How to use your favorite MIP Solver: modeling, solving, cannibalizing Andrea Lodi University of Bologna, Italy January-February, 2012 @ Universit¨at Wien A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver Setting • We consider a general Mixed Integer Program in the form: T max{c x : Ax ≤ b, x ≥ 0, xj ∈ Z, ∀j ∈ I} (1) where matrix A does not have a special structure. • Thus, the problem is solved through branch-and-bound and the bounds are computed by iteratively solving the LP relaxations through a general-purpose LP solver. • The course basically covers the MIP but we will try to discuss when possible how crucial is the LP component (the engine), and how much the whole framework is built on top the capability of effectively solving LPs. • Roughly speaking, using the LP computation as a tool, MIP solvers integrate the branch-and-bound and the cutting plane algorithms through variations of the general branch-and-cut scheme [Padberg & Rinaldi 1987] developed in the context of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 1 Outline 1. The building blocks of a MIP solver. We will run over the first 50 exciting years of MIP by showing some crucial milestones and we will highlight the building blocks that are making nowadays solvers effective from both a performance and an application viewpoint. 2. How to use a MIP solver as a sophisticated (heuristic) framework. Nowadays MIP solvers should not be conceived as black-box exact tools. In fact, they provide countless options for their smart use as hybrid algorithmic frameworks, which thing might turn out especially interesting on the applied context. We will review some of those options and possible hybridizations, including some real-world applications. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 2 Outline 1. The building blocks of a MIP solver. We will run over the first 50 exciting years of MIP by showing some crucial milestones and we will highlight the building blocks that are making nowadays solvers effective from both a performance and an application viewpoint. 2. How to use a MIP solver as a sophisticated (heuristic) framework. Nowadays MIP solvers should not be conceived as black-box exact tools. In fact, they provide countless options for their smart use as hybrid algorithmic frameworks, which thing might turn out especially interesting on the applied context. We will review some of those options and possible hybridizations, including some real-world applications. 3. Modeling and algorithmic tips to make a solver effective in practice. The capability of a solver to produce good, potentially optimal, solutions depends on the selection of the right model and the use of the right algorithmic tools the solver provides. We will discuss useful tips, from simple to sophisticated, which allow a smart use of a MIP solver. Finally, we will show that this is NOT the end of the story and many challenges for MIP technology are still to be faced. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 2 PART 3 1. The building blocks of a MIP solver 2. How to use a MIP solver as a sophisticated (heuristic) framework 3. Modeling and algorithmic tips to make a solver effective in practice A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 3 PART 3 1. The building blocks of a MIP solver 2. How to use a MIP solver as a sophisticated (heuristic) framework 3. Modeling and algorithmic tips to make a solver effective in practice • Outline: – Solving difficult MIPs [heavily based on Klotz & Newman 2011, PART-II-2.pdf] A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 3 PART 3 1. The building blocks of a MIP solver 2. How to use a MIP solver as a sophisticated (heuristic) framework 3. Modeling and algorithmic tips to make a solver effective in practice • Outline: – Solving 1. Lack 2. Lack 3. Lack 4. Lack difficult MIPs [heavily based on Klotz & Newman 2011, PART-II-2.pdf] of node throughput because of LP solving in progress in the best (mixed-)integer solution in progress in the best bound of node throughput because of numerical instability A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 3 PART 3 1. The building blocks of a MIP solver 2. How to use a MIP solver as a sophisticated (heuristic) framework 3. Modeling and algorithmic tips to make a solver effective in practice • Outline: – Solving 1. Lack 2. Lack 3. Lack 4. Lack difficult MIPs [heavily based on Klotz & Newman 2011, PART-II-2.pdf] of node throughput because of LP solving in progress in the best (mixed-)integer solution in progress in the best bound of node throughput because of numerical instability – MIP Challenges A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 3 Solving difficult MIPs: four common reasons • There are four common reasons that integer programs can require significant amount of solution time. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 4 Solving difficult MIPs: four common reasons • There are four common reasons that integer programs can require significant amount of solution time. 1. There is lack of node throughput due to troublesome linear programming node solves. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 4 Solving difficult MIPs: four common reasons • There are four common reasons that integer programs can require significant amount of solution time. 1. There is lack of node throughput due to troublesome linear programming node solves. 2. There is lack of progress in the best integer solution, i.e., the lower bound. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 4 Solving difficult MIPs: four common reasons • There are four common reasons that integer programs can require significant amount of solution time. 1. There is lack of node throughput due to troublesome linear programming node solves. 2. There is lack of progress in the best integer solution, i.e., the lower bound. 3. There is lack of progress in the best upper bound. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 4 Solving difficult MIPs: four common reasons • There are four common reasons that integer programs can require significant amount of solution time. 1. There is lack of node throughput due to troublesome linear programming node solves. 2. There is lack of progress in the best integer solution, i.e., the lower bound. 3. There is lack of progress in the best upper bound. 4. There is insufficient node throughput due to numerical instability in the problem data or excessive memory usage. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 4 249 However, conducting different runs in which the practitioner invokes, alternately, the primal or the 250 dual simplex method at the child nodes is a good idea. Consider the following two node logs, the 251 former corresponding to solving the root and child node linearofprograms with the dual simplex Lack of node throughput because LP solving 252 method and the latter with the primal simplex method. 253 Node Log #1: Node Linear Programs Solved with Dual Simplex 254 Nodes Cuts/ Best Integer ItCnt Node Left Objective IInf 0 0 -89.0000 6 -89.0000 5278 0 0 -89.0000 6 Fract: 4 12799 0 2 -89.0000 6 -89.0000 12799 1 1 infeasible -89.0000 20767 2 2 -89.0000 -89.0000 27275 3 1 infeasible -89.0000 32502 8 2 -89.0000 -89.0000 65717 9 1 infeasible -89.0000 73714 5 Best Node ... 8 ... 9 Solution time = 177.33 sec. Iterations = 73,714 Nodes = 10 (1) A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 5 Solution time = 177.33 sec. Iterations = 73714 Nodes = 10 (1) Lack of node throughput because of LP solving (cont.d) 255 256 Node Log #2: Node Linear Programs Solved with Primal Simplex 257 Nodes Cuts/ Best Integer ItCnt Node Left Objective IInf 0 0 -89.0000 5 -89.0000 6603 0 0 -89.0000 5 Fract: 5 7120 0 2 -89.0000 5 -89.0000 7120 1 1 infeasible -89.0000 9621 2 2 -89.0000 -89.0000 10616 3 1 infeasible -89.0000 12963 8 2 -89.0000 -89.0000 21522 9 1 infeasible -89.0000 23891 5 Best Node ... 8 ... Solution time = 54.37 sec. Iterations = 23891 Nodes = 10 (1) 258 Solution time = 54.37 sec. Iterations = 23,891 Nodes = 10 (1) 259 The iteration count for the root node solve shown in Node Log #1 that occurred without 260 any advanced start information indicates 5,278 iterations. Computing the average iteration count 261 across all node LP solves, there are 11 solves (10 nodes, and 1 extra solve for cut generation at node 262 0) and 73,714 iterations, which were performed in a total of 177 seconds. The summary output in A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 6 Lack of node throughput because of LP solving (cont.d) • Summary of the Dual Simplex output: – 5,278 iterations without any advanced start information, – overall 73,714 iterations and 177 seconds for 11 solves indicates approximately 6,701 iterations and 17 seconds per solve. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 7 Lack of node throughput because of LP solving (cont.d) • Summary of the Dual Simplex output: – 5,278 iterations without any advanced start information, – overall 73,714 iterations and 177 seconds for 11 solves indicates approximately 6,701 iterations and 17 seconds per solve. • Summary of the Primal Simplex output: – 6,603 iterations without any advanced start information, – overall 23,891 iterations and 54 seconds for 11 solves indicates approximately 2,172 iterations and 5 seconds per solve. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 7 Lack of node throughput because of LP solving (cont.d) • Summary of the Dual Simplex output: – 5,278 iterations without any advanced start information, – overall 73,714 iterations and 177 seconds for 11 solves indicates approximately 6,701 iterations and 17 seconds per solve. • Summary of the Primal Simplex output: – 6,603 iterations without any advanced start information, – overall 23,891 iterations and 54 seconds for 11 solves indicates approximately 2,172 iterations and 5 seconds per solve. • Thus, with the dual Simplex any solve subsequent to the first one requires 6,844 = (73,714 5,278)/10 iterations, which is higher than the 5,278 iterations required for the first solve! • Any time this is true, or even when the average node LP iteration count is more than 30-50% of the root node iteration count, an opportunity for improving node LP solve times exists by changing algorithms or algorithmic settings. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 7 Lack of node throughput because of LP solving (cont.d) • Summary of the Dual Simplex output: – 5,278 iterations without any advanced start information, – overall 73,714 iterations and 177 seconds for 11 solves indicates approximately 6,701 iterations and 17 seconds per solve. • Summary of the Primal Simplex output: – 6,603 iterations without any advanced start information, – overall 23,891 iterations and 54 seconds for 11 solves indicates approximately 2,172 iterations and 5 seconds per solve. • Thus, with the dual Simplex any solve subsequent to the first one requires 6,844 = (73,714 5,278)/10 iterations, which is higher than the 5,278 iterations required for the first solve! • Any time this is true, or even when the average node LP iteration count is more than 30-50% of the root node iteration count, an opportunity for improving node LP solve times exists by changing algorithms or algorithmic settings. • Indeed, in the primal Simplex case, any additional solve requires only 1,729 iterations, which is much smaller than the 6,603 of the first solve. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 7 was 623 seconds. So, the time to obtain the first solution is faster by providing an initial feasible 314 317 315 solution, and if we let the algorithm with the initial solution run for an additional 1589 − 623 = 966 Node Log #4: No initial practitioner-supplied solution seconds, the gap for the instance with the initial solution improves to 1.53%. 318 316 ! Root relaxation solution in timethe = 131.45 Lack in progress bestsec.(mixed-)integer solution 317 ! Node Log #4: No initial practitioner-supplied solution Nodes Cuts/ 318 Root relaxation solution timeIInf = 131.45 Node Left Objective Best sec. Integer 0 Nodes 0 1.09590e+07 2424 Best Integer Best Node ItCnt Cuts/ 1.09590e+07 108111 Best Node4 Cuts: ItCnt 108510 Node 0 Left 0 Objective 1.09570e+07 IInf 2531 0 0 1.09405e+07 2476 Cuts: 2 109208 0 0 1.09590e+07 Heuristic still looking. 2424 1.09590e+07 108111 0 0 1.09570e+07 Heuristic still looking. 2531 Cuts: 4 108510 0 0 1.09405e+07 Heuristic still looking. 2476 Cuts: 2 109208 Gap Gap Heuristic still looking. Heuristic still looking. Heuristic still looking. 0 2 1.09405e+07 ! 2476 1.09405e+07 Heuristic still Elapsed real timelooking. = 384.09 sec. (tree size = Heuristic still looking. 1 3 1.08913e+07 20 42 * 1277 1.09405e+07 109673 1.09405e+07 2326 2476 1.09261e+07 1.09405e+07 109208 109977 1.05554e+07 225 1880+ 1300 1880 1302 0.01 MB) 2488 Elapsed real time = 384.09 sec. (tree size = ... 12 1 3 1.08913e+07 2488 1776 1208 1.05645e+07 27 2 1246 4 1.09261e+07 2326 1814 1.05588e+07 31 1847 1.05474e+07 228 ! 0.01 MB) 1.09405e+07 109673 1.09164e+07 474242 1.09405e+07 478648 109977 1.09164e+07 12 1.04780e+07 1.09164e+07 484687 1.09164e+07 491469 4.18% 1.04780e+07 1.09164e+07 491469 4.18% Elapsed real time = 1589.38 sec. (tree size = 63.86 MB) ! 319 ! 320 ! ! 321 109208 A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver Node Log #5: An initial solution supplied by the practitioner ! 8 1880 1302 1.05474e+07 228 1.04780e+07 1.09164e+07 491469 4.18% Elapsed real time = 1589.38 sec. (tree size = 63.86 MB) Lack in progress in the best (mixed-)integer solution (cont.d) 319 320 Node Log #5: An initial solution supplied by the practitioner 321 Root relaxation solution time = 93.92 sec. Nodes Node * Left Cuts/ Objective IInf Best Integer Best Node 1.07197e+07 ItCnt Gap 108111 --- 0+ 0 0 0 1.09590e+07 2424 1.07197e+07 1.09590e+07 108111 2.23% 0 0 1.09570e+07 2531 1.07197e+07 Cuts: 4 108538 2.21% 485 433 1.09075e+07 2398 1.07197e+07 1.08840e+07 244077 1.53% 487 434 1.08237e+07 2303 1.07197e+07 1.08840e+07 244350 1.53% 497 439 1.08637e+07 1638 1.07197e+07 1.08840e+07 245391 1.53% ... Elapsed real time = 750.11 sec. (tree size = 32.61 MB) 501 443 1.08503e+07 1561 1.07197e+07 1.08840e+07 245895 1.53% ... Elapsed real time = 984.03 sec. (tree size = 33.00 MB) 1263 674 1.08590e+07 2574 1.07197e+07 1.08840e+07 314814 1.53% 322 323 A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver In the absence of a readily identifiable initial solution, various branching strategies can aid in 9 Figure 2: Convex hull Lack in progress in the best bound Node log #6 exemplifies progress in best integer solution but not in the best bound: 361 362 Node Log #6: Progress in Best Integer Solution but not in the Best Bound 363 Nodes 364 365 Cuts/ ItCnt Gap Node Left Objective IInf Best Integer Best Node 300 296 2018.0000 27 3780.0000 560.0000 3703 85.19% 366 367 368 * 300+ 296 0 2626.0000 560.0000 3703 78.67% 369 * 393 368 0 2590.0000 560.0000 4405 78.38% 370 400 372 560.0000 291 2590.0000 560.0000 4553 78.38% 371 500 472 810.0000 175 2590.0000 560.0000 5747 78.38% 0 1710.0000 560.0000 66026 67.25% 372 ... 373 * 7740+ 5183 374 7800 5240 1544.0000 110 1710.0000 560.0000 66279 67.25% 375 7900 5325 944.0000 176 1710.0000 560.0000 66801 67.25% 376 8000 5424 1468.0000 93 1710.0000 560.0000 67732 67.25% 377 15 A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 10 Lack in progress in the best bound (cont.d) • Most solvers offer parameter settings that can help improve progress of the best node or tighten the formulation of the model by moving the value of the linear programming relaxation closer to that of the optimal integer objective. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 11 Lack in progress in the best bound (cont.d) • Most solvers offer parameter settings that can help improve progress of the best node or tighten the formulation of the model by moving the value of the linear programming relaxation closer to that of the optimal integer objective. Especially, – – – – Best-bound-first node selection. Strong Branching. Probing. More aggressive levels of cut generation. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 11 Lack in progress in the best bound (cont.d) • Most solvers offer parameter settings that can help improve progress of the best node or tighten the formulation of the model by moving the value of the linear programming relaxation closer to that of the optimal integer objective. Especially, – – – – Best-bound-first node selection. Strong Branching. Probing. More aggressive levels of cut generation. • If those mechanisms fail, then the user must carefully look at the model and – Change model formulation by using alternate variable definitions. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 11 Lack in progress in the best bound (cont.d) • Most solvers offer parameter settings that can help improve progress of the best node or tighten the formulation of the model by moving the value of the linear programming relaxation closer to that of the optimal integer objective. Especially, – – – – Best-bound-first node selection. Strong Branching. Probing. More aggressive levels of cut generation. • If those mechanisms fail, then the user must carefully look at the model and – Change model formulation by using alternate variable definitions. – Revisit the use of elastic/indicator variables, i.e., those relaxing a constraint by allowing for violations (penalized in the objective function). A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 11 Lack in progress in the best bound (cont.d) • Most solvers offer parameter settings that can help improve progress of the best node or tighten the formulation of the model by moving the value of the linear programming relaxation closer to that of the optimal integer objective. Especially, – – – – Best-bound-first node selection. Strong Branching. Probing. More aggressive levels of cut generation. • If those mechanisms fail, then the user must carefully look at the model and – Change model formulation by using alternate variable definitions. – Revisit the use of elastic/indicator variables, i.e., those relaxing a constraint by allowing for violations (penalized in the objective function). – Look at additional cutting planes either within the standard families that might not having been discovered by the solver or specific for the model at hands. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 11 Lack in progress in the best bound (cont.d) • Let us consider again cut generation and the following small MIP: max 3x1 + 2x2 + x3 + 2x4 + x5 (2) x1 + x2 ≤ 1 (3) x1 + x3 ≤ 1 (4) x2 + x3 ≤ 1 (5) 4x3 + 3x4 + 5x5 ≤ 10 (6) x1 + 3x4 ≤ 2 (7) 3x2 + 4x5 ≤ 5 (8) 5 (9) subject to x ∈ {0, 1} A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 12 Lack in progress in the best bound (cont.d) • Adding cuts does not always help branch-and-bound performance. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 13 Lack in progress in the best bound (cont.d) • Adding cuts does not always help branch-and-bound performance. • While it can remove integer infeasibilities, it also results in more constraints in each node LP. • More constraints can increase the intractability of these LPs. Without a commensurate speed-up in solution time associated with processing fewer nodes, cuts may not be worth adding. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 13 Lack in progress in the best bound (cont.d) • Adding cuts does not always help branch-and-bound performance. • While it can remove integer infeasibilities, it also results in more constraints in each node LP. • More constraints can increase the intractability of these LPs. Without a commensurate speed-up in solution time associated with processing fewer nodes, cuts may not be worth adding. • Some solvers have internal logic to automatically assess the trade-offs between adding cuts and node LP solve time. However, if the solver lacks such logic or fails to make a good decision, the user may need to look at the branch-and-bound output. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 13 Lack in progress in the best bound (cont.d) • Adding cuts does not always help branch-and-bound performance. • While it can remove integer infeasibilities, it also results in more constraints in each node LP. • More constraints can increase the intractability of these LPs. Without a commensurate speed-up in solution time associated with processing fewer nodes, cuts may not be worth adding. • Some solvers have internal logic to automatically assess the trade-offs between adding cuts and node LP solve time. However, if the solver lacks such logic or fails to make a good decision, the user may need to look at the branch-and-bound output. • In other cases, the computational effort required to derive the cuts needed to effectively solve the model may exceed the performance benefit they provide. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 13 Lack of node throughput because of numerical instability • Because the solver solves LPs at each node of the branch-and-bound tree, the practitioner must be careful to avoid LP numerical performance issues (see, Section 3 of Klotz and Newman, reading material PART-II-1.pdf). A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 14 Lack of node throughput because of numerical instability • Because the solver solves LPs at each node of the branch-and-bound tree, the practitioner must be careful to avoid LP numerical performance issues (see, Section 3 of Klotz and Newman, reading material PART-II-1.pdf). • Especially important is avoiding, when possible, large differences in orders of magnitude in data to preclude the introduction of unnecessary round-off error. Such differences of input values create round-off error in floating point calculations that makes it difficult for the algorithm to distinguish between this error and a legitimate value [Koch et al. 2011]. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 14 Lack of node throughput because of numerical instability • Because the solver solves LPs at each node of the branch-and-bound tree, the practitioner must be careful to avoid LP numerical performance issues (see, Section 3 of Klotz and Newman, reading material PART-II-1.pdf). • Especially important is avoiding, when possible, large differences in orders of magnitude in data to preclude the introduction of unnecessary round-off error. Such differences of input values create round-off error in floating point calculations that makes it difficult for the algorithm to distinguish between this error and a legitimate value [Koch et al. 2011]. • Elastic/indicator variables (refereed to as “big-M ’s”) correspond to logic expressions as “if z = 0, then x = 0”, which are imposed through the use of arbitrary large coefficients x − 100000000000z ≤ 0 (10) 0 ≤ x ≤ 5000; z binary (11) A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 14 Lack of node throughput because of numerical instability • Because the solver solves LPs at each node of the branch-and-bound tree, the practitioner must be careful to avoid LP numerical performance issues (see, Section 3 of Klotz and Newman, reading material PART-II-1.pdf). • Especially important is avoiding, when possible, large differences in orders of magnitude in data to preclude the introduction of unnecessary round-off error. Such differences of input values create round-off error in floating point calculations that makes it difficult for the algorithm to distinguish between this error and a legitimate value [Koch et al. 2011]. • Elastic/indicator variables (refereed to as “big-M ’s”) correspond to logic expressions as “if z = 0, then x = 0”, which are imposed through the use of arbitrary large coefficients x − 100000000000z ≤ 0 (10) 0 ≤ x ≤ 5000; z binary (11) • However, the coefficient 1011 can be safely and effectively replaced by 5000, which forbids a solution in which z = 10−8 and x = 1000 from being feasible. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 14 Tightening the formulation • As anticipated, sometimes the user might be required to add problem-specific cutting planes. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 15 Tightening the formulation • As anticipated, sometimes the user might be required to add problem-specific cutting planes. However, before doing that, it is often useful to identify elements of the model making it difficult, specifically, those that contain the constraints and variables from which useful cuts can be derived. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 15 Tightening the formulation • As anticipated, sometimes the user might be required to add problem-specific cutting planes. However, before doing that, it is often useful to identify elements of the model making it difficult, specifically, those that contain the constraints and variables from which useful cuts can be derived. – Simplify the model if necessary. For example, try to identify any constraints or integrality restrictions that are not involved in the slow performance by systematically removing constraints and restrictions and solving the resulting model. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 15 Tightening the formulation • As anticipated, sometimes the user might be required to add problem-specific cutting planes. However, before doing that, it is often useful to identify elements of the model making it difficult, specifically, those that contain the constraints and variables from which useful cuts can be derived. – Simplify the model if necessary. For example, try to identify any constraints or integrality restrictions that are not involved in the slow performance by systematically removing constraints and restrictions and solving the resulting model. – Identify the constraints that prevent the objective from improving. With a maximization problem, this typically means identifying the constraints that force prizes not to be gained. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 15 Tightening the formulation • As anticipated, sometimes the user might be required to add problem-specific cutting planes. However, before doing that, it is often useful to identify elements of the model making it difficult, specifically, those that contain the constraints and variables from which useful cuts can be derived. – Simplify the model if necessary. For example, try to identify any constraints or integrality restrictions that are not involved in the slow performance by systematically removing constraints and restrictions and solving the resulting model. – Identify the constraints that prevent the objective from improving. With a maximization problem, this typically means identifying the constraints that force prizes not to be gained. – Determine how removing integrality restrictions allows the root node relaxation to improve. In weak formulations, the root node relaxation objective tends to be significantly better than the optimal objective of the associated MIP. The variables with fractional solutions in the root node relaxation help identify the constraints and variables that motivate additional cuts. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 15 Tightening the formulation (cont.d) • Model characteristics from which to derive cuts are A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 16 Tightening the formulation (cont.d) • Model characteristics from which to derive cuts are – Linear or logical combinations of constraints. As discussed, combination of constraints is the base of current cut generation techniques. The knowledge of the problem at hand can suggest which constraints should be combined. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 16 Tightening the formulation (cont.d) • Model characteristics from which to derive cuts are – Linear or logical combinations of constraints. As discussed, combination of constraints is the base of current cut generation techniques. The knowledge of the problem at hand can suggest which constraints should be combined. – The optimization of one or more related models. Extract a small(er) instance with same characteristics of the problem at hand to play with is often very instructive. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 16 Tightening the formulation (cont.d) • Model characteristics from which to derive cuts are – Linear or logical combinations of constraints. As discussed, combination of constraints is the base of current cut generation techniques. The knowledge of the problem at hand can suggest which constraints should be combined. – The optimization of one or more related models. Extract a small(er) instance with same characteristics of the problem at hand to play with is often very instructive. – Use of the incumbent solution objective value. Template cuts are based on detecting infeasibilities, while optimality cuts might lead in some special cases to effective partitions of the solution space. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 16 Tightening the formulation (cont.d) • Model characteristics from which to derive cuts are – Linear or logical combinations of constraints. As discussed, combination of constraints is the base of current cut generation techniques. The knowledge of the problem at hand can suggest which constraints should be combined. – The optimization of one or more related models. Extract a small(er) instance with same characteristics of the problem at hand to play with is often very instructive. – Use of the incumbent solution objective value. Template cuts are based on detecting infeasibilities, while optimality cuts might lead in some special cases to effective partitions of the solution space. – Disjunctions. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 16 Tightening the formulation (cont.d) • Model characteristics from which to derive cuts are – Linear or logical combinations of constraints. As discussed, combination of constraints is the base of current cut generation techniques. The knowledge of the problem at hand can suggest which constraints should be combined. – The optimization of one or more related models. Extract a small(er) instance with same characteristics of the problem at hand to play with is often very instructive. – Use of the incumbent solution objective value. Template cuts are based on detecting infeasibilities, while optimality cuts might lead in some special cases to effective partitions of the solution space. – Disjunctions. – The exploitation of infeasibility. Infeasibility considerations on the model might allow to remove useless pieces of the search tree. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 16 Tightening the formulation, Example 1 • The very small MIP 13429x1 + 26850x2 + 26855x3 + 40280x4 + 40281x5 + 53711x6 + 53714x7 + 67141x8 = xj ≥ 0, integer, j = 1, . . . , 8 45094583 (12) (13) presents the following (disappointing) computational behavior: A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 17 644 645 Running CPLEX with default settings results in no conclusion after over 7 hours and 2 billion nodes, as illustrated in Node Log #7: Tightening the formulation, Example 1 (cont.d) 646 647 Node Log #7 Nodes 648 649 650 651 652 Node Cuts/ Left Objective IInf 2054970910 13066 0.0000 1 Best Integer Best Node ItCnt ... Elapsed real time = 27702.98 sec. (tree size = 0.0000 25234328 2.70 MB, solutions = 0) 653 2067491472 14446 0.0000 1 0.0000 25388082 654 2080023238 12892 0.0000 1 0.0000 25542160 655 2092548561 15366 0.0000 1 0.0000 25696280 656 ... ------- 657 658 Gap Total (root+branch&cut) = 28302.29 sec. 659 660 661 MIP - Node limit exceeded, no integer solution. 662 Current MIP best bound = 663 Solution time = 28302.31 sec. 0.0000000000e+00 (gap is infinite) Iterations = 25787898 Nodes = 2100000004 (16642) 664 665 However, note that all the coefficients in the model are very close to integer multiples of the 666 coefficient of x1 . Therefore, we can separate the left hand side into the part that is an integer 667 multiple of this coefficient, and the much smaller remainder terms: A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 18 x ˆ ≥ 3359 ⇒ −8x2 − 3x3 − 7x4 − 6x5 − 5x6 − 2x7 − 4x8 ≤ −13428 674 675 (23) This analysis shows that we either have an infeasible model, or that constraints (24) (using the Tightening the formulation, Example 1 (cont.d) infeasibility argument above) and (25) (multiplying 23 through by -1) are globally valid cuts. x + 2x + 2x + 3x + 3x + 4x + 4x + 5x ≥ 3359 (24) 8x2 + 3x3 + 7x4 + 6x5 + 5x6 + 2x7 + 4x8 ≥ 13428 (25) 1 4 5 6 7 8 • The behavior is then improved by2 the3 addition of the two cuts x1 + 2x2 + 2x3 + 3x4 + 3x5 + 4x6 + 4x7 + 5x8 ≥ 3359 (14) + 3x3 + 7x4 + 6x5 + 5x6 + 2x7 + 4x8 ≥ 13428 (15) 676 Adding these cuts enables CPLEX to easily identify that the model is infeasible (see Node 677 Log #8). 8x2 678 679 Node Log #8 680 Nodes 681 Cuts/ Node Left Objective IInf 684 0 0 0.0000 685 0 0 686 0 687 0 682 Best Integer Best Node ItCnt 1 0.0000 1 0.0000 2 MIRcuts: 1 3 0 0.0000 2 MIRcuts: 1 5 0 cutoff Gap 683 5 688 Elapsed real time = 0.23 sec. (tree size = 689 Mixed integer rounding cuts applied: 690 ... 691 MIP - Integer infeasible. 692 Current MIP best bound is infinite. 693 Solution time = 0.46 sec. 0.00 MB, solutions = 0) 1 Iterations = 5 Nodes = 0 28 A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 19 Tightening the formulation, Example 2 • The following Mixed Integer Quadratic Program max n n X X dij xixj (16) xj ≤ k (17) n (18) i=1 j=i+1 n X subject to j=1 x ∈ {0, 1} can be classically reformulated as a MIP by binary variables zij = xixj and constraints zij ≤ xi , ∀i, j (19) zij ≤ xj , ∀i, j (20) xi + xj ≤ 1 + zij ∀i, j. (21) • The performance of Cplex solver are as follows. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 20 723 hours, terminating when the size of the swap file for the branch-and-bound tree exceeds memory 724 limits. At that point the solution has an objective value of 3483.0000, proven to be within 51.32% of ! optimal. Although we do not provide the output here, the original MIQP formulation in (M IQP ) 726 ! performs even worse. ! 727 ! 725 Tightening the formulation, Example 2 (cont.d) Node Log #9 728 Nodes 729 Node 730 Cuts/ Left Objective IInf Best Integer Best Node ItCnt Gap 2247 --- 731 732 * 733 734 * 0+ 0 0 0 0+ 0.0000 7640.4000 1830 0.0000 7640.4000 2247 --- 0 19.0000 7640.4000 2247 --- 0+ 0 3185.0000 7445.4286 2286 133.77% 0 2 3185.0000 7445.4286 2286 133.77% 735 736 ... 737 738 * 739 740 Elapsed real time = 35 741 742 743 744 746 745 747 7628.5333 37 1829 4.09 sec. (tree size = 6579.2308 1378 3185.0000 7445.4286 6615 133.77% ... 4332613 3675298 4936.6750 1099 3483.0000 5270.8377 1.78e+08 51.33% 4341075 3682375 ... 3889.4643 714 3483.0000 5270.4545 1.79e+08 51.32% CPLEX Error ! 1803: Failure on temporary file write. 748 749 0.01 MB, solutions = 8) 30 Solution pool: 25 solutions saved. 750 751 MIP - Error termination, no tree: 752 Current MIP best bound = 753 Solution time = 15031.18 sec. 754 755 756 757 Objective = 3.4830000000e+03 5.2704102564e+03 (gap = 1787.41, 51.32%) Iterations = 178699476 Nodes = 4342299 (3682262) ! ! ! ! Experimentation with non-default parameter settings as described in Section 3 yields modest ! to enabling A. Lodi, but Howdoes to not usecome yourclose favorite MIP CPLEX Solver to find an optimal solution ! performance improvements, to the model. 21 797 795 ! 798 796 ! 797 ! 799 798 ! 800 ! 799 ! best node value that was essential to solving the model to optimality in a reasonable amount of !the cut. Furthermore, the cut enabled CPLEX to add numerous zero-half cuts to the model that time. could not with the original formulation. The zero-half cuts resulted in additional progress in the !it ! !best node value that was essential to solving the model to optimality in a reasonable amount of ! ! !time. Node Log #10 ! Nodes Cuts/ ! Tightening the formulation, Example 2, improved Node Node Log Left#10 Objective 800 IInf Best Integer Nodes * 0+ Left 0 Node 0 0 * 0+ 0 ... 0 0 * 0+ 0 ... 0 2 Gap Objective IInf 0.0000 Best Integer Best Node 1161 ItCnt --Gap 4552.4000 750 0.0000 4552.4000 1161 --- 6.0000 0.0000 4552.4000 1161 --- 0.0000 4552.4000 1161 --- 3477.0000 6.0000 3924.7459 4552.4000 37882 1161 12.88% --- 3477.0000 3924.7459 37882 12.88% 51.42 sec. (tree 3477.0000 size = 0.01 MB, solutions 37882 = 31) 3924.7459 12.88% 4552.4000 3924.7459 750 1281 39886 37882 12.88% 12.88% 2 real4time = 3910.8201 1243 3477.0000 3924.7459 Elapsed 51.42 sec. (tree size = 0.01 MB, solutions =42289 31) 12.88% 3 1 3 2 ItCnt Cuts/ Elapsed * 0+real0time = 1 0 Best Node 5 3 3919.3378 1281 1212 3924.7459 3910.8041 1212 1144 3919.3378 3477.0000 3477.0000 3477.0000 3477.0000 3924.7459 3924.7459 3919.3355 3924.7459 44070 39886 12.72% 12.88% ... 2 4 3910.8201 1243 3477.0000 3924.7459 42289 12.88% 125571 7819 cutoff 3590.0000 3599.7046 60456851 0.27% 3 5 3910.8041 1144 3477.0000 3919.3355 44070 12.72% 33 Elapsed real time = 9149.19 sec. (tree size = 234.98 MB, solutions = 43) ... Nodefile size = 196.38 MB (168.88 MB after compression) 125571 7819 cutoff 3590.0000 3599.7046 60456851 0.27% 33 *126172 real 7231time =integral 60571398 Elapsed 9149.19 sec.0(tree3591.0000 size = 234.98 3599.7046 MB, solutions = 43) 0.24% 127700 size 5225 = 196.38 cutoff 3591.0000 3598.0159 60769494 Nodefile MB (168.88 MB after compression) 131688 7231 6 cutoff 3591.0000 3592.5939 60571398 60980430 *126172 integral 0 3591.0000 3599.7046 127700 5225 cutoff Zero-half cuts 2244 131688 6 applied: cutoff ! ! 0.20% 0.04% 0.24% 3591.0000 3598.0159 60769494 0.20% 3591.0000 3592.5939 60980430 0.04% Solution solutions saved. Zero-halfpool: cuts 44 applied: 2244 ! MIP - Integer solution: Objective = 3.5910000000e+03 Solution pool:optimal 44 solutions saved. Solution time = 9213.79 sec. Iterations = 60980442 Nodes = 131695 ! ! ! MIP - Integer optimal solution: Objective = 3.5910000000e+03 ! 801 sec. Iterations = 60980442 Nodes = 131695 ! ! Solution time =A.9213.79 Lodi, How to use ayour MIP Solver 802 Given the modest size of the model, run favorite time of 2.5 hours to optimality suggests potential ! 803 ! for additional improvements in the formulation. However, by adding one globally valid cut, we see 801 22 MIP Challenges • Overall, a big challenge from both performance and modeling viewpoints is accuracy, which is somehow a new issue, i.e., an old issue that starts to be very important after realizing that MIP solvers can now really solve the problems. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 23 MIP Challenges • Overall, a big challenge from both performance and modeling viewpoints is accuracy, which is somehow a new issue, i.e., an old issue that starts to be very important after realizing that MIP solvers can now really solve the problems. The MIPlib 2010 paper [Koch et al. 2011] includes, for the first time, scripts to run automated tests in a predefined way, and a solution checker to test the accuracy of provided solutions using exact arithmetic. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 23 MIP Challenges • Overall, a big challenge from both performance and modeling viewpoints is accuracy, which is somehow a new issue, i.e., an old issue that starts to be very important after realizing that MIP solvers can now really solve the problems. The MIPlib 2010 paper [Koch et al. 2011] includes, for the first time, scripts to run automated tests in a predefined way, and a solution checker to test the accuracy of provided solutions using exact arithmetic. • Some difficult MIPs are encountered because of: – bad modeling, i.e., ∗ the model has numerical difficulties, ∗ the MIP modeling capability is not sufficient wrt the real problem; – large size; – knapsack constraints with huge coefficients and general-integer variables with large bounds; – scheduling components with disjunctive constraints and fundamental continuous variables. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 23 MIP Challenges, performance • The performance of MIP solvers can/must be improved in many different directions. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 24 MIP Challenges, performance • The performance of MIP solvers can/must be improved in many different directions. Among them, my favorite ones are: – branching vs cutting – sophisticated techniques for general-integer and continuous variables – performance variability – revisiting good “old” methods – cutting plane exploitation – symmetric MIPs A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 24 MIP Challenges: branching vs cutting αT x = α0 αT x = α0 + 1 x∗ - A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 25 MIP Challenges: branching vs cutting αT x = α0 αT x = α0 + 1 x∗ - R / A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 25 MIP Challenges: branching vs cutting αT x = α0 αT x = α0 + 1 x∗ - β T x = β0 x∗ W W / x ∗,1 x ∗,2 R first wisdom A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 25 MIP Challenges: branching vs cutting αT x = α0 αT x = α0 + 1 x∗ αT x = α0 + 1 αT x = α0 - x∗ @ @ @ β T x = β0 @ @ @ β T x = β0 x∗ @ @ @ B BN @ @ W @ W / x ∗,1 x ∗,2 @ R R / N first wisdom A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 25 MIP Challenges: branching vs cutting αT x = α0 αT x = α0 + 1 x∗ αT x = α0 + 1 αT x = α0 - x∗ @ @ @ β T x = β0 @ @ @ β T x = β0 x∗ @ @ @ B BN @ @ W @ W / x ∗,1 x ∗,2 @ R R / N first wisdom A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 25 MIP Challenges: branching vs cutting αT x = α0 αT x = α0 + 1 x∗ αT x = α0 + 1 αT x = α0 - x∗ @ @ @ β T x = β0 @ @ @ β T x = β0 x∗ @ @ @ B BN @ @ W @ W / x ∗,1 x ∗,2 @ R R / N second wisdom first wisdom A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 25 MIP Challenges, branching vs cutting (cont.d) • The previous slide highlights a possibility of using traditional cutting plane theory in the branching context [Karamanov & Cornu´ejols 2005, 2010] A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 26 MIP Challenges, branching vs cutting (cont.d) • The previous slide highlights a possibility of using traditional cutting plane theory in the branching context [Karamanov & Cornu´ejols 2005, 2010] • It seems that a better coordination of these two fundamental ingredients of the MIP solvers is crucial for strong improvements. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 26 MIP Challenges, branching vs cutting (cont.d) • The previous slide highlights a possibility of using traditional cutting plane theory in the branching context [Karamanov & Cornu´ejols 2005, 2010] • It seems that a better coordination of these two fundamental ingredients of the MIP solvers is crucial for strong improvements. • In the context of hard knapsack constraints branching on variables is not effective while (pure) basis reduction methods have proven to be very powerful [Eisenbrand; Aardal; Pataki; . . . ]. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 26 MIP Challenges, branching vs cutting (cont.d) • The previous slide highlights a possibility of using traditional cutting plane theory in the branching context [Karamanov & Cornu´ejols 2005, 2010] • It seems that a better coordination of these two fundamental ingredients of the MIP solvers is crucial for strong improvements. • In the context of hard knapsack constraints branching on variables is not effective while (pure) basis reduction methods have proven to be very powerful [Eisenbrand; Aardal; Pataki; . . . ]. • On the other hand, a tight integration of basis reduction techniques within MIP solvers has not yet been achieved. One possibility for such an integration is the use of partial reformulations but an intriguing option is exploiting these reformulations to generate cuts in the original space of variables [Aardal & Wolsey 2009]. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 26 MIP Challenges, branching vs cutting (cont.d) • The previous slide highlights a possibility of using traditional cutting plane theory in the branching context [Karamanov & Cornu´ejols 2005, 2010] • It seems that a better coordination of these two fundamental ingredients of the MIP solvers is crucial for strong improvements. • In the context of hard knapsack constraints branching on variables is not effective while (pure) basis reduction methods have proven to be very powerful [Eisenbrand; Aardal; Pataki; . . . ]. • On the other hand, a tight integration of basis reduction techniques within MIP solvers has not yet been achieved. One possibility for such an integration is the use of partial reformulations but an intriguing option is exploiting these reformulations to generate cuts in the original space of variables [Aardal & Wolsey 2009]. • Branching on appropriate disjunctions has been recently proposed in the context of highly symmetric MIPs [Ostrowsky, Linderoth, Rossi & Smriglio 2009]. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 26 MIP Challenges, branching vs cutting (cont.d) • The previous slide highlights a possibility of using traditional cutting plane theory in the branching context [Karamanov & Cornu´ejols 2005, 2010] • It seems that a better coordination of these two fundamental ingredients of the MIP solvers is crucial for strong improvements. • In the context of hard knapsack constraints branching on variables is not effective while (pure) basis reduction methods have proven to be very powerful [Eisenbrand; Aardal; Pataki; . . . ]. • On the other hand, a tight integration of basis reduction techniques within MIP solvers has not yet been achieved. One possibility for such an integration is the use of partial reformulations but an intriguing option is exploiting these reformulations to generate cuts in the original space of variables [Aardal & Wolsey 2009]. • Branching on appropriate disjunctions has been recently proposed in the context of highly symmetric MIPs [Ostrowsky, Linderoth, Rossi & Smriglio 2009]. • Finally, the use of bilevel programming for computing strong multiple disjunctions (i.e., disjunctions involving more than 2 children) has been recently shown to be effective for special 0-1 MIPs [Lodi, Ralphs, Rossi & Smriglio 2011]. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 26 MIP Challenges, performance (cont.d) • A very important class of MIPs is 0/1 IPs. Many of the sophisticated techniques already discussed have been originally proposed for this class and eventually extended to general MIPs. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 27 MIP Challenges, performance (cont.d) • A very important class of MIPs is 0/1 IPs. Many of the sophisticated techniques already discussed have been originally proposed for this class and eventually extended to general MIPs. • For example, branching on variables is particularly natural and effective in the 0/1 case while it is not when general-integer variables play a central role. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 27 MIP Challenges, performance (cont.d) • A very important class of MIPs is 0/1 IPs. Many of the sophisticated techniques already discussed have been originally proposed for this class and eventually extended to general MIPs. • For example, branching on variables is particularly natural and effective in the 0/1 case while it is not when general-integer variables play a central role. • Another example are the models in which continuous variables are important: for those variables MIP solvers do not do much (heuristics, strengthening, . . . ). A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 27 MIP Challenges, performance (cont.d) • A very important class of MIPs is 0/1 IPs. Many of the sophisticated techniques already discussed have been originally proposed for this class and eventually extended to general MIPs. • For example, branching on variables is particularly natural and effective in the 0/1 case while it is not when general-integer variables play a central role. • Another example are the models in which continuous variables are important: for those variables MIP solvers do not do much (heuristics, strengthening, . . . ). • A (urgent) MIP challenge is definitely dealing with general-integer and continuous variables with special-purpose techniques. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 27 MIP Challenges, performance (cont.d) • A very important class of MIPs is 0/1 IPs. Many of the sophisticated techniques already discussed have been originally proposed for this class and eventually extended to general MIPs. • For example, branching on variables is particularly natural and effective in the 0/1 case while it is not when general-integer variables play a central role. • Another example are the models in which continuous variables are important: for those variables MIP solvers do not do much (heuristics, strengthening, . . . ). • A (urgent) MIP challenge is definitely dealing with general-integer and continuous variables with special-purpose techniques. • Cutting plane generation has been a key step for the success of MIP solvers but: are we using cuts in the best way? A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 27 MIP Challenges, performance (cont.d) • A very important class of MIPs is 0/1 IPs. Many of the sophisticated techniques already discussed have been originally proposed for this class and eventually extended to general MIPs. • For example, branching on variables is particularly natural and effective in the 0/1 case while it is not when general-integer variables play a central role. • Another example are the models in which continuous variables are important: for those variables MIP solvers do not do much (heuristics, strengthening, . . . ). • A (urgent) MIP challenge is definitely dealing with general-integer and continuous variables with special-purpose techniques. • Cutting plane generation has been a key step for the success of MIP solvers but: are we using cuts in the best way?By far not! A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 27 MIP Challenges, performance (cont.d) • A very important class of MIPs is 0/1 IPs. Many of the sophisticated techniques already discussed have been originally proposed for this class and eventually extended to general MIPs. • For example, branching on variables is particularly natural and effective in the 0/1 case while it is not when general-integer variables play a central role. • Another example are the models in which continuous variables are important: for those variables MIP solvers do not do much (heuristics, strengthening, . . . ). • A (urgent) MIP challenge is definitely dealing with general-integer and continuous variables with special-purpose techniques. • Cutting plane generation has been a key step for the success of MIP solvers but: are we using cuts in the best way?By far not! • Fundamental questions about the use of cutting planes remain open, among which: – stabilization/saturation issues, – cut selection, – cut interaction. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 27 MIP Challenges, performance (cont.d) • The already discussed performance variability (some good/neutral features that might not be monotonically helpful, or, worse, can deteriorate performance) [Koch et al. 2011] is due to imperfect tie-breaking but is also related to the interaction of key ingredients of MIP. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 28 MIP Challenges, performance (cont.d) • The already discussed performance variability (some good/neutral features that might not be monotonically helpful, or, worse, can deteriorate performance) [Koch et al. 2011] is due to imperfect tie-breaking but is also related to the interaction of key ingredients of MIP. • This is the case of finding a (near-)optimal solution very early in the search tree that explicitly improves the quality of the primal bound but might sometimes hurt in proving optimality (or at least does not help). A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 28 MIP Challenges, performance (cont.d) • The already discussed performance variability (some good/neutral features that might not be monotonically helpful, or, worse, can deteriorate performance) [Koch et al. 2011] is due to imperfect tie-breaking but is also related to the interaction of key ingredients of MIP. • This is the case of finding a (near-)optimal solution very early in the search tree that explicitly improves the quality of the primal bound but might sometimes hurt in proving optimality (or at least does not help). • A deeper understanding through sophisticated testing techniques is needed [Hooker; McGeoch; Margot]. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 28 MIP Challenges, performance (cont.d) • The already discussed performance variability (some good/neutral features that might not be monotonically helpful, or, worse, can deteriorate performance) [Koch et al. 2011] is due to imperfect tie-breaking but is also related to the interaction of key ingredients of MIP. • This is the case of finding a (near-)optimal solution very early in the search tree that explicitly improves the quality of the primal bound but might sometimes hurt in proving optimality (or at least does not help). • A deeper understanding through sophisticated testing techniques is needed [Hooker; McGeoch; Margot]. • The negative example suggests an additional very crucial question: besides avoiding good primal solutions hurting the optimality proof, how can we use them to have instead a strong speed up? A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 28 MIP Challenges, performance (cont.d) • The already discussed performance variability (some good/neutral features that might not be monotonically helpful, or, worse, can deteriorate performance) [Koch et al. 2011] is due to imperfect tie-breaking but is also related to the interaction of key ingredients of MIP. • This is the case of finding a (near-)optimal solution very early in the search tree that explicitly improves the quality of the primal bound but might sometimes hurt in proving optimality (or at least does not help). • A deeper understanding through sophisticated testing techniques is needed [Hooker; McGeoch; Margot]. • The negative example suggests an additional very crucial question: besides avoiding good primal solutions hurting the optimality proof, how can we use them to have instead a strong speed up? • Good “old” methods have been rediscovered and revisited during the years, Gomory Mixed Integer cuts being the most noticeable example. Recently: – strong Benders cutting planes [Fischetti, Salvagnin & Zanette 2009]; – cutting plane use with the lexicographic simplex [Zanette, Fischetti & Balas 2010]; – cutting planes from group relaxation [Gomory; Richard; Dey; Wolsey; Dash & G¨ unl¨ uk;. . . ]. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 28 MIP Challenges, the modeling viewpoint • Besides developing additional tools in the spirit of the ones described before (among all possible I would like a tool for detecting minimal sources of numerical instability) A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 29 MIP Challenges, the modeling viewpoint • Besides developing additional tools in the spirit of the ones described before (among all possible I would like a tool for detecting minimal sources of numerical instability) the main challenge from a modeling/application viewpoint seems to be dissemination. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 29 MIP Challenges, the modeling viewpoint • Besides developing additional tools in the spirit of the ones described before (among all possible I would like a tool for detecting minimal sources of numerical instability) the main challenge from a modeling/application viewpoint seems to be dissemination. • More precisely, an interesting direction would be extending the modeling (and solving) capability of the MIP framework. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 29 MIP Challenges, the modeling viewpoint • Besides developing additional tools in the spirit of the ones described before (among all possible I would like a tool for detecting minimal sources of numerical instability) the main challenge from a modeling/application viewpoint seems to be dissemination. • More precisely, an interesting direction would be extending the modeling (and solving) capability of the MIP framework. • Two successful stories in this direction are: 1. SCIP (Solving Constraint Integer Programs [Achterberg 2007]) whose main feature is a tight integration of Constraint Programming (CP) and SATisfiability techniques within an MIP solver. 2. Bonmin (Basic Open-source Nonlinear Mixed INteger programming [Bonami et al. 2008]) has been developed for Convex MINLP within the framework of the MIP solver Cbc [Forrest]. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 29 MIP Modeling, CP and SCIP • SCIP can handle arbitrary (non-linear) constraints in a Constraint Programming fashion A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 30 MIP Modeling, CP and SCIP • SCIP can handle arbitrary (non-linear) constraints in a Constraint Programming fashion – A global constraint defines combinatorially a portion of the feasible region, i.e., it is able to check feasibility of an assignment of values to variables. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 30 MIP Modeling, CP and SCIP • SCIP can handle arbitrary (non-linear) constraints in a Constraint Programming fashion – A global constraint defines combinatorially a portion of the feasible region, i.e., it is able to check feasibility of an assignment of values to variables. – Moreover, a global constraint contains an algorithm that prunes (filters) values from the variable domains so as to reduce as much as possible the search space. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 30 MIP Modeling, CP and SCIP • SCIP can handle arbitrary (non-linear) constraints in a Constraint Programming fashion – A global constraint defines combinatorially a portion of the feasible region, i.e., it is able to check feasibility of an assignment of values to variables. – Moreover, a global constraint contains an algorithm that prunes (filters) values from the variable domains so as to reduce as much as possible the search space. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 30 MIP Modeling, CP and SCIP • SCIP can handle arbitrary (non-linear) constraints in a Constraint Programming fashion – A global constraint defines combinatorially a portion of the feasible region, i.e., it is able to check feasibility of an assignment of values to variables. – Moreover, a global constraint contains an algorithm that prunes (filters) values from the variable domains so as to reduce as much as possible the search space. • In other words, a higher-level modeling layer has been added, of which MIP is just one of the options, so as to allow a beneficial interaction among different modeling and solving technologies. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 30 MIP Modeling, CP and SCIP • SCIP can handle arbitrary (non-linear) constraints in a Constraint Programming fashion – A global constraint defines combinatorially a portion of the feasible region, i.e., it is able to check feasibility of an assignment of values to variables. – Moreover, a global constraint contains an algorithm that prunes (filters) values from the variable domains so as to reduce as much as possible the search space. • In other words, a higher-level modeling layer has been added, of which MIP is just one of the options, so as to allow a beneficial interaction among different modeling and solving technologies. • This is especially effective for those applications, like some classes of scheduling problems, in which none of those technologies, in isolation, would outperform the others [Heinz & Beck 2012]. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 30 MIP Modeling, Convex (and Non-Convex) MINLPs and Bonmin • A network design example in water distribution, instance fossolo • The model does not have special difficulties besides the so-called Hazen-Williams equation modeling pressure loss in water pipes. However, such an equation is very “bad” . . . A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 31 MIP Modeling, Convex (and Non-Convex) MINLPs and Bonmin • A network design example in water distribution, instance fossolo • The model does not have special difficulties besides the so-called Hazen-Williams equation modeling pressure loss in water pipes. However, such an equation is very “bad” . . . • A classical MIP model from the 80’s linearizes such an equation BUT Cplex does not find any feasible solution for fossolo in 2 days of CPU time (!!) while Bonmin finds a very accurate one in few seconds. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 31 MIP Modeling, Convex (and Non-Convex) MINLPs and Bonmin • A network design example in water distribution, instance fossolo • The model does not have special difficulties besides the so-called Hazen-Williams equation modeling pressure loss in water pipes. However, such an equation is very “bad” . . . • A classical MIP model from the 80’s linearizes such an equation BUT Cplex does not find any feasible solution for fossolo in 2 days of CPU time (!!) while Bonmin finds a very accurate one in few seconds. Using the diameters computed by Bonmin, the MIP does not certify the solution to be feasible even allowing 1,000 linearization points. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 31 End of the course: concluding remarks • We have seen 1. The building blocks of a MIP solver. 2. How to use a MIP solver as a sophisticated (heuristic) framework. 3. Modeling and algorithmic tips to make a solver effective in practice. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 32 End of the course: concluding remarks • We have seen 1. The building blocks of a MIP solver. 2. How to use a MIP solver as a sophisticated (heuristic) framework. 3. Modeling and algorithmic tips to make a solver effective in practice. Finally, we discussed some MIP Challenges. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 32 End of the course: concluding remarks • We have seen 1. The building blocks of a MIP solver. 2. How to use a MIP solver as a sophisticated (heuristic) framework. 3. Modeling and algorithmic tips to make a solver effective in practice. Finally, we discussed some MIP Challenges. • In summary, MIP technology provides, through its commercial and noncommercial solvers, a challenging, reliable, flexible and effective environment for application-oriented optimization. 1. 2. 3. 4. challenging: a lot of good theoretical, methodological and experimental work is needed; reliable: the software tools are stable; flexible: it is open to hybridization, cannibalization, extensions; effective: problems that were conceived as impossible only few years ago can regularly be solved nowadays. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 32 End of the course: concluding remarks • We have seen 1. The building blocks of a MIP solver. 2. How to use a MIP solver as a sophisticated (heuristic) framework. 3. Modeling and algorithmic tips to make a solver effective in practice. Finally, we discussed some MIP Challenges. • In summary, MIP technology provides, through its commercial and noncommercial solvers, a challenging, reliable, flexible and effective environment for application-oriented optimization. 1. 2. 3. 4. challenging: a lot of good theoretical, methodological and experimental work is needed; reliable: the software tools are stable; flexible: it is open to hybridization, cannibalization, extensions; effective: problems that were conceived as impossible only few years ago can regularly be solved nowadays. • All of the above look like solid reasons for developing the skills for using (and, why not, improving on) the MIP technology. A. Lodi, How to use your favorite MIP Solver 32
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