DALLAS S S DALLADALLAS DALLADALLAS 4. Each player holds the resulting phrase in their hand but DOESN’T REVEAL it yet. Creative delivery methods are encouraged such as a movie voiceover, zany story, or even pretending to audition for a show. It’s suggested to experiment with the timing of the final phrase delivery. Use it to lead your pitch, as a punch line, or drop it anywhere in the middle. 5. Starting with the person sitting to the left of the dealer, each player delivers their pitch and announces their phrase. OVERVIEW HodgePOP is a card game in which players rearrange words to create new (and often hilarious) pop culture products, shows, and concepts. Create a mobile app called “Back To The Bacon” or produce a new game show titled “Flip This Cuddle Tiger!” Each player invents their own creation based on the current theme, but the desciption and pitch is half the fun. CARD TYPES CATS PLUS 8 PLUS 8 PLUS 8 PLUS 8 PLUS 8 www.hodgepop.com E E JUDGJUDGE JUDGE JUDGJUDGE HOW to PLAY ZOMBIE UNICORNS BIT MY CELEBRITY BACON 6. The dealer chooses their favorite and gives one AWARD CARD to the best HodgePOP creation. Lively debate is encouraged and the term “best” is usually subjective. 7. Used cards are placed in a discard pile. Players keep unused cards and draw back up to five cards to start the next round. 8. The person to the left of the dealer in the previous round becomes the new dealer. NOTE: As each card pile becomes depleted, simply shuffle and replace the stack. REALITY TV SHOW TOPIC CARDS contain a single theme on them and are the premise for which players create their ideas around. HodgePOP can be played with standard competive rules or just for fun. The first player to collect three AWARD CARDS wins the game. BEST MASH UP PHRASE AWARD CARDS are given to the winner of each round when playing competitively. The number of AWARD CARDS needed to win can be tweaked based on the desired length of game or the number of people playing. BUNGLE RAINBOW POP CARDS have a different cultural snippet, prefix/suffix, or connecting phrase on each side of the card. FLIPPED GAME SETUP Separate each card type into three stacks and shuffle into different piles. The youngest player becomes the dealer for the first round and deals 3 AWARD CARDS to themself, 5 POP CARDS to all other players, and reveals the first TOPIC CARD. HOW TO PLAY 1. The dealer flips one new TOPIC CARD each round and deals five POP CARDS to each player other than themself. 2. The dealer places three new AWARD CARDS in front of him or herself. 3. Players ROTATE, ARRANGE, and STACK their cards in a row to build a response to the TOPIC CARD while also trying to win one of the three AWARD CARDS. WINNING In casual game play each round is played NO DEALER or AWARD CARDS. CARD GUIDELINES - Any number of cards can be used even if the best response is a single word. - Use of connecting articles (a, and, the), common variations, or pluralization is allowed. For example, “hunter” can also be played as “hunt, hunts, hunting, hunted etc.) - Cards with blank spaces (or instructions) allow players to insert any words or proper names they wish. - Some CARDS like “Ultimate Fight” may suggest a battle of some sort. Players may ask the question “Who would win?” CREDITS Concept and Design: Craig Carpenter citizencraig@gmail.com - 617-943-3400 Keep this page with you as you play and please take notes on anything that might help improve the game. I’ve included a few questions, but feel free to add any thoughts you like. * Please scan this page when complete and send to citizencraig@gmail.com GAME FEEDBACK How MANY players did you play with? _______ How long did the game take to play? _________ - Do you play board games often and how did this compare? _______________________________________________________________________________ - Were the rules easy to understand and explain? Any changes needed to the game play? _______________________________________________________________________________ - What was your MOST favorite part of the game? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ - What was your LEAST favorite part of the game? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ - In general did everything flow well? Was it fun, exciting, or did it drag on? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ - Were there any words or theme cards that you would add (or remove) and why? _______________________________________________________________________________ - Do you envision the art for this game to look simple and plain or colorful and crazy? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ - Does this work well as a family game (and adult) party game? Would you like to see an “X-pansion?” _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ - If this was a free download would you be more (or less) likely to buy a professional copy and why? _______________________________________________________________________________ - Any other thoughts? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ BEST USE OF ALL 5 CARDS BEST MASH UP PHRASE BEST OVERALL STORY MOST AWKWARD THOUGHT SHOULD BE BURNED NOW THAT’S JUST WRONG DOESN’T EXIST BUT SHOULD LEAST LIKELY TO SUCEED CAN’T STOP LAUGHING BEST 1 WORD CHOICE THAT SOUNDS AWFUL BEST PHRASE DELIVERY TAKE MY MONEY NOW! I THOUGHT I KNEW YOU PERFECTLY ACTED OUT CAN’T UNSEE THIS EPIC PITCH MOST ORIGINAL MOST UNIQUE DELIVERY BEST VOICE TALENT SIMPLY PRICELESS BEST WORD COMBO CLOSE BUT NOT REALLY INSTANT SUCCESS GAME SHOW REALITY TV SHOW INVENTION HALFTIME SHOW YOGA POSITION MOBILE APP HIT MUSIC SINGLE NOVEL OR BOOK SERIES NEW PET WORK OF ART TIME CAPSULE FIND SOAP OPERA VIRAL VIDEO SCHOOL PLAY TALENT SEARCH PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCT SHOPPING CHANNEL PRODUCT TABLOID OR NEWS HEADLINE ROMANCE NOVEL NICHE DATING SITE WEIRD SPORT HEROES VERSUS VILLAINS VIDEO GAME TELEVISION SERIES TALK SHOW FOOD MENU ITEM INFOMERCIAL DOCUMENTARY RADIO DRAMA PERFUME OR CALOGNE HALLOWEEN COSTUME PRIVATE EVENT COLLEGE MAJOR ICE CREAM FLAVOR RESTAURANT CHAIN OLYMPIC EVENT BAR OR NIGHTCLUB AFTER SCHOOL SPECIAL BREAKFAST CEREAL SATURDAY MORNING CARTOON NEW CONCEPT VEHICLE GANG NAME & SIGN ENERGY DRINK RAP GROUP CIRCUS ACT MAGAZINE RACING SPONSOR CLEANING PRODUCT TATTOO INVENTION COLLEGE CLASS POETRY RELIGIOUS CULT NEW HOLIDAY ULTIMATE FIGHT CIRCUS ACT OR SHOW BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE MUSEUM EXHIBIT NEW DANCE MOVE OPERA BAND NAME TABOO ADDICTION ILLEGAL WEAPON WorST MOVIE EVER ONCE UPON A TIME... STARTUP BUSINESS COLLECTIBLES ANCIENT MYTH FIRST JOB MAKEOVER SHOW CRAFT PROJECT TALENT SEARCH RESERVOIR MODELS BEAUTY WOODPECKER POUND 3D DANCE MILLION ZOMBIE NEW YORK HARLEM PAGEANT POTTER CLASH OF HOUSEWIVES DOWNTON GAMES ALIEN NEXT TOP WEDDING HUNGER JERSEY -LESS SHAWSHANK QUEEN BEATLES IDOL MAKEOVER VAMPIRE DEADLIEST PIMP MY LINCOLN BACK TO -FUL SUPER NINJA MADONNA BOWIE GREASE MAMMA WONDER STAR -LICIOUS PSYCHO ORANGE JACKSON -----------MUSICAL BACON MICHAEL ANGEL CAMP BROWN ELVIS WIZARD (OF) SPIDER FRIENDS JURRASIC CHICAGO ROCK CLINTON DA VINCI WARS MAN/MEN ------------ HITCHCOCK ALOTTA SCHWARZEN- OPERA CHINATOWN ELVIS HOARDERS TIGER BAT LITTLE (LIL) FAT OFFICE PRINCE MAGIC WOMAN -ACIOUS HIP HOP KIDS POPPINS PINK STYLE I LOVE CRIBS WOODS EASTWOOD FLIP THIS TRANSFORMER TRIP COUPONING -iEST DOG HONEY TOUCH TREK WHISPERER VIP HASSELHOFF STARS WORLD TEQUILA GLEE 16 DOLLY JUDGE WICKED -ESQUE CATS DALLAS MEET MY FLAVOR (OF) JAPANESE SAY YES TO SILENCE HULK GIRLS KITCHEN WORST REDNECK (ANY PLAYER’S NAME) SUNDAY DRAGONS PLUS 8 BADGER GONE WILD BOYS DEATHTRAP RACE TEEN TURTLE CLUB COWBOY CHEF HUNTER LAMBS SEVEN NEXT DOOR OKLAHOMA EXQUISITE SURVIVOR SOPRANO(S) PRETTY SHOW HILLS HOUSE AMAZING GUY LOST CITY APPRENTICE AMADEUS PALIN ALASKA WEST SIDE SWAP GEAR BEAST MOTHER TWILIGHT BEL-AIR BABIES -ISH BRET REVENGE WALKING 2 & A HALF FAMILY BACHELORETTE PRETTY PRIVATE TRAILER BACHELOR NEXT DOOR HOUSE NASHVILLE BRET PREGNANT BROKEBACK CSI SMASH HEAVEN I DREAM OF FIVE-O X or EXMAD AMISH OF l.A. BANG LOVIN’ THUNDER DEEP UNIT GAME DESPERATE FULL SOUTHERN ------------ AMERICAN CRASHER FRIDAY HOTEL AMERICAN SMELLS LIKE ARMY GILMORE BUFFY JOURNEY WEST WING 70’S AIN’T NO 30 90210 LOTTA PARTY RUNWAY TAMBOURINE PITBULL RACE VIBRATIONS BLACK BOOM BOOM WHALE PAWN BELL CANDY TOXIC HAWAII SUGAR BIT MY RELIGIOUS CALIFORNIA FOREIGNER FREAK SMARTER THAN HANG OVER ENDLESS CHIPMUNK PRECIOUS INTRUDER LAZY DIRTY EPIC AUTO TUNE VIRAL RAINBOW HORSE BALLS PARANORMAL D-LIST CHRISTIAN PHYSICAL HONKY TONK UNCHAINED BOSS TATTOO PIE VIRGIN FRIDAY PHYSICAL INK SASQUATCH SPOUSE(S) DUBSTEP GOAT RAINBOW BUTTER 911 LIKE A HORSE BOO BOO HEAVY CHOCOLATE GANGNAM MILLION DOLLAR PEANUT HAIRY giant FLASH MOB FAIL CAKE CELEBRITY SAVED BY PROMISCUOUS PINK DIESEL DARTH BUSH PONY DISNEY -----------HOPE WASHINGTON DAY TEMPLE CRAFT PARK MONSTER ANGRY HOPE WEIRD COUNTRY ELF / ELVES GALAXY CRYSTAL SPACE COMIC DINO LAST BLOOD MUSTACHE CRAFT SNARKY STERN CHUCK DUTY DOODLE GPS GRUMPY FIRE COP(S) ISLAND CUDDLE HEAD WIGGLE GLAM MULTI ROBO FRIENDSHIP PUFF/PUFFY MINI CHARLIE MELONS INVISIBLE LICKIN’ PREBREAKING GAS RICH SOFT -LING BLUE REMIXED WRINKLE FUTURE EXTREME SLENDER RIDER VIKING MOON THRILLER -ELLA DOUBLE MUPPET MINIATURE BARBIE PUNK NERD 110% 50 SHADES DAFT HITCHHIKER WONKA COKE DUNGEON DIET SUPER TECHNO THRILLER MOUSE VERSUS PORTAL URBAN PREACHER FRANKEN- HAMSTER -ETTES MEGA BONE PRICELESS NOM NOM COW(S) FACIAL HOLOGRAPH FLYING OMNIPOTENT DEEP FLAMING TACO HEADROOM PEE WEE OH MY INFLATABLE CINCO FLASH COFFEE FRUITY INDIANA UNICORN SUPERSONIC DISCO MAX KARATE WINE WHO DOCTOR SIDEKICK FOREIGN SERENITY 5.1 twins ROYAL TEARS KARMA BOMB -TASTIC FEZ BUBBLEGUM OPTIMUS TRAP VOGUE HAZZARD PARALYZED COBRA ADULT FUTURE ELECTRIC PLAYHOUSE PIZZA HITS YUMMY HOOKUP FRIDAY PLAID EFFECTS CHARM ------------ 2001 BELL LIFE OF PLATINUM POP COULDN’T SIDED JACKASS JUICY HUMPS POLITICAL SMACK BUZZ BEEN REAL SEXY WOLF KONG WINDOWS -STER INBOX HALO PARK PULLIN’ JUST SAYIN’ INDIE OFFICE NET FART HIPSTER NORTHWEST -GASM EMO WRONG WAY DINGLE SWEET CROOKED MUFFIN CONTAGIOUS BONE
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