Bio Spin-off Day How to start my own spin-off ? Date: Wednesday April 29, 2009 , 13:00 h – 19:00 Place: Auditorium 200L00.06 (Celestijnenlaan 200, 3001 Leuven) Program: 13:00 Welcome Coffee and sandwiches 14:00 Opening Remarks Bart De Moor, co-ordinator BioSCENTer and chairman IOF Board 14:10 VIB’s approach to life science start-ups Chris De Jonghe, Business Development Manager VIB, Amongst VIB's most visible tech transfer outcomes are the novel life science enterprises it establishes. In close collaboration with the researchers, VIB follows an up-to-the-elbow approach to build platforms that can form the basis of a new company, to develop a business plan, to identify experienced managers to run the company and to attract national or international investors willing to invest in the start-up. VIB’s approach will be exemplified with real-life cases. 14:35 Spinning out in Leuven Paul Van Dun, General Manager LRD, Spinoffs don’t come out of the blue. Many years of research are ahead of a start up and when at the end there finally is a concept on the table the question rises in which context a spin-off is (not) recommended? In addition, at the final start up all kinds of issues are emerging. How does this starting process come along in Leuven and what kind of instruments can be used? Which financial support can be provided to researchers and to whom can they address their questions? Overview of the birth of a spin-off. 1 15:00 Starting & growing university spin-offs: real life experiences Rudi Cuyvers, Innovation Manager, Cell Spin-offs and Innovation, The basic ingredients & challenges to start-up & grow university spin-offs are clarified by means of five case studies in the bioinformatics & biotechnology field: Algonomics, Cartagenia, Fugeia, Remynd, Silicos. Despite the large diversity in technologies & applications, the five spin-offs show that a common set of key success factors can be identified and have to be taken into account by the different parties participating in a spin-off project. 15:30 Opportunities for funding of spin-off initiatives by IWT Maarten Sileghem, Director Strategic and European Research IWT, IWT is a Flemish agency that provides financial support to R&D proposals with an economic output. IWT offers opportunities for spin-off initiatives at different levels. Start-up companies can receive direct financial support for R&D projects. In this funding scheme, the company always needs to finance a proportion of the project. For start-ups with restricted financial means, support will be committed on a conditional basis beyond the financial capacity of the company at the moment of evaluation. In this situation, the support follows the growth of a young company. Project support can even be committed prior to the foundation of a company. Start-ups can also receive support for feasibility studies, including funding for the preparatory phase of writing business plans. Finally, low-interest loans can be provided on top the subsidy without the need for an additional proposal. University groups with the aim to work towards a spin-off can receive support for the basic strategic research that lays the foundations for a later spin-off. Since 2004, this possibility is integrated in the SBO programme in which 100% subsidy is provided to universities and research institutes. Up to 20% of the budget (around 5 million euro per annum) can be allocated to projects with a major focus on the creation of a spin-off. In addition, individual researchers can be supported through a research fellowship with a specific focus on the creation of a spin-off. 15:55 Coffee Break 16:15 Short Introduction Jan Beirlant, Dean of the Faculty of Science, on behalf of Jos Peeters, President of Science@Leuven 2 16:20 The financing of start-ups in challenging times Patrick Van Beneden, Executive Vice-President Life Sciences GIMV, How to get financing in this difficult environment? Investment criteria What are VCs looking for? What not? What has changed/is changing? How to get an exit for investors/shareholders? Some cases: Devgen, Ablynx, ActoGeniX,… 16:45 Students and Synthetic Biology: future entrepreneurs? K.U.Leuven, iGEM 2008 Team (represented by Jonas Demeulemeester, Hanne Tytgat) Imagine a bacterium that produces a drug when and where it is needed in the human body. It would have several advantages over classical drugs and could have many medical applications. In this framework, the K.U.Leuven participated in 2008 to the international Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM) competition with Dr. Coli, the bacterial drug delivery system. Dr. Coli senses the disease signal and produces the appropriate amount of drugs to meet the individual patient’s needs. And when the patient is cured, Dr. Coli self-destructs. To do this, his molecular timer registers the time since the last disease signal sensed. But when the disease flares up again, this timer is reset and drug production is resumed. Dr. Coli is an example of synthetic biology, a new discipline that combines biology with engineering principles to design and construct new biological systems with useful properties. Within the time frame of the iGEM competition, the team developed a proof of concept of Dr. Coli. The most important assets are massive reuse of standard BioBricks, different control mechanisms and extensive modeling. The K.U.Leuven 2008 iGEM team won a golden medal for their design of Dr. Coli in the first participation of a Belgian team in iGEM ever. 17:10 Biopharmaceutical drug development between academia and industry: a case study Desiré Collen, Founder and Chairman ThromboGenics, Both society and funding agencies expect academia to contribute pro-actively to value generating applications by performing not only discovery research but also translational research towards new services and products. A case study of such an interaction between the university of Leuven (KU Leuven), the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) and the biopharmaceutical spin-off ThromboGenics NV (THR) will be presented, focusing on the relative roles of intellectual property, licensing arrangements, contract research and translational research in selected areas of biopharmaceutical medicine. 3 17:40 Closing Remarks Bart De Moor, coordinator BioSCENTer and chairman IOF Board 17:45 Drink Organisation : - BioSCENTer, Leuven Bio-Science, Bio-Engineering & Bio-Technology Center Arenberg Doctoral School Leuven Research en Development Leuven Industrieel Onderzoeksfonds Science@Leuven Leuven Innovation Networking Circle 4 Curriculum vitae Désiré Collen Désiré Collen holds a M.D. degree (1968) and Ph.D. degree in Chemistry (1974) from the University of Leuven, Belgium, and was formerly Director of the Center for Molecular and Vascular Biology of K.U. Leuven, and of the Vesalius Research Center of VIB. His team with Genentech Inc developed t-PA for thrombolytic therapy of AMI. He has co-authored over 650 research papers and has received the Francqui Prize (Belgium) in 1984, the Prix Louis Jeantet de Médecine (Switzerland) in 1986, the Bristol-Myers-Squibb award for Cardiovascular Research (USA) (jointly with M. Verstraete) in 1995, and the Health Prize of the InterbrewBaillet Latour Fund (Belgium) (jointly with P. Carmeliet) in 2005. Dr. Collen is presently Chairman of ThromboGenics, NV, a biopharmaceutical drug development company listed on Euronext Brussels. foto: © <>. Curriculum vitae Rudi Cuyvers Rudi Cuyvers holds a Ph.D. in Electronics (K.U.Leuven) and an MBA degree (Flanders Business School). As innovation manager at K.U.Leuven R & D he is head of the Spin-offs & Innovation unit, which supports spin-off creation & growth and stimulates the university-industry interaction. He has been involved in the start-up of more than 30 spin-offs, is member of the board of directors in several companies and is an active partner in several network organizations & projects that promote innovation and high-tech entrepreneurship Curriculum vitae Chris De Jonghe Education: 1990-1994: Licentiate in Biochemistry from University of Antwerp 1994-1999: PhD in Neurogenetics (functional analysis of gene defects causing Alzheimer’s disease, promoter: Christine Van Broeckhoven) 2004- 2007: Bachelor in laws Professional Career: 1999-2001: post-doctoral fellow FWO (labs of Christine Van Broeckhoven – UA and Bart De Strooper – KUL) 2001-2007: licensing manager at VIB 2007-present: business development manager at VIB 5 Curriculum vitae Bart De Moor Bart De Moor studeerde in 1983 af als burgerlijk elektro-werktuigkundig ingenieur aan de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, specialisatie regeltechniek. Hij behaalde er het doctoraat in de Toegepaste Wetenschappen in 1988. Daarna was hij gedurende 2 jaar, van 1988 tot 1990, ‘Research Associate’ aan de Stanford University in Californië, in het ‘Information Systems Lab’ (Prof. Kailath) en het departement Computerwetenschappen (Prof. Golub). Vandaag is hij Gewoon Hoogleraar aan het departement ESAT van de K.U.Leuven. Bart De Moor stond mede aan de wieg van 6 ‘spin-off’ bedrijven van de K.U.Leuven (IPCOS, Data4s (acquired by Norkom Technologies) TMLeuven, Silicos, Dsquare, Cartagenia). Van 1991-1992 was Bart De Moor de kabinetschef van de federale minister van Wetenschapsbeleid (Wivina Demeester) en van 1994-1999 was hij de adviseur Wetenschapsbeleid van de minister-president van Vlaanderen (Luc Van den Brande). In die functie lag hij mee aan de basis van het Vlaams Interuniversitair Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB), het Vlaams Instituut van de Zee (VLIZ), het Vlaams Centrum voor Bewaring van Tuinbouwproducten (VCBT) en Technopolis. In 2005-2007 was hij als kabinetschef socio-economisch beleid van de Vlaamse minister-president (Yves Leterme) de coördinator van ‘Vlaanderen-in-actie’. Hij was lid van de Academische Raad en de Raad Onderzoeksbeleid van de K.U.Leuven en de raad van bestuur van het StudieCentrum voor Kernenergie (SCK). Hij is voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur van Hercules (het Vlaams agentschap voor de financiering van zware onderzoeksapparatuur), voorzitter van het Industrieel OnderzoeksFonds (IOF) van de K.U.Leuven, lid van de Raad van Bestuur van het Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB), het Interdisciplinair instituut voor BreedBandTechnologie (IBBT), het Vlaams Centrum voor Bewaring van Tuinbouwproducten (VCBT) en verschillende binnen- en buitenlandse wetenschappelijke en culturele verenigingen. Curriculum vitae Maarten Sileghem Maarten Sileghem was trained as a biotechnologist and obtained the degree of PhD in Sciences with specialisation in cellular immunology at the Free University Brussels in1988. His research was on suppression of the immune system with a focus on cytokines and macrophages using a tropical disease as a model system. In 1989 he became a postdoctoral research fellow at ILRAD, an international research institute within the CGIAR, a consortium affiliated with the World Bank and the UN. As an employee of the UN, he became project leader in de same institute in 6 1992 shifting towards management of a research team on strategic biotech research with a long-term economic output. For seven years he was based in Nairobi, Kenya, as an expatriate. In 1996 he joined IWT, an agency with a mandate to stimulate innovation in Flanders, Belgium. As a scientific advisor he became responsible for evaluation of R&D proposals in the field of biotechnology. He was mainly involved in industrial R&D and strategic research, with a major focus on biotech start up companies and on R&D projects with valorisation on a global scale. In 2002 he became team leader, coaching a team of several advisors active in de field of Life Sciences. In 2007 he became Director Strategic Research and European Programmes at IWT. He has an overall responsibility for strategic research programmes and international collaborations. Curriculum vitae Paul Van Dun As of december 2000 Paul is active within K.U.Leuven Research & Development, the technology transfer unit of K.U.Leuven, where he is general manager and coordinates the activities in contract research, patenting, licensing, spinoff creation and regional development. He is also managing director of the venture funds Gemma Frisius Fund I & II, board member of the Fondation Fournier-Majoie pour l’Innovation and Capricorn Venture Fund II, and board member or president of several spinoff companies. As of 2006, he has been elected vice-president of ASTP (Association of European Science & Technology Transfer Professionals). Curriculum vitae Patrick Van Beneden Patrick Van Beneden (1962) has worked at Gimv since 1985 and joined the Executive Committee in February 2001. He heads up the Life Sciences business unit. He is a board member of various listed and non-listed investments, including Acertys, ActoGeniX, Astex, DeVGen, Pamgene, TorreyPines Therapeutics and the Biotech Fonds Vlaanderen. Former board seats include Innogenetics, Crucell, Avalon, Hypnion (acquired by Eli Lilly) and Crop Design (acquired by BASF). Patrick Van Beneden has a degree in Financial Sciences from VLEKHO in Brussels. 7 8 K.U.Leuven Bio Spin-off Day – 29/04/2009 List of Participants Wouter Achten K.U.Leuven Dept. Earth & Environmental Sciences Tom Beyers K.U.Leuven M³S/CMPG Simona Capponi K.U.Leuven ATF/Physics Adefioye Adeshola K.U.Leuven ESAT/SCD (SISTA) Bart Boeckmans Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Valérie Cappuyns HUBrussel CEDON Luc Alaerts K.U.Leuven Microbial and Molecular Systems Sven Arnouts UGent PROVAXS Animesh Kumar Basak K.U.Leuven MTM Kristien Bonroy Tibotec PMO Stijn Bossin Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Erikbrie Briers Alumnus Chemistry Dep. Nanomaterials (macromolecular chemistry) Geert Behets University of Antwerp Laboratory of Pathophysiology Paula Bruggen K.U.Leuven Computerwetenschappen- Numerieke Analyse Jan Beirlant Fac. Wetenschappen Dries Bruyneel Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Iryna Benilova VIB Dept. Molecular & Devel. Genetics Yvan Bruynseraede K.U.Leuven Physics and Astronomy Dries Berckmans K.U.Leuven Mechanical Engineering Bruno Cammue K.U.Leuven M2S / CMPG Nele Berthels K.U.Leuven R&D Angels Cano Odena K.U.Leuven M2S, Center for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis (COK) Astrid Cappuyns K.U.Leuven CIT - BioTeC Eric Castille Tiense Suikerraffinaderij NV Director Market Development Nikos Chatziathanasiou K.U.Leuven MTM Yunan Cheng IMEC NEXTNS Andrew Chibeu K.U.Leuven Division of Gene Technology Yi-Jen Chuang Université Catholique de Louvain Unit of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (FATH) Soetkin Claes K.U.Leuven Bio-engineer cell & gentechnology Vanja Cnops K.U.Leuven Biomedische wetenschappen 9 Désiré Collen Thrombogenics K.U.Leuven Sigrid De Keersmaecker K.U.Leuven M2S/CMPG Eileen Dejaegere VUB Chemical Engineering Koen Cornelissens K.U.Leuven ESAT/MICAS Wim De Malsche VUB Chemical Engineering Joachim Deldime Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Jeroen Corthout Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School Masters in General Management Bart De Moor K.U.Leuven BioSCENTer Jan Costermans Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Alexander Crawford K.U.Leuven Dept. Pharmaceutical Sciences Thomas Crispeels Vrije Universiteit Brussel Department of Business Economics and Strategic Management Armando De Palma Rega Institute for Medical Research Microbiology and Immunology Dorien De Pooter Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Raoul De Schutter Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Nicole De Smyter Leuven.Inc Peter Delputte UGent PROVAXS Mekonnen Demeke K.U.Leuven Biology Jonas Demeulemeester K.U.Leuven Guy Derdelinckx K.U.Leuven M²S Jan Develter Laboratory for Pharmaceutical Biology Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Harry Cuppens KULeuven, Faculty of Medicine Center for Human Genetics Jeremy De Sy Vrije Universiteit Brussel R&D - Technology Transfer Interface Rudi Cuyvers K.U.Leuven LRD Hannes De Wachter K.U.Leuven LRD Patrick D'Haese University of Antwerp Laboratory of Pathophysiology Melina Daans K.U.Leuven Stijn Debaene Allen & Overy LLP Wilfried D'Haese PricewaterhouseCoopers Hans Danneels K.U.Leuven ESAT/MICAS Wouter Deburchgraeve K.U.Leuven ESAT/SCD (SISTA) Daisy Di Pardo Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Tina De Greef K.U.Leuven LRD Sophie Deckx Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Cristina de Joncheere IMEC Business development Priscilla declerck Lab of Aquatic Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Biology Chris De Jonghe VIB David Decoster Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Frederic Devisch Barco Silex Nicolas Dierckxsens Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Matteo Donadoni Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School Masters in General Management Emmie Dornez K.U.Leuven Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems 10 Ignace Dufaux Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Filip Frederix NXP ULPS Hans Goesaert K.U.Leuven R&D Wim Fyen K.U.Leuven R&D Marc Goldchstein vrije universiteit brussel BEDR Wolfgang Eberle IMEC Bioelectronic Systems Jellert Gaublomme IMEC FNS Tiny Grauwels Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Svetlana Ebzeeva K.U.Leuven MTM Kurt Gebruers Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry M2S Eric Dy IMEC/KU Leuven Heterogeneous Integrated Microsystems Jan Eggermont K.U.Leuven Doctoral School Biomedical Sciences Hamed Eghbali VUB CHIS Sri Ramulu Elluru K.U.Leuven Yves Engelborghs K.U.Leuven Biochemistry Kristof Engelen K.U.Leuven M2S Denis Ermolat'ev K.U.Leuven Faculty of Science, Chemistry Department Maarten Fauvart K.U.Leuven M2S/CMPG Joachim Ferreau K.U.Leuven ESAT/SCD (SISTA) Ellen Fierens K.U.Leuven Lab, Levensmiddelenchemie en biochemie Minne Geeraert Atherosclerosis and Metabolism Cardiovascular diseases Reinout Grommen Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Willyan Hasenkamp Carreira K.U.Leuven Faculty of Engineering Niels Haverbeke K.U.Leuven ESAT/SCD (SISTA) Stefan Germeau Koen Hendrickx Nick Geukens PharmAbs K.U.Leuven Antibody Center Tine Holemans Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Peter Geunes Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Nathalie Hooylaerts Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Olivier Gevaert K.U.Leuven ESAT/SCD (SISTA) Bruno Hoste K.U.Leuven Industrieel onderzoeksfonds - DOC Subir Kumar Ghosh K.U.Leuven Dept MTM Marnix Housen Incubatiecentrum ICAB Thomas Gielis Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Chengjun Huang IMEC NEXT Lieve Gilis K.U.Leuven Faculteit Wetenschappen Ernesto Iacucci K.U.Leuven ESAT/SCD (SISTA) Ivan Gligorijevic K.U.Leuven SISTA/SCD Elsy Ibrahim K.U.Leuven Civil ENgineering Bruno Goddeeris K.U.Leuven Biosystems Abdelilah Ibrahimi K.U.Leuven Lab. Molecular Virology & Gene Therapy Div. Molecular Medicine 11 Ingrid Ilsbroux Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Koen Langie Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Kristof Jacobs Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Sarah Lebeer K.U.Leuven Centre of Microbial and Plant Genetics Siegfried Jaecques K.U.Leuven Leuven Medical Technology Centre (LMTC) Murali Jayapala IMEC vzw SSET Vinay Jayaram K.U.Leuven Dept. of Microbial and Molecular Systems (M2S) Pieter-Jan Jordaens Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Becker Julien Université de Liège Bioinformatique Harish Nag Kankipati K.U.Leuven Dept of Molecular Microbiology Jelle Machiels Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Thomas Lelièvre-Damit Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Gregory Maes Laboratoy for Animal Diversity and Systematics Biology Daniele Leonelli K.U.Leuven ESAT Inge Lerouge K.U.Leuven Dienst Onderzoekscoördinatie Steven Leuridan K.U.Leuven BMGO Yue Li K.U.Leuven Department of Biosystems (BIOSYST) Bert Kegels BDO Atrio Bruno Kersschot K.U.Leuven Werktuigkunde/PMA Sophie Lintermans K.U.Leuven bio-engineering Peter Kupers K.U.Leuven Department of Arts - Japanology Chengxun Liu IMEC BIONE Karl Gaston Lafaut Dirk Loeckx K.U.Leuven Medical Image Computing (ESAT/PSI) Wilfried Langenaeker Silicos Walter Luyten K.U.Leuven Vrouw en Kind Jonas Lejeune Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Zhen Li IMEC FNS Bart Landuyt K.U.Leuven Biology/Functional Genomics and Proteomics Ivan Lule K.U.Leuven Chemical Engineering Hugo Loosvelt Vrije Universiteit Brussel Technology Transfer Interface Shujue Lou Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Wouter Maes K.U.Leuven Earth and Environmental Sciences Koen Maes Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Karel Maesenaere VOKA - Kamer van Koophandel Flanders Smart Hub Belangenbehartiging/Research Hagen Marien K.U.Leuven MICAS Tine Meekers K.U.Leuven Biology, Plant Ecology Ingrid Merchiers Coordinator IOF UGent Techtransfer Kristof Mertens K.U.Leuven Biosystems/MeBioS Pascal Mertens K.U.Leuven Centre for Surface Science and Catalysis, Dept. Microbial & Molecular Systems Sarah Meys K.U.Leuven geo - ees 12 Servaas Michielssens K.U.Leuven chemistry Luc Mortelmans UZ Gasthuisberg Nuclear Medicine Stoffel Mulier SO Kwadraat Silke Musa IMEC BIONE/BES Peter Nelissen Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Hoang Anh Nguyen Ngoc K.U.Leuven Dept. Microbial and Molecular Systems (M2S) Fabian Ojeda K.U.Leuven Electrical Engineering Liesbet Paemen De Clercq, Brants & Parnters Lesley Pandey K.U.Leuven Chemistry Bram Pareyt Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry M2S Liesbet Peeters gene technology biosystems Ruben Peeters Advocatenkantoor Peeters Sofie Peeters Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Jan Peirs K.U.Leuven Mechanical Engineering Juan Carlos Perez Guerra Koen Pieters Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Bjorn Possé UGent Technology Transfer Jun Qian K.U.Leuven PMA Abdul Rauf K.U.Leuven MTM, Chemical Serge Remy K.U.Leuven Dep. of Biosytems/Div. of Crop Biotechnics Bert Reubens K.U.Leuven Earth and Environmental Sciences Toon Reynders Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Johan Robbens Universiteit Antwerpen Ben Rockefeller Ivo Roelants K.U.Leuven LRD Frederik Saman Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Aminael Sanchez K.U.Leuven Microbial and Molecular systems / CMPG Kristien (Tine) Schaerlaekens K.U.Leuven Labo Moleculaire Celbiologie Leander Schietgat K.U.Leuven Department of Computer Science Jan Schrooten K.U.Leuven MTM / Prometheus Bert Schuyten Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Mauro Sette K.U.Leuven BMGO, Mechanical Dept. Tina Shahani K.U.Leuven Cardiovascular and Molecular biology Aydar Shakirov Venture Fund Law Ilse Sienaert Innovatiecentrum Vlaams-Brabant Hassan Rokni Zadeh K.U.Leuven CMPG Maarten Sileghem IWT Philippe Rooseleer Fibiz Partners Mitchell Silva K.U.Leuven M3BIORES Sofie Saerens K.U.Leuven Microbial and Molecular Systems Pieter Slagmolen K.U.Leuven Medical Imaging Research Center Daan Saison K.U.Leuven Dept. Microbiële en Moleculaire Systemen Nathalie Sonck K.U.Leuven CeSO 13 Olivier Sondervorst Bird & Bird zhigang song K.U.Lfeuven Department of Biosystems (BIOSYST) Stijn Spaepen K.U.Leuven M2S Jan Struyf K.U.Leuven Computer Science Sanne Tambeur Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Hsiao Wei Tang K.U.Leuven PMA Thomas Teirlinck Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Adrien Tham-vo HEC-Paris Entrepreneurship Karin Thevissen CMPG-PFI M2S Bert Thewissen Laboratory of Food Chemistry & Biochemistry Microbial and Molecular Systems (M2S)/Centre for Food and Microbial Technology Stéphanie Theyskens Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Inge Thijs K.U.Leuven Dept. Microbial and Molecular Systems Deepak Balaji Thimiri govinda raj K.U.Leuven Centre for human genetics Gitte Tielens Jaan Toelen K.U.Leuven Molecular Medicine, Molecular Virology Antonia Torcasio K.U.Leuven Mechanical Engineering / BMGO Hanne Tytgat K.U.Leuven Jan Valckx K.U.Leuven Afdeling Bos, Natuur en Landschap Brawley Valkenborgs Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Koen Van Aken EcoSynth Green Chemistry Patrick Van Beneden GIMV Wouter Van Delm K.U.Leuven ESAT Tom Van Herpe K.U.Leuven ESAT/SCD (SISTA) Wilfried van Herterijck K.U.Leuven ESAT Roel Van Hollebeke Van Hollebeke & Co Hans Van Hooland VUB IMDO Jeroen Van Houdt K.U.Leuven Biology Johan Van Lint K.U.Leuven Fac. Geneeskunde, Moleculaire Celbiologie Sebastiaan Van Mulders K.U.Leuven Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems Wim Van den Boeck Arnold & Siedsma Wim Van Snick K.U.Leuven Chemistry Kirsten Van den Bogaert Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Diederik Van Tricht Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Barend Van den Brande Big Bang Ventures Nele Vanbeneden K.U.Leuven M²S Dimitry Van der Zande K.U.Leuven M3-BIORES Paul Van Dun K.U.Leuven LRD Ward Van Duppen Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Maarten Van Guyse K.U.Leuven CMPG, fac. bio-engineering Steven Vandeput K.U.Leuven ESAT/SCD (SISTA) Jef Vanderoost K.U.Leuven Biomechanics and Engineering Design Jeroen Vandersteen K.U.Leuven Sterrenkunde 14 Joos Vandewalle K.U.Leuven ESAT/SCD (SISTA) Jan Vandommele BDO Atrio Kevin Vangrunderbeeck Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Els Vanheusden Capricorn Venture Partners CHF Ruth Venmans Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Pieter Verboven K.U.Leuven BIOSYST-MeBioS Bert Verbruggen K.U.Leuven MeBioS - Biosensor group Johan Verbruggen b.v.b.a. J. Verbruggen Ann Vereecken Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Kirsten Welkenhuyzen Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Bert Verlinden Flanders Centre of Postharvest Technology Biosyst/Mebios Lianggong Wen K.U.Leuven MICAS Steven Vermeir K.U.Leuven BIOSYST/MeBioS Edith Wilderjans Laboratory of food chemistry and biochemistry microbiële en moleculaire systemen Herman Verrelst Medicim Kenneth Wils ParticipatieMaatschappij Vlaanderen Willem Verstraeten K.U.Leuven Geomatics - Biosytems Ronald Wintzéus Imcron Kris Verstreken IMEC Gunther Wuytens K.U.Leuven Research and Development Maxime Vincent Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Chunhui Ye Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Lore Vinken Groep T - Leuven Engineering College Edwin Zimmerman PMV David Zwaenepoel ReGenesys Bio-engineer 15 16
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