r zona osa february/march 2010 num. 3 magazine r Bienvenidos a zona osa Dear Gay Latinos: I think you would agree that 2009, by most measures, was an extraordinary year. The USA economy nearly collapsed. The taxpayers bailed out Wall Street while Wall Street gave billions of dollars in bonuses to some of the very same executives who nearly caused the collapse of our economy. Our BIG BANKS took in taxpayers’ dollars presumably to alleviate the financial pain of most Americans, but in turn they increased our credit card fees, reduced interest payments on our savings, and deprived us of credit while raking in billions in profits. Over 10% of our population remains unemployed. Over 100,000 of our brothers and sisters remain in Iraq--a good number of them gays and lesbians. We committed ten of thousands more troops to Afghanistan while the jihadists remain at large to kill more Americans. From our Heartland to Yemen we remain under attack. Gays and lesbians remain second-class citizens while our tax dollars underwrite our own oppression. HIV remains the biggest health threat to gay men. Marriage equality never came to be because elected officials insist on confusing equal rights with religious privilege. Bigotry fueled some of the most violent crimes registered in recent history against gay, lesbian and transgender people. The list goes on…and on…and on… But not all was lost. Barack Obama made history by becoming the first black president of Untied States with a groundswell of support from those of us who believed that “Yes, We Can”. Capitalism-run-amok will get an adjustment. The BIG BANKS will have to become smaller. There was progress reported on the treatment and cure of HIV. The gay population has gotten bigger; and with every act of violence and bigotry against us we grow stronger. Those who seek to oppress us continue to lose ground. There is hope for 2010! At Zona Rosa we are optimistic that the ‘audacity of hope’ inspired by Obama will bring change within our reach. We will continue to work hard at framing the issues, pursuing the cause of justice and equality, and keeping you informed. Please stay tuned and share your ideas with us. Mil gracias, Heriberto Sanchez Soto Publisher & Editor in Chief r zona osa 1 Cartas al Editor Estimado Sr. Sánchez Mis más sinceras felicitaciones por la nueva publicación de la revista Zona Rosa. Se el esfuerzo tan grande que deben estar haciendo al hacer esta publicación en esta ciudad. Lo más importante que quisiera decirle y lo digo con mucho respeto, es lo que siempre he criticado, la falta de buenas publicaciones en idioma español aquí en la capital del mundo donde los hispanos somos el 33% de la población. Al contrario en su revista los artículos son serios e interesantes, amenos y educativos, en otras palabras me encantaron. El artículo escrito por el Sr Brandon Lacy Campos sobre otros tipos de héroes me dejo impresionado, simplemente es la clase de artículos que estoy acostumbrado a leer y que no consigo en la prensa latina de esta ciudad. Confieso que como trabajador de la rama de la salud me gustaron mucho los artículos médicos, bien escritos, claros y concisos. Como cinéfilo que soy me deleite muchísimo con el Articulo del Sr. A. Villanueva C. sobre el cine Gay. En fin Sres. de la revista Zona Rosa, mis más sinceras felicitaciones y adelante que estos esfuerzos son muy importantes en la lucha de nuestra comunidad. Edgar Zona Rosa Magazine is published by Punto Latino Productions, Inc., P.O. Box 20185, West Village Station NY, NY 10014-9992 Advertising sales.zona@gaylandia.net Tel: 917-696-7483 Press & Letters To Editor Editor.zona@gaylandia.net He tenido el placer de ver y leer la revista, la cual me gusto mucho por los artículos y los medios informativos en su contenido, los felicito y les doy las gracias por ese avance en la comunidad latina. Saludos Sal. Aplausos Masivos: Tuve de recibir Zona en el Centro de la calle 13. Esto es para poder decirles que su magazine está muy informativo y bien escrito y que fue un verdadero placer poder leerlo y llegar a averiguar tanta información importante para poder vivir y disfrutar mejor esta vida bella GAY ! ! ! Gracias por sus esfuerzos y espero poder leer y participar más en sus eventos, que a la vez son mejoramiento para nuestra Comunidad Gay. Sigan este buen ejemplo! Abrazos, Daniel Hola Heri! Congratulations on this marvelous venture. I wish you every success. I love the color, the layout, and the gorgeous men go w/o saying. Abrazos, Maria J I checked the magazine, I like the content and it’s informative without being patronizing. And the cover model doesn’t look bad either. Well done. Fancisco F View publication at gaylandia.net Punto Latino Productions, Inc assumes no liability for the views and/ or opinions expressed by the writers, contributors and/or advertisers in Zona Rosa Magazine; nor do we sponsor or endorse any products herein promoted. The entire contents of Zona Rosa Magazine are protected under copyrights laws. Reproduction of the materials herein contained is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the editor. EIN-26-4699137 PRINTED IN THE USA Punto Latino Productions, Inc. is a member of the International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association Heriberto Sánchez Soto Publisher & Editor in Chief Carlos N. Molina Art Director Tomas Rodríguez Editor – English Contributions Dr. Damian Goldvarg Dr. Mauricio Iafolla Carlos F. Melia Carlos N. Molina Kevin D. Rayoni Rafael Rosario Laguna Heriberto Sánchez Soto Dr. Carlos Santos Dr. Omar Torres Charlie Vázquez Alfredo Villanueva Collado Cover: Xevi Muntané Photography: Cesar Segarra Zona Rosa Magazine is published by Punto Latino Productions www.gaylandia.net r zona osa TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Letter from Publisher 1 Enfoque: VIH 5 Essay: All I want is your happiness 10 Perspectiva: Creando familias 14 Gay Hate Crimes 16 Rafael Rosario Laguna 18 Hombre Ñ: Xevi Muntané 22 Chronicles of Gay Traveler: Barcelona 26 Fashion, Theater and Literature 32 Las camas solares / Tanning Beds 36 La sonrisa / The smile 38 La próstata / The prostate 40 Ambiente y Sociedad 42 r zona osa 3 C O N T R I B U T O R S Dr. Mauricio Iafolla was born in Argentina where he earned a Medical Degree and practiced as an Internist. In 2001 he relocated to New York City where he coordinates health screening and counseling for other Latinos at HAF, Inc., a community health services organization. Dr. Carlos R. Santos, DDS, Prosthodontist, has a private practice in Cosmetic, Prosthodontics and Implant Surgery, 275 Madison Avenue, Suite 1818, NY, NY. Received a doctoral degree in Dental Surgery from the New York University, College of Dentistry in 1991 and completed a Post Doctoral Degree in Prosthodontics in 1994 at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, NY. He may reached at (212) 682-8280 or CSantosDDS@gmail.com Carlos F. Melia has lived in more than a dozen countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia; has travelled extensively and is recognized internationally as a pioneer in South American gay tourism. He owns +CM Boutique Gay Travel (www. carlosmelia.com), which offers personalized travel services to the discerning gay traveler. Dr. Omar Torres is a Board Certified Dermatologist and Cosmetic Surgeon with a private practice in New York City, NY (www.dermgroupnyc. com).He earned a degree in medicine at the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine and completed residencies in dermatology at Columbia University and the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine and a fellowship in Cosmetic Surgery, NYC, NY. He may be reached at (212)-673-5633. Charlie Vázquez is a radical Bronx-bred writer of Cuban and Puerto Rican descent. His work has been published in anthologies such as Queer and Catholic and Best Gay Love Stories; NYC, and has also appeared in publications such as Advocate. com, Chelsea Clinton News, NYpress.com, BigFib and Mensbook Journal. Charlie hosts a monthly reading series called PANIC!, at Nowhere in the East Village, which focuses on original writing—from erotica to poetry. Visit him at: www.firekingpress.com Alfredo Villanueva Collado is a retired CUNY English professor and poet. He is a film critic, a glass art collector and a cooking enthusiast. More details about his professional career and interests may be viewed at Wikipedia in Spanish. alfavil@aol.com Enfoque: VIH Nueva Cepa De VIH Salta De Gorila A Humanos S e informa que una mujer de 62 años de Camerún esta infectada con una nueva cepa del virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) derivado de los gorilas. Según investigadores franceses que identificaron la nueva cepa, éste es el primer caso jamás registrado. Las tres cepas de simio anteriores del VIH provienen del chimpancé. La mujer fue inicialmente diagnosticada con el VIH en 2004. Aun no se ha establecido como contrajo el VIH, pero se estima que lo contrajo de otro ser humano. Se ha informado de no haber tenido ningún contacto con los gorilas o de haber comido carne de gorila. Pruebas existentes para detectar el VIH no son adecuados para detectar esta nueva cepa, por lo que se especula que hayan otros seres humanos infectados, aún no diagnosticados. Anthony S. Fauci, director del Instituto Nacional de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas, dijo que el se haya identificado de esta nueva cepa de VIH “no es significativo a menos que ésta se establezca como una cepa predominante”. Lo más significativo de este nuevo descubrimiento, según el co-investigador David Robertson de la Universidad de Manchester, es que “esto demuestra que la evolución del VIH es un proceso continuo. El virus puede saltar de una especie a otra, de los primates a los primates, incluyendo a nosotros; los patógenos han estado con nosotros durante millones de años y de forma rutinaria cambian de huésped”. • Herpes Genital Aumenta El Riesgo De Infección Por El VIH ientíficos descubren que el herpes genital puede ser un factor importante contribuyente C a la infección por el VIH. Estudios recientes revelan que los brotes de herpes genital causa una concentración de linfocitos T CD4+ alrededor de los tejidos afectados de 2 a 37 veces mayor que en la piel genital no afectada. Este es el caso de las zonas afectadas con heridas abiertas, así como en las zonas donde las lesiones por herpes se hayan curado. Dado que la infección por VIH es causada como resultado de que el VIH se adhiera a los receptores en las células del sistema inmunitario, la presencia de células T CD4+ en estas concentraciones tan altas en un momento dado crea condiciones muy favorables para la propagación del VIH. Otras infecciones de transmisión sexual pueden crear condiciones similares con lo que estas pueden ser factor de riesgo general para el VIH. Para el 22% de los estadounidenses creerse estar infectados con el virus del herpes r cont. zona osa 5 BioScrip isn’t the kind of pharmacy that can print your digital photos. But we’ll give you a reason to smile in them. At BioScrip, we understand the challenges that you face with complex medical and chronic health conditions, like HIV/AIDS. W e are committed to providing you with the medications and support you need so you can focus on what matters most - your life. Delivery of specialty medications C onveniently located to serve the community 197 8th Ave., N ew York, N Y 10011 Toll Free: 866.851.4395 Refills: 866.994.6763 Fax: 212.691.9052 Hours: M-F: 9:00am to 9:00pm Sat: 9:00am to 6:00pm O ne-on-one counseling by pharmacists who are experts in HIV and related conditions C omplete insurance billing and coordination of benefits www.bioscrip.com specialty pharmacy ser vices Enfoque: VIH continued from page 5 genital (HSV-2) esto hace hincapié en la necesidad de adoptar prácticas sexuales más seguras ya que el potencial para la infección por VIH es de 3 a 5 veces mayor que en la población general. • Régimen de Vacuna Contra el VIH Demuestra un Modesto Efecto Preventivo l Cirujano General del Ejército de EE.UU ha informado, tras un análisis final de los datos en un ensayo clínico con más de 16,000 adultos, que un régimen de vacunas para prevenir la infección del VIH ha demostrado ser el 31% efectivo. E “Estos nuevos hallazgos representan un paso importante en la investigación de vacunas contra el VIH“, dice Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director del Instituto Nacional de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas (NIAID). “Por primera vez, una vacuna en investig- ación ha demostrado cierta capacidad para prevenir la infección del VIH entre las personas vacunadas. Se necesitan investigaciones adicionales para comprender mejor cómo este régimen de la vacuna redujo el riesgo de infección por el VIH, pero sin duda esto es un avance alentador para el campo de vacunas de VIH”. Para obtener más información, vaya a www. niaid.nih.gov • ¿Hombre Con El VIH Es Curado? n hombre Americano de 42 años de edad que había estado viviendo con el VIH desde los 30 años es aparentemente curado. A la edad de 40 años, aunque bien de salud a resultado de un cóctel de medicamentos contra el VIH y con una carga viral indetectable, desarrolló leucemia mielógena aguda. El paciente fue tratado inicialmente con medicamentos de normas contra este tipo de leucemia, pero siete U meses más tarde sufrió una recaída. Después de una exhaustiva búsqueda de un donante adecuado, médicos en Berlín optan por tratar la leucemia y el VIH de modo experimental, con un trasplante de células madre provenientes de un donante resistente a la infección por la mayoría de las formas del VIH. En 2006, con la aprobación del paciente, este recibió un trasplante de células madre extraídas de la sangre del donante. En 2009, a punto de un segundo trasplante de células madre, el VIH no fue detectado en el torrente sanguíneo del paciente, órganos o cualquiera de los tejidos a prueba. Estos hallazgos resultan en declaraciones por expertos en salud que el paciente esta “técnicamente curado”. • r zona osa 7 P rotect your assets, always wear a condom! Make a dif ference! Ur Colors, Ur Pride Meet other Latino gay/bisexual men Access low cost/free medical services Learn more about sexual health Increase sexual pleasure Learn to live a healthier life Test for HIV and other STI’s Find a gay-friendly doctor Know your body Showcase your talent Tell us about your needs EHP.hafnyc.org For more information call Ur Colors, Ur Pride In the Bronx: 718.328.4188 In Queens: 718.803.2766 In Manhattan: 212.563.4500 Be part of the EHP-Club, Win valuable prizes, Join us at our Fiestas! All I want is your happiness! I believe there are countless heroes out there; most are unsung because their heroic acts are celebrated only in our silent memories. My Mom is my hero, not only because she dared to think beyond all that she knew to be right, acceptable and moral at the time, but also because she did so with a heart full of love. My Mom, born in 1931 in Puerto Rico, was orphaned at age twelve. Being the eldest of nine children she had to give up much of her life to help her mother raise her siblings – well six - two didn’t make it. By custom and circumstance, she never had the opportunity to do the things children, teenagers, and young adults do: to play and make friends, to learn to read and write, to laugh, to date or to marry the man she loved. Most choices were made for her. At age 17, her sweetheart “true love” committed suicide because someone decided he was not good enough for her. Instead, my Mom was forced to marry my father. By the time she was 27 she had had a miscarriage and had given birth to seven children—Vir, Hector, Lali, Cuchi, myself, Eddie and Eli. In spite of a life consumed by hardships and deprivation, she met every challenge with quiet resolve, an open heart and the satisfaction that her children were well cared 10 r zona osa for and loved. She worked tirelessly with the sole purpose that we would have more choices and a better life than she did. She did so selflessly and with devotion, especially for me. You see, I was born in Aguada, a small coastal town in Puerto Rico, where people are notoriously conservative and highly intolerant of anything that was different. Although I was a child like most others, before I was aware of anything myself, everyone by Heri Sanchéz Soto around me had marked me as medio raro – somewhat weird (a euphemism for gay). As far back as I can remember I was subjected to ridicule, taunts, name calling, and rejection. It seemed to me that everyone was mean. I was made to feel like an outcast. I recall the scrawny bright-eyed little boy that spent most of his free time alone chasing after butterflies in the fields. I don’t remember if my “peculiar” ways came before anyone took notice of me. I do know that in solitude I would seek refugue from the emotional pain caused by the unkind words and the rejection. The fields, the birds, the butterflies, and the flowers were my only friends, and they helped me to survive. My Mom also thought I was different. I could see it in her eyes when she gazed at me. But she put aside the norms and traditions of the place and time and her upbringing and embraced me as I was, even though she didn’t exactly understand what it was that made me different. She compensated for the meanness around me with a bottomless well of love, nurturance and support. Her tender actions and assuring words created enough cushion for me to endure the tragic reality that surrounded me. I know she was buying time for me with the full knowledge that I would be free someday. cont. r zona osa 11 All I want is ... Her presence and her love have been with me all my life. While I had parted emotionally with my family and the village that oppressed me long before, at age sixteen I parted physically. While we both were desperately heartbroken at the imminent good-bye, my Mom and I quietly rejoiced at my impending freedom. Choking back tears, sobs and difficult-topronounce words, in what seemed the longest and warmest embrace, she gasped for air to whisper her good-bye in my ear: “all I want is your happiness”. This tender moment and these loving words are enshrined in my memory as my Mom gave me her greatest gift: my freedom. For the next sixteen years I returned home off and on unannounced; each time with the intention of telling her I was gay. Every arrival was cause for a great celebration and every departure cause for greater despair. She welcomed me with sheer elation and I always felt special in her presence. At every departure she would say to me “all I want is your happiness”. I know she knew I was gay; but I never told her. I think she desperately wanted me to confide in her, but I lacked the courage. She, on the other hand, would never violate the trust by asking. I know now that I would have been a happier and more fulfilled gay man if I had told her. My Mom has since passed and I regret so deeply not ever 12 r zona osa telling her I was gay. By not telling her I deprived myself of what I know would have been my Mom’s greatest display ever of unconditional love for me. On one of my unannounced trips home, my boyfriend visited with me. No sooner had I introduced him as “a friend”, she embraced him as her son. She did this with every friend that visited and would often say, “if my son calls you friend, then you are like a son to me”. That first night she asked, “Where will he sleep”. Before I could answer, my devoutly Catholic mother continued to say, “come sleep in my room, the bed is bigger and you will have more privacy”. There are no words to describe the joy and feelings of self-worth I experienced during this visit to my Mother in the company of my boyfriend. At our departure she hugged and expressed as much love to him as she did to me. She said to me “I am so happy for you, you are good for each other; he loves you so much”. With these simple words my Mom affirmed her unconditional acceptance of her gay son. Years later, my boyfriend had become my dearest friend, and to my Mom another son. Suddenly he fell ill. During the three weeks he spent hospitalized in a coma, my Mom made her unwavering love for me felt again. Every single night that I allowed it she would sit silently on the phone to keep me company (she in Puerto Rico and I in NYC). There were rarely words uttered, I simply couldn’t speak; but knowing she was present made it possible for me to bear the agonizing pain. Her compassionate deeds were everyday occurrences and none less significant than the other. Interestingly, her very last deed came after her death. On this occasion I went back home for my father’s burial. After giving the eulogy, I was approached by a bystander. She declared her name and said that she had been a good friend of Mom. I had heard her name many times before but had never met her. This stranger said to me, “It is my greatest pleasure to meet you – your mother was a great friend. She admired you and talked reverently about you. You were the light of her eyes and she was always proud and grateful for the great son that you were. Your love meant so much to her and made her so happy”. smiles and laughter for me. She had big sad-hazel-brown eyes--but they sparkled when she saw me. She always had this scared little girl look on her face – but her sadness always faded in my presence. Every gesture, every touch, every deed and every thought conveyed nothing but the purest love for me. Even though she is no longer here physically she continues to touch me. My Mom, Milla, is my hero, she gives me happiness. • This woman was part of a wide network of my mother’s devoutly Catholic friends. Regardless of their beliefs, most welcomed me with open arms. My Mom, my hero, had persevered; the respect she earned from others had turned the tide in my favor. To many, I was no longer the “freak” who left Aguada more than 30 years ago. I was now the son of Milla, and the hero she revered. Mom was soft-spoken and smiled and laughed sparingly—but she always had r zona osa 13 PERSPECTIVA Creando nuestras propias familias por Dr. Damian Goldvarg S i definimos familia como a las personas más cercanas a nosotros, con las que podemos contar para compartir momentos de felicidad y dificultades, esas personas pueden o no estar ligadas a nosotros por lazos de sangre. Algunos de nosotros tenemos la suerte de tener padres, hermanos, tíos, primos que son cercanos a nosotros, que nos aceptan como somos y que sentimos que nos acompañan en nuestras vidas y nos apoyan incondicionalmente. Pero cuando la familia de sangre no nos acepta o no está disponible, es importante poder desarrollar relaciones con otras personas que puedan cumplir con esa función que es tan necesaria para nuestro bienestar. Nuestras familias pueden ofrecernos un espacio de amor incondicional que nos permite ser auténticos, expresarnos libremente, y relajarnos. Es por eso que nuestra familia tiene un lugar importante en nuestra vida no solo para brindarnos apoyo emocional sino muchas veces por cuestiones prácticas. Nuestra familia es la que puede regar nuestras plantas cuando salimos de viaje, ayudarnos si necesitamos movernos de casa, darnos consejos sobre decisiones que tenemos que tomar o compartir ocasiones importantes, como nuestro cumpleaños, las comidas de Acción de Gracias, o Navidad, y son quienes nos dan aliento cuando lo necesitamos. Cuando nuestras familias están lejos emocional o físicamente, como suele ser en nuestros países de origen o nos han rechazado por cuestiones religiosas o de ignorancia por nuestra orientación sexual, es fundamental poder crear nuestras propias familias con personas con las que desarrollamos relaciones y que sentimos cercanas en nuestros corazones. Esas personas pueden o no ser compañeros de trabajo, de actividades, de grupos de apoyo, o de estudio. Pueden ser vecinos o las mismas familias de nuestros amigos. Para crear nuestras propias familias es necesario poder desarrollar relaciones que sean realmente auténticas con personas que nos valoren. Eso quiere decir que podamos sentirnos cómodos, sacándonos nuestras máscaras y estando dispuestos a ser vulnerables, compartiendo nuestros pensamientos, deseos, sueños, frustraciones y miedos. Esto implica tomar riesgos. Si vamos a crear nuestra propia familia es importante que seamos no solo honestos con los otros sino con nosotros mismos. ¿Qué estamos dispuestos a darle a nuestra familia? ¿Estamos comprometidos en apoyar a los otros? Formar una familia no es solo recibir. Es también saber dar. Quiero invitarte a que te preguntes quiénes son tus amigos y si realmente puedes ser auténtico con ellos y si los puedes considerar tu familia. Si tu familia está lejos física o emocionalmente quiero invitarte a que crees tu propia familia. Que elijas a personas con cuidado. ¿Son la clase de gente que te valora incondicionalmente?. Es una buena pregunta porque quizás te des cuenta que hay gente en tu vida que es tóxica y que es tiempo de poner distancia. Quizás hay un familiar que te ha causado daño o maltrato emocional recientemente y ya es hora de alejarlo de tu vida. Si te decides a crear una nueva familia te deseo suerte en el emprendimiento. Si tu familia te apoya, te invito a que trabajes en fortalecer todos tus vínculos. No te olvides que todas las relaciones son como plantas que necesitan ser cuidadas, regadas, y alimentadas. • Dr. Damian Goldvarg is a licensed Clinical Psychologist, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He received a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology in 1997 and works as a leadership trainer, organizational consultant, and executive coach. Currently, he is a principal partner at www. mygroup.com Building our own families I f we define family as the people closest to us, the people we can count on to share moments of happiness and difficulties, then these people may or may not be linked to us by blood. Some of us are lucky to have parents, brothers, uncles, cousins who are close to us, accept us as we are, and remain in our lives to support us unconditionally. But when our blood family does not accept or is not available to us, it is important to develop relationships with others who can fill this supportive role that is so necessary to our welfare. Our families—whether blood or adopted-- can offer unconditional love that allows us to be authentic, to express ourselves freely, and to relax. That is why having a family is so important to our lives. Members of our family provide not only emotional support but are there for very practical reasons. They are the ones who will water our plants when we travel, help us if we need to move, care for us when we are ill, give advice on important decisions or share important occasions, such as our birthdays, anniversaries, and important holidays, and comfort us when we need it. When we take the steps to create a supportive family, it is equally important to be honest with ourselves as with those in our family. In this process, we need to reflect seriously on how much we are willing to give and how committed we are to helping others. Being part of a family requires that we give as much as we want to receive. If your family is away physically or emotionally, I want to invite you to create your own family. However, it is important to take time to ask and get answers to some very important before choosing the right members for this ‘created’ family. Who are our friends? Can we be real with them? Do we truly consider them family? Are they the kind of people who value you unconditionally? These are good questions to ask because the answers might help us identify the toxic people in our lives, the ones who have hurt us emotionally, or even physically, and with whom we must part ways. If you decide to create a new family I wish you luck in the venture. If your family supports you, I invite you to work to strengthen the bonds. Do not forget that all relationships are like plants that need to be cared for, watered and nurtured. • r zona osa 15 Gay Hate Crimes T September 2, 2009, Brooklyn, NY: Bino Alves, a proud and openly gay 37 year-old man was brutally attacked at 10:30 PM by four young men as he walked home from the neighborhood laundromat. He was restrained from behind by one as three others chocked, kicked, punched, and called him “fag”. Bino’s life may have been saved by the grace of the screams of neighbors who saw the attack. Bino, who moved to NYC at age 21, says he will not be deterred from living his life as who he is: “in spite of the pain and fear, my voice and actions will be louder and stronger than before. This is not the end of me. I will stand against bigotry. Stand with me and speak out.” September 19, 2009, Christopher Street, NYC: Noris Chavarria, a 27 year-old gay activist, was gay bashed in no other place than Christopher Street at 2AM on a Friday night. One punch from one guy was enough to art by Bino Alves he summer months in New York, the United States and the world over experienced a rash of crimes motivated by hate of gay people. The fall season faired no better. knock him to the ground. As if the unprovoked blow weren’t enough, his buddy decided to punch him again even though he was helpless on the ground. “You f--king faggot” was all they had to say. “I am a victim of a hate crime and sustained a facial fracture, a swollen eye and a deviated septum. But, I am still alive. Many victims of hate do not survive hate crimes. I was bashed but I am undeterred. I will keep fighting for my rights, safety and freedom”, affirmed Noris. October 9, 2009: Jack Price, a 49 year-old openly gay man, was left clinging to life and breathing through tubes at the intensive care unit of a local hospital after being bru- tally beaten by two attackers. The alleged perpetrators, Daniel Rodriguez and Daniel Aleman, have been arrested and charged with aggravated assault as a hate crime. November 13, 2009: Jorge Steven Lopez Mercado, a 19 year-old college student and gay activist, his partially burnt body parts found dumped on an isolated country road in Puerto Rico, was stabbed to death, beheaded and dismembered. Juan Martinez Matos, 26, was charged with first-degree murder in the case. November 18, 2009: Jason Mattison Jr., a 15 year-old Baltimore high school student was allegedly killed by a family friend, Dante Parrish. Jason, a proud queer teenager, was found raped, gagged with a pillowcase, stabbed repeatedly in the head and throat and stuffed into a closet. • According to New York City’s Anti-Violence Project (AVP) the number of incidents and victims of hate crime have decreased but the severity of the incidents has increased. In 2007 there were 403 incident and 496 victims, while in 2008 there were 348 incidents and 435 victims. As of September 30th, 2009 there have been 157 incidents and 265 victims. Although this is a large amount, it is knownthat the some individuals do not report it due to lack of knowledge, bad relationship with law enforcement or cultural barriers. The Anti-Violence Project is dedicated to eliminating hate violence, sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected communities through counseling, advocacy, organizing, and public education. 24-Hour Bilingual Hotline: 212-714-1141 or visit www.avp.org Hate Crimes Prevention Law Enacted Alas! On October 28, 2009, after more than a decade of intense advocacy by countless gay and civil rights groups and individuals, the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HCPA) was signed into law by President Barack Obama. The measure, which is named for Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr., both victims of hate crimes, stalled in Congress for more than a decade due to opposition largely by Conservative members of Congress. The Act adds actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity to existing federal hate crimes; and empowers federal authorities to prosecute bias-related crimes and to provide assistance to state and other local governments do the same. • Matthew Shepard (December 7, 1976 – October 12, 1998) “is” the loving Wyoming young gay man who was kidnapped, robbed, and severely beaten by two men who left his nearly lifeless body hanging on a fence in rural Wyoming on the cold night of October 7, 1998. He died four days later surrounded by his loving family. James Byrd Jr. (May 2, 1949 – June 7, 1998) “is” the African-American man who was beaten brutally, his throat slashed and his battered body chained by the ankles to a pick up truck, and dragged for miles. In the process, his head and limbs were severed from his body, which was released from the truck and left at the entrance of the town’s black cemetery in rural Texas. His body had been tattooed with Nazi symbols, a black man hanging from a tree and the words “Aryan Pride”. r zona osa 17 Rafael Rosario-Laguna lives on the Lower East Side of Manhattan where he finds the tripe, the eggs (chicken and quail), as well as the cow and duck tongues that he uses to create his work. He studied painting and sculpture at Escuela de Artes Visuales Lucchetti in San Juan, Puerto Rico and obtained his B.F.A. from The Corcoran College of Art and Design in Washington, D.C. His silkscreen “Looking To Your Left” and the sculpture “What My Pa- 18 r zona osa per Couldn’t Hold” belong to the permanent collections of the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. and El Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico, respectively. Rafael has participated in several art fairs with MOKA Gallery/Projects in Chicago and with Galería Galou in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. In 2007, NewCity Chicago cited his show El Pool Party at MOKA Gallery/Projects as one of NewCity’s Top 5 of Everything. Rafael is also a member of O.P. Art (Organization of Puerto Rican Artists). His work has been featured on the NYC Public Access Television program Fruta Exraña. In 1994 he was nominated by the Washington, D.C. Commission on the Humanities for The Mayor’s Arts Awards. He has created illustrations for The Washington Post, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Editorial PlanetaMéxico, Chasqui; Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana, and The World and I Magazine. • www.rosariolaguna.com by Consuelo Hernández Rafael Rosnario Lagu a El ‘Pool Party’ In these works, Rafael Rosa- rio Laguna combines sculpture techniques with the strategies of conceptual art. We can see human figures in a multitude of fantastic swimming pools in which the solitude and the masses coexist. The viewer decides whether or not to dive in or to keep above the surface; whether to jump or return to the origin; whether to swim or submerge. The water, origin of life, is also a threat. Calm in rest and turbulent in activity. There, nude human beings, with their innocence intact without costumes, live in world that washes over them in which despite it all there can be found a wake of light. A convulsive, multiplex rhythm of sculptures are complimented with cont. photographs that give the composition an urgency to communicate the complexity of the times. Everyone, without abandoning their surroundings gets closer, collides, dialogues, intercepts, leans, or detaches from their neighbor, leaving shadowy wakes in that space where everyone struggles to remain afloat. Solitude stands out and the forms suggest eggs, pools, lakes, ovaries, auras . . . you can name these children in bubbles of light and shadows, swimming outdoors, getting together to become a multitude of solitudes . . . 20 r zona osa no longer do you see individuals, only the atmosphere that encases them; no longer do you see the being, but the possessiveness that separates us ... the mass where actions are no longer recognizable. Are they sleeping? Are they swimming? Are they diving? Are they resting? Are they relaxing? Are they committing suicide? Everything is possible in these entrapped bodies. Rafael has said about his work, “The water has surrounded me since when I was in the womb of my mother; the water surrounds the island of Puerto Rico where I was born; the water of the rivers that contain Manhattan . . . .” Perhaps we are all displaced, trying in vain to find a permanent place in a world in constant movement. However, these are sculptures of light. The light circulates and penetrates around and in each oval pool. You can almost feel this light. • Consuelo Hernández Associate Professor, Languages and Foreign Studies, American University, Washington, DC Are they sleeping? Are they swimming? Are they diving? Are they resting? Are they relaxing? Are they committing suicide? El Pool Party Installation XEVI MUNTANÉ B orn in Barcelona, Spain in 1977, Xevi Muntané studied photography at the IEFC in Barcelona from 1995 to 1998. He moved to New York City in 1999 and began working with a several photographers. He has assisted David Lachapelle, Ellen Von Unwerth and Taryn Simon among others. He also took up studies at the ICF, the International Center of Photography in New York. Xevi is currently contributing regularly to ID, Interview, Vogue Hommes, V, V Man and Citizen K magazines among others. He is known mostly for his celebrity stories and great fashion spreads: Pharrell Williams, Kylie Minogue, Lil’ Kim, Russell 22 r zona osa Simons, Casey Spooner and Fischerspooner, Lilly Taylor, Mark Stahl, Ciara, Javier Bardem and many others. His photography has taken Xevi to LA, Miami, Paris, London, Milan, Spain, and places in between. He is thrilled to be doing what he loves and is working relentlessly. www.xevimuntane.com • X evi Muntané is represented by Anis Khalil at de facto inc. in New York 212.627.4700. Hombre Ñ Hombre „ r zona osa XEVI MUNTANÉ ÊÊ Age: 32 Virgo Eyes: Blue Hair: Light Brown Born in Barcelona Resides in New York City & Barcelona Profession: Photographer Favorite Book: El amor en los tiempos de cólera Favorite Movie: Talk to her Favorite Son/Artist: Being Boring/ by the Pet Shop Boys Favorite Cuisine: Japanese Favorite Gay Destination: Barcelona Message to Readers: Come to Barcelona! Hero: José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero because he is into social politics. r • zona osa 25 Chronicles of a Gay Traveler in Barcelona A shrill male voice with Mediterranean cadences loudly proclaims “... Dear passengers, in 20 minutes we will be landing at El Prat International Airport, in the charming city of Barcelona ...”, welcoming us to this captivating city, while a coy smile denotes his own emotion of arriving at the destination. Barcelona, cosmopolitan, dynamic and modern. Full of contrasts, enigmatic, charismatic and charming by nature, an intricate puzzle to be deciphered in every nook and time, running in time through old age, middle age and modern age. Barcelona, center of the autonomous region of Catalonia, is located 120 miles south of the Pyrenees and the French border. It sits on a plain bound by the Mediterranean Sea to the east, Sierra Collserola to the west, the Llobregat River to the south and the Besos River to the north. Barcelona, also known as the Barna, is considered 26 r zona osa the second most populous Spanish city and tenth in the European Union. Barcelona is fast becoming Europe’s Gay Mecca. It boasts several gay festivals annually. Chief amongst them is the weeklong Circuit Festival (www.circuitfestival.net) in early August, where an esti- mated 200,000 LGBT people converge on the City from all over Europe and the world over. Barcelona’s population is young and trendy, friendly and outgoing and definitely knows how to have a great time. Thanks to the expert advice of our hostess, once outside the by Carlos Melia +CM Boutique Gay Travel www.carlosmelia.com airport, I proceed to the C-10 train, which in a few minutes and 2.80 Euros will travel the distance of 10 miles to my home base, the Hotel Axel Barcelona in L’Eixample, at the center of the city. L’Eixample, one of ten distinct neighborhoods that comprise the city. Also known as Gaixample, this neighborhood is also the center of gay life in Barcelona (near Universitat and Urgell metro stations). Globally renowned for havgay-owned and operated, it is ing one of the most vibrant the first genuinely Italian Resand complete gay scenes in taurant in Barcelona. Manel Europe, Gaixample provides a and Fabrizio, Proprietors, will wide variety of bars, resmake you feel at home. The taurants, hotels, shops and homemade Seafood Risotto nightclubs. Not to be missed cooked by Liliana (Fabrizio’s are Dietrich and Punto Bars Mom) is to die for. For more from 10P to 1:30A before details go on vast network of heading to the clubs. Metro gay establishments in BarceLa Boca and Arena Dance Clubs are lona, go to www.guiagaybargood options, but less popular celona.es than the fabulous Salvation. May I recommend dinner at The Ensanche (Spanish for Marquette (Diputacio -172), L’Eixample) district is also where you can find some of the more renowned addresses and best known plazas of Barcelona, such as Passeig de Gracia, Rambla de Catalunya, Plaça de Catalunya, Avinguda Diagonal, Carrer Arago, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, Plaça de la Sagrada Familia, Plaça Gaudí, and at its ends, Plaça de les Glories Catalanes and Plaça Francesc Macia. Passeig de Gracia is to Barcelona what 5th Avenue is to New York City. Here you will find high end designer shops and boutiques, restaurants, stately homes, the finest hotels, many fine outdoor cafés and plenty of eye candy. Another district worth roaming through is Ciutat Vella, the historic city center of medieval cont. Barcelona. El Gotico, El Raval, El Born, La Riviera, Sant Pere and Santa Caternina neighborhoods comprise this district. Discover within this maze of alleys, streets and plazas some of the better local tapas (appetizers) and cava (local “champagne”) bars, coffee shops and the amazing mix of immigrants who call Barcelona their new home. Not to be missed is a walk down La Rambla to check out the many street artists, the sexy Catalan and other Spanish men and the many gazing gay tourists who strut their stuff during the evening hours and weekends. You will find many gay clothing shops within these neighborhoods as well as iconic bars like El Cangrejo y La Concha, Café Schilling and El Caracol Restaurant. All within walking distance you will also find the Picasso Museum and the Museum of Contemporary Art, La Paza Real, the Gothic Cathedral, and much, much more. (espresso with steamed milk) while you watch the many hunky passersby. Don’t miss the local police cadets in their tight uniforms hanging about the plaza. The infamous Rambla starts just east of the Plaça and runs down to the Port. On either side of the promenade you will find the usual tourists traps, many coffee shops, hotels and some of Barcelona’s major cultural attractions, El Liceu (Barcelona’s Opera House), El Palau Moja, La Boqueria, the Academy of Sciences, and more. There are literally thousands of options and reasons to visit Barcelona. Some people just come in search of parties and the gay, others out of devotion to his surreal architecture, but most seek cover as much as possible in the shortest time. For them, here a list of attractions, without which a visit to Barcelona is not considered fulfilled: La Sagrada Familia, La Pedrera Casa Mila, L’Aquarium de It is worth noting the aforeBarcelona, Poble Espanyol de mentioned districts surround Montjuic, Batiller House, the the Plaça de Catalunya, a Museum FC Barcelona, the mayor transportation hub. If Barcelona Zoo, the IMAX 3D, you want watch people come the Miro Museum, National and go, while being enterTheater of Catalonia, Plaza de tained by street artists here is Toros Monumental, the Magic a great place to do so. Stop Fountain, Las Ramblas, Casa at the outdoor Zurich for Palace) de les Punxes, Sitges, and La Casa RosadaCafé (Presidential a caña (local term for a glass Tibidabo. of beer) or a café con leche 28 r zona osa The undeniable Mediterranean legacy is present once more, with Barcelona, one of the few places to offer a complete urban resort, with more than 4.2 kilometers of beaches that combine the tranquility of the ocean and golden sands, with modern venues which offer the best gourmet and entertainment. The beaches chosen by our boys are Barceloneta, San Puente de la Mujer Sebastia (nudist), and Beach Nova Icaria (closest to the Olympic marina, where we highlight the Mango restaurant and Chiriguito Moncho). Bogatell, doubling in size to Nova Icaria, with a promenade alongside this beach offers the perfect excuse to show the hunky bodies while jogging or on rollerblades and Nova Mar Bella. (Metro Ciutadella Vila Olimpica but 20 minutes walk alongside the Passeig Colon). If you’re looking for panoramic views of the city, there are two options, Montjuic or Tibidabo. Montjuic is a small hill formerly used as a military outpost. Currently it is a major sports center (it was built for the 1992 Olympic Games), including facilities such as the Olympic Stadium and Palau Sant Jordi. In this tour, we have to highlight the Fuentes de Montjuic, a beautiful show of lights and water features and the impressive 1,000-year-old Castillo de Montjuic, located er at the top of this mountain. Tibidabo, located in the Sierra Collserola, features an amusement park, the observatory and experimental physics laboratory, the Temple of the Sacred Heart, and a large veranda, which offers a spectacular view of Barcelona and the Mediterranean Ocean. Antonio Gaudi fire branded Barcelona’s origins, present and future. A weeklong trip to Barcelona can be easily consumed by visits to the many architectural treasures that bear his name. These include the Holy Family Cathedral (which continues under construction today) Park Guell, a World Heritage Site, populated by dragons and ceramic mushrooms poking around the patio of a Hundred Column as well as Casas Batllo, Vicens and Mila. His work is stunning, timeless and offers the clearest example of Catalan modernist architecture. Do your homework before getting to Barcelona. The days have flown by, and I prepare for my next destination near Barcelona. Taragona, Sitges, Monserrat, Girona and Cadaques are just some of the alternatives. But wait, if you are like me and have not yet succeeded in discovering all that Barcelona has to offer, let’s come back again and again. For a listing of gay establishments in Barcelona visit www. gaylandia.net • Pre‡ mbulo... Cava and Queso Tetilla by Kevin Rayoni T here’s never a reason to allow a dinner party with friends to be intimidating. Keep it simple with a chilled bottle of Cava - Catalonia’s answer to French champagne. Be sure to stick with a brut - the perfect balance between sweet and dry. The best compliment to the sensual bubbles of sparkling wine is the creamy dissidence of a rich Spanish cheese, like Queso Tetilla. This pasteurized cow’s milk cheese is creamy, luscious and will spread like butter. Compliment with a fig spread. Slice through a baguette and toss in a few crackers and you’ll have an easy and delicious appetizer fit for kings...or queens. 30 r zona osa N o hay razón para permitir que una cena con amigos sea intimidante. Hazlo simple con unas botellas de cava, la respuesta catalana al champán francés. Asegúrate de servir un brut, que ofrece el equilibrio perfecto entre dulce y seco. El mejor complemento a las burbujas sensuales de un vino espumante es la disidencia de un rico queso español como lo es Queso Tetilla. Este queso de leche de vaca pasteurizada es cremoso, delicioso y se derrite como la mantequilla. Complementa bien con jalea de higo. Corta y mezcla un baguette con en unas galletas y tendrás un delicioso aperitivo digno para reyes o reinas... • Bring in this ad to receive 10% off Brunch Lunch Dinner Catering Private Events 496 Ninth Avenue, NY, NY 10018 (212) 967 - 3892 www.marketcafenyc.com Roberto Piqueras first men’s collection in Madrid catwalk, Ego de Cibeles “Fall/ Winter 07/08”. In July he presented his next collection in Barcelona’s Fashion Week 080, “Fashion is Everywhere”; this time with the intention to commercialize it. He received international notice when Kanye West wore one of his T-Shirts in Flaunt Magazine. Also, a critique of his designs appeared in I.D. R oberto Piqueras studied fashion at the Superior Institute of Fashion “Felicidad Duce” in Barcelona. During his studies he worked as an assistant to several fashion designers. Upon completing his studies he began to work as a designer and pattern cutter in a small fur shop in Tarragona. Soon thereafter he relocated to Madrid where he continued working with a variety of designers. In Madrid, he earned the opportunity to present his He kept two national sales points, Suspect (Barcelona) and Le Swing (Madrid) during the following three collections that were presented in Ego Cibeles. With his last collection he acquired a sales point in Kniq (Hong Kong). In addition he maintains an online store in his official website, where he stays connected with his European clients. At the same time he’s done collaborations with other brands such as Wrangler, Eastpack, Yamaha, Vanidad or Neo 2. His Summer 2010 collection shot in New York City, was presented in Barcelona in video format. Roberto speaks of his “brand as easily identifiable and defined by very simple things: sportsmanship, irony, humor, fun and the beauty of Barce- lona. My early designs were more masculine in nature. But they evolved to non-complex unisex designs to more feminine designs without I ever thinking about sexes. It has been extremely important for me not to think of traditional gender roles at the time of designing clothes. I think in this respect my design has been best understood in Hong Kong because the manner in which they view fashion”. www.robertopiqueras.com • El Cine Gay por Alfredo Villanueva Collado una introducción El 23 de junio de 1977, a dos años de la muerte de Franco, se celebra en Madrid la primera parada de Orgullo Gay. Ese mismo año se estrena la pionera cinta A un dios desconocido, de Jaime Chavarri, con Héctor Alterio en el rol de un mago de cabaret obsesionado con la imagen de Lorca. En 1978, Eloy de la Iglesia presenta El diputado, en la que José Sacristán hace de un político español que confronta un chantaje homosexual por sus opositores de la extrema derecha. Estas dos cintas marcan el comienzo del cine gay en España. Pedro Almodóvar, director abiertamente gay, siempre ha utilizado transexuales en sus cintas, pero sólo tiene dos películas de tema específicamente gay: La ley del deseo (1987), con Eusebio Poncela y Antonio Banderas en su etapa pre-Hollywood, y Mala educación, (2004), con Gael García Bernal. Ambas se pueden clasificar como melodramas que, a pesar de su excelencia, reafirman el estereotipo de los homosexuales como criaturas disolutas y trágicas. Tras el cristal (Agustín Villaronga, 1987) una controversial cinta por Agustín Villaronga, que explora el sadomasoquismo y la pedofilia. En 1989 Jaime Chavarri vuelve a la pantalla con Las cosas del querer (Ángela Molina, Manuel Bandera), la historia de un cupletero gay que se ve obligado a emigrar a la Argentina. Sus aventuras en el país del tango se recogen en la secuela de 1995. La década de los 90’s ofrece una mezcla de comedia y melodrama. Por un lado, la histérica comedia de 1997, Perdona bonita pero Lucas me quería a mí, (Dunia Ayaso y Félix Sabroso 1997), que recuenta las aventuras de tres chicos gay, compañeros de apartamento y rivales por las atenciones de un cuarto individuo que aparece apuñaleado. Un elenco estelar, encabezado por Jordí Mollà, Pepón Nieto y Roberto Correcher. Mollà también aparece junto a Javier Bardem en Segunda piel (Gerardo Vera, 1999), melodrama al estilo Almodóvar, que recuenta la trágica relación de un cirujano con mujer e hijo, pero con una “segunda piel”—su amante masculino. Ya en el milenio, el cine gay español ofrece una extraordinaria variedad de temas y de situaciones, integrando a los personajes homosexuales en la fábrica social y liberándolos de los estereotipos que afectaban la producción anterior. A diferencia del cine norteamericano, donde “homosexualidad” casi siempre quiere decir travestismo o transexualidad (Tootsie, The Bird Cage,Mrs. Doubtfire o To Won Foo), se enfatiza la masculinidad sin complicaciones de los personajes gay—varias cintas tienen “osos” de protagonistas--lo cual ha hecho más fácil que actores de la talla estelar de Poncelas, Alterio, Banderas, Bardem, Mollà, Xavier Cámara, no tengan problemas con interpretar personajes que en Hollywood podrían arruinar carreras. Deseo terminar señalando tres cintas extraordinarias. Dos combinan comedia e humanidad esencial. Cachorros (Miguel Alabadejo 2004) con José Luis García Pérez, David Castillo y Empar Ferrier, confronta el tema de la adopción por parejas gay. r zona osa cont. 33 El Cine Gay Cine español gay: Reinas (Manuel Gómez Pereira 2005) explora la logística del primer matrimonio gay de veinte parejas en ceremonia pública. Las “reinas” del título realmente refiere a las cinco incomparable actrices que hacen de las madres cuyos hijos participan en la ceremonia: Marisa Paredes, Carmen Maura, Verónica Forqué, Mercedes Sampietro y Betiana Blum. Y para terminar, Chuecatown ( Juan Flan 2007), que abiertamente satiriza el consume-rismo gay, al presentar a un apuesto agente de bienes raíces que asesina viejitas en el barrio gay de moda en Madrid para vender sus apartamentos renovados a parejitas “guppies” (gay yuppies) . . . pero una pareja de “osos” gay lo confronta. Un elenco estelar incluye a Carlos Fuentes, Pepón Nieto, Pablo Puyol, Concha Velasco y Rosa María Sardá. • 34 r zona osa Discografia selecta A un dios desconocido. Jaime Chavarri, 1977. Héctor Alterio, Xavier Elorriaga.***** Amor de hombre. Yolanda García Serrano y Juan Luis Iborra, 1997. Azul oscuro, casi negro. Daniel Sánchez Arévalo, 2006. Quim Gutiérrez, Marta Etura, Antonio de la Torre. Cachorros. Miguel Alabadejo, 2004. José Luis García Pérez, David Castillo, Empar Ferrier, Arno Chavrier. Chuecatown (Boystown). Juan Flahn, 2007. Montserrat Alcoverro, Ángel Burgos, Margarita Calatayud***** Clandestinos. Antonio Hens, 2007.Israel Rodríguez, Mehroz Arif, Hugo Catalán, Luis Hostalot, Pablo Pujol***** El diputado. Eloy de la Iglesia 1978. José Sacristán, María Luisa San José, José Luis Alonso.***** El mar. Agustín Villaronga, 2000. With Roger Casamajor, Bruno Bergonzini, Antònia Torrens. En tu ausencia. Iván Noel, 2008. With Francisco Alfonsin, Pedro Salido Saborido, Gonzalo Sánchez Salas. Extramuros. Miguel Picazo, 1985 Carmen Maura, Mercedes Sanpietro***** Fuera de carta. Nacho Velillo, 2008. Javier Cámara, Benjamín Vicuña, Lola Dueñas. La ley del deseo. Almodóvar 1987. Maura, Banderas, Poncela, Germán Cobos. Las cosas del querer. Jaime Chavarri, 1989. Angela Molina, Manuel Bandera. Las cosas del querer II. Jaime Chavarri, 1995. Angela Molina, manuel Bandera, Dario Grandinetti. Mala educación. Almodóvar 2004. García Bernal, Felé Martínez, Daniel Jiménez. Perdona, bonita, pero Lucas me quería a mí. Dunia Ayaso y Félix Sabroso,1997. Jordi Mollà, Pepón Nieto, Roberto Correcher, Alfonso Caparros, Lucina Gil, Mariola Fuentes. Food of Love. Ventura Pons, 2002. Juliet Stevenson, Kevin Bishop, Allan Corduner Reinas. Manuel Gómez Pereira, 2005. Paredes, Maura, Forqué, Salmerón, Ugalde.***** Segunda piel . Gerardo Vera, 1999. Javier Bardem, Jordi Mollà, Ariadna Gil. Tras el cristal. Agustín Villaronga, 1987. Gunter Meisner, Marisa Paredes, Gisela Echevarria, David Sust. Queer Latino Musings: Our History and Literature By Charlie Vázquez www.firekingpress.com Queer Ricans (University of Minnesota, 2009) by Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes Puerto Rican writer and scholar Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes’s Queer Ricans takes a playful and critical look at the creative works of queer Puerto Rican artists in the USA diasporas—from New York to San Francisco, the 1960s to the 1990s, male and female, islandborn and mainlander. This fascinating study discusses homophobia, AIDS and feminism. It also addresses sexism, racism, and a variety prejudices, which though abhorrent, served to create for queer Puerto Rican artists a unique vantage point from which to view the U.S. Island homophobia drove migrations of queer Puerto Ricans to the mainland USA beginning in the 1940s—and many were artists. Though the majority settled in New York—others found themselves in Philadelphia, Chicago, and San Francisco. Beginning with the writings of Manuel Ramos Otero (who succumbed to AIDS in 1990), La Fountain-Stokes weaves rich art criticism that ultimately leads to a kind of “Oz”, a Nuyorican Oz, as interpreted by Boricua performance artist Elizabeth Marrero. The fanning out of Puerto Ricans on the mainland, as we both assimilated into and resisted mainstream America, created yet another wave of art shaped by birthplace, gender, race, and dominant language (Spanish vs. English). From Arthur Avilés’s erotic dance works to Erika López’s punk-informed graphics, the queer Puerto Rican canon of literature and art in America is more diverse than I ever imagined. Applause for this groundbreaking cultural breakthrough in queer Latino studies! • Las Ca mas Solares . . . Por años científicos han enlistado las camas solares y la radiación ultravioleta (UV) como “probables carcinógenos”. Sin embargo, recientemente un grupo internacional de científicos expertos en cáncer cambiaron su posición con respecto a las camas solares. La Agencia Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer que pertenece a la Organización Mundial de la Salud determinó que la radiación UV que emiten las camas solares es más peligrosa de lo que se creía y la movieron a la categoría de mayor riesgo para causar cáncer, la de “carcinógeno para humanos”. es muy común entre los adolescentes y jóvenes y podría explicar por que la incidencia de melanoma ha aumentado en los últimos años. Desde el 1992, la tasa de melanoma ha aumentado 3.1% anual en hombres y mujeres blancos. Esta nueva categoría significa que las camas solares, así como el arsénico, el virus de la hepatitis B, los asbestos y el cigarrillo, definitivamente causan cáncer. Un nuevo análisis de alrededor de 20 estudios encontró que las camas solares pueden aumentar el riesgo a desarrollar melanoma por hasta un 75%, en especial si la exposición es antes de la edad de 30 años. La Academia Americana de Dermatología ha reiterado las recomendaciones del 2005 de la Organización Mundial de la Salud en el que se establece que ninguna persona menor de 18 años debe de usar camas solares. Pese a estas recomendaciones unas 30 millones de personas anualmente se broncean mediante el uso de camas solares en los Estados Unidos de los cuales 2.3 millones son adolescentes. Melanoma es el cáncer mas letal de la piel y causante de un sin número de muertes cada año. Este patrón de broncearse El broncearse en camas solares es un acto puramente cosmético y por el cual ponemos nuestra salud a riesgo. Este año, más de un millón de casos de cáncer de piel serán diagnosticados en los Estados Unidos. Esto excede la incidencia de la combinación de todos los demás cánceres que afectan a los humanos. En cuanto a los lectores que se estarán preguntando que hacemos una vez hemos es- tado bronceándonos en camas solares, les comento que nunca es tarde para hacer un cambio saludable para nuestros cuerpos. Desafortunadamente, el daño solar al igual que el de las camas bronceadoras en relación al aumento en el riesgo de cáncer de piel no es reversible. Lo único que se puede mejorar es el daño hecho desde el punto de vista cosmético que nos causa la radiación ultravioleta como son las manchas, las arrugas y el envejecimiento prematuro de la piel. Lo más importante es parar de seguir haciéndolo para así prevenir el que ocurra mas daño en la piel. Así que la próxima vez que piensen en usar una cama solar recuerden que están poniendo sus vidas en peligro. Recuerden ir a su dermatólogo si creen que tienen algún lunar nuevo o que les esté cambiando. También pueden discutir con su dermatólogo opciones para rejuvenecer la piel que ha sufrido envejecimiento prematuro debido al daño que ha causado el sol y/o las camas solares. • Á Pensemoslo Dos Veces A ntes De Hacerlo ! por Omar Torres, MD www.dermgroupnyc.com Ta n n i ng bedsÉ ? For years scientists have listed tanning beds and ultraviolet (UV) radiation as “probable carcinogens”. However, recently an international group of scientific experts on cancer changed their position on tanning beds. The International Agency for Research on Cancer, which belongs to the World Health Organization, found that UV radiation emitted by tanning beds is more dangerous than previously thought and moved it to the category of greatest risk for causing cancer, that of “carcinogenic to humans”. This new category means that tanning beds, as well as arsenic, hepatitis B virus, asbestos and smoking, definitely cause cancer. A new analysis of some 20 studies found that tanning beds can increase the risk of developing malenoma by up to 75%, especially if exposure occurs before age 30. Melanoma is the most lethal cancer of the skin and causing countless deaths each year. Tanning is common among adolescents and young adults and could explain why the incidence of melanoma has increased in recent years. Since 1992, the rate of melanoma has increased 3.1% annually in white men and women. Tanning is done for purely cosmetic reasons, but it puts our health at risk. This year, more than a million cases of skin cancer will be diagnosed in the United States. This exceeds the combined incidence of all other cancers that affect humans. The American Academy of Dermatology has reiterated the 2005 recommendations of the World Health Organization, which state that no person under 18 years should use tanning beds. Despite these recommendations some 30 million people continue to use tanning beds in the United States, of which 2.3 million are teenagers. cancer due to damage caused by the sun and tanning beds is irreversible. You can discuss options with your dermatologist to rejuvenate skin that has suffered premature aging due to damage caused by exposure to the sun and/or tanning beds. Remember to consult your dermatologist if you think your skin has been damaged, if you detect new moles or if existing moles appear to be growing. The next time you think about using a sun bed, please remember that you are putting your life at risk. • For those readers who are or may have used tanning beds and may be wondering what to do now: it is never too late to start adopting better health habits. The most important thing is to stop tanning in order to prevent further damage of the skin from occurring. Unfortunately, increased risk of skin Thi nk twice before ta n n i ng i n them r zona osa 37 Como Mantener Una Buena Sonrisa Y Un Aliento Más Fresco U na buena sonrisa comienza por el cuidado preventivo de los dientes y la cavidad oral. Limpieza de Lengua Esta se lleva a cabo con un aditamento especial para este proceso. Es el paso principal para combatir el mal aliento y mantenerlo más fresco. Hoy día, todos queremos mantener una buena apariencia. Hacemos un sin número de actividades por lucir bien. Pero muchas veces descuidamos una parte esencial, los dientes. Estos son el foco de atención a nuestro rostro. Además, el proceso de digestión comienza por la boca. De modo que una salud oral optima es esencial para el buen funcionamiento de nuestro organismo. evaluación, examen de cáncer oral, radiografías, limpieza dental y educación oral, además de recomendación de tratamientos necesarios. Cepillarse Se recomienda el cepillado dos veces al día. Este debe llevarse a cabo, con cepillo de cerdas suaves y pasta dental que contenga fluoruro, por un periodo de tres minutos. Como mínimo, los cepillos deben ser cambiados cada cuatro meses. Mantener nues tra salud oral conlleva ciertos pasos: Visita al Dentista Es aconsejable visitar al dentista lo mínimo dos veces por año. La visita inicial constara de 38 r zona osa Hilo Dental El utilizar el hilo dental diariamente nos ayuda a remover bacterias y partículas de alimentos entre los dientes, los cuales no son alcanzados por el cepillo. Así evitamos la formación de sarro o piedra dental, caries y nos ayuda a mantener un aliento más fresco. Enjuagador bucal Existen todo tipo de enjuagadores bucales en el mercado. Estos varían dependiendo del sabor, color y componentes químicos. Los factores importantes al seleccionar uno de estos es que contenga fluoruro (componente químico para combatir las caries) y agentes contra bacterias que causan la placa bacteriana y el mal aliento. Como vemos, mantener una buena salud oral toma pequeños pasos, fáciles de integrar a nuestra rutina diaria. El resultado será unos dientes sanos, mejor aliento y una sonrisa brillante. • by Dr. Carlos Santos (212) 682-8280 A great smile begins with preventive care of our teeth and oral cavity. We all want to maintain a good appearance. We do a number of things to look good. But often we neglect our teeth, which are an essential part of our overall appearance. Our teeth are the focus of attention to our face. Moreover, the process of digestion begins in the mouth. So an optimal oral health is essential for the proper functioning of our body. Maintaining our oral health requires certain steps: Visit to the Dentist It is advisable to visit the dentist at least twice a year. The initial visit would consist of an evaluation, oral cancer examination, radiographs, dental cleaning and oral education, as well as recommendation of treatment that may be needed. Brushing Teeth It is highly recommended to brush twice daily. This should be done with soft bristle brush and toothpaste that contains fluoride for a period of three minutes. At a minimum, the brushes should be replaced every four months. Dental Floss Daily flossing helps to remove bacteria and food particles between teeth, which are not reached by the brush. Flossing reduces the formation of plaque and tooth decay, and it helps us maintain a fresher breath. Cleaning the Tongue This is accomplished with a tongue scraper, a special device designed to remove bacteria from the surface of the tongue. It is the main step to combat bad breath and keep fresher breath. against bacteria that cause plaque and bad breath. Maintaining good oral health takes small steps that are easy to integrate to our daily routine. The result will be healthier teeth, better breath and a brighter smile. • Mouthwash There are all kinds of mouthwashes on the market. These vary depending on the flavor, color and chemical components. Assure to select one that contains fluoride (chemical to fight tooth decay) and agents How to maintain a good smile and fresher breath LA PRÓSTATA su función, su cuidado y el placer sexual Aunque su nombre puede parecer familiar, hay muchos hombres que no saben lo que la próstata es, donde se encuentra, o cuál es su función. La próstata se refiere a la pequeña glándula presente sólo en los hombres, la cual está unida al cuello de la vejiga y la uretra. Se encuentra entre el pene y el recto. tu salud física, pero también afectan tu libido. Aunque su principal función es producir sustancias que hacen más fluida la eyaculación, estas sustancias también mantienen la uretra lubricada y protegen contra infecciones del tracto urinario. En hombres más jóvenes la próstata es del tamaño de un grano y con el tiempo puede triplicar o cuadruplicar al tamaño de una nuez. Esta glándula es esencial no sólo por sus funciones biológicas, pero también por capacidades erógenas. La próstata es el punto-G –el punto de excitación sexual en el hombre. “Próstata agrandada” se refiere al crecimiento no canceroso de la próstata. Esta puede provocar problemas urinarios: una necesidad urgente y frecuente de orinar, a veces acompañada con dificultad para comenzar a orinar y/o menor fuerza del chorro urinario; pequeña cantidad de orina cada vez que vayas al baño a veces con sensación de tener que orinar más, aunque sólo produce un goteo; y la presencia de pequeñas cantidades de sangre en la orina. Hay tres enfermedades que pueden afectar la próstata: infección de la próstata, o la prostatitis, agrandamiento de la próstata y cáncer de la próstata. Estas no tan solo afectan 40 r zona osa “Prostatitis” es una infección de la próstata que puede causar que esta se hinche, se enrojezca y se sienta caliente, Algunos de sus síntomas son: sensación de ardor al orinar, necesidad de orinar con frecuencia, y / o fiebre. “Cáncer de la Próstata” normalmente aparece después de los 50 años de edad y es la segunda causa de muerte por cáncer en los hombres. Mientras que algunos hombres que tienen cáncer de próstata tam- bién tienen un agrandamiento de la próstata, esto no significa que las dos condiciones sean semejantes. La mayoría de los hombres con agrandamiento de la próstata no desarrollan cáncer de próstata. Sin embargo, como los síntomas iníciales son los mismos en ambas condiciones, la detección temprana es fundamental para el tratamiento y la supervivencia a largo plazo. Los tres padecimientos pueden ser tratados eficazmente si hay detección temprana. Proteje tu salud física y sexual, consulta a un médico si sufres o has sufrido de alguno de estos síntomas. Como medida de precaución, incluso si los síntomas no están presentes, la Asociación Americana de Urología recomienda exámenes de rutina de la próstata a partir de los 40 años. Recuerda que es mejor prevenir que tener que remediar. • by of this small organ is essential not only for its biological functions, but for its significance to good sex. The prostate is a man’s G-spot. There are three diseases that may affect the prostate: infection, (known as prostatitis), benign enlargement and prostate cancer. All three diseases may be treated effectively with early detection. These conditions not only affect a man’s overall health but his libido as well. Although its name may seem familiar, there are many men who do not know what the prostate is, where it is located, or what its function is. The word prostate refers to the small gland present only in men, attached to the neck of the bladder and urethra. It is located between the penis and the rectum. “Prostatitis” means inflammation of the prostate. An inflamed prostate may be swollen, red, and may feel hot. Major symptoms associated with prostatitis are: burning sensation while urinating, need to urinate frequently, and/or fever. While its main function is to produce substances that make the ejaculation more fluid, these substances also keep the urethra lubricated and guard against urinary tract infections. In younger men the prostate is the size of a grain and over time it can triple or quadruple to the size of a walnut. Understanding and care “Enlarged Prostate” is generally a benign condition. It may result in frequent and urgent need to urinate, sometimes accompanied with difficulty starting to urinate and/or lower strength of the urinary stream; small amount of urine each time you go to the bathroom with feelings that you still have to urinate more although there is just a dribbling; and the pres- THE PROSTATE Dr. Mauricio Iafolla ence of small amounts of blood in the urine. “Prostate Cancer” usually appears after age 50 and is the second leading cause of cancer death in men. While some men who have prostate cancer also have an enlarged prostate, this does not mean that the two conditions are always linked. Most men with enlarged prostate do not develop prostate cancer. Since the initial symptoms are the same in both conditions, early detection is critical to treatment and long-term survival. These conditions may be treated effectively with early detection. Safeguard your physical and sexual health, consult a health care provider if you have or have had any of any symptoms. As a precaution, even if symptoms are not present, the American Urological Association recommends routine prostate examinations starting at age 40. These precautions increase markedly high sensitivity for detecting prostate disease. Remember, prevention is the best cure. • its function, its care and sexual pleasure The prostate: A source of sexual pleasure for many men The prostate is also called male G or P-spot, a source of sexual pleasure for many men. Many couples practice sexual stimulation of the P-spot, not just because it is enjoyable for both, but also because stimulation of the prostate helps address problems with penile erections and premature or delayed ejaculation. While the prostate can provide a source a significant sexual arousal and pleasure, most men know little about this gland, where it is located or how to derive sexual pleasure from it. If you are one of these men, I invite you to find your own prostate and discover its hidden pleasures. Prepping: First and foremost, clip your finger nails and file jagged and sharp edges. 42 r zona osa Cleanse your rectal area, take a warm shower, and go through any ritual that relaxes you fully. Shut off the phone and down the lights. Play your favorite music or sexually stimulating video. Make this your very private moment. I suggest a finger cot or a latex glove and a good lubricant. Taking the position: Lie on your back nude with knees to your chest and legs open as if you were inviting someone to come between them. This position provides comfort and good access to your genitalia and anal area. With your hand (latex glove or finger cot optional) lubricate and gently massage the anal area. This area is sensitive and rich with nerve endings; the massage will cause the anus to relax and it will also stimulate your penis and prostate. Penetrating: Once you have reached a level of comfort and relaxation, synchronize your breathing and gently insert the tip of a well-lubricated middle finger in the anal cavity. Stroking in and out gently will cause the anal muscles to relax and allow for deeper penetration. Do not force in. Any discomfort with this action may be due to tenseness, allow for full relaxation in order to avoid pain or discomfort. The presence of fissures, genital warts, hemorrhoids or any prostate condition may cause notable discomfort. If this is the case, stop and seek medical care for the condition. Reaching the prostate: To reach the prostate go slightly deeper into the anal cavity with each gentle stroke. The prostate may be found no more than 3 inches deep. Proceed to probe for the prostate, a walnut-size gland, with the ball of your middle finger in a sliding back and forth motion. You will know you have reached the prostate because it will send a message through your genitalia as it is stimulated. The massage: A proper massage of the prostate can be highly pleasurable and may produce great sexual arousal in men—in many men an intense orgasm. It is important to use a delicate touch in the anal area; this tissue is highly susceptible to injury. Be gentle and use enough lubricant. To maximize the pleasure, follow these simple steps. Curve slightly upward the finger that is already in your anal cavity. In a sliding motion intensify pressure on the prostate as you massage gently it. This will increase arousal and the prostate to swell and harden, thus becoming more receptive to increased stimulation. Con- La próstata: una fuente de placer sexual para muchos hombres tinue to intensify the prostate massage and with the other hand your genitalia until you reach orgasm. A prostate massage is not for everyone, I hope it is for you. Like anything else, practice makes perfect, perfection may lead to orgasmic pleasure. Next time try a small or a big dildo. Don’t be selfish; try a prostate massage on a buddy. • La próstata es también conocida como el punto-G masculino o punto-P, una fuente de placer sexual para muchos hombres. Muchas parejas practican la estimulación sexual del punto-P, no sólo porque es placentero para ambos, sino también porque la estimulación de la próstata ayuda a resolver problemas de erección del pene y la eyaculación precoz o retardada. cont. r zona osa 43 Mientras que la próstata puede proporcionar una fuente de excitación y placer sexual significativo, la mayoría de los hombres saben poco acerca de esta glándula, donde se encuentra o maneras de obtener placer sexual de ella. Si eres uno de estos hombres, te invito a encontrar tu próstata y así descubrir sus placeres ocultos. Preparate: En primer lugar, córtate las uñas de los dedos; bordes dentados y filosos pueden causar cortes en tu cavidad anal y/o en la próstata. Limpia tu área ano-rectal, toma una ducha tibia, y prosigue con el rito que más te relaja. Apaga el teléfono y baje las luces. Escucha tu música favorita o algún video que te provoque excitación sexual. Haz de esta ocasión tu momento mas privado. Sugiero un dedal o un guante de látex y un buen lubricante. Ponte en posición: Acuéstate desnudo boca arriba con las rodillas hasta el pecho y las piernas abiertas como si estuvieras invitando a alguien a entrar entre ellas. Esta posición proporciona comodidad y mejor acceso a tus genitales y zona ano-rectal. Con la mano (con guante o dedal de látex) lubrica y masajea suavemente la zona anal. En esta zona abundan terminaciones nerviosas por lo cual es bien sensible al tacto; el masaje hará que el ano se relaje y también estimulará tu pene y próstata. Auto Penetración: Una vez te sientas cómodo y relajado, sincroniza tu respiración y el ritmo al colocarte la punta del dedo medio bien lubricado en tu ano. Entra y sal sutilmente para conseguir mayor relajación de los músculos anales y así permitir una penetración más profunda. Cualquier malestar con esta acción puede ser debido a tensión. Permite la relajación completa a fin de evitar el dolor o el malestar. La presencia de grietas, verrugas genitales, hemorroides y/o cualquier otra condición de la próstata puede causar malestares. Si este es el caso, para y busca atención médica lo antes posible. Llegar a la próstata: Para llegar a la próstata deberás ir un poco más profundo en la cavidad anal de empujecito a empujecito. La próstata se puede encontrar no más de 3 pulgadas de profundidad. Tienta de atrás hacia adelante con la punta del dedo medio hasta encontrarla. Sabrás que has llegado a la próstata, una glán- dula del tamaño de una nuez, porque al tocarla esta enviará un sensación estimulante a través de tus genitales. El masaje: Un buen masaje de la próstata puede ser muy placentero y puede producir una gran excitación sexual en los hombres; en muchos un orgasmo intenso. Es importante usar lubricación y un toque delicado en la zona anal, este tejido es altamente susceptible a lesiones. Para maximizar el placer, sigue estos sencillos pasos: Curva ligeramente hacia arriba el dedo medio al entrar en su cavidad anal, y en un vaivén sutil incrementa paulatinamente la presión sobre la próstata. Esto aumentará la excitación y hará que la próstata se hinche y se endurezca, volviéndose más receptiva a la estimulación. Sigue intensificando el masaje de la próstata y con la otra mano tus genitales hasta llegar al orgasmo. El masaje de la próstata no es para todos; quizás lo es para ti. Como cualquier otra cosa, la práctica hace la perfección, la perfección puede llevar a un placer orgásmico. La próxima vez inténtalo con un pequeño o gran dildo. Y no seas egoísta, ofrécele un masaje de la próstata a un amiguito. • La próstata: 40 r zona osa una fuente de placer sexual para muchos hombres Text “Haiti” at 90999 to donate to the relief effort. $10 billed directly to your cell phone bill. prostate... Before getting started, take time to examine images of the prostate so that you have a clearer idea about where to find it. Do not proceed with a prostate massage if you have any symptoms of prostatitis, enlarged prostate and/or prostate cancer. A prostate massage will aggravate these conditions. Seek medical care. Hemorrhoids flare ups, fissures, genital warts or other sexually transmitted diseases will cause discomfort and will likely aggravate with prostate massage. Any discomfort in the anal-rectal area is a sign of a health condition. Stop the massage and seek medical care. Trim and file fingers nails; jagged and sharp edges may cause cuts in your anal cavity and or prostate. Cleanse anal and rectal area and use a latex globe, finger cot or latex condom before penetrating anyone’s anus. Use plenty of water based lubricants to make the massage more enjoyable. Be gentle. Anal penetration need not hurt. The anal muscles will relax if properly stimulated. Your body is your temple; treat it with respect. • tips/sugerencias • Antes de comenzar, examine las imágenes de la próstata así tendrá una idea más clara de cómo encontrarla. Evite masajes de la próstata si tiene síntomas de prostatitis, agrandamiento de la próstata y/o cáncer de próstata. Estos masajes agravan estas condiciones. Busque atención médica. Brotes de hemorroides, fisuras, verrugas genitales u otras enfermedades de transmisión sexual son causas para molestias en la zona ano-rectal. Detenga el masaje y busque atención médica. Córtese las uñas de los dedos; bordes dentados y filosos pueden causar cortes en su cavidad anal y/o de próstata. Estos cortes pueden causar infecciones. Limpie bien el área ano-rectal, use guantes, condones y/o dedales de latex antes penetrar el ano. Use lubricantes a base de agua para el masaje. Sea sutil. La penetración anal no tiene por qué doler. Debidamente estimulados, los músculos anales se relajan. Tu cuerpo es tu templo, trátalo con respeto. DTOX - Saturday Nights at 2nd Street 2nd Ave, Manhattan Larry LaFontaine - Uñas Pintadas Reading Ambiente y Sociedad BARRAGE - Latino Nights, Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan Coming Out 2009 - HAF’s annual show The Starting Line was created by Gus and Joe Salce. We started as a sneaker and sportswear shop in 1989, evolving to sneakers and in-line skates, both selling and renting them during the mid 90’s. When the skate craze died out, we evolved once again. This time into a shop selling fashion wear and sneakers, but continuing to sell technical sneakers. We kept one step ahead of what the Chelsea boys wanted- cool, tight t-shirts and unique sneakers. SEA UN HEROE Las medicinas que usted no usa, pueden salvar vidas! Si usted o alguien que usted conoce vive con VIH o SIDA, está actualmente bajo tratamiento, y tiene exceso de medicinas, done por favor este medicamento a AID FOR AIDS International. Usted puede ser un héroe, usted puede salvar una vida. Nos puede enviar las medicinas por correo directamente a: 120 Wall Street, Piso 26 New York,NY 10005. Tel 1.212.337.8043 Done sus medicinas ahora! www.aidforaids.org gaylandia.net
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