Other Saturdays as staffing is available. PRESIDENT Dick Bruechert kbruechert@aol.com Volume 36 VICE PRESIDENT 2ND VICE PRESIDENT NEWSLETTER & VOLUNTEER CHAIR & LIBRARIAN EDITOR Christine Patterson Sandra Hoover sandrahoover@comcast.net NVGBS Staff nvgbs@earthlink.net cpatrose@comcast.net No. 3 May, Jun 2010 Visit our website at www.napavalleygenealogy.org CALENDAR May 8, 2010, (2nd Sat) Genealogy Software Group, 1 pm, NVGBS Library May 10, 2010, (2nd Mon) BOARD MEETING, 2pm NVGBS Library May 12 & 26, 2010, (2nd & 4th Wed.) Family History Writing Group, noon, at NVGBS Library Jun 9, & 23, 2010 Family History Writing Grp, noon, at NVGBS Library Jun 12, 2010 (2nd Sat) Genealogy Software Group, 1 pm NVGBS Library Jun 14, 2010,(2nd Mon) BOARD MEETING, 2pm NVGBS Library Jun 20, 2010, WinePress deadline, articles to Editor, email articles or drop off in editors box at library. Napa Valley Genealogy Society’s UPCOMING PROGRAMS Mark your calendars May 20, 2010 “OPEN HOUSE” Our library located at 1701 Menlo Ave, Napa, CA will be having an open house from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Come visit us and let us show you what we have in our library. Refreshments will be served. We will also have Genealogy discussions, how-to’s, where is it’s, and getting started with family history research, all this and more will be available to you. So plan to come out to our OPEN HOUSE DAY and learn how to start a new hobby. Library– 1701 Menlo Ave. Noon to 3:00pm June 17, 2010 "Genealogy Software Engines" A presentation by Daniel Horowitz. Daniel is a Genealogy & Translation Manager, for MyHeritage.com. Daniel is a computer engineer, and a former teacher and director of the ―Searching for My Roots‖ . Daniel will tell us all about the latest technology developments in genealogy research. Senior Center, Thursday, evening 7:30 PM 1500 Jefferson, Napa, CA More upcoming programs continued on page 4 NVGBS Winepress, Vol.36, No.3, May, Jun 2010 pg. 1 A Message from our President One of the projects that we have been working on for the past several years is an index of the marriages in Napa County, from 1850 to 1975. The marriages after 1975 have been available at the Napa County Recorders Office for some time. We have completed the index of marriages, from 1850 to 1975, and they are now also available on the computers at the Napa County Recorders Office, 900 Coombs Street, Napa, CA. Our Society has published a listing of these marriages and they are available in a book at our Library. If you believe that one of your ancestors was married in Napa County we now can check and advise you of the date of marriage if it occurred in Napa County. Our next project is to make a listing of the names in the Great Register Voter Registration for Napa. The May 20, 2010 meeting of the Napa Genealogy Society will be our annual Open House at the Library from 12 noon to 3:00 PM. Volunteers will be available at the Library to answer questions and give brief tours for those who have not been able to visit our Library recently. This has been an successful event in the past years and we hope to continue in the future. For our annual fund raiser and Wine Drawing, we have been collecting wines from the donor wineries. Members will be receiving their raffle tickets in the mail in June and our drawing will be on Thursday evening, August 19, 2010 at the Napa Senior Center. We will need volunteers to sell raffle tickets at the Napa Valley Wine Train Station and a signup sheet will be available at the Library. We hope you will be able to support our annual fund raising effort. Dick Bruechert, NVGBS President NEW MEMBERS Welcome * Welcome * Welcome * Welcome * Welcome New Members Surnames Skip and Jean Keyser skiprealty@aol.com Keyser, LoPrest, Bowen, Carabelli, Lannin, Stevens, Cerjak, Lapenskas Eleanor Weaver elliegen@aol.com Weaver, Corda, Bailey, Parr, Perkins, Ramsey Hall, Schmidt, Canevascini Marie Reynolds-Yerzy Reynolds, Perkins, Soto, Dominguez Lola M Cornish-Nickens hiplady@juno.com none listed NVGBS Winepress, Vol.36, No.3, May, Jun 2010 pg. 2 Jabber from Janice First, I want to refer you to a blog site by Robert Ragan, Treasure Maps Genealogy. It is a genealogy and family tree how-to help site well worth exploring. This particular article <http://amberskyline.com/treasuremaps/genealogy-products/ beware-of-these-3-fraudulent-genealogy-sites.html> talks about fraudulent sites that want you to subscribe and offer nothing in return. Do not get taken in by such sites as there are many reputable subscription sites that offer great sources of information. I especially like, such as <http://www.ancestry.com/>, <http://www.footnote.com/> and <http:// www.genealogy.com>, <http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/> There are many non-subscription sites with lots of free information available to researchers. Also, check with your local library for their subscriptions. Napa City County Library has access to Heritage Quest Online and ProQuest over the internet. Get a library card and login from home. If you have not logged in for some time, you may be amazed at the new information online with these free sites. Here are some well respected sites <http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/>, <http://pilot.familysearch.org/>, <http:// usgenweb.org/>, <http://www.worldgenweb.org/> Be sure to check these out first before spending on a subscription. Now for some interesting websites to check out: Irish records: https://brsgenealogy.com/ifhf/index.php (Search for free, cost to see record) http://www.genealogylinks.net/uk/ireland/ Maritime History Archive for Newfoundland and Labrador (and other North Atlantic sites) http://www.mun.ca/mha/holdings.php Happy Surfing, Janice jancoxbrown@yahoo.com Our Yearly Dues Supports Our Library. You are Appreciated! Membership Report I am now posting a copy of the Membership Report in the library’s hallway. Please check it occasionally to see if you or a friend has been dropped from membership unintentionally. Dues for May: Bill Barnett, Deanna Bickford, Pam Burris, Kim Farmer, Mary Gannon-Massey, Mary and Michael Herzog, Darlene Hoffmark, Cheri Kluever, Sharon Marangoni, James Moore, Richard Murray, Paula Norton, Thomas Quinn, Patricia Renait, Arlene Stark-Pettet, and Danda Winford. Dues for June: Janice Brown, Carole Fisher, William French, Diane Janzen, Cheryl Jones, Loretta McDonald, Duane Murray, Mary and Sally Perkins, Jennifer Pina, Dave Finigan, Karen Scriven, and Louise Wagner. Karen Burzdak , karenb@napanet.net or 707-253-1524 NVGBS Winepress, Vol.36, No.3, May, Jun 2010 pg. 3 Napa Valley Genealogy Society’s UPCOMING PROGRAMS Con’t July 15, 2010 TBA, check your email for announcement. Senior Center, Thursday, evening 7:30 PM 1500 Jefferson, Napa, CA Aug 19, 2010 “Wine Drawing” Napa Valley Genealogy Society’s annual wine drawing and social evening. Senior Center, Thursday, evening 6:00 PM 1500 Jefferson, Napa, CA Volunteer Opportunities Abound Staffing opportunity at the Library. 10 am-1 pm shift or 1 pm-4 pm shift once a month. Meet new people and learn about your library. Training provided. Call (252-8089) or email (cpatrose@comcast.net) Christine Patterson. Volunteer your expertise in an area of your choice to help with questions or e-mail. Leave an e-mail for the Staff at nvgbs@napanet.net. Help out at the Library with shelving or special projects. Call the Library (252-2252) and leave a message. Help is always needed. RESEARCH SUCCESS STORY By member Madeline Vavricka All of my family history is in England. I subscribe to two mailing lists through Rootsweb which involve my home counties. These mailing lists are open to all who wish to participate, seek help, or offer suggestions. Plus you have access to view other lister’s questions and subsequent responses from many people, be they new, experienced or professional researchers. Since I have subscribed to the list I have learned an amazing amount of detail about my homelands and family history in general. In July of 2009 I noticed a lister had included surnames she was researching, two of these names were names I was researching, ―Stevenson and Tapley, circa 1822‖. I responded to here through the list and as it turned out our Stevenson's were cousins. She had done much research on the collateral lines and sent me family information on my William Stevenson. I was very grateful to her for sharing her work and in return helped to confirm findings for this family through LDS films. Then things got better and better. Late in 2009, after a lot of unsuccessful searching , and going through many LDS films from Salt Lake I asked for help to locate the birth record for my 3x Gt Grandfather, the above William Stevenson, born about 1786 and his marriage record to a Martha Partridge, about 1808. I knew nothing about Martha, having concentrated on the male line. To my amazement I quickly received a message which said ―I can’t help you with your William Stevenson but I have Martha’s ancestry. Would you like it?‖ I am indebted to a very generous lady, to whom I am very distantly related somehow—we can’t work that out just yet– I now have 8 generations of Martha’s paternal line, dating back to the earliest record of a burial in 1608, including sources quoted; parish records, wills and photos of her parents gravestones and the village church. My new friend told me that she and her husband retired about 2 years ago to a ―quiet, pretty village‖ and since then she has discovered that she now actually lives in her own ancestral village. NVGBS Winepress, Vol.36, No.3, May, Jun 2010 pg. 4 A BOOK REVIEW Book Report By Karen Burzdak Wilderness at Dawn, The Settling of the North American Continent by Ted Morgan was suggested through the book readings section of Family History magazine. It was not touted to be a genealogy book but one on our American heritage. When I finally got around to ordering it from the library, it took well over four weeks before it was my turn to reserve it. Non-fiction books that are 500 pages take over 3 weeks to read, but it was well worth the wait. It starts from prehistoric man’s journey across the Bering Straits and into North America, the various ―discoveries‖ of the North American Continent, and through to the surveying of the lands to the Mississippi. Unlike other history books, this one takes us through various stories or incidents. You get an in-depth picture of life as it was lived by the common person. Shovel of Stars, The Making of the American West 1800 to the present starts where the previous book left off. The theme of each chapter is the settling of the remaining territories and states. At the present I am half-way through this book and would highly recommend both books if you like American history from the ground up. “In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future” ……………Alex Haley News from Root Cellar —-Sacramento, CA The 12th annual Family History Day at the California State Archives will be held Saturday, October 9, 2010, from 8:30 am to 4 pm. This fun and informative day will include over 20 classes from beginning genealogy, to internet resources and specialized research topics; classes in the Preservation Lab to see how to preserve family papers; research in the Root Cellar Library; and tours of the Archives to learn about the historical documents held there. Genealogical, historical & lineage societies, research libraries & archives will be on-hand with displays and information. Admission is free and open to the public. No registration required. The State Archives is located at 1020 ―O‖ Street, Downtown Sacramento. Sign up for our blog http://fhd2010.blogspot.com to receive updates about the day’s events or subscribe at familyhistoryday2010@gmail.com. Sponsored by the California State Archives, Root Cellar—Sacramento Genealogical Society, and Genealogical and Historical Council of Sacramento Valley. NVGBS Winepress, Vol.36, No.3, May, Jun 2010 pg. 5 "If Your Ancestor Owned Land, Then There's a Deed," by William Dollarhide Dollarhide's Genealogy Rule #23: Locating the county where your ancestor lived is the first step in finding records about the time he was hauled into court for shooting his neighbor's dog, threatening the census taker with a shotgun, or making illegal corn whiskey behind the barn. A 90-Percent Chance Since the first colonists came to this continent, land ownership has always been an important part of our American society. As an example, nine out of ten adult white males in America owned land before 1850. Even today, the figure is more than 50 percent. With this nearly universal coverage before 1850, and since genealogical research starts getting more difficult about that time, it's a wonder that family historians are not using landownership records more often to solve their genealogical puzzles. For instance, did you know that there is a surname index to virtually every land owner in America since the early 1600s--an index that is more complete than any head-ofhousehold census index ever compiled? And did you know that you have a 90-percent chance of finding your ancestor in that land-ownership index? The land-ownership index is not combined into a single name list. There are thousands of them. Usually called a "Grantee-Grantor" index, they can be found in the courthouse of any of the 3,141 counties in the U.S. Together, they comprise the largest index naming residents of the U.S., particularly for the period 1629 to 1860. There are few indexes used by genealogists that offer a 90-percent chance of finding the right person. Even today, a modern telephone directory gives the names of only those households with a publicly listed telephone number. A recent study in Los Angeles County, California, for instance, revealed that about 20 percent of the telephone numbers are unlisted numbers. Yet there is a surname index for Los Angeles County that gives the names of 90 percent of the heads of household of that county during the 1850s and later. Let's take the 1840 census as an example. In 1840, the names of the heads of household are all that are shown. But if you were to look at the Grantee/Grantor index for the same county, you may discover that one household could have more than one landowner. Say you find in the census that the head of household is John Smith, Jr. But what you don't know is that living in the same household is John Smith, Sr., and maybe even John Smith, III, and each of them owns a piece of property. Only John Smith, Jr. is listed in the 1840 head of household census, but the Grantee/Grantor index lists all three landowners. We genealogists eventually recognize the significance of land ownership as we attempt to locate records of our ancestors. But, at first blush, we may not see the importance of land records because they do not seem to give us the vital genealogical facts we are after, i.e., names of parents, dates, children, and so on. But genealogists who dig deeper into the land records will discover that land grants and deeds can provide evidence of the places where an ancestor lived and for how long, when he moved into or moved out of a county, and, in many cases, a surprising amount of detailed information about a person. Source: Genealogy Pointers,4-20-10; genealogical.com NVGBS Winepress, Vol.36, No.3, May, Jun 2010 pg. 6 Publications of the Napa Valley Genealogical and Biographical Society Computer CD’s (in MS Word and RTF Formats) Napa County Cemeteries Volume 1 – Lower Napa Co. Cemeteries & Index: Napa Memorial Gardens, Tulocay (index only), Napa State Hospital, Stephen Broadhurst, Partrick, God’s Acre, Indian Burial Grounds, Perry Burial Site, Wood Family Burial Grounds, Christian Brothers One CD $25.00 Volume2 – Middle Napa Co. Cemeteries and Index: St. Helena Catholic, St. Helena Public, Monticello, Bradshaw, Grace Episcopal, Wragg Canyon, Wooden Valley, Capell Valley, Martinelli, Los Pasadas (does not include the Calif. Veterans’ Home One CD $25.00 Volume 3 – Upper Napa Co., Cemeteries and Index: Pioneer, Bothe, Cyrus Family, Earl Wilms Property, Duvall, Biter Burial Ground, Lommel Road One CD $25.00 All Volumes of Napa County Cemeteries and Indexes One CD $60.00 The Great Register of Napa County, 1880-1894: substituting for the 1890 Census includes (when given) name, age, nativity, registration date, occupation, naturalization place and date, & residence 3 Volumes $35.00 Index of Births Registered in Napa Co. through 1905 – includes sex, year born, page number of the county recorders record book 53 pages $6.45 Napa County Tax Assessment Records Index, 1884-1893 – includes name, rd. district, year and page # of book & microfilm pages (located at Society Library) Vol. 1 incl. A-Z, Vol. 2 incl.A-Leg, Vol. 3 incl Leg-Z 478 pages $52.00 Cemetery Inscriptions, Napa County, St. Helena Public Cemetery, Vol. 1 Office Records 184 pages $21.50 Cemetery Inscriptions, Napa County, George Yount Cemetery, Yountville incl. information from old Cemetery Assoc. ledger. Indexed. 56 pages $7.00 Cemetery Inscriptions, Napa County: Stephen Broadhurst, Partrick and Redwood Cemeteries, Indexed 20 pages $3.25 Cemetery Inscriptions, Napa County, Pope Valley, Monticello, Wragg Canyon, Capell Valley and Wooden Valley Cemeteries , Indexed 41 pages $5.40 Cemetery Inscriptions, Napa County, Pioneer and Bothe Cemetery, Calistoga, includes information from old Pioneer Cemetery ledger. Indexed. 30 pages $4.00 Cemetery Inscriptions, Napa County, Holy Cross Cemetery, St. Helena. Indexed 47 pages $6.00 Cemetery Inscriptions, Napa County, Napa Valley Memorial Gardens, Napa. Indexed 82 pages $10.00 Funeral Home Records of W.F. Mercier Permelee of St. Helena, Napa County, pages are copies of the original sheets c1920’s. Indexed 219 pages $27.00 BOOKS -Soft cover NVGBS Winepress, Vol.36, No.3, May, Jun 2010 pg. 7 INDEX PEEKS Great Register Napa County, California 1880-1894, Vol., L-Z Copied by the Napa Valley Genealogical and Biographical Society in 1982 This is an alphabetical listing of names in the Great Register, Vol. 2. Each name has much information. Duplicates signify more than one entry. Check the NVGBS Library to view that particular page or e-mail (nvgbs@napanet.net) or call the Library (707-252-2252) to leave a message for a volunteer to do a lookup. Thank you to Carole Fisher for computerizing the index. Newcastle, Philmont McG Newcastle, Philmont McGurn Newcastle, Philmont McGurn Newcomb, Bethuel Merritt Newcomb, Bethuel Merritt Newcomer, Stewart Newcomer, Stewart Newcomer, Stewart Newell, True Bertind Newhard, James Madison Newkirk, Isaac James Newkirk, Isaac James Newkirk, Isaac James Newkorn, Solomon Newman, Alexander Newman, Alexander J. Newman, Alexander Newman, Frank Vincent Newman, Frank Vincent Newman, George S. Newman, George Newman, James Newman, James B. Newman, J. Bartholomew Newman, James B. Newman, Jeremiah James Newman, Leon Newton, Aaron Dexter Newton, Charles Delos Newton, Charles Delos Newton, Charles Delos Newton, John Newton, John Newton, William Michelini, Anton Micheleni, J. S. Micheleni, J. S. Micheleni, J. S. Nichols, Charles Henry Nichols, Charles Nichols, George William Nichols, Herbert Chapman Nichols, James Emery Nichols, James Emery Nichols, John Calvin Nichols, John Calvin Nichols, John Calvin Nichols, John Marshall Nicholson, Hans Nickels, Peter Nickerson, Orville K. Nielsen, Hans Nichols, John Marshall Nicholson, Hans Nicholson, Hans Nicholson, Hans Nicholson, James Nickels, Benedict Nickels, Peter Nickels, Peter Nielsen, Nicolai Lauritz Nielsen, Niels Peter Nielsen, Niels Peter Nielsen, Niels Peter Nielsen, Peter Nies, John Nies, John Nies, John Nilson, John Nitchmen, J. H. Noble, John Stewart Noble, Walcott Noel, Prosper Noel, Prosper Nolan, James John Nolan, John Nolan, John Nolan, James Nolan, John NVGBS Winepress, Vol.36, No.3, May, Jun 2010 pg. 8 Nolen, George H. Noll, Joseph Norcross, Alden Nathan Norris, Elbert Calhoun Norris, Elbert Calhoun Norris, Elbert Calhoun Norris, Elbert Mason Norris, Hardy Foster Norris, John Henry North, Edward Northrup, Charles Waters Northrup, Charles Waters Northrup, Charles Waters Nortin, Martin Norton, Abraham W. Norton, Abraham W. Norton, Benjamin Franklin Norton, Frank Ethelbert Norton, Frank Ethelbert Norton, Frank E. Norton, Homer Francis Norton, Homer Francis Norton, Jacob Norton, John Geroge Norton, John Geroge Norton, John Geroge Norton, Lewis John Norton, Lewis John Norton, Lewis John Norton, William H. Nosworthy, John William Noteman, Alexander Nott, Edwin Nottage, Frank Melville Novesio, Charles Noyes, Arthur Noyes, Joseph Noyes, Joseph C. Noyes, Joseph C. Nufer, Balz Nufer, Balz Nugent, James Nugent, James Nugent, James Nugent, James George Nugent, James William Nugent, William Nunan, John J. Nunan, John J. Nunan, John Jeremiah Nunes, Frank Prayer C. Nunes, Joseph Machado Nunes, Joseph Machado Nunn, George Washington Nunn, Newton Bethail Nunn, Noah Bengaman Nunn, Phillip Jasper Nunn, Samuel Lee Nunn, Samuel Lee Nunn, Traten Morrison Nunn, William Nunn, William Oliver Nunn, William Oliver Nuper, Balz Nussberger, Fred Andrew Nussberger, Herman J. Nussberger, Jacob Nutler, George Albert Nye, Samuel Porter Nye, Samuel P. Nyland, Matts Oakley, Gilbert H. Oaks, John H. O’Brien, Frank O’Bryan, Jeremiah O’Brien, Jeremiah O’Brien, John O’Brien, John O’Brien, John O’Brien, John O’Brien, Thomas Francis O’Brien, Thomas Frank O’Brien, Thomas P. O’Callaghan, Timothy Ochsner, Conrad Ochsner, Conrad Ochsner, Conrad O’Connell, John O’Connell, Morris O’Connell, Maurice O’Connell, Maurice O’Connell, William Francis O’Connor, James O’Connor, James O’Connor, James A. O’Conner, James Arthur O’Conner, James Hugh O’Conner, John O’Connor, John O’Connor, John Francis O’Connor, John Samuel O’Conner, Thomas O’Conner, Thomas O’Conner, Thomas O’Connor, William Arthur O’Daniels, James NVGBS Winepress, Vol.36, No.3, May, Jun 2010 pg. 9 O’Day, Michael O’Day, William O’Dea, Michael O’Dea, Michael O’Dea, Michael O’Donnell, Arthur O’Donnell, Bartholomew O’Donnell, John O’Donnell, Maurice O’Donnell, Morris O’Donnell, Philip O’Donnell, Richard Thomas O’Donnell, William O’Donnell, William Oester, John Henry Offerson, Silas Alvy O’Gara, Dominick O’Gara, Michael O’Gara, Michael O’Gara, Michael Ogden, George William Ogilvie, Frank Mark O’Grady, Dominick O’Grady, Michael O’Hagan, Edward O’Hagan, Edward O’Hagan, Edward O’Hanlon, Luke Louis Ohl, Jacob Ohl, Jacob Ohl, Jacob Ohlson, Wicktor Ohlson, Wickton O’Keefe, David O’Kell, Edward J. O’Kell, Edward Joseph Oldham, Elkin Oldham, James Olds, George Washington Olds, George Washington O’Leary, Joseph Olinger, William L. Oliver, Thomas Oliver, William Parish Oliveres, Robert Ollomeyer, Aantone J. Olmstead, Louis Oleson, Ole Olsen, Sammi Olsen, Swen Olvy, Charles Wesley Oman, Joseph Scott O’Neal, Thomas O’Neal, Thomas O’Neil, James O’Neil, James O’Neil, John O’Neil, Patrick O’Neil, Patrick O’Neill, Charles O’Niell, Edward H. O’Neill, John O’Neill, John O’Neill, John O’Neill, John O’Niell, John, Edward O’Niell, John, Edward O’Neill, Samuel O’Neill, Samuel O’Neill, Samuel Opici, Michele Opici, Michele Opici, Michele Orchard, William Henry Orchard, William Henry Ordano, Thomas O’Reily, Maurice Ornduff, Issac Ornduff, Issac O’Rourke, Michael O’Rourke, Michael O’Rourke, Michael Orr, James Orrok, Edgar Ortez, Jose Ortez, Ustacio Ory, Eugene Osborn, Benjamin Talmage Osborn, Benjamin T. Osborn, George Osborn, George Osborn, George Osborn, Joseph Osborne, Daniel Edward Osborne, William Osgood, Charles W. Ostman, John Ostman, John Otis, Frank O’Toole, Lawrence Ott, John Mitchell Otte, Leon Otto, Herman Otto, Herman Ludwig Otto, Herman L. Outwater, Nelson T. Outwater, Nelson T. Outwater, Nelson T. Overdick, William Overdick, William Jr. Overton, William Frazier Owen, Charles Clinton Owen, Frank NVGBS Winepress, Vol.36, No.3, May, Jun 2010 pg. 10 Take Note Our website has moved to www.napavalleygenealogy.org Save the new address in your favorites. Visit us and take a look. Call Before Visiting our Library Sometimes we are short on library staffers. We recommend that you call the library before you visit to make sure a staffer is on duty. Library phone # 707-252-2252 Napa Valley Genealogical & Biographical Society 1701 Menlo Ave. Napa, California 94558 707-252-2252 Please return this with your dues payment by the 15th of the month. Single Membership-$25.00 Life Membership, single – $300.00 Family/Joint – $40.00 Life Membership, Family/Joint – $500.00 Out of State – $15.00 Junior – $15.00 Patron – $75.00 Check one box below: I am renewing my membership I am a new member I am a past member Include only changes/corrections in your address, email or telephone Name:__________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________ E-mail address:_____________________________ Thank you for your ongoing support. We appreciate our members. NVGBS Winepress, Vol.36, No.3, May, Jun 2010 pg. 11 Calendar of Upcoming Events of Interest 11-13 June 2010 Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree Hosted by the Southern California Genealogical Society Registration is now open for the 41st Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree, which will be held Friday through Sunday, June 11-13, 2010, at the Marriott Los Angeles Burbank Airport Hotel and Convention Center in Burbank, California. The 2010 Jamboree follows the longstanding tradition of delivering the perfect mix of lecture sessions, exhibitors, networking and social activities. This year's Jamboree offers nearly 130 quality classes conducted by the most knowledgeable and experienced genealogy speakers from the US, Canada and points beyond. The exhibitors represent the leading organizations and commercial companies who provide products and services to today's genealogists and family historians. The geographic focus for this year's Jamboree is North America -- Canada, Mexico, and all regions of the United States. DNA and technology will also receive special emphasis in 2010. For details, see http://www.scgsgenealogy.com/. ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Napa Valley Genealogical and Biographical Society 1701 Menlo Ave. Napa, CA 94558 NVGBS Winepress, Vol.36, No.3, May, Jun 2010 pg. 12 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 54 Napa, CA
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