How to search the LRC catalogue

Learning Resource Centre (LRC)
87 Bay St. Glebe, NSW 2037
Ph: +61 2 8587 8865
How to search the LRC catalogue
Type your search term in the search box at the top of the screen. The Search function uses
predictive text, so you can enter the first part of your term and Search will find a list of
subject terms for you to choose from, including more specific subject terms.
In this example, we want to see all the resources under the broad subject heading,
dermatology. Click on dermatology from the list to perform a search.
You can sort your search list by
clicking on this drop down menu.
Sorting options include title, author
or year of publication
Number of resource hits
displayed on Search
Green tick means
the resource is
available for loan
Your search term is
highlighted in yellow
This is a classification
number. The Collections
in the LRC can be
located on the shelves
according to their
classification number
This icon describes
the format of a
resource, in this
case, a book
Manager, LRC - 26.2.14
Learning Resource Centre (LRC)
87 Bay St. Glebe, NSW 2037
Ph: +61 2 8587 8865
A search for the term dermatology gives 9 results which are listed in order of relevance,
with your search term highlighted in yellow. You can change how the list displays by
clicking on the sort list drop-down menu and selecting another option such as sort by title
or year of publication.
A green tick beside the classification number means that the resource is available to
borrow. A red cross means that the resource is unavailable, for example the resource is
currently on loan but may be reserved or recalled.
Some results in the list may display a
button. If you click on this button, it will
open a Google Preview which often includes tables of contents, reviews, a scanned
preview of a chapter and a link to purchase the resource through Google Books.
You can refine or expand the results list further by clicking on Modify Results button on
the left menu or by clicking on the far right side of your screen. Some of the options for
modifying results include only displaying resources published in a specific year, or only
displaying resources that are available for loan. You can also expand your search to
include additional search terms. In the example below, by adding an additional search
term “Skin – Care and hygiene” the number of hits increases to 15.
2. Select “expand” from the
drop-down menu then click on
the green search button
1. Click on the dropdown menu from
the Modify Results
function and select
additional search
Manager, LRC - 26.2.14
Learning Resource Centre (LRC)
87 Bay St. Glebe, NSW 2037
Ph: +61 2 8587 8865
You can also expand your search by using an asterisk as a truncation symbol - *. By truncating
the search term derm* the search will call up all catalogue records in which “derm” appears ,
for example, dermal, dermatology, microdermabrasion etc.
Be aware that a truncated search may also call up records that may not be relevant. For
example, Endocrine secrets / Michael T. McDermott. (2013)
To view resource information, hover over a title of a resource and a quick view of the resource
will pop-up.
Clicking on the title of a resource opens up the search record. If you are logged into
Search, you will be given additional functions including booking, reservation, email and
printing functions.
At the bottom of the search record is the LRC’s Holdings information for that resource.
Manager, LRC - 26.2.14
Learning Resource Centre (LRC)
87 Bay St. Glebe, NSW 2037
Ph: +61 2 8587 8865
The number of
copies of a
resource held by
the LRC
The collection
where a resource is
is the
The classification
number is where
the resource can
be located on the
LRC shelves
Clicking on the
“List” link will give
more detailed
Status tells you if
a resource is
available on the
LRC shelf, is
currently on loan
or is not for loan
The due date of a resource that
is currently on loan
The LRC catalogue defaults to Basic Search – however, if you click on the drop down
menu, you have more search options to choose from.
Click here for
more search
If you select Advanced Search, a pop-up opens to give you options for refining your search.
Manager, LRC - 26.2.14
Learning Resource Centre (LRC)
87 Bay St. Glebe, NSW 2037
Ph: +61 2 8587 8865
If you would like to set the Advanced Search as your default search, go to My Portal, click on
Details and change the Search Type to Advanced search, then save:
You can also search for recommended readings for your course. Type in the Course Code of your
course and from the drop-down Search Type List, select Lists
Manager, LRC - 26.2.14
Learning Resource Centre (LRC)
87 Bay St. Glebe, NSW 2037
Ph: +61 2 8587 8865
If you are unable to find the resource you are looking for in the LRC collection, you can also run
the search in other catalogues or databases.
1. Click on the
globe icon to
open alternate
provider pop-up
2. Select a database/
catalogue and Search will
rerun your search
Manager, LRC - 26.2.14