A Guide to Breastfeeding 1 Lactation Offices: Voice Mail: 513-585-0597 To schedule a breastfeeding class call: 513-585-HUGS If your questions concern medical advice or you have an emergency, please contact your physician or nurse midwife. Acknowledgments Table of Contents We wish to acknowledge the following for providing support and information in developing this booklet. Congratulations.......................................................................................... 1 Benefits........................................................................................................ 1 A Message to the Baby’s Father............................................................... 1 Breastmilk Basics: Anatomy..................................................................... 2 Before Your Baby is Born............................................................................ 4 Nipple Exam In the Hospital........................................................................................... 5 Exercises BREASTFED - the ABC’s Positioning Latch-on Cesarean Birth Signs Baby is Getting Enough Milk Sleepy Babies If Baby is not Breastfeeding Well After 2-3 days Breastfeeding at Home........................................................................... 14 The Early Weeks Adjusting to Breastfeeding: Overcoming Common Concerns............ 15 Family Adjustments Baby Blues Sore Nipples Engorgement Plugged Ducts Mastitis Thrush/Candida Nutrition while Breastfeeding................................................................ 20 Special Situations and Other Concerns................................................ 22 Building and Maintaining a Milk Supply Fussy Baby Jaundice Leaking Feeding Schedules and Sleep Patterns Medications and Street Drugs Twins, Triplets and More Adoptive Nursing Babies with Special Needs: Downs Syndrome, Cleft Lip and/or Palate Expressing and Storing Breast Milk....................................................... 27 Hospitalized Baby Full-term Healthy Baby at Home with Mom Combining Breastfeeding with Work or School .................................. 30 Weaning................................................................................................... 32 Resources................................................................................................. 33 Books Supplies Organizations Feeding Diary........................................................................................... 34 • H elen Curless, RN, IBCLC, as the original author of this booklet. She has been an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant since 1986 and was the first person in the Greater Cincinnati area to be employed in this capacity by a hospital. Congratulations Benefits of Breastfeeding Breast Milk Basics: Anatomy Your decision to breastfeed is a healthy, rewarding and satisfying beginning for you and your baby. You and your baby are working together to fulfill many needs: nutritional, physical and emotional. • B reast milk is the best food for your baby. It has the exact nutrients needed for early development. Lactation = Breastfeeding The first few days and weeks are considered the adjustment period for both of you. Let’s not forget your partner, who is a very important part of the new family unit. A partner’s total support helps you to succeed and makes breastfeeding a family affair. • B reast milk has many antibodies, which lower the baby’s risk of allergies and illnesses including: respiratory infections, ear infections and gastrointestinal illnesses. • B reast milk is easy to digest and babies have less diarrhea or constipation. Many professionals note that breastfed babies have less dental and orthodontic problems later. Alveoli (milk-producing sacs) Montgomery Glands (secrete oils to cleanse breast) • B reastfeeding lowers the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). • Breastfeeding lowers the risk of adult-onset obesity. • Breastfeeding enhances a baby’s IQ. Remember in the days ahead that a few temporary concerns may occur, but with assistance, most can be overcome. THE REWARDS ARE WORTH THE EFFORT. The staff at The Christ Hospital Birthing Center will be happy to help - JUST ASK. This booklet is an additional reference guide for you. • B reast milk is convenient: It’s always the right temperature, always available and there is no need to transport bottles, sterilizers, etc. Congratulations and best wishes to your new family. A Message to the Baby’s Father And remember, babies love to breastfeed! Milk Sinuses (squeezed during sucking) • Breastfeeding is less expensive than formula feeding. • B reastfeeding lowers a mother’s risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis. Milk Ducts (transport milk) Areola (dark area surrounding the nipple) • Breastfeeding helps a mother return to her pre-pregnancy weight. • Breastfeeding enhances the bond between a mother and her baby. A father’s support can have a profoundly positive impact on breastfeeding and the encouragement of mom while she and baby are learning. Though during the adjustment period you will not be feeding the baby, there are many important contributions you can make to a mother and baby’s well-being. Holding your baby, rocking, burping, bathing and diaper changing can provide special time with the baby and relieve mom of these responsibilities while she is recuperating from birth. Your voice and skin contact will provide the baby with valuable bonding time and beneficial infant stimulation. In the early days after the birth, you can help monitor calls and visits so that both you and mom are getting the rest you need. Assisting with meal preparation and other household chores are other activities that can help. Fatigue, emotions and hormones (for mom) can make the first week feel overwhelming for both parents, but particularly for a new mother. Your loving support can be an anchor during this time of adjustment. 1 Milk Production Breast size is usually not related to the amount of milk produced. The amount of milk produced is based on regular stimulation by proper breastfeeding or by frequent stimulation with a breast pump if mother and baby are separated. As the milk is being removed from the breasts, a message is sent to the pituitary gland to release prolactin into the blood stream. This hormone causes the milk sacs to secrete more milk. Breast milk goes through different stages of development. Those stages are as follows: 1. Colostrum - The first milk which contains protein, calcium, vitamins, small amounts of iron and fluoride, plus antibodies to fight infection. It may be white, clear or yellow and is present from the second trimester of your pregnancy up through the first few days postpartum. It is all your healthy baby needs. 2. Transitional milk - Combination of colostrum and mature milk that meets the needs of a growing baby. 3. Mature milk - May be various colors and while it may appear thin, it provides adequate nutrition for your baby. It is present after copious milk secretion. Normally by day four. 2 Breast Milk Basics: Anatomy Before Your Baby is Born There are different types of mature breast milk: 1. O btain current information on breastfeeding. (See Resources on pg. 33) a. check with bookstores b. visit your library for books and tapes c. attend a Mother-to-Mother support group such as La Leche League (See pg. 31) d. Web sites. (See pg. 33) 1.Foremilk - The milk first received by your baby as he begins to breastfeed. It collects in the milk sinuses between feedings, is rich in protein, low in fat and looks watery. This satisfies a baby’s thirst. 2.Hindmilk - The milk received by your baby toward the end of breastfeeding on any one side. More hindmilk is available with each let-down reflex. This milk is higher in fat and promotes weight gain. It appears creamier and satisfies a baby’s hunger. 2. Attend a breastfeeding class offered by the The Christ Hospital. 3. Avoid washing the breasts with soap, as this can dry your nipples. It is important to allow the baby to receive both kinds of milk. Offer one breast until baby finishes and releases the grasp spontaneously, then burp and offer the other side. 4. If you have concerns about a medical condition, breast surgery, breast shape, pituitary gland disorder or nipple inversion, contact a lactation consultant and/or your physician for advice. Milk Ejection Reflex or Let-down Reflex 5. In the last month of pregnancy, many moms will shop for a nursing bra. Make sure the bra is supportive, fits correctly and is adjustable, to allow for fullness that will occur later on. As the baby breastfeeds, a message is sent to the brain to release the hormone oxytocin. This hormone acts on the milk sacs and causes them to contract and “eject” milk out to the milk ducts. The baby then begins to swallow more. This may happen several times in the course of a feeding. This same hormone makes the uterus contract during the feeding. This may or may not be felt as uterine cramps during the first few days after the birth. After a few days, some mothers say they feel a tingling sensation in the breast during the let-down reflex and leak from the unused breast at that time. This is also the cause of milk leakage when a mother says that she leaks at the sound of a baby’s cry. 6. A llow your breasts to air-dry after showering and also during the day if you are leaking colostrum. (If you are leaking colostrum, you may want to purchase breast pads that are not lined in plastic.) 7. Review page 37 for breastfeeding supplies. Nipple Exam Breastfeeding is often easier when nipples protrude (stick out). You may perform a simple nipple exam to determine this. Place your thumb and index finger at the 6 & 12 o’clock positions (top and bottom) at the edges of your areola (the darker area) and gently squeeze. If the nipple tucks inward, you may benefit from wearing breast shells. These shells can put gentle pressure on the areola to help draw the nipple out. You may wear them the last three weeks of pregnancy and then between feedings until the baby is breastfeeding well. Protrudes Flat Inverted 3 4 In the Hospital Exercises Gentle Nipple Stretching (Figure 3) These exercises may be used only after delivery. They are meant to take only a few minutes right before you breastfeed. For many women, they may not be necessary. USE AS NEEDED. Purpose: a. To increase elasticity of areola. Breast Massage (Figure 1) Technique: a. Place index fingers on either side of the nipple base at 9 and 3 o’clock position. (side to side) Purpose: a. To improve circulation, thereby decreasing swelling or engorgement. b. To make you familiar with what feels normal to you. c. Enhance milk flow with pumping or nursing. Technique: a. Support the breast with one hand. Use the other hand to massage the breast thoroughly in a stroking or circular massage manner, beginning next to your body and moving toward the nipple. b. To help reduce a tendency for the nipple to pull back. b. Stretch nipple and dark area out to each side by increasing the distance between your fingers. Repeat 10 times. c. Repeat stretching exercises all the way around the nipples. Figure 3 Gentle Hand Expressing (Figure 4) Figure 1 b. Overlap stroking until the entire breast has been covered. Repeat as needed. Gentle Nipple Pulling and Rolling (Figure 2) Purpose: a. To make the entire nipple more elastic to ensure baby will get proper grasp. b. To make the nipple more erect. Technique: a. Grasp immediately behind the nipple at 12 and 6 o’clock position. (top & bottom) b. Stretch nipple out until you can feel the pull. The nipple should stretch easily, like your earlobe. c. Roll stretched nipple between your fingers. Repeat several times. If your nipple doesn’t feel stretchy and the baby is Figure 2 having a difficult time grasping, do the pulling and rolling more often and for longer periods. If this exercise hurts, check to be sure you are grasping behind the nipple. If you are still unable to do this exercise, wear breast shells. Discard any milk that collects in these shells. Purpose: a. To relieve excess fullness and to soften nipple so baby can easily grasp areola (this may happen during the engorgement phase or before morning nursing if your baby slept through the night). b. To collect colostrum or milk to feed baby if mother and baby are separated for any reason. Technique: a. With thumb and first finger in a C formation, place them about 1/2 to 1 inch on either side of the nipple in a 12 and 6 o’clock position. Press back toward chest wall keeping C position. Do not spread fingers or bring them together at this time. b. With fingers back at chest wall, squeeze fingers together into an “O” position. c. R epeat three to four times in each clock position. You may see colostrum milk at tip of the nipple Figure 4 pores. If no colostrum is expressed, repeat exercises 2 and 3. It could mean that your fingers are not in the right place. The fingers compress the milk sinuses just as the baby compresses these sinuses with his gums. Reposition the fingers one inch either toward or away from the nipple and try again. 7 5 6 B.R.E.A.S.T.F.E.D. Helpful Breastfeeding Positions B B egin breastfeeding within the first hour after you deliver when you and your baby are stable. Feeding cues are signs the baby is ready to feed. They include: licking lips, rooting, sucking on fist, moving the tongue or turning toward the breast. Cross Cradle or Cuddle Position R R ooming-in with the baby enables you to breastfeed every two-three hours. You are encouraged to keep your baby with you day and night. E E ffective breastfeeding occurs when the baby is latched on about one inch behind the nipple and sucks with deep jaw movements and long sucking bursts (approximately 10 sucks before brief breathing pauses) with swallowing heard more each day. A A wakening the baby to feed is often needed until the baby is gaining weight. After the first day, expect the baby to eat 8–12 times per 24hour day. S S upplemental bottles (and pacifiers) are discouraged in the first weeks, unless there is a medical or special need. The more the baby feeds properly, the more milk you will produce. • U se pillows and a footstool as needed. A footstool helps level your lap and gives you better back support. • Y our baby should face you when you’re feeding: (If your baby is on the right breast, hold that breast with your right hand; when feeding on the left breast, hold your breast with your left hand. • Hold your baby tummy to tummy. • S upport your baby by placing the palm of your hand between his shoulder blades. Place your fingers on either side of the head to stabilize his head and neck. • Y our baby’s nose should be at the level of your nipple before latching on. Football Hold or Clutch Position • Sit with pillows and a footstool as mentioned above. T T ry to offer one breast until the baby finishes and releases the grasp spontaneously. Burp and offer the other side. If the baby is no longer hungry, use this side first at the next feeding. • Place pillows at your side. F F eeding time varies. Encourage the baby to feed at least 10 minutes. He may suck longer (20-40 minutes) as he becomes more alert. Feeding should not be painful. If it is, take the baby off and latch on again. Ask for help while you are learning. • H old him so his bottom is against the back of the chair or bed. E E xpect two to three wet and soiled diapers per day in the first twothree days. By day three or four the breasts should become more noticeably full of milk. Wet diapers will increase to five to six per day. Stools will become yellow, loose and seedy (two-eight per day). D Deciding to breastfeed is a healthy choice for you and your baby! 7 Figure 5 • Tuck your baby under your arm at your side. • S upport the baby with your arm. Place your hand between his shoulder blades and make a neck support with your fingers to stabilize his head and neck. • K eep your baby close to you. His nose should be at the level of your nipple before latching on. These positions work best during the first few weeks. Figure 6 8 Latch-On Cradle Position • S it in a comfortable chair and raise your baby to breast level by using pillows. Getting the baby to latch-on correctly is an important step in successful breastfeeding. The baby must attach, or latch-on, properly to cause a release of milk and to prevent nipple damage to the mother. • Using a footstool levels your lap and helps support your back. • Place your baby tummy to tummy, facing you. Steps for proper latch-on: • Cradle baby’s head near the crook of your arm. 1. Prepare yourself by getting into a comfortable position. • Support his back with your hand on his hips. 2. A lign your baby so that you are in a “tummy to tummy” position. Refer to the different positions previously discussed. Align baby’s nose level with your nipple. • Support your breast with your free hand. • Y our baby’s nose should be at the level of your nipple before latching on. 3. H old your breast like a sandwich by placing your thumb by the baby’s nose and your fingers under your breast near baby’s chin. All fingers should be behind the areola, as shown in Figure 9. This will allow you to support your breast without your fingers getting in the way of your baby latching back far enough. Side-lying or Lying Down Position • Mom and baby should be on their sides. • Your baby is placed tummy to tummy. Figure 7 4. Gently tickle the baby’s lip with your nipple. He should begin to root. Keep repeating this until his mouth is open wide. When the mouth is the widest, quickly bring your baby’s mouth to your nipple. DO NOT let him latch on to just the end of the nipple, as this will be painful and can cause sore nipples. • Place a rolled blanket behind your baby. • Use pillows to support your back and head. • B aby’s nose should be at the level of your nipple before latching on. 5. Signs of a proper latch-on: These positions work best after mom and baby are more experienced. Figure 8 a. A ll of the nipple and at least one inch of the areola is in the baby’s mouth b. Your baby’s lips are shaped like “fish lips.” His chin indents the breast and his nose touches the breast. c. Y our baby’s tongue is over the lower gum. There are no clicking sounds while sucking. d. Your baby stays on the breast. His cheeks are full and do not pucker inward during sucking. e. You do not feel pain, only gentle tugs during sucking. f. H is lower lip should be close to the edge of the areola (at least 1 1/2” below your nipple). 10 Figure 9 11 8 10 Taking your baby off the breast If breastfeeding hurts, remove your baby and begin again or ask for help. To take your baby off the breast, slide your finger into the corner of his mouth between the jaws. Gently break the suction and slide baby off the breast. Do not pull the baby off the breast as this can cause pain and nipple trauma. Burp your baby and offer the other breast. Cesarean Birth and Breastfeeding Signs your Baby is Getting Enough 1. B reastfeed your infant in the recovery room as soon as you are able. If your baby is sick or premature, begin pumping as soon as possible. Most mothers can produce enough milk to nourish their babies. If your breasts enlarged during the pregnancy and you have no untreated thyroid, pituitary or hormonal condition, and if you have no history of breast surgery involving many milk ducts, then your colostrum should be enough during the first three days. On day three or four, your breasts will be noticeably fuller (maybe tight and lumpy). Sometimes this stage, which marks the arrival of your transitional milk, can be delayed. If you have a medical complication, you may not notice this fullness until later. In these situations, the baby must be monitored closely to make sure he is getting enough milk. 2. Y ou may breastfeed while the anesthetic or pain medicine is still in your system. 3. U se pillows for support and position your baby in the football hold to keep the baby off your incision. (See figure 6, pg. 11) 4. A fter you finish feeding on one breast, ask for assistance with positioning on the second breast. If your baby falls asleep after the first side, that’s okay too. 5. Keep your bedside rails up and the call light within reach. Burping the baby 6. Rest as much as possible between feedings. Try to burp your baby after feeding on each breast. Some air may enter the stomach during the feeding, and burping will bring the air up. If your baby did not get much air in his stomach while feeding, then he may not burp at all. You may burp your baby by putting him over your shoulder, by lying him belly down across your lap or by sitting him in your lap and supporting the chin. Gently pat or stroke his back with an upward motion until he burps. If he has not burped after a few minutes, perhaps he has not taken in any air. 7. Let someone else burp the baby. 8. E at well and drink plenty of fluids. Your diet will be advanced to solids when your physician or midwife sees that you are ready. 9. W hen you begin to sit in a chair for feedings, make sure you’re comfortable. Using pillows and a footstool will help. 10. Try to have someone spend the night with you. They can help by handing your baby to you, burping and by placing the baby back in the crib. If this is not possible, use the call light to ask for help. Although you can’t “see” the baby getting the milk, the following is a guideline to help you know if the baby is getting enough. • M ore swallowing will be heard each day. The tongue and lips will be moist. • After day 3-4, the breast will feel softer after the feedings. • T he baby will have periods of alertness each day and be easy to arouse. • By day 4-5, the stools should look yellow, loose and seedy. • After day 1, the baby should feed 8-12 times per day. • The baby’s wet and dirty diaper count should increase each day: Day 1–2 1–2 wets and 1–2 stools (bowel movements) Day 3–4 3–4 wets and 3–4 stools After Day 4 5–6 wets (disposable diapers) 6–8 wets (cloth diapers) 2–8 stools per day While all babies lose some weight at first, your baby should begin to regain weight by day four or five. Babies should not lose over 10 percent of their birth weight, and should regain to birth weight by the time they are two weeks old. During the first month, most babies should gain 1.0 ounce per day. 11 12 NOTE: Urine may be hard to notice in the first few days. Sliding a tissue into the diaper will make it easier to notice. Frequent stools are also very important. Keep a feeding diary until the baby is gaining well on breast milk alone, ie: four to eight ounces per week. If you have concerns about your baby, contact the baby’s health care provider. Sleepy Babies If Baby Is Not Breastfeeding Well After 2-3 Days Many newborns are sleepy for the first few days. This is common. Sometimes it is more pronounced because of medications they were exposed to while you were in labor. Don’t panic if the baby is not feeding often on the first day. The staff will monitor your baby. However, do take advantage of the times when he is rooting, alert, moving the tongue or sucking on his fist. When breastfeeding isn’t going as smoothly as you had planned, it’s easy to get stressed. Often your own sleep deprivation adds to this. Getting some extra sleep, arranging for further help after you are discharged and keeping a sense of calm can help you get through this period. Some insurance companies will pay for home nurse visits, visits from a lactation consultant in private practice or follow-up visits with a Christ Hospital lactation consultant. Call for help. These are early hunger cues. If the baby is sleepy or reluctant to feed, try taking your shirt and bra and his shirt off and placing his skin to your chest skin. (Place a blanket over his back.) Often this arouses the baby after thirty minutes or so. You can also rub his chin or back to keep him awake to feed. Don’t wiggle the nipple while it’s in your baby’s mouth. • medications from labor are still in their system While in the hospital, the staff is available to help you nurse if your baby’s sleepiness continues. If you are at home, and the baby is not breastfeeding often enough (at least 8–12 times in 24 hours), contact your health care provider. A baby can be sleepy from not getting enough milk (See pg. 12) or because he is moderately jaundiced. (See pg. 24) Most of the time we can identify the reasons you are having problems. The most common reasons babies don’t breastfeed well in the first three days are: • recovering from birth • inverted nipples • tongue-tie • overuse of bottles • fullness from fluid in the areola. With time these can usually be corrected. A mother whose milk supply is never established is rare. If you have a deeply inverted nipple, a lactation consultant may assist you with using a nipple shield. In these situations, close follow-up, use of a hospital-grade electric pump and assuring that the baby is fed are the three priorities. Some mothers whose transitional milk has not come in at the usual 72 hours after baby’s birth, have found that at day six or seven, it arrives. Keep the window of opportunity open by continuing to pump. Also see: expressing pgs. 27-29, latch-on pg. 10. Breastfeeding at Home The Early Weeks Note: If problems continue after the first few days of life, contact the lactation consultant. She can help you maintain your milk supply and the breastfeeding relationship when you are having difficulties. Your baby’s health care provider will recommend the type of formula to use if medically necessary. Learning a new skill and recovering from the birth of a baby can seem overwhelming at times. Be patient with yourself and your baby. 1. W hen your breasts begin to feel heavier, it is important to wear a well-fitted bra. Many mothers leak from one breast as the baby is feeding on the other. Disposable or reusable pads can help absorb leakage. To stop leakage, firmly press against the nipple with the palm of your hand or arm for about one minute. (Problems with extreme fullness, engorgement, are addressed on pg.17.) 2. O nce your baby is gaining weight on breast milk alone, you can let your baby set the schedule. This means you let your baby give you the cues that it is time for a feeding. Sometimes babies cluster feed (feed each hour for a few feedings in a row), and then sleep for a longer period of time. This is normal. If your breasts get uncomfortable it is always okay to wake the baby to feed, or you can pump. Expect that your baby will feed a minimum of eight times per 24 hours for the first six weeks or so. 3. A fter a while, most mothers find they are able to feed without the support of extra pillows or holding the breast through the entire feeding. Once your baby is gaining well, you may begin to offer an occasional bottle, if you choose. This may be expressed breast milk. (Remember that if you begin to use formula without expressing your milk, your milk supply will decrease.) 4. Be patient. Many mothers feel breastfeeding doesn’t become easy until after the first three or four weeks. Hang in there and seek help if you need it! 13 14 Helpful Hints As You Recover 1. B reastfeed while lying down. Keep your baby next to your bed. 2. L imit visitors and phone calls. Let someone else or an answering machine take calls. 3. K eep meals simple. Prepare some meals ahead and keep in the freezer. 4. Let others help with household chores or with preparing meals. 5. Nap when your baby naps. 6. U se an infant sling if your baby needs to be held while you’re trying to get light work done. Adjusting to Breastfeeding: Overcoming Common Concerns Family Having a new baby is a wonderful experience. Adjustments on everyone’s part will occur. The baby consumes a lot of a mother’s energy and time in the first month. Both partners and siblings can feel left out in the early weeks. Here are some tips to help adjust. Read to your older child. Give them a doll or a special gift. Spend time with them while the baby sleeps. Signs of jealousy will pass as they see your love and affection for them is unchanged. Having partners develop “special time” with the child while you are caring for the baby can be helpful. Partners can help by: • learning about breastfeeding and encouraging mom • screening calls and visitors • holding the baby during fussy periods to give mom a break • providing reassurance, TLC and back rubs • o rganizing meals and doing the shopping and other household chores • talking openly about concerns • bathing and rocking the baby Women may experience a temporary disinterest in lovemaking. It will resume as you become more rested. Breastfeeding prior to sex decreases milk leakage during sex. Sometimes a vaginal cream is necessary, as hormone changes can make the vagina slightly drier than usual. It is helpful to discuss your feelings openly with each other. You may want to plan time alone with each other. Another adjustment that takes time, is learning to breastfeed with others around. Once the feedings are going well, it is easy to be discreet by wearing loose tops or by placing a receiving blanket over your shoulder and baby. Pulling up your shirt from the waist, rather than unbuttoning the top buttons, is a simple way to stay covered. Baby Blues Many moms find that they are a little more teary-eyed than usual after the birth of their baby. This mild, short-term mood is often called “baby blues.” If you feel particularly depressed, with frequent crying bouts that are not improving over time, call your health care provider. If it warrants temporarily using an anti-depressant, there are several preferred medications while breastfeeding. If you have further questions about this, don’t hesitate to call us. 15 Sore Nipples If your nipples are sore: Sore nipples are almost always caused by improper grasp of the nipple. Latch-on MUST be corrected in these cases. This will increase your comfort and the amount of milk the baby receives. Before Each Feeding Other less common causes include: yeast infection of the nipple (see Thrush, pg. 19), a baby thrusting his tongue forward after excessive bottle usage (breastfed babies roll their tongues backward), a high arch to the baby’s hard palate (roof of mouth), or tongue tie (when the skin tag under the tongue is short or tight making it difficult for the baby to move his tongue in a way that allows him to latch-on properly and/or get enough milk when he breastfeeds). 4. R otate the way you hold your baby: cradle, side-lying, football (see pgs. 8 – 9). Football hold may give you more control of how your baby attaches to the breast. Ask the nurse, midwife, physician or lactation consultant to check your latch-on technique and assess your nipples and the baby’s mouth. Nipple blisters, cracking, bleeding and severe pain are not normal. Mild nipple tenderness may be experienced as you are learning, but even this should not persist. After Feeding 1. Use warm compresses for five minutes before latch-on. 2. N umb a sore nipple with ice for a few seconds immediately before breastfeeding. (Use ice wrapped in a cloth.) 3. Begin on the least sore side. 5. Pump for a few minutes to relieve over-fullness if this is preventing your baby from grasping deep onto the breast. (See pg. 17, engorgement.) While Feeding 1. P revent baby from pulling or tugging on the nipple by using the steps under Latch-on (pg. 10). 2. If the soreness is severe, it may be enough to warrant pumping instead of direct breastfeeding. Call the lactation consultant for help with choosing a feeding method which provides an alternative to using a bottle. 1. Express colostrum and rub into the nipple for mild tenderness. 2. A warm compress after the feeding is soothing. If your nipple also has a blister on it , this will allow the blister to open naturally. The blister may have clear fluids or a small amount of blood in it. This will not hurt your baby. 3. F or moderate to severe soreness, you may use anhydrous lanolin (ex: PureLan or Lansinoh, both are made for breastfeeders and safe for babies). Apply a small amount to each nipple. You do not need to remove this before the next feeding. Do not use this if you are allergic to lamb’s wool or lanolin. 4. F or cracks, other treatment measures may be advised by your lactation consultant, physician or midwife. 5. Air your nipples by leaving bra flaps down after feedings. 6. A void soap or alcohol on your breasts. Avoid breast pads with plastic liners. 7. Wear breast shells (with air holes) between feedings. (See pg. 33) The only lasting cure for sore nipples is to correct the problem. 16 Engorgement Plugged Milk Ducts Mastitis (Breast Inflammation or Infection) At birth, a woman experiences hormone changes that stimulate milk production. At about day three the breasts begin to feel fuller, heavier and sometimes tender and lumpy. (This is due to milk and extra fluids in your breast.) If you are breastfeeding frequently, this stage lasts about one – two days. At this point the milk doesn’t go away, only the extra fluid does. When the breasts become overly full, it is called engorgement. During this day or two it is necessary to soften the breasts by frequent feeding or pumping. Relief can also be obtained from the following: A plugged duct is a hard lump in the breast. Normally it is not accompanied by a fever and may be the size of a pea or larger. It can be located anywhere on the breast, including under the arm. It can be caused by skipping a feeding, the baby falling asleep before the feeding is over or by a tight fitting bra. Mastitis is another name for breast inflammation. It is usually accompanied by a fever or infection. Common signs include: redness, lumps, tenderness and flu-like symptoms such as headache, chills, nausea and vomiting. It usually involves one breast and breastfeeding can and should continue. In rare cases where both breasts are involved, your physician or midwife should be asked before continuing to breastfeed. The most common causes of mastitis are: fatigue, unresolved plugged duct or improper breastfeeding techniques. 1. A pply a warm, wet compress to your breast for about five minutes just prior to feeding. (Showering, wash cloth or warmed disposable diapers work well.) 2. If breasts are still uncomfortably full after feeding, continue to express the milk until the flow stops. 3. If your milk is not flowing when breastfeeding or pumping or you are still uncomfortable, apply cold compresses after feeding for 10-15 minutes. This decreases the swelling. You can use ice bags or bags of frozen vegetables, but protect the skin from direct application of ice or plastic. 4. M assage the breast with circular massage or stroking before and during feeding. 5. D o nipple exercises (pgs. 5 – 6) before feeding to soften the areola and stretch the nipple. Sometimes immediately after birth, the areola is full of fluid, making it too tight for the baby to grasp and compress. An exercise that helps this specifically is: with fingers together, place them at the sides of both areola and apply firm pressure against your chest wall for a minute or two. This forces extra fluid back into the chest. Complete this exercise by applying the pressure at each area of the areola, i.e. 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock and 9 o’clock. 1. A pply moist heat to the area. Massage the area just before and during the feeding. Use a circular motion for massaging. Treatment includes: 1. Get more rest immediately, bedrest if possible. 2. C all your midwife or physician for a fever or other symptoms that persist beyond 12–24 hours. Be sure to tell them you want to continue to breastfeed. 2. B egin feeding on the side with the plug. Hold your baby so that his nose or chin is pointing toward the plug to drain these ducts first. Leaning forward during the feeding may also help your milk to flow. 3. Breastfeed often, using the affected breast first. 3. B e alert to fever and chills which may indicate the beginnings of a breast infection. 7. If antibiotics are ordered, continue to take all of them, even though your symptoms may go away after a day or two. Most antibiotics are safe to take when breastfeeding, although some babies may have watery stools while you are on them. Check with your baby’s doctor if you are unsure about whether the medication you are taking is safe for him. 4. Contact a lactation consultant, physician or midwife if the plug persists for more than 12 – 24 hours or is getting larger instead of smaller. 4. Apply moist heat to the breast before the feeding. 5. Drink plenty of fluids. 6. C heck your temperature every eight hours. Take acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol) or ibuprofen (e.g., Motrin or Advil) as needed for pain and to reduce swelling. 6. H and or electrically express a small amount of milk to soften the areola, making it easier for the baby to latch deeply. (See Supplies, pg. 33, Gentle Expression, pg. 6) 7. D o not skip a feeding. Breastfeed frequently around the clock. Try to avoid unneeded supplements at this time unless the baby is not breastfeeding. 8. Call a La Leche League or a lactation consultant for help if needed. (See pg. 33) 17 18 Thrush/Candida Thrush is a yeast infection that may involve the nipples, the lining of a baby’s mouth and the diaper area. Common symptoms for a baby include white patches in his mouth and/ or a diaper rash. A baby is treated with anti-fungal drops and/or cream. Common symptoms for a mother include: a sudden onset of sore nipples when previously breastfeeding without soreness, a burning or shooting pain from the nipple deep into your breast both during and after feedings or itching of the nipples or areola. A mother may be treated with anti-fungal cream. If symptoms persist, she may be prescribed a pill that is taken for several days. If a mother has symptoms, usually it is necessary to treat the baby as well. You may continue to breastfeed. If you are pumping, give the milk to your baby fresh instead of freezing until you and the baby are symptom-free. Other treatments: 1. Change your breastpads often. 2. Wash bras in hot water with a 1/2 cup of white vinegar. 3. If pacifiers, artificial nipples or breast shells are being used, run them through a dishwasher or boil them for 10 minutes once per day. You may want to buy new ones after a week. 4. Wash your hands frequently. 5. D o not use any creams on the nipples, other than what has been prescribed. 6. Call a lactation consultant if yeast persists or returns after treatment. Nutrition While Breastfeeding While you breastfeed, continue the healthy, well-balanced diet that was recommended while you were pregnant. If you have been on a special food plan, consult a dietitian from The Christ Hospital for further guidance. You do not have to eat a “perfect” diet to breastfeed, but eating well helps keep you healthy and energetic and adds important minerals and vitamins to your milk. Your body burns about 500 extra calories a day making milk for a newborn. It is usually recommended that you take in at least 2,200 calories per day. For twins or multiples, 2,700 calories is the recommended. Use the basic food group pyramid and eat a variety of nutritious foods. 1. Cereal and grains. 6 or more servings/day Bread, pasta, grits, cereal, potatoes 2. Fruit. 2–4 servings/day 3. Vegetables. 3–5 servings/day 4. Protein. 2–3 servings/day Fish, nuts, poultry, peanut butter, eggs, dried beans, pork, beef 5. Fats and simple sugars. Use sparingly 6. Milk. 2–3 servings/day If you have a sensitivity to cow’s milk, eat other calcium sources: fortified orange juice, green leafy vegetables, tofu, liver, brazil nuts, almonds, yogurt and cheese. (You do not have to drink milk to produce breast milk.) 7. Liquids. 6–8 cups a day Drink enough fluids so you are not thirsty or constipated. When you are drinking enough fluid, your urine will be clear or light yellow. 19 20 Helpful Hints About your Nutrition Special Situations & Other Concerns 1. Taking your prenatal vitamin is helpful. Common signs of a food sensitivity are: 2. E ating raw fruits and vegetables provide valuable fiber and nutrients. Cooking vegetables for short periods in small amounts of water will also help preserve their nutrients. • B aby is fussy about six — eight hours after you’ve eaten a particular food. Building and Maintaining Your Milk Supply 3. S imple, handy foods can be quick and nutritious. These can be: cheese, yogurt, fruit, whole-grain bread, hard-boiled eggs, nuts, raw carrots, low-fat peanut butter on crackers. • B aby remains fussy for about 24 hours. 1. P ay attention to the latch. After breastfeeding is established, some babies start latching too close to the nipple. If this isn’t corrected, it becomes a habit. This means your baby is not compressing the milk sinuses close to the edge of the areola. (See pg. 10) There may be three consequences if the latch is not corrected: loss of milk supply, poor infant weight gain and sore nipples. 4. B reastfeeding moms can usually lose their pregnancy weight without much restriction of calories. Do not crash diet. If you can’t loose those “last 10 pounds” ask a dietitian from The Christ Hospital for guidance. 5. C affeine, nicotine and alcohol can affect your milk let-down reflex and thus decrease your milk supply. Limit intake of caffeine products such as tea, pop and coffee to no more than one-two cups per day. In excess, this can also make a baby fussy and wakeful. Some medications also contain caffeine. Be sure to read labels. Nicotine does cross into milk. If you have been unable to stop completely, limit yourself to under 1/2 pack per day. The less you smoke, the better. Postpone your cigarette until after you have breastfed and remember: no one should smoke around the baby. n occasional small glass of alcohol may be desired; ask your baby’s A doctor. However, larger amounts can affect the flavor and amount of milk you make. It can also affect motor development and weight gain in your baby. 6. Most mothers can eat any food without worrying that it will cause fussiness in a baby. If there is a family history of a particular food allergy, it would be wise for mom to avoid that food. The most common food to cause a problem is cow’s milk in the mother’s diet. Other foods are: citrus, some spicy foods, peanuts, vegetables from the cabbage family, broccoli, cauliflower, chocolate, onions, eggs and caffeine. Do not eliminate these foods if there is not a problem. • B aby may wake suddenly with obvious discomfort, passing gas and crying. • B aby gets a diaper rash or general skin rash, eczema or hives. • B aby develops signs of a cold: nasal congestion, mild wheezing. If you are concerned that the baby is reacting to something you ate, eliminate it from your diet for three — five weeks. Consult your baby’s doctor and a dietitian if problems persist. Remember that the more milk is removed from the breast, the more milk you produce. 9. S low weight gain. Consult the baby’s doctor and your lactation consultant about managing your breastfeeding. Have your baby weighed frequently. ometimes natural remedies S are used to increase your milk supply. (Brewer’s yeast and fenugreek.) At times a baby needs to be supplemented until your milk supply is higher. Some herbs/teas can be harmful. Consult your doctor and lactation consultant. here are several ways to T supplement breast milk or formula. One way is to use a Supplemental Nursing System (SNS) which attaches right to the breast so that the baby stimulates your supply while getting the extra calories and food. (See pg. 33) se a hospital-grade double U electric pump after feedings until your milk supply increases. This milk can then be fed to the baby with the SNS, syringe, cup or slow-flow bottle. 2. D on’t overdo the use of a pacifier. Babies need calories. Delay using a pacifier until breastfeeding is established. 3. Always allow the baby to feed on the first breast until active sucking and swallowing stops. Then offer the second breast. 4. E at a nutritious diet and drink plenty of fluids. Making milk uses calories. This is not a time to crash diet. Drink about six to eight glasses of fluid each day. 5. M onitor your medications. For example, some birth controls pills and sinus medications can decrease your milk supply. Check with your health care provider or lactation consultant. 6.Rest. Fatigue affects the let-down reflex, and thus the milk supply. 7. E liminate or reduce the use of cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine. In certain quantities, these have been found to reduce a milk supply and make babies fussy. 8.Growth spurts. These are periods of rapid growth in a baby. They occur often in the first year, beginning at about 10 days, again at three weeks, eight weeks, 12 weeks and six months (with some variation in timing). Babies are hungrier and eat more often. It takes about two to three days of more frequent feedings to increase your supply. 10.Have your baby examined for tongue-tie. If he can’t extend his tongue over the gum line, he may not be getting an adequate amount of your milk. Some babies gain well, but a mother may experience persistent sore nipples, which can diminish your supply. (See pg. 16) 11. Join La Leche League. This is a mother-to-mother support group. 21 22 Fussy Baby Jaundice Remember all babies have some fussy periods. Extra holding, rocking, use of a baby carrier (sling) and more frequent burping are all ways to calm a baby. Sometimes parents interpret fussy periods to mean that the baby is not getting enough milk. If your baby is gaining weight and having the proper number of wet and dirty diapers, your baby is getting enough milk. When you are in doubt, contact the baby’s doctor or a lactation consultant. (See pg. 22 about building a milk supply). Your baby may become fussy for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons are: • Y our baby may be going through a growth spurt and will breastfeed more often. These spurts last about two days and build your milk supply. • In late afternoon or early evening some babies want to eat more often. • Your baby may be reacting to something you ate. (See pg. 21) • T oo much lactose (sugar) from the foremilk may cause your baby to cry. Feeding longer on one breast provides more hindmilk, which is higher in fat. Pump as needed to stay comfortable. • Some baby vitamins can cause fussiness in babies. • Babies also cry when they are in pain. • A diaper change may be needed. • Your baby may be overly tired. • Over stimulation can also cause fussiness. See your health care provider to make sure there is no medical reason why the baby is fussy. Sometimes the term “colic” is used when a baby cries for long periods of time for no apparent reason. There are many theories about why some babies go through this. This crying may last from about two weeks of age to about three months of age. Some physicians will prescribe medicine to try to resolve the problem. Sometimes the only solution is time. Never give herbs or over-thecounter medicine to baby without discussing with the baby’s doctor first. You may need support and help to care for your fussy baby. Ask for help from family and friends and keep in contact with your baby’s doctor. Many parents have found it helpful to read the book, The Fussy Baby, by Dr. William Sears. Jaundice is usually a normal part of the adjustment to life outside the womb. The word means "yellow," describing the color of the skin. There are different types of jaundice: physiologic, which is naturally occurring and is usually mild; and pathologic, which is more severe; and feedingrelated. Naturally occurring jaundice usually does not occur until the second or third day of life. This type of jaundice is usually mild and can be prevented and treated by frequent breastfeeding and exposing the baby to indirect sunlight. Most of the time this jaundice doesn’t need any other treatment. At times, if the jaundice becomes moderate, artificial lights (phototherapy) may also be used. When jaundice becomes more significant, it is called pathologic jaundice. The most frequent cause for this type of jaundice is due to blood type incompatibility between a mother and baby. Occurring during the first day of life, phototherapy may be started and other tests may also be ordered. Since this type of jaundice is not related to feeding, breastfeeding may continue through the treatment. Contact your lactation consultant or health care provider should you need help. Lastly, feeding-related jaundice may be due to either inadequate breast milk intake or to the breast milk itself. This jaundice occurs by day three and can be managed by more frequent feedings, increasing milk production and assuring the baby is getting the milk. Water does not improve this condition. Breast milk jaundice, on the other hand, is possibly due to an unknown substance in some mothers’ milk. It usually appears after the fourth day of life in a baby who is otherwise feeding well and gaining weight. These babies may require phototherapy and/or formula supplementation. In rare cases, breast milk feeding may be interrupted for about 24 hours while the mother pumps to maintain her supply. When breastfeeding resumes, the jaundice very rarely returns. Leaking This is usually a temporary problem moms experience in the first eight weeks or if feedings are missed. Use breast pads in the bra. Pressing the palms of your hands or your arms over your nipples for about a minute will stop the flow of milk. Some moms carry an extra blouse, or jacket when they leave the house. Keep extra breast pads in the diaper bag. 23 24 Feeding Schedules and Sleep Patterns There are many friends, family, child care specialists and authors who say conflicting things on the subject of schedules, expectations about breastfed babies sleeping through the night and parenting ideas in general. While we can’t tell you the one right way to do things, we offer a few comments. During the first three to four weeks babies schedules are unpredictable. Sometimes they have their days and nights mixed up. Babies need to eat at least eight times a day, including at least once at night. Some feed 1012 times per day at first. By three or four months of age, they may have dropped a feeding or two and nurse seven to eight times per day. How can you make sure your baby sleeps well? There are no guarantees. Feeding often and having periods of playful time may increase the length of time your baby sleeps. You will need to accommodate your baby’s necessary comfort and hunger needs. Keeping night feedings business and not play and keeping a darkened, quiet atmosphere will also help. Most babies from all cultures breastfeed to fall asleep. While it is the norm, it is fine to experiment with laying a baby down awake. Use common sense, flexibility, instincts and compassion. Allowing a baby to cry himself to sleep is generally not the answer. The baby is counting on you to meet his needs. This is a big and sometimes overwhelming task. Medications And Street Drugs Most medicines cross into breast milk, but can be safely taken while breastfeeding. However, some require you to pump and discard the milk until you are off the particular medication. Consult your baby’s doctor before taking prescription or over-the-counter medicines. Most often a doctor can recommend an alternative medicine that would not interfere with breastfeeding. All street drugs cross into breast milk and can be extremely harmful to the baby. These drugs can stay in the baby’s system longer than an adult’s and can accumulate and make the baby very sick. Street drugs are unacceptable while breastfeeding. If you want more information about this, contact a lactation consultant. Twins, Triplets and More Adoptive Nursing These are special circumstances which will require patience and additional time to successfully breastfeed your babies. Some mothers choose to combine bottle and breastfeeding, while other moms plan to exclusively breastfeed. You must be flexible. Discuss your goals with your baby’s doctor and lactation consultant. Some multiples will spend time growing in the hospital before they can come home. If you have adopted your baby, there are ways to breastfeed. As soon as you know you are adopting and plan to breastfeed, call La Leche League (357-MILK) or a lactation consultant. The younger the baby is when you begin to breastfeed, the more successful you will be. Pumping and using a supplemental nursing system (SNS) are ways to help the baby learn to breastfeed and to build a milk supply. (See pg. 22) Patience, flexibility and guidance can help you move toward your breastfeeding goals. You’ve come a long way to get to this point! Some herbs may be helpful—ask for more information. When you plan to breastfeed more than one baby, it is helpful to begin by learning with one at a time. You will need plenty of individualized assistance. Feeding two babies at one time can be accomplished by most moms after each baby is breastfeeding well. Breastfeeding pillows (or extra pillows) can make feeding much easier. Keep a feeding diary and track feedings, wet and dirty diapers until all babies are gaining and you are meeting your breastfeeding goals. Resources include: books, tapes and meetings about breastfeeding multiples available through La Leche League (357-MILK), the hospital lactation consultant, Mothers of Twins Club (through La Leche) and the Triplet Connection. “Mothering Multiples” by Karen Kerkoff-Gromada is an excellent resource. Babies with Special Needs: Down’s Syndrome, Cleft Lip and/or Palate Babies with special medical needs benefit from breast milk. Whether your baby will be able to directly feed from your breast depends on the severity of his condition. Some babies with Down’s syndrome or a cleft lip may breastfeed right from the beginning. If your baby is not breastfeeding, be sure to begin to pump your breasts as soon as you feel able within the first day. (See pg. 27) Support and assistance are available to you. You should see the lactation consultant as soon as possible. La Leche League (See pg. 33) offers informative booklets about breastfeeding or pumping in your special circumstance. Medela also publishes Give Us A Little Time about breastfeeding/pumping for a baby with a cleft. You will need to work with a lacation consultant to make sure the baby is breastfeeding well. 25 26 Expressing and Storing Breast Milk Milk for Hospitalized Babies If your baby is unable to breastfeed after birth, we encourage you to begin pumping your breasts as soon as you feel well enough. Hopefully this can be within a few hours of the birth. Even if the baby is not eating yet, it is important to begin to prepare your body to produce milk. The hospital will provide you with the pump kit, labels and collection bottles and caps. Keep the pump kit. It can be used at home with a rented pump if you are pumping after discharge. While at the hospital, the nurse will show you how to use a double electric pump. Until you are producing enough milk for your baby, we may need to use a combination of your colostrum/milk and formula. When the baby is ready for direct breastfeeding, we will make every effort to help you succeed. The nurse and lactation consultant are there to assist you. 1. Begin by washing your hands. 2. T he first few times you pump, you may not get any milk. Your body is not used to responding to a machine. Give it time. Relaxation, soft music and some of your baby’s clothing or his picture may help milk flow. Heat helps make milk flow. Try using a warm wash cloth to your breasts or showering and breast massage before pumping. 3. P ump both breasts at the same time for 15 minutes every two to three hours. The goal is eight sessions in 24 hours. After you’ve had a good night’s sleep, we urge you to pump once every night as your baby will be eating at night, too. Your milk supply is highest at night. 4. B egin on minimum suction and gradually increase to a higher level. Pumping should not hurt. When your transitional milk arrives, about day three, you may feel uncomfortably full. Using moist compresses before pumping will eliminate this problem. When this happens, some moms find it necessary to use cold compresses for 10-15 minutes after pumping to reduce swelling. Call a lactation consultant if pumping hurts. 5. S it upright while pumping. At the end of the 15 minutes, lean forward and tip the funnels so that even small amounts of pumped colostrum/milk will drop into the bottle. Save any amount of milk that you obtain. You can combine the milk from each breast into one bottle. Cap and label it with your name, date and time you pumped and any medications you’ve taken that day. While you’re still hospitalized, send the milk to the nursery as soon as possible. At home, freeze the milk and then transport it to the hospital chilled. Fresh milk is preferred over frozen milk. Check with the baby’s nurse once feeding begins to see if you should continue to freeze the milk. 27 6. Once you are obtaining more than one ounce of milk per pumping, ask the nurses how full they would like to have the bottles. Sometimes we begin feeding your baby with only very small amounts of milk. Because we don’t like to throw away unused milk, it’s important that the bottles not be overfilled. Always leave space at the top of the container when freezing milk. Do not combine milk pumped at different pumping sessions. 7. In the hospital, the funnel pieces that go over the breast must be washed with mild soap and rinsed under hot water after each use. At home, they should also be sterilized by running it through a dishwasher or boiling these parts for 10 minutes once a day. After use at other times, wash in hot, sudsy water. The tubing does not come in contact with the milk and should not be washed. If you are not pumping into new, sterile bottles each time you pump, then the bottles will also need to be sterilized daily at home. 8. If the baby is transferred to another hospital, ask to speak to their lactation consultant or a nutritionist. If a lactation consultant is unavailable, be sure to obtain the information and equipment they use. 9. Maintain a good diet and drink plenty of fluids. You are encouraged to continue taking your prenatal vitamins. Limit caffeine to one cup per day. For more tips on nutrition, see page 20. 10. Some moms find after several weeks of pumping their supply decreases. Make sure you are pumping eight times a day, including once at night. Review your lifestyle. Are you getting enough rest? Have you started a new medication? Relaxing with soft music and an article of your baby’s clothing to see and smell can actually improve your supply. Speak with your lactation consultant about other ways to increase your milk supply. (Examples include: skin-to-skin contact, Brewer’s yeast and fenugreek. Check with your doctor/nurse midwife before using herbs.) 11. Keep in close contact with your baby’s nurses and doctors so they know you wish to be informed when the baby is ready to feed directly from your breast. Even before that time, babies can begin to be placed skin-to-skin, upright, between your breasts or nuzzle against your nipple in preparation to begin breastfeeding. 28 12. You may want to rent a breast pump. Rental is usually about $1-3.50/day. Always call ahead to make sure they have what you need. A deposit is often required. Some insurance plans require pre-authorization BEFORE you can rent a pump. The baby’s physician may sign a letter of medical necessity or a prescription that may help you obtain coverage. Check with your insurance company about this. They may also want you to obtain the pump from a particular vendor. Do not borrow breast pump equipment. Contact a lactation consultant for a list of rental places. Pumping, Storing and Thawing Milk for a Healthy Baby at Home with Mom For occasional pumping, some mothers hand express their milk into clean bottles. With the thumb and index finger at the edges of the areola, push back against your chest wall, squeeze the finger and thumb together and then release. Repeat until the breasts are softened. The advantage of using this process is that it takes no manufactured pump. The disadvantage is that it may take about 15-20 minutes per side to complete. (See pg. 6) Many types of pumps are now on the market. They vary in effectiveness and cost. Check with La Leche League or a lactation consultant about specific brands. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning before and after use. The baby’s doctor will provide you with recommendations on whether you need to sterilize bottles and nipples. 1. Store milk in small amounts to prevent wasting any unused amount. 2. Breast milk may be refrigerated for five to eight days. It is safe at room temperature for 6–10 hours. It can be kept in the back of a refrigerator’s freezer for 6 months or in a deep freeze for 12 months. 3. Glass is the first choice for storing frozen milk. You can also use hard, clear plastic containers or made-for-breast milk freezer bags, or cloudy plastic bottles. 4. It is not a problem to add breast milk to already frozen breast milk, provided you chill the milk first so as not to thaw the top layer of the previously frozen milk. Date the bottle and thaw the oldest milk first. 5. Use thawed milk within 24 hours. Do not re-freeze. You may thaw milk overnight in the refrigerator or by holding it under running warm water until it is brought to room temperature. Never use the microwave to warm or thaw milk. It destroys some of the nutrients and it can create hot spots that could burn the baby. 6. Before giving the milk to your baby, swirl it gently and drip some on your forearm to test for a suitable temperature. Gentle shaking will also mix the foremilk and hindmilk which may appear to have layered in the bottle. Combining Breastfeeding with Work or School Combining work or school with raising a baby is both challenging and rewarding. Some moms will have the flexibility to delay a return to these activities for three months or longer. Waiting this long makes it easier, but some moms must return to work sooner. The following are suggestions to make this successful. 1. B reastfeed often in the first weeks to assure your supply is well established. Postpone introducing a bottle for about three to four weeks, unless there is a medical necessity. Then begin to offer an occasional bottle of pumped milk to teach your baby to take a bottle. 2. Your milk supply is highest at night and first thing in the morning. Many moms pump about an hour after a morning feeding and then refrigerate this milk for later use. 3. There are three basic approaches to feeding while you work: • You can pump and have only breast milk given while you are away. • Y ou may choose to wean your baby at this time. (check with your baby’s doctor first- see pg. 32) • Y ou can breastfeed when you are home and have formula fed while you are gone. The risk of this is some babies may become reluctant to breastfeed when you are home, and since you are not pumping, your milk supply will decrease. If you are working part-time, this may not happen. 4. If you choose not to pump at work, begin to give a bottle for one feeding per day for about two weeks before you return to work. Give this during the hours you will be working. After five days, add another bottle and eliminate another breastfeeding, again during the hours you will be working. 7. It may be safest to discard leftover milk until further research on this topic is complete. 8. We recommend silicone, dripless or slow-flow nipples for babies under eight weeks of age. Check with your baby’s doctor about how much milk to give at each feeding. Below is a guideline for average feedings: By Age 0–2 months..... 2–4 oz. per feeding.........8 feedings per day 2–4 months..... 3–5 oz. per feeding.....6–8 feedings per day 4–6 months..... 4–6 oz. per feeding.....6–8 feedings per day 29 30 5. Double pumping cuts the pumping time to about 15 minutes. Cost and effectiveness often go hand in hand. Manual pumps or battery-operated pumps are not as effective as good brand electrics. Several companies make a full-size double electric. These can be bought or rented. You must buy kits to go with the rental pumps. The phone numbers for pump rental are: Medela (800-TELLYOU) or Hollister (800-3238750). Rentals range from $13.50/day. The cost to purchase pumps ranges from $60$350. Some pumps do not have good reputations. Ask around before you make your decision or use the brands your hospital uses, Medela or Hollister. 6. Pump one to two times a day for two weeks before you return to work or school. (See pg. 30 for storing breast milk) 7. M any moms find returning to work later in the week allows for a gradual adjustment. It may be helpful to discuss your desires with your boss, assuring them that this won’t interfere with your job. You will also need a private place to pump and a cooler or refrigerator to store the pumped milk. 8. Generally, you need to pump as many times per day as you would have been breastfeeding. For example, if the baby usually feeds twice during an eight-hour period, pump twice at work. An easy rule of thumb is to pump every three to four hours while you are separated from your baby. 9. Make sure no one feeds your baby an hour or two before you return so that you can breastfeed. (If the baby is fussy, a small amount can be given.) 10. Many moms report their supply is high on Mondays but tends to be low by Friday. If this happens drink more fluids toward the end of the week. 11. Sometimes your baby will want to breastfeed more when you are around. When this happens you may need help with basic chores such as preparing dinner. Being flexible and having a good sense of humor can go a long way! 12.Talk to mothers at work who have experience with pumping at work. They will probably have lots of tips to help you. 13. Stay in touch with your support system. They can be a great help. 14.Jot down your reasons for continuing to breastfeed. Lots of people will ask you about it. Take pride in those answers! See page 33 for book resources on this topic. Resources: The Working Woman’s Guide to Breastfeeding, Dana and Price. Breastfeeding Success for the Working Mom, by Dr. Marilyn Gram. These are available from the library or can be ordered through La Leche League (LLL) or the International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA). LLL has a working moms group, call 357-MILK for meeting information. 31 Weaning Breastfeeding for any length of time benefits your baby. (If you are thinking about weaning because the first week has been difficult, ask for help before making up your mind.) Sometimes weaning must be done abruptly due to certain circumstances. Contact a lactation consultant and ask for guidance in this situation. It’s easier if the weaning process is gradual. Babies then have time to adjust and mothers don’t go through painful engorgement. Gradual weaning can be accomplished by dropping one feeding at a time every five to seven days, over the course of several weeks. At about six months of age, you can introduce solids. It is important to breastfeed immediately before feeding your baby solid food. Some babies wean right to a cup and skip bottles altogether. Normally, a baby would not choose to wean prior to a year. If at some point in the first year the baby refuses to breastfeed (breastfeeding strike), it is usually temporary. With time and patience a baby usually returns to feed from the breast. It may be helpful to offer more skin contact during this time, and be sure to express your milk. Call La Leche League or a lactation consultant for advice during a “nursing strike” or if the baby bites during the teething phase. Some possible reasons for a “nursing strike” are: mother’s menstrual periods have returned and the supply may be lower, the baby may have a cold or ear infection or the baby may be teething. In this last situation, if the baby bites you while breastfeeding, pulling him closer to you usually makes him release his grasp. If he continues, take him off the breast and offer a chilled teething ring at this time. Babies are more likely to bite when they are easily distracted. When you are no longer hearing swallows after each chin drop, go ahead and take him off the breast. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding for the first year of the baby’s life, and acknowledges that it is beneficial into the second year. Breastfeeding a toddler has health benefits, too. The Christ Hospital wishes you well as you approach this milestone in your child’s development! 32 Breastfeeding Diary Resources Breastfeeding Books uggins, Kathleen. Nursing Mother’s H Companion and Nursing Mother’s Guide to Weaning. The Harvard Common Press, current edition. a Leche League. The Womanly Art of L Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding Supplies 1. B reast shells: Moms with sore or hard-to-grasp nipples may need breast shells. 2. Breast pads: These can help absorb leaking milk and are available in washable and disposable. Pads with plastic liners should be avoided. 3. N ipple Cream: PureLan and Lansinoh are the only creams recommended for breastfeeding mothers who are experiencing some tenderness. It is safe for the baby. A small amount is applied to the nipples after feeding. It is always important to correct the cause of the soreness at the same time. Avoid use if you are allergic to lamb’s wool or lanolin. Date Time Y/N Minutes Wet Each Side Diaper L R Keep a diary until baby is gaining weight. Record stools, wet diapers and swallowing over a 24-hour period. Y=swallowing heard N=no audible swallowing Stool Diaper Stool Color Date Time Y/N Minutes Wet Each Side Diaper L R Stool Diaper Stool Color ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Internet Websites: lalecheleague. org, breastfeeding.com, medela.com, breastfeedingonline.com. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ International Childbirth Education Association: 952-854-8660 or www.icea.org ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Sears, William. Night-time Parenting and The Fussy Baby. ewman, Jack. The Ultimate Guide to N Breastfeeding. aLeche League. Breastfeeding Your L Premature Baby. These books and more are available through the La Leche League (847) 519-9585, and may be found at many bookstores as well. Breastfeeding Organizations a Leche League (LLL): Local groups of L women who provide mother-to-mother support for breastfeeding. They are available by phone and have a monthly meeting each week around the area. (Locally they can be reached by calling 357-MILK.) The national number offers support at 1-800-Laleche. Their business number is 847-519-7730. They also sell parenting books as well as pamphlets, and sponsor both parent and professional conferences. Their address on-line is: www.lalecheleague.org ational Organization of Mothers of N Twins Clubs: www.nomotc.org The Triplet Connection: 435-851-1105 or www.tripletconnection.org hildbirth Education Association . C of Cincinnati: 513-661-5655 or www.childbirthclassesofcincinnati.com 4. S upplemental Nursing System (SNS): There are three types of SNS: the starter kit, the full-sized and the finger-feeder. This is used to feed the baby pumped breast milk or formula. The first two are attached right to the breast. The finger-feeder is used when the baby is not feeding directly from the breast. These are alternatives to giving a bottle in the early weeks. They can also be used for babies who gain weight slowly or for adopted babies. 5. N ursing bras: These should be at least 70 percent cotton. Use caution when considering an underwire bra. The wire should not be so restrictive that it could potentially obstruct the flow of milk. Medela makes bras in many sizes including F, G and H cups. 6. Nipple shields: These are not commonly used, but can be helpful when used with the guidance of a lactation consultant. Specific situations for use of nipple shields could include some premature babies, moms with inverted nipples or when your baby is reluctant to feed after several days. 7. B reastfeeding pillow: When a baby is placed on this pillow during a feeding, it can help support his weight and keep him positioned directly in front of the nipple. Moms feeding two babies at a time have found this very helpful. All of the above products are available through Medela (800-TELL-YOU). Some are available through Hollister (800-323-8750) and local baby specialty shops, department and discount stores. These two companies also rent and sell quality breast pumps. While there are many pumps on the market, not all have a good reputation. Ask other breastfeeding mothers or consult with La Leche League or a lactation consultant for suggestions before you buy. 33 34 Breastfeeding Diary Date Time Y/N Minutes Wet Each Side Diaper L R Keep a diary until baby is gaining weight. Record stools, wet diapers and swallowing over a 24-hour period. Y=swallowing heard N=no audible swallowing Stool Diaper Stool Color Date Time Y/N Minutes Wet Each Side Diaper L R Stool Diaper Stool Color Breastfeeding Diary Date Time Y/N Minutes Wet Each Side Diaper L R Keep a diary until baby is gaining weight. Record stools, wet diapers and swallowing over a 24-hour period. Y=swallowing heard N=no audible swallowing Stool Diaper Stool Color Date Time Y/N Minutes Wet Each Side Diaper L R Stool Diaper Stool Color ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 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