Instructions on How to Fill in out SPring-8 Radiation Worker Registration Form (Form 5-1) All SPring-8/SACLA users are required to be registered as radiation worker on a fiscal year basis (from April 1 to March 31 of the following year). The registration complies with the Japanese Law. To be radiation worker at SPring-8/SACLA, you must submit the Form5-1(mail the original Form 5-1 or e-mail its PDF) by 10 days before you visit, and view a 30-minute long video instructing SPring-8/SACLA Safety rules upon arrival at SPring-8/SACLA. Once registered, submission of this form is not required for return visits within the same fiscal year. If your affiliation has changed during the fiscal year, you are required to terminate the registration and register again; please submit a "Registration Termination Form" (Form 5-2) and a new Form 5-1 without delay. Please note that you are not permitted to carry out experiments at the SPring-8/SACLA unless registered as a SPring-8/SACLA radiation worker. Radiation Worker Registration Form (Registration Application for FY Form 5-1 ) Date of Recent Radiation Safety Training To be Radiation Worker at SPring-8/SACLA, take radiation Fill in All Fields! and safety training at your home organization and fill in the Date of Submission(MM/DD/YYYY): PRINT or TYPE in English date of the training. The training is valid for one year; so Applicant please make sure that the scheduled date of SPringName: ID#: title last name first name mid init User card number 8/SACLA visit is within the validity period. You may be exempted from the radiation safety training if Gender: □M □F Signature: Date of birth: MM/DD/YYYY your radiation protection supervisor can certify that you Affiliation: possess sufficient knowledge and skills necessary for handing radioisotope and working with ionizing radiation; Div./Dept.: in such case, please fill in the date when the exemption *Date of recent radiation safety training (MM/DD/YYYY) was made. *Date of recent medical examination for radiation worker (MM/DD/YYYY) Scheduled date of SPring-8/SACLA visit(MM/DD/YYYY) Experience using SPring-8/SACLA : □Yes(previous radiation worker registration at SPring-8/SACLA : FY Date of Recent Medical Examination for Radiation Worker (The receiver should belong to the radiation management section or the labor management section.) To be Radiation Worker at SPring-8/SACLA, undergo a Scheduled Date of SPring-8/SACLA Visit Receiver: medical examination prescribed by Japanese law (See EnterAffiliation: a date when you are available to Div./Dept.: a.-d. below) at a medical institution, have your organizaattend SPring-8/SACLA Safety Training Address: tion confirm that all results are normal and provide the required by the Japanese law. Telephon: e-mail date of the medical examination. The results are valid for *The date should be 1 year before the scheduled date of SPring-8/SACLA visit. one year. Please note that if the date is not appropriate, *Application become invalid if the term between the date and the actual date to visit SPring-8/SACLA is over 1 year after submitting this form. we will contact you for verification. □No Applicant’s radiation dose report is sent to this address. I hereby certify that: 1. 2. 3. YYYY [Examination Components Required by Law] The above applicant has completed radiation safety training a. Interview with a doctor: history of previous radiation The applicant has undergone medical examination and was certified fit to commence working ionizing radiation. exposure, subjective symptoms The applicant’s occupational dose history records show that the radiation dose to the applicant is kept below the annual dose limit of 5 mSv/y. The applicant will submit the history records upon request. b. Blood test: hemoglobin or hematocrit level, red blood Radiation Protection Supervisor (or Division/Department Head) name Signature date I have given the above applicant permission to perform radiation work at SPring-8/SACLA. cell count, white blood cell count and differential count c. Skin test d. Eye examination (screening for cataract) Organization Name: Division/Department Head: name 登録日 Signature 安全管理室長 放射線 防護管理者 担当者 RIKEN Harima Branch Contact: Submission and Questions regarding Required Forms SPring-8 Users Office, JASRI email: Questions regarding Information Required on Form 5-1 SPring-8 Safety Office, JASRI email: date JASRI 利用業務部 Signature of Radiation Protection Supervisor Obtain the signature of your radiation protection supervisor responsible for managing and ensuring records of your radiation dose history, radiation safety training sessions and medical examinations for radiation workers. If your organization does not have such radiation protection supervisor, the signature of your div./dept. head is substitutable. Radiation Worker Registration Form (Registration Application for FY Fill in All Fields! and PRINT or TYPE in English Form 5-1 ) Date of Submission(MM/DD/YYYY): Applicant Name: ID#: title last name first name Signature: mid init User card number Gender: □M □F Date of birth: MM/DD/YYYY Affiliation: Div./Dept.: *Date of recent radiation safety training (MM/DD/YYYY) *Date of recent medical examination for radiation worker (MM/DD/YYYY) Scheduled date of SPring-8/SACLA visit(MM/DD/YYYY) Experience using SPring-8/SACLA: □Yes(previous radiation worker registration at SPring-8/SACLA:FY YYYY □No Applicant’s radiation dose report is sent to this address. (The receiver should belong to the radiation management section or the labor management section.) Receiver: Affiliation: Div./Dept.: Address: Telephon: e-mail *The date should be 1 year before the scheduled date of SPring-8/SACLA visit. *Application become invalid if the term between the date and the actual date to visit SPring-8/SACLA is over 1 year after submitting this form. I hereby certify that: 1. 2. 3. The above applicant has completed radiation safety training The applicant has undergone medical examination and was certified fit to commence working ionizing radiation. The applicant’s occupational dose history records show that the radiation dose to the applicant is kept below the annual dose limit of 5 mSv/y. The applicant will submit the history records upon request. Radiation Protection Supervisor (or Division/Department Head) name Signature date I have given the above applicant permission to perform radiation work at SPring-8/SACLA. Organization Name: Division/Department Head: name 登録日 安全管理室長 Signature 放射線 防護管理者 RIKEN Harima Branch 担当者 date JASRI 利用業務部
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