HOW TO PREPARE YOUR SENIOR PACKET SENIOR PACKETS are used to apply for most of the scholarships awarded by organizations in Yuma County. Parts of this packet may also be used for other scholarships and college applications. All parts must be typed on good quality white paper, assembled in order, and stapled in the top left-hand corner. You may have access to this packet in the following places: Career Center or school website @ There are 7 parts to the SENIOR Packet: 1) Title Page 2) General Application Form 3) Resume 4) Personal letter 5) Personal essay 6) 3 letters of recommendation 7) Transcript (unofficial/official) 1. Title Page Every application packet must have a typed. It must include the name of the scholarship, your name, mailing address, home phone number, your school’s name, and the due date for the application. Use a font that is at least 12pt and easy to read. You may add a border and background graphic, but keep it professional and very clear. 2. The General Application Form This is a page form that requires basic personal information from you. It must be typed and the title can be added or changed each time you put a packet together for a scholarship. 3. Resume A resume is a summary of your academic, extracurricular, and community activities, as well as paid jobs you have had. You may make copies of this page for each scholarship. An explanation of how to complete a resume is included in the senior packet. 4. Personal Letter You must write a personal letter for the purpose of convincing the scholarship donor that you are worthy of receiving the scholarship. Briefly the letter must include an introductory paragraph, career goals, major field of study, an education plan, financial plan, qualifications for the scholarship, a statement of need and a closing paragraph. You may make copies of this page for each scholarship. An explanation of how to write a personal essay is included in the senior packet. 5. Personal Essay The personal essay will give you the opportunity to tell the scholarship committee more about yourself than they can see in your application form, resume and transcript. A personal essay should be about some event in your life that has changed your outlook or behavior. It gives you an opportunity to reveal a very human and individual side of yourself. It must be written carefully and thoroughly checked for spelling or grammar errors. You may make copies of this page for each scholarship. An explanation of how to write a personal essay is included in the senior packet. 6. Letters of Recommendation You will need to ask 3 or 4 people who know you very well and are not related to you to type letters of recommendation for you. A minimum of three letters of recommendation are required. At least one should be from a school official and at least one should be a non-school person. The third one can be either school or non-school. Give each person a copy of your “Request for a Letter of Recommendation”. Explain to each person why you need the letter and when you will need it. Make sure you ask at least 2 weeks before your due date. Ask them to use letterhead or other good quality paper, sign it, and save for future use. You may make copies of these letters for each scholarship. A copy of the request form and tips for letters of recommendation are included in the senior packet. 7. Transcripts Ask for an unofficial transcript in the Guidance office. The official transcript request form is available online at Make sure you ask at least 24 hours before your due date. Do not ask for an official transcript unless it is specifically required. Requesting a Transcript UNOFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT If you need an unofficial transcript, you can view it on ParentVue or contact the Kofa Registrar Office. OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT If a scholarship or college application requests that you provide them an official transcript, you must complete the online request form which is available at the Kofa website You must submit the official request forms to Miss. Avalos, or the transcript request drop box located in the Career Center. You can always ask for multiple official transcripts if you know you will be completing many college and scholarship applications (it saves time too!). Addressed envelopes are available in the career center. Make sure to place a mailing stamp on each envelope for every school that you would like an official transcript to be mailed to. Be aware that if you need the transcript to be mailed, you should request it at least one week before your due date so it will arrive on time. University Fee Waivers Universities have an application fee for all. Arizona residents applying for undergraduate admission to Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, or the University of Arizona may obtain fee waivers. You must complete the online request form which is available at the Kofa website You must sign and submit the fee waiver form and circle at the bottom which school you would like me to send them to. Submit the form at the career center in the drop off box labeled University Fee Waivers request. There are also fee waivers available for out of state universities as well, please see Ms. Avalos for more information. *** Ms. Avalos ** ** 928-502-5555 *** GENERAL APPLICATION FORM SCHOLARSHIP NAME Name Age Address Phone # and Street or P.O. Box # City Zip Applicant’s E-mail Father’s Name Occupation Where Employed For How Long Mother’s Name Occupation Where Employed For How Long Names and ages of other non-self-supporting members of your family: Name Address In which bracket does your family income fall? _____ 0 - 10,000 _____ 10,001 - 15,000 _____ 20,001 - 25,000 _____ 25,001 - 30,000 _____ 40,001 - 50,000 _____ 50,001+ Age _____ 15,001 - 20,000 _____ 30,001 - 40,000 Special circumstances/problems that affect family finances: What school do you plan to attend? What will be your major area of study? What are your top three choices for an occupation? (list in order of preference) 1. 2. 3. Attachments usually include a resume, personal essay, personal letter, 3 letters of recommendation, and a transcript WRITING A RESUME What is a resume? A report, or list, of your skills, interests, and successes shown by your activities, school work, and job experiences. Why do I need a resume? School - A resume is a required part of most scholarship application packets. It is important to have a complete, well organized document to convince a scholarship committee or employer that are the best candidate for their award or job. Employment – A resume makes a great impression and shows responsibility, organization, and most importantly, that you are serious about getting that job. How do I write a resume? Get organized and get started while you have plenty of time-like now. List of every activity you have been involved in since you started in high school. Separate the list into community/volunteer and school activities. Make another list of jobs you have had paid or unpaid. List of awards (academic, athletic, etc.) List of skills (operate machines, office and computer skills, etc.) When did these events happen? For each of your activities and jobs you will need to put dates, at least month and year you started and finished each one. Use “Present” if you are currently or continuing an activity or job. Now, how does all this become a resume? Two basic resume styles: Chronological is a list of facts in time order, beginning with the present. Functional is a list of your skills and accomplishments. *Either style is appropriate, it is what best fits you! How do I start putting it together? Contact information-name, address, phone number, and e-mail address, if you have one. This can be centered or lined up on the left side margin. Education Objective will be the degree you are pursuing. Education Background, list your school name, address, grade level and GPA, if it is 2.5 and over Academic Awards with dates School Activities with dates Community Volunteer Activities with dates Skills with dates Work Experience with dates How will I know if I’ve done it correctly? No more than one page length Use 10 or 12 plain font Resume centered on the page Revised by other people NOTE: Just as you would dress carefully for a first meeting with someone you wanted to impress, you need to ‘dress up’ your resume. Use high quality paper that is either white or pastel colored and have absolutely no errors or cross-outs in typing, spelling, punctuation, etc. Sample Resume Format Name Street Address City, State Zip Code Home Phone, Cell Phone e-mail address EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Name of High School Street Address City, State Zip Code (Area Code) School Phone Number Graduation Date: May ___, 20__ ACT: Sept. 20__, Score SAT: Nov. 20__, (Score Include this category if they are strong) G.P.A.: weighted _______ unweighted ________ (Score Include this category if they are strong) Rank: ______ of ______ (Score Include this category if they are strong) ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS (Include all awards you have received that identify your academic achievements) National Honor Society Secretary Who’s Who Among High School Students A-Team 2005-Present 2006 2008 2006-2007 EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (Any school activities that are not specifically a class) Sports Varsity football co-captain Clubs Offices held Years involved Year Years involved Years COMMUNITY SERVICE AND INVOLVEMENT (All activities that have not been included in the extra-curricular activities—include duties and responsibilities) Volunteer work Duties, responsibilities, and activities Church Activities and responsibilities Organizations/Groups Duties, responsibilities, and activities Years involved Years involved Years involved WORK EXPERIENCE (Include all jobs for which you have been paid--be sure to include level of responsibility and duties) Construction Framed new construction, pulled wiring Years involved REFERENCES (Include at least three adults who have given permission to use them as references, or write Available upon request) HOW TO WRITE A PERSONAL LETTER 1. Start the letter with a salutation such as: Dear Scholarship Selection Committee: Dear Scholarship Committee: Dear Committee: NOTE: NEVER say “To Whom It May Concern:” 2. Include information about the following: a. An opening paragraph that introduces you and gives significant family information such as you are the third of five children b. Career goals - include dreams, ambitions, experiences or whatever led you to select your career choice; if you are undecided, mention careers that you are considering c. Major field of study - state what you plan to study in college and how that will help you to pursue your career goal; if you are undecided, mention majors that you are considering d. Education plan - where and for how long you anticipate preparing for your career e. Financial plan - how you plan to pay for your education, mention your parents’ savings (if any), what financial aid you have already applied for, whether you have a job or plan to work in college, etc. f. Qualifications - what makes you a prime candidate for this scholarship (do not mention the name of the scholarship) g. Statement of Need - a strong statement describing your financial need (include unusual drains on the family money such as a disabled parent, etc.) h. A closing paragraph that includes a thank-you to the scholarship donor for making the scholarship available 3. Close your letter this way: Sincerely, (be sure to sign your name in this space) Your name typed HOW TO WRITE A PERSONAL ESSAY 1. Give your essay a title a. Center it on the page b. Capitalize all of the letters in the title c. Skip a couple of lines before starting the body of the essay 2. Your essay should be about something that has happened in your life that has had a profound effect upon you. It might be an event or a person whom you have met that has caused you to make a change in your life either in an attitude or a behavior. a. Maximum of one page b. Typewritten and single spaced 3. It is not necessary to sign your essay, but it is OK if you do unless the instructions specifically forbid it. Request for LETTERS of RECOMMENDATION NAME DATE Colleges are looking for a challenging academic curriculum, evidence of creativity, energy, curiosity and commitment. Be specific in providing the following information. The writers of your letters of recommendation will need this information to write an outstanding letter. It is also important to provide them a copy of your RESUME. I. ACTIVITIES A. List, in order of importance to you, all major activities in which you have been involved since entering high school. Include offices held, positions played, etc. (school and non-school, curricular and extracurricular). 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. B. Tell me why you enjoy your #1 activity listed above. C. Tell me how you spent your last three summers. D. List any academic and non-academic honors received while in high school: 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. II. ACADEMIC A. List you favorite high school courses and why. 1. Why? 2. Why? B. Indicate your least favorite course in high school and why. Why? III. PERSONAL A. List 3 adjectives which describe yourself and provide an example to illustrate your description. 1. Example 2. Example 3. Example B. What makes you unique? C. Is there any information that you want me to include in your recommendation? D. What person has had the greatest impact on your development? How? IV. POST-HIGH SCHOOL PLANS A. Careers being considered: B. Possible college majors: C. Colleges being considered:
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