How to EffEctivEly UtilisE Primary scHool PE and sPort fUnding First edition

How to Effectively
Utilise Primary School
PE and Sport Funding
First edition
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Purpose of this
Glossary of terms
of the new national funding
for primary school physical
eduation (PE) and sport
Accessing the support available
and the Youth Sport Trust
membership offer
Sport Nottinghamshire Subject Leader
CPD Programme
Youth Sport Trust membership offer
from School Games Organisers and
Local Authority Sport
Development units
National governing
bodies of sport and
professional sports
club offers
Archery GB
Nottinghamshire Archery Society
England Athletics
Badminton England
England Basketball
British Wheelchair Basketball
Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club
England Fencing
Nottingham Forest in the Community
The FA Tesco Skills Programme
Golf Foundation
British Gymnastics
National Ice Centre
English Lacrosse Association
Nottingham Schools Orienteering
Nottingham Rugby Club
The Royal Yachting Association
England Squash and Racketball
The Lawn Tennis Association
City of Nottingham
English Table Tennis Association
Newark and Sherwood
London 2012 has been a major
inspiration to us all. With the
Commonwealth Games set to be
hosted in Glasgow in 2014 and other
upcoming sports events including
the Rugby World Cup 2015, there has
never been a better time to capitalise
on this golden era of British sport and
‘Inspire a Generation’ to fulfil their
potential in education and sport.
This short guide has been designed
to provide a quick overview of the
significant new funding for PE and
school sport, key recommendations
on how to effectively utilise the funds
available and a snapshot of the
support available in Nottinghamshire.
Over £2.5million is being invested in
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
each year over the next two years.
Primary school Head Teachers are
the most significant and influential
people shaping the lives of children
within schools. It is imperative that we
make the most of this outstanding
opportunity to make a real, lasting
impact in our schools and to the lives
of our children.
We are here to help and can provide
you with all the support you need.
Please do not hesitate to contact
Sport Nottinghamshire, Youth Sport
Trust and local area partners
for support.
Visit: www.sportnottinghamshire.
for further information.
NB. This is the first edition of the guide.
Over the summer, a second edition
will be produced in time for the new
academic year to provide you with
more specific details on the various
support offers available.
of terms:
County Sports Partnership
Youth Sport Trust
National Governing Body of sport
e.g. Badminton England
Local Authority (district or borough – the area in which you live) e.g. Bassetlaw District Council
SGO: School Games Organiser
Of the new national funding
for primary school physical
education (PE) and sport
£150 million per annum for the next two years to support the delivery of PE and sport in primary schools. Funding will be allocated through a lump sum (£8,000) for each school and a per-pupil top-up mechanism. A typical primary school with 250 pupils will receive around £9,250 per year.
Funded by the Department for Education (£80m), the Department of Health (£60m) and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (£10m).
The funding is to be used for
PE and School Sport
(Incorporating Health and Active Lifestyle programmes).
• Ring-fenced (to be used only for PE and school sport).
• Subject to OFSTED framework
and review.
Funding will be included in the Additional Grant for Schools (AGS) 2013-14 and 2014-15. AGS is distributed to local authorities in late September or early October each year. A different funding mechanism exists for academy schools.
Eligible special schools will receive their funding directly from the Department’s special education needs and disability division.
Primary school funding guide
and the OFSTED framework
Schools will be required to include details about their sporting provision on their
school website, alongside their curriculum details. This will enable parents to compare
sporting provision across and between schools, both within and beyond the school day.
Schools will be held to account for how they spend the funding. OFSTED will
strengthen its coverage
of sport and PE within the inspection handbook and supporting guidance, so that schools and inspectors
know how sport and PE will be assessed in future as part of the overall provision offered by the school.
• The revised handbook will ask inspectors to consider:
“How well the school uses its Sport Premium to improve the quality
and breadth of its PE and sporting provision, including increasing
participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy
lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.”
Key considerations and recommendations
Accessing the support available
Creating a lasting legacy should be at the forefront of your thinking. This
funding is only guaranteed for 2 years. Consider allocating a substantial
proportion of your funding to Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for
all your staff to ensure that they have the competencies and confidence to
deliver and assess high quality PE.
Create additional capacity and ensure focus by appointing a dedicated
subject leader from your staff team. Recruit a cluster co-ordinator for your
family of schools to lead on collective projects and enable sharing of best
practice. The cluster co-ordinator could be a School Sport Co-ordinator/
teacher release post from your area secondary school or one of the subject
leaders who may be keen to take on the role.
Utilise the Youth Sport Trust self-review tool to understand your existing strengths
and weaknesses, so that you can improve the quality and breadth of your
schools PE and sporting provision.
Support is available to help guide and shape your approach and to enable
you to access high quality opportunities for your school. Please do not hesitate
to contact Sport Nottinghamshire, the Youth Sport Trust and local area partners
for support.
Visit: for further information.
Developing physical literacy through delivery of high quality Fundamental
Movement Skills/multi-skills training should be at the top of your agenda.
The more physically literate a child, the healthier they will be, the more likely
they are to attain higher grades, behave in class, be confident and enjoy
attending school.
Primary school funding guide
Consider setting up school-club links
Link with a local sports club to provide pathways/exit-routes into the
community sport system to enable children to develop a lifelong sporting
habit, which will also help to enhance the reputation of your school.
Visit: for
further details on how to do this.
Use the special edition of Youth Sport Trust, Sporting Start magazine for further
inspiration and ideas.
Continuous Professional Development and the Youth Sport Trust Membership offer
the Youth Sport
Trust membership
Sport Nottinghamshire and partners are
currently working to provide a comprehensive
CPD offer in time for the start of the new
academic year. It will feature high quality
training with a focus on developing physical
literacy through the delivery and assessment
of high quality PE. This will be combined with
educationally relevant sport specific modules
e.g. Gymnastics, Dance and Multi-Skills.
Please note that whilst all of the offers that
follow will be chargeable, all programmes are
run by not-for-profit organisations with the sole
motivation of helping to enhance provision
in schools.
Primary school funding guide
Sport Nottinghamshire
Subject Leader CPD
The core CPD offer will be a one to two year CPD
programme specifically targeted at subject leaders,
enabling them to develop a strong understanding of
how to effectively develop physical literacy through the
delivery and assessment of high quality PE.
The programme will provide subject leaders with
cutting-edge training from national and industry
leading organisations.
The training will come with ready to use resources and
schemes of work for subject leaders to cascade to
members of your staff team.
If you are interested in this programme please let us
know by sending a short email to or call 0115 848 3954.
The higher the demand is for this programme, the easier
it will be to reduce the rates for schools wishing to
take part.
Youth Sport Trust Membership is focused on supporting
schools to achieve their wider priorities.Each school
will be able to access the latest national information,
resources, training and events that will transform their
PE and sport provision.
It also allows schools to contribute strategically to
national policy and be involved in the development
of national programmes and assess and significantly
enhance provision over the 2 years of funding, by
utilising the invaluable online resources and tools
on offer.
Membership provides significant benefits including
the following:
Access to a nationally validated Quality Mark
allowing schools to self-review and identify priority
areas for development. It covers provision and
outcomes in: physical education; school sport
(linked to the Sainsbury’s School Games Kite mark);
and the impact of PE and sport on whole school
standards. This has been identified by schools as a
way of evidencing what they are doing within PE
and Sport – a really useful tool for schools as the use
of Sport Premium will need to be evidenced.
Access to high quality national CPD covering KS1,
KS2, Inclusive PE and Subject Co-ordinator.
…plus a wide range of other benefits, as shown within
the special edition of Youth Sport Trust, Sporting
Start magazine.
If you are interested in taking up the YST membership
offer please let us know by sending a short email to or call 0115 8483954.
The higher the demand is for this membership offer the
easier it will be negotiate lower membership rates for
schools in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, with
the YST.
Area support offers
Area support offers
from School Games
Organisers and Local
Authority Sport
Development Units
Sport Nottinghamshire actively supports all of the following
area offers. These offers will help you to significantly
enhance your schools provision.
The Ashfield District School Sports Network, lead by the
Ashfield SGO in partnership with Ashfield District Council,
have developed a comprehensive offer for schools
in the area. The core proposal/offer is for schools to
consider employing qualified PE teachers across four
schools using a cluster approach. These qualified PE
teachers would be employed on a two-year temporary
contract and would work collaboratively to:
• Deliver quality PE lessons incorporating specific schemes of work.
• Take a strategic approach: Each PE teacher would have one day per week for planning / meetings / sports festivals / staff training / sports competitions. This would be the same day across the district to allow schools to access competitions on that day and for teachers to be given training. Employed PE teachers will take school teams to events on this day, resulting in greater accessibility to events for pupils of all ages.
• Develop and support the delivery of Change for Life / Energy Clubs targeting pupils with low levels of activity/ interest in PE and Sport.
• Offer professional development/training for existing staff members to improve the quality of PE teaching across the school.
• Help to organise School Games Day (Sports Day).
• Set up School Games Organising Crews.
For more information on the offer please contact Ashfield SGO, Glynn Hall via email to or
call 07926 811 740.
Primary school funding guide
“Proud to be part of PE and
School Sport in Bassetlaw.”
The support being offered includes:
Bassetlaw District Council’s Sports Development Team
Leader Tony Wright and The Bassetlaw School Games
Organiser Donavan Van Vuuren have worked in
partnership to establish the first ever Bassetlaw Schools
Sports Association. • Acting as a liaison between primary school Head Teachers and secondary school PE specialists, sports coaches and private providers.
• Organising inter-primary school sports competitions and festivals (including Sainsbury’s School Games).
The association has representation from all six secondary
school academy PE Departments as well as St Giles
Special School, Ranby House and Worksop College.
• Providing the link between primary schools and The Youth Sport Trust to access resources and
training packages.
Following the announcement of significant new funding,
the Bassetlaw Schools Sports Association has been
proactive in trying to meet with all primary school
Head Teachers, and to be a supportive body to assist
Bassetlaw Primary Schools over the next two years
during these positive and exciting times for the younger
children in the district.
• Helping with assessment and working with Gifted & Talented students providing links to community sports clubs and coaches.
• Improving the transition in PE from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3.
“The Bassetlaw Schools Sports
Association aims to develop
outstanding opportunities in PE
and School Sport for every school
student across Bassetlaw.”
• Assistance with collaborative projects either at a family of schools level or Bassetlaw-wide.
• Working with National Governing Bodies of sport to assist with Continuous Professional Development
of staff.
Working with Sport Nottinghamshire and Nottinghamshire County Council to ensure any strategic messages are passed on to Head Teachers swiftly and effectively.
…and simply to be available to speak to all Head
Teachers to help with anything to do with the further
development of Primary School PE & Sport in Bassetlaw.
For further information on the BSSA including how to join, please contact:
Donavan Van Vuuren:
or call 01777 861 618 Ext 430
Tony Wright:
or call 01909 534 338
Area support offers
A support offer is currently under
development. To be part of the
consultation process, or for further
information please, contact Broxtowe
SGO Chris Byrne.
07779 982 421
The Mansfield School Games Organiser
and Mansfield District Council will support
all Mansfield Schools to ensure the
School Sport Premium Funding is utilised
in the best possible way. The support offered will include high
quality competition for all students,
teacher training courses provided by
district, county and national partners
for all staff and access to qualified and
professional coaches to support all
training and competition offered.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for
all schools to increase the level of
student participation in physical
activity by working on fundamental movements and key physical skills”
Various “buy-in” options will give schools
the flexibility to choose from a menu of
opportunity that will allow them to tailor the
programme to meet their school’s needs.
For more information please contact: Nicki Biggs on
or call 07507 702 857
Shaun Hird on or
call 01623 463 371
Primary school funding guide
Nottingham City Council and School Sport Nottingham
have developed a comprehensive offer for schools in
the area.
The programme is titled ‘Get Active Get Smart’ and is
based around the three key components:
The deployment of PE and School Sport Specialists:
Every school that signs up to the programme will have a
dedicated PE and sports specialist for one to two days
every week of the school year delivering high quality PE,
sport and physical activity to all pupils. These specialists
will work alongside existing teaching staff to
support CPD.
PE Co-ordinator Development Programme:
A bespoke two year Professional Development programme
aimed at developing the skills and knowledge of the PE
Co-ordinator / Subject Leader.
Why Nott?” menu of enrichment opportunities:
Schools will have access to a broad programme of
additional specialist coaching, additional CPD, activity
days, competition and enrichment activities offered
through a range of partners including the National Ice
Centre, Notts County FC, Nottingham Forest FC, Notts
County Cricket Club, Nottingham City Leisure Services and
a number of national governing bodies of sport.
For further information please contact Nick Robb on or call 07905 003 724.
“Our vision: we want to provide
primary schools with a high
quality Physical Education, sport
and physical activity programme
that will impact on every child in
school and provide a sustainable
step change in the quality and
quantity of participation”
Area support offers
The Gedling Primary School Sports
Association (GPSSA) supported by
Gedling Borough Council and the
Gedling SGO, is currently developing a
menu of CPD options that will be ready
in September, based on a
needs-led approach.
07816 372 884
A new PE forum for schools with infant
classes will also start in September. To be
part of the ongoing consultation process
or for further information please contact
Gedling SGO Andrew Dowling.
Borough Council
The Rushcliffe SGO, in partnership with Rushcliffe
Borough Council is providing two key offers for primary
schools to access in order to maximise the effectiveness
of the new funding for primary school PE and sport.
07982 020 443
These are:
The option for schools to buy-in central support in the form of one day per week of specialist coaching support, focussing in particular on fundamental movement skills and sports that focus on the development of key skills including gymnastics and dance.
• A comprehensive CPD offer for the next two to three years is currently under development.
To be part of the ongoing consultation or for further
support, please contact Rushcliffe SGO, Chris Ballard.
Primary school funding guide
The Newark and Sherwood School Sports Partnership,
supported by Newark and Sherwood District
Council have developed a comprehensive primary
PE package covering all facets of school sport
development. Some of the work areas incorporated
within this package are shown below. Please note
that the information below is not an exhaustive list.
Leadership: Incorporating training for young leaders,
tutor training and training for specific initiatives
including ‘Play Leaders’ and ‘Playground Buddies’
as well as training for lunchtime supervisors.
Cross-curricular links: CPD support on using PE and
dance to deliver literacy, numeracy and other topics
kinaesthetically. Dance/drama specialist delivery
in school. Delivery of multi-sports festivals featuring
specific topics/subject areas e.g. Languages
and sport.
Competition: Including the delivery of high quality
festivals, transition events, links to Sainsbury’s School
Games programmes and individual planning support,
plus inter-school and intra-school competitions.
Staff support: Incorporating twilight school family
planning and support sessions, subject leader
training, individual support and advice such as
OFSTED reporting.
Transition support: Use of secondary school leaders
in feeder schools, family liaison meetings and
personalised transition support.
Links with external partners: Providing links to national
governing bodies of sport, YST, Sport Nottinghamshire,
Newark and Sherwood District Council and other
local and national organisations.
School-Club links: Providing access to the local
network of quality sports clubs to provide appropriate
exit-routes/pathways for young people to progress
into as appropriate. Accessing high quality
sport-specific coaching from local sports clubs.
Quality assurance: Providing advice and guidance
on the deployment of coaches and
external programmes.
Raising achievement: Support with the delivery of
Change 4 Life clubs and support with targeted group
programmes e.g. specific programmes focussed on
raising confidence in young people with low
For further information on the Newark and Sherwood primary PE package, please contact Helen Tindle via
National Governing Bodies of Sport and professional club offers
National governing
bodies of sport and
professional sports
club offers
Sport Nottinghamshire actively supports all of the following National
Governing Body and professional sports clubs support offers.
Primary school funding guide
Archery GB’s offer to support Physical Education in Primary
Schools is Arrows.
Arrows will provide:
• Easy to use resources and shooting equipment
• A range of inter and intra-competition for
primary schools
• A network of community club opportunities for
young people
• Support from Archery GB staff.
For further information please contact Kate Moss:
A sport for
all abilities
A safe archery kit has recently been developed specifically
for use in primary schools. The equipment has been designed
to enable teachers to deliver the sport in a safe, exciting,
environment either indoors or outside. With a little easy
maintenance, such as replacing worn strings,
the pack will enable your staff to deliver archery
lessons within the school for many years to come.
Nottinghamshire Archery Society (a part of the
national governing body Archery GB) would like
to promote the use of this equipment by running
half-day training sessions for teachers.
The aim of the sessions would be to:
• Cover the proper use of the pack, and go through the teachers’ notes and games contained within the pack.
• Give teachers hands on experience shooting bows with guidance from our registered coaches.
Encourage the concept of introducing inter-school competition by forming local school leagues. Rounds would be shot on the same day and results posted on the internet. This would provide your school with inter-school competition, without the need to make costly, time consuming travel arrangements.
• For those interested in longer term development we would also look at the possibility of School-Club links, or establishing an archery club within the school.
Further information can be found on the societies website
Don’t forget - Nottinghamshire is Robin Hood Country!
National Governing Bodies of Sport and professional club offers
Elevating Athletics is the curriculum for delivery of athletics
in schools - designed to place running, jumping and
throwing at the heart of school physical education and
to support teachers in delivering athletic activity in an
inclusive, exciting and engaging manner. It has been written by physical education experts with
extensive experience of teaching and coaching athletics
at school, club and international level.
The aims of Elevating Athletics are:
• To bring the sport of athletics to life and make it accessible.
To provide teachers with a creative and practical resource that will help them encourage and motivate youngsters to participate and achieve in athletics.
To ensure that athletics is taught in a more inclusive and engaging manner, with modern approaches that are less reliant on formal didactic delivery and focus more on learning.
To ensure all children receive a positive experience of athletics, where the emphasis is on participation, enjoyment, mastery and the acquisition of skills, so that they maintain interest in the sport.
To create a greater understanding that running, jumping and throwing underpin the vast majority of sports, and ensure children acquire and develop these skills throughout
their education.
Resources can be purchased from the
Youth Sport Trust Direct website. Courses can be organised which
typically last six hours and can
accommodate up to 24 teachers.
For further information please visit:
Or contact the Midlands Area
Education Coordinator on:
Primary school funding guide
Sportshall Awards Day
Sportshall Infants Teacher Training
The awards day enables every KS2 child
in the school to experience Sportshall
Athletics through the award scheme,
with every child receiving an NGB award
and certificate.
This provides a twilight teacher
training session for all KS1 staff to
ensure everyone is comfortable
and confident to deliver fun,
developmental multi-skills activities for
this age group.
It prepares children for the competition
pathway, facilitates Gifted and Talented
identification, feeds directly into a
national virtual league of schools and
leads into individual, class, school and
nationwide fitness monitoring.
For further information please contact
Edward Parsons: or call
07973 410 708.
This scheme includes a Y6 leadership
training session and can include Twilight
Teacher Training session.
National Governing Bodies of Sport and professional club offers
Badminton England’s Bisi Primary programme has been
developed to meet the requirements and expectations of
the National Curriculum for PE at Key Stage One and Two.
The Bisi Badminton Primary Teacher Course is designed
to give teachers the skills and confidence to deliver high
quality badminton in school.
The programme is supported with a teaching resource
containing schemes, units of work and lesson plans for
both Key Stages.
More information can be found at:
Badminton England is able to support schools
engagement with suitably qualified and experienced
Badminton England Registered Coaches to work
alongside classroom teachers to deliver high quality
curriculum PE / after-school badminton in school. The Junior Badminton Club structure within
Nottinghamshire provides a pathway for all young people
to participate in regular badminton beyond school and
enables the most talented players to progress their skills
further within the Nottingham Performance Centre.
For more information or to discuss badminton
development in your school please contact Will
Wallace, Partnerships Manager - Badminton England on or call
07818 570 573.
Primary school funding guide
England Basketball are offering the
chance to get involved with
IM Basketball.
IM Basketball provides a simple way
for you to deliver weekly basketball
opportunities for your students.
The free resource, designed to
complement School Games Level 1
(intra) and Level 2 (inter) basketball
competitions contains everything that
you need to get started.
To run IM Basketball in your school visit
For further information please contact
Laura Doherty, Basketball Development
Officer on or
call 0115 848 3956.
You can find out more on
Find us on Facebook and Twitter:
“Notts Basketball”
The disc contains handy tools including
fun games, a league creator, rules
and referee signals and promotional
materials too!
British Wheelchair Basketball (BWB) is
committed to providing opportunities
for people to enjoy and play
wheelchair basketball. At this time, it is the belief and policy
of British Wheelchair Basketball that an
emphasis on physical literacy is essential
for young people. We try to follow the guidelines of the
‘long-term athlete development’
system with an emphasis of gradually
moving to a ‘specialism’ in wheelchair
basketball as young people mature.
...physical literacy is essential for
young people
British Wheelchair Basketball will be
happy to provide educational resources
about wheelchair basketball (including
Inclusive Zone Basketball) to young
people and through the extensive
network of clubs, demonstrations and
potential have-a-go sessions would
be available. We also deliver with partners and clubs
‘festival’ activity.
For more information, please contact
BWB Education Development Officer,
Matt Gibbs on
or call 01509 279 900.
National Governing Bodies of Sport and professional club offers
County cricket
The Cricket in The Community
Coaching Programme is pleased to
provide coaching support to deliver
a high quality striking and
fielding syllabus.
This curriculum support programme
is designed to enable staff to
develop their own knowledge and
understanding of cricket, whilst
working alongside a qualified coach
from Nottinghamshire County
Cricket Club.
Programmes last for a period of
five to six weeks, providing up to
three hours coaching per visit to Key
Stage 2 pupils.
This includes two hours curriculum
time and a one hour
extra-curricular club.
Extra-curricular clubs are linked to
local Focus Clubs providing identified
exit routes for children.
Ashes Schools Challenge classroom
resource that we would like to
introduce to schools.
In addition, we can provide an
assembly visit by our coaches prior
to the sessions and a whole school
teacher training session (one to two
hours) as well as access to more
formal courses (Cricket for Teachers).
In addition, we are also looking
to link this programme into a new
For further information, please
contact Alan Harrison on
or call 0115 982 3000 (ext. 377).
Primary school funding guide
Go/Fence! is a fun
and extremely safe
system for introducing
the exciting modern
Olympic sport of
fencing to children
England Fencing (EF) has a variety of
offerings for your primary school from
tasters and have-a-go sessions as
part of talent programmes, multi-skills
festivals and sports days to
half-term, whole term, in-curriculum
PE sessions and/or after school
fencing clubs.
Over the past few years EF has
worked with hundreds of schools
to run the Go/Fence! scheme – a
fun and extremely safe system for
introducing the exciting modern
Olympic sport of fencing to children
in Years 4, 5 and 6.
At these ages it captures the
imagination and holds the attention
and is at once both physical and
mental exercise. Suitable for girls
and boys, it requires no complicated
equipment, just a simple plastic
face-mask and a plastic foil with a
protective foam tabard.
How does it work?
Whilst many Go/Fence! programmes
are led by qualified fencing coaches,
the programme is also designed to
be lead by anyone trained in the
scheme since it is fully supported
by pre-prepared lesson plans, with
handouts, posters and a DVD
on fencing.
A qualified fencing coach with
experience of introducing fencing
to children can lead an initial
programme whilst being shadowed
by the adult who is to continue the
after-school club when the coach
had delivered the agreed number
of sessions.
In others projects a teacher or other
adult has been trained to deliver
Go/Fence! by attending a
one-day workshop.
If primary schools in an area get
together to fund a number of
teachers, a bespoke one-day
workshop can be organised as can
the sharing of equipment for
Go/Fence! projects.
For further information about this
scheme contact Norman Randall, the
East Midlands Region Lead Officer on
0115 911 0050 or via norman.randall@
National Governing Bodies of Sport and professional club offers
Nottingham Forest in
the Community
Forest Factor is a range of curriculum based programmes,
including a mixture of physical and classroom based
activities that are directly linked into the
National Curriculum.
Examples include PPA cover, media skills, healthy lifestyles,
diet and nutrition, football coaching, enrichment and
motivation, breakfast clubs, Q&A sessions, family and early
intervention work.
You can watch this video to get a snapshot of some work
that we did with Seagrave Primary School:
Forest Factor Extra is an extra-curricular football provision
based at school sites, exclusive to the hosting school and
its students. Within this programme, the scheme of work
includes a number of football specific techniques, skills
and disciplines and is aimed at all genders and
ability levels.
The Enrichment Programme encompasses a wide
range of activities which are geared to complement
the academic curriculum. The activities are designed
to engage with students and help them to enjoy their
school life, which has been linked to sustaining academic
attainment. The range of extra-curricular activities gives
every student the opportunity to discover new interests
and motivation for achieving.
The Transition Programme is a programme designed to
support year 6 students move up to secondary schools
or academies, preparing them and their families for the
challenges ahead. The programme is designed to engage
the students and their families in a range of activities that
increase self-esteem, confidence, skills and aspirations. The
programme is then finalised with a celebration event ether
at the school or The City Ground.
For further information please call the team on
0115 9824 453 or visit
Primary school funding guide
The FA Tesco Skills is a unique football coaching programme
that gives 5-11s of all abilities the opportunity to get active,
learn new football skills and enjoy the game. Our aim is to develop
better and more technically
gifted football players
We’ve been providing high quality football
coaching courses for children since 2007 and
have, to date, provided over three million
child places on the programme, aiming to
reach 4.7 million children by 2014.
The FA Tesco Skills is a nationwide initiative run
by The FA and funded by Sport England and
Tesco. We provide after-school football coaching, holiday
football coaching, support for charter standard football clubs
and we also work within primary schools providing specialist
football coaching. Our aim is to develop better and more technically gifted
football players but also to give every child the opportunity
to be the best that they can be. The FA Tesco Skills Programme works in over 1,000 primary
schools a year, providing specialist football skills coaching for
children and their teachers. Our coaches will typically work with a primary school in
their county one day a week for the duration of half a term,
providing specialist, age appropriate coaching for all ages
from years 1 to 6.
The Programme’s revolutionary approach to coaching
football skills is truly child-centred, is for all ability levels,
and focuses on individual boys’ and girls’ learning needs.
As well as helping to develop the technique, ball skills and
confidence of children in primary schools, The FA Tesco
Skills coaches aim to pass on invaluable lesson ideas and
guidance on football coaching to their teachers.
For more information and resources please visit: or contact Sarah Green on
07538 721 455 or by email to
National Governing Bodies of Sport and professional club offers
The Golf Foundation offer a variety of
training and competition opportunties
for primary schools. These include:
A games-led approach to delivery that can accommodate a large group of pupils (up to
30) and makes the introduction of golf to young people fun and physically active.
Training workshops for teachers focusing on practical activities, inclusion, Skills for Life, Level 1 School Games and links to the local golf club.
• A six week KS2 lesson plan designed by the Golf Foundation Education Steering Group.
• Deployment of an extensive network of qualified PGA Coaches attached to local golf clubs.
The Golf Foundation have adapted
safe equipment for primary schools
through the successful
Tri-Golf initiative.
They have a proven track record
of working in partnership with the
School Games Organisers to offer
further competition and club link
opportunities. All competition
resources are linked to the School
Games and numeracy pack.
The Golf Foundation are committed
to progress pupils through to the local
HSBC Golf Roots Centre.
For information on Tri-Golf equipment
please visit the Davies Sports website
or follow this link: www.daviessports.
For information on Golf Foundation
support from local club qualified
coaches at our HSBC Golf Roots
Centres, please visit:
For further information please contact
Martin Crowder on 07766 208 195 or
via email to
Primary school funding guide
British Gymnastics (BG) values
and recognises the importance of
Gymnastics in schools and our intention
is to provide more comprehensive,
cohesive, efficient and sustainable
programmes for children in schools and
for those adults and volunteers that work
with them. Schools can now register to become a
British Gymnastics Partner School. Register now online:
By subscribing as a BG Partner
School you will have access to a
variety of self-help tools and
resources which will assist you with
the development of curricular and
extra-curricular gymnastics. For further information, please
contact Melissa Carr at or
call 0845 1297 129.
National Governing Bodies of Sport and professional club offers
The National Ice Centre’s inclusive schools programme is
designed to raise confidence and self esteem, improve
health and fitness and provide pathways to
sporting excellence.
Your school will benefit from
the National Ice Centre’s
excellent coaching staff
The Ice Centre offers a six week block of
activity each afternoon of the week. Pupils
will learn to skate on the same ice rink as used
for training by many sporting ambassadors,
Team GB Winter Olympians as well as the
Nottingham Panthers Ice Hockey Team.
Your school will benefit from the National Ice Centre’s
excellent coaching staff and bus transport taking you to the
centre and back - saving school staff time and hassle.
As part of this programme, each child will receive six weeks
of specialist group coaching, skate hire, personalised
certificate (relevant to grade achieved) and information on
opportunities to continue Ice Skating after the programme.
Each school may:
Bring one class of up to 32 pupils - bus transport accommodates 35 people including staff.
Access Ice Sports Festival Games which takes place twice a year.
Have a child with the potential to receive a talent identification scholarship.
If you are looking for something different, there are other
available opportunities including whole school visits, private
ice rink hire for your school and special rates for group
bookings to public sessions.
On-site at the Ice Centre is a learning zone where we offer
bespoke family learning, activity days and enrichment/
transition programmes.
For further information please contact Matt Bradbury (Sports
Development Officer) on: or visit
Primary school funding guide
english lacrosse
association NGB
English Lacrosse’s (ELA) offer to support Physical Education in Primary Schools is
to provide:
• Easy to use Teacher and Coach educational courses and support
• Easy to use resources and playing equipment
• A range of inter and intra Competition for primary schools
• A network of community club opportunities for young people
• Support from ELA based staff to support the work in schools.
If you are interested in offering the fast paced, fun and exciting sport of Lacrosse
in your school, please contact or call
0843 6585 006.
There are weekly orienteering activity sessions throughout the year in Bassetlaw
and Rushcliffe and blocks of eight weeks in Broxtowe which are open to families
to participate in.
We ask that Under 12s are accompanied by a parent or adult carer.
For more details see the Nottinghamshire Orienteering Club web site: and follow the links to ‘New to Orienteering’.
Primary school competition, currently only takes place in the Bassetlaw district.
Contact Hilary Palmer at or call 0115 982 0651 for further
information or to be put in touch with the relevant lead coaches.
National Governing Bodies of Sport and professional club offers
Nottingham Rugby provides a wide
variety of high quality programmes
which have been designed in
conjunction with teachers and
coaches for young people and staff
to support their development in
Physical Education and School Sport.
These include:
• PPA Cover / team teaching
• Curriculum support
• Quality intra and inter-school
competition opportunities for all
breakfast and pre-school clubs
• Lunchtime clubs providin
supervisor training and ideas
• After-school clubs
• Inset days “clubs” for
young people
• Leadership and
volunteering programmes
• Staff training and support
• School – club links
• Holiday camps.
Whatever your needs in Physical
Education and School Sport,
Nottingham Rugby has the quality
of staff, knowledge and experience
to deliver targeted support within
your school in a wide variety of sports
and activities, utilising the power
of professional athletes to inspire
children at your school. All schools working with Nottingham
Rugby will receive a report of
outcomes which can be used
to support school PE and Sport
Improvement Plans and targets for
OFSTED and promotional purposes.
For more information please contact
Mel Lawson via email:
The Rugby Football Union supports
the growth of its member clubs
within Nottinghamshire and aims
to strengthen the game in the
community. Nottinghamshire’s
professional staff are made up of a
Rugby Development Officer (RDO)
and two Community Rugby
Coaches (CRC).
A change of focus by the RFU means
that CRCs are now driven by delivery
of participants aged 14 – 24 as well as
meeting the needs of the local club.
With our focus on strengthening the
clubs and its coaches we would
advise that any primary schools
wishing to host tag rugby for its
students contact the local Rugby
Development Officer who will link the
school to its closest club.
Primary school funding guide
If you would like to find your nearest
rugby club including members of
professional staff from Nottingham
RFC please contact your local
Rugby Development Officer –
The club will provide appropriate
coaches of a minimum standard to
support the schools need.
The Rugby Football Union
supports the growth of its member
clubs within Nottinghamshire
National Governing Bodies of Sport and professional club offers
The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) are currently
developing a new primary schools offer. For early
information requests, please contact Gareth Brookes
on 07876 330 136 or via email to:
The England Squash and Racketball (ESR) are offering
to support Physical Education in Primary Schools
through the provision of:
• Teacher, Leader and Coach educational courses and support
• Easy to use resources, programmes and access to specific Mini Squash equipment
• A range of inter and intra-primary
school competitions
• A network of school club link and satellite club opportunities for young people
• Support from ESR staff, qualified coaches and County Associations to support the work in schools.
For further information, please contact John Davis at or call
01509 227 719.
Primary school funding guide
THE lawn tennis
association NGB
The Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) offers a
comprehensive staged approach to development
for primary school children through the national
Mini-Tennis programme. In Nottingham and
Nottinghamshire, year-round activity culiminates in
the prestigious annual Nottingham Festival of Tennis
during National Mini Tennis week.
For further information on the LTA offer, please
contact Andy McFeeters on 07958 234 249 or via
email to
The English Table Tennis Association
(ETTA) is offering to support Physical
Education in Primary Schools through the
provision of:
Community Table Tennis Clubs: Local
knowledge of clubs that can offer exit
routes for young players.
Training: Table tennis courses designed
specifically for Teachers and leaders.
ETTA RDMs and National staff:
guidance and support to help
develop the sport in your school.
Resources: A variety of resources to help
deliver table tennis with limited space
and equipment.
For further information please contact
ETTA on 01424 722 525 or via email to
Competition formats: Ideas and
resources to help schools deliver
meaningful, fun competitions, ideal for
intra and inter-school competitions.
School Sport Competitions
SchooL Sport
Including the Sainsbury’s School Games
Competitive sport is a key component of an
effective PE and school sport offer. There are
numerous competitive opportunities for your
school to take part in, including the Sainsbury’s
School Games, Nottinghamshire Schools
Council for Sport (NSCS) competitions and
National Governing Body competitions.
A full sports competition calendar will
be finalised over the summer. Summary
information on the different types of
opportunity available is shown below.
Please note that a comprehensive calendar
of primary school sport competition will be
provided with the second edition of the guide
that will be available by the first week of the
new academic year.
Primary school funding guide
school games
The Games aims to positively impact
on young people’s school sport and
PE experience and add significant value
to the whole school agenda.
The Nottinghamshire School Games was
nationally recognised in 2012 as the best in
the country.
It offers an outstanding experience for
competition and leadership at both a winter
edition and summer edition, in February and July
respectively, each year.
For the 2013-14 academic year, the primary
school sports competitions featured should be
as follows:
Inspired by London 2012, the Sainsbury’s
School Games is designed to boost
participation in competitive sport
for young people of all abilities and
backgrounds, by significantly enhancing
the year round calendar of competitive
school sport. The games also
Winter edition:
provides quality
Sportshall Athletics
opportunities for
future leaders,
Sainsbury’s School Games
Summer edition:
Athletics (Quad Kids)
is designed to boost
Mini Basketball
participation in competitive Mini Tennis
sport for young people
and artists to
Netball (High 5)
showcase their
talent and
develop their
skills in a live event environment.
For further information, please contact your
area SGO.
A comprehensive year round calendar
of competitions is organised by School
Games Organisers (SGOs) in your area.
These district competitions culminate
in two multi-sport festivals per year,
that aim to be a microcosm of a
major international multi-sport event
experience such as the Olympics or
Paralympic Games.
and sign up now.
Information is also available on
School Sport Competitions
The volunteer led Nottinghamshire
Schools’ Council for Sport is the
umbrella organisation responsible
for supporting extra-curricular school
sport activities for schools throughout
the County and City organised by the
County Schools’ Sports Associations. The Council was formed in 1974 and
is supported jointly by both County
and City Local Authorities.
There are numerous competitive
opportunities organised by the NSCS,
for the primary age group, most of
these are aimed at years 5 and 6.
For more information on NSCS
competitions, including contact
details, please visit:
Currently there are 14 Registered
Associations: Athletics, Badminton,
Basketball, Chess, Cricket, Football, Hockey (Boys), Hockey (Girls), Netball,
Orienteering, Rugby, Swimming, Table
Tennis, Tennis.
Further information on NGB competitions will be provided in the comprehensive
calendar of primary school sport competition that will be available with the
second edition of this guide.
Primary school funding guide
Showcasing your achievements
If you already have a good/outstanding PE and sport offer and would
like to showcase your achievements on the Sport Nottinghamshire
website and e-newsletter, please contact us at or call 0115 8483 954.
We will be producing case studies highlighting good practise over the
next two years and beyond.
Primary school funding guide
How can I ensure that external coaches and clubs offer a
safe sports environment for young people?
Ideally any club you work with will have club
accreditation. Please view www.sportnottinghamshire. for an explanation of club
accreditation and a list of clubs with Clubmark (or
equivalent) in Nottinghamshire.
If the club does not have Clubmark, please contact
your Local Authority Sports Development Officer or the
appropriate NGB for advice on how to proceed. Coaches
involved in schools coaching must be suitably qualified
and should be observed by a member of school staff.
The school will need to assure itself that the club it is
linking to is bona fide and well managed. For detailed
information on safeguarding please visit:
For advice on deploying external coaches in your school
please refer to page 7 of the special edition of Youth Sport
Trust, Sporting Start magazine which provides advice from
the Association for Physical Education (AfPE). To access
the magazine, visit:
What do you recommend for infant only schools?
We strongly advocate a real focus on the development of
a Fundamental Movement Skills/multi-skills approach that
will provide infant school children with the physical literacy
and key skills required as they progress in education and
life. Fundamental movement skills and fun based activities
incorporating elements of gymnastics, dance and
athletics will provide a solid base for their
future development.
Please note: this section will be expanded for the second
edition of the guide. If you have any questions, or require
support at any time, please do not hesitate to contact
Sport Nottinghamshire on 0115 8483954 or via email to
Alternatively please refer to www.sportnottinghamshire. for contact details of your local authority
sports development unit, School Games Organiser, NGBs
and NSCS.
“Nottinghamshire quite rightly has an outstanding reputation for sport, with great venues, great people and great events. We’d like to ensure that our sporting future is also great and that children within Nottinghamshire have the best possible
opportunities to play and develop, both within school and after school. We’d like to support you and your schools sporting
provision to ensure that it is the best that it can be, so that Nottinghamshire continues to be ‘The Sporting County.”
Rob Cook, Youth Sport Manager – Sport Nottinghamshire.
The development of Primary School PE and Sport is directly aligned with the strategic priorities for sport in Nottinghamshire