Farnborough Police Neighbourhood Watch Monthly Newsletter - July 2014

Farnborough Police Neighbourhood Watch
Monthly Newsletter - July 2014
How to contact us...
 999 - for emergencies or  101 for non emergencies
E-mail Farnborough SNT at farnborough.snt@hampshire.pnn.police.uk
Welcome to the July edition of the Farnborough newsletter.
Over the last month whilst basking in the beautiful weather and
the glory of the Farnborough Airshow it appears that
Farnborough has managed to avoid too much crime, although
several usual and annual issues have arisen.
There has been an increase in theft from motor vehicles in the
early hours of the morning, the thefts have been small items,
such as sunglasses, chewing gum and cash etc but all the
vehicles have been unlocked and the thefts are opportunist
thieves checking door handles for those open vehicles.
Don’t be caught out, lock and check your doors after every trip.
Further details can be found in the beat areas the newsletter.
Some businesses have also been targeted by opportunists;
usual modus operandi is that doors and windows have been left
ajar during office/opening hours because of the hot weather
allowing access by thieves to the back of premises where they
sneak in and steal handbags and stock. Don’t leave your bag
vulnerable lock it away.
August is expected to continue with hot sunny weather, please
remember thieves and burglars are always happy to take
advantage of an open door or window. Make sure you do a
sweep of your house before bedtime or going out to ensure you
haven’t left any open.
If you are lucky enough to be going away for a holiday over the
next couple of months please visit the Hampshire website for
sensible and practicable ways to protect your home whilst on
vacation. Hampshire Constabulary has re-introduced the key
holder system. The details are advertised in the newsletter with
full details.
Enjoy the rest of the summer crime free.
Farnborough has had a number of ‘scam’ callers pretending to
be from the gas, electric, water board etc. The offenders call on
elderly and vulnerable persons gain entry to their homes
professing to check water/gas supply etc. the offenders
frequently working in pairs, one encourages the occupant to
show mains tap and fuses whilst the other person helps
themselves to cash and jewellery.
The other current scam against residents and particularly the
elderly are from workmen offering roof repairs, driveways and
driveway repairs or tree surgery work. Initially quoting cheap but
charging hugely inflated rates when payment is due and on some
occasions frogmarching residents to cash-points or bank to
obtain their fees in cash.
Be a good neighbour, keep an eye on the elderly residents in
your street, report any suspicious or bogus callers and workmen
that you see in your street when working at elderly residents
homes (who are often too intimidated to report to the Police
Keyholder Registration Scheme
PS Kevin Futers
PS Jamie O’Brien
There is a new scheme for people to register their property details.
(minimum 12 months sign up - £24 for domestic residents and
£50 for businesses) by phone or by post. Online applications are
available at the link below and a paper application form is enclosed with this month’s newsletter.
The scheme, which is available to commercial companies and
private residents, was launched on July 1st 2014. It forms part of
Hampshire Constabulary’s commitment to protecting homes and
businesses in our county, keeping them safe and free from crime.
By registering for the service, the public will have peace of mind
knowing that their home or property will be looked after when they
are not there.
The public are encouraged to hand in
their forms and cheques to local police
stations to forward internally to Security
Systems and Business Support, Vickery
Building, Netley. Cheques are to be
made payable to the PCC for Hampshire.
Anyone can sign up for the scheme from only £2 a month
Further online details are available from
this link.
number of vehicle related incidents in the evenings. Local
enquiries have been carried out with residents around the
Pinehurst Car Park, the vast majority have noticed a
significant reduction in vehicle related noise/nuisance and feel
it is not really any issue at this time.
Your SNT team is PC Rob Dunster, PC David Carpenter,
PCSO James Charlton and PCSO Durga THAPA.
Upcoming Events:
Farnborough Police still have stock of some ‘Garage Defenders
(see photo below)’. These locks bolt into the floor in front of your
garage door to make it far more secure. These are £80 in the
shops but are available through us for £45. Contact
Farnborough.snt@hampshire.pnn.police.uk for more information.
On 5th August Police will be promoting the ‘buy with confidence’
scheme in conjunction with Trading Standards. Police will be in
Morrisons, Asda and Sainbury’s throughout the day.
Council Surgery’s still operate in Princesmead, the first Saturday
of every month, if you have anything you wish to talk to the local
councillors about.
Beat Priorities:
Burglary. One attempted dwelling burglary has occurred in
Cove Road this month. This is currently still under
investigation. It occurred overnight on 12th July into the 13th
July. If you saw or heard anything suspicious around this time
then please contact PC Matt McCarthy at Aldershot Police
Station on 101.
Monthly Statistics:
The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward
are shown below.
Cycle Theft. Theft Awareness Bikes (TABs) have been
moved around the Farnborough area to raise awareness of
cycle theft in hotspot areas. Local retailers now have
Immobilise.com registration forms. So if you’re buying a new
bike, ask them for a form and the Police will register your bike
for you for free.
ASB vehicles. Barriers at the car park at Farnborough Gate
retail park have now been repaired. This should reduce the
Veh Crime
Your SNT team is PC Mark Ranola, PCSOs Gordon Pengilley
and Nilam Rai.
Divisionary Action Groups (DAG).
A booklet with
information about the clubs and activities has been distributed
via schools, local shops and the library at Farnborough.
Local Police were heavily involved with Summer Community
Events, for example The Phyllis Tuckwell charity event opposite
the Churchill Crescent Shops and School Summer fairs. We also
attended a Career’s Event at the 6th Form College, Farnborough.
There has been slight increase in reports of anti social behaviour
which are mostly neighbour disputes and many were noise
related. Please be considerate especially after 11pm. In addition
to this, there has also been an increase in reports of rowdy
youths in Fairfax Play Park mostly after the hours of darkness.
Please call 101 whilst the youths are there so that if a police unit
is nearby, they can be dealt with.
Littering. Council and the Police are working together to
tackle issues with Fly-Tipping. If you notice anyone fly tipping,
please call 101 to report it.
Upcoming events:
To be announced.
Monthly Statistics:
The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward
are shown below.
Beat Priorities:
Burglaries. One distraction burglary where an elderly lady
was targeted. Someone came to the door claiming to be from
the Electricity Board to read the meter. He gained access to
the property and took some money and jewellery. Please be
aware of such activities and consider fitting a door chain. Also
please check and verify their identification.
Veh Crime
P a g e
Your SNT team is PC Lee Jeffers and PCSO Michelle Curtis.
Beat Priorities:
Speeding on Southwood Road.
Our Speedwatch
volunteers have conducted only one Speedwatch operation
on Southwood Road during July 2014 as the second date
was cancelled due to severe storms. On 11th July 2014,
Speedwatch checked the speed of 249 vehicles and
recorded the details of only 6 vehicles travelling above the
enforcement speed. These figures show a further fall in the
amount of speeding vehicles recorded and are pleasing to
see that the message is getting out.
There has been a theft of vehicle from Southwood this month
and several attempts on the same evening. We have two
suspects for this and the investigation continues. There has also
been several theft from vehicles and we are finding that people
are leaving their vehicles unlocked with valuables on display,
expensive sunglasses etc. As this has been the main focus this
month, I again include some advice around vehicle crime:
Vehicle nuisance. After some extensive intervention into the
nuisance vehicle issue in the Southwood area earlier in the
year, complaints appeared to halt for a couple of months.
However, recent information from residents in the Southwood
Road area is that we have a new group of racing motorcycles
and pimped up style vehicles are cruising at high speeds
along Southwood Road during the late evenings / early
hours. In an attempt to tackle this emerging issue, the Safer
neighbourhoods team are requesting residents to record as
much detail about these vehicles as possible and to forward
this to lee.jeffers@hampshire.pnn.police.uk
 Keep your car keys safe. Do not leave them inside your car
or in the ignition.
 Don't leave your keys in a coat pocket.
 Sports changing rooms can be targeted by thieves who look
for car keys left in coat pockets.
Make sure that your keys are not visible to other people.
Always make sure your car doors and windows are locked.
Park your car in a garage.
If you don't have a garage, try to park in a well lit, open
When using a car park, choose one that is well-supervised,
has entry and exit points, good lighting and security. Avoid
parking in dark spots. Look for Park Mark safer parking
Consider fitting security devices that are approved by either
Thatcham or Sold Secure.
All security devices should be fitted by a professional.
Consider fitting GPS or VHF tracking devices.
Upcoming events:
Beat surgeries continue on the first Sunday of every month
between 10 - 12am in Morrison's café. Please come along and
have a chat if you have any concerns.
Next crime prevention event is also planned for Morrison's on
Sunday 6th September from 10am for a couple of hours.
Monthly Statistics:
The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward
are shown below.
Veh Crime
Your SNT team is PC Andrea Shoetan and PCSO Mitch While
Speed Watch was also due to take place on both roads on 10
and 23 July, but unfortunately had to be cancelled due to poor
weather and sickness.
July has seen an increase in anti-social behaviour with 16
reported incidents so far this month. However a large number of
these are related to neighbour disputes, noise complaints and
parking issues.
Crimes of note. Theft of motorbike from a driveway in Clayton
Road occurred sometime overnight on Friday 25 July. Enquiries
are still ongoing, If you have seen or heard anything in relation
to this incident please contact Police on the non emergency 101
number quoting the reference number 44140267875.
Recent weeks has seen a series of theft from motor vehicles
throughout Farnborough. The majority of motor vehicles being
targeted have been left insecure. Please remember to lock your
vehicles and do not leave any valuables on show.
Burglary. There were no reported dwelling burglaries
throughout July.
Upcoming Events:
Beat Surgery being held at The Fox Public House on Saturday
2nd August 2014, between 10:00-12:00 hrs. Please come and
see us - everyone welcome.
Monthly Statistics:
The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward
are shown below.
Beat Priorities:
Road Traffic Offences Sandy Lane & Chapel Lane.
Speedwatch on Sandy Lane on 29 July. Speedwatch checked
109 vehicles and recorded details of 10 vehicles travelling
above the enforcement speed.
Veh Crime
P a g e
Upcoming Events:
Your SNT team is PC David McDonald, PCSOs Jenni
Lawrence and Matthew Tulett.
There are no future events planned at this stage.
The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward
are shown below.
Monthly Statistics:
This month we experienced the bi-annual Farnborough
Airshow, which we hope was enjoyed by all. There have been
very few incidents reported linked to the airshow, despite the
influx of many spectators from all over.
There has been a spike in the number of vehicles that were
seized due to being driven without valid insurance, valid tax or
without a valid license. Just a quick reminder to check that all of
these are valid. It takes two minutes to check, but causes a lot
of problems if you are caught when any of these are invalid.
There were 3 burglaries reported this month, enquiries are in
hand and each of them is being fully investigated by police.
Beat Priorities:
New priorities are still in the process of being decided. We have
already had a large number of responses, however we still
welcome more if people wish to contribute. If you wish to do so
please go to:
Veh Crime
anticipated at the next St. John's forum being planned for 23rd
September 2014, that this priority will be agreed as completed
and a new priority discussed.
Your SNT team is PC Lee Jeffers and PCSO Lisa Attwood.
As a result of the police investigation into some of the recent car
crime, two local teenagers have been charged with theft from
motor vehicles. The incidents occurred overnight on Wednesday
16 July on Sunnybank Road, Cripley Road and Chavasse Way in
the St. John's Ward area. Items including bank cards, loose
change and a sat nav were stolen from the vehicles. A 17-yearold boy from Farnborough has been charged with four thefts and
a 16-year-old boy from Farnborough has been charged with one
theft and one offence of tampering with a motor vehicle. The
boys have been bailed to appear at Basingstoke Magistrates
Court on August 6. Anyone with information about thefts from
motor vehicles in the area should contact SNT on 101.
Beat Priorities:
Anti Social Behaviour in and around the Pyestock Estate.
With the official opening of the new youth facility in Whetstone
Road and the continuing low level of ASB being reported in the
area, it is now apparent that the long term aims of this priority set
back in June 2011, to reduce Juvenile ASB on the Pyestock
Estate in the areas of Whetstone Road, Northcott Gardens,
Kenilworth Road, Melrose Avenue, Ladywood Avenue, Burge
Close, and Morgan Court by finding alternatives to children
causing ASB by playing in the streets, has now been met. It is
Developing Neighbourhood Watch. The new NHW scheme for
Woodlands Road is currently being registered with the RNWA
and this will be officially up and running by the end of the week.
Canvassing for a new NHW scheme in Collier Close has been
completed and we are now trying to identify a willing volunteer to
take on the role of coordinator. Canvassing in Maple Avenue is
still ongoing and we hope to have this scheme setup by the end
of August 2014. With several coordinators leaving from some of
our schemes and at this time not finding any replacements, there
are currently 3 schemes inactive in St. John's Ward. Not
including the temporarily inactive schemes, St. John's Ward has
51 NHW schemes with 1367 members.
Upcoming Events:
Beat surgeries are held on the 1st Saturday of each month
between 10 am and Midday in the restaurant at The Plough &
Horses public house, Fleet Road, Farnborough and on the 3rd
Thursday of each month between 3 pm and 4 pm at The
Partnership Building, rear of Whetstone Road Shops,
Farnborough. Please come and see us if you wish to discuss any
concerns in you neighbourhood.
Monthly Statistics:
The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward
are shown below.
Veh Crime
P a g e
aim of this priority would be to investigate the current concerns
by way of collecting speed data information on vehicles
travelling along West Heath Road and utilise this to take
appropriate speed education and enforcement action.
Your SNT team is PC Lee Jeffers and PCSO Harry CollinsHardman
There have been a number of reports of anti-social behaviour this
month throughout the ward, these have mainly focused on
excessive noise complaints. Reports of excessive noise coming
from a property can be reported to Environmental Health at the
Local Council who have suitable powers to deal with this issue.
A resident in Kingsley Road was formally dealt with earlier this
month for possession of a controlled drug after Officers smelt
Cannabis coming from the address. The local Safer
Neighbourhoods team are interested to hear from anyone who
may have information regarding drugs being used so that
appropriate action can be taken.
New Beat Priorities:
On 17 July the West Heath Ward held it's Community Forum at
Blunden Hall and the residents present raised 3 new priorities of:
1. To develop Neighbourhood Watch Schemes across the
Ward as a priority. The aims of this priority are to assist in
building safer communities, create better communication links
between communities, police, housing associations and local
authorities, and increase crime prevention awareness to help
reduce and detect burglary and vehicle crime offences.
3. ASB related matters in the Medway Drive area, including
youth ASB, drug related incidents, parking issues and
speeding vehicles on Medway Drive. The aim of this priority
would be to investigate the current concerns by way of
researching recent reports, conducting a community survey,
collecting speed data information on vehicles travelling along
Medway Drive and utilise all information sources to take
appropriate education / enforcement action.
Upcoming Events:
A Crime Prevention Surgery will be held in the car park area in
front of Medway Drive shops on 17 August 2014 from 6pm to
7pm for residents to come along and raise any concerns or
issues in the area as well as general crime prevention advice.
Monthly Statistics:
The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward
are shown below.
2. Speeding vehicles travelling along West Heath Road. The
Veh Crime
Newsletter Feedback:
We welcome your feedback and views on the style, layout and content of this newsletter.
Please e-mail your comments to Joe Conway, our Police Support Volunteer who coordinates our monthly
newsletter at joe.conway@hampshire.pnn.police.uk
Please direct any queries on local policing issues to farnborough.snt@hampshire.pnn.police.uk
Protect your bikes - D Lock them!
We have received a delivery of new Abus D-Locks with cable
packs which we can offer for sale at a discounted price. The
locks are the Silver Sold Secure Lever lock and comes with a
cable to secure the wheels (see picture). These locks have a
RRP of £39.99 but are available via SNT for £20 each. Unfortunately we can only accept cash for the locks.
P a g e
If you are interested in buying one of
these locks then please email:
and we will arrange delivery of the lock
to you.