Our Nature Knowledge Theory (NKT) based contribution to Sci - Tech evolution from Interplanetary solar system era toward Interstellar galactic era (Star Trek era) technology Md Santo – moesdar@gmail.com – http://mobeeknowledge.ning.com • Prediction of Futuristic Technologies from 2010 to 2050 - Spurting Innovation (cited from “Futuristic Technologies – Linkedin Group Discussion”) : Artificial Intelligence, Stem Cells, Cure for Cancer, Theory of Everything, Discovery of the Higgs, Nuclear Fusion, Particle Physics, Colonization of Mars, Starships, Interstellar Travel, Intergalactic Travel, Life Extension, Robotics, Mechanized Labour, Advanced Computers, rNanotechnology, Nano-robots, Artificial Life, Cryogenic Chambers, Neural Implants, Astral Ascendancy, Galactic Epistemology (Encyclopedia Galactic), Galactic Diplomacy, Galactic Exploration, Galactic Colonization, Galactic Conquest, Galactic Communications, Time Travel (to future), Warp Drives (hypothetical), Wormholes (hypothetical), Space Elevator, Space Colonies, Advanced Polymers, Synthetic Composites, Future Chemicals, Planet Construction, Planet Destruction Solar System Construction/Destruction, Force Fields, Teleportation (hypothetical), Replication Invisibility, Genetic Manipulation, DNA Resequencing, Superconductors, Planetary Mag-Lev Network, Mega-Factories, Spaceports, Planetary Defense, Dyson Spheres, Star Fortresses, Mega-cities and much more...... • How to get there through the coming trend of learning environment strategy 3.0 and its implication to next gen Science and Technology Md Santo – moesdar@gmail.com – http://mobeeknowledge.ning.com • • • Until the end of 20th Century Conceptual learning • • • Information Technology • 2.0 – 3.0 era DIKW to Nature Knowledge oriented / based (transitioning ) Contextual learning Information to • • • • Beyond 3.0 era Nature Knowledge oriented / based Beginning 21st Century Trans Disciplinary learning (with Blended learning) Knowledge Technology 1 Up until 1.0 era DIKW oriented / based Page • Knowledge Technology Data base to Knowledge base driven Probability to Possibility driven (in between) • Data base driven • • Probability (Math) driven • • Learning by Doing domination Knowledge Production : Know What (Behaviorism) & Know How (Cognitivism) + e-Learning (emphasized on Multi Media) = Constructivism • • (transitioning toward ) • • Multi Media /e-learning • • • Material & Method (see http://tinyurl.com/jwqo9yh and http://tinyurl.com/cmsf6sg ) : 1. Mainly Physics as Basic Science • Multi to Social Media (transitioning ) • • Knowledge base driven • Possibility driven • Doing by Learning domination Knowledge Configuration : Constructivism + Social Media Platform (Connectivism / Collaboration + Navigationis m / Interaction) = Social Learning = Social Constructivism (Know Where) Social Media /Social Learning • 1. 2. “Matter and Energy” as fabrics of Universe 2. 3. Interplanetarry (solar system) space domain origin Higgs boson supposed as basic elementary building block of Universe 3. 4. 4. 5. The key to Dark Matter and Dark Energy not yet confirmed 5. 6. Conceptual to Contextual learning 6. Material & Method (see http://tinyurl.com/jwqo9yh and http://tinyurl.com/cmsf6sg ): Mainly Nature Knowledge Theory (NKT) as Basic Science “Nature Knowledge” (consciousness attributed) as the third fabric of Universe Interstellar (galactic) space domain origin “duo-entity-force” or DEF as basic elementary building block of Universe with -38 Knowledge Value (KV) = 10 CEF DEF is the key to Dark Matter and Dark Energy Trans Disciplinary approach with blended learning strategy @Md Santo – July,2013 How to carry out toward 3.0 era could be read at URL http://tinyurl.com/ksyfm2o - Could Page 2 Knowledge Management becoming the key to future Science ? • The foundation to Futuristic Technologies - Future Timeline 2010 To 2100 - Most Popular This Week – May 8, 2013 The foundation of next Science : Teaming up Knowledge Management with Comment Physics in Science or http://tinyurl.com/cmsf6sg - “Teaming up Knowledge Like Management – Physics – Philosophy of Science to find out foundation of next gen Science” (“Basic Assumptions and Basic Postulates to find out foundation of next gen Science”) Started by Md Santo • Our Nature Knowledge Theory (NKT) based Reverse Engineering methodology substituting NASA recommended “Tractor Beams” to discover the existence of 5th Fundamental Force of Universe As Knowledge Management (KM) consultant, our own Knowledge Management (KM) model framework which is considered as integrated collective tacit knowledge (collective mind brain as explicit knowledge) representing culture and value of people within organization could be assumed as high-end Universe evolution model. We did evidence based study through reverse engineering method as technology applied to our Knowledge Management (KM) model, and came up with the discovery of elementary psycho (consciousness) – somatic building block unit of Universe. The basic psycho (consciousness) – somatic building block unit of Universe consist of pairing entity of 4th force (Graviton) and 5th force (we named it Knowon) or “duo-entity-force” (DEF) as boson force massless particle. Essentialy, DEF is superposed state of Knowon which is independent to SpaceTime (IST) and Graviton which is dependent to SpaceTime (DST). The more dominant IST to DST state we believed already exist before the BigBang ( see Page Particle”) derived from Knowledge Management view”) 3 http://bit.ly/ucoX5j -“ Psycho - Somatic Universe and Superposed Higgs Boson (“God Thanks to using Inverted Paradigm Method (IPM) as act of reversed engineering treatment applied to our KM model framework, we positively sure by of-proof the existence of Knowon, the fifth fundamental force. Therefore we don’t need NASA recommended “tractor beams” by substituting with IPM” ( http://bit.ly/tYM8q9 - Substituting Tractor Beam with Human System Biology-based Knowledge Management (HSBKM) model framework to search the 5th Fundamental Force ) • Our “Hypothetical force” findings able to complementing the work of CERN – LHC on the issues of Higgs Boson The “hypothetical force” of our findings enable us to complementing the work of CERN (The European Organization forNuclear Research) – LHC (Large Hadron Collider) on the issues of Higgs Boson (“God Particle”) – : see URL http://bit.ly/zVS7mF - (The making of “Knowledge Management – Philosophy of Science – Theoretical Physics” Triangle pp 6 - 10 ) (cited from http://tinyurl.com/l3ygp3r - “The hidden mysterious fundamental forces and how Knowledge Management discovered it”) As basic psycho (consciousness) – somatic bulding block of the Universe, we are convinced DEF essentially is really the long sought Higgs Boson (“God Particle”) “the most wanted” mysterious particle which is now being hunted by CERN (Eropah) and Fermilab (USA) ( see http://tinyurl.com/cqoq9vv - “New and The First! Locus of Knowledge map” page 1 and http://bit.ly/zbdp28 - “Fundamental Force Map of Psycho - Somatic, Smart, Conscious and Animate UNIVERSE : Generated from Knowledge Management (KM) through Inverted Paradigm Method (IPM) ” ) • Nature Knowledge Theory (NKT) based explanation on Enterprise warp engine of Star Trek About Nature Knowledge Theory (NKT) in brief and how we described the Enterprise warp engine of Star Trek based on Nature Knowledge Theory (NKT) , see URL http://tinyurl.com/pmdxpbx -"Nature Knowledge Theory (NKT) explanation on Enterprise Page 4 warp engine of Star Trek" (see the Attachment) • Appendix : Our New Fundamental Force Map : High Energy Physics vs Nature Knowledge Theory • Theirs : Force Carrier Particles – mostly generated from High Energy Physics ( http://www.exploratorium.edu/origins/cern/ideas/standard4.html ) Force Gravitational Force Carrier Particle (not yet observed) Electromagnetic Strong W+, W-, W0 Photon Gluon Ours : Force Carrier Particles – generated from Nature Knowledge Theory (NKT) ( http://t.co/jKgYecSn ) Force IST * Entanglement DST * Gravitational Weak Electromagnetic Strong Force Carrier Particle Knowon (evidently / proven through NKT) Graviton (evidently / proven through NKT) W,Z Photon Gluon Relative Strength (compatible with our Knowledge Value (KV) measurement concept) 10-38 (equal with Planck constant) – paired entity with Graviton as elementary psychosomatic unit or “duoentity-force” (DEF) 10-38 (equal with Planck constant) – paired entity with Knowon as elementary psycho-somatic unit or “duo-entity-force” (DEF) 10-9 0.0073 1 Range Very Long / Infinite (as psychic / consciousness mediating particle) Very Long / Infinite (as somatic mediating particle) Very Short Long Short Interaction Impacts absolutely everything Impacts absolutely everything Weak Electromagnetic Strong • (Nature) Knowledge : Obtained from the huge hypermassive Black Hole at the center of our Galaxy in the form as DEF ** • • Matter : Obtained mostly from the Earth Energy : Obtained mosty from the Sun @Mobee Knowledge – Jan, 2013 *IST = Independent to SpaceTime - DST = Dependent to SpaceTime **DEF = “duo-entity-force” = Basic elementary unit of psycho – somatic Universe in the form of boson force mass less particle entity of superposed Graviton (4th fundamental force as somatic mediating particle) with Knowon (5th fundamental force as psycho – consciousness mediating particle). The existence of DEF discovered through reversed engineering method applied to our Knowledge Management model framework as high-end of Universe evolution. Knowledge Value (KV) measurement of DEF = 10-38 (Planck constant) CEF (CEF as 5 Fabric of Nature Page • Graviton Weak measurement variable unit stands for Consciousness Element Factor ranging from 10-38 CEF through Infinite CEF within Nature Knowledge continuum). We believe DEF is the real sought Higgs Boson particle Dr Md Santo • E-mail : moesdar@gmail.com - Tel. +6221 83782784 - Mobile +62 88210817549 • Knowledge Management (KM) dan Organizational Learning (OL) Consultant – Mobee Knowledge Services – Jakarta, Indonesia – http://mobeeknowledge.ning.com • Knowledge Management Advance Study Project – Center of Knowledge for Business Competitiveness (CK4BC), School of Business and Management – Bandung Institute of Technology (SBM - ITB), Bandung, Indonesia • Profile at Linkedin : http://www.linkedin.com/in/bluemoonmobee • Twitter : http://twitter.com/md_santo • “2013 Top 100 Influencers in Knowledge Management” (Source : MindTouch, USA ) @Md Santo – July,2013 Page 6 Copyright :: All Rights Reserved Registered :: Sat Dec 10 09:53:54 UTC 2011 Title :: MOBEE KNOWLEDGE CoP - Human System Bio - based Knowledge Management (HSBKM) model framework Description: Registered by Dr.Md.Santo, Indonesia 2011 Category :: Website Fingerprint :: 899089c0417cdc619b82894f65613539572109a59e8719d7cc76c82103a49350 MCN :: WMJ1A-KD5WN-F1XMP
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