Morning News • Sunday, January 11,1998 — 5Q AROUNDTOWN T ne Morning News welcomes information from local artists about their exhibits. It Is the responsibility of the artist or the gallery where the works are beirg "shown to submit the information in writing to this newspaper at least 10 days before the opening. A date when the exhibition will end must be Included. ARTS Off THIVOUJt having a reception, * from 1-6 p.m. Jan. 11, to meet artist Helen Lea who Is coming from Kansas City to Introduce her now floral paintings. Tne new works will hang In the gallery until Fab. 6. Also, the gallery Is proud to represent to Savannah the work of Karen Vbumakls of Charleston, B.C., who doe* handprintad photographs. She won third pitta at the Terfair Art Show. Off The Wall J»«t 412 Whttakar St. Qatlary hour* are from 10 am.-6 pm. MondaySaturday and from 10 am.-l p.m. '.^Sundays. For more Information, call ' tail Levrtes at 2338840. SAWNNAH MUM RUNNERS "f Dessert Cafe of Tybae, In collaboration with Tybee Arts Association, presents "Tha Bakefs Palette," faaturtng a «fferent artist each month. The chefs choice for January Is Sandy Branam wrth her wetercotors and prints. Hours: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. WednesdaysMondays. The cafe is at U.S. 80 (1st Stoat) and Campbell Avenue on Tybae Island. Free admission. Call '786-8003 for more information. THE SAANNAH ART ASSOCIATION pn> aents an exhibition of works in "Black and White" by local artists. The free snow, in a variety of media, will be open to the public beginning with a 'reception at 4 p.m. Jan. 11. The show at the association's gallery in trustees Garden will continue through Feb. 7. Hours are 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday and 1-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Judging will be by local art professors and museum curators. Winners will be announced at the .opening reception. Call 232-7731 for further information. TWStSJNATURE «Aii£KY In City Market is having a special showing of the sculpture and drawings of Kevin Conton during January and February. Canton works primarily in cast bronze, ; and his subject matter ranges from nudes to portraits. He also exhibits detailed graphite drawings as well as small bronze studies of future sculptures. Conton is a professor of sculpture' and life drawing at Savannah College of Art and Design and a member of The Signature Gallery. He works In the gallery every Sunday and is available to discuss his work. . Hours: daily from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and . on Sunday from ll.a.m.-5 p.m. EAST END GALLERY — For January, the gallery is presenting the art work of Jim Ranklns, whose watercolors often represent memories of his rural childhood. Ranklns has spent more than 60 years as an Illustrator for major ' corporations. His art reflects his attention to fine detail and Incorporates his personal Impressions and often a sense of humor. The East End •.Gallery is open daily from 10 am-5 p.m. at 407 E. River St. One of the gallery artists is always on duty to meet the public and answer questions about the art. For1 more information, call 233-9244. THI SCHOOL Of VISUAL ARTS/YAWNNAN will host Multiple Hemisphere*.. ' a printmaking exchange exhibit by nine American and nine Argentine artists touring the United States and Argentina, Jan. l&Feb. 12. An operv • '• ing reception will be held from 5:30• 7:30 p.m. Jan. 16, at SVA's Main Gallery. 110 East President St. The free event Is open to the public. For ".' more Information, call 661-1280. Tfii JEKYU BLAND ARTS ASSOCIATION announced the exhibit at Goodyear Cottage Gallery for the month of January will be a rnuttWrwnslonal artistic experience. The ceramic work of Lan Poteszak of Jekyll Island wlH compHmant the painting and stained glass- art of Edward Ccwtay of New \tork State. The January exhibition at ,,lhe Goodyear Gallery runs through 'Jan. 31. The gallery hours are npon4 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 am4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. There is no admission charge. OAULERY 30B — Cindy Wallace and Dixie Moore's master of fine arts exhibition Is at Fey Fine Arts Center at Georgia Southern University from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday through Jan. 30. The exhibition is free. For more information, call (912) 681-6358. THE TEUWR MUSEUM OP ART offers the followir* three exhibitions through Feb. 15. Three Generations of African American Women Sculptors: A Study In Paradox features 50 sculptures by 10 African'Amertcan women representing more 'than 100 years of overcoming the persistent obstacles of racism, sexism and class structure. AbeWlonltt John Brown's ilWated 1859 •ttack on the U.S. Military Arsenal at Harper's Ferry, foreshadowing the Civil War, is documented In Jacob Lawrence's series of 22 serigraphs. While growing up as a young artist in Harlem, Lawrence had mentors such as Charles Aston and Augusta Savage, who is represented in "Three Generations." In Families In Wood and Clay: Sculpture by Persia Jennings, Jennings combines her background as an art student at Hampton Institute, then as art educator, In a medium she did not explore until after her retirement In the 1980s. How to get stuff in Calendar The Savannah Morning News and Carolina Morning News welcome Information for our Calendar listings. Night Clubs, Music, Theater and Audition listings appear In Friday Drverstons. Saturday and Sunday's Accent sections contain a list of area tourist sites and non-entertainment events. And Arts, Attractions and Classes/Taiks/Readlngs are listed In Sunday's Arts and Travel section. Information must be submitted IN WRITING by 5 pm one week prior to publication. Items without information such as date, time, place, sponsor, cost or phone number may not be used. The Calendar listings are free. The newspaper reserves the right to reject Items at the editor's discretion. Unsolicited Information or photographs cannot be returned. CLASSES, READINGS ft LECTURES Items for this calendarmust be received at least 14 days before the event. Only classes or lectures that are free or have a nominal coat will be accepted for publication. Nonprofit groups will be given priority. The cost must be included with the announcement. — Georgia Southern University's Division of Continuing Education and Public Service is offering a oneday interactive workshop identifying the components of successful special event planning, from 9 am.4 pm. Jan. 27. Whether you are planning an annual conference, regular dinner meetings, an appreciation program or a major social event, this noncredtt course can help by delivering proven strategies to produce a successful event that will be professional and memorable for the planning committee and guests. Cost of the course Is $55. and It will be offered in Georgia Southern University's Southern Center on Chandler Road, Statesboro. To register, call 681-5551. THE DOLPHM * THE MERMAID wW oreserrt a free demonstration of Valentine card design. The gallery's card artist, Jana Young, will demonstrate a variety of valentine card designs from the whimsical to the passionate. The demonstration will be held at 1 pm. Jan. 24 at 3121 River Drive, Thunderbolt. Free and open to the public. 351-9911. •fTRODUCnON TO SQUARE DANCMQ will be held from 7-8:30 pm Jan. 14 at Richmond Hill Elementary School. Call Charlie or Laurie Rice at (912) 920-4588 for more information. •S^BlS^aB^BkMS& SB^SBflaBBlh BBBaLS? PRESENTED Brs,..,.,.,.:...,.... COST: —w~~^..w. 'FOR MORE INFORMATION CAli:. Cut out this form and send Information to: Community News Desk • Savannah Morning News/Carolina Morning News P.O. Box 1088 Savannah, Ga. 31402 Or tax information to 912-2346522 26 p.m. $20. Sample Show — Free showing samples with class foe discount. Jan. 15.10 am.-7 pm Christmas Scrapbook — Jan 17,36 p.m., $12 includes kit for one page and protector. Rotary Cutting — Jan. 17,34 p.m., $10 refundable on future class. Beginner's Jumper — Four sessions beginning Jan. 19.6:30 pm, $35. Beginner's Quick Quilt Class—Start with the basics and make a complete wall hanging. Four sessions beginning Jan. 24,6:30-9:30 p.m., $40. Pocket Pages for your Scrapbooks — Jan. 25, 24 p.m., $15 Includes kits for one page plus protector. Holiday Hearts — Foundation pieced hearts for your table. Jan. 26,10 am., $15 includes pattern. Cross-Stitch on Unen — Jan. 27,10 am.-noon, $15 includes kit. Stamped Valentine's Cards. Jan. 28,6:30 THE DOLPHIN ft THE MERMAID will prep.m. $18 Include* kit for two cards . sent afreedemonstration of watercotand envelopes. or techniques by gallery artist Linda scetfwtt TAI CH) CHAUN Ray Undeborg. In the two-hour sesCLASSES/WORKSHOP will be offered sion, Undeborg will demonstrate "layfrom 6-7 p.m. Wednesdays, Jan. 28ering" of the transparent medium to Feb. 25, at The Dance Loft, 11W. achieve depth of color and effective Bay St. Presented by Tina Clark. The shade and shadows. She will answer cost is $37 for five weeks. A five' questions about watercolor techweek commitment is required to learn • niques. The demonstration will be consistency. Class size is limited. For held at 10 am. Jan. 17 at 1321 River more Information, 231-0405. Drive in Thunderbolt. THE PEDPirS LAW SCHOOL Is returnTHE TYBEE ARTS ASSOCIATION'S KEVS ing to Savannah from Jan. 2&March ART COLONY is a series of four work23, bringing opportunities for citishops for children ages 6-12. Topics zens to leam more about the legal will Include drawing, clay, sculpture system. The courses are taught by and collage. The workshops will be local attorneys who will cover a held from 10:30 a.m.-noon Feb. 7,14, broad range of legal Issues. The two. 21 and 28 at Old Tybee School. The hour classes begin Jan. 26 and concost Is $28 for all four sessions or $8 tinue each Monday evening for seven for an Individual class. Tybee resiweeks. The course Is designed to dents pay $20 for all four sessions or help citizens better understand how ' $6 for'an Individual class. For more the legal system protects and preInformation, call 897-1873. serves justice and fairness. To regisUPCOMINO CLASSES TO BE HELD AT ter, call the Coastal Georgia Center TWMOS, 5203 Waters Ave. For more at 651-2767. The cost of each sesInformation, call 35&0027. sion and the handout materials Is New England Rug Hooklrjg Demonstration $10 for each class, or $40 for all —10 am.-noon Jan. 31. Free demonseven classes. stration of this American art form is ART MSTORY UKTUM SERSW—The open to the public. Class size is limitTerfair Museum of Art presents a free, ed. Please reserve space early. eight-part Art History Lecture Series Cross-Stltch with Designer Lynn Teach — through April. The series will range 1-3 pm Jan. 31. Class will be on from ancient to contemporary westcross-stitching on linen with silk em art. Each lecture will be free to threads and beading accents. Fee for the public and presented at 3 pm. on class will include cost of materials. a Sunday. Seating Is available on a Class size is limited. first-come basis. For more InformaBaste Knitting & Crochet — Guyla tion. caH the TetMr Museum of Art Rlggto, instructor, 24 p.m. Fridays. Department of Education at 232Weekly classes covers the bastea 1177. Work on any project at your own Feb. IB — "From Royalists to Realists: pace. Weekly fee Is $5. plus the cost Art In the Age of Revolution." Hotly of materials. Koons, assistant curator of eduction, t Advance Knitting — Six Tuesdays, 5:30Telfair Museum of Art. 7:30 p.m. Jan. 2OFeb. 24. Learn March 22 — "The Foundations of Intends and duplicate stitch embellModernism: From Impreseionlam to ishment in this knitting class. Cubism." Diane Lesko, director, Students will work on a "River Telfair Museum of Art. Street" vest depicting Savannah's April 5 — "Everything You Always waterfront worked In many colors of Wanted To Know About Modem Art yam. The cost Is $5 per class, plus (But Were Afraid to Ask)." Christine the cost of materials. C. Neat, curator of fine arts & exhibiBasic Needlepoint — 24 p.m. Tuesdays. tions, Terfair Museum of Art. Learn the basics of this historic neeApril 19 — 'Trends/Issues In dle art In this ongoing class. New Contemporary Art." Julie McGutre, •stitch taught each week. The cost Is professor of art history. Georgia $5 for class, plus the cost of materiSouthern University. als. COLONIAL qUHTS CLASSES: All classes listed will be held at 11710-A Largo Drive. Must register ahead of time and pick up supply list. For more Information, call 92S0055. Beginning Cross-Stltch Class — Jan. 13. 10 a.m.-noon, $15 Includes kit. Beginning Silk Ribbon Embroidery Class — Jan. 15, 6:308:30 p.m.. $17.50 Includes kit. Super Bowl Mystery Quilt — All day class: bring a covered dish. Jan. 25. ATTRACTIONS MMHTV STH AM POROE HERmSE MUSfUM honors the more than one million men and women who have served In the 8th Air Force since It was created In Savannah In 1942, and Is now open to the public from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. seven days a week. It features a 100,000 volume capacity library, archives, memorial gardens, an art gallery, meeting and study rooms, a gift shop and a snack bar as well as a large exhibit area. The 90,OOT>square-foot museum is located'at the intersection of Interstate 95 and U.S. 80 (Exit 18) in Pooler. Admission Is by membership card or by purchasing tickets at $7.50 for adults, $6.50 for children ages 6-12. Children under six are admitted free. Group rates are available at $5.50 per parson for groups of 20 people or more. RALPH MARK ojuorr cm. MQMTS MUSEUM showcases Savannah;* dynamic role in one of the nation's most significant and critical eras: the Civil Rights Movement. Located at 460 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, the museum Is open 9 am.-5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sunday. Cost: $4 adults, $3 seniors. $2 students. 231-8900. CHATHAM COUNTY QAROEN 1388 Eisenhower Drive. This 1840s farm house, was relocated and restored as a center for developing landscaped gardens of interest to the area and educational purposes. The 10-acre tract provides a variety of seasonal plantings. Sponsored by Savannah Area Council of Garden Clubs. Open 10 am.-2 p.m. MondayFriday and by special arrangement. Cost: $3 adults for guided tour. 3553883. rm etoMiA HBTORKAL SOOSCTY, 501 Whltaker St. is open 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday. Call, 651-2125. MUSCUM Of COASTAL MSTORY and St. Simons Lighthouse is open seven days a week. Hours: 10 a m.-5 pm, Monday-Saturday and 1:30- 5 pm. Sunday. Closed on holidays. Admission prices: 12 and over $3, children 6-11 $1, and under six free. TKT CHURCH are available 10 a.m.noon on Wednesdays by appointment. 232-5526 or 233-7366. DAVENPORT HOUSE AND MUSEUM, 324 E. State St., Is open 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. daily. Walking tours on the hour and harfhoun last tour at 4 pm. each day. $4 general admission, $3 for ages 6-18, free for children under 6. 2364097.. Elf maiAM OLD JAM. MUSEUM. Pine and Early streets In SpringfleM, Is open 26 p.m. Sundays. Coat: Free, but donations are accepted. MRK, nine miles east of Richmond Hill, Is an example of a Confederate earthwork fortification. It has a museum, historical movie, tours by reservation, and camping. Open 9 a.m.6 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, and 25:30 p.m. Sunday. Closed Monday. $1.50 for adults, 75 cants for children ages 512. 727-2339. PORTPULAI U.S. 80 East between Savannah and Tybee Island, Is where. In 1862, defense strategy changed worldwide when rifled cannon first first overcame a masonry fortification. Museum exhibits, audiovisual program, bookstore, natUre trails, boat launching ramp and a picnic area are available. Open 8:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m. daily. Admission: $2. under 17 free. 7865787. tEDMMBLDMM HOUSE, Madison Square, was Gen. William T. Sherman's headquarters during the Union occupation of Savannah and Is the parish house of St. John's Episcopal Church. Open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. $4 for adults, $2 for students. 233-3845. STOmC RAUMMD SHOPS on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. These antebellum shops, a National Historic Landmark, recently designated as the official State of Georgia railroad museum, make up the oldest and most complete railroad repair and manufacturing facilities remaining in the United States. Operating HO model railroad layout, volunteer activities. Open daily 10 a.m.-4 p.m. for seifgulded tours. Fee: $2.50 adults; $2 seniors, students and military. 651-6823. NAH MUSEUM. 505 W. 36th St., has African carvings and other artifacts. Open 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment only. No admission charge. 2368644. ANDREW LOW HOUSE, 329 Abercom St., facing Lafayette Square. Open 10:30 am/4 pjn. weekdays; noon-4 pm Sundays; closed Thursdays and national hoddays. last tour at 330 p.m. Donation: $6 for adults; $3 for chHdren 6-12; rncludU* Girl Scouts and ScoU leaders, children under 6 free. 2336854. CENTER, 142 BuN St., Is open from 10 a.m.-4 pm. weekdays except Wednesday, 10 am.4 pm Saturday and 12:30-4:30 p.m. Sunday. $5 for adults, $4 lor children 6-18 and students. Free for children 5 and under. Discount for Giri Scouts. 233-4501. 330 Drayton St. is open 10 a.m.-5 pm. Tuesday through Saturday. Features historic Girt Scout memorabilia, gift shop and merchandise, and activity center for troops. Free. Troops should call ahead to register for activities. 2328200. EIOTME CENTER Of the Savannah-Chatham Public Schools. 207 E. Gottion St., has exhibits on Savannah's unique city plan; Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Victorian architecture; and a 19th century schoolroom. Open 9 am.-4 pm. Monday-Friday. Admission: $2.6517022. OATLAND ISLAND EPUCATIOli CENTER, 711 Sandtown Road, has a trail system, plant and animal exhibits, and a historic cabin site. Open 8:30 am-5 pm Monday-Friday and 10 am-5 pm. every Saturday. Admission is $2 per person ages 4 and older. 8973773. OWENS THOMAS HOUSE, 124 Abercom. featuring the nation's finest example of Regency Architecture. Hours: noon5 p.m. Mondays; 10 am-5 pm, Tues-Sst; and 26 pm Sundays. Admission: $7 for adults, $3 for students, $2 for children 6-12, $6 for seniors, and free for children under 6. Cail 233-9743. , 207 E. Chariton St., features restored and refurbished partoNeVel rooms as well as pictures and mementos of O'Connor. Open Saturdays and Sundays 1-4 pm. Admission free, donations accepted. 2336014. COASTAL HBVmBE SOCSHY/OU) PORT JACKSON MSTORIC SITE, 1 Fort Jackson Road, Is open 9 am.-5 pm, Monday-Saturday, noon-5 pm on Sunday. Special programs are offered at 1 pm, 2 p.m., 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 pm. daHy. Permanent exhibits relating to military and civilian life during the CM) War. artifacts from the CSS Georgia and an active calendar of events. Cost Is $2.50 for adutts and $2 for students, armed services members and senior citizens. Preschoolage children admitted free. 232-3946. MRJMMT MUSEUM, U.S. 17. In Midway features furnishings and artifacts from the 1752-1865 period. Hours am . 10 a.nx-4 pm., Tuesday through Saturday, and 24 pm. Sunday. Admission is $3 adults. $1 students. Group rates available. (912) 8845837. MCHMONPHU. MUSEUM, comer of Ga 144 (Fort Avenue) and Timber Trail Road, is what used to be the original kindergarten built by Henry Ford. There are pictures of Ford, artifacts and old car redes. There Is also a Plantation Room, Civil War Room and an Early Toots Room. The museum Is open every day except Tuesday and Wednesday. Hours are 9 am. to 3 » pm weekdays and 10 am. to 4 pm. weekends. Plwwn: T56-3ow7. SAVANNAH HBTORY MUSEUM at the Visitor* Center, 301 Martin Luther * King Jr. Blvd., displays Savannah's history and artifact* dating from its founding m 1733 through present day. Museum hours are 9 am,-5 pm. daHy. Museum admission: adults $3; senior citizens $2.50, children ages 612 $1.75. Group rates available. 2381779. MUSEUM, at the Ogeechee River at Bush Road and Ga. 204 (Fort Argyle Road) two miles west of Interstate 95, Is open for exploring of Its two brick locks and one-third mile-long tow and heel paths completed In 1830. Picnic shelter and rest rooms available. Free. Hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. seven days a week.. 7484068. SEAffJROOK VK1ASC, an AfricanAmerican Irving history museum. Is located 41/2 miles east of Interstate 95's exit 13 in Midway. Interpreters come from community families whose . roots go back over 150 years, from slavery, through the first days of freedom and land ownership, and finally to establishing success. Hours are 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. Call (912) 884-7008 for rates and reservations. SHIPS OF THE SEA MUSEUM, 41 Martin . Luther KJng Jr. Blvd. The William , Scarbrough House, built in 1819 for * the principal owner of the Savannah, the first steamship to cross the Atlantic Ocean, is the setting for a colorful exhibition of ship models, paintings and maritime antiques, with video presentations and a garden. Hours are 10 a.m.6 pm. TuesdaySunday. Cost: $5 adults, $4 students. 232-1511. SMMMSJSW MUVHP SUM PAHU Gs. Spur 204, Is on a barrier Island and oners picnic areas, nature trails, camping faculties and a JurtoOlymftosted swimming pool. Open WednesdaySunday, 11 am.-7 pm Other activities include videos, crafts and live demonstrations. The park Is open daily from 8 am-dark. Admission Is $2 per vehicle. 598-2300. SAVANNAH NATONJ three miles north of Port Wentworth. via Ga. 25 and S.C. 170. The Laurel Hill WIWMte Drive is open daily, sunrise to sunset. Opportunities for wildlife observation, photography, hik- • ing and biking. Free. 6524415/ THE TEUMR MUSEUM Of ART, 121 Barnard St. on Terfair Square. It Is the oldest art museum in the Southeast, M featuring a permanent collection of 19th and 20th century American and European paintings, prints, sculpture, decorative arts and a schedule of traveling exhibitions. Hours: 10 am.-5pm Tuesday-Saturday, 1-5 pm. Sundays, noon-5 pm. Mondays. Admission is $6 for adults and $2 for students, $5 for senior citizens, $1 ,. for children 6-12 and free for children under 6. Admission free on Sundays. 232-1177. fORT STEWART MUSEUM, at Wilson and Utility avenues at Fort Stewart, has the largest collection of captured Iraqi weapons and equipment In the country as well as exhibits of the Division's and the post's rotes in wars of the past. Picnic facilities are available at no charge. Hours are 10 a.m.-4 pm. Tuesday through Sunday. Admission is free. 767-4480 or 767- . 7885. TTBEE ISLAND MARME SCIENCE CENTER, 1510 Strand, at the .beach between 15th and Tybrisa streets. The center features an aquarium and sea turtle, shell and shark exhibits • and beach walks. Hours are 9 am.-4 pm. daily. Admission Is free with donations invited. 786-5917. TYREE1MHTHOUSE QAUERY, 30 Meddin Drive, Tybee Island, Is open noon-4 p.m. Friday-Monday, and offers work by local artists and craftsmen. The Tybee Island Art Association Is a nonprofit organization. Monthly meetings are held on the second Monday and are open to the public. Association membership is open to artists and non-artists. 786-5920. TVREE U8HTHOUEE AND MUSEUM, U.S, 80 East on Tybee Island, Is the oldest active lighthouse in the United States and has exhibits, a gift shop and an excellent view of Tybee Island and surrourKfng areas. The museum is in Battery Gartand of Fort Screven and . has military and resort history of Tybee Island. Tickets are $3 for adults, $2 for santor citizens and $1 for children 6-12.; Free for children under 6. 7865801. UMrVERSfTY OF QEOflQIA MARINE EXTENSION SERVICE AQUARIUM, 30 Ocean Science Circle, Skldaway Island, features tanks with more than 200 live animals representing 50 species of fish and Invertebrates. Other exhibits show historic and prehistoric uses of coastal resources. Educatlonatvldeos are shown Saturdays at 1 pm and 3 p.m. A nature trail and picnic area are behind the bulking. Hours are 9 anx-4 p.m. . weekdays, noon-5 p.m. Saturdays. Closed Sundays and holidays. General admission Is $1; children under 6 admitted free. 598-2496. WORMSLOE MSTORIC SfTI, 7601 Skldaway Road. Is the site of tabby ruins of a colonial fortified home built by Noble Jones. It Is the only surviving remains In Savannah from the Oglethorpe years. Facilities Include a museum, theater presentations, walkIng trails to ruins and a picnic area. Hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. TuesdaySaturday and 2 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Sunday. $2 for adults, $1 for children 6-18. Free for children 5 and younger. Closed Mondays except holidays; Monday holiday hours are 9 a.m.-5 pm. 353-3023. IARK VERJMER HOUSE Museum. 801 Bay St.. Beaufort. Is open 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. The museum Is closed to the public on Mondays, but will accommodate group tours on that date. Admission: $4 adutts, $2 students. Call In advance for group tours. (803) 5246334.
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