Features B6 Monday, January 5, 1998 A lot ofsupport for assisted suicide My grandfather suffered from cancer and spent his last eight months in a hospital bed until he weighed only 89 pounds and was wish to put in my two cents' too weak to cry. My father tried worth. five times to kill himself before he I am a woman, 51 years old, died in a nursing home. and I would love to know that the At one point, my mother found option for suicide is available ASK,ANN LANDERS _ him with a plastic bag over his when I am no longerfitto live the _ head. She took it away and said, good life. ANN LANDERS "We don't do that." He lived for If I had a terminal disease, I T several more miserable years, would like to get my affairs in orhating every minute of it. I can der and plan my final journey. It would not have to be a negative thing. I would assure you that those years were as hard on the family as they were on him. view it as quite positive. In my opinion, Dr. Kevorkian should be given a To say goodbye and to plan one's own death Congressional MedaJ of Honor, not jail time. would truly be a gift from God. — M.E.L. in Alexandria, Va. I would love to plan the time, the music, the guest list, what I wear and so on. Why would one eader: A lot of people agree with you. Here's not want to do this? one more: - It sure beats a surprise. And what if a sick person lingers for years? ear Ann Landers: I am the executive direcWhat about the expense and burden on the famtor of the Hemlock Society. Recently, I was on ily? It could wipe them out. Count me 100 percent in favor of suicide if one the road speaking about the need to legalize physiis terminal. You can worry about the "sin" part, cian aid in dying for mentally competent, terminalAnn, and I'll worry about the pain and inconve- ly ill individuals who request it. Several people told me about the letters in your column from readers nience. — An Independent Thinker in Houston who felt strongly about the right to choose death with dignity. The Hemlock Society has been advocating choice eader: The mail on this subject continues to be heated and heavy. The vast majority who and dignity in dying for 17 years. Through our 80 chapters, we provide information wrote agreed with you. Keep reading for more on about how to plan for a peaceful death, and we supthis highly controversial subject. port and initiate efforts to change the law to permit ear Ann Landers: The idea that suicide is this option. People wanting to legalize and regulate death against the law or against someone's religion makes no-sense to me. The underlying assumption with dignity should join an advocacy group like the is that the government, or some religious group, Hemlock Society and make their voices heard. For knows better than I do what is right for me. I information, tell your readers to write The Hemlock Society USA, P.O. Box 101810, Denver, Colo. don't believe it. As one who has a family history of mental ill- 80250-1810. — Faye Girsh, executive director ness, kidney disease and cancer, I do not believe anyone has the right to tell me what I should do em of the Day: Mistakes are the well-travwith my life. eled bridge between inexperience and wisWe Americans are more humane to our cats and dogs than we are to our terminally ill and elderly; dom. If you want to get nowhere, follow the crowd. Press-Republic^ Charles Schulfa? Peanuts ear Ann Landers: Seldom do I disagree with you. HowD ever, on the matter of suicide, I AHP NO LOVE LETTER5 CAME TUMBLING OUT.. 1-800-: Pre Locher and Kiliari R D R j i f t j M M .uSONrABOMB O R http://www.eugenialast.com Monday, January 5, 1998 By EUGENIA LAST Happy Birthday: Your charm and grace will opon doors that you never knew existed this year. Miike your moves and don't look back. You should have your strategy worked out and be prepared to implement your ideas with gusto. This could be the beginning of a very exciting period in your life as long as you're willing to take a bit of a chance mid venture into unknown territory. Your numbers: 2,8. 17.24,35. 43 ARIES (March 21-Annl 191- You're ready to explode. Direct your energy and steer clear of those who frustrate or antagonize you. Preoccupation will lead to minor setbacks or accidents. 2 stars TAURUS (April 20-May 201: Travel should be on your agenda. You will find yourself eager to learn new methods of doing things. Listen to those with experience. Take care of legal documents that need updating. 3 stars GEMINI (May 21-June 20'- Romance will surface if you get involved in worthwhile groups. Your need for mental stimulation and your thirst for knowledge will lead you in new directions. 4 stars ^ > CANCER (June IsJyJulv 221" Concentrate on your professional advancement. Problems with loved ones may be upsetting. Try not to let your personal life interfere with your career. 3 stars LEO (July 23-Aug. 22>: (let together with distant friends or relatives. You may want to sign up for interest courses that will, enhance your understanding of others. 3 stars VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 221: Involvement in real estate or redecorating should be your concern. Make sure that you get the OK from those you live with before going ahead with your plans. THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by Hanrt Arnold and Mlk* Arglrton Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. NIGHT.,, (YYS Small gland, big trouble K; O19M THDuni Mwta S C M C M . me GARBE (; DRUTSY 's. y 1NGRYP HOW THE ARCHITECT &OV Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon J Print answer hmr»: (Answers tomorrow) Saturday's Jumbles Answer. GRIEF AFIRE BUNION VERBAL When the king tamed the wild horse he proved that he was - THE -REINING" RULER CROSSWORD by THOMAS JOSEPH ACROSS 40 Singer Parton .1 Morse T 6 Files high 41 Bird abode DOWN 1D Killer whale 1 Removes 13 Canyon (one's hat) 2 One-way - .sounds sign, for 1'3 Scuffle example 14 Service 3 Frighten - for Earl 4 Powerful 1 Grey punch 16 Taiwan, 5 Begins once I T Compass 6 Arctic, for one 18 Give the 7 Cry of oath of discovery .1 office to 8 Water off i t Mrs.. In Antarctica >Madrid 8 Fumes 20 Boxer 12 Erotic :%Norton 2 f Abound 10 22 Lairs for bears 13 25 Questionable 15 28 Finished 18 27 Take to court 28 In support : of 22 23 29 Stowe - courses 39 In shape 34 Liner of ! 1912 35Menk> - Park whiz 37 Wall 38 climber 38 Area 39 Harrow rival ',i stars LIBRA i Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Your emotional partner may upset you today. Try to be understanding and don't let the negativity get you down. Talk to a loyal and trusting friend about your dilemma. 2 stars SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You can make professional gains today. Your determination will enable you to persuade others to see things your way. You will be praised if you help the underdog. 4 stars SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You will be able to pick up valuable information if you listen to those you encounter while traveling. Be sure to sign up for seminars that will open your eyes to new technology. 4 stars CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19): Someone you live with may be unpredictable today. Try not to ruffle feathers. Channel your energy into investment opportunities and work-related matters. 3 stars AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Group involvement will lead to new romantic connections. Don't hesitate to speak your mind or take a position of leadership if you believe in the nature of the organization. 4 stars PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Career changes will be in your best interest. Don't hesitate to form partnerships that could in fact lead to business opportunities. 4 stars Birthday Baby: You're a going concern, hard to keep up with and definitely fearless when it comes to trying new things. You will surprise your loved ones with your ability to venture into unknown waters. You have a built-in sense that helps you land on your feet, but that doesn't mean you won't get a few bruises along the way. Celebrities Born On This Day: Robert Duvall. Pamela Sue Martin, Diane Keaton, Alvin Alley Need advice? Call Eugenia at 900-484-7827 (United States) or 900-643-5611 < Canada). Your phone company will bill you $1.99 per minute. Also, try her Web site at www.eugenialast.com. if Young & Drake Blondie LET'S SO SEE T NO WA/.' I'M THAT NEW SO-PI / SICK OP THAT MOVIE TONlSWT ( INTER6ALACTIC RU0OISH.' I WANT SOME > VOU MkSHT UKE REALITY, OR I'M ( THIS ONE,,. IT'S STAV/NS WOME / CALLED "BIKINI BABES IN OUTER WELL, I SUPPOSE SEEING ONE MORE WOULDN'T HURT ANNOUNCEME Legals Special Notices Free Novenas Beauty Shops Cards of Thanks In Memoriam Lost and Found Instruction Personals Memorials Funeral Director REAL ESTATE Homes for Sale Property and Lo Farms, Land Business Prop. Lake Prop. Real Estate Wai Camps Mobile Homes d REAL ESTATE Motels Apartments Fur Apartments Unf Homes Mobile Homes Mobile Home L< Farms, Land Business Prop. Suburban Lake Out of State Pr( Rooms With Bo Rooms Without Garages Wanted to Rent MERCHANDIS Auctions Antiques Household Goc Garage Sales Radio and Tele\ Computers E) FoundE CALL 56 Mort Walker Beetle Bailey PAI3IES ARE MOMS FAVORITE FLOWER THIS IS WAR, BEETLE.^ MOVE IT/MOVE IT/< CALL 561Vh t" *A>V (• -',ik-S v? ^ r* Jeff MacNelly Shoe Name _ Address. NEFIT u 1-900-484-7827 \ W MEM MARKET G Or try Eugenia Last's website at: Mike Peters Mother Goose and Grimm D Your Horoscope Press-Republican |B O S S ElSHElMlMiA N T U.N|EPJT|E|A|R h~ LlElAlN O|Nl|HlA|R|D !Q|A!L|LISHD|A|M|T!E E|L LJAMHIAINIDII IN A|PIR1 IICIQIBINII Tfr LMA|R[ETA|MM R!E A|T|L!YIIT!R1A!M A K|E|SUT]B|O|N|E A R I AMARAQE D, E NSIERASES I 1 D G|EBM|A|N]T|L|E c Saturday's Answer 16 Mine rocks 21 Poe poem 22Moneybox 23 Steered clear of 24 Hitchcock classic 25 Hearts or clubs 27 Inside info, in slang 29 Milking seat 30 Bring together 31 Spanish boys 32 Perfume 36 Part of RSVP u 1" Hi 30 31 32 37 1-5 Q: I have had severe burning for one year. I have had Xrays for a kidney stone, numerous blood tests, and urine cultures. DR. PAUL G . D O N A H U E My doctor's ASK THE DOCTOR diagnosis is • prostatitis. I have taken antibiotics for half a year and still have the problem. Any thoughts? A: For a gland no larger than a walnut, the prostate can cause big troubles. Prostatitis Acute prostatitis is ushered in with severe pain, fever, chills and frequent, burning urination. You don't have acute prostatitis. Chronic prostatitis is a smoldering infection of the gland, like a fire whose ashes will not go out. It is painful, but not to the degree that acute prostatitis is. After prostate massage, bacteria causing chronic prostatitis can be identified, and appropriate antibiotics given. Treatment might take many months, for antibiotics do not penetrate the prostate gland well. Non-bacterial prostatitis is a real treatment challenge. Fluid obtained after prostate massage shows no bacteria, only white blood cells. Soaking in a hot tub of water, taking anti-inflammatory medicines Prostatodynia brings on a nagging, persistent pain in the region of the gland. It's the most baffling of all prostatitis conditions. No bacteria or white cells are found in prostate fluid after gland massage. Hytrin, a drug that relaxes bladder muscles has brought a degree of relief to some patients. I'm sending you my "Prostate Problems" report. Readers can order a copy by writing: Dr. Donohue; No. 26, Box 5539, Riverton, NJ 08077-5539. Enclose $3 and a self-addressed, stamped (55 cents) No. 10 envelope. Q: I have small and large moles all over my back. Is there something to get rid of them? A; A mole is a noncancerous skin tumor filled with pigment cells. Most are no larger than a pencil eraser. . Moles vary in size, shape and surface texture, but each individual mole tends to retain the same dimensions, color and shape throughout life. What makes moles more than a cosmetic nuisance is the possibility that one or another might be the most vicious kind of skin cancer: malignant melanoma. Enlarging moles, those of more than one color and moles with an irregular border are cancer suspects and should be examined by a doctor. Someone with more than 50 moles should consult an expert as well, for the risk of melanoma is greatly increased when there is a large number of them. STUDIES SHOW THAT MARRIED MEN LIVE LONGS?. City Phone _ Please start my GUARANTEED an additional 1C FREE guarante Sorry, no refunc LIMIT - ONE IT employment ad Lynn Johnston For Better or for Worse SO, V IK 6CHOOL MOU1.THEHOOSE- FEELS 5 0 • UlEMTIo PARISTHISVEAR.IT UJflfe VERV STRPlrAQE, N O T HftVlNA HIM , VE&. NO KIDS, HftRD TO SET EXCITED CHRISTMAS. U)E BlV A LOT FOR T H E DOG. DEADLINE PRESS-REPU LINE ADS: For For For LEGAL ADVER1 HOME! UNE ADS: Dea< PRESS-EXTRA 11:1 BUSMESSHOU Ma Sat ADVWnSWGI Oui toh Falk & Barry; The Phantom GIVE US JOOMKAR'S CROWN OR WE'LL KILL — HERE. 'THE CROWN AT LAST/ THE RE5T OF „ ,„ STUFF t/.SMORP?TIWSH.J . m mu De of Pn ap a InC m All BOX NUMBER Tft CAHCBLATOI 5H,tKlNB ARTHUR'S SWORP,, CLeOMTRA '5 ASP Tu< Me Bud Blake Su CORRECTIONS Pk pie KE(2 MA.IU$... av, iss Sn All ao Dt CltM by Kta F H » i Oyixtaut. he Wort) nom nMiw). The Pres
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