How to design, build and operate a huge experiment? 9th D. Froidevaux, CERN Summer Student Lectures, CERN, 2006 and 11th August 2006 (D. Froidevaux, CERN) 1 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the challenge Muon chambers ν µ Hadronic calorimeter γ e Electromagnetic calorimeter n π Inner detector D. Froidevaux, CERN 2 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the challenge One word about neutrinos in hadron colliders: • since most of the energy of the colliding protons escapes down the beam pipe, one can only use the energy-momentum balance in the transverse plane → concepts such as ETmiss, missing transverse momentum and mass are used everywhere • the detector must therefore be quite hermetic → no neutrino escapes undetected → no human enters without major effort (fast access to some parts of ATLAS difficult) D. Froidevaux, CERN 3 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Main specific design choices of ATLAS/CMS • Size of ATLAS/CMS directly related to energies of particles produced: need to absorb energy of 1 TeV electrons (30 X0 or 18 cm of Pb), of 1 TeV pions (11 λ or 2 m Fe) and to measure momenta of 1 TeV muons outside calorimeters (BL2 is key factor to optimise) • Choice of magnet system has shaped the experiments in a major way • Magnet required to measure momenta and directions of charged particles near vertex (solenoid provides bend in plane transverse to beams) • Magnet also required to measure muon momenta (muons are the only charged particles not absorbed in calorimeter absorbers) • ATLAS choice: separate magnet systems (“small” 2 T solenoid for tracker and huge toroids with large BL for muon spectrometer) • Pros: large acceptance in polar angle for muons and excellent muon momentum resolution without using inner tracker • Cons: very expensive and large-scale toroid magnet system • CMS choice: one large 4 T solenoid with instrumented return yoke • Pros: excellent momentum resolution using inner tracker and more compact experiment • Cons: limited performance for stand-alone muon measurements (and trigger) and limited space for calorimeter inside coil D. Froidevaux, CERN 4 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Main specific design choices of ATLAS/CMS • At the LHC, which is essentially a gluon-gluon collider, the unambiguous identification and precise measurement of leptons is the key to many areas of physics: • electrons are relatively easy to measure precisely in EM calorimeters but very hard to identify (imagine jet → leading π- with π- → leading π0 very early in shower) • muons in contrast are relatively easy to identify behind calorimeters but very hard to measure accurately at high energies → This has also shaped to a large extent the global design and technology choices of the two experiments • EM calorimetry of ATLAS and CMS is based on very different technologies • ATLAS uses LAr sampling calorimeter with good energy resolution and excellent lateral and longitudinal segmentation (e/γ identification) • CMS use PbWO4 scintillating crystals with excellent energy resolution and lateral segmentation but no longitudinal segmentation • Broadly speaking, signals from H → γγ or H → ZZ* → 4e should appear as narrow peaks (intrinsically much narrower in CMS) above essentially pure background from same final state (intrinsically background from fakes smaller in ATLAS) D. Froidevaux, CERN 5 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 ATLAS/CMS: from design to reality R&D and construction for 15 years → excellent EM calo intrinsic performance • Standalone performance measured in beams with electrons from 10 to 250 GeV D. Froidevaux, CERN 6 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 ATLAS/CMS: from design to reality Amount of material in ATLAS and CMS inner trackers LEP detectors • Material increased by ~ factor 2 from 1994 (approval) to now (end constr.) • Electrons lose between 25% and 70% of their energy before reaching EM calo • Between 20% and 65% of photons convert into e+e- pair before EM calo • Need to bring 70 kW power into tracker and to remove similar amount of heat D. Froidevaux, CERN 7 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 ATLAS/CMS: from design to reality Actual performance expected in real detector quite different Photons at 100 GeV ATLAS: 1-1.3% energy resol. (all γ) CMS: 0.8% energy resol. (εγ ~ 70%) Electrons at 50 GeV ATLAS: 1.3-1.8% energy resol. (use EM calo only) CMS: ~ 2.0% energy resol. (combine EM calo and tracker) D. Froidevaux, CERN 8 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the machine What drives the luminosity at the LHC? L(α=0) = 1.07 10-4 1/Δt N2 E / βe ε, where: α is the crossing angle between the beams Δt is the time between bunch crossings, Δt = 25 ns N is the number of protons per bunch, N = 1011 E is the energy per beam, E = 7 TeV βe is the β-function at the interaction point, βe = 0.5 m ε is the normalised emittance, ε = 15π 10−6 m.rad D. Froidevaux, CERN 9 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the environment Extract number of inelastic collisions per bunch crossing <n> = σinel x L x Δt / εbunch LHC: <n> = 70 mb x 1034 cm-2s-1 x 25 ns / 0.8 = 23 Big change compared to recent and current machines: LEP: SppS: HERA: Tevatron: D. Froidevaux, CERN Δt = 22 μs Δt = 3.3 μs Δt = 96 ns Δt = 0.4 μs and and and and 10 <n> << 1 <n> ≈ 3 <n> << 1 <n> ≈ 2 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the environment Experimental environment ≡ Machine performance x Physics Event rates in detectors: number of charged tracks expected in inner tracking detectors energy expected to be deposited in calorimeters radiation doses expected (ionising and neutrons) event pile-up issues (pile-up in time and in space) Need to know the cross-section for uninteresting pp inelastic events: simple trigger on these ≡ “minimum bias” trigger D. Froidevaux, CERN 11 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the environment p pT θ dσ/dpTdy is Lorentz-invariant η = y for m ≈ 0 Physics is ~ constant versus η at fixed pT D. Froidevaux, CERN 12 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the environment Charged particle multiplicities from different models Charged particle multiplicity and energy in pp inelastic events at √s = 14 TeV <pT> ~ 500 MeV Present models extrapolated from Tevatron give sizeable differences at the LHC D. Froidevaux, CERN 13 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the environment What do we expect roughly speaking at L = 1034 cm-2s-1 ? dncharged/dη ≈ 7.5 per Δη = 1 ncharged consists mostly of π+- with <pT> ≈ 0.6 GeV dnneutral/dη ≈ 7.5, nneutral consists mostly of γ from π0 decay with <nπ0> ≈ 4 and <pTγ> ≈ 0.3 GeV Assume detector with coverage over –3 < η < 3 (θ = 5.7o) for tracks and –5 < η < 5 (θ = 0.8o) for calorimetry: • Most of the energy is not seen! (300000 GeV down the beam pipe) • ~ 900 charged tracks every 25 ns through inner tracking much •… still ~ 1400 GeV more transverse energy (~ 3000 particles) in calorimeters complex every 25 ns than a LEP event D. Froidevaux, CERN 14 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the environment Radiation resistance of detectors New aspect of detector R&D (from 1989 onwards) → for once make use of military applications! The ionising radiation doses and the slow neutron fluences are almost entirely due to the beam-beam interactions and can therefore be predicted → was not and is not the case in recent and current machines Use complex computer code developed over the past 30 years or more for nuclear applications (in particular for reactors) ATLAS neutron fluences D. Froidevaux, CERN 15 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the environment 1. Damage caused by ionising radiation caused by the energy deposited by particles in the detector material: ≈ 2 MeV g-1 cm-2 for a min. ion. particle also caused by photons created in electromagnetic showers the damage is proportional to the deposited energy or dose measured in Gy (Gray): • 1 Gy = 1 Joule / kg = 100 rads • 1 Gy = 3 109 particles per cm2 of material with unit density At LHC design luminosity, the ionising dose is: ≈ 2 106 Gy / rT2 / year, where rT (cm) is the transverse distance to the beam D. Froidevaux, CERN 16 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the environment 2. Damage caused by neutrons • • • • the neutrons are created in hadronic showers in the calorimeters and even more so in the forward shielding of the detectors and in the beam collimators themselves these neutrons (with energies in the 0.1 to 20 MeV range) bounce back and forth (like gas molecules) on the various nuclei and fill up the whole detector expected neutron fluence is about 3 1013 per cm2 per year in the innermost part of the detectors (inner tracking systems) these fluences are moderated by the presence of Hydrogen: ♦ σ(n,H) ~ 2 barns with elastic collisions ♦ mean free path of neutrons is ~ 5 cm in this energy range ♦ at each collision, neutron loses 50% of its energy (this number would be e.g. only 2% for iron) D. Froidevaux, CERN 17 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the environment • the neutrons wreak havoc in semiconductors, independently of the deposited energy, because they modify directly the cristalline structure → need radiation-hard electronics (military applications only in the early R&D days) off-the-shelf electronics usually dies out for doses above 100 Gy and fluences above 1013 neutrons/cm2 rad-hard electronics (especially deep-submicron) can survive up to 105-106 Gy and 1015 neutrons/cm2 • most organic materials survive easily to 105-106 Gy (beware!) Material validation and quality control during production are needed at the same level as for spatial applications!! D. Froidevaux, CERN 18 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the environment Pile-up effects at high luminosity Pile-up is the name given to the impact of the 23 uninteresting (usually) interactions occurring in the same bunch crossing as the hard-scattering process which generally triggers the apparatus Minimising the impact of pile-up on the detector performance has been one of the driving requirements on the initial detector design: • a precise (and if possible fast) detector response minimises pile-up in time → very challenging for the electronics in particular → typical response times achieved are 20-50 ns (!) • a highly granular detector minimises pile-up in space → large number of channels (100 million pixels, 200,000 cells in electromagnetic calorimeter) D. Froidevaux, CERN 19 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the environment Pile-up effects at high luminosity ATLAS Photon converts at R = 40 cm and electron pair is visible in ATLAS TRT and EM calo D. Froidevaux, CERN 20 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the environment Pile-up effects at high luminosity ATLAS barrel H º ZZ* º eeμμ (mH = 130 GeV) D. Froidevaux, CERN 21 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the environment Interactions every 25 ns … In 25 ns particles travel 7.5 m Time-of-flight 22 m Weig ht: 7000 t 44 m Cable length ~100 meters … In 25 ns signals travel 5 m D. Froidevaux, CERN 22 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Physics at the LHC: the challenge Unprecedented scope and timescales for simulations Many examples from ATLAS/CMS and also ALICE/LHCb: • ≈ 30 million volumes simulated in GEANT • Tbytes of simulated events over 10 years • Full reconstruction of all benchmark Higgs-boson decays • Unprecedented amount of material in Inner Detector leads to significant losses of e.g. charged-pion tracks (up to 20% at 1 GeV) • b-tagging at low luminosity, for e.g. H → bb searches, yields performance similar to that which has been achieved at LEP D. Froidevaux, CERN 23 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Detector optimisation example: H→ γγ Signal reconstruction One wants to reconstruct: Mγγ2 = 2 Eγ1Eγ2(1-cosθ12) What contributes to resolution on mγγ? 1) Measurement of Eγ: • Intrinsic resolution of calo • Calibration/uniformity of calo • Pile-up effects 2) Measurement of θ12 • Measurement of position and direction of em showers • Meas. of interaction vertex zv D. Froidevaux, CERN 24 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Detector optimisation example: H→ γγ Angular resolution and acceptance • ATLAS calorimeter has longitudinal segmentation → can measure γ direction ATLAS, full simulation Vertex resolution using EM calo longitudinal segmentation Photons from H → γγ θ vertex spread ~ 5.6 cm 50 mrad σ (θ ) ≈ E CMS has no longitudinal segmentation (and no preshower in barrel) → vertex measured using secondary tracks from underlying event → often pick up the wrong vertex → smaller acceptance in the Higgs mass 25 window D. Froidevaux, CERN z CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Detector optimisation example: H→ γγ D. Froidevaux, CERN 26 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Detector optimisation example: H→ γγ Even assuming a negligible reducible background, the signal-to-noise for this channel is very low, around 1%. The signal cannot be seen with the eye alone (see plot for crystal-calo resolution). In this case, however, enough handles to make a reliable statistical analysis: 1) sidebands around mH in the mγγ distribution are smooth and have high statistics 2) use nearby Z-boson resonance to understand in detail performance of em calo D. Froidevaux, CERN 27 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Detector optimisation example: H→ γγ ~ 1000 events in the peak ATLAS 100 fb-1 CMS 100 fb-1 K=1.6 D. Froidevaux, CERN 28 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Oct. 2005 Barrel toroid: cool down ongoing, first tests of full field in Sept. End-cap toroids: will be installed in the pit end 2006-beg 2007 D. Froidevaux, CERN 29 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Barrel calorimeter (EM liquid-argon + HAD Fe/scintillator Tilecal) in final position at Z=0. Barrel cryostat cold and filled with Ar. D. Froidevaux, CERN 30 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 TRT In February, barrel Si detector (SCT) was inserted into barrel TRT → ready for installation in the pit in August 2006 SCT Three completed Pixel disks (one end-cap) with 6.6 M channels Barrel pixel detector on critical path (problems with low-mass cables), but still scheduled for installation in the pit in April 2007 D. Froidevaux, CERN 31 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Cosmics DATA taken in barrel SCT+TRT : ~ 450k events ATLAS preliminary QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. SCT efficiency per layer W. Hulsbergen Δϕ (TRT track-SCT track) QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Cabling error in two modules D. Froidevaux, CERN 32 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Muon Spectrometer : measurement chambers MDT, CSC (innermost forward) trigger chambers RPC (barrel), TGC (end-caps) ~50% of barrel stations installed (mostly complete end of Summer ‘06) First sectors of TGC end-cap “big-wheels” installed D. Froidevaux, CERN 33 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 First cosmics have been registered in the underground cavern with barrel Muon chambers (MDT and RPC) and Level-1 μ trigger D. Froidevaux, CERN 34 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Towards Physics (1) : the 2004 ATLAS combined test beam Full “vertical slice” of ATLAS tested on CERN H8 beam line May-November 2004 Geant4 simulation of test-beam set-up O(1%) of ATLAS coverage ~ 90 million events collected (~4.5 TB of data): e±, π ± 1 → 250 GeV ± ± μ , π , p up to 350 GeV γ 20-100 GeV B-field = 0 → 1.4 T y x z D. Froidevaux, CERN All ATLAS sub-detectors (and LVL1 trigger) integrated and run together with common DAQ and monitoring, “final” electronics, slow-control, etc. Data analyzed with common ATLAS software. Gained lot of global operation experience during ~ 6 month run. 35 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 At the surface, solenoid inserted on 14 Sept. 2005; cooled down to 4.5 K in February 2006; ramping up the current, now at 12.5 kA (2.5 T) → magnetic test/field map starting Aug./Sept. 2006 (MTCC) Magnetic length Diameter Magnetic field Nominal current Stored energy D. Froidevaux, CERN 36 12.5 m 6m 4T 20 kA 2.7 GJ CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Installation of Muon chambers : ~ 90% complete in end-cap (CSC+RPC), ~ 60% in barrel (DT+RPC) Surface Hall SX5 50% of RPCs installed on YE disks. ME2 RE2 YB+2 YE+2 YE+1 YE+2 YE+1 YB0 YB+1 Shaft ME3 > 90% CSCs installed on YE disks. D. Froidevaux, CERN ME1 RE1 37 3 out of 5 YB wheels done (DTs, RPCs) CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Cosmic muon bending in the CMS return yoke, collected yesterday with 12.5kA in the solenoid (B=2.5T) NEW ! D. Froidevaux, CERN 38 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Electromagnetic calorimeter Barrel : 36 SuperModules (SM), 1700 crystals each Total of ~ 61000 barrel crystals (85% delivered) 27 bare SM assembled, 22 equipped with electronics 2 barrel SM installed inside HCAL for MTCC D. Froidevaux, CERN 39 Crystal delivery determines ECAL schedule: last barrel (end-cap) crystal delivered in Feb. 2007 (Jan. 2008). Plan is to have barrel completed for commissioning run in 2007 and end-caps installed for 2008 physics run CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Inner tracker: ~ 220 m2 of Si sensors 10.6 million Si strips 65.9 million Pixels Pixels Outer Barrel TOB End-cap TEC Inner Disks TID • Assembly of all 16000 modules completed • Integration progressing well • Installation at Point 5 in April 2007 Inner Barrel TIB TIB layer 4 One TEC (9 disks) completed D. Froidevaux, CERN 40 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Towards Physics (2) : the CMS Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge (MTCC) Cosmics run of a ~full detector slice (few percent of CMS coverage) inside 4T field. Magnet being energized, detector closed, data taking started … Test: detector installation and closing; magnet commissioning and field map; combined operation of full chain detector-electronics-DAQ-trigger-DCS-software identical to final experiment; timing, calibration, alignment procedures ECAL HCAL Magnet Tracker Closing CMS … Muon chambers D. Froidevaux, CERN 41 High muon rate: 0.5-1 kHz (run at surface) CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 What data samples in 2007 ? ATLAS preliminary 30% data taking efficiency included (machine plus detector) Trigger and analysis efficiencies included √s =900 GeV, L = 1029 cm-2 s-1 Jets pT > 15 GeV (b-jets: ~1.5%) Jets pT > 50 GeV Jets pT > 70 GeV Υ→ μμ J/ψ→μμ W → eν, μν Z → ee, μμ 30 nb-1 100 nb-1 + 1 million minimum-bias/day Start to commission triggers and detectors with collision data (minimum bias, jets, ..) in real LHC environment J Maybe first physics measurements (minimum-bias, underlying event, QCD jets, …) ? J Observe a few W→ lν, Υ → μμ, J/ψ → μμ ? J D. Froidevaux, CERN 42 CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 Example of initial measurement: understanding detector and physics with top events Can we observe an early top signal with limited detector performance ? And use it to understand detector and physics ? ATLAS preliminary σtt ≈ 250 pb for tt → bW bW → blν bjj W.Verkerke 50 pb-1 4 jets pT> 40 GeV 3 jets with largest ∑ pT 2 jets M(jj) ~ M(W) W+n jets (Alpgen) + combinatorial background Isolated lepton pT> 20 GeV NO b-tag !! ETmiss > 20 GeV Top signal observable in early days with no b-tagging and simple analysis (100 ± 20 evts for 50 pb-1) → measure σtt to 20%, m to 10 GeV with ~100 pb-1 ? In addition, excellent sample to: • commission b-tagging, set jet E-scale using W → jj peak • understand detector performance for e, μ, jets, b-jets, missing ET, … • understand / constrain theory and MC 43 generators using e.g. pT spectra D. Froidevaux, CERN CERN Summer Student Lectures, 09/08/2006 and 11/08/2006
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