® smartanalysis User Guide 2010, Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd. Last updated 25-May-10. smartanalysis® website user guide How to…find the smartanalysis® website ..................................................... 4 How to…login to smartanalysis® for the first time .......................................... 5 How to…navigate and find your way around smartanalysis® ............................... 6 Main menu .................................................................................... 6 Smart menu................................................................................... 6 How to...use the Driver Calendar .............................................................. 7 How to Add, Edit and Remove “Other Record” entries ................................... 9 How to work with multiple chart entries simultaneously ............................... 10 How to...quickly view one months‟ data for a driver ...................................... 12 How to...use the Vehicle Calendar ............................................................ 14 How to...quickly view one months‟ data for a vehicle ..................................... 15 How to…view and print reports in smartanalysis® .......................................... 16 How to...print the Drivers Hours Law report ................................................ 18 How to…quickly find out if your drivers are breaking the law ............................ 20 How to…compare the performance of your depots ......................................... 22 How to...run the Driver Summary report ..................................................... 24 How to...find out when driver cards were last downloaded............................... 27 How to...find out when vehicles were last downloaded ................................... 29 How to...report on unaccounted distance for vehicles .................................... 31 How to...list all driver card details held in smartanalysis® ............................... 33 How to...find individual tachograph chart details [Enhanced] ............................ 35 Deleting Charts ................................................................................ 37 Viewing Chart Details ......................................................................... 38 Viewing Chart Images ......................................................................... 39 Scanned Charts .............................................................................. 39 How to…find individual tachograph chart details ........................................... 41 How to...make reporting easy with Traffic Lights .......................................... 43 How to…receive automated reports by e-mail .............................................. 46 How to...view and retrieve driver card data ................................................ 47 How to...view and retrieve VU data .......................................................... 50 Viewing Data ................................................................................... 52 Overview ..................................................................................... 52 Activities ..................................................................................... 53 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 2 smartanalysis® website user guide Events & Faults ............................................................................. 54 Detailed Speed .............................................................................. 55 New Detailed Speed ........................................................................ 57 Technical Data .............................................................................. 58 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 3 smartanalysis® website user guide How to…find the smartanalysis® website The smartanalysis® service is accessible from any computer with an Internet connection. To access the service for the first time click on the link that is contained in your welcome email. You will be shown a page that looks like the following - To access the smartanalysis® service and login, you can do one of two things: Click the „Login‟ link on the menu bar, or… Click the „click here to login to smartanalysis®‟ link. Any one of these two options will take you to the login page. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 4 smartanalysis® website user guide How to…login to smartanalysis® for the first time When you want to login to smartanalysis® you will go to a screen that looks like this - Enter the username and password that were issued to you by your Analysis Bureau, and click the „Login‟ button. Please note that your username and password are case-sensitive, so please ensure that you type in the exact details. The first time you login, you will be shown the smartanalysis® service online access terms. You must read these, tick the „By ticking this box…‟ checkbox, and then click „Submit‟ to access the service… If you do not agree to the terms by ticking the box, you will not be able to gain access to the service. You only have to do this once – on subsequent logins you will not see this page. If the terms and conditions change in the future, you may be shown this page again and you will need to read and agree to these new terms. If after typing your username and password, and clicking the „Login‟ button you receive a „Login failed for…‟ message, please try re-typing your details and try again. If you receive the same message, then one of the following may have happened: You have been given incorrect login details. What you should do…please contact your Bureau to confirm the details and try again. Your account has been “locked”. This is a smartanalysis® security feature that causes your account to become locked after three unsuccessful login attempts. You account is locked to prevent someone who has discovered your username from having unlimited attempts to guess your password. What you should do…contact your Bureau during office hours and ask them to unlock your account for you. The smartanalysis® service is temporarily unavailable. What you should do…contact your Bureau during office hours to ask about system availability. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 5 smartanalysis® website user guide How to…navigate and find your way around smartanalysis® After logging in successfully, you will be shown a screen similar to this - There are several elements to this screen, and these are explained below. Main menu The main menu looks like this… This allows you to navigate around the main areas of the website. The menu items speak for themselves. Smart menu The smart menu is this - It shows all of the smartanalysis® functions that are available for you to use. In this example there is a main menu item „Calendar‟ and two sub items. Depending on your user type, you may see more or less options on this menu. Clicking on items in this menu will take you to the different areas of the smartanalysis® service. This manual will guide you through these areas using a simple „How to…‟ approach, so we won‟t go into detail about all of the options here. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 6 smartanalysis® website user guide How to...use the Driver Calendar The Driver Calendar allows you to see an overview of the tachograph data for all your drivers by depot. On the smart menu click Calendar | Driver | Depot View: This will take you to the following screen: Here you can pick which Depot you want to see and then click on the letters A-Z to choose the drivers‟ surname that you are looking for, or click ALL to see all drivers at that depot. You can choose to see 7 14, 21 or 28 days worth of data, and you can move backwards and forwards by the same number of days you are viewing by clicking the left and right arrows either side of the date calendar. The letter for surnames which have data available are highlighted in blue, with the currently selected letter highlighted in red. You will see the icons below in the key for the calendar on each day there is a record present on smartanalysis. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 7 smartanalysis® website user guide When you click on a day-cell in the Calendar a detailed display of the tachographs, infringements and „other‟ entries will appear on the right hand side of the page, similar to the screen picture below. This area can be scrolled up and down to allow all charts and manually entered records for that day to be displayed. Clicking on the driver‟s name will take you directly to the month view of that driver‟s chart records. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 8 smartanalysis® website user guide How to Add, Edit and Remove “Other Record” entries The ability to Add, Edit and Remove manually entered “Other Record” entries is not available to all users and depends on the permissions granted to your user account. To add a new entry, click on the selected chart day for a driver and click the “Add a new „other‟ record entry button. You will be presented with a screen similar to that below. Enter the type of entry from the list and select the duration for the entry. Click „OK‟ to add the entry or „Cancel‟ to return to the calendar. It is also possible to add a “Custom” time period whereby the start and finish time of the entry must be specified. If the Finish time is less than the Start time then the system will assume that the duty period runs through midnight. An indicator is shown to warn the user of this. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 9 smartanalysis® website user guide To modify or remove “Other record” entry(ies) from a specific driver / day combination then select the entry and click the button “Add, Edit or Remove „other‟ record entry. You will be presented with a screen similar to that below. Clicking the bin icon removes the current entry. If it is possible to add a further entry, the manual type and duration controls will be enabled. In this case choose the manual type and duration you wish to enter and click the “Add” button. The “Add” button will only be enabled once a valid type and duration have been selected. The changes made whilst this screen is displayed will only be committed to the system when the “OK” button is clicked. Clicking the “Cancel” button will discard any changes you have made and restore the entry back to the state it was in before making any changes. How to work with multiple chart entries simultaneously The calendar allows multiple charts and/or days to be selected. This can be achieved in several ways. Left click on a date heading. All the entries for all drivers who do not already have charts on this date will be selected. Right click on a date heading. All the entries for all drivers who have manually entered “Other record” types on this date will be selected. If there are no entries which match this, nothing will be selected. Left click on the box to the left of the driver name. All entries for this driver which do not already contain charts will be selected. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 10 smartanalysis® website user guide Right click on the box to the left of the driver name. The entries for this driver which contain manually entered “other record” types will be selected. If there are no entries which match this, nothing will be selected. By toggling the “Single Select Mode” button to “Multiple Select Mode” and individually selecting chart entries. In each case, a list of the selected entries will be displayed as below. Clicking the “Single Select Mode” / “Multiple Select Mode” button, situated just below the surname filter, allows individual entries to be multiply selected by clicking on them one at a time. Clicking this button also has the effect of clearing any currently selected entries so can be used to clear the current selection. Clicking on an entry which is already selected has the effect of de-selecting it. When the multiple select mode is active, it is possible to select multiple rows and columns from the driver grid display by clicking on the boxes to the left of the driver name and/or the date header at the top of each column. It is only possible to manually add multiple “Other record” entries when all of the selected entries do not already contain charts. Using “Add” when multiple entries are selected results in all of the selected entries having identical “Other record” types inserted. It is only possible to remove all multiply selected “Other Record” entries when the multiple selection contains ONLY “Other Record” entries. It is not possible to modify multiple existing “Other record” entries simultaneously. Provided only “Other record” entries are selected, they can all be removed in one operation by clicking the “Delete multiple „Other‟ record entries” button. Before simultaneously removing multiple entries from the system the user is prompted to confirm that it is their intention to do this. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 11 smartanalysis® website user guide How to...quickly view one months’ data for a driver On the smart menu click Calendar, Driver, Driver Month View This will take you to the following screen - As you can see this shows the data in an easy to read month-by-month view. Use the driver drop-down to choose any of the drivers at the depot to display. Each day data is shown as an overview of the total driving, work, rest and availability during that day. A day that is highlighted in pink means that there was an infringement on that day. If you click on the day, all of the details of the chart entries and infringements will be displayed on the right hand side information panel. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 12 smartanalysis® website user guide It is not possible to Add, Edit or Delete manually entered “Other record” types on this screen. To do this you must use the “Depot View”. To view the same data in the “Depot View”, click on the “Show Driver Depot View...” button. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 13 smartanalysis® website user guide How to...use the Vehicle Calendar On the smart menu click Calendar, Vehicle, Depot View and you will see a screen like below - This is exactly the same as the driver calendar view but for vehicles at the depot. Click on a particular letter to see vehicles with registration numbers starting with that letter, or click ALL to show all vehicles at that depot. It is not possible to add, edit or remove any manually entered “Other records” from this screen. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 14 smartanalysis® website user guide How to...quickly view one months’ data for a vehicle On the smart menu click Calendar, Vehicle, Vehicle Month View. You will then see a screen like this - In the same way as the driver month view, this shows data in a monthly format for any particular vehicle. As before, any infringements will be highlighted in pink on that day. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 15 smartanalysis® website user guide How to…view and print reports in smartanalysis® In smartanalysis® the process to view a report is the same for every report the only difference is that each report has its own parameters. To view reports choose „View Reports‟ from the „Report‟ menu. The following screen is then displayed - Next, select the report that you want to view; in the example below we have selected „Driver List‟. When you select a report the system automatically displays the parameters that are required for the report you have selected. Next you have to set the report parameters. When you have set the parameters click the „View Report‟ button to see the results. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 16 smartanalysis® website user guide Smartanalysis® uses something called the „Report Viewer‟ to display reports. Using the Viewer you can browse your report page-by-page – forwards and backwards, skip to the last page of the report, go back to the first page, zoom in, save the report to various file formats, and print it to paper. The Viewer looks like this when it is displaying the „Driver List‟ report - The icons at the top of the report viewer have various different functions. If you hover your mouse pointer over the buttons on the screen, a „tool tip‟ will appear telling you what the button does. To print a report you must first export the report using the „Export‟ function. If you use the Acrobat (PDF) format to print, it will give a nicely formatted printed document. Select an export format and click the „Export‟ link, and then click „Open‟ in the next dialogue box and the report will then open up in Acrobat reader. If you want to view the same report with different parameters you can click the „Change criteria for this report‟ link. If you want to view a different report you can click the „View a different report‟ link. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 17 smartanalysis® website user guide How to...print the Drivers Hours Law report Choose „View Reports‟ from the „Report‟ menu and select „Driver Hours Law (1 Week) Between Dates‟. The following screen is then displayed - Choose the depot(s), driver(s), date range, and particular messages to report on and click on the „View Report‟ button. Depot: Driver Type: Driver Status: Drivers: Report Period: Allows you to pick which depot to run the report for Choose from Agency, Casual, Employed or All Drivers Choose from Active or Inactive drivers Choose to run the report for all drivers or specific ones „Between dates‟ will allow you to pick a start date and end date „For a period of time‟ will allow you to run the report for the previous week, fortnight, 4 weeks, month or quarter Rest Days: Choose whether to show rest days on the report No Msgs: Choose whether to include drivers who do not have any infringements Exceptions: Choose whether to show exceptions on the report Working Time: Choose whether to show working time infringements on the report 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 18 smartanalysis® website user guide Above is an example of what the Drivers Hours Law report should look like. To print the report, you can either click the Print button situated at the top of the report or you can export it into PDF format and then print it from within Adobe Acrobat. In order to do this use the toolbar at the top of the report Choose Acrobat (PDF) file and then click on Export. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 19 smartanalysis® website user guide How to…quickly find out if your drivers are breaking the law Choose „View Reports‟ from the „Report‟ menu and select „Driver Summary‟. The following screen is displayed - Choose the depot(s), driver(s), date range and message type. In the „Columns To Display‟ box choose the particular messages to report on, to select more than one hold down Ctrl while clicking on the next item. Finally click on the „View Report‟ button. The following screen is then displayed - 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 20 smartanalysis® website user guide The report can be sorted in a different order by clicking on any of the column headers. To view the details of the offences found for a particular driver simply click on the drivers‟ name and you will see a detailed list. If you click on the „Chart Details‟ link against a particular item you will see all the details that have been captured for a chart during the analysis process. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 21 smartanalysis® website user guide How to…compare the performance of your depots Choose „View Reports‟ from the „Report‟ menu and select „Depot Summary‟. The following screen is then displayed - Choose the depot(s), date range, message type and particular messages to report on and click on the „View Report‟ button. The following screen is then displayed - 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 22 smartanalysis® website user guide The report can be sorted into a different order by clicking on any of the column headers. To view the details of the drivers who have committed the offences for a particular depot simply click on the depot name and you will see the „Driver Summary‟ report. The „Depot Summary‟ report covers legislation compliance across depots but there are other reports that examine the utilisation and productivity of drivers and vehicles across depots. All of these reports allow managers to identify problem depots quickly and easily. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 23 smartanalysis® website user guide How to...run the Driver Summary report Choose „View Reports‟ from the „Report‟ menu and select „Driver Summary‟. The following screen is then displayed - Choose the depot(s), driver(s), date range and message type. In the „Columns To Display‟ box choose the particular messages to report on, to select more than one hold down Ctrl while clicking on the next item. Finally click on the „View Report‟ button. The following screen is then displayed - 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 24 smartanalysis® website user guide Click on the driver‟s name to show the details of any infringements reported. Then click on „Chart Details‟ to show the data for that day. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 25 smartanalysis® website user guide 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 26 smartanalysis® website user guide How to...find out when driver cards were last downloaded Choose „View Reports‟ from the „Report‟ menu and select „DTCO Driver Card Submission‟. The following screen is then displayed - Choose the depot(s), driver type, active status and sort order. Enter a value into „Days since last download to ignore‟; for example enter 7 and drivers who did a download in the last week will not appear on the report. Click on the „View Report‟ button. The following screen is then displayed - 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 27 smartanalysis® website user guide The report should look something like the one above. As you can see it gives you relevant information about the drivers such as the depot where they downloaded their card, how many days since they last drove and how many days since they last downloaded their card. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 28 smartanalysis® website user guide How to...find out when vehicles were last downloaded Choose the depot(s), vehicle status, whether to include vehicles that have never been downloaded, what to sort the report on and sort order. Enter a value into „Days since last download to ignore‟; for example enter 7 and vehicles that were downloaded in the last week will not appear on the report. Click on the „View Report‟ button. The following screen is then displayed - 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 29 smartanalysis® website user guide The report should look like the one above and as you can see it gives details of all your vehicles, whether they are owned or hired, whether they are active, what depot they are downloaded at, the date that the VU was last downloaded and how many days ago that was. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 30 smartanalysis® website user guide How to...report on unaccounted distance for vehicles Choose „View Reports‟ from the „Report‟ menu and select „DTCO Vehicle unaccounted distance‟. The following screen is then displayed - Choose the depot(s), vehicle(s), and date range. Enter a value for whether to ignore a certain distance (such as 1 for 1km). Choose whether to display days when there was no information recorded and whether you want to see unaccounted distance only, then click on the „View Report‟ button. The following screen is the displayed. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 31 smartanalysis® website user guide Above is an example of what the report should look like. Unaccounted distance will be highlighted in red to make it immediately visible. The report also shows you who drove the vehicle on other days during the period or if it was not used at all. Some drivers on the report may appear with„#‟ after their name. This indicates that they drove the vehicle on a particular day during that period but that their driver card data has not been received by Smartanalysis®. Some drivers may appear with a cross (†) after their name. This indicates that they did not remove their driver card from the tachograph at the end of the day. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 32 smartanalysis® website user guide How to...list all driver card details held in smartanalysis® Choose „View Reports‟ from the „Report‟ menu and select „DTCO Driver card details‟. The following screen is then displayed - Pick which depot you want to run the report for or choose All Depots. You can filter the report by entering a value in „Only list drivers whose card will expire within the following number of days‟. For example, enter 90 to see any drivers whose card will expire in the next 90 days, or leave it blank to show all drivers. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 33 smartanalysis® website user guide Above is an example of what the DTCO Driver Card Details report should look like. It shows the personal data held on the drivers‟ card such as date of birth, issue date, expiry date and the number of days remaining until the card expires. You can click on „Days until card expires‟ to sort the report by this column which will allow you to identify which cards are going to expire next. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 34 smartanalysis® website user guide How to...find individual tachograph chart details [Enhanced] Select „Tachograph Record Search [Enhanced]‟ from the „Reports‟ menu as shown below. The following screen is displayed – Notice that the „Test Company (Chippenham)‟ depot has already been selected, and a list of drivers and vehicles for that depot is shown. You can search for tachograph charts details by driver, vehicle and date range. The Driver List may be further filtered by Driver Type (All, Employed, Agency, Casual) and Driver Status (All, Active, Inactive). The Vehicle List may be further filtered by Vehicle Type (All, Owned, Hired) and Vehicle Status (All, Active, Inactive). 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 35 smartanalysis® website user guide Select individual drivers or multiple drivers from the driver list by holding down the Control Key (Ctrl) while clicking on the required drivers. The Selection Count label beneath the list will tell you how many drivers have been selected. Alternatively, you may select all drivers by clicking on <All Drivers>. Select individual vehicles or multiple vehicles from the vehicle list by holding down the Control Key (Ctrl) while clicking on the required vehicles. The Selection Count label beneath the list will tell you how many vehicles have been selected. Alternatively, you may select all vehicles by clicking on <All Vehicles>. To show only tachograph charts with faults and/or infringements that meet the driver, vehicle and date range search criteria, tick the checkbox next to the label Show only charts with faults/infringements. Leaving the Show only charts with faults/infringements checkbox unticked will show all tachograph charts meeting the search criteria. The „Clear‟ button clears any items that you have selected in the lists. The „Submit‟ button starts the chart search for the criteria that you have entered. For large databases, this may take several seconds. On the screen shown, search criteria have already been entered. When the „Submit‟ button is clicked, smartanalysis® will search for charts as follows: For the „Test Company (Chippenham)‟ depot, For dates from 9th November 2008 to 9th November 2009. All Active Drivers All Vehicles The search results will appear on the page as follows – This will display a list of the charts found with summary details for each chart including Driver, Vehicle, Driving Date etc. The results are sorted by Driving Date. You may change this by clicking on the blue underlined label at the top of the list to sort by Driver, Vehicle, Driving Date, Duty Start, Duty Finish etc. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 36 smartanalysis® website user guide By default, 10 results per page are shown – you may change this to 10, 15, 20, 25 or 50 by clicking on the drop down list labelled Rows Per Page either at the top of the results list or the bottom of the results list. If there is more than one page of results to be viewed, you will see the number of pages indicated at the bottom of the list. To view another page simply click on the desired page number. In the example below there are 9 pages of results, and we have selected Page 1 (shown in white). Deleting Charts If your account has sufficient privilege level, you may delete tachograph charts directly from this page. A checkbox will appear next to each result in the left hand column. Enter a tick in the checkbox of each result that you wish to delete. To select all results on the page for deletion, select the checkbox at the top in the title row – this will place a tick next to all charts. When the desired charts have a tick next to them, click on the Delete icon either at the top of the results list or at the bottom. This will take you to another page where you will be asked to confirm your action. Click on Delete to delete the selected tachograph charts, or Cancel to return to the search results page. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 37 smartanalysis® website user guide Viewing Chart Details Click on the Details link shown on the left of each of the charts in the search results list, which will take you to the Chart Details page – This page shows more detail about the tachograph chart selected, including Start and Finish times for individual activities (Drive, Availability, Rest, Work). Clicking on an area of the graph will show the activity and time details to the right of the graph – This page will also show any faults and/or infringements associated with the chart. These can optionally be displayed on the graph at the time of the occurrence. In our example, three infringements occurred and are shown on the graph as vertical red lines. To turn off infringement display on the graph, untick the checkbox labelled Infringements. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 38 smartanalysis® website user guide Viewing Chart Images To view the tachograph chart as an interactive image, click on the disc image next to the label View Interactive Image. This will take you to the chart picture page where the chart is redrawn as a disc – Once again, clicking on an area of the graph will show the activity and times in a small table above the Key. Scanned Charts If there are any scanned charts associated with this search result, these will be available for viewing from the chart picture page. Links to the images will automatically appear on the left hand side of this page as follows – 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 39 smartanalysis® website user guide Click on the disc above the Front Image label to view the front of the scanned disc. Click on the disc above the Back Image label to view the back of the scanned disc. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 40 smartanalysis® website user guide How to…find individual tachograph chart details Select „Tachograph Record Search‟ from the „Reports‟ menu. The following screen is displayed - 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 41 smartanalysis® website user guide Notice that the „Test Company (Chippenham)‟ depot has already been selected, and a list of drivers and vehicles for that depot is shown. You can search for tachograph charts details by driver, vehicle, and/or date range. The „Clear‟ button clears any items that you have selected in the lists. The „Submit‟ button starts the chart search for the criteria that you have entered. On the screen shown, search criteria have already been entered. When the „Submit‟ button is clicked, smartanalysis® will search for charts as follows: For the „Test Company (Chippenham)‟ depot, for all dates for the driver „Driver A‟ for any vehicles (none is selected) When submit is clicked the search results will look like this - This will show you a list of the charts found. Notice at the bottom of the list there is a number „1‟ and „2‟ shown, with the 2 underlined. This indicates that there are two pages of results – if you click the „2‟ you will be shown the second page of charts found. You can click the „Chart Details‟ link shown on the left of each of the charts in the list, which will take you to the Chart Details page. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 42 smartanalysis® website user guide How to...make reporting easy with Traffic Lights Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish the important information that you need just by looking at the details of a report. Smartanalysis® helps you with this task by allowing you to set „Traffic Light‟ indicators on the following reports which will then allow you to easily identify the most important parts of the data. The reports that can be customised in this way are: DTCO Driver Card Submission DTCO Vehicle Download Submission Depot Summary Driver Summary Driver Summary for Batch Below is an example of how the Driver Card Submission report looks with traffic lights configured. As you can see it makes it easy to spot those drivers that need to do a card download. The trigger point for each particular traffic light can be set to whatever value you choose. In the above example, drivers who last downloaded more than 28 days ago are shown in red, drivers who downloaded more than 14 days ago would be shown in yellow and drivers who downloaded less than 14 days ago would be shown in green. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 43 smartanalysis® website user guide Below is an example of what the VU Download Submission report looks like with traffic lights added. As you can see the traffic lights have been configured to show depots that downloaded more than 56 days ago in red, those that downloaded between 42 and 56 days would be yellow and the rest would all be green. If you would like traffic lights setup on your reports then please contact Exentra or your analysis bureau. Below is an example of what the driver summary report looks with traffic lights added. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 44 smartanalysis® website user guide As you can see the traffic lights have been configured to show red for drivers with average offences per chart greater than 0.5, yellow for drivers with offences per chart greater than 0.2 and green for all the other drivers. Below is an example of what the Depot Summary report looks like with traffic lights added. As you can see the traffic lights have been configured to show red for depots with average offences per chart greater than 0.5, yellow for depots with offences per chart greater than 0.2 and green for all the other depots. This makes it very easy to pick out those depots with the highest average number of offences at a glance. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 45 smartanalysis® website user guide How to…receive automated reports by e-mail Smartanalysis® has the capability to automatically send any report in the system by e-mail. This facility is known as report „subscriptions‟. A report subscription can be one of two types, event based or time based. An event based subscription is one that automatically generates a report when a predefined event has occurred for analogue charts only. For example, when tachograph charts have been analysed and uploaded to smartanalysis® the fact that there is new information on the system is considered to be a key event. This is because customers usually want to see the analysis results as soon as they are available. In smartanalysis® you can elect to receive certain reports when this event occurs. In future more events will be defined in the system A time based subscription is one that automatically generates a report on a particular date and time. For example, this could be daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly. If you require any further information regarding report subscriptions please contact your analysis bureau. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 46 smartanalysis® website user guide How to...view and retrieve driver card data If you need to retrieve your digital driver data (for example to give to VOSA) you can do this easily with Smartanalysis®. From the „Digital Tachograph‟ menu click on „Search driver card files‟ and you should be presented with the following screen - Choose the depot(s), start date, end date, driver(s) and click on „Refresh List‟. You should get a table with a list of matching files. The „Created date‟ shows when the files were received into the smartanalysis(R) system. You can tick the files that you want to retrieve and then click on „Download‟ and you will see the following window. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 47 smartanalysis® website user guide Click on „Save‟ and then choose a location on your PC to save the files to, such as your Desktop or Documents folder. The file will then be copied to your desired location and will appear as a „ZIP‟ file. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 48 smartanalysis® website user guide To view the information stored in the card file click on the view button, this will show you the driver‟s details, actives and any events and faults stored on the card. From this page you can also save the information to a PDF file by clicking the “View As PDF” button. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 49 smartanalysis® website user guide How to...view and retrieve VU data If you need to retrieve your digital VU data (for example to give to VOSA) you can do this easily with Smartanalysis®. From the „Digital Tachograph‟ menu click on „Search Vehicle Unit Files‟ You will be presented with the following screen – Choose the depot(s), start date, end date, highlight the vehicle and click on „Refresh List‟. You should get a table with a list of matching files... 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 50 smartanalysis® website user guide Tick the file(s) that you want to retrieve and then click on „Download‟. You will see this window. Click on „Save‟ and then choose a location on your PC to save the files to, such as your Desktop or Documents folder. The file will then be copied to your desired location and will appear as a „ZIP‟ file. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 51 smartanalysis® website user guide Viewing Data To view data click on the relevant View button and you can view the information stored in the VU file, this will show the Overview, Activities, Events & Faults, Detailed Speed Data and Technical Data (if the information has been selected for download). Overview 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 52 smartanalysis® website user guide Activities 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 53 smartanalysis® website user guide Events & Faults Events Faults Overspeed 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 54 smartanalysis® website user guide Detailed Speed Select date and times to zoom in or out and increase or decrease graph detail. For example, you may wish to zoom in on vehicle speed between 13:00 and 14:00 on 10/01/2010. Select the appropriate date and times, then click Refresh Chart. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 55 smartanalysis® website user guide 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 56 smartanalysis® website user guide New Detailed Speed The new detailed speed allows you click, drag and zoom on the speed trace to show more detailed information, you can also show the speed in KPH and MPH. There is the ability to show harsh acceleration and braking with values that are user definable. For more details please watch the video, viewable by clicking the help button on the page. 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 57 smartanalysis® website user guide Technical Data 2010 Exentra Transport Solutions Ltd Page 58
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