INSIDE: FREE Health Talks / Health Screenings / Support Group Information / Fitness Classes The Cleveland Clinic Foundation 9500 Euclid Ave. / AC311 Cleveland, Ohio 44195 Edition West W Community Connections May 2013 Your monthly guide to wellness events and activities hosted by Cleveland Clinic. View our calendar of events anytime at: W Community West Connections Edition May 2013 Cleveland Clinic is committed to helping you make positive health and wellness choices. We invite you and your family to take advantage of the programs offered in your community. Look inside for: s Health Talks & Special Events Calendar s Upcoming Health Screenings s Fitness Activities Schedule s Healthwise Connection Events HWC s Support Group Information Health Talks & Special Events / May 2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday West Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 s 4IPS ON +EEPING Your Digestive System Healthy and Happy s #02 (EARTSAVER AED Course See full event descriptions following this calendar for details and locations. Z Walk with a Doc s $IABETES ,ETS 4ALK Z /NGOING %VENT Z Walk with a Doc 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 s TH !NNUAL Lakewood Hospital Ambulance Chase s #OOKING #LASSES s 'RANDPARENTING for the New Millennium s 3TROKE !WARENESS and Prevention s !!20 -ATURE Driving Course s 7EIGHT -ANAGEMENT Through Hypnosis Z Walk with a Doc s &IT IN &IVE 7ALKING Challenge Z Walk with a Doc Z Walk with a Doc 12 13 14 15 -OTHERS $AY s !!20 -ATURE Driving Course s (OW TO &ACE the Challenges of Aging s &IT IN &IVE 7ALKING Challenge s #OOKING #LASSES 16 17 18 s 7EIGHT -ANAGEMENT Through Hypnosis s "ABY &AIR Z Walk with a Doc s 7ELLNESS 3PEAKER Series – Pain: Love It or Leave It Z Walk with a Doc Z Tobacco Treatment Group 19 20 s !RT IN THE Afternoon Tour s #OOKING #LASSES 21 s 7OMEN )TS Your Life, It’s Your Health s %ATING 2IGHT for People with Diabetes and Heart Disease s 3MOKING 3TINKS Steps to Establish a Tobacco-Free Life 26 22 24 25 s '/ &OODS FOR A Slimmer You 23 s 7EIGHT -ANAGEMENT Through Hypnosis Z Walk with a Doc s ,ONGEVITY 9OUR Healthful Path Through Life Z Walk with a Doc s &IT IN &IVE 7ALKING Challenge Z Tobacco Treatment Group s 4HE )MPACT OF Sports Nutrition and Conditioning on Athletic Performance 27 28 29 -EMORIAL $AY s 3MART 'ROCERY Shopping for People with Diabetes s &IT IN &IVE 7ALKING Challenge s 7EIGHT -ANAGEMENT Through Hypnosis s (EALTHY #OOKING Series – Preparing Foods that Alleviate Pain Z Walk with a Doc Z Tobacco Treatment Group 30 31 May 1–5 Q Tips on Keeping Your Digestive System Healthy and Happy s Friday, May 3 / 10:30 a.m. Medina Community Recreation Center, 855 Weymouth Road, Medina, 44256 Dr. Merheb will share tips on the best methods of promoting and keeping a healthy digestive system as we age. 4HIS IS A (EALTHY -EDINA EVENT Free. For information, call 330.721.5987 Q Diabetes: Let’s Talk s Friday, May 3 / 11:30 a.m. Lakewood Senior Health Campus, Assisted Living Center, 1381 Bunts Ave., Lakewood, 44107 Diabetes is a complicated disease. Gina Gavlak, RN, Diabetes Program Development Coordinator for the Lakewood Hospital Diabetes & Endocrine Center, will listen to your concerns and answer any questions you may have about diabetes. Lunch provided. Call 216.912.0800 for reservations. Q CPR: Heartsaver AED Course* s Saturday, May 4 / 8:30 a.m–noon Fairview Hospital Wellness Center, 3035 Wooster Road, Rocky River, 44116 The Heartsaver AED course teaches CPR AED use, relief of choking in adults, children and infants, as well as the use of barrier devices for all ages. Skills examination. $40 (includes manual). 440.356.0670 *The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in BLS, ACLS and PALS and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the American Heart Association; any fees charged for such a course do not represent an income to the Association. Q 12th Annual Lakewood Hospital Ambulance Chase s Sunday, May 5 / 7:30 a.m. registration; 8:30 a.m. one-mile walk; 9 a.m. 5K run/walk Lakewood Park, 14532 Lake Ave., Lakewood, 44107 Presented by Donald Martens & Sons Ambulance Services, Inc. Proceeds will benefit Lakewood Hospital’s Rehabilitation Services and a variety of other patient care programs. Join us for this great community event. $20 pre-registration through April 22; $25 thereafter and on race day. Visit For more information, contact Emily Speer at or 216.529.7080. (EALTH %SSENTIALS MAGAZINE IS NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE Go to to access downloadable recipe guides, podcasts, healthy living tip sheets, the latest in health news and more. May 6–12 Q Cooking Classes Q Grandparenting for the New Millennium s Mondays, May 6, 13, 20 / 7–9 p.m. Fairview Hospital Wellness Center, 3035 Wooster Road, Rocky River, 44116 s Tuesday, May 7 / 6:30–9 p.m. Fairview Hospital Wellness Center, 3035 Wooster Road, Rocky River, 44116 s May 6: Chicken; $15, plus $9 food fee payable to instructor Join a lively discussion for grandparents-to-be and new grandparents about the changes in birthing and infant care procedures. $20 per family. Registration required. Call 440.356.0347 or visit and click on “news and events” to register. s -AY /NIONS AND 'ARLIC PLUS FOOD FEE PAYABLE TO INSTRUCTOR s May 20: Marvelous Mushrooms; $15, plus $8 food fee payable to instructor Classes are demonstration only. There will be recipes to take home and samples to taste. Call 440.356.0670 to register. Continued HWC May 6–12 West Q Stroke Awareness and Prevention Q AARP Mature Driving Course s 7EDNESDAY -AY AMnNOON BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING AND LIGHT LUNCH noon–1 p.m. health talk Wellington Place, 4800 Clague Road, North Olmsted, 44070 Additional parking available in back of building. s Thursday, May 9 / 12:30–4:30 p.m. Fairview Hospital Wellness Center, 3035 Wooster Road, Rocky River, 44116 Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Join neurologist Peter Bambakidis, MD, for an educational session on the signs and symptoms of a stroke, as well as preventive measures you can take to prevent a stroke. Prior to the health talk, there will be blood pressure screenings and a heart-healthy light lunch. %VENT COSPONSORED AND LIGHT LUNCH PROVIDED BY 7ELLINGTON 0LACE Free. Registration required. Call 877.234.FITT (3488) or visit (“News & Events” tab, click on “Calendar of Events”). Q Fit in Five Walking Challenge s Wednesdays, May 8, 15, 22 and 29 / 6:30 p.m. Lakewood Park Women’s Pavilion, Lakewood, 44107 Live Well Lakewood, in collaboration with Lakewood Hospital and Discount Drug Mart, is offering this five-week walking program. Free health screenings will be offered on May 8 at 5:30 p.m. before the one-mile walk. The goal is a three-mile walk by the end of the challenge. Participants are welcome to walk at their own pace. Call 216.529.7695. HWC s Monday, May 13 / 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Edward A. Hall Conference Center, Medina Hospital The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Driver Safety Program offers this (non-driving) refresher course to drivers 50 years of age and older. In many cases, completion will result in a discount on insurance. FOR !!20 MEMBERS FOR NON AARP members (bring AARP card day of class). Cash (exact change) or check (made out to AARP) accepted day of class. Registration required. Call 877.234.FITT (3488) or visit Q Weight Management Through Hypnosis s Fridays, May 10, 17, 24 and 31 / 7–8 p.m. Fairview Hospital Wellness Center, 3035 Wooster Road, Rocky River, 44116 Tired of carrying around extra pounds? Hypnosis can help reprogram bad eating habits and the way you view food. It is not a diet program. Four weekly one-hour sessions include a set of reinforcement audiotapes and special tools to help you be successful. Classes taught by a certified hypnotherapist. $110 per person. Please contact 440.356.0670 to register for this course. May 13–19 Cleveland Clinic Health Talks Q How to Face the Challenges of Aging s 4UESDAY -AY PM REGISTRATION n PM PROGRAM Cleveland Clinic Brunswick Family Health Center Conference Room – 2nd Floor, 3574 Center Road, Brunswick, 44212 Learn the latest in hip, knee and joint replacement. Understand how to sleep better when you age. Get the facts on deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolisms. Get the facts on these topics and more when you join us at this health talk. Kathleen Boyle, DO – Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism Robert Davis, PA-C – What’s New in Hip and Knee Replacement? Harneet Walia, MD – Sleep and Aging Free. To attend, please call the Center of Consumer Health Information at 216.444.3641 or 800.548.8502. Or register online: Cleveland Clinic Offers Shared Medical Appointments (SMAs) SMAs are appointments in which multiple patients with the same chronic medical condition are seen as a group for follow-up or routine care. SMAs provide improved clinician access, education and shared experiences with other patients. To find out where SMAs are offered, go to today! Q Baby Fair s Saturday, May 18 / 10 a.m.–1 p.m. Edward A. Hall Conference Center, Medina Hospital This is a free family event at which many vendors, healthcare providers and breastfeeding peer helpers will be on hand to answer questions, teach proper car seat installation and give general baby care information to new parents. 4HIS IS A (EALTHY -EDINA %VENT Free. For information, call 330.662.0525. Q 7ELLNESS 3PEAKER 3ERIES Pain: Love It or Leave It Q Art in the Afternoon Tour s Tuesday, May 14 / 7–8 p.m. Cleveland Clinic Lyndhurst Campus s Sunday, May 19 / 2–3:15 p.m. Miller Family Pavilion main information desk at Cleveland Clinic Main Campus Fifty percent of all visits to physicians are for pain. It is associated with depression, and because depression increases both pain and sensitivity to it, a vicious cycle can ensue. Treating pain is important to keeping you living younger—and enjoying life. Join Michael Roizen, MD, Cleveland Clinic Chief Wellness Officer, as he shares ways to live a healthier and younger-feeling life. Free. Registration required: 877.331.9355 or Join the Art Program for a guided tour of the renowned Cleveland Clinic Art Collection. Tours are hosted every third Sunday of the month and are designed to lift the spirits, engage the mind and provide an enjoyable social experience for those with memory loss. Free valet parking. Reservations required: 216.448.0232. For more information: &OR INDIVIDUALS WITH MEMORY LOSS AND THEIR CARE PARTNERS May 20–26 Cleveland Clinic Health Talks Q Women: It’s Your Life, It’s Your Health s 4UESDAY -AY PM REGISTRATION n PM PROGRAM Cleveland Clinic Independence Family Health Center, Lower Level, Conference Room A, 5001 Rockside Road, Crown Centre II, Independence, 44131 Please join us for a comprehensive Health Talk that addresses menopause, osteoporosis and weight. Q Smoking Stinks: 3TEPS TO %STABLISH A 4OBACCO&REE ,IFE s Tuesday, May 21 / 6:30–7:30 p.m. Edward A. Hall Conference Center, Medina Hospital Denise Smith-Hauser, CNP – Preventing Osteoporosis: Keys to Success Tobacco use is addictive and habit-forming. Most of us know that tobacco use is bad for our health, but quitting can be quite a challenge. After all, it’s a permanent lifestyle change. Join Tobacco Treatment Specialist Peter McDermott as he helps you navigate options for becoming tobacco-free. 4HIS IS A (EALTHY -EDINA %VENT Free. Registration required. Call 877.234.FITT (3488). Free. To attend, please call the Center of Consumer Health Information at 216.444.3641 or 800.548.8502. Or register online: Q GO!® Foods for a Slimmer You Pelin Batur, MD – Understanding and Managing Menopause Linda Canterna, RD, LD – Metabolism Down, Weight Up ... What Do You Do? Q Eating Right for People with Diabetes and Heart Disease s Tuesday, May 21 / 6:30–7:45 p.m. Fairview Hospital Wellness Center, 3035 Wooster Road, Rocky River, 44116 Cardiovascular disease and diabetes are major health concerns in the United States today. Good nutrition is essential to manage diabetes, maintain a strong heart and prevent future cardiac events. This program will offer new and exciting information on the best nutritional choices to maintain a “heart healthy” lifestyle. This class is taught by Angela Fitzsimmons, RD, LD, from Fairview Hospital, and Peggy Doyle, RD, LD, from Lakewood Hospital Diabetes & Endocrine Center. Free. Registration required: 440.356.0670 s Wednesday, May 22 / 5:30–6:30 p.m. Castele Learning Center at Lutheran Hospital Discover what a healthy diet can do for you and those you love. Learn about our Cleveland Clinic Go! Foods Program in Partnership with Dave’s Markets. This fun and engaging presentation will teach you how to choose healthier foods that taste great and whittle your waist. Call 216.274.2940 to register. Like us on Facebook for educational health information on our community hospitals, family health centers, health tips, local events and more. Continued May 20–26 West Cleveland Clinic Health Talks Q ,ONGEVITY 9OUR (EALTHFUL 0ATH 4HROUGH ,IFE s 7EDNESDAY -AY PM REGISTRATION n PM PROGRAM Cleveland Clinic Richard E. Jacobs Health Center, Conference Rooms A & B – 1st Floor, 33100 Cleveland Clinic Blvd., Avon, 44011 Want to know how to function with low vision? How do you gain control of your bladder? When is memory loss not so normal? Is it Parkinson’s disease? These answers and others will be addressed when you join us at this health talk. Michal Gostkowski, DO – Why Am I Shaking? Is It Parkinson’s Disease? Ali Mirza, MD – When Memory Loss Is Normal and Not So Normal Sandip Vasavada, MD – Incontinence: Gaining Control of Your Bladder Corrie Weitzel, OD, MS – The Importance of Low-Vision Rehabilitation Q The Impact of Sports Nutrition and Conditioning on Athletic Performance s 7EDNESDAY -AY PM Brunswick Public Library, 3649 Center Road, Brunswick, 44212 Join sports medicine physician Kim Gladden, MD, and dietitian Kate Patton, RD, to learn about the importance of proper conditioning and the impact of nutrition on athletic performance. &REE &OR INFORMATION CALL &REE 4O ATTEND PLEASE CALL THE #ENTER OF #ONSUMER (EALTH )NFORMATION AT OR /R REGISTER ONLINE CLEVELANDCLINICORGHEALTHTALKS -AY n Q Smart Grocery Shopping for People with Diabetes s 4UESDAY -AY n AM Heinen’s, 19219 Detroit Road, Rocky River, 44116 Join Peggy Doyle, RD, LD, CDE, and the nurse educators and dietitians from Lakewood Hospital Diabetes & Endocrine Center for a talk on diabetes and healthy food choices. Guided tour of the grocery store to review smart shopping strategies is included. Presented in conjunction with the Go! Foods® program developed by Cleveland Clinic and Heinen’s Fine Foods. Healthy food selections are identified with the 'O &OODS label. Light breakfast served, compliments of Heinen’s. &REE 3PACE IS LIMITED 2EGISTRATION REQUIRED &)44 &OR INFORMATION CALL OR EMAIL GIGAVL CCFORG Q Healthy Cooking Series – Preparing Foods that Alleviate Pain s 7EDNESDAY -AY n PM Cleveland Clinic Lyndhurst Campus Research shows that certain foods can not only help prevent, treat and reverse a spectrum of chronic diseases, they can help alleviate pain, too! In this class, Mladen Golubić, MD, PhD, Medical Director for the Cleveland Clinic Center for Lifestyle Medicine, will provide you with the science behind the top pain-fighting foods. Jim Perko, Executive Chef for the Wellness Institute, will demonstrate how to use them to prepare easy and delicious meals. In addition, you will have the chance to sample all of the recipes. PER PERSON 2EGISTRATION REQUIRED OR ,IFESTYLE-ED CCFORG Ongoing Events / May 2013 ZChildbirth and Parenting Classes Z7ALK WITH A $OC CONTINUED Fairview, Lakewood and Medina hospitals s 7EDNESDAY -AY AM Summit Mall,* 3265 W. Market Street, Fairlawn, 44333 *We meet in the food court at 8 a.m. Fairview, Lakewood and Medina hospitals offer a variety of childbirth and parenting classes to help educate you about your growing family. Some general topics include: healthy pregnancy, preparing for birth, breastfeeding, preparing for baby, preparing for family, infant and child safety, and what happens after delivery. 2EGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL CLASSES 3UPPORT GROUPS FOR NEW AND BREASTFEEDING MOMS ARE OFFERED AT NO CHARGE WITH NO REGISTRATION NEEDED To see the complete list and descriptions of the classes, locations and fees (where applicable), visit, or For more information, call the Childbirth and Parenting Program at 440.356.0347. We encourage you to schedule a visit to the Birthing Center where you plan to deliver. For Fairview and Lakewood hospital tours, please call 440.356.0347 for tour dates and times. To schedule a tour at Medina Hospital, please call 330.721.5090 for tour dates and times. 4OURS ARE FREE AND REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED ZWalk with a Doc Walk with a Doc combines a casual 1.5- to 3-mile walk with a brief informative talk by Cleveland Clinic Family Health Center physicians. Topics based upon the physician’s specialty and the requests of participants. .O REGISTRATION REQUIRED to walk with Siva Raja, MD, cardiothoracic surgeon, with a health talk immediately following at approximately 8:30 a.m. s %VERY &RIDAY IN -AY n AM Amherst Beaver Creek Reservation,* Lorain County Metroparks 913 North Lake St., Amherst, 44001 *We meet at the outdoor reservation near the playground. s %VERY 3ATURDAY IN -AY n AM Black River Reservation,* Lorain County Metroparks 6150 Ford Road, Elyria, 44035 *We meet at the Bur Oak entrance. ZTobacco Treatment Group s 4UESDAYS -AY n*UNE n PM Cleveland Clinic Lyndhurst Campus Ready to quit tobacco and looking for help? The Tobacco Treatment Center is offering a 6-week program to help you prepare for Quit Day and stay quit. This program combines behavior change and medication options with group support. You will prepare for Quit Day by learning about your behavioral triggers to use tobacco, and you will practice strategies and techniques to quit successfully and remain tobacco-free. Whether this is your first quit attempt or your 10th, you have your reasons for quitting and we are here to help. Price: 4HATS LESS THAN THE COST OF A PACK OF CIGARETTES A DAY 2EGISTRATION REQUIRED Health Screenings / May 2013 #LEVELAND #LINIC OFFERS AN INCREDIBLE RANGE OF HEALTH SCREENINGS FOR YOU TO BETTER MONITOR AND MAINTAIN YOUR HEALTH 4HE MAJORITY OF THESE OPPORTUNITIES ARE AVAILABLE AT NO COST AND OCCUR ON A REGULARLY SCHEDULED BASIS SO ITS EVEN EASIER FOR YOU TO PARTICIPATE Q Blood Pressure Screenings Free. Available on walk-in basis. s -ONDAY -AY AMnNOON Rocky River Recreation Center, 21016 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River, 44116 s -ONDAY -AY n AM Dwyer Memorial Senior Center, 300 Bryson Lane, Bay Village, 44140 s -ONDAY -AY n PM Rocky River Senior Center, 21014 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River, 44116 s -ONDAY -AY n PM Fairview Park Senior Center, 20769 Lorain Road, Fairview Park, 44126 s 4UESDAY -AY n AM Gemini Recreation Center, 21225 Lorain Road, Fairview Park, 44126 s 4UESDAY -AY AMnNOON West Park YMCA, 15501 Lorain Road, Cleveland, 44111 s 4UESDAY -AY AMnNOON Brooklyn Senior Center, 7727 Memphis Ave., Brooklyn, 44144 s 4UESDAY -AY n AM Great Northern Mall, 4954 Great Northern Mall Blvd., North Olmsted, 44070 s 7EDNESDAY -AY n AM Lakewood Office on Aging East, 12400 Madison Ave., Lakewood, 44107 s 7EDNESDAY -AY n AM Lakewood Office on Aging West, 16024 Madison Ave., Lakewood, 44107 s 7EDNESDAY -AY n PM Barton Center, 14300 Detroit Road, Lakewood, 44107 s 4HURSDAY -AY AMnNOON West Side Community House, 9300 Lorain Road, Cleveland, 44102 Q Grip Strength Screening s 4HURSDAY -AY n AM Medina Community Recreation Center, 855 Weymouth Road, Medina, 44256 By using a hand-held device, you will be able to determine your hand grip strength, which is an overall indicator of your total body strength. 4HIS IS A (EALTHY -EDINA EVENT. &REE 7ALKINS WELCOME Q Diabetes Screenings s 7EDNESDAY -AY n AM Rocky River Senior Center, 21014 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River, 44116 / 440.333.6660 s -ONDAY -AY n AM Fairview Park Senior Center, 20769 Lorain Road, Fairview Park, 44126 / 440.356.4437 Fasting required two hours before appointment for this finger-prick test. &REE 2ESERVATIONS REQUIRED Q Skin Cancer Screening – Fairview Hospital s 3ATURDAY -AY AMn PM Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center at Fairview Hospital, Moll Pavilion, Second Floor, 18200 Lorain Road, Cleveland, 44111 &AIRVIEW (OSPITAL THE !MERICAN #ANCER 3OCIETY AND THE #LEVELAND $ERMATOLOGICAL 3OCIETY WILL PROVIDE THE TH ANNUAL SKIN CANCER SCREENING A visual inspection by a dermatologist will be provided. &REE 2EGISTRATION REQUIRED &)44 OR VISIT FAIRVIEWHOSPITALORG AND GO TO THE .EWS AND %VENTS TAB THEN CLICK ON #ALENDAR OF %VENTS TO REGISTER ONLINE &REE PARKING ONLY IN THE -OLL 0AVILION LOT Support Groups and Seminars / May 2013 Q Cancer Support Groups Women with Gynecologic Cancers s Thursday, May 2 / 5:30–6:30 p.m. Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center at Fairview Hospital, Moll Pavilion, First Floor Conference Room, 18200 Lorain Ave., Cleveland, 44111 Speaker: Mary Smerkar, MSN, RN, CNP, OCN, “Clinical Trials and Update of Hope Study.” Contact Gwen Paull, oncology social worker, at 216.476.7241 prior to meeting. The Lost Chord Club West 3UPPORT FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE LOST THEIR LARYNX FROM CANCER s Friday, May 3 / 2–3 p.m. Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center at Fairview Hospital, Moll Pavilion, First Floor Conference Room, 18200 Lorain Ave., Cleveland, 44111 Call 216.476.7241 for information. /RAL (EAD .ECK #ANCER 3UPPORT 'ROUP ,OCAL #HAPTER OF 30/(.# 3UPPORT FOR 0ERSONS WITH /RAL (EAD AND .ECK #ANCERS s Thursday, May 9 / 4–5:30 p.m. Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center at Fairview Hospital, Moll Pavilion, First Floor Conference Room, 18200 Lorain Ave., Cleveland, 44111 Contact Gwen Paull, oncology social worker, at 216.476.7241 prior to meeting. "LOOD #ANCER 3UPPORT 'ROUP COSPONSORED with The Leukemia Lymphoma Society West ,OOK 'OODx&EEL "ETTER s Tuesday, May 21 / 5–7 p.m. Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center at Fairview Hospital, Moll Pavilion, 18200 Lorain Ave., First Floor Conference Room, Cleveland, 44111 A free American Cancer Society program combats appearance-related side effects of cancer. Also supported by the Personal Care Products Council Foundation and the National Cosmetology Association. Participants are provided with free makeup kits. To register, call the American Cancer Society Patient Service Center: 800.227.2345. Prostate Partners co-sponsored with The Gathering Place &OR MEN COPING WITH PROSTATE CANCER s Tuesday, May 21 / 6:30–8:30 p.m. The Gathering Place – West, 800 Sharon Drive, Westlake, 44145 Duane Culler, PhD – Genetics and Prostate Cancer Contact coordinator Nat Cooke prior to the meeting at 216.932.2760 or Gwen Paull at 216.476.7241 'ATHERING FOR 7OMEN $IAGNOSED WITH "REAST #ANCER s 4UESDAY -AY n PM Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center at Fairview Hospital, Moll Pavilion, First Floor Conference Room, 18200 Lorain Ave., Cleveland, 44111 Special Speaker: Avni Sahgal, Child Life Specialist – “I Have Cancer…How Do I Help My Kids?” Contact Gwen Paull, oncology social worker, at 216.476.7241 prior to meeting. (OW TO 3UPPORT #HILDREN #OPING WITH A ,OVED /NES #ANCER s Wednesday, May 15 / 5:30–7 p.m. Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center at Fairview Hospital, Moll Pavilion, First Floor Conference Room, 18200 Lorain Ave., Cleveland, 44111 s 4UESDAY -AY n PM Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center at Fairview Hospital, Moll Pavilion, First Floor Conference Room, 18200 Lorain Ave., Cleveland, 44111 Questions? Contact Gwen Paull at 216.476.7241. Special Speaker: Avni Sahgal, Child Life Specialist – “I Have Cancer…How Do I Help My Kids?” Contact Gwen Paull, oncology social worker, at 216.476.7241 prior to meeting. Artistic Expression for Those Coping with Cancer s Monday, May 20 / 2–4 p.m. Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center at Fairview Hospital, Moll Pavilion, First Floor Conference Room, 18200 Lorain Ave., Cleveland, 44111 Patients and loved ones are invited to participate in a therapeutic experience. No prior art experience needed. Come explore your creative side. Experience led by Lisa Shea, art therapist. Registration is required. Call 216.476.7241 or email Elyria Family Health & Surgery #ENTER "REAST #ANCER 3UPPORT 'ROUP s Monday, May 20 / 6:30–8 p.m. Elyria Family Health & Surgery Center, 2nd Floor Community Room All individuals, families and caregivers affected by breast cancer are invited to attend. This support group is for the newly diagnosed who are searching for answers, as well as the older survivor who can share and support others in their journey. No registration is required. Q NAMI Mental Health Support Group s Wednesdays, May 8 and 22 / 7–9 p.m. Edward A. Hall Conference Center, Medina Hospital / 330.225.6448 Q Stroke Support Group s Tuesday, May 28 / 4:30–6 p.m. Edward A. Hall Conference Center, Medina Hospital Stroke-related presentations by physicians and/or other clinical staff, with free blood pressure screenings provided before or after each meeting. 4HIS IS A (EALTHY -EDINA EVENT Please RSVP to 330.721.5992. Q Stroke Support Group for Survivors and Caregivers s Last Thursday of Every Month / 5–7 p.m. Lakewood Hospital Wasmer Auditorium, 14519 Detroit Ave., 44107 Please RSVP to Cindy Clark: 216.529.7173 Fairview, Lakewood, Lutheran and Medina hospitals offer a comprehensive variety of support groups. For more information, visit,, lutheranhospital. org or For more information on cancer support groups, please visit or call 216.476.7241. Fitness / May 2013 Q Therapeutic Yoga Classes Q Tone Your Tush s -ONDAYS !PRIL n*UNE n PM s -ONDAYS -AY n*UNE n PM Cleveland Clinic Lyndhurst Campus s 4UESDAYS !PRIL n*UNE n PM Cleveland Clinic Lyndhurst Campus, 1950 Richmond Road, Lyndhurst, 44124 s 4HURSDAYS !PRIL n*UNE n PM Fairview Hospital Wellness Center, 3035 Wooster Road, Rocky River, 44116 If you find traditional yoga poses uncomfortable, these 60-minute chair yoga classes are designed specifically for you. No matter your age, physical ability or experience level, come as you are to these yoga classes and discover the powerful benefits that yoga can bring to your life. Price: $70 per 8-week session or $10 per individual class. Registration required: 877.331.9355 or email Q Spring Candlelit Restorative Yoga Class s Friday, May 10 / 7–8:30 p.m. Cleveland Clinic Lyndhurst Campus This workshop offers the opportunity to experience the healing power of stillness. In our hectic world it is often difficult to find silence and tranquility. Take this opportunity to learn some tools and techniques to move your body and your mind into peaceful quietude. Immerse yourself in a nurturing and healing environment while you surrender into a restorative yoga and meditation practice—no previous yoga experience is needed. Adults at all levels of ability are welcome. Please bring a yoga mat and a blanket if you have one. This workshop is great for anyone who lives life at a hectic pace! Sign up soon as space is limited. $20. Registration required: 877.331.9355 or Q Private Yoga Lessons s Dates and times customized to your schedule. Cleveland Clinic Lyndhurst Campus Our yoga therapists will develop a personalized yoga routine tailored specifically for your health goals and/or rehabilitation needs. Price: $75 per lesson (packages available). Registration required: 877.331.9355 or email Q Fit for All s Mondays and Wednesdays / 5:30–6:30 p.m. s Fridays / 5:15–6 p.m. Fairview Hospital Wellness Center, 3035 Wooster Road, Rocky River, 44116 A full body workout to include warmup, low-impact aerobics, strength training and stretching. Suitable for all ages. Work at your own pace and leave feeling refreshed. Please bring a mat or towel and a water bottle. $35 for 10-class card. Please contact 440.356.0670 to register. Tone your hips, thighs and tush in this creative, fun, adventurous class. Learn how to combine yoga and strength-training with fun, funky, heart-pumping, creative dance movements. If you are determined to tone your thighs, trim your hips, tighten your butt and prevent injuries, this is the class for you. Price: $50. Registration required: 877.331.9355 or Q Arthritis Foundation Tai Chi s Mondays and Wednesdays / 8:30–9:15 a.m. Fairview Hospital Wellness Center, 3035 Wooster Road, Rocky River, 44116 Tai Chi for Arthritis is easy and enjoyable to learn and has many healthy benefits. Medical studies have shown this program helps people with arthritis reduce pain and improve many aspects of their health. This program is based on Sun Style Tai Chi, chosen because of its healing component. Aside from the fundamental set of 12 Tai Chi movements, it contains warmup, wind-down and Qigong breathing exercises. Please contact 440.356.0670 to register. Q Tai Chi Ch’uan – Wu Style s 4UESDAYS -AY n*ULY n PM Fairview Hospital Wellness Center, 3035 Wooster Road, Rocky River, 44116 Tai Chi Ch’uan is a classical form of Chinese exercise characterized by slow, gentle rhythmic movements of ancient martial arts origin. Graceful movements promote physical fitness, flexibility and general health. Studies have shown that people who do Tai Chi regularly can reduce their risk of falling by one-third to one-half. $55 per eight-class session. Please contact 440.356.0670 to register. Q Zumba® s Tuesdays / 4:30–5:30 p.m. s Thursdays / 6:30–7:30 p.m. Fairview Hospital Wellness Center, 3035 Wooster Road, Rocky River, 44116 Zumba combines high-energy and motivating music with unique moves and combinations that allow participants to dance away their worries. Add some spice and flair to your workout and shake your cha-cha. This Latin-based group exercise class is fun and easy to do. No dance experience required. $35 for 10-class card. Please contact 440.356.0670 to register. Continued Fitness / May 2013 West Find More Fitness Offerings at Fairview Hospital Wellness Center 4HE &AIRVIEW (OSPITAL 7ELLNESS #ENTER OFFERS DOZENS OF HEALTH AND RECREATION PROGRAMS &OR A COMPLETE LISTING CALL AND REQUEST A 7ELLNESS #ALENDAR OR GO TO to view the calendar online. Q Fitpaths (For 50 years old and up) Q Whittle Your Waist s 4UESDAYS 4HURSDAYS AND 3ATURDAYS n AM 3ATURDAY CLASSES BREAK FOR SUMMER STARTING -AY Fairview Hospital Wellness Center, 3035 Wooster Road, Rocky River, 44116 s 7EDNESDAYS -AY THOUGH *UNE n PM Cleveland Clinic Lyndhurst Campus 4HIS MULTILEVEL CLASS IS FOR ADULTS AND OLDER WHO WANT TO REAP THE BENElTS OF AEROBIC AND STRENGTH TRAINING $RESS IN COMFORTABLE LOOSE CLOTHING AND LEAVE CLASS FEELING ENERGETIC $35 for 10-class card. Please contact 440.356.0670 to register. Q Fitpaths Too (Geared for Seniors) s 4UESDAYS AND 4HURSDAYS n AM Fairview Hospital Wellness Center, 3035 Wooster Road, Rocky River, 44116 4HIS MULTILEVEL EXERCISE CLASS IS FOR THE ACTIVE SENIOR WHO WANTS TO REAP THE BENElTS OF regular physical activity. Work at your own pace, enjoy the music and feel refreshed. $35 for 10-class card. Please contact 440.356.0670 to register. ! WEAK CORE CAN AFFECT YOUR POSTURE AND LEAD TO BACK PAIN AND OTHER HEALTH ISSUES &OCUS ON YOUR CORE FOR A lRMER BELLY AND A STRONGER BACK ,EARN HOW TO COMBINE STRENGTHENING exercises and yoga poses to keep your midsection healthy and strong. You also will learn HOW TO INTEGRATE YOGA AND ABDOMINAL STRENGTH TRAINING INTO YOUR CURRENT EXERCISE ROUTINE Price: $50. Registration required: 877.331.9355 or Q Personal Fitness Training s Dates and times customized to your schedule. Cleveland Clinic Lyndhurst Campus, 1950 Richmond Road, Lyndhurst, 44124 /UR lTNESS EXPERTS WILL WORK WITH YOU TO CUSTOMIZE A lTNESS PLAN THAT SUITS YOUR SCHEDULE YOUR BUDGET AND YOUR ABILITY LEVEL Price: $50 per one-hour session (packages available). Registration required: 877.331.9355 or email Healthwise Connection / Special Tours / May 2013 Healthwise Connection: Your Link to a Healthier Life™ (EALTHWISE #ONNECTION PROVIDES PROGRAMMING TO HELP PEOPLE YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER MAINTAIN A HEALTHY AND ACTIVE LIFESTYLE For more information, visit You are encouraged to register online for many Healthwise Connection programs! Go to for more information. Healthwise Connection Tours HWC 4O REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION ON (EALTHWISE #ONNECTION 4OURS PLEASE CALL *+, 4OURS AT 440.942.5350 or 888.927.8977 /R VISIT Q Summer in the Country s &RIDAY *ULY (Mild walking) Q “The Sound of Music” at Rabbit Run Theater s 4HURSDAY *ULY EVENING (Mild walking) Q A New Amish Tour s 4HURSDAY *UNE (Day Trip) / $65 (Moderate walking) Q “How to Succeed in Business” at Rabbit Run Theater with dinner s 4HURSDAY *UNE (Mild walking) Walking Key Mild: 5P TO TWO BLOCKS AT A TIME LIMITED STEPS MOSTLY EVEN SURFACES SOME STANDING INTERMITTENT SEATING Moderate: Up to ¼ mile at a time, stairs, slight changes in surface level, standing or walking required for up to one HOUR 4HOSE WITH LIMITED MOBILITY SHOULD BRING A CAREGIVER CAPABLE OF AND RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY assistance throughout trip. Extensive: Long periods of walking, up to one mile at a time, stairs, changes in surface level, standing for long periods. Recommended only for those in good physical condition. Additional Resources / May 2013 Medline Medline is a free physician referral and appointment service for Fairview, Lakewood, Lutheran and Medina hospitals, as well as Euclid, Hillcrest, Marymount and South Pointe hospitals on the East Side. Call our free referral line at 866.733.6363 and let Medline take the guesswork out of locating primary care physicians and specialists in your area. Other Health Information Resources Cleveland Clinic also offers free access to health information through a variety of additional resources including: s 4HE 0ATIENT AND &AMILY (EALTH AND %DUCATION #ENTER ON #LEVELAND #LINIC MAIN CAMPUS PROVIDES FREE ACCESS TO EASYTOUNDERSTAND HEALTH INFORMATION 3TAFFED BY HEALTH EDUCATORS AND RESOURCE nurses, the center is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call 216.444.3771 for health information requests, or 216.445.9288 for heart, vascular and thoracic questions. s 4HE #ENTER FOR #ONSUMER (EALTH )NFORMATION /NLINE ,EARNING #ENTER AT MYCLEVELANDCLINICORGHEALTH OFFERS FREE ONLINE INTERACTIVE HEALTH RESOURCES ,OG ON BETWEEN AM AND PM WEEKDAYS TO CHAT LIVE WITH HEALTH EDUCATORS WHO CAN PROVIDE 7EB RESOURCES HELP YOU lND A PHYSICIAN TELL YOU HOW TO GET A SECOND OPINION OR HELP YOU MAKE AN APPOINTMENT 4HE WEBSITE ALSO OFFERS A SCHEDULE OF /NLINE (EALTH #HATS LED BY #LEVELAND #LINIC PHYSICIANS AND HEALTH SPECIALISTS s 0ATIENTS AND FAMILIES WHO ALREADY HAVE A PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN AT A #LEVELAND #LINIC &AMILY (EALTH #ENTER MAY USE .URSE ON #ALL A FREE RESOURCE STAFFED BY REGISTERED NURSES .URSE ON #ALL IS AVAILABLE HOURS A DAY SEVEN DAYS A WEEK AT OR (ELPING TO +EEP /UR Community Healthy Welcome to #OMMUNITY #ONNECTIONS a schedule of events, activities and resources designed to help keep you and your family healthy and well. Cleveland Clinic created this expanded calendar format to help you more easily identify upcoming events in your area. Plus, you’ll get a new, updated #OMMUNITY #ONNECTIONS every month, so YOULL BE ABLE TO lND AND REGISTER FOR PROGRAMS ON A MORE TIMELY BASIS Family Health Centers Lyndhurst Campus 1950 Richmond Road, Lyndhurst, 44124 877.331.9355 Avon Lake Family Health Center !VON "ELDEN 2OAD !VON ,AKE 440.930.6800 Medina Medical Office Building 970 East Washington St., Medina, 44256 330.721.5700 Brunswick Family Health Center #ENTER 2OAD "RUNSWICK 330.225.8886 Richard E. Jacobs Health Center #LEVELAND #LINIC "LVD !VON 440.695.4000 / 800.599.7771 Elyria Family Health & Surgery Center 303 Chestnut Commons Drive, Elyria, 44035 440.366.9444 Strongsville Family Health & Surgery Center 16761 SouthPark Center, Strongsville, 44136 440.878.2500 Lakewood Family Health Center -ADISON !VE ,AKEWOOD 216.521.4400 Lorain Family Health & Surgery Center 5700 Cooper Foster Park Road Lorain, 44053 440.204.7400 / 800.272.2676 Cleveland Clinic is committed to helping you make positive health and wellness choices, so WE INVITE YOU TO BROWSE AND CHOOSE THE INFORMATION ANDOR PROGRAMS THAT ARE BEST FOR YOU Community Hospitals Avon Pointe Family Health Center !MERICAN 7AY !VON 440.930.6250 Independence Family Health Center 2OCKSIDE 2OAD #ROWN #ENTRE )) )NDEPENDENCE 216.986.4000 / 800.544.6333 #LEVELAND #LINIC OFFERS AN INCREDIBLE BREADTH OF ONGOING HEALTH SCREENINGS HEALTH TALKS PROGRAMS AND OTHER RESOURCES AT OUR MAIN CAMPUS EIGHT COMMUNITYBASED HOSPITALS (Euclid, Fairview, Hillcrest, Lakewood, Lutheran, Marymount, Medina and South Pointe), &AMILY (EALTH #ENTERS AND OUR AFlLIATE !SHTABULA #OUNTY -EDICAL #ENTER 4HIS EDITION of #OMMUNITY #ONNECTIONS lists events on your side of town. Wooster Family Health & Surgery Center 1740 Cleveland Road 1739 Cleveland Road 7OMENS (EALTH #ENTER 721 E. Milltown Road 3PECIALTY AND 3URGERY #ENTER Wooster, 44691 330.287.4500 Fairview Hospital ,ORAIN !VE #LEVELAND 0HYSICIAN 2EFERRAL 866.733.6363 Lutheran Hospital 1730 West 25th St., Cleveland, 44113 0HYSICIAN 2EFERRAL 866.733.6363 Lakewood Hospital $ETROIT !VE ,AKEWOOD 0HYSICIAN 2EFERRAL 866.733.6363 Medina Hospital 1000 East Washington St. Medina, 44256 s 330.725.1000 Additional Outpatient Locations Westlake Medical Campus Building A #OLUMBIA 2OAD Westlake, 44145 Westlake Medical Campus Building B #OLUMBIA 2OAD Westlake, 44145 North Ridgeville Medical Office 35105 Center Ridge Road .ORTH 2IDGEVILLE 440.327.1050 Wellington Medical Office 805 Patriot Drive, Unit E Wellington, 44090 440.647.0004 For a comprehensive listing of all of Cleveland Clinic’s locations, please visit
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