Bringing Small Businesses closer to offshore outsourcing How to grow your Business And reduce your business costs Business Rule 1 : Keep your operating costs minimal www.staff Contents Time to Reduce business costs ……………………………………………………..3 How does outsourcing jobs work?.......................................................................4 How can different businesses or individuals benefit from outsourcing with Staff India?...................................................................................................5 The average UK salary alone was £2080 per month in 2009. Data Entry—the perfect example Job to outsource………………………………..7 Staff India provides employers with degree educated professionals for a typical cost from £299 per month. How do I monitor my new employees progress and performance?.....................9 Communicating with your outsourced employee…………………………………...8 What types of jobs can I outsource…………………………………………………10 A Case Study—SEO Company…………………………………………………….. 11 That is a staggering 86% saving for the same caliber employee! Why outsourcing by yourself is not a viable option for small businesses?.........................................................................................12 How Staff India makes outsourcing Easy,Cheap, Realistic and for Anyone...... 13 What are the benefits of outsourcing jobs with Staff India?................................14 Getting Started with Staff India………………………………………………………18 Staff India Recruitment Process……………………………………………………..20 Staff India Offices……………………………………………………………………. 21 Our Aim………………………………………………………………………………...27 Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 2 Time to Reduce business costs Since the beginning of the global recession companies have continued to close due to lack of business and continually high running costs. Businesses across all industries have closed down, Business to Consumer and Business to Business companies. 3 years on, hundreds of companies continue to go bust, unemployment continues to rise, and living costs continue to rise, globally, with perhaps the exception of two nations in particular, India and China. So what can businesses do to stay alive? How can they reduce their costs without compromising on getting the work done? The simple answer is offshore outsourcing. In particular outsourcing jobs. This is easier said than done. The big companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Accenture and many others have done it. They can do this as they have the big pockets. But what about the small businesses who have 1-60 employees can they outsource? Yes. Companies like Staff India provide all the infrastructure, work stations, equipment, internet connectivity, and staff for small businesses who can essentially employ a person from Staff India offices and have the employee working directly for the company itself under it’s own management. Without having to worry about the huge costs involved in opening another office abroad, without having to learn the overseas employment markets and cultures. Companies today are struggling to run their business, meet their customers’ needs, and deal with rising cost pressures. This applies to all companies from large corporations through to small and medium sized enterprises. In this tough environment, it is critical for companies to focus on their core competencies and make full use of their employees in their office. Outsourcing Jobs allows companies to take non-core functions, such as customer care or back office operations, or less skills tasks that are time consuming, repetitive or in large volumes to be handed over to employees in the developing countries like India and Philippines. Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 3 How does outsourcing jobs work? A Virtual Employee is simply an employee that works directly for you under your management, from another office, usually in another country, as this allows businesses in UK and US to recruit capable employees for a fraction of the salary they would pay in UK or US. The internet allows your virtual employees to work remotely, instructions can be passed and outputs provided through the internet via voice calls, video calls, email, instant messaging etc. Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 4 How can different businesses or individuals benefit from outsourcing with Staff India? With Staff India, any company, no matter how small, can outsource. When you outsource with Staff India you use Staff India’s Indian office as an extension of your office in your home country. Staff India takes care of all the outsourcing logistics so you don’t have to. Staff India recruits your employee(s), provides all HR services, all office hardware, (PC, fax, scanner, fast internet connection etc), office space, office infrastructure etc. You simply provide Staff India with a job description for the position(s) you want to outsource, have a chat with your dedicated Consultant, explain your needs and your dedicated consultant will do the rest. In practice the Staff India office becomes your offshore outsourcing office in India. All the logistics entailed in outsourcing are thus removed and this enables small businesses to not only outsource but do so with absolute minimal cost. With the typical cost of outsourcing with Staff India £299 per month per employee any company small or large can now outsource. You can outsource almost any job to Staff India You hire an employee to work for you, not a freelancer All employees are degree level educated You work with the same employee every day Your employee works only for you under your management You can keep your employee for as long as you need Your employee works from our offices in India, we provide everything they need Outsourcing an employee from us is the same as hiring an employee in your own office, only difference is that you work remotely with them. Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 5 Although your outsourced employee works from our office in the Indian sub continent, YOU are in complete control: You assign your employee work and responsibilities You instruct how your employee should execute their given tasks Your employee is under your instruction and management, they listen to you You can monitor your employee and their work. You provide ongoing training to your employee Your dedicated Consultant will advise you on the best practices to work remotely with virtual employees. To work for you from our offices, your employee will be fully equipped with: - Their own desk - Their own Dell laptop - Printer and scanner - Commonly used software - Peripherals such as webcam, headset etc - Broadband internet connection - Power generators for uninterrupted electricity supply avoiding cut-outs - Air conditioning at all times Your Virtual Employees are always online, working the same office hours as you. They are accessible real-time. Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 6 Data Entry—a perfect example Data entry consists of monotonous, repetitive, uncomplicated, tedious and boring work. Most importantly data entry is a burden for companies; “that work” which on face value appears to have no value, requires no specialist knowledge, but yet must be done …the solution? Outsource data entry. Why your company should outsource data entry?: • Considerably save on cost – £299 per month for full time employee • Better results; Indian’s are know for their hard work ethic. That the work is boring will have no impact on an Indian employees. • Reduce your burden; outsource data entry…no more headaches. • Increase efficiency; if you outsource data entry you can concentrate on your important work. • Save on office space and office hardware costs. • Save on management and technical support costs. • In summary?...outsource data entry. Outsource data entry with Staff India - £299 per month: If you outsource data entry with Staff India the first thing to note is the considerably low cost: Outsource data entry for only £299 per month; full time dedicated employee working 8 hours per day! The monthly includes the cost of the employee, all the costs for all office space, office hard ware, management and technical support. If you outsource data entry with Staff India, you will obtain at least the same if not better results. How? • All employees are intelligent individuals, who are fluent in English and University graduates. Hence if you outsource data entry there will be no difficulty in grasping or understanding your work. • Outsource data entry to very hard working Indian employees. That the work is tedious is of no hindrance; Indian employees will remain highly motivated. Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 7 Communicating with your Virtual Employee All our employees work during UK GMT 9am—5pm. This means they are available for communication whilst you are at work. For clients outside the UK we provide employees to suit your time needs. Laptop All our employees are equipped with state of the art Dell Laptops imported from the UK. With modern high specifications they are able to work efficiently and effectively focusing on delivering. Email Email has revolutionised how we send mail. We no longer need to post or wait to send text, or even pictures or videos. We can instantly email anywhere in the world. All our employees skillfully exploit MS Outlook to communicate with UK clients. Within seconds they are able to communicate with you real time. Skype All our employees are equipped with Skype access. This allows us to communicate with our employees in our Indian office for free. Skype delivers excellent voice quality so it’s like calling someone in the UK. In addition Skype allows you to do conference calling with all your contracted employees at no extra cost. Skype also has instant messaging features that allow chat and the ability to send and receive multimedia. You can even get a landline telephone number from your own country and assign it to your employees skype. Video Calling From time to time it may be necessary to do video calls. Perhaps the director from the UK wishes to address the team introducing a new product or procedure. All employees are equipped with web cams so that you can video call when you need to. Absolutely no hidden costs. Transparent competitive pricing Transparent business Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 8 How do I monitor my new employees progress and performance? As outsourcing jobs to a foreign office is new to many business, we will offer our consultation for free to help you get started. We have been successfully operating our India office for 4 years to date, hiring Analysts, Marketers, Administrators etc, all of whom have successfully contributed to the continued success and growth of Staff India. Over the 4 years we have designed and implement various methods of monitoring and measuring our offshore employee performance. To begin with, the first question on your mind probably is how do I know they are working? This question is quite easily answered by the minute, as you will be liaising with them every day throughout the day requesting reports, documents, research etc, you know they are working. Instant Communication Except during breaks your employee should be available for contact immediately, either by phone or email. If you are communicating by email your employees should be responding instantaneously throughout the day. This measures continued activity at the desk. Logistics Manager The Logistics Manager is responsible for ensuring everyone turns up at work and ensure employees are not taking excessive breaks or spending too long off the desk. Every employee clocks in and out daily so we have a record of the times they arrive and leave, you can request to see this should you wish. Status Reports You may want to request a status report from your employees at the close of business daily. The status report can be of any f ormat you desire. Our Consultants will spend time with you helping you design your status report achieve maximum effect. A status report captures; A. B. C. D. What activities have been executed on the day The progress of existing and outstanding activities. This may be the number of phone calls answered accompanied by a spreadsheet of all caller details or the number of leads generated through marketing etc. Any obstacles hindering the progress of activities Remedial solutions and when they are to be implemented to ensure continued delivery to the company. Weekly KPI’s Key Performance Indicator sheets are a very good way of ensuring targets are achieved and your contracted employees deliver to your expectation. A typical KPI sheet contains the targets given by the line manager in the UK office and actual numbers achieved for different categories. Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 9 What types of jobs can I outsource Your dedicated Consultant will help you figure out what workload can be outsourced to our office without disrupting your business or slowing down performance or growth. As this is new to you, we appreciate you may find it difficult to understand what work can be outsourced. Our Consultants' are here to help you. At Staff India, we endeavor to meet the requirements of our clients by providing them with professionals who are self motivated and have a passion for teamwork with a strategic thinking. Employees in offshore Staff India offices are trained to deliver results and serve on a variety of different roles to our company. We are bringing this facility to businesses around the world looking to maximize ROI and outsource. Below are a few possible positions to give you a flavour of the types of jobs you can outsource. The key is to think outside the box. Think about all the activities in your business that do not require the assigned employee to be in the office. Collate all such activities and outsource to an employee at one of our offices, subsequently saving your up to 80% on your salary costs. Our Consultants are ready to help. Book a virtual meeting with them to help understand what job roles you can offshore. Our Consultants will learn your business, your staff and advise you on the possibilities and how much you can possibly reduce your costs by. Position New Graduate Cheap Web Designer Web Graphic Designer Affordable SEO Virtual Assistant Data Entry Clerk Administrator Help Desk IT Support Social Media UK Call Center Agents Internet Marketing Cost (£) 249 399 339 359 379 299 299 339 399 339 339 359 Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 10 A Case Study—SEO Company A Manchester based busy SEO company specialising in helping companies rank their website higher in searches hires multiple staff to execute different aspects of the SEO for the clients. The SEO company has staff focusing on a different aspects as such below: a. routine social network marketing b. optimising client websites c. routine blogging, forums etc Inital Cost for having 4 Staff: The SEO company has some staff working remotely around the UK and others based in Social Networker 1 their Manchester office. Initial discussions with Consultants immediately showed the need Social Networker 2 to outsource the staff who were already working remotely. per annum In addition, it became apparent that much of the activity (apart from management) did not Website Optimiser require presence in the office, most of the staff were able to work remotely. Blogging, forums etc staff £20,000 Total Cost: SEO company decided to pilot outsourcing with 4 existing roles for which each employee was being paid £20,000 per annum. Cost after Outsourcing 4 Staff: The following savings were realised by the SEO company: Social Networker 1 The Manchester based SEO company realised 70% savings within the first 3 months, whereby the outsourced staff from Staff India delivered the same quality of work to the same deadlines, without compromising communication with UK Management. The company now aims to outsource half the workforce, with the help of our Consultants strategies are currently being drawn up to offshore much of the internal company activities. Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 11 £20,000 £20,000 £20,000 £80,000 per annum £5,988 Social Networker 2 £5,988 Website Optimiser £5,988 Blogging,forums etc staff £5,988 Total: £23,952 Saving (70%) : £56,048 Why outsourcing by yourself is not a viable option for Small Businesses The key aspect about our costs is to remember that with Staff India you employ highly educated professionals / office workers but only pay very low Indian salaries. The average UK salary alone was £2080 per month in 2009. Staff India provides employers with educated professionals for a typical cost from £299 per month. That is a staggering 86% saving for the same caliber employee! How Staff India makes outsourcing easy, cost saving, and realistic for any size company Why Outsourcing By Yourself is not viable for 99% of Companies: Only companies such as Dell, Shell, Microsoft etc can conventionally outsource, (go to to India or China and setup offices themselves) because they are multi-billion dollar companies. Conventional offshore outsourcing is not however possible for 99% of companies for substantial 1) Costs 2) Time and 3) Effort is involved in: • Setting Up Abroad: ii) hiring/purchasing a office iii) purchasing all technology and office equipment iv) researching best place to locate. • Understanding a new Culture: Where do you begin when it comes to setting up a office in a completely foreign country? Furthermore, if one does not know the culture, customs and practices of a country then executing even a simple task can cause great difficulty. W ithout cultural and local knowledge of how things are done in a country, outsourcing to a foreign country is a very difficult process. • Recruitment of Employees: How much research and time would you need to invest before you would know where to get the employees you want? Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 12 How Staff India makes outsourcing Easy, Cheap, Realistic and for Anyone With Staff India anyone can outsource; all companies irrespective of size, self employed workers, employed workers or anyone wanting some office assistance: • Cost: The complete cost when you outsource and employ a full time employee with Staff India is typically £299 per month (dependent on the job role), thus making it very affordable. • Time and Effort: We let you use our office infrastructure. Furthermore, Staff India does all the “leg work” so you don't have to. You simply tell us what type of employee you want and we do everything from there. • Setting Up Abroad: You do everything from your PC. You don't: i) leave your country ii) hire/purchase a office iii) purchase any technology or office equipment • Understanding a new Culture: You don't have to leave your country when outsourcing with Staff India. We manage your Virtual Employee, let your employee use our office infrastructure and ensure everything runs efficiently. Accordingly you never have the problem of understanding a new culture and understanding the ways in which tasks are executed in India . • Recruitment of employees: we have hundreds of employees working for foreign countries around the world, you tell us what type of employees you want and we match the appropriate employee 'sitting on the bench'. • Quantity of work: The time, money and effort required to set up offices abroad makes outsourcing small quantities of work not cost effective and unrealistic. Staff India lets you use our outsourcing infrastructure so you don't have to put in place your own, thereby making the outsourcing of even small quantities of work possible. With Staff India outsourcing even small quantities of work is now made possible and cost-effective beStaff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 13 What are the benefits of outsourcing jobs with Staff India? Outsourcing reduces your employee costs: The full and complete cost of outsourcing with Staff India is from £299 per month, (typical cost). Outsourcing with Staff India will thus enable you to considerably reduce your costs on employee salaries. Outsourcing reduces your overhead costs: A Virtual Employee works from Staff India’s offices in the Indian sub-continent. Staff India equips your employee with all the office hardware they require to work for you, e.g. PC, scanner, printer, phone etc...Furthermore, all office infrastructure is also provided and maintained by Staff India e.g. fast internet connection, office space, desks, electricity, a/c etc. Outsourcing considerably reduces your overhead costs, as you do not invest in any such hardware or infrastructure. Additionally you are not required to maintain or upgrade your employee hardware/infrastructure. No Tax, Insurance, Employee Benefits or Legal Obligations: Although a Virtual Employee works directly for you; legally the employee is employed by Staff India. Thus you have no obligations with respect to tax, insurance, employee benefits or employment law. Professionalism: Outsourcing with a UK company: Staff India is a UK company founded by ex Accenture Consultant Naaz Miah. This gives Staff India a distinct advantage; Staff India understands the importance of professionalism, quality service and excellent results when outsourcing. Hence, when outsourcing with Staff India, you are selecting an outsourcing partner which is acutely aware of your expectations and objectives. With you and Staff India sharing the same goals, this will help ensure the outsourcing process is a success. Ongoing Consultation to maximise outsourcing efforts whilst saving cost Our Consultants will continually provide support to help improve the efficiency of your Virtual Employees. Our Consultants will aim to guide you in outsourcing, how to manage your employee remotely, how to monitor performance etc. Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 14 Staff India does the Outsourcing so you can concentrate on your work: When outsourcing with Staff India; you outsource all from your PC. You never leave your country, setup an offshore outsourcing office, recruit employees or invest in hardware. Staff India takes control of the whole offshore outsourcing process for you. You simply use the Staff India office as an extension of yours. This leaves you with nothing to do, except work with your employee. Outsourcing Business Model; Working with your own dedicated employee: The Staff India outsourcing business model is unique. Although you are outsourcing, the process is more equivalent to that of actually hiring an employee. When outsourcing with Staff India, an employee works directly for you, with you and follows your instructions. You are in complete control; you instruct and communicate directly with your employee. Cost-reduction in addition to Quality Service and Time: Staff India provides low costing but very talented professionals. The costs are low but the quality of work high and the turn around time fast. Employee culture: Due to the economic environment and culture in and around the Indian sub-continent, you will find your employee(s) to be exceptionally hardworking and highly motivated. Low Cost Educated Professionals: Staff India provides educated and talented professional employees at a typical cost of £299 per month. Hiring professionals has never been so low costing. Outsourcing made Realistic: Unlike MNC’s, most companies want to outsource only small quantities of work; between 1-20 full time positions. Due to the time, money and efStaff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 15 fort required to establish offshore offices, outsourcing small quantities of work is not a cost-effective option. With Staff India however, you can outsource any office work all from your PC. Hence, outsourcing even one position is a cost-effective and productive move. When outsourcing with Staff India you do so without ever leaving your country or setting up offshore offices. Thus with Staff India outsourcing is a realistic and feasible option for companies of any size. Outsourcing Increases Efficiency: By outsourcing work, you will reduce your work load and burden. Outsourcing will free your time and enable you to focus on your core business. Staff India pays your Virtual Employee on your behalf: Staff India pays your Virtual Employee on your behalf. We have had our offshore offices for 4 years with highly talented individuals working for us. Staff India is a spin-off from De Vere, a reputable and registered UK company; hence you can outsource and make payments with confidence. You do not make any payments to an unknown person located thousands of miles away; but to an established UK company which abides by UK laws. Outsourcing Saves Time: Staff India allocates the correct employee(s) you are looking for. You have to do nothing except provide Staff India with a job description for the position you want to fill. Staff India also provides your employee with all the required office space and hardware. Additionally, Staff India manages your employee and maintains the office from which your employee works. No Start up Fee: When outsourcing with Staff India you pay nothing until you decide to actually go ahead and hire an employee. Staff India doesn’t charge you any start up fee. We offer free ongoing Consultation all the way, helping you realize the benefits. Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 16 Outsource Any Office work: Back Office or Front Office Work: Staff India can provide you with any office employee in any field of work. Whether you want to outsource a specialist or back office position, with Staff India you can outsource from data entry to nuclear physics. All your outsourcing requirements are thus in one place. Hire the Employee(s) you need: By outsourcing you can afford to hire the employee(s) you couldn't previously afford to. Hire the assistance your company needs to increase efficiency and profits. No Risk: The contract between Staff India and client is devised such that the client takes minimal risk when outsourcing. Outsourcing for anyone: The Staff India business model enables any company, irrespective of size to outsource. The cost of outsourcing is very low and because Staff India takes control of all the offshore logistics, outsourcing with Staff India is very easy and simple. Concentrate on your core business: By outsourcing your tedious yet time consuming everyday/back office tasks you can concentrate on your core business. Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 17 Getting Started with Staff India How can Staff India provide educated professionals at such low costs? The Indian Subcontinent is a very unique place, for it is a mixture of wealth and poverty. More and more people are becoming literate, with vast a vast population in excess of 1 billion people, there are many graduates every year but very few jobs. With a huge supply of workers, salaries are very low. Despite booming economies millions of people in the Indian Subcontinent still live below the international poverty line of $1.25 per day. In summary although the Indian Subcontinent has very strong academic institutions of an international standard, it still suffers from mass poverty and subsequently the salaries of highly educated professionals are considerably lower than their counterparts in the first world countries. Why else does Google, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Dell ….etc (the list is endless) flock to the Indian Subcontinent? Which big companies have offshored to take advantage of this? Many global corporations have realised the benefits of offshoring. In particular, offshoring is currently taking place to China and the Indian Subcontinent. Where companies have recognised the equivalent skilled workforce but at lower salaries. The likes of Accenture, worlds second larget IT company has most of its Software Engineers in India, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Dell, Google and many more.You don't have to be a global corporation to hire employees abroad, you just need to think outside the box, be smart in the way you work and take advantage of modern communication technology. Are there any start up fees when outsourcing jobs? No. You pay nothing until you decide to actually go ahead and take an employee(s). Staff India is however legally liable for empoyees salaries. Accordingly it is company policy that if you decide to employ and employee, he/she will only start working for you once the first month's payment is made. What does from £299 per month mean? As with any country, employees need to be paid based on skill set, experience, education etc. An average employee will cost £299 per month salary, but this can vary slightly depending on the job role as well as the currency fluctuations. When you chat to your dedicated Consultant he/ she will give you the exact cost. Most of our employees require a salary of merely £299 per month! Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 18 What about the employee I need to outsource? Upon making contact with us, either by phone, skype or email, one of our Consultants will have an in depth conversation with you to understand your requirements. Our Consultants will aim to guide you in successfully outsourcing your jobs, this includes learning how to monitor your employee remotely, ensuring performance is delivered etc. We then match you with an employee in our organisation who is assigned to contracting with the relevant skill set (subject to availability). We contact you again to confirm availability and the cost of hiring the employees. We do not charge any fees for this due diligence, hence no payment is required until you give us the go ahead that you want an employee from us. Are there any hidden costs with outsourcing? Does £299 pm cover all the costs? There are NO hidden costs and nothing extra to pay. Stay bonuses, incentives etc are totally your choice if you wish to incentivise to try and enhance performance. £299 per month covers the cost of everything, employee salary, office usage with all facilities. Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 19 Staff India Recruitment Process Our staff are hand picked by our founder ex-Accenture Consultant, Naaz Miah. Our staff go through a 3 stage interview process. This ensures we select the most capable candidates to work for Staff India and eventually for our clients. Stage 1: A screening phase when hundreds of applicants will be assessed for the basic English and Maths skills. Stage 2: A one to one interview with our directors to assess the applicants intelligence, enthusiasm, dedication and motivation. Stage 3: A full day workshop to filter the best of the best through simulating a real working day for a UK company. All our staff are educated to degree level. They possess excellent English speaking and writing skills. Most are educated with IELTS Level 6 (the top most standard of English language recognition in Bangladesh). All our staff are computer literate possessing competent skills in usage of MS Windows, MS Office and various other packages as well as extensive exposure to the internet. The vast majority of the day to day work of our staff is computer based. Our staff have experience in skilfully exploiting the internet for business needs such as research, analysis, web development, marketing and communication. Our staff undergo training regularly throughout the year by our very own directors who strongly believe in transferring their skills to others. Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 20 Staff India Offices Our offices are furnished to UK standards, complemented by modern work stations, fully carpeted, full AC etc. We believe a comfortable working environment yields better performance from employees, hence we have invested heavily on our office appearance. Our offices are fully equipped with dedicated electricity, back up generators, broadband internet, printers and Dell laptops for every employee. All our employees enjoy healthy remuneration packages, we believe in paying well to the unprivileged and talented. A generous monthly allowance for travel and food and transportation facility to go home during late hours. Our employees work 9am—5pm UK Time to complement our working hours in the UK. This allows us to be in constant communication with our employees. Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 21 Our Aim Our aim of providing outsourcing facilities to UK small businesses is to support small business grow with reduced overhead, and provide tertiary sector jobs for educated but unprivileged people in the India Sub Continent. Small businesses in the first world are suffering, we have a win win situation, outsourcing jobs will help small businesses survive. The Indian sub continent has an increasing number of educated graduates in disciplines such as IT, Engineering, English Language but the country does not have the jobs to accommodate this growing skills set. This is an excellent resource for us UK companies to exploit. Exploiting this resource allows us to cut our costs and make huge savings as well as support the unprivileged and give them jobs. We are a fair company. We pay our employees significantly above the national average. This allows us to hire only the best and most capable as well as provide for the unprivileged. After all we are making a saving, paying a little extra is still a saving for us. As our company grows are will aim to support charities in the region to help the uneducated so that they too can improve their lives and work towards a brighter future, and maybe one day they can join our firm. Staff India, 501 International House, 223 Regent Street, London W1B 2QD, Tel: 0208 144 3287 | Email: © Copyright 2010 22
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