How to transfer EB8000 project to EBPro (eMT3000) The way to transfer EB8000 project: 1. Compress EB8000 project into cmp file. 2. Launch EBPro and select Tool/Uncompress. 3. EBPro will show the window below, for Uncompress select the directory of EB8000 cmp file and click [Uncompressing]. 4. After Uncompressing, click [Exit]. 5. Open the mtp file gained from uncompressing, EBPro will show System Parameter Settings window, in HMI model selection, select the eMT3000 type to be transferred into, click OK. Weintek Labs., Inc. 3F, 910 Chung Cheng Rd, Chung Ho, Taipei Hsien, 235 Taiwan Tel: +886-2-22286770 Fax: +886-2-22286771 Email: 6. After saving file, the versions later than EBPro V1.20 will show a warning dialog, prompting that the extension name will be changed from mtp to emtp. 7. EBPro V1.20 will save mtp file as emtp file, which is different from EB8000 mtp file for distinguishing. Note: It is recommended to backup EB8000 project before converting. The EB8000 files opened by EBPro will not be able to be opened by EB8000 anymore. Weintek Labs., Inc. 3F, 910 Chung Cheng Rd, Chung Ho, Taipei Hsien, 235 Taiwan Tel: +886-2-22286770 Fax: +886-2-22286771 Email:
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