9/12/2013 Janice Hoover, Interactive Course Designer Annie Fisher, DLC Associate Director Faculty certification, mentoring, monitoring, evaluation Career School Director, Consultant, Course designer since 1991 (22 years) School Liaison and Trainer School Director, Admissions Director, Student Support Services, Completion and Placement, since 1987 (26 years) John Shaheen, DLC Director Interactive Distance Learning, Design and Delivery Accreditation specialist, includes 9 years on Commission of ACCET, including Completion and Placement Committee, and Commission Chair Over 90 on site team visits; hundreds of file reviews Career Educator /Owner/Consultant since 1981 (32 years) Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net 1 And, it all sorta depends. Turn on Completion Tracking for your system Turn on Completion Tracking in a course Configure Activity Completion for selected assignments and forums Edit Course Completion Settings Review Course Completion Report Review Activity Completion Report Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net 2 Yes, there is a difference!!!!! You will learn how to: Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net 3 Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net 4 1 9/12/2013 Turn on Completion Tracking (Admin must do) Instructor or Course Manager roles can do this. Site Administration ‐> Advanced Features ‐> Enable Completion Tracking Administration ‐> Course administration ‐> Edit Settings –>Completion Tracking ‐> Enable Completion Tracking Save your changes! Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net 5 Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net Instructor or Course Manager roles can do this. Instructor or Course Manager Roles Turn editing on ‐> Select the update icon for the activity or resource you want to configure. Administration ‐> Course Administration ‐> Edit course completion settings. 6 Lots and lots of choices here. We’ll walk through the most common options together. Note that options will vary somewhat based on the type of resource or activity you are configuring. Keep this simple at first! See: http://docs.moodle.org/25/en/Course_completion_settings Save your changes! Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net 7 Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net 8 2 9/12/2013 Turn Editing on 1. Select three activities in the course for completion tracking View a video Post to a Forum Take a quiz A. Add Course Completion status block B. C. Drag to a convenient spot on your panel Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net i. Pass quiz with a 60% (see instructions for setting this in the Gradebook) 2. Set a course grade condition (60%) 3. Enroll two students in the course 4. Track their progress (time permitting) 9 Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net 10 Require grade (See also: http://docs.moodle.org/25/en/Activity_completion_settings ) When this option is turned on, students have to get a grade on the activity in order to complete it. For example, a quiz would be marked completed as soon as the user submits it. It does not matter how well the student did. Getting any grade will mark the activity completed. It is possible to distinguish between 'pass' and 'fail' grades so that the activity becomes 'completed, passed' or 'completed, not passed' instead of just 'completed'. These results show a different icon and alternative text. The student display looks like this: CAUTION!!! From Moodle Docs: This setting allows you to make the completion of another course as a condition for completing the course in which you are currently working. This does not block the student from your current course; it simply means that the current course will not be marked complete until the first course has been marked complete. Thus, completion of the current course is dependent upon completion of an earlier course. Just select one or more courses in the "Courses available box". Note: Once you have selected a course, it's not currently possible to remove it. See MDL‐27114 To set this up, you need to specify the pass value for this activity's individual grade: Go to the course gradebook by clicking the 'Grades' link on the course administration block. From the dropdown, pick 'Categories and items‘ ‐> Full or Simple View In the Actions column, click the Edit icon next to the grade item for this activity. Click “Show More” Type a grade value (e.g. 5.0) in the 'Grade to pass' box. Save Changes Check the Activity settings ‐> Completion Conditions to be sure this is set the way you intended! Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net But…FIXED in ver 2.5 11 Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net 12 3 9/12/2013 Just to add a bit of complexity and drama… Activity Completion is highly reliable! The Activity Completion checkbox updates immediately after the student meets the conditions. Course Completion gets complex: Adding grade boundaries adds complexity Permitting quiz retakes adds complexity Deleting quiz attempts or student assignments will probably reduce the accuracy of the Completion list So….. The Course Completion report does *not* always update immediately. Ask your site administrator to tell you the when the Chron will run, so you can tell your students "The competition report or Activity completion block will be upgraded every 10 minutes, starting 5 minutes after each hour." Keep your setup as simple as possible to meet your goals: Are you monitoring course activity? Do you want students to have a quick checklist of items completed? For details, see: http://docs.moodle.org/25/en/Course_completion_FAQ And, it may take two cycles of the chron job for course completion to be fully updated. Examples: Activity completion is perfect for this Course Completion: Often better suited for self‐paced courses or use when the grade conditions are straightforward. Also great for courses where students can track their own completion (be sure to deploy the Self Completion Block for these courses) One cycle to capture a passed quiz A second cycle to factor in the passed quiz to determine that the completed activities meet the activity completion rules The students completion chart may update before the teacher’s! Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net 13 Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net Join us on October 18 to learn how to use BigBlue Button for FREE web conferencing right inside your Moodle classrooms. Live on‐site workshops for your team (up to 25) Moodle Lesson Design and Deployment (full day workshop) Mobile Devices and Modeling the Flipped Classroom (1/2 day) ▪ Online, hybrid, and competency based education ½ day onsite workshop Faculty Orientation for Career School Instructors Designed for f2f faculty, staff, and administrators Engaging Online Learning: I came to learn, not to hide ▪ ▪ 14 Next Start is October 7 One week, fully online Designing High Retaining Courses for Career School Programs Watch for announcement 6 weeks, fully online Details posted at www.dlconline.net Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net 15 Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net 16 4 9/12/2013 Distance Learning Consortium: Annie Fisher (630)229‐0819 annie@dlconline.net www.dlconline.net John Shaheen (734)995‐6377 john@dlconline.net www.dlconline.net Janice Hoover (770) 420‐5677 janice@dlconline.net www.dlconline.net Distance Learning Consortium, 734‐995‐6377, www.dlconline.net 17 5
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