Learn How to Create gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms Genius.com, Inc. 2400 Broadway St #130 Redwood City, CA 94063 1-888-6-GENIUS (1-888-643-6487), Option 2 +1-650-212-2050, Option 2 info@genius.com support@genius.com gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms ii Contents 1 What is Genius? 1 2 Getting Started 2 3 Genius gURL Campaigns 3 4 Genius Landing Page Designer 12 5 Genius Web to Lead Forms 32 Additional Genius Resources 38 Contact and Support Information 39 SalesGenius Users Guide gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 1 1 What is Genius? Our E-mail Marketing solutions includes powerful lead capture and ground-breaking marketing activity tracking. Marketers can easily build and deploy Web to Lead forms to capture conversions from all activities, including social media outreach. Using the Genius URL shortener, any activity including social media outreach is tracked through conversion, so marketers know which campaigns are the most effective in producing leads and opportunities. Once leads are known, follow up is a snap with Genius. Genius meets the needs of Marketing & Sales teams by providing the following marketing and social media solutions: • Point and Click Web to Lead form creation • Triggered Response • Multichannel Tracking • Social Media Marketing • Landing Page Creation and Hosting Genius lets you know about all new lead/ contact activity through social media outreach right on your Genius home page. gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 2 2 Getting Started To begin using the Genius service, simply login with your e-mail address and password. Make sure you check the “Don’t log me out when idle” checkbox. This should prevent you from getting bumped off if you’re taking a little more time to work on features like templates and SmartGroups, or if you’re performing other Genius tasks. If you have a marketing profile, you’ll see a screen like the one shown below. You can get a quick view of new lead/contact and e-mail activity from the interactive charts. You also can quickly link to marketing and sales reports as well as other Genius resources. Chapter 2 Getting Started gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 3 3 Genius gURL Campaigns Genius lets you attract and engage with your customers and leads/contacts by creating, tracking and measuring social media campaigns. Genius’ URL shortener (“gURL™” for short) is specifically designed to track both structured marketing campaigns and ad-hoc socialmedia interaction. gURLs enable any social media participant in a Genius customer organization to include trackable links in their Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media posts. Creating gURL Campaigns To use Genius social marketing features, you must create a campaign. 1. Select “gURL Campaigns” from the “Marketing” menu option. Or, select “gURL Campaigns” from the Additional Reports section of your home page. This will launch the gURL Campaigns page, where you can either create a new campaign or access current ones. Chapter 3 Genius gURL Campaigns gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 4 NOTE: The “Type” column lists the type of social media targeted for each particular campaign. You can design your campaign around Twitter, Google Adwords, Facebook, blogs and other types of social media. 2. Click the “Create Campaign’’ button. This will launch the gURL Campaign Editor, as shown in the next step. 3. Type in a meaningful name in the appropriate field so you can track your campaign. 4. Type in a “Destination URL.” In the example above, this is the URL where a white paper can be found. This URL will be shortened into a gURL that can be tracked. 5. Select a “Lead Source” from the drop-down list. 6. Select an “Owner” from the list. It defaults to your name. Chapter 3 Genius gURL Campaigns gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 5 7. Type in additional information in the fields provided. These are optional fields that let you describe your gURL campaign to distinguish it from other campaigns. You can also include start and end dates. 8. Uncheck the “Active” box to designate the gURL campaign status as inactive. The default is “Active.” 9. Click the “Save” button. This launches a pop-up window that displays your new shortened, trackable URL, or gURL. 10.Click “OK” to return to the gURL Campaign Editor. Notice that your new gURL is displayed under the gURL Campaign Information heading. You can now embed this gURL in a Twitter or blog post, behind Google Adwords for search marketing, or anywhere you want to place a trackable link. Chapter 3 Genius gURL Campaigns gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 6 Genius encodes your shortened URL so it can be tracked when customers or prospective customers click through. Someone may have been previously following your company on Twitter, but once they click the link, they’re assigned a cookie in their browser that Genius can track. Genius can then also track clicks to other pages on your website, giving you a sense of their level of interest. Later on, if the prospective customer Googles your company, a search result will appear. The example below shows a sponsored link, which is an ad that appears at the top of the search results page. Clicking on the link takes that person to a form where they can enter their information and download the items mentioned in your Twitter post. Chapter 3 Genius gURL Campaigns gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 7 When the prospective customer fills out and submits the form, that person makes themselves known to Genius, and Genius captures that lead/contact. Now that lead/contact can be tracked within the Genius service. The next chapter will explain in more detail how to create Web to Lead forms in Genius. Viewing gURL Campaign Reports Genius lets you view details such as the number of people who clicked on the gURL, the first and latest clicks, and a list of the people who became gURL campaign members by filling out a Web to Lead form. Click “View” to launch a Campaign Report page for a particular campaign. Chapter 3 Genius gURL Campaigns gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 8 As shown on the right, the gURL Campaign report displays relevant information for this particular campaign, including useful statistics that let you see how it’s progressing. Clicking the “Export” button sends information to an Excel file that allows you to view the IP addresses of the people who did not identify themselves by filling out the form. Also, the Excel file shows the dates and times they accessed your site. Clicking a “View” link in the Contact History lets you see more detailed information about an individual campaign member. Remember, gURL Campaign Members are those individuals whose information Genius captured when they filled out a Web to Lead form. Chapter 3 Genius gURL Campaigns gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 9 The Contact History page below shows how Genius tracked the anonymous click path that led this person to eventually fill out the form. Chapter 3 Genius gURL Campaigns gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 10 Creating the Custom Domain for gURLs The steps in this section describe how to administer your DNS (Domain Name System) to make it compatible with the Genius service. DNS translates domain names (e.g., www. genius.com, www.yourcompany.com) into IP addresses. If you are an administrator for your DNS, follow the steps below to create the custom domain for gURLS. Customer-side Steps 1. Administer the DNS for your domain. 2. Add a Zone Record to your domain. Chapter 3 Genius gURL Campaigns gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 11 3. Select “CNAME (alias)” from the Record Type menu. 4. a. Add the alias that will be in front of the domain. This should be something short and not already used as an alias on the domain. We’ve entered “gurl” in the example below, but it can be something as simple as “a,” “b,” “g” or “z,” or some other short or meaningful text string. b. Add “gurl.im” as the domain the alias will point to. Genius-side Steps Edit the Team. Add the alias (“gurl.pandapartners.com” in the example above) to the “custom gurl domain” field on the team record. Do not enter “http” into the field, just the custom domain alias/string. Chapter 3 Genius gURL Campaigns gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 12 4 Genius Landing Page Designer A landing page is a dedicated page you send people to via pay-per-click advertisements (PPC), promos on your website, social media or organic search. These pages can also host Web to Lead forms. A well-designed landing page can increase conversion dramatically. We have some tips on our blog on how to design and optimize your landing pages. Creating landing pages in Genius is a three-step processs, and our landing page designer gives you maximum design control. Simply drag boxes, text, web to lead forms, buttons and social media buttons and drop them where ever they need to go on the page. Customize your landing page using the Genius inspector, with its easy-to-use sliders and color pickers. Changing the layout and formatting, including fonts and colors, can be accomplished in seconds. You can also customize the landing page link using vanity (c-name) URL technology to represent your own company branding. You can also create and manage your own landing page templates. Simply upload your template and define which regions can be edited, removed or styled with the editor. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 13 Launching the Landing Page Designer The Landing Page Designer is accessed by clicking “Landing Page Center” under the “Marketing” tab. The first thing you’ll see are the pre-designed templates, as shown below. This is a growing library of templates we have built to give you a quick starting point for your campaigns. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 14 Launching Templates When you hover your mouse over a template, it becomes selectable. Click on the template to launch it. The example below shows a template launched for editing. The Design Lab objects on the right, such as the inspector, expand and allow you to customize the page. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 15 Editing Templates The dashed lines around elements on the template are editable regions. If you hover over certain editable regions, a pop-up box appears which gives you the option of editing that region. Click on the pop-up box to edit the content in the HTML Editor window, as shown below. The HTML Editor allows you to write and format text with familiar editing tools. You can also add images, links, tables, mail merge fields as well as edit the actual HTML. You can even use the tools to paste text from programs like Microsoft Word. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 16 Click “Accept Changes” in the HTML Editor to save your edits. Your changes are reflected immediately in the template. If you scroll down the template page, you’ll notice many editable regions that you can customize or even delete. Editing with the Design Lab inspector You can select and inspect areas of the page for height, background color or other attributes. Click on an area to inspect it. Once an area is selected, it becomes highlighted with a red outline. Also, the inspector panel opens up on the right. The inspector panel allows you to change certain visual elements without knowing HTML or CSS. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 17 You can change the height, background color, border color and border style of a highlighted region by editing the attributes in the inspector panel. The border thickness and corners can be adjusted with the sliders. You can also change images and their attributes in the inspector panel. Select the image to highlight it, then either browse for a new image or change the height and width of the existing image. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 18 Adding New Content Sections to a Page You can add boxes, text, images, Web to Lead forms, custom HTML, buttons and social media button with the tools in the Design Lab. Click the “tools” object on the right to open up this panel. Adding elements is a simple drag and drop operation. Read the sections that follow for instructions on using these tools. Adding boxes Click the “Add Box” tool to add an editable region on the page. Nest, just drag and drop it where you’d like it go. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 19 After adding a box, you can click to drag it anywhere on the page. You can also resize it by dragging on its borders, or delete it by clicking the “x” in the top-left corner. Click on the box to open the inspector panel, which allows you to further customize the box. The “Send to Back” button allows you to place the box behind other elements. Notice that you can also adjust the transparency with the slider if you want to create a semiopaque effect. Adding text Click the “Add Text” tool and drag it on the page. After dropping the text box on the page, click it to open up the HTML Editor. Add and format your text in the editor, then save it to add it to the page. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 20 Adding images Click the “Add Image” tool and drag it on the page where you want to add an image. Next, browse for an image in your image library, as shown below on the right. The library contains design assets you can upload and store in the Genius service. It allows you to access the same images used in your e-mails, which is important for maintaining a consistent look and feel across campaigns. Right-click to select an image. It will be inserted onto the page. The examples on the right show the Genius logo in the image library and after it has been added to the page. After adding your image, you can re-size by dragging the borders. You can also delete it by clicking the “x” in the topleft corner. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 21 Adding Web to Lead Forms Any Web to Lead Form created in the Genius service can be easily added to Landing Pages. Click the “Add Web2L” tool and drag it on the page where you want to add the form. A popup box appears that allows you to search for and select a specific form. Click “Add” to add it to the page. NOTE: If you’re a Salesforce.com user, these form fields link to Salesforce automatically. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 22 Adding Custom HTML If there is something you or your designer like to add that isn’t already present in our drag-and-drop interface, we’ve included an “Add Custom HTML” tool. This can be especially useful if you’d like to include YouTube or Vimeo videos on your landing pages. Click “Add Custom HTML” and drag it onto the page. A pop-up box appears that allows you to add your HTML. Once added to the page, it can be edited, deleted or customized with the inspector. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 23 Adding Buttons You can add pre-styled buttons to the page with the “Add Button” tool. This can be useful if you’d like to direct people to a sign-up page, for example. Simply drag and drop a button onto the page. A pop-up box appears that allows you to add button text and a link. Once added to the page, it can be edited, deleted or customized with the inspector. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 24 Adding Social Buttons You can easily add links to your Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter accounts with the “Add Social Button” tool. Simply drag and drop the object onto the page. A pop-up box appears that allows you to add links to your accounts. Once added to the page, it can be edited, deleted or customized with the inspector. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 25 Editing basic styles If you’d like to change the overall style of the page, click on “basic styles” in the Design Lab. You can adjust the font to match your branding, and we’ve included a long list of font sets to choose from. You can also change the background color of the entire page by selecting a different color. These changes are applied universally across the page. Editing the page title If you’d like to customize your page title and description for SEO purposes, we’ve included a “page info” section in the Design Lab. Click to expand the section, then add your information. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 26 Using the Design Grid A useful feature for precise layout is the design grid. It lets you align elements on the page with an overlaid grid. Click to turn this feature on or off. Managing Images Another useful feature is the “manage images” link at the top of the page. Click to access and manage your image library. Saving Your Work Genius saves your progress every 15 seconds, so you don’t have to worry about losing your work. Also, the “Save and Close” button below the inspector can be clicked at any time. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 27 Accessing Your Saved Landing Pages Once your landing page is saved, you can access it anytime by retuning to the Landing Page Center (“Marketing” > “Landing Page Center”). Click “my drafts” to access all of your landing pages. You can edit any of your landing pages by selecting them. Publishing Landing Pages Once your landing page is ready to go live, click the “Publish” button associated with it. Follow the steps on the next page to continue. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 28 Next, click to confirm that you want to publish the page. After clicking the “I’m Sure” button, your page is available to the public and ready to use in a campaign. You can access all of your published pages under “published” in the Landing Page Center, as shown below on the right. Click on a published page to view it in a browser window. Click “unpublish” if the page will no longer be used. After publishing a landing page, it’s ready to use in a campaign. Simply copy the link in the browser window and place it in a Genius e-mail to get your campaign up and running. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 29 Creating Your Own Templates We’ve made it easy if you want to create landing page template that matches your own branding and design aesthetics. To start, click “new template” in the Landing Page Center. You’ll have two panes for designing your template: “HTML” and “Preview.” There are some required classes that are described on the right that enable some landing page features. geditable defines the drag and drop region. editable defines whether your text can be edited in the visual editor. selectable defines whether you can use the inspector pane (width, height, border, etc). Inserting HTML You can drop in your own HTML, or you can use the “load boilerplate” button at the bottom. The example on the right shows the boilerplate HTML, which is a basic landing page that you can further customize. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 30 Previewing the template If you click on the “Preview” tab, you can see what your page looks like. The example below shows the boilerplate HTML in preview mode. Editing and approving the template If you click the “Save & Close” button, you’ll be taken back to the Landing Page Center, where you can view your new template under “template drafts.” You can either edit the draft by clicking on it, or “approve” it and make it available as a landing page. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 31 Editing approved templates Approved template are accessed under “My templates in the Landing Page Center. This template can now be edited in the Landing Page Editor like any Genius pre-designed template, as shown below. Chapter 4 Genius Landing Page Designer gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 32 5 Genius Web to Lead Forms Leads/contact capture only happens after someone fills out a Web to Lead form. Think of the form as a bridge between who remains anonymous and who becomes a campaign member. Genius lets you design Web to Lead forms that you can include in your marketing campaigns. Once you’ve created your form, it’s easy to generate the form’s HTML so you can place it on your company’s website. Creating Web to Lead Forms To access the form editor, first select “Web to Lead Forms” under the “Marketing” in the main menu. Or, select “Web to Lead Forms” in the Additional Reports section of your Genius home page. Both options will take you to the Web to Lead Forms page, as shown on the next page. Chapter 5 Genius Web to Lead Forms gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 33 The Web to Lead Forms page displays all of the forms created within Genius. The search function allows you to filter for specific forms. The “Export” button lets you transfer the data to an Excel file which you can then download. The “Show:” menu lets you filter for “All,” “Active,” and “Archived” forms. 1. Click the orange button to create a new Web to Lead form. This will launch the editor, as shown in the next step. 2. Type in your information in the appropriate fields. Give your form a name, an owner and a new lead/contact owner (if it isn’t you). Also include a URL which will be the landing page after someone successfully completes the form. 3. Choose an “Auto-response E-mail” from the drop-down list. This is simply the e-mail that you’d like Genius to send to everyone who completes the form. You can choose “None” if you prefer. You can also create a new e-mail by clicking on the link. Chapter 5 Genius Web to Lead Forms gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 34 4. Select a “New Lead Owner” from the drop-down list if you want to change it to someone other than yourself. 5. Select the appropriate “De-duplication” option, as shown above. This determines what information you want to update if someone is already in your lead/contact database. The default is the “On” option. You are also given three overwrite options. Think about your use case when choosing among these options; the “Only insert...” option is the default and is the most conservative of the three choices. 6. Click the “+” and “-” signs to add or delete input fields. When you add these fields, think about the specific information you will want to capture from your leads/contacts. The drop-downs let you choose from a list of many standard and custom fields. Chapter 5 Genius Web to Lead Forms gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 35 7. Reorder your fields by mousing over the four horizontal bars associated with the field you’d like to move. Simply drag the field up or down to put it where you want it. 8. Select from the options in the Hidden Fields drop-down lists. These fields are visible to you, but not the site visitor. Hidden fields are edited in the same way as non-hidden fields, and they are useful if you want to assign points based on someone filling out the Web to Lead form or if you want to assign a lead source. You can add or delete hidden fields by clicking on the “+” or “-” signs. Chapter 5 Genius Web to Lead Forms gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 36 9. Enter any other descriptive information about your form that you’d like to include. 10.Click one of the “Save” options. These options are described below. Previewing displays a very simple web page with your form, as shown on the immediate right. Choose “Save and Generate HTML” if you want the page to go to production. The example on the far right shows sample code. Copy the HTML and forward it to your web team so they can create the form page on you website. Chapter 5 Genius Web to Lead Forms gURL Campaigns, Landing Pages and Web-to-Lead Forms 37 Web to Lead Form Reports Once you publish your form, you can go back and check for activity such as conversions. Select your campaign from the Web to Leads Forms page (“Marketing” > “Web to Lead Forms”) and click the “View” link on either a form editor page or the Web to Lead Forms page. This launches a report for that form, as shown below. Notice that the Web to Lead Form Report displays conversion numbers as well as date and time information for the first and latest conversions. Also, you can pull up the Contact History for a particular member by clicking on a “View” link. Chapter 5 Genius Web to Lead Forms Additional Genius Resources Genius help is always only a click away. Just click the “Help” link at the top of any page, then select whether you have a Salesforce or non-Salesforce connected account to access the Genius Help Center. The Genius Help Center provides a large selection of resources, including FAQs, tutorials, user’s guides as well as information on upcoming webinars. Use the search tool to quickly find information. Of course, live help is always available if you need it. Contact and Support Information Genius.com, Inc. 2400 Broadway St #130 Redwood City, CA 94063 1-888-6-GENIUS (1-888-643-6487), Option 2 +1-650-212-2050, Option 2 info@genius.com support@genius.com
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