MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => HOW TO PLAN AND IMPLEMENT AN ONLINE MARKETING CAMPAIGN FOR YOUR NETWORK MARKETING BUSINESS By Dr. Andrew Smith PLEASE NOTE: THIS E-BOOK IS PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE TO MEMBERS OF ‘MLMS TEAM’ AND CAN ALSO BE PURCHASED AS PART OF THE MLM SUMMIT TRAINING PROGRAMME If you are NOT a member of the ‘MLMS Team’ and have NOT received this document as a result of placing an order through MLM Summit Training, then I urge you to maintain your integrity by reporting this issue to If you wish to gain access to the complete MLM Summit Training system then please visit us at, for more information 1 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW 4 AUTHORS BACKGROUND 5 1. 7 PLANNING - BEFORE YOU SET UP YOUR WEBSITE … a. Decide on the topic of your site i. Product and income claims 8 ii. Creating marketing material 10 iii. Exercise number 1 10 b. Choose your keywords and phrases 12 i. Long-tail versus short-tail 12 ii. Search volume 13 iii. Competition 13 iv. Exercise number 2 14 c. Choose your domain name i. d. Exercise number 3 Decide on your basic site components and strategy 16 16 17 i. Websites or blogs? 17 ii. Include an online shop? 19 iii. Add a capture page? 20 iv. Use Auto-responders? 21 v. Use E-books? 22 vi. Prospecting pipeline example 23 vii. Exercise number 4 26 Choose your content 29 Exercise number 5 29 e. i. f. 7 Summary 30 2 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => 2. PROMOTION – DRIVING TRAFFIC TO YOUR SITE … a. Choose traffic generation strategies 31 i. Directories 31 ii. 3-Way Links 32 iii. Forums 33 iv. Blogs 33 v. Article marketing 34 vi. Video marketing 36 vii. Ezine Advertisements 37 b. 3. 31 Summary PHASES OF IMPLEMENTATION – FIRST THINGS FIRST a. Set up your company website and blog 38 39 39 i. Web hosting 40 ii. Setting up Wordpress 40 iii. Using Wordpress 40 iv. Setting up an online retail store 42 v. Enrolling preferred customers and Associates 43 vi. Internet marketing for your site 45 b. Capture pages, auto-responders and information products 46 i. Setting up your capture page 46 ii. Setting up your auto-responder 47 iii. Promotion of your capture page 47 iv. Promoting affiliate products 48 v. The funded proposal 49 c. Summary CONCLUDING REMARKS 50 51 APPENDIX I – MLM SUMMIT SYSTEM SITE UPDATED SCHEMATIC 52 3 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => HOW TO PLAN AND IMPLEMENT AN ONLINE MARKETING CAMPAIGN FOR YOUR NETWORK MARKETING BUSINESS – by Andrew Smith OVERVIEW This document is intended as a workbook and so you will need to print it off and complete the tasks, as detailed throughout. This will guide you through the process of planning and implementing your entire online marketing campaign. If you want to successfully promote your Network Marketing business and products online, then YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS OF THIS WORKBOOK! In section 1, you will be guided through the planning process for establishing an online presence for your Network Marketing business. The process followed is essential prior to commencing any online marketing strategy. Planning and strategising are vital for the long-term success of any online marketing campaign. As you begin learning about the traffic generation techniques in section 2, there is no need to implement them all at once. It is far more beneficial to try to prioritise them and master one at a time! You will be assisted with this process in section 3. It is advised that you do not go ahead and set up your website or blog until you have read through this entire workbook and completed all of the tasks. What you will be shown in section 3 is the best place to start and how to progress until you have developed an automated prospecting system. If you miss any steps or do them out of sequence then you may make more work for yourself. Follow the advice and guidance as closely as possible and it is highly likely that you will develop your own powerful, automated, lead generation and prospecting system that will enable you to sort your prospects from the suspects! This task is about making important decisions for your website and marketing strategy and taking the time to documenting them. You will need to do some additional research on your own to make some of the decisions discussed. You will be provided with links to suitable resources where necessary, so please take advantage of them. 4 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => AUTHORS BACKGROUND Before we begin I would like to introduce myself and tell you a bit about how I came to Network Marketing: My name is Dr. Andrew Smith and my academic background was originally in Engineering. I graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2002 and went on to complete a PhD in the subject in 2005. I knew part way through my postgraduate study that I did not want to pursue a career as and Engineer, despite the fact that I had enjoyed the challenges of the research work that I had been involved with. I arrived at this decision because I had no desire to work for other people! However, I simply did not have the capital to start my own traditional business. During the course of my study I had also been attending college part-time to gain a Fitness Instructor qualification. Exercise and fitness have always been of interest to me and I was keen to learn about training principles to apply to my own regime. Upon completion of the course I decided to embark of the next level qualification in Personal Training. In late 2005 I left both University and College with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and a vocational qualification in Personal Training, but remained unclear on the direction my life was moving in. In January 2006 I started working as a personal trainer for a large commercial gym, but within the space of 6 months I had decided that I needed to get out of employment and take the necessary steps to set up a business on my own. It was at this time that I was first introduced to Network Marketing (June 2006). You can probably relate to what attracted me to the industry: I had no money, I was in a job that I hated, I had little direction, I wanted more from my life and I was desperate to improve my situation! 5 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => Soon after learning about Network Marketing I left the gym where I was working. I had started my Network Marketing business and was also working as a freelance Personal Trainer, training my clients in their own homes. This enabled me to earn sufficient income to meet my immediate financial needs, whilst still being able to allocate time to build my Networking Marketing business. I had grand plans of building a sizeable organisation over a relatively short period of time, enabling me to quit Personal Training in pursuit of financial and time freedom. I was going to travel around the world, taking numerous extended holidays, seeking personal fulfilment through involvement in humanitarian aid projects. I was going to live on the residual income generated by my business, spending as little time on income producing activities as was necessary! It wasn’t long before I got a reality check! I had been working on my business for over a year and had not seen the type of growth that I had expected in my business. This was when it dawned on me that there were a few things I was going to have to do differently if I wanted to grow my business fast and with ease! Don’t get me wrong, I know that it is possible to build a thriving Network Marketing business using the traditional word-of-mouth marketing techniques alone and I have witnessed many people do just that. I had some success sponsoring Associates in this way, but the problem for me was that I found it time consuming and frustrating! I wanted to develop a rejection free way of sponsoring Associates and customers in large volumes and this is what led me down the path towards marketing Online. I do still promote my business using the traditional methods, but now I have so much more to offer to the people that I speak to. Even if you are experiencing success promoting your business via word-of-mouth, I still recommend setting up an online campaign so that you can support Associates in your team who favour this approach. This is what has worked for me and I am confident that it can work for you too! I trust that you will enjoy the journey as I guide you along the path to success in your Network Marketing business! 6 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => 1. PLANNING - BEFORE YOU SET UP YOUR WEBSITE … In this section you will make some important decisions about your campaign, which will assist you in setting up a search engine friendly website or blog that will be optimised for the specific keywords that you choose. a. Decide on the topic of your site The first decision that you will need to make is the basic topic for your website. Do you intend to market home businesses? Or do you intend to promote network marketing? Perhaps you will focus your site on extra income opportunities, or making money online. Alternatively you may choose to build a site that is specific to your company products. Therefore you may build a health site, or an energy efficiency site depending on the products your company distributes. Whatever you choose to focus on, please be advised that different topics will be searched for in different volumes. Focusing on a high volume topic such as ‘extra income’ is not always the best approach, as you will also have more competition. Sometimes, cornering a specific niche with less search volume and less competition yields better results. This is discussed in more detail in the ‘Choose you keywords and phrases’ section. Do some basic google searches to determine the level of competition for a number of specific topics and niches. There are a number of considerations. Firstly, you will need to create content for your site, so you should be interested in the topic you wish to focus on, as you will need to research it and prepare information. It may be an idea to think carefully about why you started your business and try to target other people who may have the same motivations. As an example, if your goal is to spend more time with your family then your site and marketing may focus on attracting people in the same situation as you. 7 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => The next consideration relates to your company’s compliance rules. Most companies will have a ‘policies and procedures’ document that you will need to read and internalise. The two major areas that are of relevance here relate to making product claims that may not be true and also making income claims. Most companies will also have restrictions on creating your own marketing material. As a rule of thumb, I DO NOT recommend mentioning your company on your primary marketing website, or in your marketing campaigns AT ALL. It is better to keep your marketing site generic and then send prospects to your company site when they express an interest in the products, or opportunity that you are offering. Most companies will provide you with a personal branded web page or site and you can send prospects here once they are ready to learn more about the company you work with. Using the company name on your primary website is likely to breach compliance rules. Trust me, I found this out the hard way some time ago, having spent months building and promoting a site that I had to delete just as it started to rank highly in Google! Not very nice I can assure you! The only place you should directly promote your company and products is on the site provided by your company. I will teach you how to build your primary marketing website, which is used to locate prospects, generate traffic, build trust, elevate interest and filter prospects to your company site. It should not be used to directly promote your products or opportunity, but should discuss and outline your general opinions surrounding what you are able to offer. This is discussed in more detail later, but please heed this warning! i. Product and income claims To be on the safe side, you should avoid discussing possible product benefits and potential earnings, even if you are not naming your company. It is better to talk about your personal experiences and feelings, without making unsubstantiated claims about the products, or how much money someone is likely to earn. A section from the product disclaimer of the company I represent states the following: 8 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => “ These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The components of the […] program are foods and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. As with any health or fitness program, a sensible eating plan and regular exercise are required in order to achieve long-term results. Results will vary” The income disclaimer for the company I represent states the following: “$91,800 is the average yearly income for an established, full-time […] Associate (Gold Director and above). $23,225 is the annual average of those who earned as little as one commission check each month. Surveys show that 83% of all Associates self-report they joined […] to “improve their health.” Of those remaining, 21% earned a check at least once a month even though 56% reported they were not joining to “replace their full-time income.” Of those that were, 41% have been Associates for at least one year and 56% are considered full time with the title of Gold Director or above. These figures shown should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Success with […] results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, and leadership. If you include all 126,146 with the title of Associate, which includes, Associates not actively building a business (acting as wholesale buyers), Associates who just joined (as little as one day), and those who are just beginning to build their customer base, the average yearly income is still $734.27, with more than one in three earning a check and currently 115 Associates who are lifetime Million Dollar Earners” 9 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => Your company should have something similar, but if not then this still highlights the importance of being careful about any claims that you make. The last thing you want to do is jeopardise you own distributorship with the company. ii. Creating marketing material As discussed previously, it is unlikely that you will be permitted to create your own marketing material where the company name is stated. If you wish to build a site that focuses on promoting your company then you will need to use the page or site provided by the company. I know I have already addressed this, but I do not want there to be any misunderstanding, as I want your campaign to be a success. I would rather you learned from my mistakes, rather than making the same mistakes that I have! iii. Exercise number 1 Now complete the table below to consider different topics ideas for your website. For now, just try to use your intuition relating to search volume and competition. This is not an exact science, but should give you an idea which topics you wish to prioritise. You can continue this in greater detail once you have considered your keywords and phrases in the next section. 10 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => TOPIC IDEA EXPECTED SEARCH VOLUME? (HIGH / LOW) EXPECTED COMPETITION? (HIGH / LOW) KEYWORD IDEAS PRIORITY (HIGH / LOW) 1 2 3 4 5 11 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => b. Choose you keywords and phrases i. Long-tail versus short-tail There are two different types of keyword, or key phrase. They are long-tail and shorttail. A long-tail keyword (or phrase) usually contains a number of words, i.e. “online home business opportunities in the UK”. A short-tail keyword is usually a single word or a couple of words, i.e. “online business”, or “home business”. The advantage of using long-tail keywords is that you will have fewer competitors looking to achieve Google rankings for that set of keywords. The disadvantage is that fewer people will be searching for those terms. Conversely, the advantage of using short-tail keywords is that more people will search for those terms. Unfortunately, more people will be optimising for them too, creating more competition! A strategy that I would recommend is to start by optimising for long-tail keywords. Think about the types of phrases that people will be typing into Google about the topic of your website. For example, if you choose to build a site discussing early retirement, then “early retirement” might be a very competitive keyword, whereas “how to retire in 5 years” may be less competitive. “How to retire in 5 years” still receives an average of 91 Google searches per month, with just a couple of websites on the front page of Google fully optimising for that set of keywords! I will show you how I conducted this simple test in a moment. The point I wish to make is that if you optimise correctly for a number of long-tail keywords, you can still generate a lot of targeted and qualified traffic. Once your site is recognised by Google as having authority for your long-tail keywords, you may be able to begin optimising for short-tail keywords with greater success. 12 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => ii. Search volume In the above example ‘search volume’ for the key phrase “how to retire in 5 years” was 91. This value was determined using the Google keyword analysis tool below. This tool gives you an approximation of the number of times a keyword was searched for in Google in the previous month. Please click on the link below to try out the tool: As you consider different long-tail and short-tail keywords, obtain an estimate for the search volume to assess its validity. iii. Competition Conducting a short Google competitor analysis for your chosen keywords is also important to determine whether you can secure high Google rankings for those keywords. The most basic way to conduct this analysis is to search for the word or phrase in Google. If you have a number of words making up a phrase then make sure you put the complete phrase into speech marks (“…”). This will only generate results for sites where the words appear in the same order that you are optimising for. Once Google has generated results, you can make a note of the number of sites containing that key phrase (top right hand corner of results). Don’t be alarmed by the high numbers, as this does not mean that those sites are optimising for the same key phrase. There are so many people who create sites, but have no idea how to optimise them. In my opinion far more than 99% of all sites are pointless and ineffective! Harsh I know, but this is good news for us! A site that can be perfectly optimised for a chosen key phrase will usually contain all of the words in the correct sequence IN THE TITLE OF THE PAGE. This appears in blue above the descriptions in Google. You will learn how to optimise pages of your site in this manner, so the sites optimised in this way are the only competitors that you should really concern yourself with! 13 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => iv. Exercise number 2 In this exercise, you will be assessing a number of possible keywords and phrases that relate to your site topic. This will enable you to decide which keywords you should aim to optimise for. Once you have optimised for one set of keywords you can begin to include optimisation for additional keywords and phrases. To begin, list at least 15 to 20 keywords and phrases that are relevant to the topic of your site. Try to think about the types of people who would benefit from visiting your site and consider the types of phrases they might search for. Next, use the Google keyword tool to obtain estimates of the search volume for each keyword or phrase ( Note the total search volume for the exact phrase. Once you have completed the above steps for each of them, conduct a Google search for each set of keywords and key phrases. Remember to put speech marks (“ … “) around phrases for accurate results. Note the number of results returned. Finally calculate the ratio of the search volume divided by the number of competitors. Higher values represent keywords, which are searched more frequently and have less competition. These are likely to be higher priority keywords (providing potential visitors actually search for them!). Please note: This analysis does not guarantee that you will have the best keywords for your site, but it will ensure that a critical thought process has been used to select them. Keywords can be adapted over time, so be prepared to make adjustments when necessary. 14 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => Keyword / Phrase Monthly Search Volume No. Sites Returned by Google Ratio Priority (Exact keyword/phrase) (Put " " around phrases) (Search volume/sites returned) (Higher for higher ratios) Example 1 Early retirement 60,500 2,090,000 0.0289 LOW Example 2 How to retire in 5 years 91 1,660 0.0548 HIGH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 15 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => c. Choose your domain name Once you have made decisions about the topic of your website and the types of keywords you wish to optimise for, you can choose a domain name. There are only two major recommendations I have here: The first is to try to ensure that your most important keywords feature in the title. You can add additional words, or play around with the order, but try to find a domain where they are included and the title is easy to remember. The second is to opt for a ‘dot com’ domain over any other alternative. The advantage with a ‘dot com’ domain is that everyone will be familiar with the extension and it is less likely to negatively influence an individual’s decision to visit your site. If you are in the UK and choose a ‘dot co dot uk’ domain, then you may be less likely to get visitors from other countries. When I set up my website I wanted to include 2 main keywords that related to the topic of my site: ‘MLM’ and ‘training’. Fortunately I was able to secure the domain! This contains my main keywords and is relevant to theme of my site, which aims to teach network marketers how to reach the summit in their own business. i. Exercise number 3 List 5 possible domain names below. Please be aware that you may need to modify and amend them to ensure that you get a ‘dot com’ domain. 16 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => No. Ideal Domain Name 1 2 3 4 5 Once you have decided on a domain name, you can check that it is available and subscribe to a hosting package. With Yahoo, packages range from as little as $7 US per month and you may qualify for free domain name registration. Click on the link below to begin and then select one of the 3 hosting package options. You will then be able to search all available domains before completing your order. I recommend doing this now to secure your desired domain name: Free Domain Name When You Purchase Yahoo! Web Hosting Plan d. Decide on your basic site components and strategy There are a number of components that you should consider integrating into your website for your online campaign. Unfortunately when I build my first site, I was a complete novice and I gave no consideration to any of them! Over the past 2 years I have researched each of them and have learned the relevance and importance to my overall strategy. If you take on board what I am about to show you and conduct the additional research that I suggest, then you may only ever need to build one site that will serve you and your business for years to come. i. Websites or Blogs? The first decision you should make is whether you would like to base your primary marketing site on a standard website template, or on a blog template. My personal 17 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => preference nowadays is to use blogs. The main reason for this is that a blog is very easy to update and you can still include additional pages where the content remains unchanged (like on a website). Updating websites can be time consuming and requires some knowledge of a web design package, such as Dreamweaver, whereas most blog templates are very user-friendly. If you visit my blog at, you will see an example of a blog built using Wordpress. Other benefits of using Wordpress blogs are that they are free to use, they are customisable and easy to update, as well as having a range of themes to achieve the look and feel you are aiming for. A further benefit of blogs is that search engines like them, as long as they are updated regularly and the posts relate to the overall site theme. Each individual post can be used as an entry point to your site from search engines, by optimising your posts for keywords and implementing some of the strategies discussed in section 2 of this workbook. Your posts can also be modified and used in article marketing campaigns (also described in section 2), which is one strategy that I personally adopt and highly recommend! The final benefit of blogs that I wish to discuss is the social interaction element. When you have a blog, you are encouraging visitors to comment and provide feedback, so you can generally get a feeling whether your posts are having the desired impact. If you would like to browse available Wordpress themes to choose one that will give your site the appearance you want, then please click on the link below: If you do not wish to use a blog then an alternative might be to build a basic site with a lead capture page. You can then focus on driving traffic to your site using other approaches, rather than optimising for search engines. If you choose this option then 18 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => you will still need to produce relevant information to send out to your list of subscribers (leads). I actually recommend adopting both of these approaches over time and I will explain how in greater detail in section 3. All you need to know for now is that these are 2 methods that both have huge value, depending on the result you are aiming to achieve. ii. Include an online shop? When I first started my Network Marketing business I could barely afford to pay for my product Autoship order each month. I had already decided that I wanted to be on the maximum Autoship order value, as otherwise I would be leaving MY MONEY on the table by not claiming commissions on all of my business centres! This led me to explore possibilities for retailing products online. One of the things that I have been very successful at in my business is finding and enrolling customers. This started when I researched ways of selling some of my Autoship products to retail customers in the UK and developed into the strategy I now use for finding and enrolling preferred customers online, all over the world. I do still retail a small amount of products each month, but this is more through loyalty to my existing retail customers! I would quite happily use more products each month! I would only recommend retailing products online if it is the only viable way for you to remain on a maximum Autoship. Although you do not need to be on the maximum Autoship, it is the best way to ensure that you receive all of the commissions that you generate. Most companies pay different percentages, or pay you on more business centres if you order a specific amount of products each month. Check this with your sponsor from your company. If you are happy using all of your products each month, between you and your family, or if you already have enough retail customers to sustain your Autoship order, then there is no need to have an online shop. You can still find preferred customers online, 19 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => which to be honest, is far more convenient for you, as you will not need to process any payments or ship any products! If you do wish to include an online shop then I recommend the shopping cart software available at I have negotiated a discount with the provider of this software, so enter the code uihdiscount at the checkout to receive an additional 10% off of the cost your purchase. This software is easy to install, it enables you to keep an inventory of your products (so you can’t sell products you don’t have!) and enables you to accept payments through Paypal ( You will need the ‘Power Seller Kit’ to enable the inventory function, but this is still available for an excellent price. Once again, visit and enter the promotional code uihdiscount at the checkout to receive 10% off of the overall cost of your purchase. iii. Add a capture page? Capture pages are used to enable your visitors to subscribe to your mailing list. A visitor might typically input their name and email address, giving you permission to email them information about your products or opportunity. The advantage of having a capture page is that you will be able to build a list of prospects, who have specifically requested your information broadcasts. You can send instant messages to them whenever you have something you wish to communicate, or you can have a prewritten set of follow-up messages, which go out to the list at prescribed intervals (this is covered in the following section on Auto-responders). In any sales orientated business, it is said that ‘the fortune is in the follow-up’! Very few people become fully convinced the first time they are exposed to a new concept, but over time, with repeated exposure they are more inclined to formulate an opinion and make a buying decision. See section 3 for details on how and when to start using a capture page. 20 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => The other advantage to building a list is that IT IS YOUR LIST! Your list is your asset and could contain many people who feel they know you, like you and trust you. This is an extremely valuable asset for any business! Capture pages and web forms are usually provided as part of an Auto-responder service package. The company I use provide web forms for capturing subscribers and these can be easily integrated into your website of blog. iv. Use Auto-responders? If you choose to incorporate a capture page into your site then you will usually need an Auto-responder service to manage your prospects and provide them with information. This is an incredibly valuable service as it enables you to automate the sharing of information with your prospects 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sometimes visitors to your site will not have time to review everything at one time, so you can drip feed the information through emails and continue inviting them back to your site to learn more. These repeated exposures build familiarity and trust. There are two types of message you can send out with an Auto-responder, they are scheduled and broadcasts. A scheduled message will be sent out a prescribed number of days after registration onto your list. This can be used to delivery a 5 day E-course, or a number of follow-up messages. A broadcast enables you to send a one-off email to everyone on your list. If you decide to run a contest, or an incentive programme then you can introduce them using broadcasts. If you wish to check out a leading provider of Auto-responder services, visit This service is provided for approximately $20 US per month, which is an absolute bargain when you consider the leverage it will give you in your marketing campaign! You do not need to register yet, as I will provide details on how to register and provide basic information on setting up your campaign in section 3. 21 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => v. Use E-books? There are a number of benefits to creating free E-books, or E-courses. E-books in particular are an excellent way to share information with prospects, as they can be printed off, taken away and read at any time. You can also encourage your prospects to share the E-books with others who may be interested in the content, which in turn creates new visitors to your site. In addition, E-books can be used as incentives for prospects to register on your list. This means that you not only get to share information, but you also have a means of following up with them afterwards! Some time ago I created 2 E-books that my team could use to assist them in prospecting and recruiting customers and Associates. I still use these E-books today and I actively encourage my team to do the same. I provide my new Associates with a significant amount of training on how to tailor their approaches using these E-books. Please feel free to read these documents for ideas on how to create your own. I must point out at this time that copyright laws cover both documents, so you are not permitted to modify the content or tamper with the links! Please maintain your integrity by adhering to these user agreements. Business Related E-books: Secrets of the Rat Race Disclosed: Escape the 9 to 5 Way of Life Forever! Network Marketing: Discover Your Personal Path to Success For an example of how capture pages and auto-responders can be used, you can visit my landing page at and register your details. You will receive a free 25-day Internet MLM Boot Camp, which will teach you everything you need to know to build a thriving Network Marketing business online! 22 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => vi. Prospecting pipeline example By way of an example I have provide a schematic diagram of my personal prospecting pipeline. Please take time to review the diagram and the description below it. I will explain the purpose of each stage, as well as discussing ongoing system developments and the desired path for prospects moving through the pipeline. You will notice 3 key elements that we have already discussed: 1. My primary marketing website (blog), 2. My lead capture page and auto-responder email series 3. My company website There is one new element that I have not yet covered and that is the funded proposal system. Funded proposals are a powerful way to demonstrate what you can offer to your prospects. They can also be used to generate income from those who value your advice and support enough to purchase training material or services from you, but are not interested in joining your business. This will be explained in detail later (section 3). 23 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => BLOG CAPTURE PAGE POST 1 EMAIL 1 FUNDED PROPOSAL POST 2 EMAIL 2 POST 3 EMAIL 3 COMPANY WEBSITE KEY Route 1: BUSINESS INFORMATION PRODUCT INFORMATION ENROL AS ASSOCIATE ENROL AS CUSTOMER Route 2: Route 3: 24 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => Although at first glance the prospecting pipeline for my marketing campaign may seem a bit complicated, when I explain each element I am sure you will agree that it is actually very straightforward! I will also indicate the preferred sequence for adding each element to your system. This is covered in much greater detail in section 3. Firstly, you have your company site ( and you should develop the personal web page(s) that is provided very soon after starting your business. You can update it later, but you need a site for both your online and offline marketing efforts. This site needs to discuss your company’s products and opportunity and provide details for purchasing goods and enrolling as an Associate. The next element to add is your blog (, or primary marketing website. The purpose of this is to build trust and to educate your prospects about your industry, but remember not to reference the company! To use an earlier example, you might post information about Network Marketing and how the industry can offer the potential to retire in 5 years. When prospects contact you to learn more, you can direct them to your company site. The next element to add is the capture page and auto-responder series ( In this instance, you should use your blog to promote your lead capture page. As prospects register their details you can begin to drip feed information. Once you have built trust and added value you may wish to email messages giving basic details about you company and encouraging your prospects to visit your company site to learn more. Alternatively, you could include a subtle link directed to your company site in the signature for your emails. This is up to you. The final element you should consider adding is a funded proposal. In a funded proposal, you use your auto-responder messages to sell an information product (such as a workbook or e-course). If your prospects view you as a credible leader, or someone who can help them to get the things they want from their business, then they will respect your recommendations. As you continue to show your worth, many of the prospects reviewing your information will consider researching your company, 25 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => with a view to joining you. Those that don’t join your business will still receive beneficial training and you still generate an additional income stream to help with financing your own marketing campaigns! If you do not have your own information products, then you can promote 3rd party affiliate products that you have found to be useful to you. As an affiliate you would typically get paid up to 50% commissions on the sales that you generate. MLM Lead System Pro currently supports 14 different affiliate products, which can all generate commissions for you! vii. Exercise number 4 This exercise comes in two parts. Firstly, you must provide answers and justifications to the questions listed below and then you must prepare a sitemap sketch for your proposed website. Please answer each of the questions in the table below and provide a reason and a justification for each choice. Appendix I details a more detailed and up to date site schematic for my own marketing campaign and sales funnel, so please review this to help with your own sitemap sketch: 26 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => Question Number Question Answer 1 Will you base your site on a website or blog format? Website / Blog 2 Will you include an online shop to retail products? Yes / No 3 Will you incorporate a capture page? Yes / No 4 Will you use an Auto-responder to communicate with you prospects? Yes / No 5 Will you use Ebooks to entice visitors onto your list? Yes / No 6 Will You use a funded proposal system? Yes / No Reason Justification Now that you know which key components you would like to include in your site, draw a sketched diagram to show how each component will fit into the grand scheme of your prospecting system (see Appendix I). Try to think about how each element can drive your prospects to the most important pages of your sites and how it might relate to the information they have already received. You can sketch your sitemap in the box provided below: 27 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => 28 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => e. Choose your content The final consideration before you can begin building your company site and your primary marketing resource is to decide what content you would like to feature on each. Make use of material you have already reviewed, including E-books and books you have read, videos you have seen and anything else that has helped you in the learning process. Try to keep your content concise. You have probably heard the expression that a picture speaks 1000 words. Well, if that is true then a video speaks 5000! Try to find videos and pictures that will get your message across. You can use graphs and charts if you can find or create ones of relevance and you can include pictures of yourself if they are also relevant to your story. Gather all of your content and write brief introductions and linking text to make sense of the content. Remember that your content should relate to the topic of your site and also your keywords. It may also be an idea to write a brief introduction about yourself and why you started your own business. People always like to get a sense of the person who is communicating with them! On your company site, you should use marketing material and videos provided by your company, as this will save time and effort. Most companies provide very compelling videos that you can use on your company page or site. i. Exercise number 5 Using the table below, list 10 items of content you wish to include on the key pages of your sites. It may be beneficial to repeat this process on a separate sheet for your second site. Also, if you wish to add more, then use a continuation sheet. Make a note of the location of the file or video and add a brief description of how it relates to your site theme. You should then be able to prepare your introducing and linking text. 29 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => No. Content Name Location Description of the Relevance (Web address or filename) to the Site Theme 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 f. Summary This brings us to the end of section 1: ‘Planning – Before You Set Up Your Website…’ Now you have a wealth of information that will assist you as you begin building your own sites or blog. Please wait until you have reviewed section 2 and 3 before you begin setting up your site, as I will be providing more specific and relevant information to assist you! 30 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => 2. PROMOTION – DRIVING TRAFFIC TO YOUR SITE … Once you have uploaded (added) your primary marketing blog to your domain and have added links to your company site, you are ready to begin driving traffic to them, as without traffic a website serves very little purpose! There are a number of different strategies for generating traffic and we will cover some of them in this section, so you can get an idea of which ones will be best for your campaign when you launch it. When you do start generating traffic for your site, you should be prepared to spend some money. There are many tools and services available that will dramatically improve your ability to promote your website, so don’t be afraid to use them to save your own time and to enhance your marketing campaign. I have provided details of a number of products and services that I personally use in my marketing efforts. a. Choose traffic generation strategies My personal preferences for traffic generation usually begin with search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques as this usually encourages large volumes of regular, repeat traffic from sites such as Google and Yahoo. I will discuss other methods later in the section but will begin with SEO strategies. There are 2 main factors which determine the popularity of a website or web page in Google. The first is the relevancy of keywords, which was covered in section 1 and the second is the number of backlinks to a site (number of other sites linking to your site). In order to increase the popularity of your website it is important to get into the habit of acquiring backlinks. i. Directories One method for securing backlinks with relatively little effort is by submitting your domain to directories. Directories are basically lists of different websites structured into categories and sub-categories. The weighting given to these types of backlinks is relatively low due to the nature of the sites, but if you submit to large numbers of 31 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => directories then your site will still benefit. A note of caution is that you should not submit to as many directories as possible in one day! Google and other search engines favour sites that acquire backlinks gradually as this appears to be more natural than sites, which build links very fast. As a rule of thumb I would usually submit to 100 directories each month. Submitting to directories manually can be a long and boring process, which is why I recommend using a directory submission service. I personally use Directory Maximizer who only charges you 14 cents per submission! 100 submissions will cost you $14 US and will save you hours of work. To check out this service please click below: You can submit your site to over 1200 directories using Directory Maximizer, so aim to get started as soon as your site is uploaded to your domain! ii. 3-Way Links 3-way linking is another great way of obtaining backlinks. Some time ago, reciprocal linking strategies were used, where site A links to site B and site B links back to site A. Unfortunately Google no longer gives much weighting to this type of link and gives more value to links that are not reciprocated. This opened the door for the creation of 3-way linking services. In a 3-way link, site A links to site B, site B link to site C and site C links back to site A. This is far more effective than the previous reciprocal linking method. I have tried a number of services for 3-way linking and by far the best in my opinion is a site aptly named 3-Way Links! Read about this service by clicking the link below: 32 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => iii. Forums Using forums is an excellent way to generate free backlinks and also additional traffic. Basically you should aim to find 5 popular forums, which relate to the topic of your own website. You should then commit to participating in those forums by commenting on the posts and feeds of other subscribers. By doing this, you will not only build trust amongst people who are interested in what you may be able to offer, but you can also include a signature at the end of each post which links back to your site, thus improving search engine rankings. If you choose to participate in forums then it is not good etiquette to discuss your products, or business too often! This will lose you respect and may cause restrictions on your account. It is best to express your views honestly and openly without pushing your own agenda and simply include a brief signature with a site link. If people enjoy your posts and comments then they will visit your site anyway. In the mean time, you will be generating more backlinks for your site. iv. Blogs Commenting on related blog posts is similar to the process discussed above for forums. If you can find 5 blogs that relate to your own site then you can comment on posts and include a link to your site. This enables you to interact with the owner of the blog as well as the community of visitors. Therefore, you not only generate backlinks, but you may also get visitors to your site who genuinely enjoy reading your comments. The other way you can use blogs is by setting up your own blog as discussed in section 1. I highly recommend this, as every post on your blog is another access point to your site from the search engines. If I write an article entitled ‘The Importance of Using High Quality Nutritional Supplements’ then the title of that page of my blog would be the same as the article title and that would be how the page appears in Google. I could then optimise that page of my blog for keywords such as “high quality nutritional supplements” with excellent results! 33 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => The beauty of writing blog posts is that each post can then be modified and used as an article to submit to other article directories. See the section below for more details on the power of article marketing. v. Article marketing For me, article marketing offers one of the most versatile and flexible forms of Internet marketing. When you create an article, you have the opportunity to generate traffic from individuals reviewing the article and you also get to customise at least 2 backlinks to your website. When you are able to customise backlinks, you can target the links at internal pages of your site (not just the homepage) and you can also specify the anchor text attached to the link, which is useful for search engine optimisation (SEO). Let me clarify this: When you submit an article to a directory, you usually have a resource, or bio box so that readers can find out about you and your site. On my MLM Summit site, I might want to optimise an article on my blog for the keyword “internet network marketing”. I can link directly to the relevant page with the anchor text ‘internet network marketing’ as I have complete control over the resource box. It might read something like: Frustrated by calling lead after lead with no results? Have you considered Internet network marketing? Register for your FREE MLM Training pack at Here I have 2 links to different pages of my site and I am optimising my blog post for my chosen keywords, which improves the search engine ranking of that page for those keywords. An Internet Marketer called Josh Spaulding has written by far the most comprehensive E-book I have found on article marketing. This product is aptly named ‘Article Marketing Domination’ and I highly recommend you read it, as it 34 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => will give you extensive knowledge of how to apply these strategies effectively. To get your copy please click the link below: Included with this purchase you will also receive an additional E-book, as a free gift, entitled ‘The Ultimate Blogging Blueprint’. This is another excellent document that will help you to capitalise on your blogging efforts! Both E-books are available for $27 US so don’t miss out on this wealth of information: Another major benefit of using article marketing is that you can submit your articles to many different directories for greater exposure. I currently submit each of my articles to between 20 and 70 article directories. This gives me between 40 and 140 backlinks to my site for my chosen keywords! In addition, I can structure the titles of my articles to target long-tail keywords in Google. As an example, if my article was titled ‘How To Choose The Best Network Marketing Company To Work With’ then I am likely to feature highly in Google for long-tail keywords such as “the best network marketing company to work with” and “how to choose the best network marketing company”. As with blogging, the title of the page with you article on will usually be the same as the article title itself. An important point to note on this topic is that Google will only usually index unique content. Services are available to ‘Spin’ articles, which means you can modify the content using alternative words, phrases and sentences, which enables each article to appear unique. This also enables you to modify certain words in your titles to optimise for different long-tail keywords with the same article. This leads me on to an exceptional product that I personally use for my article marketing campaigns and it is an absolute must if you are committed to making your campaign a success! This product is called ‘Article Post Robot’. Article post robot enables you to take your written article, spin it multiple times and then submit each uniquely spun article 35 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => to a different directory. Think of the time you can save using this product! I spend about 30 to 45 minutes writing an article, then a further 30 to 45 minutes setting up phrases for my spun articles and then everything else is automated. For a maximum of 1 hour 30 minutes of my time I have created unique articles for up to 70 directories, creating online presence for my material and up to 140 backlinks! This product is approximately $120 US, as a one off payment and then you can use it as often as you like! I used to use a service that was approximately $40 US per month and didn’t offer even half of the functionality that ‘Article Post Robot’ offers! Take a look at the site below: vi. Video marketing Similar to article marketing is video marketing. With video marketing you can create a short video explaining a concept or an element of your business, which you can submit to multiple video sharing sites. Once again, you gain additional backlinks, but you are also likely to get visitors to your site who have reviewed your video. Most video sharing sites will allow you to include 2 links to any page of your website in the video description. This enables you to target specific pages of your site that relate to the video. One concern some people have when starting a video marketing campaign is that they worry that they might not be Videogenic (if that’s a real word!). You can still create powerful videos by talking over Powerpoint slides, pictures and any other relevant documents, so do not avoid video marketing for this reason. You can use any video capture software to create your videos, i.e. Webcam Video Capture (available from This software enables you to record from your Webcam, or directly from your desktop. Therefore, you can create narrated slide shows using this application. Once you have created your videos I suggest using Traffic Geyser to submit to a number of video sharing sites. Uploading and submitting videos can be very time 36 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => consuming, but you should not let this put you off either. If you use Traffic Geyser then you can set up the process once and allow it to run on autopilot until all of the scheduled submissions are completed. This is another exceptional service! Check it out below: vii. Ezine Advertisements Ezines are also know as electronic newsletters. One method of generating traffic without carrying out SEO is to run solo advertisements in 3rd part Ezines. If you select an appropriate Ezine publisher then there is the potential to drive a large amount of traffic to your site for a relatively low cost. When you advertise in an Ezine your personal advert can be sent via email to tens of thousands of opt-in subscribers, so with the right message and the right audience the results can be impressive! One thing I have come to learn about Ezine and classified advertisements is that if you directly promote your products or opportunity then the likelihood of experiencing good results is greatly reduced. A better approach is to promote your capture page by offering a free gift to subscribers. You can then move the subscriber through your prospecting pipeline and drip feed information whilst building a relationship. As an example I might run an ad to drive traffic to my MLM Summit Training capture page using an advert with wording similar to this: I Must Be Out Of My Mind! I’m Giving Away My MLM Success Blueprint COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE! -----------------Visit NOW For More Details! 37 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => Once my lead is on my mailing list they will learn more about my Network Marketing business opportunity and the training and support I offer to my team. b. Summary This brings us to the end of section 2: ‘Promotion – Driving Traffic To Your Site…’ You should now feel relatively confident that when you launch your new site, you will be able to adopt a number of approaches for optimising your website for search engines, as well as driving traffic to your site using other forms of advertising. Please continue reading for details on how and where to begin! You will also learn the Internet marketing strategies that work best at each stage of the process. 38 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => 3. PHASES OF IMPLEMENTATION – FIRST THINGS FIRST … Now that you have planned your website structure and looked at methods for promoting your site, you are ALMOST ready to implement your plan and set up your websites and prospecting system. For the greatest results I believe that it is best to do each of the stages in the order set out in this section, working through each stage one at a time and making sure you do each of them to the best of your ability. This process does not need to rushed, but must be done properly to be effective. Spend as long as you need to, so that you get it right first time! IMPORTANT NOTE: Before you start actioning the steps below, I urge you to read ALL OF CHAPTER 3, from start to finish, so that you are completely clear on what you will be required to do. You can then return to this point and complete the activities that are outlined. a. Set up your company website and blog As I have explained on a couple of occasions, I believe that blogs have many benefits over standard websites. For this reason, I will guide you through the process of setting up your blog. For now, I will assume that you have already found time to set up your company site. Your company should provide tutorials and set-up instructions for this site, which will vary from company to company. 39 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => i. Web hosting Firstly you will need to set up your domain name and web hosting for your primary marketing blog. I suggest using the Yahoo hosting service discussed previously. If you haven’t already done so, click on the link below now to register your domain and order a hosing package: Free Domain Name When You Purchase Yahoo! Web Hosting Plan ii. Setting up Wordpress Another reason why the Yahoo hosting packages are idea is because they have simplified the process for installing and activating Wordpress blogs. If you click on the link below you will be taken to the relevant section on the Yahoo help pages that will guide you through this process. Work through this tutorial now: Yahoo Help - How do I activate WordPress? iii. Using Wordpress Now that your blog is set up, I would like to give you a few pointers on how to make the most of your blog. When you log in to your Wordpress user area you will be taken to the Dashboard shown below: 40 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => In the column on the left hand side of the page you have a toolbar. The most important sections for you at this time are ‘Posts’ and ‘Pages’. ‘Posts’ represent your blog posts, which you can also use as articles for your article marketing campaign and ‘Pages’ are static pages, which appear as tabs at the top of your blog. You should have a ‘Contact Me’ page and a page for driving traffic to your company site via a basic link. You could call this page ‘Company Information’ or something similar. On this page you may state something like “Are you interested to learn about the company I represent? Is so click …” Once you have set up your pages you should aim to begin posting to your blog right away. This will give your visitors something to read and a reason to come back! It will also encourage visitors to review your ‘Pages’ and will provide you with content for article marketing! If you are stuck for things to write then buy a relevant book or E-book and start educating yourself as quickly as possible. This will help you to get inspired! Depending on your level of competence working with the Wordpress programme you may find it useful to work through some of the Wordpress tutorials. The Wordpress 41 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => help pages and support forums are excellent, so click on the link below if you are having trouble getting started: The ‘Ultimate Blogging Blueprint’ E-book discussed earlier also covers the topic of setting up your Wordpress blog. This is written by an Internet Marketing professional and offers hints and tips that are not included in the Wordpress forum. Make sure you use the information that it given in this document! Click below: iv. Setting up an online retail store If you wish to retail products online then this can be done using the shopping cart software described in section 1, part e. As discussed, it is best to purchase the ‘Power Seller Kit’. To order the software now, click on the link below. Do not forget to enter your discount code ‘uihdiscount’ at the checkout! Once you have purchased the software you will be emailed with a download link. The company actually offer free installation of the software, so I recommend asking them to upload the shopping cart to your domain. They will then provide your login details and information on adding products to your online shop. They also have a comprehensive support forum at If you do decide to set up an online shop then I recommend that you make it very clear to potential customers that you will only ship products to your home country. You do not want people outside of your country placing orders, as it is not really worth your while shipping them. If people wish to order products from other countries then encourage them to order as a preferred customer. 42 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => In addition, it might be best to keep your retail store separate from your marketing campaign and promote the products separately. This depends entirely on the theme of your site, but do not cross over on your product and business promotion, as this may appear to be unprofessional. I have found Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising to be an excellent way of selling retail products in the past. If you advertise through PPC then you specify the countries where you want your advert to be shown. You can also keep your retail store separate and do not need to focus on optimising this site. If you are unfamiliar with PPC, it is a service provided by search engines where you pay a small fee every time someone clicks on your sponsored advert. Sponsored adverts are listed at the top and to the right hand side in Google when someone conducts a search. For more information on this type of advertising, or to set up an account, visit the Google Adwords pages below: v. Enrolling preferred customers and Associates This is one of the most important components for your online campaign, as you want to be able to sponsor new preferred customers and Associates all day, every day! This is relatively easy to do and surprisingly, very few Associates have actually figured out how easy it is! To enrol new preferred customers automatically all you need to do is locate the link that you would usually use to enrol new preferred customers and add it to a page on your company site. You should then include a step-by-step explanation of how someone can enrol and what the benefits are. That’s it! There is nothing else to it! As an example, I have optimised the relevant page of my company site for the keyword ‘buy company X products’ and included the step-by-step enrolment procedure. This simple process enabled me to achieve the status of 19th highest 43 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => customer enroller in a company of 120,000 Associates worldwide. I haven’t had to convince anyone that my products are better than the competition and I have spoken to very few of these customers personally! Do this without delay, as I can assure you it will be worth it! You will still need to do a lot of Internet marketing and promotion to achieve good Google rankings for that page, but this is the basis of automatic sponsoring. What I realised when I set this up was that a lot of people wanted the products that I was promoting and no one had made it particularly easy for them to set up a customer account online! Not everyone wants to speak to a rep before ordering products! Enrolling Associates is a bit more complicated, but in essence the process is the same. When someone is ready to join my business I get all of the personal details that I need (except credit card details) from him or her, then I set up their account and send them the secure payment link. This enables me to decide where I want to place them based on how they entered my prospecting pipeline. If they were referred to my website by a member of my team then I can ensure that the correct person is rewarded. You can still automate the collecting of this relevant information using a web contact submit form. The service I personally use for this is ‘My Contact Form’ and you can set up a limited account for free. A registered user account is approximately $20 US for the year. Find out more by visiting the site below: Unfortunately, it is unlikely that someone will enrol in your business unless you have offered a lot of value and shown them that you can help them get the things they want in life. The important thing is that you have the system in place for when you are ready to use it. 44 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => vi. Internet marketing for your site As discussed previously this is how I recommend you start promoting your sites. Firstly set up an account with Directory Maximizer by clicking on the link below: Once you have followed the instructions for setting up your account your should submit your sites to 100 directories every month, until you have submitted to all of them. Do not be tempted to submit to more directories than this each month, as Google and other search engines may penalise you. Schedule dates in your diary for carrying out your submissions, or use the service offered in your control panel to do this automatically. Next, you need to set up an account with 3-way Links. Click the link below to get started: You will receive instructions from the company on how to set up your account and how to use this service. Finally you should start either a video, or article marketing campaign. I recommend you start with article marketing and do video marketing at a later date. Before you start your article marketing campaign you should read a copy of ‘Article Marketing Domination’. You will also get the ‘Ultimate Blogging Blueprint’ free, which is definitely worth reading! Order these products from the site below: Lastly, you will need to purchase ‘Article Post Robot’ so that you can submit your unique articles to multiple article directories at the click of a button! 45 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => This product comes with a comprehensive user manual, which explains how to not only post your articles, but also how to spin the content to make them unique in each article directory. It would be best to read this manual thoroughly before using the software to ensure the best results. This should be more than enough work to keep you going for the next couple of months. In fact, I do not recommend that you move on to the next part until you have spent at least 2 to 3 months promoting your new sites using articles and directories. It can take some time before you see any significant results, but you must persevere if you want decent Google rankings! The reason why not everyone is successful is because some people don’t want it badly enough! Grit your teeth and get stuck in and you WILL see your site on the front page of Google soon! b. Incorporating capture pages, auto-responders and information products Once you have completed the steps above, I am sure you will agree that article marketing is one of the most powerful (and under-rated) forms of Internet marketing out there! Register your site with Stat Counter ( to monitor your site visits and entry pages to see where most of your site visitors are coming from. This service is free and very useful! In this section I am going to show you how to offer a never-ending flow of value to your prospects and future business partners! i. Setting up your capture page Now that your company site and blog are generating some traffic, the next step is to add a lead capture page and auto-responder series to your prospecting pipeline for the reasons discussed earlier. You will notice from the site schematic on page 24 that what you have created so far represents route 1 on the schematic. You have a blog, which drives targeted traffic to your company site. As you begin to incorporate follow-up emails, your prospects will be following route 2. You should now use your 46 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => blog posts to encourage people to register on your list, so that you can email additional relevant information to them (follow-up). Now this is where things have been made so much easier for us by MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP). I used to have to show people step-by-step how to set up a capture page, including writing enticing text copy and embedding relevant submission forms. This was by far the hardest part for my team to follow, but yet it is the most important component! Now this is all provided to us through the MLSP system. Capture pages, customisable auto-responder messages, as well as the sales funnel for promoting affiliate products! To find out exactly what is on offer visit You will need to register your details at first to access the information about the system that we now choose to implement. This system will streamline the whole process of setting up and automating your own prospecting funnel! ii. Setting up your auto-responder As previously mentioned, MLSP provides customisable auto-responder messages that you can load into an auto-responder. These messages are specifically designed to promote a range of affiliate products, some of which I have already discussed with you today (i.e. Traffic Geyser). You can easily set up your own affiliate accounts for each of these products and every time one is sold using the MLSP system, you receive a commission! It couldn’t be any simpler! I think back to how much time I spent setting this up for myself before I came across MLSP and wish I found this system sooner! Here is the link again: iii. Promotion of your capture page In part 2.a. we discussed in detail how to promote your site thorough SEO techniques. Once again, I suggest article and video marketing as an excellent place to start when promoting your capture page, because it is very inexpensive. You should also use directory submissions and 3-way linking to boost your backlink count. 47 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => There are many other ways to advertise including the use of classified adverts and PPC, as well as using social media / networking sites such as Twitter, or Facebook. Once again, there are a huge number of training tutorials in the back office of MLSP for each of these methods. The training and support is second to none and what I am providing here is just an overview. Classified advertising can range from promoting on ‘free smalls advert’ sites and Pay Per Click advertising, i.e. Google Adwords (, to advertising using 3rd party Ezines. An excellent site to research if you are looking to run Solo Ads is ‘The Directory of Ezines’ ( As for marketing on Social Media site, that is a whole different topic of discussion! The sudden popularity of Social Media and Social Networking sites has provided a new playground for Internet Marketers! Since joining the MLSP programme this is something that I have been developing as it is a free, viral method of marketing! I have already been experiencing some amazing results thanks to the comprehensive training that I have received! iv. Promoting affiliate products An excellent way to generate additional income to support your marketing efforts is to promote affiliate products. I have purchased a lot of E-books and a wide range of software, as well as registering for a number of services to assist me in promoting my sites. I can assure you that there are both very good and very bad products out there! When you find good products you should be willing to recommend them to fellow Network Marketers and people who are pursuing the same dreams as you. I do not suggest promoting any product, or service unless you use it for yourself and recognise huge value. If your recommendations can help others, then you have a responsibility to share what is working for you. All of the products and services that are promoted through the MLSP auto-responder series have been tried and tested by successful marketers and many of them have 48 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => actually been created by industry leaders and top producers! You can rest assured that you will be promoting only the best products and services to your list and you will receive generous commissions for your efforts. Most of the work is done for you by the system, so you will be giving yourself the best opportunity to succeed, whilst helping others to succeed. There is nothing more rewarding than that! v. The funded proposal A funded proposal is a product or service that prospects can purchase without partnering you in your primary opportunity (i.e. affiliate products discussed above). You will notice this on the site schematic on page 24, represented by route 3. The auto-responder series is used to promote the funded proposal product(s), which can be used to introduce the primary business opportunity. The beauty of the funded proposal system is the quality of business partners that you can attract into your primary business. The people who are introduced to your opportunity will be action takers who understand the importance of investing time and money into a business! I believe that the ideal target market for your online prospecting campaign and system is people who are already involved in Network Marketing. If you consider that according to statistics from the Direct Selling Association, more than 6 million new people became involved in the direct selling industry from 2006 to 2007. That over half a million every month! Unfortunately success rates in the industry are relatively low due to poor training and understanding of marketing, which means there are hundreds of thousands of people every month who want to learn how to succeed in the industry! Do you think a reasonable percentage of these people would be willing to join a different company if they found someone who could really help them to succeed? The MLSP system allows you to target and support struggling Network Marketers, whilst demonstrating your ability to lead them. That is why MLSP will enable you to sponsor high calibre reps, who will already have begun the important journey of learning how to effectively market and promote a business opportunity. To me, it is a perfect system in that respect! 49 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => Another reason why this target market is ideal is that you wont get Network Marketing or pyramid objections, as your prospects are already sold on the concept of the industry and recognise the potential. c. Summary This brings us to the end of the final section: ‘Phases Of Implementation – First Things First…’giving you a wealth of knowledge for marketing your business online. I hope this has provided you with a whole new avenue to explore on your personal path to long-term success! To summarise, you should set up each element of your marketing campaign in the following order: 1. Set up your company site 2. Set up your primary marketing blog 3. Incorporate a capture page and auto-responder series 4. Incorporate the sale of affiliate products as a funded proposal Remember that this is a numbers game so the extent to which you promote will define how many prospects you have. More prospects means more affiliate product sales, which in turn leads to more business partners! Therefore, once your system is set up it is time to promote, promote, promote! For access to the MLSP system, complete with capture pages, email auto-responder messages and a powerful sales funnel visit (register HERE first). If you choose to sign up, you will also have access to the members training centre, where you will be taught how to become a successful Internet Marketer with a range of marketing techniques and strategies in your armoury! 50 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => CONCLUDING REMARKS We have covered a huge amount of information in one document and I would have preferred to have been able to cover things in greater detail, especially on the sections relating to preparing and promoting your sites. However, I have tried to summarise 2 years of Internet Marketing research and experience, as well as a lot of personal financial investment, into one short workbook and I didn’t want to overwhelm you with information! It may already seem like a daunting workload, but trust me, the rewards will be worth it! I hope the content has provided you with enough information to move you some way along the path to success in your own business, so that you are able to take a huge leap closer to your dreams and ambitions. I appreciate your dedication and I commend your diligence and commitment to success. Thank you for reading! My Contact Details: Andrew Smith Founder and Director of the MLM Summit Resources Email: Blog: 51 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved MLM Summit Training – Reach The Top In Your Own Network Marketing Business => APPENDIX I – MLM SUMMIT SYSTEM SITE UPDATED SCHEMATIC 52 Copyright © 2009 Dr. Andrew Smith. All rights reserved
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