How to Keep Your Neighbours in Order Conor McBride University of Strathclyde Abstract 1. so : ∀{X } → 2 → Maybe X → Maybe X so tt mx = mx = no so ff Introduction It has taken years to see what was under my nose. I have been experimenting with ordered container structures for a long time [McBride(2000)]: how to keep lists ordered, how to keep binary search trees ordered, how to flatten the latter to the former. Recently, the pattern common to the structures and methods I had often found effective became clear to me. Let me tell you about it. Patterns are, of course, underarticulated abstractions. Correspondingly, let us construct a universe of container-like datatypes ensuring that elements are in increasing order, good for intervals, ordered lists, binary search trees, and more besides. 2. record Σ (S : Set) (T : S → Set) : Set where constructor , field π1 : S π2 : T π1 open Σ infixr 5 , × : Set → Set → Set S ×T = ΣS λ → T infixr 5 × ◦ : {A : Set} {B : A → Set} {C : (a : A) → B a → Set} (f : {a : A} (b : B a) → C a b) (g : (a : A) → B a) → (a : A) → C a (g a) (f ◦ g) x = f (g x ) infixr 3 ◦ id : {A : Set} → A → A id a = a → ˙ : {I : Set} → (I → Set) → (I → Set) → I → Set (F → ˙ G) i = F i → G i infixr 2 → ˙ [ ] : {I : Set} → (I → Set) → Set [F ] = ∀{i } → F i Preliminaries data 0 : Set where record 1 : Set where constructor hi data 2 : Set where tt ff : 2 ¬ : 2 → 2 ¬ tt = ff ¬ ff = tt if then else : {X : Set} → 2 → X → X → X if tt then t else f = t if ff then t else f = f infix 1 if then else So : 2 → Set So tt = 1 So ff = 0 data + (S T : Set) : Set where / : S → S +T . : T → S +T infixr 4 + data Maybe (X : Set) : Set where yes : X → Maybe X no : Maybe X Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. c ACM [to be supplied]. . . $5.00 Copyright 3. Searching for Search Trees (and Barking up the Wrong One) David Turner [Turner(1987)] notes that whilst quicksort is often cited as a program which defies structural recursion, it performs the same sorting algorithm (although not with the same memory usage pattern) as building a binary search tree and then flattening it. The irony is completed by noting that the latter sorting algorithm is the archetype of structural recursion in Rod Burstall’s development of the concept [Burstall(1969)]. Binary search trees have empty leaves and nodes labelled with elements which act like pivots in quicksort: the left subtree stores elements which precede the pivot in the order, the right subtree elements which follow it. Surely this invariant is crying out to be captured in a dependent type! Let us search for a type for search trees. We could, of course, choose to define binary search trees as ordinary node-labelled trees with parameter P giving the type of pivots: data Tree : Set where leaf : Tree node : Tree → P → Tree → Tree We might then introduce the invariant as a predicate IsBST : Tree → Set. We could then implement insertion in our usual way, and then prove separately that our program maintains the invariant. However, the joy of dependently typed programming is that working with refined types for the data themselves can often alleviate and sometimes obviate the burden of proof. Let us try to bake the invariant in. What should the type of a subtree tell us? If we want to check the invariant at a given node, we shall need some information about the subtrees which we might expect comes from their type. We require that the elements left of the pivot precede it, so we could require the whole set of those elements represented somehow, but of course, for any order worthy of the name, it suffices to check only the largest. Similarly, we shall need to know the smallest element of the right subtree. It would seem that we need the type of a search tree to tell us its extreme elements (or that it is empty). data STRange : Set where ∅ : STRange − : P → P → STRange infix 9 − From checking the invariant to enforcing it. Assuming we can test the order on P with some le : P → P → 2, we could write a recursive function to check whether a Tree is a valid search tree and compute its range: The So function maps tt to 1 and ff to 0, requiring that the tests on left and right ranges succeed. When a test passes, Agda can infer the value hi, hence we may safely leave this evidence implicit. If a test fails, Agda will complain that it cannot synthesize the implicit argument, for a very good reason! Attempting to implement insertion. Now that each binary search tree tells us its type, can we implement insertion? Rod Burstall’s implementation is as follows insert : P → Tree → Tree insert y leaf = node leaf y leaf insert y (node lt p rt) = if le y p then node (insert y lt) p rt else node lt p (insert y rt) but we shall have to try a little harder to give a type to insert, as we must somehow negotiate the ranges. If we are inserting a new extremum, then the output range will be wider than the input range. oRange : STRange → P → STRange oRange ∅ y = y −y oRange (l − u) y = if le y l then y − u else if le u y then l − y else l − u So, we have the right type for our data and for our program. Surely the implementation will go like clockwork! insert : ∀{r } y → BST r → BST (oRange r y) insert y leaf = node leaf y leaf insert y (node lt p rt) = if le y p then (node (insert y lt) p rt) valid : Tree → Maybe STRange valid leaf = yes ∅ valid (node l p r ) with valid l | valid r ... | yes ∅ | yes ∅ = yes (p − p) ... | yes ∅ | yes (c − d ) = so (le p c) (yes (p − d )) ... | yes (a − b) | yes ∅ = so (le b p) (yes (a − p)) ... | yes (a − b) | yes (c − d ) = so (le b p) (so (le p c) (yes (a − d ))) | = no ... | else (node lt p (insert y rt)) The leaf case checks easily, but alas for node! We have lt : BST l and rt : BST r for some ranges l and r . The then branch delivers a BST (rOut (oRange l y) p r ), but the type required is BST (oRange (rOut l p r ) y), so we need some theorem-proving to fix the types, let alone to discharge the As valid is a fold over the structure of Tree, we can follow my obligation So (lOK (oRange l y) p). Of course, we could plough colleagues Bob Atkey, Neil Ghani and Patricia Johann in computon, despite the slough of proof, and force this definition through, ing the partial refinement [Atkey et al.(2012)Atkey, Johann, and Ghani] but I have had enough and so have you! of Tree which valid induces. We seek a type BST : STRange → We have written a datatype definition which is logically correct Set such that BST r ∼ = {t : Tree | valid t = yes r } and we find but which is pragmatically disastrous. Is it thus inevitable that all it by refining the type of each constructor of Tree with the check datatype definitions which enforce the ordering invariant will be performed by the corresponding case of valid, assuming that the pragmatically disastrous? Or are there lessons we can learn about subtrees yielded valid ranges. We can calculate the conditions to dependently typed programming that will help us to do better? check and the means to compute the output range if successful. lOK : STRange → P → 2 lOK ∅ p = tt lOK ( − u) p = le u p rOK : P → STRange → 2 rOK p ∅ = tt rOK p (l − ) = le p l rOut : STRange → P → STRange → STRange rOut ∅ p∅ = p −p rOut ∅ p ( − u) = p − u = l −p rOut (l − ) p ∅ rOut (l − ) ( − u) = l − u We thus obtain the following refinement from Tree to BST: data BST : STRange → Set where leaf : BST ∅ node : ∀{l r } → BST l → (p : P ) → BST r → { : So (lOK l p)} → { : So (rOK p r )} → BST (rOut l p r ) 4. Why Measure When You Can Require? In the previous section, we got the wrong answer because we asked the wrong question: “What should the type of a subtree tell us?” somewhat presupposes that information bubbles outward from subtrees to the nodes which contain them. As functional programmers in Milner’s tradition, we are used to synthesizing the type of a thing. Moreover, the very syntax we use for data declarations treats the index delivered from each constructor as some sort of output. It seems natural to take datatype indices as some sort of measure of the data, which is all very well for the length of a vector, but when the measurement is computationally intricate, as in the case of computing a search tree’s extrema, programming becomes vexed by the need to prove theorems about the measuring functions. The presence of ‘green slime’—defined functions in the return types of constructors—is a danger sign in type design. We can, however, take an alternative view of types, not as synthesized measurements of data, bubbled outward, but as checked requirements of data, pushed inward. To enforce the invariant, let us rather ask the question “What should we tell the type of a subtree?”. The elements of the left subtree must precede the pivot in the order; those of the right must follow it. Correspondingly, our requirements on a subtree amount to an interval in which its elements must fall. As any element can find a place somewhere in a search tree, we shall need to consider unbounded intervals also. We can extend any type with top and bottom elements as follows. data > ⊥ (P : Set) : Set where > : P> ⊥ > # : P → P⊥ ⊥ : P> ⊥ Correspondingly, we can extend the order, putting > at the top and ⊥ at the bottom. > ⊥ : ∀{P } → > le > ⊥ le > ⊥ (#x ) (#y) le > ⊥ ⊥ le > ⊥ > (P → P → 2) → P> ⊥ → P⊥ → 2 = tt = le x y = tt = ff We can now index search trees by a pair of loose bounds, not measuring the range of the contents exactly, but constraining it sufficiently. At each node, we can require that the pivot falls in the interval, then use the pivot to bound the subtrees. data BST (l u : P> ⊥ ) : Set where leaf : BST l u > node : (p : P ) → So (le > ⊥ l (#p)) → So (le ⊥ (#p) u) → BST l (#p) → BST (#p) u → BST l u In doing so, we eliminate all the ‘green slime’ from the indices of the type. The leaf constructor now has many types, indicating all its elements satisfy any requirements. We also gain BST ⊥ > as the general type of binary search trees for P . Can we implement insert for this definition? We can certainly give it a rather cleaner type. When we insert a new element into the left subtree of a node, we must ensure that it precedes the pivot: that is, we expect insertion to preserve the bounds of the subtree, and we should already know that the new element falls within them. We can now learn by testing: the then branch has a type which is reassuringly distinct from that of the else branch, and both are more informative than the target type, X . We have made a little progress: insert y ly yu (node p lp pu lt rt) = if le y p then (λ yp → node p lp pu (insert y ly yp lt) rt) else (λ py → node p lp pu lt (insert y py yu rt)) However, we are now defeated by the fact that py : So (¬ (le y p)), which is not the evidence we need for ?1 . For any given total ordering, we should be able to fix this up by proving a theorem, but this is still more work that I enjoy. The trouble is that we couched our definition in terms of the truth of bits computed in a particular way, rather than the ordering relation. Let us now tidy up this detail. 5. One Way Or The Other We can recast our definition in terms of relations—families of sets Rel P Rel : Set → Set1 Rel P = P × P → Set giving us types which directly make statements about elements of P , rather than about bits. Let us suppose we have some ‘less or equal’ ordering relation L : Rel P . For natural numbers, we can define LN : Rel N LN (x, y) = x ≤ y where ≤ : N → N → Set 0 ≤y = 1 suc x ≤ 0 = 0 suc x ≤ suc y = x ≤ y The information we shall need just corresponds to the totality of L: for any given x and y, L must hold one way or the other. For N, we may define owoto : ∀x y → LN (x, y) + LN (y, x ) owoto 0 0 = / hi owoto 0 (suc y) = / hi owoto (suc x ) 0 = . hi owoto (suc x ) (suc y) = owoto x y > insert : ∀{l u } y → So (le > ⊥ l (#y)) → So (le ⊥ (#y) u) → using only mechanical case-splitting and proof search. BST l u → BST l u Any such ordering relation on elements lifts readily to bounds. insert y ly yu leaf = node y ly yu leaf leaf > > insert y ly yu (node p lp pu lt rt) = ⊥ : ∀{P } → Rel P → Rel P⊥ > L⊥ ( , >) = 1 if le y p then node p lp pu (insert y ly ?0 lt) rt L> ⊥ (#x, #y) = L (x, y) else node p lp pu lt (insert y ?1 yu rt) L> = 1 ⊥ (⊥ , ) We have no need to repair type errors by theorem proving, and L> ( , ) = 0 ⊥ most of our proof obligations follow directly from our assumptions. Moreover, we obtain a notion of interval—a set of elements within Working interactively, we can use Agda’s proof search helper, given bounds. Agsy, to fill them in for us. Our only outstanding goals are • : ∀{P } → Rel P → Rel P> ⊥ ?0 : So (le y p) -- in the then branch • > L (l, u) = Σ λ p → L> ⊥ (l, #p) × L⊥ (#p, u) ?1 : So (le p y) -- in the else branch Let us then parametrize over some The first of these is the very thing our conditional expression has owoto : ∀x y → L x y + L y x found to be true! We could choose to work with an evidenceproducing version of if. and reorganise our development. if then else : ∀{X (So b → X ) → if tt then t else f = if ff then t else f = : Set} b → (So (¬ b) → X ) → X t hi f hi > data BST (lu : P> ⊥ × P⊥ ) : Set where leaf : BST lu > node : (p : P ) → L> ⊥ (π1 lu, #p) → L⊥ (#p, π2 lu) → BST (π1 lu, #p) → BST (#p, π2 lu) → BST lu insert : [L• → ˙ BST → ˙ BST] insert (y, ly, yu) leaf = node y ly yu leaf leaf insert (y, ly, yu) (node p lp pu lt rt) with owoto y p ... | / yp = node p lp pu (insert (y, ly, yp) lt) rt ... | . py = node p lp pu lt (insert (y, py, yu) rt) The evidence generated by testing owoto y p is just what is needed to enable insertion in the appropriate subtree. We have found a method which seems to work! However, I fear we should not get too excited. 6. We have arrived at a neat way to keep a search tree in order, storing pivot elements at nodes and ordering evidence in leaves. Phew! But it is only the end of the beginning. To complete our sorting algorithm, we need to flatten binary search trees to ordered lists. Are we due another long story about the discovery of a good definition of the latter? Fortunately not! The key idea is that an ordered list is just a particularly badly balanced binary search tree, where every left subtree is a leaf. We can nail that down in short order, just by inlining leaf’s data in the left subtree of node, yielding a sensible cons. The Importance of Local Knowledge Our current representation of an ordered tree with n elements contains 2n pieces of ordering evidence, which is n − 1 too many. We should need only n + 1 proofs, relating the lower bound to the least element, then comparing neighbours all the way along to the greatest element (one per element, so far) which must then fall below the upper bound (so, one more). As things stand, the pivot at the root is known to be greater than every element in the right spine of its left subtree and less than every element in the left spine of its right subtree. If the tree was built by iterated insertion, these comparisons will surely have happened, but that does not mean we should retain the information. Suppose, for example, that we want to rotate a tree, perhaps to keep it balanced, then we have a little problem: rotater : [BST → ˙ BST] rotater (node p lp pu (node m lm mp lt mt) rt) = node m lm ?2 lt (node p mp pu mt rt) rotater t = t We have discarded the non-local ordering evidence lp : L> ⊥ l (#p), but now we need the non-local ?2 : L> ( # m) u and we do ⊥ not have it. Of course, we can prove this goal from mp and pu if we know that L is transitive, but if we want to make less work for ourselves, we should rather not demand non-local ordering evidence in the first place. Looking back at the type of node, note that the indices at which we demand ordering are the same as the indices at which we demand subtrees. If we strengthen the invariant on trees to ensure that there is a sequence of ordering steps from the lower to the upper bound, we could dispense with the sometimes non-local evidence stored in nodes, at the cost of a new constraint for leaf. > data BST (lu : P> ⊥ × P⊥ ) : Set where leaf : L> lu → BST lu ⊥ node : (p : P ) → BST (π1 lu, #p) → BST (#p, π2 lu) → BST lu Indeed, a binary tree with n nodes will have n+1 leaves. An inorder traversal of a binary tree is a strict alternation, leaf-node-leaf. . . -node-leaf, making a leaf the ideal place to keep the evidence that neighbouring nodes are in order! Insertion remains easy. insert : [L• → ˙ BST → ˙ BST] insert (y, ly, yu) (leaf ) = node y (leaf ly) (leaf yu) insert (y, ly, yu) (node p lt rt) with owoto y p ... | / yp = node p (insert (y, ly, yp) lt) rt ... | . py = node p lt (insert (y, py, yu) rt) Rotation becomes very easy, with not a proof in sight! rotater : [BST → ˙ BST] rotater (node p (node m lt mt) rt) = node m lt (node p mt rt) rotater t = t > data OList (lu : P> ⊥ × P⊥ ) : Set where > nil : L⊥ lu → OList lu cons : (p : P ) → L> ⊥ (π1 lu, #p) → OList (#p, π2 lu) → OList lu By figuring out how to build ordered binary search trees, we have actually discovered how to build all sorts of in-order data structures. We simply need to show how the data are build from particular patterns of BST components. So, rather than flattening binary search trees, let us pursue a generic account of in-order datatypes, then flatten them all. 7. Jansson and Jeuring’s PolyP Universe data JJ : Set where ‘R ‘P ‘1 : JJ ‘+ ‘× : JJ → JJ → JJ infixr 4 ‘+ infixr 5 ‘× J KJJ : JJ → Set → Set → Set J ‘R KJJ RP = R J ‘P KJJ RP = P J ‘1 KJJ RP = 1 J S ‘+ T KJJ R P = J S KJJ R P + J T KJJ R P J S ‘× T KJJ R P = J S KJJ R P × J T KJJ R P data µJJ (F : JJ) (P : Set) : Set where hi : J F KJJ (µJJ F P ) P → µJJ F P The ‘R stands for ‘recursive substructure’ and the ‘P stands for ‘parameter’—the type of elements stored in the container. When we ‘tie the knot’ in µJJ F P , we replace interpret F ’s ‘Ps by some actual P and its ‘Rs by µJJ F P . Being finitary and first-order, all of the containers in the JJ universe are traversable in the sense defined by Ross Paterson and myself [McBride and Paterson(2008)]. record Applicative (H : Set → Set) : Set1 where field pure : ∀{X } → X → H X ap : ∀{S T } → H (S → T ) → H S → H T open Applicative traverse : ∀{H F A B } → Applicative H → (A → H B ) → µJJ F A → H (µJJ F B ) traverse {H } {F } {A} {B } AH h t = go ‘R t where pu = pure AH ; ~ = ap AH go : ∀G → J G KJJ (µJJ F A) A → H (J G KJJ (µJJ F B ) B ) go ‘R h t i = pu hi ~ go F t go ‘P a = ha go ‘1 hi = pu hi go (S ‘+ T ) (/ s) = pu / ~ go S s go (S ‘+ T ) (. t) = pu . ~ go T t go (S ‘× T ) (s, t) = (pu , ~ go S s) ~ go T t We can specialise traverse to standard functorial map. idApp : Applicative (λ X → X ) idApp = record {pure = id; ap = id} map : ∀{F A B } → (A → B ) → µJJ F A → µJJ F B map = traverse idApp into a tree, preserving the substructure relationship. The method1 is to introduce a helper function, go, whose type separates G, the structure of the top node, from F the structure of recursive subnodes, allowing us to take the top node apart: we kick off with G = F. tree : ∀{P F } → µSO F P → µSO ‘Tree P tree {P } {F } h f i = go F f where go : ∀G → J J G KSO KJJ (µSO F P ) P → µSO ‘Tree P go ‘R f = tree f go ‘1 hi = h / hi i go (S ‘+ T ) (/ s) = go S s go (S ‘+ T ) (. t) = go T t go (S ‘∧ T ) (s, p, t) = h . (go S s, p, go T t) i We can equally well specialise traverse to a monoidal crush record Monoid (X : Set) : Set where field neutral : X combine : X → X → X open Monoid monApp : ∀{X } → Monoid X → Applicative (λ → X ) monApp m = record {pure = λ → neutral m; ap = combine All m } tree does is strip out the /s and .s corresponding to the choices offered by the input type and instead label the crush : ∀{P X F } → Monoid X → (P → X ) → µJJ F P structural → X void leaves / and the pivoted nodes .. Note well that a singleton crush m = traverse {B = 0} (monApp m) tree has void leaves as its left and right substructures, and hence that the inorder traversal is a strict alternation of leaves and pivots, Endofunctions on a given set form a monoid with respect to beginning with the leaf at the end of the left spine and ending with composition, which allows us a generic foldr-style operation. the leaf at the end of the right spine. As our tree function preserves compMon : ∀{X } → Monoid (X → X ) the leaf/pivot structure of its input, we learn that every datatype we compMon = record {neutral = id; combine = λ f g → f ◦ gcan } define in SO stores such an alternation of leaves and pivots. foldr : ∀{F A B } → (A → B → B ) → B → µJJ F A → B foldr f b t = crush compMon f t b 4 We can use foldr to build up B s from any structure containing As, given a way to ‘insert’ an A into a B , and an ‘empty’ B to start 2 8 with. 1 3 6 9 8. The Simple Orderable Universe The quicksort algorithm divides a sorting problem in two by partitioning about a selected pivot element the remaining data. Rendered as the process of building then flattening a binary search tree [Burstall(1969)], the pivot element clearly marks the upper bound of the lower subtree and the lower bound of the upper subtree, giving exactly the information required to guide insertion. We can require the presence of pivots between substructures by combining the parameter ‘P and pairing ‘× constructs of the PolyP universe into a single pivoting construct, ‘∧, with two substructures and a pivot in between. We thus acquire the simple orderable universe, SO, a subset of JJ picked out as the image of a function, J KSO . Now, P stands also for pivot! data SO : Set where ‘R ‘1 : SO ‘+ ‘∧ : SO → SO → SO infixr 5 ‘∧ J KSO : SO → JJ J ‘R KSO = ‘R J ‘1 KSO = ‘1 J S ‘+ T KSO = J S KSO ‘+ J T KSO J S ‘∧ T KSO = J S KSO ‘× ‘P ‘× J T KSO µSO : SO → Set → Set µSO F P = µJJ J F KSO P Let us give SO codes for structures we often order and bound: ‘List ‘Tree ‘Interval : SO ‘List = ‘1 ‘+ (‘1 ‘∧ ‘R) ‘Tree = ‘1 ‘+ (‘R ‘∧ ‘R) ‘Interval = ‘1 ‘∧ ‘1 Every data structure described by SO is a regulated variety of node-labelled binary trees. Let us check that we can turn anything 5 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 7 8 9 We are now in a position to roll out the “loose bounds” method to the whole of the SO universe. We need to ensure that each pivot is in order with its neighbours and with the outer bounds, and the alternating leaf/pivot structure gives us just what we need: let us store the ordering evidence at the leaves! > > J K≤ SO : SO → ∀{P } → Rel P⊥ → Rel P → Rel P⊥ ≤ J ‘R KSO R L lu = R lu J ‘1 K≤ R L lu = L> ⊥ lu SO ≤ ≤ J S ‘+ T KSO R L lu = J S K≤ SO R L lu + J T KSO R L lu ≤ J S ‘∧ T KSO R L (l, u) = Σ λ p → ≤ J S K≤ SO R L (l, #p) × J T KSO R L (#p, u) data µ≤ SO (F : SO) {P : Set} (L : Rel P ) > (lu : P> ⊥ × P⊥ ) : Set where ≤ ≤ hi : J F KSO (µSO F L) L lu → µ≤ SO F L lu We have shifted from sets to relations, in that our types are indexed by lower and upper bounds. The leaves demand evidence that the bounds are in order, whilst the nodes require the pivot first, then use it to bound the substructures appropriately. I promise that I shall never name the evidence: I shall always match it with the pattern and construct it by means of the following device, making use of instance arguments: 1 If you try constructing the division operator as a primitive recursive function, this method will teach itself to you. : ∀{X : Set} {{x : X }} → X {X } {{x }} = x ! ! When we use ! at type X , Agda treats the x as an implicit argument, but rather than solving for x by unification, Agda seeks an assumption of type X in the context, succeeding if there is exactly one. Meanwhile, the need in nodes to bound the left substructure’s type with the pivot value disrupts the left-to-right spatial ordering of the data, but we can apply a little cosmetic treatment, thanks to the availability of pattern synonyms [Aitken and Reppy(1992)]. pattern s p t = p, s, t ‘‘ infixr 5 ‘‘ With these two devices available, let us check that we can still turn any ordered data into an ordered tree, writing L ∆ l u for µ≤ SO ‘Tree L l u, and redefining intervals accordingly. ∆• : ∀{P } → Rel P → Rel P> ⊥ L = µ≤ L SO ‘Tree L• = µ≤ SO ‘Interval L ∆ tree : ∀{P F } {L : Rel P } → [µ≤ ˙ L∆ ] SO F L → tree {P } {F } {L} h f i = go F f where ≤ go : ∀G → [J G K≤ ˙ L∆ ] SO (µSO F L) L → go ‘R f = tree f = h/ !i go ‘1 go (S ‘+ T ) (/ s) = go S s go (S ‘+ T ) (. t) = go T t go (S ‘∧ T ) (s p t) = h . (go S s p go T t) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ We have acquired a collection of orderable datatypes which all amount to specific patterns of node-labelled binary trees: an interval is a singleton node; a list is a right spine. All share the treelike structure which ensures that pivots alternate with leaves bearing the evidence the pivots are correctly placed with respect to their immediate neighbours. Let us check that we are where we were, so to speak. Hence we can rebuild our binary search tree insertion for an element in the corresponding interval: [L• → ˙ L∆ → ˙ L∆ ] y i h / i = h . (h / ! i y h / ! i) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ y i h . (lt p rt) i with owoto y p ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ = h . (insert h ! y ! i lt p rt) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ = h . (lt p insert h ! y ! i rt) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ The constraints on the inserted element are readily expressed via our ‘Interval type, but at no point need we ever name the ordering evidence involved. The owoto test brings just enough new evidence into scope that all proof obligations on the right-hand side can be discharged by search of assumptions. We can now make a search tree from any input container. insert : insert h insert h ... | / ... | . makeTree : ∀{F } → µJJ F P → L∆ (⊥, >) makeTree = foldr (λ p → insert h ! p ! i) h / ! i ‘ ‘ 9. Digression: Merging Monoidally Let us name our family of ordered lists L+ , as the leaves form a nonempty chain of L> ⊥ ordering evidence. + : ∀{P } → Rel P → Rel L+ = µ≤ SO ‘List L P> ⊥ The next section addresses the issue of how to flatten ordered structures to ordered lists, but let us first consider how to merge them. Merging sorts differ from flattening sorts in that order is introduced when ‘conquering’ rather than ‘dividing’. We can be sure that whenever two ordered lists share lower and upper bounds, they can be merged within the same bounds. Again, let us assume a type P of pivots, with owoto witnessing the totality of order L. The familiar definition of merge typechecks but falls just outside the class of lexicographic recursions accepted by Agda’s termination checker. merge : [L+ → ˙ L+ → ˙ L+ ] merge h / i ys = ys merge xs h / i = xs x xs) i h . ( y ys) i with owoto x y merge h . ( ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ... | / = h . (! x merge xs h . (! y ys) i) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ... | . = h . (! y merge h . ( ! x xs) i ys) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ In one step case, the first list gets smaller, but in the other, where we decrease the second list, the first does not remain the same: it contains fresh evidence that x is above the tighter lower bound, y. Separating the recursion on the second list is sufficient to show that both recursions are structural. merge : [L+ → ˙ L+ → ˙ L+ ] merge h/ i = id merge {l, u } h . ( x xs) i = go where ‘ ‘ go : ∀{l } {{ : L> ⊥ (l, #x )}} → + L (l, u) → L+ (l, u) go h / i = h . (! x xs) i ‘ ‘ go h . ( y ys) i with owoto x y ‘ ‘ ... | / = h . (! x merge xs h . (! y ys) i) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ... | . = h . (! y go ys) i ‘ ‘ The helper function, go inserts x at its rightful place in the second list, then resumes merging with xs. Merging equips ordered lists with monoidal structure. + olMon : ∀{lu } {{ : L> ⊥ lu }} → Monoid (L lu) olMon = record {neutral = h / ! i; combine = merge} An immediate consequence is that we gain a family of sorting algorithms which amount to depth-first merging of a given intermediate data structure, making a singleton from each pivot. mergeJJ : ∀{F } → µJJ F P → L+ (⊥, >) mergeJJ = crush olMon λ p → h . ( p h / i) i ‘ ‘ The instance of mergeJJ for lists is exactly insertion sort: at each cons, the singleton list of the head is merged with the sorted tail. To obtain an efficient mergeSort, we should arrange the inputs as a leaf-labelled binary tree. ‘qLTree : JJ ‘qLTree = (‘1 ‘+ ‘P) ‘+ ‘R ‘× ‘R We can add each successive elements to the tree with a twisting insertion, placing the new element at the bottom of the left spine, but swapping the subtrees at each layer along the way to ensure fair distribution. twistIn : twistIn p twistIn p twistIn p P → µJJ h / (/ hi) i h / (. q) i h . (l, r ) i ‘qLTree P → µJJ ‘qLTree P = h / (. p) i = h . (h / (. p) i, h / (. q) i) i = h . (twistIn p r, l ) i If we notice that twistIn maps elements to endofunctions on trees, we can build up trees by a monoidal crush, obtaining an efficient generic sort for any container in the JJ universe. mergeSort : ∀{F } → µJJ F P → L+ (⊥, >) mergeSort = mergeJJ ◦ foldr twistIn h / (/ hi) i 10. Flattening With Concatenation Several sorting algorithms amount to building an ordered intermediate structure, then flattening it to an ordered list. As all of our orderable structures amount to trees, it suffices to flatten trees to lists. Let us take the usual na¨ıve approach as our starting point. In Haskell, we might write flatten Leaf = [] flatten (Node l p r) = flatten l ++ p : flatten r so let us try to do the same in Agda with ordered lists. We shall need concatenation, so let us try to join lists with a shared bound p in the middle. infixr 8 ++ ++ : ∀{P } {L : Rel P } {l p u } → L+ (l, p) → L+ (p, u) → L+ (l, u) h/ i ++ ys = ys h . ( x xs) i ++ ys = h . (! x xs ++ ys) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ The ‘cons’ case goes without a hitch, but there is trouble at ‘nil’. > We have ys : µ≤ SO ‘List L p u and we know L⊥ l p, but we need ≤ to return a µSO ‘List L l u. draw a diagram showing the — —o—o— situation “The trouble is easy to fix,” one might confidently assert, whilst secretly thinking, “What a nuisance!”. We can readily write a helper function which unpacks ys, and whether it is nil or cons, extends its leftmost order evidence by transitivity. And this really is a nuisance, because, thus far, we have not required transitivity to keep our code well typed: all order evidence has stood between neighbouring elements. Here, we have two pieces of ordering evidence which we must join, because we have nothing to put in between them. Then, the penny drops. Looking back at the code for flatten, observe that p is the pivot and the whole plan is to put it between the lists. You can’t always get what you want, but you can get what you need. sandwich : ∀{P } {L : Rel P } {l u } p → L+ (l, #p) → L+ (#p, u) → L+ (l, u) ys = h . (! p ys) i sandwich p h / i ‘ ‘ sandwich p h . ( x xs) i ys = h . (! x sandwich p xs ys) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ We are now ready to flatten trees, thence any ordered structure: flatten : ∀{P } {L : Rel P } → [L∆ → ˙ L+ ] flatten h / i = h/ !i flatten h . (l p r ) i = sandwich p (flatten l ) (flatten r ) ‘ ‘ ≤ flatten≤ ˙ L+ ] SO : ∀{P } {L : Rel P } {F } → [µSO F L → ≤ flattenSO = flatten ◦ tree For a little extra speed we might fuse that composition, but it seems frivolous to do so as then benefit is outweighed by the quadratic penalty of left-nested concatenation. The standard remedy applies: we can introduce an accumulator [Wadler(1987)], but our experience with ++ should alert us to the possibility that it may require some thought. 11. Faster Flattening, Generically We may define flatten generically, and introduce an accumulator yielding a combined flatten-and-append which works right-to-left, growing the result with successive conses. But what should be the bounds of the accumulator? If we have not learned our lesson, we might be tempted by flapp : ∀{P } {L : Rel P } {F } {l p u } → + + µ≤ SO F L (l, p) → L (p, u) → L (l, u) but again we face the question of what to do when we reach a leaf. We should not need transitivity to rearrange a tree of ordered neighbours into a sequence. We can adopt the previous remedy of inserting the element p in the middle, but we shall then need to think about where p will come from in the first instance, for example when flattening an empty structure. flapp : ∀{P } {L : Rel P } {F } {l u } G p → ≤ J G K≤ SO (µSO F L) L (l, #p) → + L (#p, u) → L+ (l, u) flapp {F = F } ‘R p h t i ys = flapp F p t ys flapp ‘1 p ys = h . (! p ys) i ‘ ‘ flapp (S ‘+ T ) p (/ s) ys = flapp S p s ys flapp (S ‘+ T ) p (. t) ys = flapp T p t ys flapp (S ‘∧ T ) p (s p 0 t) ys = flapp S p 0 s (flapp T p t ys) ‘ ‘ To finish the job, we need to work our way down the right spine of the input in search of its rightmost element, which initialises p. flatten : ∀{P } {L : Rel P } {F } → [µ≤ ˙ L+ ] SO F L → flatten {P } {L} {F } {l, u } h t i = go F t where ≤ + go : ∀{l } G → J G K≤ SO (µSO F L) L (l, u) → L (l, u) go ‘R t = flatten t = h/ !i go ‘1 go (S ‘+ T ) (/ s) = go S s go (S ‘+ T ) (. t) = go T t go (S ‘∧ T ) (s p t) = flapp S p s (go T t) ‘ ‘ This is effective, but it is more complicated than I should like. It is basically the same function twice, in two different modes, depending on what is to be affixed after the rightmost order evidence in the structure being flattened: either a pivot-and-tail in the case of flapp, or nothing in the case of flatten. The problem is one of parity: the thing we must affix to one odd-length leaf-node-leaf alternation to get another is an even-length node-leaf alternation. Correspondingly, it is hard to express the type of the accumulator cleanly. Once again, I begin to suspect that this is a difficult thing to do because it is the wrong thing to do. How can we reframe the problem, so that we work only with odd-length leaf-delimited data? 12. A Replacement for Concatenation My mathematical mentor, Tom K¨orner, is fond of remarking “A mathematician is someone who knows that 0 is 0 + 0”. It is often difficult to recognize the structure you need when the problem in front of you is a degenerate case of it. If we think again about concatenation, we might realise that it does not amount to affixing one list to another, but rather replacing the ‘nil’ of the first list with the whole of the second. We might then notice that the monoidal structure of lists is in fact degenerate monadic structure. Any syntax has a monadic structure, where ‘return’ embeds variables as terms and ‘bind’ is substitution. Quite apart from their ‘prioritised choice’ monadic structure, lists are the terms of a degenerate syntax with one variable (called ‘nil’) and only unary operators (‘cons’ with a choice of element). Correspondingly, they have this substitution structure: substituting nil gives concatenation, and the monad laws are the monoid laws. Given this clue, let us consider concatenation and flattening in terms of replacing the rightmost leaf by a list, rather than affixing more data to it. We replace the list to append with a function which maps the contents of the rightmost leaf—some order evidence— to its replacement. The type looks more like that of ‘bind’ than ‘append’, because in some sense it is! infixr 8 ++ RepL : ∀{P } → Rel P → Rel P> ⊥ + RepL L (n, u) = ∀{m } {{ : L> ⊥ (m, n)}} → L (m, u) ++ : ∀{P } {L : Rel P } {l n u } → L+ (l, n) → RepL L (n, u) → L+ (l, u) h/ i ++ ys = ys h . ( x xs) i ++ ys = h . (! x xs ++ ys) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Careful use of instance arguments leaves all the manipulation of evidence to the machine. In the ‘nil’ case, ys is silently instantiated with exactly the evidence exposed in the ‘nil’ pattern on the left. Let us now deploy the same technique for flatten. flapp : ∀{P } {L : Rel P } {F } {l n u } → + µ≤ SO F L (l, n) → RepL L (n, u) → L (l, u) flapp {P } {L} {F } {u = u } t ys = go ‘R t ys where ≤ go : ∀{l n } G → J G K≤ SO (µSO F L) L (l, n) → + RepL L (n, u) → L (l, u) go ‘R ht i ys = go F t ys ys = ys go ‘1 go (S ‘+ T ) (/ s) ys = go S s ys go (S ‘+ T ) (. t) ys = go T t ys go (S ‘∧ T ) (s p t) ys = go S s h . (! p go T t ys) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ flatten : ∀{P } {L : Rel P } {F } → [µ≤ ˙ L+ ] SO F L → flatten t = flapp t h / ! i However, we may also make profitable use of indexing: here are ordered vectors. ‘Vec : N → IO N ‘Vec 0 = ‘1 ‘Vec (suc n) = ‘1 ‘∧ ‘R n Note that we need no choice of constructor or storage of length information: the index determines the shape. If we want, say, evenlength tuples, we can use ‘0 to rule out the odd cases. ‘Even : N → IO N ‘Even 0 = ‘1 ‘Even (suc 0) = ‘0 ‘Even (suc (suc n)) = ‘1 ‘∧ ‘1 ‘∧ ‘R n We could achieve a still more flexible notion of data structure by allowing a general Σ-type rather than our binary ‘+, but we have what we need for finitary data structures with computable conditions on indices. The tree operation carries over unproblematically, with more indexed input but plain output. tree : ∀{I P F } {L : Rel P } {i : I } → [µ≤ ˙ L∆ ] IO F L i → Similarly, flatten works (efficiently) just as before. 13. An Indexed Universe of Orderable Data Ordering is not the only invariant we might want to enforce on orderable data structures. We might have other properties in mind, such as size, or balancing invariants. It is straightforward to extend our simple universe to allow general indexing as well as orderability. We can extend our simple orderable universe SO to an indexed orderable universe IO, just by marking each recursive position with an index, then computing the code for each node as a function of its index. We may add a ‘0 code to rule out some cases as illegal. data IO (I : Set) : Set where ‘R : I → IO I ‘0 ‘1 : IO I ‘+ ‘∧ : IO I → IO I → IO I J K≤ IO : ∀{I P } → IO I → > (I → Rel P> ⊥ ) → Rel P → Rel P⊥ ≤ J ‘R i KIO R L lu = R i lu J ‘0 K≤ R L lu = 0 IO J ‘1 K≤ R L lu = L> ⊥ lu IO ≤ ≤ J S ‘+ T KIO R L lu = J S K≤ IO R L lu + J T KIO R L lu ≤ J S ‘∧ T KIO R L (l, u) = Σ λ p → ≤ J S K≤ IO R L (l, #p) × J T KIO R L (#p, u) data µ≤ IO {I P : Set} (F : I → IO I ) (L : Rel P ) > (i : I ) (lu : P> ⊥ × P⊥ ) : Set where ≤ ≤ hi : J F i KIO (µIO F L) L lu → µ≤ IO F L i lu We recover all our existing data structures by trivial indexing. ‘List ‘Tree ‘Interval : 1 → IO 1 ‘List = ‘1 ‘+ (‘1 ‘∧ ‘R hi) ‘Tree = ‘1 ‘+ (‘R hi ‘∧ ‘R hi) ‘Interval = ‘1 ‘∧ ‘1 We also lift our existing type-forming abbreviations: +∆• L+ L∆ L• : ∀{P } → Rel P → Rel P> ⊥ = µ≤ L hi IO ‘List = µ≤ L hi IO ‘Tree = µ≤ ‘Interval L hi IO flatten : ∀{I P F } {L : Rel P } {i : I } → [µ≤ ˙ L+ ] IO F L i → We now have a universe of indexed orderable data structures with efficient flattening. Let us put it to work. 14. Balanced 2-3 Trees To ensure a logarithmic access time for search trees, we can keep them balanced. Maintaining balance as close to perfect as possible is rather fiddly, but we can gain enough balance by allowing a little redundancy. A standard way to achieve this is to insist on uniform height, but allow internal nodes to have either one pivot and two subtrees, or two pivots and three subtrees. We may readily encode these 2-3 trees. ‘Tree23 : N → IO N ‘Tree23 0 = ‘1 ‘Tree23 (suc n) = ‘R n ‘∧ (‘R n ‘+ (‘R n ‘∧ ‘R n)) : ∀{P } (L : Rel P ) → N → Rel P> ⊥ L = µ≤ IO ‘Tree23 L 23 23 When we map a 2-3 tree of height n back to binary trees, we get a tree whose left spine has length n and whose right spine has a length between n and 2n. Insertion is quite similar to binary search tree insertion, except that it can have the impact of increasing height. The worst that can happen is that the resulting tree is too tall but has just one pivot at the root. Indeed, we need this extra wiggle room immediately for the base case! ins23 : ∀n {lu } → L• lu → L23 n lu → L23 n lu + Σ P λ p → L23 n (π1 lu, #p) × L23 n (#p, π2 lu) ins23 0 h y i h i = . (h ! i y h ! i) ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ In the step case, we must find our way to the appropriate subtree by suitable use of comparison. ins23 (suc n) h y i h lt p rest i with owoto y p ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ins23 (suc n) h y i h lt p rest i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ | / = ?0 ins23 (suc n) h y i h lt p / rt i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ | . x = ?1 ins23 (suc n) h y ‘ ‘ | . x with owoto ins23 (suc n) h y ‘ ‘ | .x | / = ins23 (suc n) h y ‘ ‘ | .x | . = i h lt p . (mt q rt) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ yq i h lt p . (mt q rt) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ?2 i h lt p . (mt q rt) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ?3 ... | / t 0 = n ,t0 ... | . (lt r rt) = suc n, h lt r / rt i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ sort : ∀{F } → µJJ F P → L+ (⊥, >) sort = flatten ◦ π2 ◦ foldr insert (0, h i) 15. Discussion Our ?0 covers the case where the new element belongs in the left References subtree of either a 2- or 3-node; ?1 handles the right subtree of a [Aitken and Reppy(1992)] William Aitken and John Reppy. Abstract value constructors. Technical Report TR 92-1290, Cornell University, 1992. 2-node; ?2 and ?3 handle middle and right subtrees of a 3-node after a further comparison. Note that we inspect rest only after we have checked the result of the first comparison, making real use of the way the with construct brings more data to the case analysis but keeps the existing patterns open to further refinement, a need foreseen by the construct’s designers [McBride and McKinna(2004)]. Once we have identified the appropriate subtree, we can make the recursive call. If we are lucky, the result will plug straight back into the same hole. Here is the case for the left subtree. ins23 (suc n) h y i h lt p rest i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ | / with ins23 n h ! y ! i lt ‘ ‘ ins23 (suc n) h y i h lt p rest i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ | / | / lt 0 = / h lt 0 p rest i ‘ ‘ However, if we are unlucky, the result of the recursive call is too big. If the top node was a 2-node, we can accommodate the extra data by returning a 3-node. Otherwise, we must rebalance and pass the ‘too big’ problem upward. Again, we gain from delaying the inspection of rest until we are sure reconfiguration will be needed. ins23 (suc n) h y i h lt p / rt i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ | / | . (llt r lrt) ‘ ‘ = / h llt r . (lrt p rt) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ins23 (suc n) h y i h lt p . (mt q rt) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ | / | . (llt r lrt) ‘ ‘ = . (h llt r / lrt i p h mt q / rt i) ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ For the ?1 problems, the top 2-node can always accept the result of the recursive call somehow, and the choice offered by the return type conveniently matches the node-arity choice, right of the pivot. For completeness, I give the middle ( ?2 ) and right ( ?3 ) cases for 3-nodes, but it works just as on the left. ins23 (suc n) h y i h lt p . (mt q rt) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ | . x | / with ins23 n h ! y ! i mt ‘ ‘ ins23 (suc n) h y i h lt p . (mt q rt) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ | . x | / | / mt 0 = / h lt p . (mt 0 q rt) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ins23 (suc n) h y i h lt p . (mt q rt) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ | . x | / | . (mlt r mrt) ‘ ‘ = . (h lt p / mlt i r h mrt q / rt i) ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ins23 (suc n) h y i h lt p . (mt q rt) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ | . x | . with ins23 n h ! y ! i rt ‘ ‘ ins23 (suc n) h y i h lt p . (mt q rt) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ | . x | . | / rt 0 = / h lt p . (mt q rt 0 ) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ins23 (suc n) h y i h lt p . (mt q rt) i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ | . x | . | . (rlt r rrt) ‘ ‘ = . (h lt p / mt i q h rlt r / rrt i) ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ To complete the efficient sorting algorithm based on 2-3 trees, we can use a Σ-type to hide the height data, giving us a type which admits iterative construction. Tree23 = Σ N λ n → L23 n (⊥, >) insert : P → Tree23 → Tree23 insert p (n, t) with ins23 n h p i t ‘ ‘ [Atkey et al.(2012)Atkey, Johann, and Ghani] Robert Atkey, Patricia Johann, and Neil Ghani. Refining inductive types. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 8(2), 2012. [Burstall(1969)] Rod Burstall. Proving properties of programs by structural induction. Computer Journal, 12(1):41–48, 1969. [McBride(2000)] Conor McBride. A Case For Dependent Families. LFCS Theory Seminar, Edinburgh, 2000. URL http: // [McBride and McKinna(2004)] Conor McBride and James McKinna. The view from the left. J. Funct. Program., 14(1):69–111, 2004. [McBride and Paterson(2008)] Conor McBride and Ross Paterson. Applicative programming with effects. JFP, 2008. [Turner(1987)] David Turner. Elementary strong functional programming. 1987. URL [Wadler(1987)] Philip Wadler. The concatenate vanishes. Technical report, 1987.
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