How to solve the St Petersburg Paradox in Rank-Dependent Models? Marie Pfiffelmann∗ Abstract Cumulative Prospect Theory, as it was specified by Tversky and Kahneman (1992) does not explain the St Petersburg Paradox. This study shows that the solutions proposed in the literature (Blavatskyy 2005; Rieger and Wang 2006) to guarantee, under rank dependent models, finite subjective utilities for any prospects with finite expected values, have to cope with many limitations. In that framework, CPT fails to accommodate both gambling and insurance behavior. We suggest replacing the weighting functions generally proposed in the literature by another specification which respects the following properties: 1) to guarantee finite subjective values for all prospects with finite expected values, the slope at zero has to be finite. 2) to account for the fourfold pattern of risk attitudes, the probability weighting has to be strong enough to overcome the concavity of the value function. Keywords : St Petersburg Paradox, Cumulative Prospect Theory, Gambling, Probability Weighting. JEL Classification : D81, C91. ∗ LaRGE, Faculty of Business and Economics, Louis Pasteur University. Pˆ ole Europ´een de Gestion et d’Economie, 61 avenue de la Forˆet Noire, 67000 Strasbourg, FRANCE. Tel. + 33 (0) / Fax + 33 (0) E-mail: 1 1 Introduction The St. Petersburg Paradox developed in 1713 by Nicholas Bernoulli shows that for prospects with infinite expected monetary value decision makers are not willing to pay an infinite sum of money. This observation can be taken as an evidence against expected value theory. In fact, according to this theory introduced by Blaise Pascal, individuals evaluate risky prospects by their expected value. So any decision-maker should accept to pay an infinite amount of money for prospects with infinite expected value. In 1738, Daniel Bernoulli proposed a solution to the paradox by introducing the idea of diminishing marginal utility. He postulated that individuals evaluate prospects not by their expected value but by their expected utility, where utility is not linearly related to outcomes but increases at a decreasing rate. So if we consider that individual’s preferences are represented by a strictly increasing and concave utility function this paradox can be solved. Since this date, the expected utility (EU) theory has been considered as a benchmark for describing decision making under risk. However, the Allais paradox (1953) and many other experimental studies (Slovic et Lichtenstein 1968; Kahneman and Tversky 1979) have reported persistent violations of EU theory’s axioms. Moreover its behavioral predictions are seriously questioned. On the one hand, individual preferences for insurance lead to a risk-averse behavior. On the other hand, acceptance of gambling indicates risk-seeking behavior. Two conflicting behavioral choices are therefore observed. Cumulative prospect theory (CPT) developed by Tversky and Kahneman (1992) was proposed as an alternative model to the well established expected utility model. CPT is based on 4 important features: 1) Utility is defined over gains and losses rather than over final wealth levels. So risky prospects are evaluated relatively to a reference point. This reference point corresponds to the asset position one expects to reach. 2) The sensitivity relative to the reference point is decreasing; the value function is then concave over gains and convex over losses. 3) Individuals have asymmetric perception of gains and losses: they are loss-averse, hence the slope of the value function is steeper for losses than for gains. 4) Individuals do not use objective probabilities when evaluating risky prospects. They transform probabilities via a weighting function. 2 They overweight the small probabilities of extreme outcomes (events at the tails of the distribution). Conversely, they underweight outcomes with average probabilities. CPT is one of the most accepted alternatives to expected utility theory because its predictions of behavior are consistent with the recently accumulated empirical evidence on individual’s preferences. Although its predictions are superior to the EU predictions of behavior, this model must cope with other types of difficulties. Blavatskyy (2005) emphasized an intrinsic limitation of that model. The overweighting of small probabilities can lead to the re-occurrence of the St Petersburg Paradox. He showed that the valuation of a prospect (the subjective utility) by cumulative prospect theory can be infinite. However it is important to notice that this dilemma is not specific to rank dependent models such as CPT. It is now well known that even in the expected utility framework the Bernoulli’s resolution of the paradox is unsatisfactory. Actually, in the EU framework, that is to say when individuals do not transform probabilities, the introduction of a concave utility function can resolve the paradox as it was introduced by N. Bernoulli. But the game can be modified (by making prizes grow sufficiently fast) so that the concavity of the utility function is not sufficient to guarantee a finite expected utility value1 . Arrow (1974) proposed to resolve this problem by only considering distributions with finite expected value. In that case, the concavity of the utility function is sufficient to guarantee, under the EU framework, a finite valuation. This assumption is quite realistic because neither individuals nor organizations can offer a prospect with infinite expected value. However, we cannot implement it in the CPT framework. In fact, in cumulative prospect theory, a prospect with finite expected value can have an infinite subjective value (Rieger and Wang 2006). The purpose of the present paper is to determine how we can solve this paradox. Blavatskyy (2005) and Rieger and Wang (2006) have already proposed some solutions to guarantee finite subjective values for all prospects with finite expected value. In this study, we explore the behavioral implications of these propositions. We establish that if we take them into account, the modified cumulative prospect theory is not anymore consistent with some behavior observed on the market. There are situations where the CPT modified by 1 This super paradox was first illustrated by Menger (1934). 3 these propositions cannot anymore accommodate both gambling and insurance behavior. Our aim consists then in developing a new solution to this problem that can take into account this behavior. Our paper makes thus an important contribution since it proposes a new specification for CPT that solves the St Petersburg Paradox without introducing new difficulties and limitations. The paper is structured in six sections. Section II reviews the cumulative prospect theory model paying particular attention to the functional form of the value and weighting functions. In section III, we present how the paradox occurs under CPT and report the solutions derived by Blavatskyy (2005) and Rieger and Wang (2006) to resolve it. Section IV analyses the behavioral implications of these propositions. In section V, we propose a more appropriate solution to this paradox. We illustrate our findings by applying the different versions of CPT to a famous european lottery game. Section VI concludes with a summary of our findings. 2 Cumulative Prospect Theory In this section we briefly present cumulative prospect theory formalized by Tversky and Kahneman in 1992. Consider a prospect X defined by: X = ((xi , pi )i = −m, ....n) with x−m < x−m+1 < .... < x0 = 0 < x1 < x2 < ... < xn . We have mentioned previously that gains and losses are evaluated differently by individuals. In order to take into account this assumption, the evaluation function V of a prospect X is defined by: V (X) = V (X + ) + V (X − ) where X + = max(X; 0) et X − = min(X; 0). We set: 4 V (X + ) = n−1 X n n X X w+ ( pj ) − w + ( pj ) v(xi ) + w+ (pn )v(xn ) i=0 0 X V (X − ) = i=−m+1 j=i j=i+1 w − ( i X pj ) − w − ( j=−m i−1 X pj ) v(xi ) + w− (p−m )v(x−m ) j=−m where v is a strictly increasing value function defined with respect to a reference point satisfying v(x0 ) = v(0) = 0 and with w+ (0) = 0 = w− (0) and w+ (1) = 1 = w− (1). The value function captures the three first features exposed in the introduction (reference point, decreasing sensitivity, asymmetric perception of gains and losses). Tversky and Kahneman (1992) proposed the following functional form for the function v: v(x) = xα −λ(−x)β if x > 0 if x < 0 For 0 < α < 1 and 0 < β < 1 the value function v is concave over gains and convex over losses. The parameter λ defines the degree of loss aversion (K¨obberling and Wakker 2005). Based on experimental evidence, Tversky and Kahneman estimated the values of the parameters α, β and λ. They found α = β = 0.88 and λ = 2.25. The last feature (overweighting the small probabilities) is captured by the weighting function. Tversky and Kahneman proposed the following functional form for this function: w+ (p) = pγ+ [pγ+ + (1 − p)γ+ ]1/γ+ w− (p) = pγ− [pγ− + (1 − p)γ− ]1/γ− For γ < 1, this form integrates the overweighting of low probabilities and the greater sensitivity for changes in probabilities for extremely low and extremely high probabilities. The weighting function is concave near 0 and convex near 1. Tversky and Kahneman estimated the parameters γ + and γ − as 0.61 and 0.69. 5 3 The St Petersburg Paradox The St Petersburg Paradox is usually explained by the following example: consider a gamble L in which the player gets $2n when the coins lands heads for the first time at the nth throw. L has an infinite expected value. E(L) = 1 2 × 2 + ( 12 )2 × 22 + ........ + ( 12 )n × 2n + ...... = ∞ X 1 = +∞ (1) k=1 According to a number of experiments, the maximum price an individual is willing to pay for this gamble is around $3. This observation can be taken as an evidence against expected value theory. Daniel Bernoulli (1738) proposed to replace the monetary value of each outcome in (1) by its subjective utility (where the subjective utilities are represented by a strictly concave utility function). In that framework the introduction of a strictly concave utility function u(x) = ln x leads to: U E(L) = ∞ X ( 12 )k × ln(2k ) = 2 ln 2 < +∞ (2) k=1 This solution solves this particular paradox. Since this resolution, expected utility theory became, for more than 200 years, the major model of choices under risk. However, it is now challenged by a lot of empirical evidence. There is a broad consensus on the fact that EU theory fails to provide a good explanation of individual behavior under risk. These observations have motivated the development of alternative models of choices. One of the most famous and well accepted is the cumulative prospect theory developed by Tversky and Kahneman (1992). Even if this model is deemed to be one of the best alternatives to EU theory, it also has some difficulties to deal with. Actually, Blavatskyy (2005) established that, under CPT, the overweighting of small probabilities restores the St Petersburg Paradox. Under CPT, the subjective utility (V ) of the game described above (L) is given by: V (L) = +∞ X n=1 = +∞ X # +∞ +∞ X X −i −i v(2 ) × w( 2 ) − w( 2 ) " n i=n i=n+1 v(2n ) × w(21−n ) − w(2−n ) n=1 6 (3) In section 2, we underline that the functional forms proposed for v and w by Tversky and Kahneman are v(x) = xα with α > 0 and w(p) = pγ /(pγ + (1 − p)γ )1/γ with 0 < γ < 1. As lim n−→+∞ 2−n = 0 and lim n−→+∞ 21−n = 0, [pγ + (1 − p)γ ]1/γ converges to unity. In that case, the function w, specified by Tversky and Kahneman, can be approximated by pγ . According to these remarks we, can rewrite V (L) as: V (L) ≈ (2γ − 1) +∞ X 2(α−γ)n n=1 ≈ 0, 526 × +∞ X 20,27n −→ +∞ (4) n=1 One can object that this paradox does not involve a real problem in as far as the expected value of this game is infinite. Actually, it is not realistic to assume that an institution can offer a prospect with unlimited expected value (Arrow 1974). However, Rieger and Wang (2006) pointed out that, under CPT, a prospect with finite expected value can have infinite subjective utility. Such a result is possible because the weighting function has an infinite slope at zero. Therefore, the lower the probability is, the more the overweighting. An extremely small probability can thus be ”infinitely” overweighted. As the value function is unbounded, there are situations for which the subjective value of a consequence weighted by its decision weight can be infinitely high. Rieger and Wang (2006) characterized situations where this problem can be resolved2 . They focused on fitting parameterized functional forms to CPT’s functions and determined which sets of parameters lead to finite subjective values for all lotteries with finite expected values. Let’s consider V the subjective utility of a prospect X under CPT3 : 2 De Giorgi and Hens (2006) proposed to solve this paradox by considering a bounded value function. As the problem comes from the overweighting of small probabilities, we are interested in the solutions related to the weighting function. 3 For more details on the demonstration see Rieger and Wang (2006). 7 Z 0 d v(x) (w+ (F (x)))dx + V (X) = dx −∞ Z +∞ v(x) 0 d (w− (F (x)))dx dx (5) where the value function v is continuous, monotone, convex for x < 0 and concave for x > 0. Assume that there exist constants α, β > 0 such that: lim x−→+∞ lim v(x) xα |v(x)| x−→−∞ |x|β = v1 ∈ (0, +∞) = v2 ∈ (0, +∞) Assume that the weighting functions w are continuous and strictly increasing from [0,1] to [0,1] such that w(0) = 0 and w(1) = 1. Moreover, assume that w is continuously differentiable on ]0,1[ and that there are constants γ + , γ − such that: lim 0 (y) w− − y−→0 y γ −1 0 (y) 1 − w+ + y−→1 (1 − y)γ −1 lim = w1 ∈ (0, +∞) = w2 ∈ (0, +∞) Consider a prospect X for which E(X) < ∞. If all the conditions described above are satisfied V (X) is finite if α < γ + et β < γ − . Thus if we consider Tversky and Kahneman’s specification for the value and weighting functions, the valuation of any prospect by CPT will be finite only if α < γ + and β < γ − . The estimates of α, β, γ + and γ − are usually obtained from parametric fitting to experimental data. The estimated parameters obtained by Camerer and Ho (1994) and 8 Wu and Gonzales (1996) are the only ones that are consistent with these conditions4 . In that case, the concavity of the value function is sufficiently strong relative to the probability weighting function to avoid the St Petersburg Paradox. Rieger and Wang (2006) proposed another solution to avoid the paradox under CPT. They suggested considering a polynomial of degree three as a weighting function. The specification is given by: w(p) = 3 − 3b × (p3 − (a + 1)p2 + ap) + p −a+1 a2 (6) with a ∈ (0, 1) et b ∈ (0, 1). As its slope at zero is finite, this weighting function permits the avoidance of infinite subjective utilities for all prospects with finite expected value. 4 The behavioral implications of the solutions proposed in the literature If we take into account the propositions described above, the St Petersburg Paradox will not occur under CPT. But at the same time, this theory looses a major part of its descriptive power: it fails to accommodate both gambling and insurance behavior. However, the possibility of explaining several well-established anomalies such as gambling and insurance is one of the reasons why we should consider CPT instead of classical models such as expected utility theory (Camerer 1998). 4.1 General considerations Rieger and Wang (2006) established that prospects with finite expected value will not have infinite subjective utility if the power coefficient of the value function is lower than the power coefficient of the probability weighting function. Two parameterized versions of 4 If we look at the estimates obtained by Tversky et Fox (1995), Abdellaoui (2000), Bleichrodt et Pinto (2000) and Kilka et Weber (2001), α is always superior to γ. 9 CPT are consistent with this condition (Camerer and Ho 1994; Wu and Gonzales 1996). Accepting them solves the paradox. However, they generate other difficulties. Actually, these parameterizations of CPT can no longer accommodate the four-fold pattern of risk attitude (risk aversion for most gains and low probability of losses, and risk seeking for most losses and low probability of gains). Therefore, these versions of CPT often fail to capture the gambling behavior observed on the market and more precisely the tendency of individuals to bet on unlikely gains (Neilson and Stowe 2002)5 . This pattern is still one of the most fundamental contributions of CPT as it was developed by Tversky and Kahneman. But it can emerge only if the probability weighting over-rides the curvature of the value function (for low probabilities). In fact, in rank dependent models, gambling behavior can be captured only if the overweighting of probabilities is strong enough to compensate for the concavity of the value function. When α is lower than γ 6 , the convexity of the weighting function cannot overcome the concavity of the value function. In that case, optimism generated by the weighting function does not offset risk aversion resulting from the value function. It is thus impossible to account for gambling behavior. If we consider a value function whose power coefficient is lower than the coefficient of the probability weighting function (as suggested by Rieger and Wang), CPT does not restore the St Petersburg Paradox but in return it does not provide a good description of individual behavior under risk. The same problem can be observed with the polynomial specification proposed by Rieger and Wang (2006). As the slope at zero and unity is finite in this model, the subjective utility of any finite expected value prospects will be finite. However, as in the solution proposed above, the behavioral implication of this new specification of CPT does not allow for betting on unlikely gains. The highest slope of this function at zero (when b = 0 and a = 1) is actually equal to 4, which is too low. The small probabilities are not overweighted enough. Therefore the model modified by Rieger and Wang’s weighting function does not imply that individuals insure against unlikely losses or bet on unlikely gains. 5 Neilson and Stowe (2002) showed that these two estimates imply almost ”no gambling on unlikely events”. 6 For all usual estimates of γ. 10 4.2 Illustration: the case of Euromillions In order to illustrate this evidence, we apply CPT (the version estimated by Tversky and Kahneman and the ones modified by Rieger and Wang) to the most popular European lottery: Euromillions. We find that with the modification operated by Rieger and Wang, CPT can no longer explain the popularity of this game. Euromillions is a unique lottery played every Friday by millions of players throughout Europe. One can play by using a playslip that contains six sets of main boards and lucky star boards. Each player selects five numbers on a main board and two numbers on the associated lucky star board to make one entry. A Euromillions lottery ticket costs 2e. 50% of the money paid for a ticket goes directly to the operator selling it. The remaining 50% of ticket fees goes into the ”Common Prize Fund” out of which all prizes are paid. Table 1 represents the percentage share of the fund allocated to each prize with the corresponding probabilities7 . We apply the different versions of CPT (the original and the ones modified by Rieger and Wang’s propositions) to this European game. In order to determine the average monetary game for each winner at each rank, we assume the number of participants to be 40 millions (so the prize fund will be e40 millions)8 . The winning probability at the 1 , so on average there are 7 winners at this rank. The average 5 448 240 40 000 000 × 7.4% gain per winner is then equal to: = 422 857.14. Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5 7 second rank is display the results of the game’s valuation by CPT and modified CPT9 . The valuation of the euromillions game with cumulative prospect theory, as it was developed by Tversky and Kahneman, is positive (table 2). Thus, this version of CPT can explain the popularity of this widely played lottery. But if we substitute the estimates obtained by Tversky and Kahneman with those of Camerer and Ho and Wu and Gonzales (table 3 and 4), we obtain a negative valuation. These two estimates do not represent a particular case. Since the power coefficient of the value function is smaller than the power coefficient of the weighting function, the subjective utility of this lottery game is always 7 We assume that all the booster fund is devoted to the first rank. The prize fund reached e38 734 739 in October 12, 2007 and e50 916 665 in September the 20. 9 We consider a reference point of 2e. 8 11 negative for any values of γ superior to 0.38510 . Therefore if we consider this new version of CPT, this theory fails to explain the popularity of state lottery with very long odds. The same result is obtained if we substitute the inverse S- shape probability weighting function specified by Tversky and Kahneman with the one proposed by Rieger and Wang. In that case (table 5)11 the subjective utility of the lottery is also negative. So decision makers who transform probabilities via the polynomial weighting function would prefer to keep the price of the lottery ticket rather than to participate in the lottery. This new version of CPT is therefore also not able to explain the popularity of public lotteries. This limitation is quite severe, since betting on unlikely gains is one of the most important stylized facts that cumulative prospect theory aims to explain. These negative results cannot be explained by Rabin’s criticism (2000) and are not due to the size of the lottery payments12 . We can show that the same kind of results can be obtained with medium payoffs. Consider these two pairs of prospects: A = (6000; 0.001), B = (3000; 0.002) and A0 = (5000; 0.001), B 0 = (5; 1). In their experiments, Kahneman and Tversky (1979) showed that a majority of subjects choose prospect A (respectively A0) rather than B (respectively B0). This (gambling) behavior is consistent with cumulative prospect theory as it was developed in 1992 but not with the modified versions proposed by Rieger and Wang (tables 6 and 7 illustrate this fact). Actually, with Camerer and Ho’s and Wu and Gonzales’ estimates or with the polynomial weighting function, the subjective utility of B (respectively B0) is always greater than the subjective utility of A (respectively A0)13 . As previously, these new versions cannot explain why individuals tend to bet on unlikely gains because the convexity of the weighting function does not overcome the concavity of the value function. 10 So for all usual estimates of γ. We took for the computation of π: a = 0.4 and b = 0.5. Nevertheless, the same result (a negative valuation) is obtained with any other combinations of a and b. 12 According to Rabin, a utility function calibrated for low payoffs gambles implies unreasonable behavior for high payoffs gambles. 13 If we focus on the choice between A0 and B0: when γ is greater than α, there is no combination of α and γ which guarantee a greater subjective utility for A0. Concerning the choice between A and B, when γ is significantly greater than α (so more than 0.05), A will be preferred to B only for values of γ inferior to 0.42. 11 12 5 An alternative weighting function 5.1 Specification Section III underlines that CPT needs to be remodelled in order to be applied to problems of choices. The occurrence of the paradox under CPT comes from the overweighting of small probabilities. As the slope of the weighting function at zero is infinity, an extremely small probability can be infinitely overweighted. And as the slope of the value function does not decrease for high values of outcomes, the subjective value of a consequence weighted by its decision weight can be infinitely high. In order to overcome this difficulty, we propose an alternative weighting function that avoids infinite values for subjective utility. This function should respect the following properties: 1. w(0) = 0 and w(1) = 1 2. w strictly increasing on [0, 1]. 3. w continuously differentiable on [0, 1], with w0 (0) et w0 (1) 6= ∞. We underlined previously that if the slope at zero is too low14 , CPT cannot accommodate the gambling and insurance behavior observed on the market. Therefore w0 (0) and w0 (1) should be sufficiently large. The evidence presented previously criticizes the way probabilities are transformed near 0 and 1 with the weighting functions generally proposed in the literature. The difficulties related to the use of the Tversky and Kahneman’s weighting function only concerns its slope at 0 and 1. Concerning the remainder of the interval, their specification perfectly characterizes attitudes towards probabilities15 . We can thus keep the global framework of the Tversky and Kahneman’s functional form and modify it lightly in such a way that the slopes at the bounds of the interval are not anymore infinite. 14 If we use the ”bad news” approach proposed by Quiggin (1982), the weighting function is applied to the cumulative distribution of the prospect. In that case, when studying gambling behavior, we should not focus on the slope at zero but at the slope at one. 15 We agree that an inverse S shape weighting function, first concave and then convex really represents the way individuals transform probabilities. 13 Let this functional form be given by: w(p) = w1 (p)1[0;h] + w2 (p)1[h;1] (7) with w1 (p) = (p + ε1 )γ 1 [(p + ε1 )γ + (1 − (p + ε1 ))γ ] γ − ρ1 (8) w2 (p) = (p − ε2 )k 1 [(p − ε2 )k + (1 − (p − ε2 ))k ] k + ρ2 The parameters ε1 , ε2 , ρ1 , ρ2 , and h satisfy the following conditions: w1 (0) = 0 (a) w2 (1) = 1 (b) 0 (c) w1 (0) = S (9) w20 (1) = S (d) w1 (h) = w2 (h) (e) w0 (h) = w0 (h) (f) 1 2 The two first conditions correspond to the first property presented above. The third and fourth conditions refer to the last property exposed above: the slope at the extremities of the interval has to be finite and large. Thus S refers to a finite and important value which should be experimentally estimated. ε1 , ε2 are obtained by solving the following equations: 14 (1−ε1 )−1+γ −ε1−1+γ γ γ −1 γ γ γ S = ε1 × [(1 − ε1 ) + ε1 ] × ε1 + (1−ε1 )γ +εγ1 ) − 1+k γ 1 2 −1+k k k (10) S = (1 − ε2 ) × (1 − ε2 ) + ε2 × εk2 + (−1 + k) × (1 − ε2 )k × ε2 ε2 i + ε1+k 2 Conditions 5 and 6 imply that w is strictly continuous and differentiable on [0,1]. h is thus the solution16 of: (11) (h + ε1 )γ 0= [(h + ε1 )γ + (1 − (h + ε1 ))γ ] 0 = (ε1 + γ + ε1 + h h)γ × [(1 − ε1 − h)γ 1 γ − ρ1 − ρ2 − + (ε1 + h)γ ]−1/γ (p − ε2 )k 1 [(p − ε2 )k + (1 − (p − ε2 ))k ] k × (1 − ε1 − h)−1+γ − (ε1 + h)1−γ (1 − ε1 − h)γ + (ε1 + h)γ −1/k (−ε2 + h)k × (1 + ε2 − h)k + (−ε2 + h)k ×k 1 + + (−ε2 + h)k ε2 − h k −1−1/k k(−ε2 + h)k k k −1+k × (1 + ε2 − h) + (−ε2 + h) × −(1 + ε2 − h) ×k− ε2 − h This new specification of w is steepest near zero and one and shallower in the middle. It satisfies the properties of subadditivity and is first concave then convex. The condition w1 (0) = 0 and w2 (1) = 1 is satisfied. Finally, its slope at the extremities is finite and can be strong. 5.2 Illustration: the case of Euromillions In this section, we compute the parameters of the new weighting function for different values of S. Table 8 represents these data for S equals 500, 1 000 and 2 000. 16 For γ we take the estimates realized by Tversky and Kahneman (so 0.61 for gains). We cannot do the same for k which should be smaller than γ. If γ = k, w becomes concave again when w2 replaces w1 , whatever the value of h. So we use the relation (11) to obtain the value of k relative to γ. 15 As the slope of this function at the extremities is finite (500, 1 000 or 2000), the subjective utility of ay finite expected value prospect will be finite. Moreover unlike the specifications described above, the slope of this function is sufficiently strong to account for gambling behavior. To illustrate this observation, we can apply this new version of CPT to the lottery game presented in the previous section. Table 9 displays the results of this application. The valuation of the gamble is positive (in all three cases)17 . So individuals whose preferences are represented by this version of CPT will be attracted by this lottery. In that case, CPT explains gambling behavior. 6 Conclusion The aim of this study was to determine how we could solve the St Petersburg Paradox in rank dependent models. First, we established that the solutions proposed in the literature lead to other kinds of difficulties. We underlined that if we took them into account, the probability weighting wouldn’t be strong enough to compensate for the concavity of the value function. In that case, CPT cannot accommodate both gambling and insurance behavior. This theory then looses a major part of its descriptive power. In a second part, we proposed an alternative way to fix the infinite subjective utility’s problem. Like Rieger and Wang (2006), we suggested an alternative weighting function whose slope at zero is not infinite. In this case, the subjective value of any prospect wouldn’t be infinitely high. Nevertheless, in order to preserve the fourfold pattern of risk attitudes, we set a specification whose shape dominates (for low probabilities) the value function. Thanks to this requirement, the overweighting of small probabilities reverses risk averse behavior for gains (and risk seeking behavior for losses) generated by the value function. CPT still provides a good description of individual behavior under risk. 17 When S increases the new valuation V converges to the valuation obtained with Tversky and Kahneman’s estimates (V T K ). 16 References Allais, M. 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Camerer and Ho’s estimates v(xi ) πi Gains rank Probabilities Gains Camerer Ho Camerer Ho 1 st 1 rank 15 200 000 454.236 3.85332×10−5 76 275 360 1 nd 2 rank 422 857.14 120.695 0.000136992 5 448 240 1 th 3 rank 76 363.63 64.07134 0.000111006 3 632 160 1 4th rank 5 128.2 23.58438 0.000581451 339 002 1 th 5 rank 242.27 7.60087 0.002775051 24 214 1 6th rank 113.03 5.7125 0.002260728 16 143 1 7th rank 77.05 4.94189 0.003262787 7 705 1 th 8 rank 28.05 3.340792 0.020489824 550 1 9th rank 23.67 3.120927 0.01197572 538 1 10th rank 17.25 2.740316 0.01302709 367 1 th 11 rank 10.30 2.188255 0.0311254 102 1 9.12 2.067367 0.04819050 12th rank 38 No gain 0.9572 0 -2.90779 0.7638842 VCH (X) -1.80 19 Table 4: Euromillions Valuation - Wu and Gonzales’ estimates v(xi ) πi Gains rank Probabilities Gains Wu Gonzales Wu Gonzales 1 1st rank 15 200 000 5426.9851 2.5322×10−6 76 275 360 1 2nd rank 422 857.14 842.59648 1.478610−5 5 448 240 1 th 76 363.63 346.01515 1.4926×10−5 3 rank 3 632 160 1 th 5 128.2 84.936411 9.935×10−5 4 rank 339 002 1 242.27 17.296997 0.0006838 5th rank 24 214 1 th 6 rank 113.03 11.578418 0.0006947 16 143 1 th 77.05 9.4449954 0.0011434 7 rank 7 705 1 8th rank 28.05 5.4477971 0.0095197 550 1 9th rank 23.67 4.9507266 0.0069054 538 1 th 10 rank 17.25 4.1237036 0.0084206 367 1 10.30 3.0059076 0.0235416 11th rank 102 1 12th rank 9.12 2.7751710 0.0451533 38 No gain 0.9572 0 -3.226399 0.8742871 -2.43 VW G (X) Table 5: Euromillions Valuation - Polynomial weighting function π polynomial Gains rank Probabilities Gains v(xi ) weighting function 1 st 1 rank 15 200 000 2 089 403.44 2.34607×10−8 76 275 360 1 nd 2 rank 422 857.14 89 340.55 3.2845×10−7 5 448 240 1 3th rank 76 363.63 19 012.08 4.92674×10−7 3 632 160 1 th 4 rank 5 128.2 1839.16 5.27862×10−6 339 002 1 5th rank 242.27 124.46 7.38969×10−5 24 214 1 th 6 rank 113.03 63.09 0.000110825 16 143 1 7th rank 77.05 44.7 0.000232125 7 705 1 th 8 rank 28.05 17.61 0.003242095 550 1 9th rank 23.67 14.98 0.003295609 538 1 10th rank 17.25 10.99 0.004796966 367 1 th 11 rank 10.30 6.44 0.016926816 102 1 9.12 5.62 0.042932219 12th rank 38 No gain 0.9572 0 -4.14 0.912226886 VP W F (X) -3.14 20 A 73%∗ Table 6: Medium payoffs Valuation by CPT and CPT modified Choices CPT Polynomial p x π v V π v 0.999 0 0.986 0 0.998 0 0.001 6000 0.014 2112 30.53 0.02 2112 B 27% 0.998 0.002 0 3 000 0.978 0.022 0 1147 A0 72%∗ 0.999 0.001 0 5000 0.986 0.014 B0 28% 0 1 0 5 0 1 A 73%∗ 3.77 25.02 0.996 0.04 0 1147 4.09 0 1799 26 0.998 0.02 0 1799 3.24 0 4.12 4.12 0 1 0 4.12 4.12 Table 7: Medium payoffs Valuation by CPT modified Choices Camerer and Ho Wu and p x π v V π v 0.999 0 0.98 0 0.993 0 0.001 6000 0.02 25 0.5 0.007 92 B 27% 0.998 0.002 0 3 000 0.971 0.029 0 19.34 A0 72%∗ 0.999 0.001 0 5000 0.98 0.02 0 23.36 B0 28% 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 1.81 S 500 1000 2000 V 0.68 0.56 0.988 0.012 0 64 0.77 0.47 0.993 0.007 0 83.8 0.61 1.81 0 1 0 2.30 2.30 Table 8: Parameters of the new weighting funtion (for gains) ε1 ρ1 ε2 ρ2 h −8 −5 −7 −5 3.38085×10 2.77132×10 1.20554×10 9.88766×10 0.9464296 5.7177×10−9 9.3734×10−6 2.0332×10−8 3.334×10−5 0.941749 9.6688×10−10 3.1701×10−6 3.4357×10−9 1.12683×10−5 0.973276 21 Gonzales V k 0.60985 0.60995 0.60998 Gains rank 1st rank 2nd rank 3th rank 4th rank 5th rank 6th rank 7th rank 8th rank 9th rank 10th rank 11th rank 12th rank No gain V(X) Table 9: Euromillions Valuation - New weighting function πi πi Probabilities Gains v(xi ) S = 500 S = 1000 1 −6 15 200 000 2 089 403.44 6.13×10 1.01×10−5 76 275 360 1 −5 422 857.14 89 340.55 5.55×10 6.31×10−5 5 448 240 1 76 363.63 19 012.08 5.49×10−5 5.68×10−5 3 632 160 1 5 128.2 1839.16 0.0003214 0.0003240 339 002 1 242.27 124.46 0.0017495 0.0017510 24 214 1 113.03 63.09 0.00153905 0.00153930 16 143 1 77.05 44.7 0.00232366 0.00232382 7 705 1 28.05 17.61 0.0160779 0.0160781 550 1 23.67 14.98 0.01015141 0.010151462 538 1 17.25 10.99 0.0115013 0.01150142 367 1 10.30 6.44 0.029059 0.0290591 102 1 9.12 5.62 0.0485567 0.0485568 38 0.9572 0 -4.14 0.8633634 0.8633637 17.31 26.16 22 πi S = 2000 1.31×10−5 6.51×10−5 5.71×10−5 0.0003245 0.0017513 0.00153934 0.00232385 0.0160782 0.010151469 0.01150143 0.0290591 0.04855681 0.8633638 32.72
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