Northeastern Wisconsin Oncology Nursing Society How to become a member…

How to become a member…
Any RN who has an interest in oncology is welcome
to join our chapter. Other healthcare professionals
are welcome to participate in our chapter as an
associate member. Members and associate members
must be members of the national ONS. Visitors may
attend once at no charge but must be a member of
national ONS. A $5 fee will be charged for
subsequent meetings.
To join the national ONS go to
or contact Richelle Deist at
or Jason Buxell at to receive an
Dues are renewable annually with a late fee
assessed after March 31.
Membership Application
Date _______Name___________________
Home Phone________Work Phone_______
Work Affiliation______________________
*ONS #_____*Expiration Date__________
Email_______________Fax Number______
*Required information
□$15 Late Membership □$95 Late Associate
Associate members must hold an associate
membership with ONS to join NEWONS. Please list
any committees or interests you may have in helping
out in our chapter.
Make checks payable to NEWONS.
Mail check and completed form to:
NEWONS c/o Kris Racer
Fox Valley Hematology and Oncology SC
900 E Grant Street
Appleton, WI 54911
Use this column for address
Northeastern Wisconsin
Oncology Nursing Society
Won’t you join us?
A Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society
The Northeastern Wisconsin Oncology
Nursing Society, a chapter of the Oncology
Nursing Society was granted chapter status
in January 2000. The chapter is composed
of nurses and other healthcare professionals
who network, attend educational programs,
earn continuing education credits, serve on
committees for planning educational days,
or serve in other leadership positions. We
follow the by-laws of the Oncology Nursing
The Oncology Nursing Society has many
benefits which include:
 Receive Oncology Nursing Forum and
Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing
and online access to these journals
 ONS Congress and Fall Institutes of
Learning reduced registration
 Oncology Nursing Certification exam
reduced fees
 ONS publications and gifts at reduced
 Membership eligibility for ONS
Chapters and Special Interest Groups
 Grants, research, recognition, travel, and
other awards
 Access to ONS Speakers Bureau, list
serves, online learning, membership
 Access to many types of group insurance
If you join our NEWONS chapter you
will also take advantage of:
 Reduced or no fees to local/regional
educational programs
 Networking with oncology RNs and
other healthcare professionals
 Continuing education credits for many
of the programs
 Opportunities to be a leader within an
oncology premiere organization
 Grants to defray your cost of
certification, continuing education
programs, ONS national programs, and
other programs
 Monthly except in the summer months.
 Registration begins at 5:30 pm with
meeting at 6 pm and program at 6:30
 Central location in the Green Bay area
 Annual Day Long Fall Conference takes
the place of the October meeting
Membership is invited to help determine
topics for monthly educational programs.
Usually educational programs are sponsored
by unrestricted educational grants from the
pharmaceutical companies and include a
dinner. Continuing education is offered
when feasible.
Leadership Positions
Current leadership positions include:
 Offices
o President
o President-Elect
o Secretary
o Treasurer
 Committees
o Nominating
o Program
o Membership
o Web-Site
o Fall Conference Planning
o Grants
o Historian
o Continuing Education