CYAN MAGENTAYELLOW BLACK FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 2005 540 Pets & Supplies 705 620 Rental Lots Apartments 720 1, 2, 3 Bedrooms Home Office 704-873-4087 Mobile Home Lot for rent in Troutman area. Call 336-783-0769 LOT FOR RENTwater/sewer free. 704THE Iredell County Ani- 483-1978, 704-287-5764 1 & 2 Bedrooms mal Shelter, Twin Oaks 704-873-3288 Road, Statesville has the 625 Mobile Home following pets available 2, 3, & 4 Bedroom ClusRentals for adoption: ter Homes, most with garages. Private yard/patioVery clean, 2bdr, 1bth, / s t o r a g e . $ 7 5 0 - $ 1 1 9 5 . CATS: 15 mins from Mvl in fami- Bonanza Management. ly neighborhood. Central 704-662-6644 Water/ sewer/mo- DSH - M, 12 wks air. wing incl. Fantastic deal! old black & white Pets: limited. 704-363- 2 bedroom, $450 mo. 8193 or 704-483-0287. one yr lease & deposit “Marlowe.“ 704-660-5453 AFTER $440 per month. 1:00p.m. SW 1 ac wooded lot out DOGS: bldg, no pets. $350. mo 2 bedroom, gas heat, dep. Refs req. C/A, $550/mo. 1 yr lease CORGI/DACHSHUN $350 & deposit required. 704704-528-9394 528-5884 D MIX - spayed, 1.5 660-5453 after 2:00 p.m. Publisher’s Notice yrs, black “CoCo.“ Please read your ad 2 BEDROOM TOWNcarefully. The Publisher HOUSES, 1.5 BATH all L A B / H O U N D M I X reserves the right to edit, appliances, 6 month PUPPIES - 2 F, 15 reject or cancel any ad- l e a s e , M o o r e s v i l l e wks old, tricolored, vertisement at any time. School district $575/The publisher will not be month. 704-663-1576. very cute responsible for purely ty- Apartments for rent 222 T E R R I E R M I X - pographical errors or & 228 South Main St. beyond cancel- Low prices. 704-519spayed, 13 mos old, misprints lation of the charge for 5626 or 704-663-3957. blonde, “Punkin.“ the space of the item afLet Classifieds fected. Errors must be DOBERMAN/GREYH reported within 48 hours Work for You! OUND MIX - spayed, of publication. The pubCall 704-664-5554 lisher assumes no re1 yr., brindle & white, BEST VALUE sponsibility for errors in “Madison.“ IN MOORESVILLE any advertisement for more then the cost of the Phone: 1Bdr/1Bath $400/mo advertisement. Cedars Apts., 550E. 704-878-5424 Nice 2-3Br w/stg bldg Statesville Ave, Walking For more info log on to good Stv area & nghbrs, Dist to Downtown, 3miles From Nascar School and type in refers.704-500-6986 Call 704-890-2141 or 28677 to look at photos Lovely 2bdr, 2bth mobile 704-662-7935 of adoptable animals. home with large deck, Pit Bull Terrier 6 mo.old. spacious lot, free water, BRENTWOOD all shots, yard/house pet. sewer & garbage pick APARTMENTS house trained. $75.704- up, in our clean quiet Move in Special park, near Davidson in 664-9324- evenings 1BD-$520.00 Iredell County. $250 de2BD-$615.00 Long hair, 5 year old Cat posit, $495 month. 704$175 deposit needs home. MOVING, 896-8546. behind Super Wal-mart can’t take with us. Indoor LN WF Denver area1,2,3 M-F 8:30-5:30 & outdoor. 704-799-2448 Br, partly furn. NO PETS. Sat 10-4, Sun Closed Lab/Rottweiler Mix- Free 704-483-3333, lv mess 704-663-6646 to a good home. Male, 1 www.phillipsmanage yr old. House broken. FRESHLY cleaned and painted, 2 & 3 Br, 2 Ba, Call 704-491-5335 W/central AC, spacious CORNELIUS DownKITTEN- Free to a good lots, $475 to $525. 704town, very large 5 room home. Black, female, ap- 674-3288 apt. 2 Br, formal Dr cenprox 5 months old. 7042 bdr, MH, private lot, ral heat & air. W/D conn. 491-5335 furnished, No pets. In Appl & water furn. Lease Full Blooded Stafford- Huntersville. 704-875- & dep. req. $675/month shire Pit Bull Puppies, 8 6667 704-892-9525 wks old (non reg), M&F, wormed, to loving home 2 bdrm 2bth mobile Corner of Broad St and only /no fighters! $150 home in quiet spacious Oakwood 2 Br 1 ba, lg park off Unity Church Rd Lr, private porch, $495 (704) 934-2626 in Kannapolis near, Moo- mo D: 704-871-8873; N: Free to good home- resville, $350. 704-855- 704-528-4701. Stsvl. Moving- need to find 1908 FOR RENT: 2 bdrm 1.5 good home for dogs- 2 females, mixed breed, (1 14x80 3 bdrm 2 bth vinyl bath townhouse on cor) 2 yrs , (1) 4 yrs old siding & shingle roof, wa- ner of South Main St. & good with kids & other ter, sewer, & garbage- Brawley St. Mooresville. .$650/moD- 704-517- Rent $600.00 per month. animals. 704-799-1105 Deposit $600.00. 6 0109. N- 704-483-5956 Free to a good home- 2 month lease. $20 appliyr old male Lab mixed & 14x60, 2bdr, water/sewe- cation fee. Call 704-3094 yr old female Golden r / g a r b a g e i n c l u d e d . 5564 or 704-663-4448 Retriever. Good dogs. $ 5 7 5 m o . D - 7 0 4 - 5 1 7 For rent Duplex, with 1 Need room to run. Would 0109, N-704-483-5956 like to go together. 704- $100 Deposit Special. acre lot on cu-de-sac, pets okay. $675 Call 664-9381 Very nice recently decor- 704-907-8484 Free Shepherd mixed, ated 2bdr, 1bth mobile male, approx 1 yr old. home in our clean quiet Historic Lowenstein, 2 br park near Davidson in 2 ba, $600-$750. 704704-660-1033 Iredell County. Water & 873-5269. CKC Pomeranians, 7 sewer furnished. $100 Mooresville- great neighwks old, vet checked, week. 704-896-8546. borh’d, restored, 1 Br, 1 shots and wormed. Sm ba, upstairs, appl. A/C. & beautiful. Black & Single/couple. $395. Dewhite. $275 cash only. 630 Mobile Homes for p . l e a s e / r e f . 9 1 0 - 2 0 1 Sale Call 336-921-4147 4264, lv message AKC BOSTON TERRIER Why rent, when you can MOORESVILLE’S BEST Top quality bloodline own a 3 yr old 3br, 2ba APARTMENT VALUE Vet check, shots & mfg home for under Country Club Apartwormed For more info $500. a mo. In great ments, 2 BR, washer call 336-591-4305 Stud cond. Over 1/2 ac land in dryer connections, appliService also available Statesville 100% fin. ances and water furn3 Mini Dachshunds AKC avail. $69,990. 704-264- ished. $520 per mo. 9256 Lease & deposit rereg. Info: 704-528-6480 WHY buy a mobile or quired. Pets welcome. 545 Sporting Goods modular home when you 704-663-6514. can stick build for as low Near I-77 Statesville 2br, Telemark skis Fisher Tel- as $50 per sq ft & only w/ WD hookup, garage epathic-190 with Voile $350 down! 704-664- underneath, hardwood releasable bindings in 5800 or 1-800-NEW- fls, 1 mo dep + 1 mo rent real good condition. HOUSE. $450. no pets. Students $200. Call 704-799-2979 The Madison is a True welcome 704-546-2935 POOL TABLE- 3 pc off frame Cape Cod with aft 6:30 pm Slate, all wood, no parti- 2,200 sq feet. It is being NORTH POINTE cle board. Has ball re- offered at a Factory DiAPARTMENTS turn, good quality 7’ with r e c t p r i c e o f o n l y ping pong table top. $62,995. This is a limited NOW LEASING offer. Phone toll free 1$850. 704-516-1010 SAVE MONEY ON ADS! 877-283-4344. Studio, 1, 2 & 3 bdrm Only one left at this apts. CALL CLASSIFIEDS price! 3 bdrm 2 bath. to find out about our Ranch style with saddle Call us to hear about Car Special! roof and a 21 ft covered our great specials. (704)664-5554 porch. 3 1/2 ton heat 704-878-0344 Like New, 7’ Sportscraft pump, furniture and deLane Management Turbo Air powered Hock- cor included. Sale Price is only $69,995. Ph 1ey Table with black light Spacious, 3 br,2 ba and electronic scoring. 877-283-4344. $150. 704-664-6268 L a n d / h o m e , F S B O , L i k e nearly new, appliances & newDW w/brick. priced water furnished. Storage Building. Deposit & refer555 Wanted To Buy to sell. 704-500-6986 ences required. $600/Lake Norman Area: 4BR, month. MGSD 704-663Timber wanted, Pine or 2BA with lot. Reduced to 0291 hardwood, 8 acs or more $47,900. 704-483-6451 Select or clear cut. Double your tax returns! Shaver Wood Products D-704-278-9291 N 704- Land home packages available! Call 704-678278-4433/828-430-8860 3285 for details. 560 Wood & Fuel CAPE COD 2134 sq ft now through March 30th PRECISION T R E E only $99,900, delivered, WORKS- Firewood for setup, 704-883-8228. sale seasoned, will deBeautiful 4br, 2ba w/juliver. Call 704-791-1977 mbo MBR with land! Unask for Jeremy der $610 month. 704Fire wood mixed hard- 678-3285 wood. Seasoned, split, 1/2 cord delivered. $60. 704-857-7051 Firewood - Hardwood for sale. 704-528-7418 Firewood for sale, all Approximately 1 acre of hardwood. $70 delivered. land with Brand New 4 704-363-6964 or 704- Bedroom, 2.5 Bath dou528-0810 ble wide home. Only Call FIREWOOD del avail $559.00 monthly. (888)583-9489 704-799-0755/902-0032 All the bells and whistles Firewood 1/2 Cord $50 Larry Ellis 704-528-9688 w/land in Troutman! 4Br, All seasoned firewood, 2.5ba modular Ready to $85 load, delivered. 704- move in! 704-678-3285 735-2057 or 704-460- A great place for the 6905 Kids! 3br, 2ba w/land under $500 month. 704565 Yard & Garage 678-3285 Sales A $1 and a deed is all you need to own your ESTATE SALE- White own home! Save up to Oak apartments, Field- $30K on your new home stone Rd. follow signs purchase! 704-678-3285 Sat. Jan. 29th. 8AM to 1 PM. Crystal glasses, lots 3 Br 2 Ba MH $3,500 of furniture. 704-562- obo. Info: 704-500-3571 8778 1994 Oakwood 3 bdrm 2 Moving Sale- Home furn- bth, set up in park with ishings, TV, stereo sys- deck & shed. $18,000. tem, CD’s, albums, com- 704-799-2939 puter & modem photo color printer, digital camera, 1 VCR, 1DVD, master bedroom furniture, guest room furniture, console glass table, clothing for size 6 women’s, fur coats, jewelry & misc. Down sizing, everything must go. Sat Jan 29, 9am-until. 637 705 Apartments Williamson Rd. The Harbor Point Village Condo 2 Bdrm, 1 bth, $450. Lytnext to Vinnie’s. Condo ton St. Troutman. 704#207. 663-3101 Builders 735 Condos 745 Kimberly James HomesCustom Builders. We have lots and/or plans available, or use your REDUCED! Wonderful own! More info: Kim @ lakefront condo in Cornelius. All Appliances. Pets 704-235-1442. OK. 2BR/2BA. $775/mo. BUILD a stick built home Cathey Harrison 704for as low as $50 per sq 662-9963 Newport Propft! Only $350 down! erties Many plans available. Call 704-664-5800 or 1- Publisher’s Notice Please read your ad 800-NEW-HOUSE. carefully. The Publisher reserves the right to edit, 725 Bus. Property for reject or cancel any adRent vertisement at any time. The publisher will not be RETAIL SPACE for responsible for purely tyLease at busy Hwty 16 pographical errors or location, all sizes, $1,00 misprints beyond cancelper square foot.704- lation of the charge for 308-0217 the space of the item affected. Errors must be Office Space For Rent: High Visibility Keyman reported within 48 hours Office fronting Brawley of publication. The pubSchool Road. $275/- lisher assumes no responsibility for errors in month. 704-662-0105 any advertisement for Huntersville more then the cost of the Sub-lease 1,000 Sq Ft advertisement. on Statesville Rd, Huntersville. Shared kitchen, MILL CREEK conference, bathrooms CONDOS and common area. 2yr • $78-$114K lease. . Call Rob at • Historic Cornelius. 704-659-2141, daytime. • Walk to Shops For Rent Office Space, • Single Level 2nd floor, Dyson Square • Pool and Fitness Shopping Center.Approx • $5000 Incentive! 2000 SF, central air & • 704-896-9712 heat, fully carpeted. able for living quarters in New Construction conjunction with office. 2 bths, kitchen area & mul LKN Waterfront (Corneltiple rooms. Refrigerator ius) Furnished Equipped stove ,W/D furnished. Condo- 2 Br, 2 Ba BeauWater & sewer included tifully remodeled. Set up in rent. $600/mo. 710 N. for corporate use, but not Broad St. Mooresville. limited. Fully Equipped, 704-528-3350 newly professionally deClass A office space corated, Monthly Chef, avail in LKN. I-77 @ Exit Monthly Cleaning; Full 33. Conv. to Hospital, Service on Call Butler inRestaurants & Hotels. cluded. Boat slip, pool, tennis, Flat screen TV Call 704-779-0330. TIVO, DSL, All utilities, A V A I L A B L E - L A K E Central Vac, HBO, New NORMAN AREA. Offices Appliances, Fireplace, and warehouses. Call Bamboo Floors, Views of 704-663-1563. Vineyard Point MariAttention Race Teams: na....more. $2200.00 per 6000 SF building Sand m. Small pet okay. Debast & paint area, office layne Raye Properties of area, full ac, 1 acre lot. North Carolina 704-4008885! P.S. We don’t sup$3500/mo. 704-880-5247 ply the boat you will need to bring yours! 730 Bus. Property for Sale Dvdsn Lndng top flr, end unit. 3BR, 2BA, 1430 NEW BUILDINGS FOR HLA. Great lake views! LEASE or sale. Ware- $224K. Kimberly James h o u s e / m a n u f a c t u r i n g . Team @ KW Realty. 704-235-1440. 704-663-1563. Mooresville- Prime commercial building corner lot, next to Lowe’s Corp. headquarters. Zach Stamey 704-491-4745 Great Investment. Commercial property recently updated & used as an office. BL0412B $132,200 Lakeland 704-663-5592 All cash vending route. $36,000 average per year. Cost $5000. 1-800-568-1392 or W/F Townhome, 2BR, 2.5BA, Boatslip-Deck, $950 mo + dep Helen Terpstra/Broker 828-4783219 W/F, Sherrills Ford, 2BR, 1Ba. Newly remodeled D/W mobile, great water, $850 mo + dep 828478-3219 Helen Terpstra/ Broker Rent to Own- Spacious 1 bdrm, 2 bth, $650/mo.low down payment. 704200-8886 Rent-To-Own Homes in Mooresville area. Low down payment. Owner financing. Call Robert 704-5742841 or 704-799-2250 Rent to Own by owner, Mooresville, Cedarcroft Village, 3 br, 2 ba, master down, 1596 sf, bonus room, gas FP, 2 story great room, walk-in closets in each Br. Incredible terms, applied rent. $132,900. $895/mo. 704662-3566 Rent/Rent to own, 3 br, 2 ba home, new furnace, .5 acre. Private, LKN Sch lake access. $1000. Mary 704-664-4297 Renting properties from a different point of view— YOURS! 276 Isle of Pines, M’ville 3 Br/1 bth duplex $725 140 Milroy, M’ville 3 br/2bth, Curtis Pond $895 18867 Vineyard Point, Cornelius, 2 br/2 bth condo $900 7580 Woods Cove, Denver 2 br/2bth, waterfront $950 110 Rolling Stone, M’ville 3 br/2bth, $1,100 132 Meandering Way, M’ville 4 br/2.5bth 2020 sq ft., $1350 249 Charter Oak Ct., Mville: 4 br/2.5bth, 2167 sq ft, $1,400 102 Riverwood, M’ville 3 br/2bth, waterfront, $1,500 Daytona Beach Rental 5-Star- 1br Condo w/Jacuzzi, 940 sf, ocean front, sleeps 4. For Speed Week 2/13-2/20, $1500. 423-384-6928. HOMEBUYERS AND INVESTORS!! Call us now to learn how we can help you buy, sell, or lease real estate! Cornelius Condo - Gorgeous New 2br, 2ba 1300 Sq. Ft., hardwood & custom tile floors, garden tub, fpl, stainless steel appls, 9ft ceilings, walk-in closets, custom paint, 2 balconies , security entrance, washer / dryer, pool & club house, pet neg. $735. mo 704-439-2838. RENTERS WANTED 2, 3, 4 or 5 Bedroom Homes Please call 704-489-1116 CLEMMONS CONDOacross from Tanglewood, lg 2BR, 2BA, FP, sunrm, West Park Ave.2 bdrm, 2 patio, pool, $104,500 bth, $850 /mo. $850/ Call 336-766-4259 336dep.Call 803-732-5967 403-3429 Waterfront ground floor Beautiful townhome in unit with boatslip in gated Vermillion. Well maincommunity. Call Suzie @ t a i n e d w i t h p r i v a t e Lk. Norman Realty 704- fenced and landscaped 451-7501 courtyard, gas logs in living room, detached gaWATERFRONT CONDO rage. Call Main Sale Re2 Br, 2 Ba Beautiful view, alty 704-895-5676 new paint, newer berber carpet, newer MA showFarms for Sale e r $ 1 4 7 , 9 0 0 N e w p o r t 740 Properties. 704-663Statesville/W Iredell 51+ 7779 Acres with over 2500’ on W a t e r f r o n t C o n d o - the S. Yadkin River. 2bdrm, 1bth, newly re- Priced to sell $225,000. modeled , hdwd. floors, Call owner 704-872-9502 marble countertops, f/p, cath. ceilings. Call 980- 250 ACRE PARADISE 3 722-4155 or 704-634- homes, 13 Br’s, 7 stall 4704 for corporate lease barn, equip.barn. Must see! $3,950,000. Newor lease. port Properties 704-6637779 Sunridge Place Townhomes 745 Homes for Rent in Mooresville • from $119,900 You Can rent a house • Charleston Look near Lake Norman in ( or Coastal-Look) Mooresville.only • Nature Trail $695/mo 2 Br, 2 Ba, • Sparkling Pool dishwasher, refrigerator • Garage Included included..Washer/dryer • 2 & 3 Bedroom hook up. 704-957-0710 • Spacious • 0 closing cost 704-660-6886 735 Homes for Rent Condos N E W LISTING! Rent - lakefront end unit Lake Norman/Catspaw, 3 br 2.5 ba. Boat slip. WINTER SPECIAL! j$1600 mo 704-450-4741 Beautiful Brand new Duplex now available. locatMotivated Seller- Moti- ed in Mooresville City vated Price! 2BR Town- limits. 704-634-1053 home 1200+ SF, great l o c a t i o n - l i k e n e w ! Waterfront- 3 Br, 1.5 Ba, $103,000 Newport Prop- $900 or 2 Br, 1.5 Ba, erties 704-663-7779 $750. 704-662-2171 Publisher’s Notice Please read your ad carefully. The Publisher reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. The publisher will not be responsible for purely typographical errors or misprints beyond cancellation of the charge for the space of the item affected. Errors must be reported within 48 hours of publication. The publisher assumes no responsibility for errors in any advertisement for more then the cost of the advertisement. Norman Hope Rentals 704-8728009/872-0078. 2 & 3 Br houses. Also, 1760 SF, close I-77/I-40 E. Stsvl. 3 Br 2 ba $800 mo. Nice furnished 1bdr mbl home in Msville. No pets. Water/sewer/garage pkup inc. $170 dep, $85 wk. 704-664-3030 Let Classifieds Work for You! Call 704-664-5554 NEW inside, kit., carpet, vinyl, paint, 3/2 br, great value, rent or lease to buy, $525/500. Caldwell St. Stsvl. 704-500-3210. Mt, Mourne/ Lake area Williamson Rd., 2 Br, 1 Ba Brick Ranch, approx. 1700 SF, 1-car car port, Hw flrs,some appl includ ed new paint/carpet, large wooded lot, excell cond. $725/,mo Ref. & dep.req Avail now. 704892-7338, 704-577-2746 Mooresville w/lake access, 3bdr, 2bth, nice neighborhood, 2 car gar, avail immed, no pets/smoking, sec dep req. $850 mo. 704-799-3611 How To Write an Effective Classified Ad Start your ad with the item for sale, service you are offering, or job title of the person you seek to hire. New LISTING! Be descriptive. The more information you provide to the reader, the better the responses will be to your ad. Always include the price of an item for sale. Avoid abbreviations. They make your ad harder to read and less effective. Use larger/bolder type, white space, borders, logos, decorative characters such as stars, to bring attention to your ad. Run your ad for an ample length of time. Remember as soon as you get results, you can cancel at anytime during regular business hours. Call 704-664-5554 Extension: 10-Kay Allen Extension: 12-Lisa Tarlton 147 East Center Avenue, P.O. Box 300, Mooresville, NC Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday 40069882_cm1 AUCTIONS AUCTION-TUESDAY August 3rd. Waterfront Estate on Historic James River Williamsburg, VA. Tommy Wagner Auction Company., Jerry Craig King 2907003147, JP King Auction Co., Inc. 2907003147. Call 1-800-558-5464. AUCTION-378+/- ACRES- High fenced trophy deer plantation. Offered divided. Executive home, beautiful homesites. Saturday, July 24th 10AM. SC Hwy 38, Latta, SC. 10%BP. 800-323-8388. Rowell Realty & Auction Co., Inc. SCAL#1577-f. BUS. OPPTY ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE. Do you earn up to $800/day potential? Your own local route. 30 Machines and Candy. All for $9,995. 1-800-8146077, MultiVend, LLC =PROFESSIONAL VENDING ROUTE/ Equipment/Income. Snacks/Soda/Water. Finance with as little as $2555 Down. Call 877-843-8726, Vendors Purchasing Agent Network OWN AN EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORSHIP! Unique & Exciting Sign/Graphics systems. Owners needed in NC, SC, VA. Sales experience and initial $5,000 investment required. Call ProMotion 919-796-6118. FINANCIAL CASH$$, CASH NOW For Structured Settlements, Annuities, and Insurance Payouts. 800-794-7310. J.G. Wentworth...J.G. Wentworth Means Cash Now For Structured Settlements. FINANCIAL SVCS TOO MUCH debt? Don’t choose the wrong way out. Our services have helped millions. Stick to a plan, get out of debt & save thousands. Free consultation. 1-866-410-0569. Freedompoint Financial. WE CAN HELP!! Behind on bills? Creditors calling? High interest charges? Want to buy a home or car? website: - Alliance Credit Counseling, Inc. Toll Free: 1-888-9957856. FOR SALE/EQUIPMENT MOORESVILLE TRIBUNE 13B RUN CLOSE TO Home! .41c per mile! Excellent Miles! Typically home weekends! New Equipment! Blue Cross/Blue Shield! 401K! Everything! Heartland Express 1-800-441-4953, www.heartl $1000 PLUS AVERAGE Weekly earnings! 47.5c/ Loaded to qualified OTR FB drivers with 2 years experience. Home most weekends. 800-8454932 ext 231, DRIVERS- NEED JOB? “No Experience Needed”. Star Transport Now Hiring Trainees In Your Area. $600-$900/week. No Out of Pocket Expense. Trainee Pay Available. 1-877-443-8289. NO MONEY? No Problem! $600-$900 per week. Class A CDL’s in 16 Days. Job Placement Available. Limited Positions in your area. Call Today! 1-877-554-3800. DRIVERS NEEDED- Company/Owner Operators! Late Model Conventionals! Up to $45,000/Year. Home Weekends! Good Benefits/ Orientation Pay. CDL-A with 2 years experience. Call Monday-Friday, 9:00-5:00, 1-800-824-7778. DRIVERS-BIG PAY! New 2c-4c/mile Increase! Hiring for All Divisions. Ask about Dedicated and Regional! Low Cost CDL Training Available. 1800-231-5209. DRIVERS- Driving school graduates needed! Tuition reimbursement. Up to 37c/mile. No waiting to upgrade. Pay on delivery. Guaranteed hometime. USA Truck 800-237-4642. C20040712062 H.Wtd/Truck Drivers DRIVERS-No New York City! Singles start 34c. Teams start 41c. Owner Operators & CDL grads needed. OTR, Dedicated & Regional. USA Truck 800-237-4642. DRIVERS- IMMEDIATE HIRE! Great Southeast OTR Freight! Great equipment and All benefits! CDL-A, 1 year T/T experience. Call Sunday or anytime 1-800-893-6791. DRIVER. Barr-Nunn Transportation. Owner Operator, Solos and Teams needed. Up to $1500 sign on bonus! Zero Down Lease Purchase Available! Home every other weekend! 866-207-5479. A1 TRAINING! Let Us Get You Hooked Up with 16 Day CDL Training. 100% Financing Available. Lifetime Job Placement Assistance Available. Call Now 800-398-9908. DRIVER-COVENANT TRANSPORT. Teams and Solos check out our new pay plan. Ask about our Regional Runs. Owner Operators, Experienced Drivers, Solos, Teams and Graduate Students. Call 1-888-MORE PAY (1-888-667-3729). SAWMILLS $2,695.00- LumberMate-2000 and Lumberlite-24. Norwood Industries also manufactures utility ATV attachments, log skidders, HEALTH/MEDICAL SVCS portable board edgers and forestry equipment. www.norwoodindustries-Free Information: 1- FAMILY HEALTHCARE w/Presciption Plan! 800-578-1363 ext300N. $69.95/month; Best network, Excellent coverage. No limitations, includes Dental, Vision, Pre-existFURN/HSHLD GOODS FREE DIRECTV SATELLITE System, and 3 Free ing Condition Ok! Call World Class Services, months of HBO, includes delivery and installation 1-800-288-9214 ext. 2351. HELP WANTED/JOB SERVICES with one year of service, call for details. 1-800352-9992, CONSTRUCTION WORKERS. Entry-level jobs, no experience, we train. Full-time jobs with beneH. WTD/SALES THE ROCKY MOUNT TELEGRAM needs a te- fits. Ages 17-34 with High School diploma, physinacious advertising sales rep. Existing accounts, cally fit. Call 800-662-7231 for local interview. LAND FOR SALE salary plus 3-tiered commission, full benefits, potential promotion, $30,000-$40,000. Ed Bry- Deep Waterfront! Coastal North Carolina. ant, (252) 407-9922. Grand Opening Sale! Save Thousands. Sat & SALES REPRESENTATIVES- WE are so confi- Sun 7/24 & 7/25. Prime, deep, dockable wadent in our leads we pay you to run them, even if terfront. Unspoiled shoreline, panoramic water you don’t sell. Are you a self motivated, positive views! Enjoy boating access to ICW, Sounds person? Are you presently earning $1000/$1500 & Atlantic! 2+ acre dockable WF, long pristine potential per week? Guaranteed income during shoreline- $99,900. 2+ acre water access, only training period. $2000 sign on bonus.We offer... a $39,900. County water, paved road, perc ok, solid training program with a guaranteed 2-3 pre- underground utilities. Low financing. For earliset qualified confirmed leads daily; with our “new” est, best appointment time, call now 1-800-732credit process means all leads are pre-approved 6601, ext 1259 before you run the appointments; management MTN PRTPY/SALE opportunities; unlimited income potential. Call BUY MOUNTAIN LAND Now! 5 acres, high Toll Free 1-800-943-4603, Monday and Tues- altitude, spectacular view, paved road, driveway, day, 9AM-4Pm, Ask for Bob Rogers-Craftmatic house site. $35,000. Owner financing. Bryson Adjustable Beds. City, NC. Call owner 1-800-810-1590. www.mou H.WANTED/TRUCK DRVR OWNER OPERATORS *COMPANY Drivers POOLS *Students - Are you looking for *A great company POOLS PRICES PLUNGING! Distributor to work for *Less Layover *More Home Time *Ex- Overstocked with 31’x19’ Pools which include cellent Benefits *60% Company Freight *Rider sundeck, fence, filter for only $888! 100% FinancProgram *Health Care Package *Permanent ing! Installation Extra. Homeowners! Call 24/7! Truck Assignment *OTR and Regional Runs. For 1-800-353-1427. Limited area. More Details, Call Howard Transportation 1-877R. ESTATE/LAKE/SALE 284-3332, Kenly, NC. LAKE GASTON VA/NC 350 miles shoreline, Free DRIVERS: CFI-REGIONAL Runs Available Lake Map/Buyers Guide. Tanglewood Realty, Box for Company Drivers and Owner Operators in 116, Bracey, VA 23919. www.TanglewoodRealty.c the Midwest and Northeast. Also, Hiring OTR, om 1-800-338-8816. Company, O/O, Solos, Teams. 1-800-CFI-DRIVE, R. ESTE/MTN/SALE NC MOUNTAIN SALE! Log Home/$79,900. 2,000 DRIVER: $ NEW PAY PACKAGE $ Up to square foot log home with big views! Mountain $55,000 in first/year. Flatbed & Van. OO & Company driver positions available. Great views from $14,900! Riverfronts on New River Freight/Miles. CDL-A and 1 year OTR re- from $49,900! 3,000+ elevation, easy accesss, quired. Call 877-560-8829 or apply online Excellent Financing! 800-455-1981, Ext.83. R.ESTATE MTN LAND SALE EOE. DRIVER- $1500 Sign-On Bonus, Start up to N.C. MOUNTAINS- New Log Cabin. Custom Built 39 cpm. Excellent home time, Full benefits, As- 1300 sq.ft. easy to finish cabin on 2+ acres with signed trucks. 6 Months experience required. beautiful views, small stream, river access. Only $74,900. Owner/Broker 828-625-4884. 800-441-4271, ext.-EM79. DRIVER: SOUTHEAST REGIONAL with Home Weekends, 33-36 cpm, 98% no-touch, excellent benefits, more. Must be 23 with Class-A CDL. 1 year OTR. 877-940-7600. Shaffer, CDL TRAINING- Zero Down--Lodging--New Team Concept--Guaranteed Employment If Qualified--Need 50 Experienced Drivers-Classes Start Every Monday--3 Week Course - 1-800-598-2972. DRIVER/OWNER OPERATOR- Stay Busy, .97c average. High fuel surcharge. Base plates. Great miles. Sign-on bonus. Lease Truck with low payments. Win a Show Truck, Call 800-569-9298. REAL ESTATE ATTENTION: FOR SALE By Owners. We will sell any house in Eastern NC for only 3.9%. Land, farm, commercial for 4.9%. Advertised nationally and 10 counties. Integrity Realty, 252-725-0743. Matthew 7:24. SATELLITTETV/MISC.FORSALE DIRECTV FREE 3 Rooms. System installed/ delivered free. Say goodbye to cable forever. Access over 225 channels. Best prices and customer service with one-year commitment. 800859-0440, FREE 4-ROOM Directv System Including Installation! 125+ channels, from $29.99/month with one year commitment including locals. 3 months H.WTD/NOTICES HIGH SCHOOL EXCHANGE STUDENTS HBO and STARZ 2 for 1. Shipping and Handling. arriving August need Host Families. Local Restrictions Apply. 1-800-208-4643 SCHOOLS/INSTRUCTION Representatives also needed to work with students/families. American Intercultural Student LEARN TO FLY at Lenoir Community Colllege Exchange. 1-800-SIBLING - Kinston, Eastern NC’s only FAA Approved, flight program. Financial assistance available. H.WTD/TRUCK DRIVERS DRIVERS-COMPANY: Excellent Pay package Classes begin August 18. Call 252-522-1735 or up to .38c excellent benefits. New Team Pay! Owner Operators .84cpm plus fuel surcharge. AIRLINE MECHANIC- Rapid training for a Excellent program. Lease purchase, zero high paying career-Aviation Maintenance. FAA out program. 1 year OTR experience Re- predicts severe shortage. Financial Aid- Job quired. No NYC or Canada. 1-800-948-6766 Placement Assistance. 888-349-5387, AIM- 6 Locations. TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING. 4 Weeks or 8 EARN YOUR DEGREE- Online from home. weekends. Job placement assistance, financing, Business, Paralegal, Computers, Networking, housing available. Call 800-315-8764. Transport and more. Financial Aid available, job placement Training-2 NC Locations: 145 LFI Complex Lane, assistance and computers provided. Call Toll free 866-858-2121. Lexington, NC; Highway 70, Selma, NC. NOW HIRING TRUCK Drivers: Howard Lisk, DRIVER/TRAINING- Millis Transfer Driving Inc. 800-438-7711. Two Weeks Vacation after 6 School. Only $500.00 Tuition, Lodging provided. months, Quarterly Bonus, Assigned Tractors, 8 Graduate in only 3 weeks! Guaranteed Job upon Paid Holidays, Recruitment Bonus, Rider Pro- completion. Call Now! Limited Class Size! 800gram, Direct Deposit, Health and Eye Coverage/ 937-0880. Prescription. STEEL BUILDINGS .43c per mile! Excellent Miles! Typically Home STEEL BUILDING SALE- Limited Time OfferWeekends! New Equipment! Blue Cross/Blue 30’x30’x10’ $5,985.00; 50’x50’x10’ $11,558.00; Shield! 401K! 95% No touch! 85% Drop/Hook! 100’x100’x12’ $33,995.00. All Steel- Any SizeEverything! Heartland Express 1-866-282-5861. 26-Gauge- FOB Plant- IBC2000- 20/10/90. 800-869-0532. Visit 40000591
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