tips & techniques a Processor’s advice on how to get Moisture testing right By Joel Lischefski and Alison Maicke, Teel Analytical Laboratories gravimetric moisture analyzers are the most commonly used instrument for determining the percentage of moisture in resin. the instrument is essentially a sensitive balance contained within an oven. The sample is placed inside and the mass is compared before and after the heating cycle to determine the percent moisture. Performance specifications for these instruments are often derived in tightly controlled laboratory environments rather than in a production or plant setting. As a result the values displayed on product brochures may not represent the instrument’s performance in a plant setting using your methods and materials. It is important to verify your instrument’s performance where it’s actually used and with your methods and materials. eDitOR’S nOte: about a year ago (see Processor strategies, Jan. 2012), we reported on how a 2010 decision to invest in a state-of-the-art laboratory was paying dividends for custom profile extruder teel Plastics in baraboo, Wis. here, two of teel’s key lab personnel share their insights on gravimetric moisture analysis and how to ensure your testing procedures are appropriate. SenSitivity iS Key It is helpful to get a sense of scale for what it is that you’re measuring with a moisture balance. If you assume that your target moisture for a resin is no greater than 0.02% and you use a 40-g sample, than you need to be able to accurately measure a difference in weight of 8 mg (0.008 g). That amount of water is roughly the size of a pin head. If your limits are even lower than 0.02%, the amount you must measure reliably is even tinier. When dealing with measurements of such small quantities, minor issues can cause large effects in results. A variety of interferences can affect the instrument reading, including these six : •Air currents, •Vibrations, •Electromagnetic fields/static, •Whether the unit is level, •The materials used, •The method used. All of these factors indicate that you should read carefully the manual that comes with your instrument and place it in the best possible location. In addition, take the following five steps to characterize the performance of your moisture balance: Step 1: Ensure that your moisture balance does not have a bias or interferences. Run five replicate tests with a weight placed in the center of an empty pan. The weight simulates the mass of your sample, but will not give off any mass when heated. The results of all the tests should ideally be 0%, but there are many reasons it may be otherwise. Instrument sensitivity is crucial when measuring moisture, as sometimes the amount of water is the size of a pin head. Gravimetric moisture analyzers are commonly used to determine the percentage of moisture in resin. The instrument is essentially a sensitive balance contained within an oven. 34 february 2013 Plastics technology 02 FEATURE ExtTips.indd 34 1/11/13 11:01 AM moisture analysis The six common interferences listed above may come into play and cause a bias in the result. Also, something as simple as a single beadFIve of sweat from the hand of the person running the test transS’ By RunnIng SAmpLeS ferring to the outside of the test pan would be enough to give you 8 mg Aof mass that will evaporate. Instrument Instrument B Other things may come into play Weight Loss, mg OilsWeight Loss, mghands to the pan, or residual oils on as well. transferred from the sample pan from its own manufacturing process may be lost 3.6 0.5 during the heating process. The moisture balance is indiscriminate 3.3 in measuring what evaporates 0.4 off your pan and sample. Any mass being water, whether it is or not. By running 3.7 loss is interpreted as0.5 five replicates you will have a good idea of whether your moisture 3.3 0.5 balance has an issue with a biased result. Table 1 shows real data 4.1 from a pair of moisture 0.3 balances tested in this way. Instrument A in Table 1 shows a definite bias that should be 3.6 0.44 reduced or eliminated in order to obtain true results. Instrument B 9.21shows a small amount 0.089 of bias that will provide a more accurate result. The variation in measurements shown by the percent relative stanreplicates will give a good ofalso whether dardyou deviation (%idea RSD) indicates that results from Instrument A balance has an issue with a biased result. will have much more variation than results from instrument B. al data from a pair of moisture balances testStep 2: Characterize the detection limits. One of the most . common methods of determining the method detection limit comes from the U.S. EPA standard, 40 CFR 136, Appendix B. A simplified version of this method is explained here for illustration. Please refer to the CFR standard when characterizing your instruWeIght LoSS CompARISon: ment. The process involves testing seven replicate samples the same way as in Step 1, AnALyzeR except that to each sample a precise, known BALAnCe vS. moIStuRe amount of water is added. The amount added should be around three to five timesmoisture the expected detection limit of the instrument. moisture milligrams is a good Balance,Twenty % Analyzer, % place to start for many moisture balances. The 20 mg can either be weighed out with purchased 0.2990 0.2119 solid standards certified to contain a certain amount of water or by 0.3030 0.1896 accurately measuring out 20µl of water in a very accurate syringe. of this test is to define the minimum amount of 0.3120 The purpose 0.2017 moisture that can be detected, and to identify the minimum 0.3050 0.1842 amount of water that can be quantified with a reasonable 0.2960 0.1640 amount of accuracy. These two quantities are referred to as the Method Detection Limit (MDL) and the Limit of Quantitation 0.3010 0.1919 (LOQ). Ideally your LOQ should be below the moisture level 0.3070 0.2554 that you want to dry your materials to, ensuring that you can 0.2940 0.1262 accurately measure a value below the specification limit. The sidebar on p. 37 0.2169 shows the equations needed to calculate the 0.3020 MDL and LOQ from the seven replicates. 0.3100 0.1992 Step 3: Verify that you’re actually testing water evaporation. 0.3029 This step involves0.1941 sending a split sample to an outside labora1.91tory to test the amount 17.4 of water that is given off by the sample. The two instruments that can do this are a Karl Fischer-type titration instrument a moisture analyzer with a relativeas conducted with relative humidity or detection humidity detector. Both instruments are selective in dee type of sample. The % (RH) relative standard tecting justmoisture the water that is within the sample. SD) is much larger for the analyzer aller sample size, as it is more susceptible Moisture balances onlytodetect changes in weight; because of s in the moisture quantities of the sample. By nothing to do with the moisture this, other processes that have 0 replicates, variations in the samples can be level can obtained. bias the result. Chemical reactions occurring at elevatand a true overall value ed temperatures in air can result in either gaining or losing mass. Plastics technology february 2013 35 02 FEATURE ExtTips.indd 35 1/11/13 11:01 AM moisture analysis TAble 1 AvoId ‘BIAS’ By RunnIng FIve SAmpLeS Sample Replicate Instrument A Weight Loss, mg Instrument B Weight Loss, mg 1 3.6 0.5 2 3.3 0.4 3 3.7 0.5 4 3.3 0.5 5 4.1 0.3 Average 3.6 0.44 % RSD 9.21 0.089 Running five replicates will give you a good idea of whether your moisture balance has an issue with a biased result. This shows real data from a pair of moisture balances tested in this way. TAble 2 mAteRIAL WeIght LoSS CompARISon: moIStuRe BALAnCe vS. moIStuRe AnALyzeR Sample Replicate moisture Balance, % moisture Analyzer, % 1 0.2990 0.2119 2 0.3030 0.1896 3 0.3120 0.2017 4 0.3050 0.1842 5 0.2960 0.1640 6 0.3010 0.1919 7 0.3070 0.2554 8 0.2940 0.1262 9 0.3020 0.2169 10 0.3100 0.1992 Average 0.3029 0.1941 % RSD 1.91 17.4 This study was conducted with relative humidity detection using the same type of sample. The % relative standard deviation (RSD) is much larger for the moisture analyzer due to the smaller sample size, as it is more susceptible to slight changes in the moisture quantities of the sample. By performing 10 replicates, variations in the samples can be averaged out and a true overall value obtained. Plastics technology february 2013 35 1/11/13 11:01 AM moisture analysis Calculating MDL & LOQ The six common interferences listed above may come into play TAble 1 and cause a bias in the result. Also, something as simple as a single Calculations: bead of sweat from the hand of the person running the test transAvoId ‘BIAS’ By RunnIng FIve SAmpLeS ferring to the outside of theResult, test pan would be enough to give you 8 StanDarD DEviatiOn: LiMit OF QuantitatiOn (LOQ): Sample mg of mass that will evaporate. Replicate mgOther things may come into play Sample Instrument Instrument B 10A Replicate Weight Loss, mg Weight Loss, mg as well. Oils transferred from hands to the pan, or residual oils on Using these calculations with the 1 pan from its own22.9 the sample manufacturing process may be lost 1 3.6 0.5 example data set: sample standard deviation during the heating process. The moisture balance=isThe indiscriminate 0.4 Mean 3.3 value = 21.94 mg = The number of values in2the data set in measuring off your pan andNsample. Any mass 2 what evaporates 23.4 Standard deviation = 1.02 mg AnBy individual loss is interpreted as being water, whether it is xori =not. running value of 3the data set 3.7 0.5 MDL = 3.2 mg x-baryour = The mean of the values in the five replicates you will have a good idea of whether moisture 3 20.6 4 0.5 LOQ =3.3 10.2 mg set real data balance has an issue with a biased result. Tabledata 1 shows 5 4.1the instrument detects 0.3 Since mass, the from a pair of moisture balances tested in this way. DEtECtiOn LiMit (MDL): 4 21.2a definite biasMEthOD detection limits are in units of mass. This Instrument A in Table 1 shows that should be Average 3.6 0.44 means that the percent moisture that can reduced or eliminated in order to obtain true results. Instrument B % RSD 9.21 is a function of the0.089 5 amount of bias21.8 = “Student’s t value” for the number be detected sample shows a small that will provide a tmore accurate result. of replicates the 99% confidence level. size. In other words the MDL for a 10The variation in measurements shown by the percent relative at stanRunning will give you a good of whether (Can beInstrument found in a A reference table in afive replicates gram sample size would be idea 3.2 mg/10 g= dard deviation indicates that results from 6 (% RSD) also22.5 your moisture balance has an issue with a biased textbook, or on the internet. The 0.032%. For a 50-g sample size, result. the MDL will have much more variation than results fromstatistics instrument B. This shows real data from a pair of moisture balances testvalue changes level and would be 3.2 mg/50 g = 0.0064%. The Step 2: Characterize the detection limits. One of the mostwith the confidence ed in this way. 7 21.2 the number of replicates used. For this larger the sample size, the lower the percommon methods of determining the method detection limit example the student’s t value equals 3.143). cent moisture you will be able to detect. comes from the U.S. EPA standard, 40 CFR 136, Appendix B. A simplified version of this method is explained here for illustration. TAble 2 Explanation Figure PleaseMDL refer to the CFR standard when characterizing your instrumAteRIAL WeIght LoSS CompARISon: ment. The process involves testing seven replicate samples the same MDl loQ way as in Step 1, except that to each sample a precise, known moIStuRe BALAnCe vS. moIStuRe AnALyzeR amount of water is added. The amount added should be around three to five times region the expected 1 detection limit of the instrument. region 2 region 3 Sample moisture moisture Twenty milligrams is a good place to start for many moisture Replicate Balance, % Analyzer, % increasing Mass lost balances. The 20 mg can either be weighed out with purchased 1 0.2990 0.2119 solid standards certified to contain a certain amount of water or by 2 region 1: Starting fromofthe leftinata0very mg,accurate up to thesyringe. MDL, confidence level, but the 0.3030 actual numerical value0.1896 has a large accurately measuring out 20µl water the instrument reliably the amount of of degree The purpose of can’t this test is to differentiate define the minimum amount 3 of uncertainty. 0.3120 0.2017 water that lost from thedetected, measurement Anythe result in this region 3: This region is where the numerical values assigned moisture can be and tonoise. identify minimum 4 0.3050 0.1842 region less than canwith detect. to the mass loss have a reasonable degree of confidence. You amount of iswater that the caninstrument be quantified a reasonable 5 be able to determine 0.2960 0.1640 2: In this region, between the and to theas the should whether your materials are dry or amountregion of accuracy. These two quantities areMDL referred LOQ,Detection the amount of mass loss is greater than 0 with a 99% not 6by producing values from your instrument in Region Method Limit (MDL) and the Limit of Quantitation 0.3010 0.1919 3. (LOQ). Ideally your LOQ should be below the moisture level 7 0.3070 0.2554 that you want to dry your materials to, ensuring that you can 8 shown in Table 2, the 0.2940 0.1262 Some additives may aevaporate out the of the plastic at higher As % RSD is much larger for the moisaccurately measure value below specification limit. temThe peratures that weight will be needed interpreted by the instruture9analyzer due to the smaller it more sidebar onand p. 37 shows theloss equations to calculate the 0.3020sample size, making 0.2169 ment as losing susceptible to slight changes in the moisture content of the samMDL and LOQmoisture. from the seven replicates. 10 0.3100 0.1992 By sending outthat a split sample you’lltesting be ablewater to measure and ple. By performing 10 replicates, variations in the samples can be Step 3: Verify you’re actually evaporation. Average 0.3029 0.1941 compare resultssending from your moisture to the laboraamount averaged out and a true value for the overall sample can be This step the involves a split samplebalance to an outside % RSDThe moisture balance 1.91 required a much17.4 of actual water to makeof sure the that material isn’toff undergoing some measured. larger sample tory to test the amount water is given by the sample. othertwo process that is producing a biased size for testing. The instruments that can do this areresult. a Karl Fischer-type The moisture balance is only capable of with detecting weight Step 4: Evaluation. Once all the data is collected it needs to be titration instrument or a moisture analyzer a relativeThis study was conducted with relative humidity detection loss, regardless of the kind of instruments mass loss that occurring. A evaluated. your of blank results or nearstandard 0 mg so that humidity (RH) detector. Both areisselective in deusing theIdeally same type sample. Theare %atrelative true moisture is capable detecting there are no biases within the instrument or the tecting just theanalyzer water that is withinofthe sample.only water loss deviation (RSD)orisinterferences much larger for the moisture analyzer due toIfthe smaller samplethey size,need as itto is be more susceptible to by Moisture utilizing the RH detector, which can discern the because difference method. there are biases, identified and elimibalances only detect changes in weight; of slight changes in the moisture quantities of the sample. By between and other volatile vapors being released from nated to the best of your ability. This may mean moving the this, otherwater processes that have nothing to do with the moisture performing 10 replicates, variations in the samples can be the sample. 2 shows that thereactions sample isoccurring losing roughly level can biasTable the result. Chemical at elevataveraged out and a true overall value obtained. 0.1% of its massinthat not water. ed temperatures air is can result in either gaining or losing mass. Continued on p. 47... Plastics technology technology february february 2013 2013 35 37 Plastics 02 FEATURE FEATURE ExtTips.indd ExtTips.indd 35 37 02 1/11/13 11:01 2:03 AM PM 1/11/13 tips & techniques moisture analysis a Processor’s advice on …Continued from p. 37 how to get Moisture testing right By Joel Lischefski and Alison Maicke, Teel Analytical Laboratories moisture balance to a new location or altering the eDitOR’S nOte: about a year ago (see Processor strategies, gravimetric moisture analyzers are the most method, as using rubber gloves to avoid transferJan. 2012), we reported on how a 2010 decision to invest in a voId ‘BIAS’ By such RunnIng FIve SAmpLeS state-of-the-art laboratory was paying dividends for custom profile commonly used instrument for determining ring sweat or grease onto the sample or sample pan. extruder teel Plastics in baraboo, Wis. here, two of teel’s key lab the percentage of moisture in resin. the personnel share their insights on gravimetric moisture analysis andenough how to ensure your testing procedures are appropriate. The detection limits should be low ample Instrument A contained within Instrument B instrument is essentially a sensitive balance an oven. The sample is placed inside and themeasure mass is compared eplicate that Weight Loss, mg Weight mg you can accurately tobefore theLoss, specification ble 1 Dedicated to quality laboratory testing and after the heating cycle to determine the percent moisture. Performance specifications for these instruments often levels of your materials. If the are amount you’re trying 3.6 0.5 derived in tightly controlled laboratory environments rather than in a production or plant setting. As a result the values displayed to measure is below your LOQ that means that the on product brochures 3.3 may not represent the instrument’s perfor- 0.4 mance inof a plant setting using your methods and materials. is value the instrument reading is Ithighly variable important to verify your instrument’s performance where it’s 0.5ultimately actually used andunreliable with3.7 your methods materials. and more atandthat level. That SenSitivity iS to Keymore translates mois3.3 variability in the measured 0.5 It is helpful to get a sense of scale for what it is that you’re measuring with a material moisture balance. If you thatprocessed. your ture of the that isassume being target moisture for a4.1 resin is no greater than 0.02% and you 0.3 sample, than you need to be ablebe to accurately use a 40-g The samples should confirmed to be giving measure a difference in weight of 8 mg (0.008 g). That verage amount of water is roughly 3.6 the size of a pin head. If your 0.44Instrument sensitivity is crucial when measuring moisture, off only water in the moisture balance. If asyou can’tthe amount of water is the size of a pin head. sometimes limits are even lower than 0.02%, the amount you must mea% RSD adjust 9.21 0.089 sure reliably is even tinier. the method to make sure that only water is When dealing with measurements of such small quantities, minor issues can cause large effectsainmoisture results. A variety of interbeing released, then balance is not an ferences can affect the instrument reading, including these six : unning fiveappropriate replicates will give you good ideathe ofpercent whether •Air currents, instrument to adetermine ur moisture •Vibrations, balance has an issue with a biased result. •Electromagnetic fields/static, moisture of your material. his shows real datathefrom a pair of moisture balances test•Whether unit is level, materials used, •The When these four steps are completed you can in this way. •The method used. of these factors indicate that you are shouldgetting read carefully be All certain whether you accurate results the manual that comes with your instrument and place it in the best possible location. from your moisture balances. You will be able to In addition, take the following five steps to characterize the confirm whether performance of your moistureyour balance:current procedures for testing ble 2 Step 1: Ensure that your moisture balance does not have a moisture appropriate the materials. You bias or interferences. are Run five replicate tests withto a weight mAteRIALfor WeIght LoSS CompARISon: placed in the center of an empty pan. The weight simulates the Gravimetric moisture analyzers are commonly used to deteralso be able tonotidentify potential mass ofwill your sample, but will give off any mass when heat- problems mine the percentage of moisture in resin. The instrument is moIStuReed.BALAnCe vS.should moIStuRe AnALyzeR The results of all the tests ideally be 0%, but there essentially a sensitive balance contained within an oven. with the testing if there are any, and if no are many reasons it may be process, otherwise. problems exist, your production personnel will have ample moisture moisture that they values on % which eplicate confidence Balance, % have reliableAnalyzer, to base their decisions. All of this translates into less 1 0.2990 0.2119 variation in the results, which ultimately means less 2 0.1896 variation in0.3030 processing, which reduces processing 3 0.3120 0.2017 problems and saves time and money. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We are continually focused on improving the services offered to our polymer customers. Teel Analytical Laboratories is expanding its capabilities with a variety of instrumentation and test methods. Current and future instrumentation includes: • A Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) • A shore hardness Durometer • A thermogravimetric analyzer coupled with a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (TGA-FTIR) • A high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) • A Gas Chromatograph coupled with a Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) • A Gel Permeation Chromatograph (GPC) • A chromameter (for determining the color of samples) 34 february 2013 Plastics technology 02 FEATURE ExtTips.indd 34 1/11/13 11:01 AM • Accelerated weathering chambers • Microscopy • A moisture analyzer • Various physical test methods such as crush, peel, impact, and tensile testing 0.3050 0.1842 About the authors 0.2960 0.1640 Joel Lischefski is laboratory manager 0.3010 0.1919 at Teel Analytical Laboratories, div. of Teel Plastics, 0.3070 Inc., Baraboo, Wis. His specialty is0.2554 analytical chemistry and he has spent time0.1262 developing 0.2940 methods, performing research, and analyzing samples in0.3020 the fields of polymer0.2169 materials and environmental science. 0.3100 0.1992 For more information please contact: Average Alison Maicke 0.3029 0.1941 is a chemist at Teel Analytical specializing in chromatographic % RSD Laboratories, 1.91 17.4 separations, method validation, and quality control. She has worked in thermal analysis and his study was conductedofwith relative humidity identification active ingredients in detection polymers sing the same of sample. The % relative standard andtype pharmaceuticals. eviation (RSD) is much larger for the moisture analyzer ue to the smaller sample size, as it is more susceptible to Contact: (608)355-4520; email:; ight changes in the moisture quantities of the sample. By website: erforming 10 replicates, variations in the samples can be veraged out and a true overall value obtained. I I Plastics technology PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY FEBRUARY 2013 47february 2013 35 1/11/13 11:01 AM Teel Plastics, Inc. 1060 Teel Ct. Baraboo, WI 53913 (608) 355-3080 Joel Lischefski Laboratory Manager 608-355-4520
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