HOW TO USE THE PLANWEB ONLINE ORDERING SYSTEM (QJOLVK 7$%/(2)&217(176 ,1752'8&7,21 *(77,1*67$57(' 2.1 2.2 2.3 Installing PlanWeb on your computer ...........................................................................................2 Logging onto the system ................................................................................................................2 Working with PlanWeb screens ....................................................................................................3 63$5(3$5725'(56 3.1 3.2 Placing an order .............................................................................................................................5 Reviewing an order ........................................................................................................................9 25'(552:%52:6(5 83675$&.,1*6(59,&( 63$5(3$5735,&(/,676 38//'2:10(186 Form pulldown menu ................................................................................................................................. 15 Edit pulldown menu ................................................................................................................................... 15 Tools pulldown menu ................................................................................................................................. 16 Sort pulldown menu ................................................................................................................................... 16 Show pulldown menu ................................................................................................................................. 16 Window pulldown menu ............................................................................................................................ 17 Help pulldown menu .................................................................................................................................. 17 &23<5,*+73/$10(&$ :HUHVHUYHWKHULJKWWRPDNHFKDQJHVZLWKRXWSULRUQRWLFH How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System ,1752'8&7,21 These instructions describe how to use the PlanWeb Spare Part Online Ordering System. Please read the instructions carefully before using the system. PlanWeb is an online ordering system which enables you to place new orders, search for your existing orders, view the Planmeca Spare Part Price Lists and, depending on your user rights, send customer feedback. The system provides you with real-time order process information and updated price lists at all times. By using this system you can order spare parts as listed on the Planmeca Spare Part Price Lists. No other articles or products can be ordered. PlanWeb utilizes the Security Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. This is a data encryption system which guarantees that all data you feed into the system is transferred via a secure data link. How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System *(77,1*67$57(' *(77,1*67$57(' ,QVWDOOLQJ3ODQ:HERQ\RXUFRPSXWHU To run the PlanWeb Online Ordering System, you will need: - Operating System Windows 95/98/NT/2000 - Web Browser Internet Explorer 5.5 or later - Microsoft Data Access Components MDAC 2.6 or later. NOTE Windows 95/98/NT users will need to download MDAC from Microsoft’s website ( or use the CD-ROM supplied by Planmeca. NOTE Windows 2000 contains MDAC by default. When you access the system for the first time, it will be installed automatically at logon. Follow the onscreen instructions to work through the installation wizard. /RJJLQJRQWRWKHV\VWHP To access the system, click the PlanWeb link on our website ( You will first be asked to enter the user code and password issued to you by Planmeca. Then click the Next button. NOTE Your user code specifies your user rights according to the customer profile that has been created for you by Planmeca. Each user can view and modify only his or her company’s orders. NOTE Your user code and password can be changed by Planmeca only. IMPORTANT User codes and passwords may only be used by the specified user. If a PlanWeb user leaves your company you should contact Planmeca without delay so that his or her user rights can be withdrawn. How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System *(77,1*67$57(' You will now be on the PlanWeb Main Page. Click the plus (+) sign to view all the PlanWeb functions that are available to you. NOTE Some of the functions shown here are not available to all users. To enter new orders into the system, or to review orders, double-click the Spare Part Orders icon (see section 3 “SPARE PART ORDERS” on page 5). To browse through order rows, double-click the Order Row Browser icon (see section 4 “ORDER ROW BROWSER” on page 11). To view the Planmeca Spare Part Price Lists, doubleclick the Spare Parts icon (see section 6 “SPARE PART PRICE LISTS” on page 14). :RUNLQJZLWK3ODQ:HEVFUHHQV The PlanWeb screens open on top of the Main Page. You can resize and reposition the screens so that you have easy visual access to them while working on your order. You can also resize any column in any screen, if needed. To reposition a screen, position the mouse pointer somewhere on the blue title bar at the top of the screen and then drag the screen to its new location. To resize a screen, position the mouse pointer on a screen border and then drag the border until the screen is the desired size. To resize a column, position the mouse pointer on a column line and then drag the line until the column is the desired size. NOTE How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System You can save the new lay-out of the screens by selecting the option “Save settings at exit” or “Save settings now” from the Window pulldown menu. Refer to section 7 “PULLDOWN MENUS” on page 15. *(77,1*67$57(' When you have more than one screen open you can change the focus from one screen to another by simply clicking your mouse on the screen you want to work on. The active screen will be shown on top, unless the screens are linked together like the Spare Part Orders and Spare Part Order Rows screens. If a scroll bar is displayed on the screen you can scroll the screen side-to-side (or up and down) to view the part of the screen that you are interested in. To do this, position the mouse pointer somewhere on the scroll bar and then drag the bar forwards and backwards (or upwards and downwards). How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System 63$5(3$5725'(56 63$5(3$5725'(56 NOTE In the PlanWeb Spare Part Online Ordering System, each order consists of two sections: general order information and the actual order rows. Both sections have their own screens: “Spare Part Orders” (general order information) and “Spare Part Order Rows”, and the two screens are always linked together. To place a new order, or to review an existing order, start by double-clicking the Spare Part Orders icon on the PlanWeb Main Page. 3ODFLQJDQRUGHU The Spare Part Orders screen appears on top of the Main Page. Use this screen to enter a new order into the system and to fill in general order information. Proceed as follows (steps 1-4): 4) CLICK ON UPDATE. 1) CLICK ON NEW. A black row appears on the screen. 2) FILL IN YOUR ORDER NUMBER IN THE CUST.ORDER FIELD. 3) FILL IN YOUR REFERENCE CODE IN THE CUSTOMER REF. FIELD (IF NEEDED). When you click the Update button (step 4) the Order Number field will be completed automatically. To clear the information you have filled in during steps 1-3, click the Undo button. How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System 63$5(3$5725'(56 To clear information after you have clicked the Update button (step 4), select the row that you want to cancel and then press the Delete key on your keyboard. You can now start feeding in order rows for your order. To do this, click the Order Rows button on the Spare Part Orders screen (step 5). 5) CLICK ON ORDER ROWS. The Spare Part Order Rows screen appears on top of the Spare Part Orders screen. To feed in order rows for the order that is currently activated (shown darker) on the Spare Part Orders screen, proceed as follows (steps 6-9): NOTE The “Spare Part Orders” and “Spare Part Order Rows” screens are linked together. If more than one order is displayed on the “Spare Part Orders” screen, always make sure that you have selected the right order before you start feeding in any order rows. 6) CLICK ON NEW. 9) CLICK ON UPDATE. 7) SPECIFY 8) ORDER QUANTITY. The first order row appears on the screen. ENTER THE ITEM ID DIRECTLY IN THE “ITEM ID” FIELD. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE ITEM ID, SEARCH FOR IT AS FOLLOWS: RIGHT-CLICK IN THE “ITEM ID” FIELD AND THEN CLICK THE “SELECTION DIALOG” BUTTON THAT APPEARS. IN THE “SELECT ITEM” WINDOW THAT APPEARS, USE THE PERCENT (%) SIGN TO SEARCH FOR AN ITEM ID, PRODUCT GROUP OR DESCRIPTION, THEN CLICK “FIND”. SELECT THE ITEM AND CLICK “OK”. How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System 63$5(3$5725'(56 Using search criteria in the Select Item window will narrow your search to a particular Item ID, Product Group or Description. For example, to search for Item 00002044, you can type in “000020%”, “%2044” or “%204%, i.e. any combination is allowed. Searches can be numeric (for example %204%) or alphabetic (for example %cover%) and they can be performed in any of the three columns displayed in the window. Click the Find button to perform the search according to the criteria you have typed in. Select the required item and click OK. Repeat the procedure (steps 6-9) to feed in your next order row(s). Note, however, that when you now click the New button the information in the currently selected row is used as basis for a new row. Select the product you want to order as described above. The total order sum will be recalculated each time you add a new order row. For certain products you will be requested to fill in additional information before the system will accept your order row. For example, you might have to specify the product color. Fill in the required information in the Info field. Note that you can use the Info field at all times for any product information you wish to add to your order row. Some products may include text or document windows that give you additional information or, in some cases, further instructions. This is indicated by a small t (for text) or d (for document) in the row. To open a text or document window on the Spare Part Order Rows screen, select the row and then choose the option Texts and Documents from the Tools pulldown menu. A window showing a list of all the texts and documents attached to this row will appear. Click the hyperlink (a link to open another window) to view the information. When you click the Update button (step 9) all other data in the order row will be completed for you automatically. To clear the information filled in during steps 6-8, click the Undo button. How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System 63$5(3$5725'(56 To cancel an order row after you have clicked the Update button (step 9), select the order row that you want to cancel and then click the Delete button on the Spare Part Order Rows screen. Once your order is complete, you can either close the Spare Part Order Rows screen (click your mouse on the small x button in the top right corner) or leave it open. If needed, you can print a copy of the order for your own records. To do this, select the option Print Order from the Tools pulldown menu on the Spare Part Orders screen. You can now view your order on one page - check that it is correct and complete. To print the order, click the small printer icon at the bottom of the page. NOTE 10) CLICK ON CONFIRM ORDER. NOTE 11) CLICK OK. The information displayed in the top section of the order form is filled in automatically by the PlanWeb system according to your customer data. You can view this data by selecting the option “Customer Information” from the Show pulldown menu. The customer data can be changed by Planmeca only. Finally, send your order to Planmeca by first clicking the Confirm Order button on the Spare Part Orders screen (step 10) and then clicking the OK button in the Order Confirmation window that appears (step 11). The Order Confirmation window shows a summary of your order. The system cannot confirm your order if you have not filled in all required fields. Instead you will be shown a list of the missing information. Fill in the missing fields and then confirm your order as described above. You have now sent off your order and you cannot change or delete it any more. The status of your order will now change from Input to In Process. At this stage your order can be changed by Planmeca only. When your order has gone through the handling process and left our factory its status will change from In Process to Delivered. At this stage you can follow your order using the UPS tracking service function (see section 5 “UPS TRACKING SERVICE” on page 13). How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System 63$5(3$5725'(56 5HYLHZLQJDQRUGHU In addition to placing new orders into the system, the Spare Part Orders and Spare Part Order Rows screens enable you to review your orders and follow their status whenever needed. Depending on the selected option in the Show pulldown menu (Open or All), the system will search for your open orders (orders that have not yet been delivered) or all orders (undelivered and delivered orders). Using search criteria on the Spare Part Orders screen will narrow your search to a particular order number or date, for example. First click your mouse in the appropriate field at the top of the screen and then enter your search criteria using the percent (%) sign. For example, to search for your order number V000342, you can type in “V0003%”, “%0342” or “%034%, i.e. any combination is allowed. Searches can be numeric (for example %034%) or alphabetic (for example %MRH%), and they can be performed in any of the columns displayed on the screen. Click the Find button to perform the search according to the criteria you have typed in. Alternatively, you can enter your search criteria using the inverted search function. The inverted search will display all information that does NOT contain the specified number(s) or character(s). To perform an inverted search, right-click in the appropriate field at the top of the screen, click the Inverted restriction button that appears and then enter the number(s) or character(s) that you want to exclude in your search. Click the Find button to perform the search according to the criteria you have typed in. NOTE Several columns can contain search criteria for one search, and the two search methods can be combined (percent search in one field and inverted search in another field). Orders with status Input can be changed or deleted (see section 3.1 “Placing an order” on page 5). Orders with status In Process or Delivered can not be modified. Orders with status In Process are currently in the handling process. Orders with status Delivered have left our company, and you can follow them using the UPS Tracking Service function (see section 5 “UPS TRACKING SERVICE” on page 13). How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System 63$5(3$5725'(56 To view the order rows that belong to an order, first select the order on the Spare Part Orders screen and then click the Order Rows button. The Spare Part Order Rows screen appears on top of the Spare Part Orders screen. The Spare Part Orders and Spare Part Order Rows screens are linked together: selecting another order on the Spare Part Orders screen will show the order rows for that order. Some orders or order rows may include text or document windows that give you additional information or, in some cases, further instructions. This is indicated by a small t (for text) or d (for document) in the row. To open a text or document window on the Spare Part Orders screen, select the row and then click the Texts and Documents button. To open a text or document window on the Spare Part Order Rows screen, select the row and then choose the option Texts and Documents from the Tools pulldown menu. A window showing a list of all the texts and documents attached to this row will appear. Click the hyperlink (a link to open another window) to view the information. How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System 25'(552:%52:6(5 25'(552:%52:6(5 Once you have placed orders into the system, you can review your order rows and follow their status using the Order Row Browser function. Start by double-clicking the Order Row Browser icon on the PlanWeb Main Page. The Order Row Browser screen appears on top of the Main Page. This screen allows you to browse through your order rows and check their status. Depending on the selected option in the Show pulldown menu (Open or All), the system will search for your open order rows (order rows that have not yet been delivered) or all order rows (undelivered and delivered rows). Use search criteria to narrow your search to a particular order number or product. First click your mouse in the appropriate field at the top of the screen and then enter your search criteria using the percent (%) sign. For example, to search for your order number F22334, you can type in “F2233%”, “%2334” or “%23%, i.e. any combination is allowed. Searches can be numeric (for example %23%) or alphabetic (for example %MRH%), and they can be performed in any of the columns displayed on the screen. Click the Find button to perform the search according to the criteria you have typed in. Alternatively, you can enter your search criteria using the inverted search function. The inverted search will display all information that does NOT contain the specified number(s) or character(s). To perform an inverted search, right-click in the appropriate field at the top of the screen, click the Inverted restriction button that appears and then enter the number(s) or character(s) that you want to exclude in your search. Click the Find button to perform the search according to the criteria you have typed in. NOTE How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System Several columns can contain search criteria for one search, and the two search methods can be combined (percent search in one field and inverted search in another field). 25'(552:%52:6(5 Some order rows may include text or document windows that give you additional information or, in some cases, further instructions. This is indicated by a small t (for text) or d (for document) in the row. To open a text or document window on the Order Row Browser screen, select the row and then choose the option Texts and Documents from the Tools pulldown menu. A window showing a list of all the texts and documents attached to this row will appear. Click the hyperlink (a link to open another window) to view the information. Order rows with status Input can be changed or deleted. Use the Spare Part Orders and Spare Part Order Rows screens to modify an order row (see section 3.1 “Placing an order” on page 5). Order rows with status In Process or Delivered can not be modified. Order rows with status In Process are currently in the handling process. Order rows with status Delivered have left our company, and you can follow them using the UPS Tracking Service function (see section 5 “UPS TRACKING SERVICE” on page 13). How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System 83675$&.,1*6(59,&( 83675$&.,1*6(59,&( You can use the UPS Tracking Service function to track orders that have left our company (status Delivered). Orders and order rows with status Delivered will be shown on the screens only if you have selected the option All (instead of Open) in the Show pulldown menu. The UPS Tracking Service function is available on the Order Row Browser Screen (UPS Tracking button) and on the Spare Part Orders screen (Tools pulldown menu>UPS Tracking Service). To find the order or order row you wish to track, use search criteria as described in sections 3 “SPARE PART ORDERS” on page 5 and 4 “ORDER ROW BROWSER” on page 11. Select the order or order row you wish to track and click on UPS Tracking Service. You will be linked to the tracking service site provided by the package carrier UPS. The UPS Tracking Service window will display all UPS shipments that match the number of the selected order. Note that Planmeca shipments carry the prefix “PM” before the order number (for example PM000342) to distinguish them from shipments with the same numbers from other companies. NOTE How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System The UPS Tracking Service function will find your shipment only if all required information is available. 63$5(3$5735,&(/,676 63$5(3$5735,&(/,676 The Spare Parts function allows you to browse through our Spare Part Price Lists and, depending on your user rights, check our stock availability. Start by double-clicking the Spare Parts icon on the PlanWeb Main Page. The Spare Parts screen appears on top of the Main Page. Use search criteria to find a particular product or product group. First click your mouse in the appropriate field at the top of the screen and then enter your search criteria using the percent (%) sign. For example, to search for Item “00001192”, you can type in “000011%”, “%1192” or “%119%, i.e. any combination is allowed. Searches can be numeric (for example %119%) or alphabetic (for example %cover%) and they can be performed in any of the columns displayed on the screen. Alternatively, you can enter your search criteria using the inverted search function. The inverted search will display all information that does NOT contain the specified number(s) or character(s). To perform an inverted search, right-click in the appropriate field at the top of the screen, click the Inverted restriction button that appears and then enter the number(s) or character(s) that you want to exclude. Click the Find button to perform the search according to the criteria you have typed in. NOTE Several columns can contain search criteria for one search, and the two search methods can be combined (percent search in one field and inverted search in another field). Some products may include text or document windows that give you additional information. This is indicated by a small t (for text) or d (for document) in the row. To open a text or document window on the Spare Parts screen, select the row and then choose the option Texts and Documents from the Tools pulldown menu. A window showing a list of all the texts and documents attached to this row will appear. Click the hyperlink (a link to open another window) to view the information. How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System 38//'2:10(186 38//'2:10(186 Pulldown menu Button In addition to buttons, each screen has a number of pulldown menus at the top. The buttons represent the key functions of the screen. The pulldown menus can be used to perform additional functions that will not necessarily be needed each time the screen is used. The pulldown menus vary slightly depending on the function of the screen. When you click on a pulldown menu a panel of options appears. A small black dot or tick in front of a menu item indicates that that option is currently selected. To deselect an option, click it with your mouse or, if available, select another option. Options that are currently not available are shown grey (instead of black). )RUPSXOOGRZQPHQX Save the data displayed on the screen (NOTE: “xml” means here that data will be saved in xml format; it does not mean orders in xml format.) Print the data displayed on the screen Close the screen (GLWSXOOGRZQPHQX Copy the rows you have selected Copy all rows displayed on the screen Select all rows displayed on the screen Copy the top section of the screen Clear search criteria How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System 38//'2:10(186 7RROVSXOOGRZQPHQX The Tools pulldown menu varies slightly depending on the function of the screen. This menu is from the Spare Part Orders screen. Same as the Texts and Documents button Same as the Confirm Order button Print the order for your own records Track shipments 6RUWSXOOGRZQPHQX The Sort pulldown menu varies slightly depending on the function of the screen. The selected option is indicated by a small dot. This menu is from the Spare Part Orders screen. Sort rows by Order ID Sort rows by Order Date (ascending - oldest first) Sort rows by Order Date (descending - newest first) 6KRZSXOOGRZQPHQX The Show pulldown menu varies slightly depending on the function of the screen. The selected option is indicated by a small dot. This menu is from the Spare Part Orders screen. Show open orders (undelivered orders) Show all orders (undelivered or delivered) Show Spare Part orders Show customer data (delivery/invoicing address, delivery/payment terms etc.) How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System 38//'2:10(186 :LQGRZSXOOGRZQPHQX The Window pulldown menu varies slightly depending on the function of the screen. This menu is from the Spare Part Orders screen. Same as the Order Rows button Same as the Customer Feedback icon on the Main Page Save the screen lay-out at exit Save the screen lay-out immediately Restore the original screen lay-out +HOSSXOOGRZQPHQX Open Help page for the active screen Show general information about PlanWeb Open PlanWeb Help pages How to use the PlanWeb Online Ordering System Head Office Planmeca Oy Asentajankatu 6 00880 Helsinki Finland Tel. +358 9 759 05500 Fax + 358-9-759 05 555 e-mail: Planmeca Germany Hindenburgstr. 158 D-22297 Hamburg Tel. +49 40 513 20633 Planmeca Denmark Egedal 1 C 2690 Karlslunde Tel. +45 46 155 251 Planmeca Middle East Al-Moosa Tower II, Sheikh Zayed Road P.O. Box 28826 Dubai UAE Tel. + 971 4 3327 668 Planmeca Italy Via Santa Rita da Cascia, 33 20143 Milano Tel. +39 02 891 22868 Planmeca USA 1250 Greenbriar, Suite A Addison, IL 60101 Tel. +1 630 953 2368 Group Head Office Plandent Oyj Asentajankatu 6 00880 Helsinki Finland Tel. +358 9 759 05200 Davis Healthcare Services, U.K. Summit House Summit Road Potters Bar Hertfordshire EN6 3EE. Tel. +44 1707 646 433 Plandent Sweden P.O. Box 134 12723 Skärholmen Tel. +46 8 979 730 AS Norsk Dental Depot, Norway Østensjøveien 40 N-0667 Oslo Tel. +47 2207 2727 Plandent Estonia Toompuiestee 4 EE 0001 Tallinn Tel. +372 6 311 307 Plandent Lithuania Gedimino g. 15 3000 Kaunas Tel. +370 7 323 227 Plandent/Protecta SIA, Latvia Brivibas Street 40, Suite 41 LV-1050 Riga Tel. +371 7 283 321
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