How to apply for the Scholars Rising High School Outreach Program 1. Apply to Los Angeles City College at: To complete application you will need: o To create an account o Your social security number Remember to: o Pg. 6- Check Foster Youth Status Box (if current or former foster youth) o Pg. 7- Check Foster Youth Status Box (if current or former foster youth) 2. Complete paper application (provided by Guardian Scholars Program) Remember to: o Completely fill out the entire application o 3-4 days after applying to LACC you will receive an email with your Student ID # (SID), please write it on your paper application o Obtain Official (counselor or principal’s) approval and signature on the forms o Parent/Guardian approval and signature on the forms (if in transitional housing ask case worker/guardian for signature) Attend orientation to learn more about the program. Parents/Guardians are welcomed. – Friday, August 15th @ 5pm Submit completed paper application before or by Thursday, August 21 before 5 pm to LACC Guardian Scholars Program 3. The class and the book for the course are FREE Harley Haas, Dual Enrollment Liaison Los Angeles City College 855 North Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90029 Tel (323) 401-2043 Fax (323) 663-8909 E-mail: FALL 2014 Revised No late applications will be accepted May 2014 Rev. Dear High School Contact: The staff and faculty at LACC are delighted to offer college classes on your high school campus. The classes will be offered from September 2 to December 20, 2014. (Finals TBA) I am looking forward to the fall semester and assisting you in enrolling your students in the classes offered on your campus. It is essential you follow the procedures below to ensure your students receive college credit. Please note LAUSD begins the semester three weeks prior to LACC start date and ends the same week of LACC finals. Therefore, you will have three weeks prior to the start of the class to register your students online and have paperwork delivered to LACC by Friday, August 22, at Noon. All applications will be completed online. Have students print out their confirmation page when application is submitted. They will then receive their “88” ID number within the next week. Students must have their own email account. All paperwork must have the “88” ID number included. Additional required forms are to be brought to the LACC president’s office by Friday, August 22 at Noon. You may bring forms to the President’s office any time th after June 9 , the earlier the better! Forms may be copied. Do not use last year’s forms! Use forms enclosed. Since applications must be done online, your high school staff is responsible for supervising the online application process in a computer lab on your campus. Students who have already completed classes at one of the Los Angeles Community Colleges will be able to use their”88” ID number if they have taken a class within the last 12 months. Students will have to reapply if it has been longer than 12 months. The additional required forms must have every line completed. Make sure a counselor completes and signs name on K12 form. It is the high school staff’s responsibility to ensure accuracy of all forms. LACC does not have the clerical staff to check forms. When delivering the additional required forms to LACC please follow these procedures. Place the forms in a large clasp manila envelope in alpha order with each student’s packet paper clipped together. (Do not staple) Please attach two copies of the numbered alpha list of students, grade, and their date of birth and “88”Number on the front of the envelope, include Name of School, Section number, and Title of class at top pf page; each student will have a packet of 3 forms. Please use separate envelopes for each class section offered at your school. I will place a box labeled DUAL ENROLLMENT in the President’s Office on the second floor of the admissions building room AD 214. The envelopes may be brought in any day prior to Friday, August 22 ,@ noon, that is the final day they will be accepted. Please bring forms earlier if possible. Each student must have the following forms completed to be enrolled in class. Please be sure to check every form for legibility and signatures. Check every line and every box. PLEASE! Classes must have 40 students. Please consider attrition. Attrition will not be a problem if your screening process eliminates students who are not ready for college level material. K-12 form, Supplemental Application for Admission of Student in grades k-12. Parent signature* required Nonresident Fee Waiver Form. Parent signature. For ALL students Course request card, may be copied on standard paper, and must have section number and signatures. Do not use color paper! Print student ID, Section number and high school name on all pages of each packet Please! Harley Haas Dual Enrollment Coordinator Phone: 323 401 2043 Reminder: Most classes require a textbook. It is the responsibility of the high school to purchase the text approved by the professor and the department chair at LACC. The Bookstore at LACC will assist you with necessary invoices. Math and English classes must have an assessment done by our staff. We are paying staff overtime to process all enrollment forms, please have the forms turned in on time earlier if possible. Harley Haas, Dual Enrollment Los Angeles City College 855 North Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90029 Tel (323) 401-2043 Fax e-mail: Fall 2014 Dear High School Contact, I have taken the liberty to list a few items that you may want to be aware of prior to and during the spring semester. *The LACC and LAUSD calendar dates do not correspond exactly, please be aware of discrepancies listed below. A few minutes will be added to each class session to make-up for the missing sessions. Please sit down with your LACC instructor and go over the calendar carefully. All packets must be in the President’s office at LACC prior to Friday, August 22 @ Noon. Arrangements for access should be made so that the instructor doesn’t have to look for a person with a key, a key should be issued to the instructor. Media (Projector and Screen or Cart) should be ready for use. The contact should be present at the first meeting and the students must realize if they miss the first class they forfeit their seat. Contact should greet the instructor in the main office on the first day. Once class has begun, instructors should be able to print out a roster by the end of the first week. You should ask for a copy and compare it to your list of students. Discrepancies should be brought to the instructor’s attention immediately. Students who feel they cannot handle the work for any reason should notify the instructor and ask the instructor to drop them from the class the first week. Students do not need to file drop cards. The class will run using the LACC calendar which is similar to the LAUSD calendar with only 4 days as exceptions. A few minutes will be added to each session to make up for the 4 missing days. See below. Textbooks should be ready for the first meeting. 1. LACC is closed 11/11, 11/27 and 11/28 Last day 12/21//2014 2. LAUSD is off 9/25, 11/11, 11/24, 25, 26, 27, and 28, Last day 12/19/2014 3. Students must drop classes by 9/14 so that it will not show a “W” on the student record. Students may drop online or by asking the instructor to process the drop. 4. Finals will be given the week of December 15th, 2014 Dual Enrollment Checklist for High School Personnel Check that procedures, policies and training are in place prior to approval of course A room has been identified with a capacity of and seats for at least 40 students LACC instructor(s) will have access (keys) to appropriate instructional facilities. Depending on the course requested, may include: AV equipment, usually a projector, chalk board/dry-erase, lab facilities, etc. The high school will be able to provide required text(s) and/or other materials listed by the instructor/academic department. Non-high school students enrolled in the course will have access to the course during the scheduled course hours. Affected high school personnel are informed or trained as to the nature of the course. For example, security personnel, teachers, adult school staff LACC instructors will have access to a copy machine for class material, or 24 hours turn around for copy material. LACC administration does not allow faculty to use copy codes for high school classes. Counseling staff is trained as to the screening procedure and policy for prospective students o Upon request for “Supplemental Application for Admission of Students in Grades K-12” form for counselor’s signature: *No “F” grades in college-preparatory curriculum (“A-G”) (In last 2 semesters) th th th *Students will have 11 or 12 grade status, however, some gifted 10 graders may be considered with an A or B average and recommendation from counselor. *Students are not taking the course as “credit recovery” from a previous D or F * No class or extracurricular activity conflict with class scheduled. Primary contact at the high school will implement final screening process: o Contact collects, vets, and returns forms and facilitates online registration Students complete LACC online application correctly Students complete “Supplemental Application for Admission of Students in Grades K12” form with parent/guardian signature and high school authorization and signature Students complete course request form Students complete additional forms as necessary (e.g. “Non-resident Tuition Waiver”) o Contact further screens and informs students as to: Contact should screen transcripts to assure eligibility based on criteria listed above. Ability to commit to hours and days of instruction for the course Understanding as to benefits and potential hazards of taking a college course while in high school Suggested level of decorum, behavior and maturity expected by many college instructors of their students Successful strategies for studying and completing college level work should be emphasized * If a school selects Monday, January 12, 2015 as a Pupil Free Day, then Friday, June 5, 2015 becomes an Instructional Day JULY JULIO HOLIDAY DIA DE FIESTA LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE LOS ANGELES Pupil Free Day Monday, August 11, 2014 Friday, June 5, 2015 Board Approved 2/11/2014 SINGLE TRACK INSTRUCTIONAL SCHOOL CALENDAR 2014-2015 CICLO UNICO CALENDARIO ESCOLAR DE INSTRUCCIÓN AUGUST AGOSTO SEPTEMBER SEPTIEMBRE OCTOBER OCTUBRE NOVEMBER NOVIEMBRE DECEMBER DICIEMBRE 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 1011 1415 1617 1821 22 2324 25 2829 30 31 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 1819 20 2122 2526 2728 29 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 151617 18 192223 24 2526 29 30 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 1617 20 2122 2324 27 28 29 3031 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 1417 18 19 202124 25 2627 28 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 1011 12 15 16 1718 19 222324 25 2629 30 31 U A UU U AA A 85 JANUARY ENERO # FEBRUARY FEBRERO APRIL ABRIL MARCH MARZO MAY MAYO JUNE JUNIO 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 1314 1516 19 20 21 2223 26 2728 29 30 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 121316 17 18 1920 23 24 2526 27 2 3 4 5 6 9 1011 12 13 16 17 18 1920 23 24 2526 27 30 31 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 2728 29 30 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 1314 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 1112 15 16 17 18 19 22232425 26 29 30 U A 95 IMPORTANT DATES: 07-04-2014 08-11-2014 08-12-2014 08-29-2014 09-01-2014 11-11-2014 Independence Day Pupil Free Day First Day of Instruction Admissions Day Labor Day Veterans Day Observed 11-27 & 11-28-2014 12-22-2014 thru 01-09-2015 # 01-12-2015 01-19-2015 02-16-2015 Thanksgiving Holiday Winter Recess Second Semester Begins Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.’s Birthday Presidents’ Day 03-30 thru 04-03-2015 04-06-2015 05-25-2015 * 06-04-2015 Spring Recess Cesar E. Chavez Birthday Observed Memorial Day Last Day of Instruction UA – Unassigned Day, no classes in session
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