4 of 4
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