T1-T2 -Heart -Muscle: Subscapularis -Sympathetics: incr HR and force of contraction -LEFTà T1-T5(6) direct and via all 3 cervical ganglia -RIGHTà T1-T3 direct and via all 3 cervical ganglia -Parasympathetics: decr HR and constrict coronary artery -LEFTà Vagus mainly to AV node -RIGHTà Vagus to SA node and affects rate -LEFT side Net Effect: ventricular control and force of contraction -RIGHT side Net Effect: control HR -Pain pattern: T1: assoc w/coronary arteries -proximal ½ of Left thenar pad (more indicative of constriction) -left scapula, ant GH joint on L, L axilla, base of sternum, inferior to umbilicus T2: assoc w/myocardium valves -distal ½ of Left thenar pad (indicative of mm tissue damage and constriction) -Nutrition/Lifestyle: -exerciseà heart monitor (180-age, or 180-5 if ill) -fresh veggies, low carbs, mod good quality fat, mod protein- Syndrome X diet (thyroid and pituitary body types) -for some the vegetarian, low fat, high carb is better (adrenal or gonadal body types) -Vit E (mixed tocopherols best), lecithin, essential FA (fish and flax oil), min balance (Mg, Ca+, K, Na), B-complex, Vit C, wheat germ oil -carnitine (for elevated TAGS) -for lipid probs (lipotropics, fiber niacin) -statins stop body from making CoQ10- supplement if on cholesterol meds -taurine- helps hold minerals in heart tissue -heart glandulars, adrenal support, antioxidants T3 -Sinuses/Ears and Lungs -Muscles: -Sinusesà SCM -Earsà Upper Trap -LungsàMiddle Deltoid and Serratus Anterior -Lungs: -Sympathetics: T1-T5 -Parasympathetics: Vagus -Sinuses/Ears: -Sympathetics: T1-T4 -Parasympathetics: CN VII -Pain Patterns: -Sinuses/Ears: lymph nodes, suboccipital and facial tenderness-frontal and maxillary sinuses on Left, temporal and mandible on Right -Lungs: T3 tender and tender in first 4 intercostal spaces, top of skull; B/L shoulders at lateral aspect -Sinus Drainage Massage (handout) -Nutrition/Lifestyle: -avoid known food allergens- esp milk for kids w/ear infections -saline sniff or gargleà ½ tsp salt to ½ cup H2O -dry heat over sinuses or over middle ear (sock filled w/salt) -if moist heat do face down to enhance sinus drainage -dry nasal membranes- E ointment near entrance of nares -moist heat packs over shoulder area -Lung glandulars, Vit C (or C-A-E-Z combos), trace min, thymus/spleen and adrenal glandulars -herbs (long list) -thin mucusà bile salts; thick mucusà I2 -N-acetyl cysteine, magnesium, EFAs, acidophilus/probiotics -Bowel Tolerance Vit C Procedure T4 -Gallbladder -Muscle: Popliteus -Sympathetics: T5-T9 -Parasympathetics: Vagus (enhance contraction) -Pain pattern: Right thumb-index web tender, T4 tender, Right subchondral area tender (esp mid-clavicular and lateral), Right anterior shoulder -Left popliteal fossa, L5/Sacrum, just medial to Right ASIS -Nutrition: -incr fruits, vegetables, water soluble fibers -nuts decr risk of gallstones in men; incr H2O (thins bile); red fat and fried; no coffee/CHOH/spices; avoid food allergens; eat slowly and relax after meals -Lipotropicsà hasten removal of fat from liver (choline, methionine, betaine, folic acid, B12) -Cholagoguesà stimulate GB contraction (dandelion root) -Choloreticsà stim bile secretion by liver and can incr bile solubility (dandelion root, artichoke leaves, berberine, tumeric, methionine) -Lecithin, Beet Leaf, Liver and Pancreatic Glandulars, Vit C and E -Special Techniques: 1) Gallbladder Pump (CMRT)à contraindicated in gallstones -flat hand pumping on lower edge of ribs- post and caudal -2 fingers of other hand under ribs pulling down (up-under-down) 2) Acute GB colicà usually occurs as stones enter/pass along ducts a) CO2 technique b) manipulate NLs c) firm pressure on T6-7 TP, B/L T5 -Stomach -Muscle: Pectoralis Major- Clavicular division -Salivary glands: -Sympathetics: T1-T4 via Superior Cervical Ganglion -Parasympathetics: CN VII (to submax and subling), CN IX (to parotid) -Stomach: -Sympathetics: T5-T9 -Parasympathetics: Vagus -Pain pattern: cold spot in epigastric area, oval area of rigidity (epigastric), dime sized area of tenderness epigastric (suspect ulcer), Left thumb index finger web tenderness, Left anterior shoulder (and above left distal clavicle) -Nutrition: -Digestiveà vegetable based enzymes -if Hypoacidà HCL relieves and mild alkalizer worsens -HCL (nec for Ca+ abs), Betaine HCL, Pepsin, Zinc -if Hyperacid (ulcers)à mild alkalizer relieves -raw duodenum, chlorophyll, Bismuth -Gastritisà acidophilus, raw duodenum, chlorophyll -Parotidà chewing and early digestion- parotid glandulars -Special Techniques: 1) Hiatal Hernia/GERD- must get imaging -check for rib cage restriction on inspiration -visceral challengeà push up on stomach weakens PMC and downward pressure on stomach strengthens PMC -balance diaphragm, visceral manip, massage tight areas T6 -Pancreas -Muscle: Latissimus Dorsi and Triceps -Sympathetics: T5-T9 -Parasympathetics: Vagus -Pain Pattern: tender Right thenar eminence, tender Left rib cage btwn rib 6-7, tender middle 1/3 of right subchondral -Nutrition: -Digestiveà pancreatic enzymes, may need HCL -Hypoglycemiaà raw liver/brewers yeast in morning, B-complex in afternoon, chromium, pancreatic glandulars, zinc, individual Bs, magnesium, adrenal glandulars -Hyperglycemiaà -Type I: HCF diet may help reduce insulin need -B-complex, vanadium, chromium, zinc, gymnema sylvestre, pancreatic glandulars -Type II: low carb, mod protein and fat, high fiber- EXERCISE -same as Type I but also Vit D -Special Techniques- CMRT: pick tender pts, not all 3 on one visit 1) Pancreas- massage R thenar pad while holding tender points 2) Ampulla of Vater- esp if digestive prob 3) Mobilize clavicles- vagal stim esp for blood sugar probs Special Techniques: Ampulla of Vater -esp if digestive problems -manipulate R biceps tendon at Right humeral head -simultaneously pump downward on area of ampulla of vater (below R ribs, midclavicular line), until relaxation and/or sensation of fluid motion achieved Mobilizing Clavicles -temporary stimulus of L vagus -thumb/index behind and above middle L clavicle w/firm upward pressure -raise pt arm to 90 ABd holding 20 sec then relax arm -return pt arm to 90 horizontal then work in full circle 5x -raise arm to front and pull anteriorly on arm and clavicle CO2 Technique: -press slowly, hold, release slowly- R TP of T5, L TP of T10, B/L lamina L2 -repeat 5 times Galbreath Technique: -for child w/otitis media -pump mandible downward and medially -3-5 seconds per round; 30-60 seconds total Sinus and Middle Ear- CMRT: -Cervical chains -Mobilize anterior cervical ST, hyoid -Frontal Sinus Technique -Maxillary Sinus Technique -Pharyngeal Sweep -Galbreath technique for child w/Otitis Media Lungs: -Lymphatic Pump/Thoracic Pumpà creates pressure gradient to enhance lymphatic drainage- good in infections and chest congestion -CMRT: -Psoas Releaseà helps release diaphragm and improve respiration -Free Shoulder Restrictionsà esp if drawn anterior by tight pecs -Free up Clavicles -Relax intercostals mm -Chest Percussionà drainage for pneumonia, COPD, bronchiectasis -Cough Control -Asthma Attackà CO2 tech and others -Bronchitisà CO2 tech and others -Spinal and rib mobilization/adjusting -Sinus Drainage Massage Heart: -ear lobe crease esp in pt <70 yrs oldà assoc w/coronary artery disease -CMRT T1: -Left thenar pad- pulse volume -Left costal arch release -Angina Controlà for pt that already knows they have it -CMRT T2: -Psoas releaseà will have palpable pain, reduced toe-in, red diaph excursion -Left thenar pad- distal ½ -Valvular reflexes- indication- auscultatory changes over valves -High BPà CO2 technique -Tachycardiaà cause must be diagnosed -clavicle mobilization -oculocardiac reflex- temporary -CO2 tech- esp if HTN Nutrition: -pt with ulcerà Bismuth (also chlorophyll or raw duodenum) -chlorophyll helps with morning sickness -parotid glandularsà help when food goes through the body too fast -HCl and Zn for pt that can’t handle proteins -vegetable-based enzymesà make sure pt not allergic to pineapple -Gallbladder supplements: -will have at least one of those on the test -lipotrophics for pt w/a lot of estrogen, or too much of another hormone -know that dandelion root is a cholagogue and all the others are choloretics -Sugar metabolism: -B-vitamins important for sugar metabolism -chromium and zinc regulate, sugar cravings especially -know the different diets between Type I and II diabetes -Respiratory: -thymus is the glandular she uses most -adrenal glandulars for stress -Thick vs. Thin mucus -probiotics good for recurring infections -inflammatory processes need essential FA (omega 3) -magnesium good for broncho constriction -Heart: -Vit E- be careful if have CHF -concentrated wheat germ good for muscle cramping -CoQ10 necessary for pt using Statin drugs -carnitine for pt with low TAG Final Material T7 -Spleen, Thymus, and Lymphatics -Muscle: -Spleenà Trapezius- middle and lower divisions only (prone) -Thymusà Infraspinatus (supine) -Thymus: -Sympathetics: T1-4 -Parasympathetics: Vagus -Spleen: -Sympathetics: T6-7 (capsule contracts dumping blood) -Parasympathetics: Vagus -Pain Patterns: T7, pain over chili reflex (1” below umbilicus), lymph node swelling/hypertrophy, splenomegaly -Nutrition: -if lymph congestionà encourage exercise -keep upper rib cage free and mobile to enhance lymphatic drainage -Supplements: thymus glandulars, A/C/Zn formulas, Echinacea, Zn lozenges for colds, adrenal or spleen and adrenal/thymus/spleen glandulars, hematinics- Iron/Cu/folic acid/B12/Zn (often w/raw liver) -Special Techniques: 1) Acupressureà mid SCM posterior to angle of mandible (“deep head and neck lymphs”), radial side of thumb (lymphs of tonsils, throat, jaw), medial side of L foot and above medial malleoli (all for blood formation) 2) Retrograde Lymphatic Techniqueà mm weaken when pt lies headdown or when feet elevated (important to balance Pec. Minor) 3) Lymphatic Pumps: a) Sternal (CMRT)- drainage of whole system- esp upper body b) Sternal 2 c) Cysterna Chyli (CMRT)- drainage from LE and abdomen d) Axillary lymph nodes- tender axilla, lat chest, ant humerus e) Inguinal nodes- edema in LE f) Elbow and Knee creases- for edema in distal limbs g) Spleen Pumpà Contraindicated if spleen pathologically swollen, traumatized, ruptured, or metastatic ds 4) Pre- and Postganglionic technique T8 -Liver -Muscle: Pectoralis Major- Sternal Division -Sympathetics: T5-9 (10) -Parasympathetics: Vagus -Pain Pattern: lower 1/3rd of humerus, medial border of R scapula, anterior R 3rd rib, medial knee pain or coldness, hepatomegaly/altered consistency -pt may complain of joint pain varying day to day -“Vitamin A bumps” -Nutrition: -detoxify the bowel to reduce toxic burden as well as reabsorption of cholesterol -improve dietà fresh foods, elim refined CHOs, elim rancid/processed trans fats, adequate water, high quality oils -supplements: -general support- raw liver (for pain), Vit A (for skin), B complex -hepato-protective- silymarin (anti-inflam), carnitine (incr TAG) -detox- lipotrophic products, milk thistle, catechin, glyccyrhiza (licoriceà watch for high BP), alpha lipoic acid (heavy metal detox), dandelion choloretic, artichoke -lipid metabolism- EFAs/lecithin (lower LDL w/out HDL compromise), niacin, CoQ10 if on statins, gugulipid (helps TH actions in periphery), fiber prevents absorption/reabsorption of cholesterol -hepatitis- alpha lipoic acid (for HepC- antiox w/interferon), milk thistle for Hep B+C, glyccyrhiza (antiviral Hep A+C), catechin (viral hep C>B>Am not alcoholic hep) **whole botanical is safer than pure form (hemolytic anemias) *antioxidantsà Hep C -Special Techniques: CMRTs 1) Bile Ductà NO Gallstones! 2) Liver Pumpà Contraindicated in acute abdomen, gall stone in duct, possible ulcer, cancer T9 -Adrenals -Muscles: Sartorius, Gracilis, and Gastrocnemius -Adrenal Cortex: -No or Uncertain Direct Autonomic Innervation -Adrenal Medulla: -Sympathetic: Preganglionic T1-L2 (50% T7-9) -Parasympathetic: none or uncertain -Pain Pattern: T9 tender, T/L junction ache, medial knee tender -Subjectiveà “just sick”, fatigue, knee instability, jt pain, salt cravings -Objectiveà -Ragland’s sign- Orthostatic Hypotension (BP drop, upon standing, can be adrenal stress sign but can’t diagnose purely on that) -Paradoxical Pupillary light reflex- pupils dilate to light -General Adaptation Syndrome: 1) Alarm Stageà immediate 2) Resistance Stageà prepare body to handle ongoing stress (ulcers, rash) -incr cortisol and decr DHEA -Precursor Steal- in chronic stress, precursors almost all made into cortisol instead of DHEA so have imbalance (have low BP, crave salt, aldost may decr) 3) Exhaustion Stageà both cortisol and DHEA decr, chronic ds and degenerative conditions like arthritis -Nutrition/Lifestyle: -structuralà adj FS, adrenal reflexes, stabilize pelvis/SI -remove chem. stressorsà stimulants (coffee, tea, chocolate), allergens, sugar handling stress (get off refined carbs, sugar, reduce alcohol) -for repairà sodium chloride, Bvit, limit fruit, adequate proteins -Mental/Emotionalàregularize schedule (eat, sleep, exercise), balance, mod exercise, regular meals, minimal alcohol/drugs -Diet: Adrenal Steroids -vegetatrian diets need decr androstenedione, estrone, estradiol (pt is curvy, soft, puffy type) -high carbs incr testosterone and decr cortisol compared to high proteins (pt is square build and fingers) -Supplements: -glandulars- andrenal (if weaken check choline), adrenal-thymusspleen, hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal -medullary hormone precursors/cofactors-listed in packet -cortical hormone cofactors/precursors- listed in packet -Bcomplex for blood sugar handling -aldosterone supportà licorice/glycyrrhiza -high midnight corisol- cant turn off to sleepà phosphatidyl (works at CNS level) -Allergy tx (see sep handout): -avoid allergen -normalize immune sys- glandulars, Vit C, zinc, pan acid -normalize dig- stomach digestants, HCL, pancreatic enzy -leaky gut/dysfloria- acidophilus, glutamine -antiox/anti-inflam- A,C,E,selenium, EFAs, better qual fats -Special Techniques: 1) Medullaà Butterfly technique -if BP is lowà rapid and light -if BP highà slow rhythm to calm 2 Pituitary pump on skullà alternate btwn top and bottom fingers (B/L) -low BPà press and release once a second -high BPà hold steadily or slow wave motion T10 -Small Intestine -Muscle: Quadriceps (Vastus and Rectus), Abdominals -Autonomics: -Intrinsic NSà primary control (myenteric plexusà mobility, submucosal plexusà cell secretion) -Sympathetics: T5-11 à halts digestion -Parasympathetics: Vagusà amplifies digestions *gut will work w/out symp/para due to intrinsic NS, but not as well/efficiently -Pain Pattern: tender “umbilical box”, sternum (and right below it too), costal arches, quads and ASIS, metatarsal arch (esp chronic cases), base of R 4th-5th fingers, lower T/s -Nutrition/Lifestyle: -avoid foods not tolerated- gluten damages villi -raw duodenum (ulcers), chlorophyll, Chron’s of SI (thymus, spleen, Vit C), comfrey-pepsin (short term- cleanse intestine wall, may cause long term liver prob), digestive enzymes, parotid (if food goes thru fast) -leaky gut formulaà L-glutamine (cell energy production), N-acetyl glucosamine (mucus layer), gamma oryzanol (ulcers), Zinc (need for enzymes), Cat’s claw (cleanse tract), folic acid, Vit A (strengthen membranes) -Parasites-confirm w/stool analysisà pancreatic enzymes, garlic, Paradex (black walnut husks, pau d’arco, garlic, pumpkin seed), Zymex II (for kids w/pinworms), acidophilus and probiotics for bacteria/fungal -Special Techniques: 1) Modified Liver pumpà Don’t do w/acute abdomen, pain w/ulcer/fever T11-12 -Kidney -Muscle: Psoas -Kidney: -Sympatheticsà T10-L1 -Parasympatheticsà Vagus -Ureter: -Sympatheticà T11-12 -Parasympatheticà S2-4 -Pain Pattern: edema, Murphy’s punch -L/s, medial-inferior aspect of buttock, lower/left abdomen (lateral aspect) -pt may complain of LBP, inner ear, skin prob -Nutrition: -adequate water, not just fluids -Vit A/C/E, glandulars, raw liver -diureticsà AC-Carbamide (urea powder), herbal diuretics, asparagus -stonesà low/mod protein diet, lots of water, mild HCL supplement if alkaline urine, citric acid is a urinary alkalizer, Vit C DOESN’T cause oxalate stones, B6/magnesium citrate (red oxalate levels), calcium citratemalate -in serious kidney ds, like pyelonephritis- reduce salt, limit meat/liquor, coffee, cigs, etc -Special Techniques: 1) Basic Apex contact- helps w/passing kidney stone 2) Kidney Liftà Contraindicated in Stones or infections -challenge lateral anterior abdomen -strong mm weakens w/pressure inferior -weak mm strengthens w/pressure superior 3) CMRT for red urine output/fluid retentionà hold nodule below sternum and w/other hand contact each kidney abd reflexes T11-12 -Bladder -Muscle: Tibialis Anterior -Sympathetics: L1-4 -Parasympathetics: S2-4 -Pain Pattern: L/s, medial-inferior aspect of buttock, lower/left abdomen (lateral aspect) -Nutrition: -for Cystitis (infection)à cranberry juice or D-mannose (prevent bacterial adherence to wall), low dose VitC, acidophilus/probiotics -for bedwettingà magnesium, trace minerals -low dose B complex- support trigonal area -for Interstitial Cystitis (non-infection)à sulfur donors, chondroitin sulfate (support GAG’s), L-Arginine, plant sterols (immune), Bioflavonoids, melatonin, avoid acidic foods) -Special Techniques: 1) Visceral Lift- may help w/incontinence, urinary retention -challenge footward on lower abdà weakens, or lifting headwardà strengthens -tx by lifting abdominal contents 2) Cystitis 1 and 2 -Exercises/Home care: -Kegels- for incontinence (squeeze pelvic floor and hold 5-10 sec/ -Retention control training L1 -Ileocecal Valve -Muscle: -Small Intestineà Quadriceps -Colonà Tensor Fascia Lata -Kidney meridian (controls sphincters)à Psoas and Iliacus -Autonomics: Intrinsic NS -Sympathetics: T10-12 -Parasympathetics: Vagus -Pain Pattern: shoulder (esp R bicipital groove), C3, base of sacrum, RLQ -Common Problems: -“Open”à hypotonic/flaccid back flow of waste into SI (hyperparasymp) -“Closed”à hypertonic/spastic, contents can’t exit SI (hypersymp) -Nutrition: -decr raw fruits/veggies/scratchy roughage, incr water, decr caffeine/alcohol/spicy foods while healing -supplementsà chlorophyll, raw duodenum, comfrey-pepsin, acidophilus/probiotics, choline (esp for open valve), closed valve may need calcium/VitD/HCL, digestive enzymes -Special Techniques: 1) Visceral Challenge: find direction strengthens weak or vice versa -Open valveà weak down to R hip, strong to L shoulder -Closed valveà weak up to L shoulder, strong down to R hip 2) Visceral Manipulation: gentle, deep pressure in direction which cancels weak mm, or opposite direction which weakens intact mm -Open valveà treat up to L shoulder -Closed valveà treat down to R hip 3) CMRT -closedà hold 2” below McBurney’s pt w/rotatry massage over humeral head till humeral sensitivity clears -openà flat hand over valve, firm pressure, massage R C3 TP -home care: lift valve, cold water pack over valve, home NLs L2 -Appendix/Cecum -Muscle: -Appendixà Quadratus Lumborum Colonà TFL -Sympathetics: T10-12 -Parasympathetics: Vagus -Pain Pattern: RLQ, posterior calf, entire skull -Gastroenteritisà vomiting/fever THEN pain and diarrhea -Surgical Abdomenà pain THEN vomiting, diarrhea late -Appendicitisà rebound tenderness, leukocytosis -Nutrition: -Diarrheaà acidophilus/probiotics, BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, tea or toast), incr water, oral rehydration w/severe cases (WHO formula), psyllium helps bulk up chronic diarrhea (esp after GB surgery) -Irritation/Inflammationà raw duodenum, chlorophyll, comfrey-pepsin, dig enzymes -Special Techniques: CMRT 1) Acuteà flat hand over cecal area + massage most tender R upper trap 2) Chronic (poor motor fx of cecum)à lift cecal area + rub sternum 3) Liver Pump L3 -Endocrine: Gonadal -Muscles: Gluteus Medius and Piriformis (reprod glands, uterus), Gluteus Maximus (reprod glands, prostate), Adductors (“climacteric” reprod glands) -Ovaries: -Sympathetics: T11-L4 -Parasympathetics: S2-4 -Testes: -Sympathetics: T10-L4 -Parasympathetics: S2-4 -Pain Pattern: total upper traps, L3 (ipsi to ovary), S3 foraminal tenderness, palp for inguinal hernia -hormonal imbalance, burning soles of feet/heels, medial thigh pain, breast/nipple area pain -Nutrition: -Reproductiveà support liver, clear colon, M/F glandulars, handle insulin resistance, control inflam, EFAs, adequate protein, iodine for breast tenderness, vit E, wheat germ oil concentrate -Female Herbalsà Vitex (support LH, progest), Estrogen Receptor Modulators (black cohosh, soy isoflavones, red clover) -Polycystic Ovary Syndromeà handle insulin resistance, Vit D, calcium, liver support/lipotropics -Menopauseà calcium/magnesium, high dose Vit E (hot flashes), female herbs, EFAs -Andropause (loss of testosterone dominance)à nutrients for conversions of hormones (B6, niacin, magnesium), chrysin, herbs (tribulus terrestrisin males incr spermatogenesis/LH/testosterone and in females incr FSH; Peruvian maca, panax ginsing) zinc L3 -Endocrine: Thyroid -Muscle: Teres Minor -Sympathetics: T1-2, middle cervical ganglion -Parasympathetics: Vagus -Pain Pattern: thyroid barely palpable -Nutrition: -soy can interfere w/absorption of thyroid meds, it can also alter endogenous thyroid levels -iodine needed (but excess can suppress thyroid)à low iodine indicators are can’t reach decision, costo-cart tender, cries easily -hyperthyroidà Vit E -thyroiditisà Vit D- avoid iodine -hypothyroidà thyroid glandulars, iodine w/RDAs -hypercortisol interferes w/T4 to T3 conversion -treat hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis -nutrients to facilitate T4à3 (zinc, selenium, gugul gum) -Hyperà nervous/jittery, heart pounding, weight loss, incr hand tremor, exopthalmos -Hypoà fatigue, poor memory, cries easily, low body temp, thinning hair/eyebrows, overweight, high cholesterol L4 -Colon -Muscle: Tensor Fascia Lata and Hamstring -Sympathetics: T10-L4 -Parasympathetics: Vagus (to mid transverse) and S2-4 (mid transverse to end) -Pain Pattern: clavicle (underside-CMRT, lateral- constipation, medial-diarrhea), lateral gluteal and thigh, anterior femur heads, posterior knee, posterior skull, parietal bone -Nutrition: -acidophilus/mixed probiotics (include bifidus for babies), low potency iron (when B/L TFL weakness), dig enzymes, bentonite clay (cleanses) -diarrheaà BRAT diet, acidophilus, elim food sensitivities, hydrate -constipationà incr fiber/wholegrains/fruit/veggies/psyllium/oatbran or flax seed, incr water, dig enzymes, magnesium -anti-candidaà grapefruit seed extract, pau d’arco, caprylic acid, biotin, undecylenlic acid -handle parasites -hemorrhoidsà nutrition 4 vascular tone- C w/bioflavonoids, topical vitE -inflam bowel/diverticulitisà immune support (thymus, C), adrenal support, psyllium, probiot/acidophilus, boswellia serrata-anti inflam (ileitis, UC, Crohns), avoid seeds and small/hard food fragments -Special Techniques: 1) Sigmoid Liftà challenge as for IVC but in LLQ (visceral manip in direction of strength on challenge- or opp weakness) 2) Hypoactive colon (CMRT)- ascending colon usually most painful area 3) Atonic constipation (CMRT)- can cause severe LBP 4) Hyperactive colon-diarrhea (CMRT) L5 -Uterus -Muscle: Gluteus Medius, Piriformis, Adductors (for “climacteric” reprod glands) -Sympathetics: T11-L4 -Parasympathetics: S2-4 -Pain Pattern: medial/posterior ankles, midline wrist, inguinal lig, ant/medial line of thighs, lumbago, tip of shoulders -Nutrition: -soy and soy isoflavones genistein and diadzein can lower testosterone levels and help balance estrogen levels, low dose Vit E, female glandulars, wheat germ oil, lecithin, adrenal support, EFAs, zinc -Dysmennorheaà calcium/magnesium, EFAs, Vit E or Prometol, niacin to flush (during cramps) -Vaginitisà acidoph/probio orally, if candida anti-fungal nutrition, immune support, reduce excess sugar, vinegar/acidophilus douche (4 nights, then off for 3 nights) -Special Techniques: 1) Visceral Liftà for organ ptosis 2) Knee-Chest exerciseà visceral or uterine ptosis (the stick figure drawings)- on elbows and knees, the Cat/Cow moves 3) Kegel exercises 4) Uterine Hemorrhage/Floodingà FIRST AID- pt does this -pt grasps pubic hair and jerks outward……umm ow?!? 5) also have other CMRTs for pelvic pain, menstrual pain w/lethargy, amenorrhea, and postganglionic ***Premenstrual Tension Classifications (sep handout) L5 -Prostate -Muscle: Gluteus Maximus -Sympathetics: T11-L4 -Parasympathetics: S2-S4 -Pain Pattern: midline of wrist, medial/posterior ankles, inguinal lig, ant/medial line of thighs *different s/s for Urinary symptoms (BPH), Prostatitis, or Prostatic cancer (sacral dull ache may be only early sign) -Nutrition: -low dose VitE, wheat germ oil, EFAs, prostate glandulars -handle prostatitis as infectionà pygeum africanum -BPHà cernilton/pollon extract (red urinary obst, relax smooth mm), saw palmetto (inhib testosterone to DHT), pygeum africanum (anti-inflam diuretic, incr prostatic secretion, improve fertility), nettle root (ayurvedic), pumpkin seed and oil (helps symptoms and overactive bladder), zinc (shrink prostate and red symp), glandulars -Prostate Cancerà boswellia serrata (ayurvedic, anti-inflam), saw palmetto, modified citrus pectin (slow growth), soy isoflavones, medicinal mushrooms (maitake/shiitake- anti tumor effects), vit D, beta-sitosterol, lycopene (in tomatoes), low dose vit E, selenium, vit C, IP6, flax seed -Special Techniques: 1) Prostatic Liftà NOT a prostatic massage 2) Visceral lift, Knee-Chest exercises, Kegels à just like Uterus 3) also have CMRTs for Pelvic pain, postganglionic tech, perineal (Basic) Pituitary/Hypothalamus -No mm association -Hypothalamus Autonomicsà neurological interface btwn ANS and endocrine -Pituitary: -Sympathetics: Upper thoracic to both ant and post lobes -Parasympathetics: none -Pain patterns: -Hypothalamusà endocrine related mm and symptoms, depression -Pituitaryà endocrine related mm, HA from pituitary push -Nutrition: Glandulars -hypothalamusà for excessive residual rxns to shocks, HPA axis balancing, general hormone balance -pituitaryà regulation of glands downstream Pineal -No mm association -Sympathetics: superior cervical ganglion -Parasympathetics: none -Pain pattern/problems: circadian rhythm probs, symptoms worse in darkest time of yr, insomnia, S.A.D. -Nutrition/Lifestyle: -pineal glandular concentrates (for circadian rhythm/sleep), tyrosine as melatonin precursors, sometimes melatonin -proper light/dark exposure, sleep/wake on regular cycle -Special Techniques: 1) Dark Reactionà sartorius weakens in dark -press apart on 2 sides of maxillae and mandible during inspiration
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