Introduction “Typical Functions of Handlers and Reclaimers” About This Manual Who Should Read This Manual Generalized Post-Consumer Plastics Recycling 3 5 6 6 Flow Chart 7 Finding Markets 9 Factors to Consider When Looking for a Market Reclaimers as a Market “Defining Markets’’ End-Users as a Market “How Do I Locate a Market?” Sourcing Material Identieing Scrap Plastics Commodity Thermoplastics “What are the Sources of Scrap Plastic?’’ “How Do I Use the SPI Codes?” Estimating Quantities Available Negotiating a Contract Working with Private Haulers Working with Local Governments Competition “How Can I Identify Uncoded Resins?” Worksheet: Estimating Plastics Feedstock in the Waste Stream Worksheet: Estimating Plastics Feedstock from Municipal Programs Text printed on 100% recycled paper (at least 25% post-consumer content) 9 12 13 15 16 17 17 17 18 22 24 27 30 31 32 33 34 38 Designing a Handling Operation 41 Site Requirements Building Requirements Equipment Requirements “What is a MRF?” “Baling in a Rural Operation” Storage Requirements Quality Requirements Health and Safety Requirements Hazardous Material Residue and Rejects Facility Regulations 41 43 45 50 54 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 Risks and Opportunities Worksheet: Estimating Processing and . Operating Costs Plastics Recycling Flow Chart . Appendices Appendix A Estimates of Post-Consumer Plastics Packaging Recycled iQ Calendar Years 1990 and 1991 Appendix B ISRI Baled Recycled Plastic Commercial Guidelines App-endix C OSHA Office Locations Appendix D EPA Regional Offices Appendix E For Additional Information/ Publications of Interest 70 73 75 75 ( 77 95 101 ~ 103 c ~ ~ lntr I n the past five years, recycling has become a visible part of the American business landscape. While the recycling of industrial scrap materials from paper and textiles to metals and plastics - has been occurring for decades in the United States, large-scale municipally sponsored recycling programs are a relatively new and rapidly growing phenomenon. As these recycling programs have developed, municipal officials have become increasingly aware that plastics are a growing segment of the solid waste stream. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), plastics packaging as a percentage of total discards increased from half a percent by volume in 1960 to 10 percent by volume in 1990. Many communities are adding plastics to their existing recycling programs and many new recycling programs are including plastics as a targeted material from the outset. In fact, a recent survey conducted by the plastics industry identified over 6,000 communities across the country that have access to plastics recycling. As with other recyclables, the infrastructure for recycling plastics consists of four major components: Collection: Rather than being discarded after serving their intended purpose, plastics are collected for recycling. Handling: Collected plastics are sorted to enhance quality and compacted to reduce storage and shipping costs. Reclamation: Sorted plastics are cleaned and processed into flakes or pellets of consistent quality acceptable to manufacturers - or in some cases directly into an end product. End-Use: Pellets or flakes are converted into new products. The plastics handler is a critical link in the plastics recycling infrastructure. A handler takes the first step in transforming waste or scrap plastics into a viable market commodity. Now, more than ever before, plastics handling operations are needed to accommodate the increasing amount of postconsumer plastics targeted for recycling at the municipal, commercial, and industrial levels. Typical Functions of Handlers and Reclaimers" st-consumer plastics ) are delivered to the facility in es and dumped onto a tipping floor. From there, a conveyor. As they move down the sorted,either mechanically or manually. other recydables and certain plastic types, cs are sorted, they are either depositpment, onto a conveyor that leads to m a t or into a storage bin until sufficient material accumulated. Processing may involve cleaning and dating. Ideally, each type of plastic is baled or granuThe baled or granulated material normally is stored onto a vehicle for shipment to market. dlers, plastics reclaimers typically plastics for sale to end-users who, in r the manufacture of products. In some cases, one entity may fdfd the role handler and plastics reclaimer. There currently are plastics handlers operating in the United States, 156 as both handler and reclaimer. and Aasociatzs, "1992 Post-Consumer Plastics Handlers & About This Manual In developing a post-consumer plastics handling business, there are three basic issues to be addressed: sourcing plastic scrap, building and operating a facility and marketing processed material. This manual provides a thorough discussion of these issues and some of the ways that they can be addressed successfully. It is likely that the post-consumer plastics handling industry will evolve dramatically in the next decade - becoming more complex and sophisticated. Although the information presented in this manual has been researched caremy, and is believed to be accurate as of September 1992, some data may become outdated. Therefore, use this manual as a tool in identifymg and thinking through the issues to be addressed in building a viable longterm business. The manual should not be interpreted as a warranty or guarantee that post-consumer plastics handling is a suitable business opportunity for any particular person. Who Should Read This Manual? This manual seeks to provide the basic tools for starting up a plastics handling operation to anyone interested in pursuing the opportunity: Recycling companies who are familiar with other scrap commodities, such as paper or metals, and who are interested in broadening their business to include plastics; . 0 Entrepreneurs interested in entering the field of plastic recycling; 0 Investors considering the opportunities in the field of secondary materials processing and marketing; Processors of municipal solid waste or industrial plastic reclaimers wishing to expand their operation to include sorting and handling activities; and 0 0 Local governments interested in expanding their recycling capabilities. “Typical Functions of Handlers and Reclaimers” along with other recyclables) are delivered to the facility in a b l e are loaded onto a conveyor. As they move down the r, materials are sorted, either mechanically or manually. are sorted from other recyclables and certain plastic types, into processing equipment, onto a conveyor that leads to equipment or into a storage bin until sufficient material ing is accumulated. Processing may involve cleaning and R.W.Beck and Associates, “1992 Post-Consumer Plastics Handlers & About This Manual In developing a post-consumer plastics handling business, there are three basic issues to be addressed: sourcing plastic scrap, building and operating a facility and marketing processed material. This manual provides a thorough discussion of these issues and some of the ways that they can be addressed successhlly. It is likely that the post-consumer plastics handling industry will evolve dramatically in the next decade - becoming more complex and sophisticated. Although the information presented in this manual has been researched carefully, and is believed to be accurate as of September 1992, some data may become outdated. Therefore, use this manual as a tool in identifylng and thinking through the issues to be addressed in building a viable longterm business. The manual should not be interpreted as a warranty or guarantee that post-consumer plastics handling is a suitable business opportunity for any particular person. Who Should Read This Manual? This manual seeks to provide the basic tools for s arting up a pla: ics handling operation to anyone interested in pursuing the opportunity: Recycling companies who are familiar with other scrap commodities, such as paper or metals, and who are interested in broadening their business to include plastics; Entrepreneurs interested in entering the field of plastic recycling; Investors considering the opportunities in the field of secondary materials processing and marketing; Processors of municipal solid waste or industrial plastic reclaimers wishing to expand their operation to include sorting and handling activities; and Local governments interested in expanding their recycling capabilities. 1 -a Generalized Post-Consumer Plastics Recycling Flow Chart 1 Sorting Into Generic Stream Mechanical Sort Manual Sort I Densification t Baling Granulating I Operation Involved in Sorting of Generic Streams, Granulation, Washing and Pelletizing for End Product Manufacturing Generalized Post-Consumer Plastics Recycling Flow Chart Curbside Pick-Up (Possible Compaction) Public Drop-off Buy-Back Centers I Operations Where Reclaimed Plastic Material is Transformed Into a Consumer Product . Finding ecuring a market for processed material not only provides a stream of income to a handling facility, but also dictates the type of sorting and processing measures that will be required and the quality standards to be met. The effort to secure markets should be undertaken early in the development process - not postponed until material is ready for sale. The market will, to a large degree, dictate the configuration of the processing facility. Factors to Consider When Looking for a Market When establishing handling capabilities, it is important to keep the big picture in mind. The ultimate goal is to produce a material that, afker handling and reclaiming, will be marketable to an end-user. In considering the use of post-consumer plastics in its operation, an end-user is looking for a feedstock that has properties similar to virgin feedstock. If the recycled feedstock meets end-user specifications, the next consideration usually is the cost of recycled resin as compared to the cost of virgin resin. For some resin types, a manufacturer can realize significant savings by using recycled versus virgin resin. For other resin types, the cost of producing the recycled resin exceeds the cost of virgin resin. In these instances, an end-user’s motivation to use recycled resin may be driven more by factors such as demand for recycled-content products than by resin cost. When defining the specific handling services to be provided by a new operation, keep in mind that the objective of the handler is to add value to the recycled plastics. The following considerations will affect the handling J and marketing of post-consumer plastics: Market needs; Demand for specific resins; Quality specifications; Market location; Resins reclaimed; and Market agreements. Matching capabilities with needs: Because of the wide variety of potential uses for recycled plastics, processing needs vary. As a result, handling capabilities should be matched to the needs of the targeted market or reclaimer, as well as to the needs of those collecting and delivering materials to the handler. For example, if a potential market will buy or accept mixed plastics, it may be most effective for the handler to simply bale plastic as it is delivered. On the other hand, a particular market may require product purity by resin type and color with little or no contamination. To meet these requirements, the handler may need to sort and bale materials. In making decisions on processing capabilities, the handler also will want to take into consideration the value of the materials and the costs associated with processing this material. Demand for particular resins: Contamination levels, material uniformity, and material characteristics such as heat tolerance and color can impact the demand for - and thus the value of - recycled plastics. For example, clear PET, which can be made into products of any color, has a greater value than green PET, which is limited in its reuse due to color. Similarly, the value of a bale of natural HDPE will be affected by the degree of contamination. If contamination is too great, the market simply may reject the bale. For a bale with slightly less contamination, the market may pay a lower price. For a bale with little or no contamination, the market may pay a premium price. Quality specifications of the reclaimer and/or end-user: Market quality specifications will have direct bearing on the processing capabilities required of the handler. Processed post-consumer plastics can be viewed within a product quality spectrum. At the high end of the spectrum are plastics that have been sorted, baled and/or custom-ground and are contaminant-free. At the low end of the spectrum are loose or baled mixed plastics with a relatively high level of contamination. Location of the reclaimer and/or end-user: Market location and the means of transporting materials to the market also must be considered in defining processing capabilities and securing markets. The distance of the handling facility fkom the market, the type of transportation to be used and the volume of materials to be transported influence facility configuration and storage capacity, as well as the cost of the handling operation. Type(s) of resin reclaimed: Some reclaimers may work with only one resin type. Others may accept multiple resins. How many and which resins a reclaimer accepts will affect the handler’s processing operation and storage and transportation requirements. Market agree ments: Many handlers historically have marketed material simply based on longterm working relationships. “Playing the market” enables them to select the best market at any given time. However, handlers increasingly are signing contracts or, at a minimum, less-formal written agreements with markets. The decision to enter into a formal agreement with a market may be based on several factors. If a handler has operated in the past without contracts and sees no threat of competition, formal market agreements may not be necessary. Even if there is competition for markets, a handler still may not want to enter into formal agreements since maintaining flexibility may be to the handler’s economic advantage. Another factor that might lead a handler to forgo material contracts is available storage space; if there is sufficient storage space to wait for optimal market conditions, a handler may not want to have market agreements. A handler may want to have a formal agreement with a market if there is more “handled” material available than markets for those materials. If efficient facility operation demands that processed material is removed quickly from the facility, it may be important to have a market contract. Also, local governments may favor a handler that has guaranteed contracts, even if that handler offers a lower lower price for the community’s recyclables. If a formal agreement is called for, the agreement should address the types of issues defined in “Negotiating a Contract” on p. 27: Quantity of material; Specifications; Quality of material (amount of contamination); Delivery requirements, including point of delivery; Price, including with what measure the price will fluctuate; and Payment terms. Reclaimers as a Market Traditionally, industrial scrap plastic reclaimers were located near the source of scrap material, eliminating the need for a separate handling operation. Today, with the increased emphasis on recycling post-consumer plastic, some sources of material are a long distance away from the reclaimer. Many reclaimers have expanded their operations to accept plastics from handlers located closer to the source (ix., plastics manufacturing plants). In addition, some larger handlers also reclaim post-consumer plastics. The reclaimer's job is to transform used plastics into a feedstock for manufacturing new products. The processes used in reclaiming post-consumer plastics include washing and drying, custom blending, extrusion and pelletizing. Shredding and granulating is almost always a component of a post-consumer plastics reclaiming operation, as well. Shredding and granulating: Plastic containers usually are reduced to a uniform particle size prior to cleaning. This often is done by the reclaimer but some handlers may grind sorted plastics rather than bale them. Grinding requires higher attention to quality, but ground material generally commands a higher price. (See p. 56 for more details.) Washing and drying: Cleaning processes typically have evolved through experience and are closely guarded by reclaimers for competitive reasons. Innovations in plastic sorting and cleaning are expected over the next decade. One commonly used cleaning technique involves hot water (160" to 180" F), a mild detergent or caustic agent and agitation. The detergent concentration must be controlled so as not to adversely affect the properties of the plastic. Most post-consumer plastics can be cleaned effectively with this technology. This process can also be used to separate the various materials in granulated soft drink bottles. During washing, PET flakes from the container body and duminum flakes from bottle caps will sink while the HDPE flakes from the base cup and PP from closures float, providing a clean material separation. The HDPE is skimmed off the top. The PET and aluminum are separated, ofien through the use of electrostatic separators, which take advantage of the materials’ different electrical conductivity. Large centrihges and mechanical presses can then be used to remove excess water before the cleaned flake is dried in centrifugal or hot air dryers. Extrusion and pelletizing: Once dried, plastic flakes are forced mechanically through a cylindrical heated barrel and compressed, creating friction that melts the flakes. Next, the melt is homogenized and put through a series of filters or screens to remove remaining solid contaminants. This is a particularly important step Xthe reprocessed material is to be used in high-value applications. The melted plastic then is forced through a die consisting of a series of small holes in a steel plate. rYt t h i s point in the reclamation process, the recycled plastic achieves characteristics similar to those of virgin plastic. Pelletizing is the process whereby the extruded plastic is cut into pellets. Basic pelletizing techniques include the following: “Hot face” pelletizers are perhaps the most commonly used and simplest to operate. The molten extruded material is forced through holes in a circular die. An attached blade at the discharge end cuts pellets of specific size. There are three types of hot face pelletizers: air, water spray and underwater. Air pelletizers often are used for PVC and polyethylene polymers. Air circulating through the cutting chamber initially cools the pellets and conveys the pellets to fluidized bed dryers for hrther cooling. Alternatively, the pellets are discharged directly into a water trough and later dried in fluidized beds or centrifugal dryers. These machines produce pellets at rates of up to 10,000 pounds per hour. Water spray pelletizers, also called water ring pelletizers, produce pellets at up to 30,000 pounds per hour and differ only in using a water-injected cutting chamber for the initial cooling of pellets. This type of pelletizer is limited in use to materials such as flexible PVC and ABS. - __ ~ ~ ~ - Many reclaimers use underwater pelletizers for LDPE and HDPE. As the name implies, the cutting blade is located under a stream of water. Recent developments in underwater pelletizing technology have made new machines simpler to operate than their forerunners. Today’s systems can produce pellets at rates up to 50,000 pounds per hour. Underwater pelletizers cut strands of molten plastic, creating less noise and prolonging blade life. This type of machine requires less horsepower to operate and occupies less floor space because the pelletizer is coupled directly onto the extruder die face. “Cold-cutting” systems include dicers and strand pelletizers. Both differ from hot face pelletizers in that the pellets are cut after the plastic material has been extruded into a continuous strand, air or water cooled then dried. Cutting polymers in a solid form will increase noise and reduce blade life. These systems also require more floor space than hot face systems. End-Users as a Market In some cases, a handler may market plastics directly to an end-user. This is possible if the handler has the ability to prepare the plastics in a way that is acceptable to the end-user. This depends both on the end-user’s specifications and the processing capability of the handler. Sourci 0 nce markets have been identified, sourcing material is the next step in determining the viability of a post-consumer plastics handling business. The prospective handler must have a reliable, consistent flow of material. This can be accomplished by contracting with private sources, local governments or businesses who generate or collect scrap plastics. Identifying Scrap Plastics The sourcing process logically begins with an assessment of materials availability. Because end-users - firms that manufacture plastic products - seek particular types of plastics, it is important to identifjr available plastic scrap by resin type. Plastics can be categorized into four groups: commodity thermoplastics, engineering thermoplastics, thermosets and multi-component, or composite plastics. These categories are based on the plastics’ uses and physical properties. Commodity thermoplastics are the plastics category most commonly found in both the municipal and commercial/institutional solid waste streams. They are produced in high volumes at relatively low cost and account for approximately two-thirds of all plastics sales. These plastics are prime candidates for recycling because of the high volume of material available for capture and recycling, as well as their ability to be remolded. The following discussion on material sourcing is, therefore, limited to commodity thermoplastics. Com modity Thermo pIasti cs There are five basic resins, or types of plastic, included in the category of commodity thermoplastics: Polyethylene terephthalate (PET); Polyethylene (PE); Polyvinyl chloride (PVC); Polypropylene (PP); and Polystyrene (PS). Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET): / Polyethylene terephthalate is the most commonly recycled post-consumer plastic packaging material. Representing about 30 percent of the plastic bottle market, PET is used primarily for soft drink bottles; however, other PET packaging applications include edible oil, liquor, soap and shampoo bottles and peanut butter jars. While PET is a commodity thermoplastic, becadse of its physical properties, it also can be used as an engineering grade resin. PET is clear, tough and acts as a barrier to gases, particularly carbon dioxide. In 1991, approximately 807 million pounds of PET were converted into soft drink bottles. Nationally, this averaged to about one two-liter bottle per household per week. (About seven two-liter bottles weigh one pound.) Approximately 36 percent of PET soft drink bottles were recycled in 1991. Overall, approximately 293 million pounds of all post-consumer PET bottles were recycled in 1991. This represents 24 percent of the total virgin PET bottle sales of 1.2 billion pounds in 1991. Current end-uses for postconsumer PET include new soft drink and beverage bottles, carpet and fiber, household cleaner bottles, and insulation. Polyethylene (PE): Polyethylene is the most widely used consumer plastic. Polyethylene is divided by density into two primary families: high density polyethylene (HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE). LDPE is used widely in applications requiring clarity, inertness, processing ease and a moisture barrier. It frequently is used as film in applications such as bread bags, grocery sacks, trash bags and shrink wrap. The recoverability of LDPE is affected by its diverse uses and difficulties associated with separating it out as a contaminant-free feedstock from the remainder of the waste stream. HDPE is characterized by its stiffhess, low cost, ease of forming and resistance to breakage. Products commonly made from HDPE include containers of all sizes and shapes, such as milk, water and juice bottles; bleach and detergent bottles; motor oil bottles; margarine tubs; and bulk food and ice cream containers. It also is used in grocery sacks. HDPE use represents 60 percent of the plastic bottle market. In 1991, approximately 2.3 bitlion pounds of household bottles were made from HDPE. Approximately 950 million pounds of natural, or unpigmented, HDPE bottles (i.e., milk and water jugs) are discarded each year. This represents a significant source of material for a plastics handle;. In 1991, approximately 133 million pounds of natural HDPE bottles were recycled. For pigmented bottles, 1.3 billion pounds were sold in 1991, of which 92 million pounds were recycled. Total HDPE bottles reclaimed in 1991 equaled 225 million pounds, or approximately 10 percent of all HDPE bottles. Natural postconsumer HDPE, such as milk and water jugs, currently commands a premium price over pigmented HDPE because it can be remanufactured into a greater vhiety of end-products. Common end-uses for recovered HDPE include products such as detergent and motor oil bottles, garbage cans, pails, buckets, recycling bins, irrigation and drain pipe, crates, nursery containers and toilet partitions. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): Polyvinyl chloride, often called vinyl, is one of the most versatile plastics because of its blending capability. It can be made into products ranging from credit cards to heavy-walled pressure pipes to crystal-clear food packaging, the latter most often for cooking oils, household chemicals, automotive care products, and health and beauty aids. The properties of vinyl include good clarity and chemical resistance. Vinyl bottles make up approximately five percent of the plastic bottles found in an average household. About 2 million pounds of post-consumer PVC bottles were recycled in 1991. In September 1989, Occidental Chemical Corporation announced a nationwide commercial program to buy back vinyl bottles. Baled bottles are purchased in lots of more that 5,000 pounds at prices equivalent to or higher than comparable grades of baled PET bottles. I Polypropylene (PPI: Polypropylene is resistant to chemicals and fatigue and has good heat resistance. It has gained wide acceptance in applications ranging from fibers and films to appliance parts, and from hrniture to food packaging, such as screw-on caps and lids, some yogurt and margarine tubs and syrup bottles. For the last 30 years, PP also has been used as the primary material for automotive batteries because it is lightweight, durable and recyclable. PP often is used for long-life items. According to the plastics industry’s 1991 Annual Post-Consumer Plastics Recycling Survey, 144 million pounds of PP from used automotive batteries are recycled each year in the United States, accounting for a large percentage of all spent batteries. About 40 percent of the recovered PP is used in the next generation of batteries. The balance is used for other automotive applications and in consumer products, including wheels for barbecue grills and lawn mowers. Polystyrene (PS): Polystyrene is a versatile resin with physical properties that include clarity, the ability to foam and relative ease of processing. While it is one of the least-used plastics for household packaging, it is used in some yogurt containers, egg cartons, meat trays, rigid disposable drinking cups, plates, cutlery and foam cups. Both rigid and expanded polystyrene (EPS), or foamed polystyrene, are used extensively as packaging material, including compact disk and cassette cases, foamed foodservice clamshells, loose fill packaging and electronic component packaging. A growing amount of PS now is being recycled: 13 million pounds were collected in 1990 and 24 million pounds were collected in 1991. Initial efforts to recycle both non-foodservice and foodservice PS in hospitals, schools, distribution centers and quick service restaurants are proving successful. PS collection programs also are underway at school cafeterias and businesses. The National Polystyrene Recycling Company (NPRC) was formed by the nation’s largest polystyrene manufacturers to establish a nationwide postconsumer PS recycling infrastructure. The NPRC has opened several regional reprocessing facilities to handle post-consumer PS. Each facility has the capability to recycle 13 million pounds per year, when fully operational, The NPRC’ estimates that it will have recycled roughly 20 million pounds of post-consumer PS in 1992, equivalent to 2.3 billion 12-ounce cups. - 1- Another significant component of the PS recycling infrastructure is represented by a group called the Association of Foam Plastics Recyclers (AFPR).AFPR represents a network of PS foam converters across the country that act as collection and processing sites for material that oftentimes is destined for an NPRC facility. (For the recycling rates of post-consumer commodity plastics, see Appendix A.) Estimating Quantities Available There are several factors to consider when estimating the quantities of plastic scrap available to support a potential handling operation. These include the size of the geographic area likely to use the services, the generators of material, the competition for post-consumer plastic in the area and legislative programs or incentives - in place or anticipated - that may enhance or inhibit recycling efforts. Estimating the amount of plastic scrap available in a given service area requires some careful research. Determine the size of the service area: In general, most handlers receive material from within a 50-mile radius of their facility. The handler must determine at what distance post-consumer plastics can be collected realistically and cost-effectively. The handler either can collect plastics directly from the sources or can require delivery to the handling facility. Either way, long hauling distances mean high transportation costs. This is even more of a consideration for plastics than for other recyclables since most post-consumer plastic products have a high volumeto-weight ratio. Demographic factors may determine how large the service area needs to be in order for a potential handling operation to be profitable. If the population is high and there is considerable commercial activity in the area, more post-consumer plastic will be generated within a smaller service area. The presence of commercial businesses can also impact the availability of plastic materials. Therefore, population estimates and estimates of the economic activity in an area, from the Census Bureau or other sources, are important to determine service area. If the size of the service area needed to make a plastics handling operation viable is so large that hauling costs become prohibitive, a potential handler may want to explore the possibility of strategically located transfer stations, where the material could be collected and aggregated for transport to the handling facility. stimate the number of waste generators and categorize them by type: In general, waste generators can be divided into two types: commercial and residential. Commercial generators include manufacturing operations, wholesale and retail establishments, malls, hospitals, schools and the like. It is particularly important to identify potential commercial/institutional stream generators ,of plastic scrap because commercial waste plastic is often cleaner and more homogeneous than that found in the residential waste stream. In addition, a firm manufacturing plastic products within the service area may be able to provide a handler with large amounts of clean processing scrap of a particular resin type. Sourcing industrial and manufacturing scrap plastics is an excellent way to supplement a post-consumer plastics handling business. Residential generators include families living in single and multi-family dwellings. The plastic scrap generated by residents will include household products and food packaging. This material may be contaminated by household trash, residual plastics (resin types or applications that are not marketable) and other materials, such as paper, glass and metals. Estimate tne potentiai quaniiiy of piasiic scrap avaiiabie: In some locations, the city, county or state may have conducted a waste composition study that will provide estimates of the quantity and types of materials disposed of in the service area. If these data are not available, or if the data are out of date, estimates can be made using the EPA’s “Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste 1960-1990.” (See “Estimating Plastics Feedstock in the Waste Stream” worksheet beginning on p. 34.) ’ Estimate the amount of potentially available material that will actually be collected and delivered to the processing facility: No recycling program can recover 100 percent of the recyclable materials available in the waste stream. The amount that actually can be recovered will depend on the willingness of the waste generators to participate. In terms of residential scrap plastics, the service area may already be served by a recycling collection program that is considering adding some types of plastics to its list of targeted materials, or it may be developing a wholly new program that will include plastics from the outset. An existing program should have developed participation and capture rates for its targeted materials, as these rates mark a program’s success. These rates can be applied to plastics to estimate the quantity of recoverable material. For a new program, it may be best to consider several possible recovery rates. (!See “Estimating Plastics Feedstock from Municipal Programs” worksheet, p. 38.) Factors that may affect sourcing material from residential programs include the following: Is the program voluntary or mandatory? An enforced mandatory program tends to have higher diversion rates than a voluntary program. 0 , How convenient is the collection method? Programs that collect at the source tend to have higher recovery rates than drop-off programs. Weekly, multi-material curbside collection, including the widest possible range of plastics, provides the best results. Collecting recyclables on the same day that the regular garbage is set out has a favorable impact on quantities collected. Is there an economic incentive to participate, such as a buy-back program or reduced rates for the disposal of less waste? Is the program accompinied by sound public education? Programs that are clearly and continually promoted to the public tend to have higher recovery rates. Promotional materials clearly explaining which plastics are and are not currently being collected - and why - improve the quality of the plastics collected. What kind of recycling container is used? A household set-out container, specifically intended for recyclables, boosts participation. Larger set-out containers permit the collection of a larger volume of recyclables, and one large container holding mixed recyclables is more effective than several smaller containers, each holding a specific material. Among rigid set-out containers, box-shaped containers are preferred to round containers. Negotiating a Contract* Once an assessment of post-consumer plastic availability has been made and potential markets have been identified, the plastics handler is in a position to define how materials will be secured. Obtaining an adequate quantity of materials may involve contracting with several parties, such as local governments, private collectors, commercial businesses or other entities involved in the collection of recyclables in the service area. Before beginning any negotiations, it is important to establish who owns the recyclables. Some municipalities have established “flow-control” of their waste through ordinance or law. This gives the municipality ownership and con.trol of the waste. This control can be contracted or franchised to a private hauler. Potential handlers need to understand who has the legal right to the recyclables, and under what conditions, before negotiating for the feedstock. Drafting a contract that assures a reliable, consistent stream of post-consumer plastic of a known type and quality is critical for the development of a successll handling operation. However, a variety of issues must be addressed in material supply contracts: Type(s) of plastic to be delivered: Clearly define the type of plastics to be accepted. For example, don’t speci@ all “1’s and 2’s” if you actually mean soft-drink and milk bottles. Be sure to specfi “bottles” as opposed to “containers”; “soft-drink PET” vs. “custom PET”; “clear” vs. “pigmented.” Knowing what you can market is impbrtant. Getting what you want is imperative to making your business viable. Markets for recycled plastics fluctuate - as they do for all commodities. Every contract should include a mechanism for adding or deleting types of recyclable material and adjusting fees to reflect changes in operating costs and market conditions. This will eliminate the need to renegotiate a contract every time a change is required. * This section should not be considered a substitutefor lgal advice with respect to the terms and conditions of specific contracts, nor does it purport to be a comprehensive list of all contractual terms that may be necessary or appropriate in pavticular circumstances. En Amount of plastics to be delivered: It is critical to know what quantity, types and in what form (compacted or loose) material will be coming to the facility and what type of equipment will be used to deliver the material. In addition, it is helpful to know the frequency and timing of deliveries in order to develop and maintain a smooth-running operation. Delivery specifications: There are three general forms in which plastic feedstock can be delivered to the handler: commingled, mixed and sorted. “Commingled” commonly refers to plastics that are collected together with other recyclables - aluminum cans, glass bottles, or other materials. “Mixed” implies that the handler will receive loads containing several types of plastics separated from other recyclables. Shipments received “sorted” indicate that the handler will receive plastic sorted by resin type and perhaps by color as well. If the incoming plastics are commingled or mixed, the handler will need sorting equipment and personnel in the facility. If the plastics are to be delivered sorted, negotiations should define the standards to be used. What degree of sorting can the plastic handler demand from the material source? How much mixing will be allowed in a “sorted” load? Generally, the less stringent the specifications of the handler, the higher the handling costs. The pricing system should be structured to reflect the degree to which the material must be handled. For example, the price paid or amount charged for sorted materials should be higher (or the amount charged should be lower) than that for commingled or mixed materials. When establishing delivery specifications, it is extremely valuable to keep in mind the specifications of the reclaimer or end-user. In existing handling operations, most plastics are received mixed. Consequently, sorting is required at the handling facility if it is not provided by the reclaimer or end-use market. Quality standards fer delivered plastics: Regardless of whether plastics are being delivered to the facility commingled, mixed or sorted, there will be some contamination. Establish allowable limits of contamination and define the consequences of delivering materials that exceed these limits. A pricing structure can serve as an incentive for delivery of clean material. The handler may want to retain the right to refuse any shipment that does not meet the agreed-upon specifications. This __ ~ -- - reduces the risk of receiving material that will ultimately need to be disposed of. It also reinforces the message to a supplier that quality is essential to securing high-value markets for its material. Being very specific about the types of plastic acceptedwill assist the handler in obtaining fairly “clean” material. Entities responsible for the collection of such recyclables normally identify minimum standards to which a participant must prepare plastics. For instance, PET bottles may be accepted without removing labels and rinsing, and colored lids may be accepted with natural HDPE containers. While these allowances can increase recovery rates, they will decrease the overall quality and possibly the marketability of the material. The increased rate may not offset the cost incurred to the handler to remove this type of contamination - which often is an expensive proposition. Payment schedule and method: The method and frequency of payment should be outlined clearly in a contract. Although it can be tedious, it may be equitable for both the plastics handler and the collector to index prices paid for materials to prices published in periodicals such as Plastics News or Recycling Times. These publications list current market prices for certain plastic recyclables on a periodic and regional basis. Indexing allows the price of collected scrap plastics to reflect demand for the material. If a fixed commodity price is more desirable, a handler must determine a price for the collected material that will reflect required profit levels. Contracts that include a fixed commodity price should also require a minimum quantity of incoming material in order to guarantee supply. A manual called “How to Implement a Plastics Recycling Program” outlines issues and questions to be addressed when collectors of post-consumer plastics are seeking a market or handler for collected materials. Topics addressed include long-term versus short-term contracts, material conditions, provision of containers, transportation and scheduling, fee structure, and experience and past performance. Potential handlers may wish to review this publication and address these questions and issues in draft contracts prior to presentation to potential suppliers of post-consumer plastics. Call the American Plastics Council at 1-800-2-HELP-90for more information about this manual and other available materials and services. Working with Private Haulers Private haulers traditionally have serviced the vast majority of the commercial and indus&ial sector waste and recycling streams. Therefore, they represent the biggest source of recyclable material for handlers. In addition, as municipalities attempt to reduce their financial and environmental burdens through alternative residential waste management, they increasingly are turning to private sector waste haulers to perform curbside collection of recyclable materials. To private haulers, time is money. The time spent driving to and unloading at a handling facility is looked upon as “unproductive,” or non-revenueproducing time. It is incumbent upon a handler to do everything within reason to minimize a private hauler’s unloading time. Revenues received from the sale of recyclables will be offset rapidly by unnecessary unloading delays. Presented with a choice, a private hauler is likely to choose a handling operation that results in the lowest off-route time over one with a higher price. A hauler’s revenue for providing the collection service will typically far exceed revenues received for materials. Handlers also should take into consideration that private haulers typically want to deliver compacted materials in order to maximize payloads. Handlers should be prepared to accommodate large loads of compacted plastics from private firms. It is advisable for a potential plastics handler to identifjr and meet with the private haulers collecting plastics in their designated service area before finalizing the handling facility design. Truck body types, gross vehicle weights, unloading height requirements and maneuverability constraints associated with haulers’ vehicles should be taken into account in developing the handling operation. Meeting with local private haulers can also provide the opportunity for a handler to clearly communicate material specifications and requirements. This effort can go a long way toward assuring the quality of material being delivered to the facility and establishing a good customer relationship right from the start. Finally, prompt payment at the unit price promised for delivered materials can also go a long way toward cementing a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship with a private hauler. And it can help assure that, in the event your facility has to charge a tipping fee for materials delivered, prompt payment by the hauler will be returned in kind. Working with Local Governments The reasons driving local governments’ participation in recycling are their need to solve part of their solid waste disposal problem and their desire to respond to strong public demand for recycling. It is the local government’s objective to divert material from the waste stream, while it is the handler’s objective to consolidate material for sale. Local governments are in the recycling business to reduce the need for disposal capacity, while the handler is in the business because the diverted materials, or the processing services, have value that offers the opportunity for profit. These divergent motivations may result in misunderstandings between recyclers and government entities. Addressing this issue in the program-design phase may reduce the risk of either party misunderstanding the costs and benefits of waste reduction through recycling. As local governments develop their recycling programs, many decide to fill the role of plastics handler themselves. A local government may construct its own Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) and operate the facility itself or hire a private operator. This may result in a lost business opportunity for the potential plastics handler. Therefore, a business interested in handling plastics must offer a service that has advantages over municipal handling of the plastics. A handler that has been recycling other commodities or industrial scrap plastics can offer a local government more than just handling services; it can offer knowledge about markets, market specifications, commodity pricing, recovery techniques and costs and recycling business fluctuations, pitfalls and stren’gths.In addition, reclaimers and end-users may have more confidence in a handler’s ability to deliver materials that meet specifications in a timely manner. However, local governments and private handlers may have some differences in the way they do business that must be overcome to ensure a successful relationship. A handler may have no firm contracts for the sale of material but rather “play the market” or work through a network of reclaimers and end-users. This may be of concern to local governments, which traditionally require long-term contractual relationships. If the local government will not accept a contract based on prices set in an industry publication, a handler can offer a set price that is lower than market value for a length of time. Local governments also may be uncomfortable with a handler’s unwillingness to share proprietary information. Local governments may want to know exactly how materials are processed, information that a handler may not wish to make public for competitive reasons. If this is the case, a handler may suggest that arrangements between the local government and the handler be based on performance and incentives rather than specific processing requirements. However, some local governments may insist upon reporting requirements for handlers because they, in turn, are required to report to someone else, often the state, on their recycling efforts. There needs to be a clear delineation by the local government of what will be required for program reporting and open discussions with the handler about how this information can be compiled and reported. A local government is much more likely to incorporate a plastics handler into its program if the handler is involved in planning the recycling program. A handler should demonstrate interest in working with local governments through active participation in local and regional solid waste planning groups. This will make local leaders and recycling program planners more aware of your capabilities as a handler. Competition: Competition for recyclable materials within a region may affect the price and availability of post-consumer plastic scrap for a potential handler. When sizing up the competition, try to get the answers to the following questions: If plastics currently are collected for recycling, where are they going? What plastics are being accepted, and is there an opportunity to broaden the list of marketable materials? Is there a contract that commits those materials? Can the existing plastics handling and reclaiming infrastructure absorb more post-consumer plastics than currently are collected? If the post-consumer plastic currently is delivered to a reclaimer or enduser, would it prefer to receive a material that has been upgraded by sorting or baling? Would your operation have advantages over other operations, such as a higher price paid for material, less-stringent delivery specifications, shorter hauling distance or a greater variety of materials accepted? __ ~- Works herr Waste Stri “How Can I Identify Uncoded Resins?” As the SPI resin code is not present on a large variety of post-consumer plastic products found outside of the residential waste stream, the following chart can assist you in identifying those mystery resins that could end up being a valuable source of material for your handling operation. I n the absencc waste stream1 emphasized tt vary significa fi-om nationa sheet below 11 plastic feedstrl The source d Protection A United State:: Quantity of The EPA estii Total MSW pounds/pers;, tons/person,, * Generation bejl To calculate 11 of the propos (See Resin Identification Chart Inside) HD PE “ Natura I” PVC HDPE Colored PET opaque matte finish (not shiny) can be transparent, transparent with translucent, or high gloss opaque (colored, can be clear or usually high gloss) colored no seams bottles have seams bottom has injection clear bottles sometimes have faint molding nub blue tint (see below) bottom has blow molding ‘‘smile’’ (see below) (without color) translucent matte finish (not shiny) Appearance Touch slightly waxy to slightly waxy to touch touch semi-rigid to flexible semi-rigid to flexible does not crack when does not crack when bent bent tough slick surface highly resilient semi-rigid tough very smooth surface forms opaque white line when bent semi-rigid Density floats in water floats in water sinks in water sinks in water Can It Be Transparent? No No Yes Yes 1 3 carbonated beverage bottles Pepto Bismol bottles Ocean Spray juice bottles honey jars (look for nubs) plastic liquor bottles Palmolive dishwashing liquid liquid Spic ik Span Pine cleaner bottles other clear, tough bottles or jars with nubs salad dressing bottles cooking oil bottles most imported mineral water bottles some translucent pharmaceutical bottles (e.g., cough syrup -look for Polyethylene Terephthalate Polyvinyl Chloride ‘ I ~ ~~ SPI Code 2 Typical Products milk jugs Full Name of Plastic cider jugs distilled & spring water jugs juice bottles (not clear) rubbing alcohol bottles large vinegar bottles small, single-serving juice or punch drink bottles Visine bottles coffee can lids High Density Polyethylene laundry detergent bottles dish detergent bottles hbric softener bottles saline solution bottles bleach bottles skin and baby lotion bottles auto motor oil bottles auto antifreeze bottles peanut can lids dental floss dispensers dispensers for baby wipes High Density Polyethylene smile) blister pack ”bubble” for batteries, hardware supplies, etc. I ’P LPDE ransparent, can be nearly ranslucent, or transparent, ( e g , dry cleaning bags) opaque lear or colored or opaque an have shiny or low can be colored gloss finish low to high gloss PS EPS transparent or opaque clear or colored high gloss opaque only varies smooth to grainy finish, foamed, thick-walled Other ~ nooth surface :mi-rigid )ugh . slightly waxy to touch slick, smooth surface smooth surface varies flexible cracks easily on cracks easily on stretches before bending bending tearing when pulled brittle to semi-rigid lightweight and flu@ oats in water floats in water sinks in water floats in water varies es Yes Yes No varies 4 6 6 7 lost lids for usually appears in bottles flexible film such as ropicana frozen dry cleaning bags, orange juice cans bread bags, prom e yogurt cups duce bags, etc., but and lids (those that some rigid items do not crack easily such as food storwhen bent) age containers and flexible lids most yogurt cups and tubs cookie and muffin trays clear carry-out containers most fast-food cutlery vitamin bottles crystal clear, rigid juice bottles with seams carry-out containers (clamshells, etc.) meat and produce products made of other plastics resins besides the 6 most common, or products made of multiple resins in layers, blends, or different P* examples: microwavable serving ware, “brick pack” juice boxes, water cooler bottles, most snack bags (potato chips, etc.) olypropylene Polystyrene Expanded (or Foamed) Polystyrene Low Density Polyethylene ’ trays hot cups egg cartons “How Can I Identify Uncoded Resins?” I As the SPI resin code is not present on a large variety of post-consumer plastic products found outside of the residential waste stream, the following chart can assist you in identifying those mystery resins that could end up being a valuable source of material for your handling operation. Sample Calculation: I Estimating the quantity and composition of solid waste for a service area involves three steps. The calculations below use EPA data for 1990 and assume a service area population of 100,000: Quantity of Solid Waste in the Service Area Population x tons/person/year 0.78 rloo,ooo = tons per year 78,000 tons per year from page 34 your town’s population I = Composition of Solid Waste in the Service Area Take the weight percentages listed below and multiply them by the tons per year figure obtained above. (E+, for durables, multiply 14.3 x 78,000 = 11,154 tons per year of durables.*) Weight Percentage Material Durables 14.3 Nondurables Plastic Plates and Cups Disposable Diapers Other Nondurables 0.2 1.4 25.1 Plastic Packaging Plastic Soft Drink Bottles Milkflugs Other Plastic Containers , Bags and Sacks Wraps Other Plastic Packaging I 0.2 0.2 0.9 0.5 0.8 1.o Other Packaging 29.3 Other Wastes 26.1 Total Discards 100.0 * See p. 36 for more specific subcategories. Composition of Solid Waste: The EPA estimates that the percentage composition of the products generated by weight (*) in 1990was as follows: Percentage Material Durable Goods: Major Appliances Furniture and Furnishings Carpets and Rugs Rubber Tires Lead-Acid Batteries Miscellaneous Durables 1.4 3.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 6.4 14.3 Paper Products Plastic Plates and Cups Disposable Diapers Clothing and Footwear Miscellaneous Nondurables 20.7 0.2 1.4 1.9 2.5 26.7 Total Durables Nondurable Goods: Total Nondurables Containem and Packaging: Glass Packaging Steel Packaging Aluminum Packaging Paper & Paperboard Packaging Plastic Packaging Soft Drink Bottles Milk/Jugs Other Containers Bags and Sacks Wraps Other Plastic Packaging Wood Packaging Other Misc. Packaging Total Packaging 6.1 1.5 1.o 16.7 3.6 0.2 0.2 0.9 0.5 0.8 1.o 4.0 0.1 32.9 Other Wastes: Food Wastes Yard Wastes Other Inorganic Wastes Total Other Wastes 6.7 17.9 1.5 26.1 100.0 Total Discards * Befbre materials recovey and combustion. I Factors that May Influence the Estimate - The last step in determining the availability of plastic feedstock in the service area is to adjust this estimate for local conditions. This estimate is based on national data and should be refined for known area conditions. Information that will be useful in refining this estimate includes: Information on manufacturing firms or other businesses in the area that generate significant amounts of plastic feedstock. Information on local recycling programs that may already be diverting plastic scrap - recovery will be much lower for drop-off depots compared to curbside collection programs, but drop-offs have proven to be an effective way to collect material, especially in a rural service area. Information on existing plastics handlers in the area. If a beverage bottle deposit ordinance is in effect, very few PET soft-drinkbottles will be recovered by other means. Poor quality of local drinking water will likely result in greater generation of post-consumer HDPE from the disposal of purchased water containers. It also is important to remember that no collection program will capture 100 percent of the material available in the waste stream. Some households and businesses will not participate and some material will be contaminated or lost before the collection system can recover it. As a general estimate, it may be concluded that a curbside collection program will recover between 5 and 11 pounds of PET soda bottles (clear and colored) per household per year, and a similar amount of natural HDPE milk and water jugs. Obviously, significant amounts of other plastic feedstock is generated. However, much of this is not curbside-collected at the present time and thus has not been targeted for plastics handling facilities in this report. , Worksheet: Estimating Plastics Feedstock from Municipal Programs Now that you have a general idea of the total amount of material available in your service area, you can calculate the potential amount available &om a municipal curbside program. A. How to Calculate Estimated Weight: Look at the Estimated Recovery Levels chart on p. 39. Find the RECOVERY LEVEL (lbs./household/year) of the collected resins. Write that number below. - X # of households to be RECOVERY LEVEL (lbs./household/yr.) Estimated lbs./yr. served by program - 52 - Estimated lbs./yr Estimated lbs./weekly collection B. How to Calculate Estimated Volume: From the Estimated Recovery Levels Chart, find the DENSITY for the resins to be collected. - Estimated lbs./weekly collection DENSITY Estimated vol./weekly collection Estimated vol./weekly collection - # of truckloads/wk. Estimated vol./truck ~ ~~ Recovery Levels of Plastic Resin ide Program: Resins Collected Milk jugs Estimated Recovery Level (lbs./household/yr.) Estimated Density (lbs./cu. yds.) withStep-on-It ProJram * PET 5-11 30-45 natural HDPE 5-10 25-30 PET, natural HDPE 8-17 30-40 PET, natural HDPE, clear PVC 8-18 30-40 colored HDPE 1-2 35-50 PET, natural HDPE colored HDPE PVC, PP multilayer 15-24 40-50 * Step-on-it programs encourage consumersto flatten plastic bottles as a means of saving space in recycling bins. \ , A Designing a Operation successful plastics handling operation can be started from scratch, or it can evolve from an existing plastics collection or plastics reclaiming operation. A plastics handling operation can also evolve from an operation that handles other material, such as scrap paper or metals. Most handlers of post-consumer scrap plastics use one of four handling methods to prepare plastics for market. The two most common handling methods are: to receive mixed plastics, sort them, and aggregate and bale for shipment; or to receive pre-sorted plastics and aggregate and bale for shipment. Less fiequently, handlers may: receive mixed plastics, sort them, and granulate them for shipment; or receive pre-sorted plastics and granulate them for shipment. I Regardless of procedures to be performed, any handling operation must be designed to provide for: storage of incoming and finished goods; smooth flow of materials and traffic; efficient operations; ongoing maintenance and servicing of equipment; business administration; and value-added materials handling. Site Requirements There are four issues to address when choosing a site for a plastics handling ficility. Location: The cost of transportation can be a significant economic factor in operating a handling facility. Minimize transportation costs and maximize long-term economic benefits by locating as near to identified plastic scrap generators and markets as possible. Access: Ideally, the site should be accessible by major road and rail arteries. Also, access to necessary utilities is a must to avoid the costs of making those utilities available. Utility requirements for a plastics handling facility include electricity - three-phase power usually is required - water and wastewater discharge. Limited amounts of washdown water are required for maintenance, as well as dust and odor control. Sufficient space must be provided for all-aspects of the business, including vehicular traffic (such as truck queuing, weighing and dumping and movement of materials on site), material processing and storage, and buffer areas. If outside storage of materials is anticipated, the impact on site requirements and surrounding land uses needs to be considered. Site size, shape and topography affect the size and arrangement of the facility and operation, including the placement of buildings and roads. Other factors such as drainage, visual impacts, geological conditions and slopes can also impact the desirability of a particular site. The arrangement of the facility and on-site operations should be situated so that noise and glare are directed away from neighboring properties. The facility site should also provide enough flexibility to allow for future expansion and changes in materials or traffic flow. Permits: The requirements for air, water and other permits vary widely from state to state and community to community. Overall, the regulations for facilities handling solid waste have been tightened over the past few years. The cost of securing permits can range from several hundred dollars for a site and facility in an area that already comes under industrial use, to many thousands of dollars for an environmentally sensitive site. The permitting process often is long and complicated, involving several state regulatory agencies. It often is beneficial to hire a consultant familiar with the permitting process to assist in the preparation and filing of applications and to help expedite permit applications through the proper channels. Normally, permits required for a handler are minimal compared to a reclaimer. -~ _. -~ There are two likely scenarios for the development of a plastics handling facility. The first is that an existing facility will be retrofitted to handle plastics. The second is that a completely new facility will be developed. There are advantages and disadvantages to each of these scenarios. Building Requirements Buildings should be designed to accommodate the flow of materials and the configuration of the processing equipment. This will depend on: the volume of material to be handled; the types of material to be handled; the degree of processing that is to take place; the types of vehicles used to deliver plastic scrap to *e facility; and the methods used to transport processed plastics from the facility to market. The building receiving area must be compatible with the vehicles delivering material and be sized adequately to hold material awaiting processing. This requires an understanding of the frequency and size of deliveries, as well as the type of equipment to be used. For example, if materials are to be dumped or tipped inside the facility, doors and ceilings must be high enough to allow vehicles to enter and unload and there must be adequate room to maneuver vehicles, move loads and keep source-separated materials segregated. The building arrangement should facilitate the smooth and efficient movement of materials. For example, if materials are to be moved from the delivery area by conveyor, it may be advantageous to have the conveyor slightly below grade to allow materials to be pushed directly - rather than lifted - onto the conveyor. A truck scale and scale house should be built into the design of the site and building. Accurate weighing of materials being delivered and shipped will be a critical cost factor. The location of the scale will dictate the flow of trucks on and off the site. A loading dock or ramp to allow loading finished bales or gaylords onto trucks for shipment also should be considered. Building costs: Building costs depend on the size and complexity of the structure required. A pre-engineered metal building may cost as little as $5 to $8 per square foot. However, a custom-designed building can easily cost more than 50 times that much. Building costs will also depend on factors such as geographical location, climate conditions and accessibility. Excluding the cost of the land and equipment, a good rule of thumb for estimating facility development costs is $80 to $100 per square foot. In some cases, an existing industrial facility can be bought for less than the cost of constructing a new building, leaving some funds for renovation. Retrofitting an existing facility: Advantages: The site is secured. There is no need to locate and permit a site. Most, if not all operational permits are in place. There is operational experience, including procurement of recyclables, equipment operation and maintenance and sale of processed material. Building and construction costs may be reduced. Disadvantages: The location of the site may not be convenient to plastics generators, end-users or transportation systems. The size and shape of the site or existing buildings may not lend themselves to modification or expansion. e The building configuration may make operational inefficiencies unavoidable. Building a facility from the ground up: Advantages: The site location can be selected for proximity to plastics generators and /or end-markets. The site and building can be designed for maximum efficiency. Disadvantages: Purchasing and permitting of the best sites may be difficult due to regulatory restrictions or public opposition. The cost to design and build from the ground up may exceed a potential handler’s resources. Lack of operational experience may affect the efficiency and profitability of the business. Equipment Requirements Plastics handling operations need at least three types of equipment: materials handling equipment, sorting equipment and processing equipment. Materials handling equipment: Materials handling equipment includes conveyors, forklift trucks, front-end loaders and storage containers. Plastics delivered to the facility must be off-loaded and moved to a sorting or processing area. In the course of processing and storing materials, it may also be necessary to move materials from one area of the facility to another. Again, if material is to be moved by conveyor, the feed end of the conveyor should be slightly below ground level to eliminate lifting. Bins, boxes or heavy wire cages may be needed to store materials before and after processing. Storage containers will be extremely important to low-volume operations or any type of operation where a single piece of equipment, such as a baler, is used to “batch” process several types of plastic scrap. Sorting equipment: For recycling, post-consumer plastics need to be sorted from: non-recyclables (the waste stream); other recyclables such as glass, metal, or paper; and one another by resin and/or by color. Although sorting can be done at any stage of the recycling process, most sorting of post-consumer plastics from other recyclables, as well as sorting by resin type is commonly done by the handler. Determining who performs each of these sorting steps can have tremendous impact on the design and,hnction of a handling operation. It may also be a factor in whether or not the operation is considered to be solid waste management or materials handling. Perhaps the most important element of creating a successful sorting operation is building in the flexibility that allows quick and efficient reactions to changes in market specifications. A handler’s end-market may favor materials that are sorted by color, as well as resin type. For many end uses, unpigmented plastic can be made into ~- ~ products of any color, while pigmented plastic can only be made into a color similar to the pigment. Unpigmented, homogeneous scrap plastics consistently have the greatest market value, followed by color-separated material and, finally, mixed colored material. The more thorough the sorting process, the more valuable the plastics will be in the marketplace. ~~ Basic equipment needed to perform macro sorting - sorting bottles and containers or other large or bulky plastic items into a homogeneous resin and/or color stream - includes conveyors with sorting or “picking” stations and, possibly, vibratory screens to classify materials by size and reduce contamination. Also, bins or boxes are needed to store the sorted material until processing. Commercially available technology and equipment to perform an automated micro sort (that is, sorting plastic flakes or pellets by resin and/or color type) is discussed on p. 47. Post-consumer plastic sorting operations are labor-intensive since most sorting is performed by hand. A sorting system designed to minimize manual labor and separate plastics efficiently will reduce overall operating expenses. The number of laborers required depends on operational factors such as the volume of plastics being processed, the various operations performed and the degree of automation present. In general, however, the more complex the manual sorting requirements, the lower the efficiency and productivity of the operation and the more automated sorting should be considered as an alternative. Separating resin types by color requires additional separation efforts. Most handlers accomplish such separation using manual labor and a sorting conveyor. Positive versus negative sorting: Positive sorting, or directly removing a desired resin or color from other materials, normally is preferred over negative sorting where the desired resin or color is what remains after the other materials have been removed. For example, the most common sorting scenario for post-consumer plastics today involves the separation of PET soft drink bottles and HDPE milk, juice and water jugs. Many facilities positively sort the PET and negatively sort the HDPE. This means the soft drink bottles are picked from a conveyor belt and what remains falls off the end of the belt and is shipped or processed as unpigmented HDPE. ~ ~ ~ ~ The quality of the HDPE could be improved through positive sorting. A positive sort provides a higher level of quality because the desired item is selected. In a negative sort, unwanted materials often are left in the final product. When multiple sorts are required from a mix of plastic bottles or rigid plastic containers, it is advisable to positively sort all desired resins and to allow only the “tailings” - materials of insufficient quantity or quality - to fall off the end of the belt. The obvious disadvantage to positive sorting is the increased amount of labor required. A handler must weigh the added labor costs against the benefit of producing higher quality material, understanding that quality is essential to establishing and maintaining long-term markets. Automated sorting: The current reliance on manual labor to sort plastics by resin type is a major cost barrier to realizing economies of scale in plastics recycling. Ideally, automated sorting lines will be able to yield the high volume, pure resin streams that cannot be realized through manual labor. Currently, there are several automated sorting systems commercially available. Magnetic Separation Systems (MSS). Their “BottleSortTM7’ technology is an integrated high-speed sorting system for the separation of the four most commonly collected packaging plastics: PET, PVC, HDPE, and PP. Commercialized with plastics industry assistance, a version of this automated plastic sorting system was sold to Eaglebrook Plastics in Chicago and started up in late December 1991. The Eaglebrook-installed system was designed to sort 5,000 pounds per hour of mixed plastic bottles and consists of four parallel lines fed by a bale breaker and singulator system. The process works with either whole or baled bottles. The MSS system employs a primary detector to separate the bottles into three streams: PET and PVC; unpigmented HDPE and PP; and mixed color opaque. The process can be designed to stop at this point or separate the three primary streams into subcategories with additional sensor and eject modules. Four other modules are available: PVC Module - separates PVC from PET bottles; 0 PET Module - separates green and amber PET from clear PET; PP Module - separates unpigmented PP from unpigmented HDPE; and Color Module - separates mixed color opaque into seven individual colors or combinations of colors. The beauty of this system lies in the flexibility to add as few or as many modules as required to handle the incoming material. It can be purchased as a hand-fed single line handling 1,250 pph (pounds per hour) using only the primary detector, or as a multi-line system, integrated with a bale breaker and singulator, employing all of the modules and diverting the separated streams directly into individual granulators. Costs for these systems can range from $65,000 for a basic hand-fed detector to $750,000 for a 5,000 pph system with all the options. MSS is based in Nashville, TN. Automation Industrial Control (AIC). AIC developed “PolySortTM,” a second system for sorting baled bottles, also with funding assistance from the plastics industry. Their system uses a pair of detectors at a single station - one for determining resin type and one for identifylng color to control the separation. The system is capable of detecting and separating all of the common packaging resins (PET, HDPE, LDPE, PVC, PP, PS) plus polycarbonate (PC). A demonstration line currently is operating at North American Plastics Recycling in Ft. Edward, NY. It is designed to process three bottles per second (approximately 1,500 pph). The bottles are carried to the detector by a singulator developed by Chamberlain MRC of Hunt Valley, MD. The prototype line, completed in August 1992, separates bottles into specific categories of resin/color combinations with one pass, providing for separation into categories such as clear PET, natural PP, HDPE, PVC, etc. The categories may be changed by modifylng the computer programs. The cost of the AIC/MRC system will not be determined until after the completion of the prototype demonstration, but it is anticipated that a basic 1,500 pph system (singulator, detectors and diversion system) will cost between $350,000 and $400,000 and a 3,000 pph system between $425,000 and $475,000. Both the MSS and AIC/MRC systems have been designed to maximize quality. In initial testing, these systems have demonstrated accuracy between 96 and 98 percent. If the detector is not 100 percent sure that the resin is positively identified, the cQntainer will be diverted to the “other” category. The accuracy of the detectors is such that the majority of the errors are expected to result from material handling errors, such as two bottles going through the detector at one time. While the detectors are very precise, material handling is still somewhat of an art since the variety of shapes, sizes and states of incoming bottles is almost unlimited. In spite of this, the automated systems are expected to yield very high quality streams. . ~~ At the end of 1992, other companies, including National Recovery Technologies, Inc., of Nashville, were developing commercial systems for automatically sorting the post-consumer plastic bottle stream. PET/PVC Sorting. The ability to automatically distinguish PVC from PET increases the value of both resins significantly,thereby improving a handler's ability to produce greater volumes of higher-quality material. Commercially available units that accomplish an automated PVC/PET sort include: the VinylCycleTMfrom National Recovery Technologies, Inc., and a system from Magnetic Separation Systems. Over.25 systems for automaticallyally sorting PET and PVC were installed at commercial plastics recycling facilities by the end of 1992. These systems are operating With an accuracy rate in excess of 99.5 percent. To determine the cost-efficiency of plastic processing systems, the plastics industry initiated a comparison of automated versus manual plastics sorting at various throughput levels. This study focused on three types of automated sorting technology: Air classifiers that use air currents to separate lighter materials (plastics and aluminum) from heavier materials (glass); Trommels that separate larger plastic containers from smaller aluminum and plastic containers; and Eddy current separators that can be employed to remove aluminum from plastics. On the basis of this research, the industry has determined benchmark operating criteria for cost-efficient automated sorting of plastics from other recyclable materials: The maximum sustainable rate for manual sorting is 500 pounds of plastics per hour per worker; however, when manually sorting several resin types from a mixed plastic stream, this benchmark sorting rate will be somewhat lower. Air classifiers were typically found to be more cost effective in sorting aluminum and plastics from other materials than hand sorting. 0 The use of trommels and/or eddy current separators is more cost effective than manual sorting at plastics throughput levels of more than 600 pounds hour. There is a positive correlation between higher levels of throughput and automation and lower sorting costs. SOURCE: RW. Beck &Associates Processing: Processing post-consumer pl stics - upgrading the qu lity of the ma erial and preparing it for further processing - is a relatively new venture, with technology continually evolving. Consequently, dedicated plastics processing equipment can be quite capital intensive. This is why many plastic handlers, especially those in areas with low volumes of post-consumer plastics, use equipment originally designed for other materials, such as a paper or aluminum baler, to process plastics. In many instances, this practice is reported to be working quite well, as long as the quality of the plastics is not significantly compromised by cross-material contamination. One of the biggest challenges facing plastics handlers is the low weight-tovolume ratio of plastics. A critical component of the handling business from the standpoint of efficiency and economic incentive - involves reducing the volume of plastics prior to long-term storage and/or shipping to market. The most common way to do this is baling the material, although a handler may also granulate the plastics. The following discussion of baling and granulating methods and equipment is based on operational and economic data supplied to the plastics industry by more than 400 post-consumer plastics handlers. Baling: Baling is the mechanical compression of a large volume of material into smaller, denser packages that are secured to maintain compaction. Baling increases the weight-to-volume ratio of the material and produces uniform, easy to handle units. Most importantly, baled material requires significantly less storage and transport space than loose material, thus reducing overall costs. There are three basic types of balers, which are distinguished by the directional movement of the compressing ram: vertical downstroke, vertical upstroke, and horizontal. Many handlers seek a great deal of flexibility in their baling system. Manufacturers have‘responded to this need by custom-designing balers with modular components. Through this technology, handlers are able to conserve one of their most valuable resources: plant production floor space. The most-favored balers are flexible - composed of modular components, and produce high-quality dense bales. Prompt and knowledgeable service for the machines is also vital. Balers with interchangeable spare parts and “off the shelf’ components reduce downtime. Bale characteristics: Bales of plastics can vary in size and weight, depending on the type of baler used and the type of plastic being baled. Average dimensions for plastic bales are approximately 30 I' x 48 'I x 60 " . To facilitate standardization, the Institute for Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) has developed guidelines for baled plastic bottles and is working to expand those guidelines to include baled PS foam and flexible plastics as well. (For a complete list of ISRI baled bottle guidelines, see Appendix B.) A bale must be of a configuration that allows for maximizing truck loads and makes handling easy. The bale density must be high enough to provide a cost-effective load. (Target truck load weight should be as close to 40,000 pounds as possible without going over.) On the other hand, an overly densified bale makes it difficult to separate and subsequently, to sort the plastics. Target densities range between 10 and 15 pounds per cubic foot. The bale must maintain its integrity through unloading and storage. Bales that "open" or fall apart are another potential cause of rejection. Finally, bales should be held together with non-rusting materials. The rust will stain the plastic and make it unusable for some applications. Uniformity of bales is especially important for overseas shipment due to the rigid specifications set for shipment in export containers. Vertical Upstroke and Downstroke Balers. In a typical vertical downstroke baling system materials are loaded through an opening on the front of the machine. This system can be highly labor intensive as the baler must be hand-fed; When activated, the compressing ram compacts the contents in the enclosed chamber. This procedure is repeated for several cycles. An operator then loops wire or strapping through the grooves in the platen. The bale is tied off and either manually or mechanically ejected from the chamber and the ram is retracted. A typical upstroke baler is recessed in a 10- to 15-foot pit that the downstroke baler does not require. Material is loaded into the pit and then compressed upwards to floor height. At full compression, the bale is tied off and ejected in the same manner as the downstroke baler. Baler designs for some upstroke and downstroke balers require handfeeding, which is highly labor intensive. , Vertical upstroke balers tend to produce tighter and longer bales, and the machines are generally capable of higher capacity than downstroke balers. Downstroke balers are especially troublesome in baling LDPE and acrylic film plastics. The acrylic tends to require additional labor for tucking and stuffing the sheets into the baler. The LDPE plastic is inclined to squeeze out of the baling chamber of some downstroke balers as the bale is released before tying. Vertical balers historically have been unable to cope with “plastic memory” - the tendency for compressed plastics to re-expand to their original shape. Perforators and flatteners can be helpful in this area. Small-volumehandlers in particular may find that vertical balers, equipped with perforators and flatteners, are most useful for their operations. In general, if a handler is baling less than 3,200 pounds of plastic a day, or an average of four or fewer bales, the low capital costs of a vertical baler may outweigh the increased speed realized with a horizontal baler. Horizontal Balers. In general, horizontal balers are more efficient in baling plastics than vertical upstroke or downstroke balers. Horizontal balers have the ability to vary bale dimensions, particularly the length of the bale, to help meet purchaser specifications or to accommodate shipping requirements. Hydraulically powered horizontal balers permit the highest production rates. Large volume, post-consumer plastics handling operations require the production speed of a hydraulically powered horizontal baler. An automatic bale tier, while adding to equipment costs, may be required because of the plastic memory phenomenon. Plastic bales often need three to four times the number of retaining bands than is necessary for bales of other recyclables. Due to increased labor costs, manual tying becomes very unattractive. Horizontal balers can be semi- or fully automatic, and can allow bale tying before ejection from the chamber. Fully automated programmable balers can be operated by as few as one operator and one assistant. The fewer employees necessary to operate the machine the better, for both economic and safety reasons. Programmable horizontal balers offer the ability to automatically pre-set the machine specifications for baling different types of plastics. A simple turn of the switch allows the baler to operate under the optimal conditions for each specific material. I Some manufacturers of horizontal balers have bale-release mechanisms for use in the event that an “oversized” plastic bale is made. rf a bale is too large to be ejected from the baling chamber, the bale may have to be removed manually. This is normally very time-consuming - it can take several hours to clear the machine. A bale-release mechanism allows for the mechanical ejection of an oversized bale in a matter of minutes. Some post-consumer plastics handlers operating equipment without this quick-release feature compensate for potential bale overload by reducing the hydraulic pressure to approximately 80 percent of the baler’s maximum pressure rating. Generally, this practice does not significantly reduce the weight of a bale and stays within acceptable standards. Again, when tying a bale, it is best to use galvanized wire, polyester strapping or some other non-corroding material. Baler summary: Horizontal balers are best for large operations that process a variety of materials. These balers are costly but have the capability to process large . volumes of material. Vertical balers are excellent for smaller facilities. For either system, consideration should be given to the addition of a perforator/flattener ahead of the baler. Pre-densifying the plastic in this manner will produce a denser bale and reduce the number of cycles it takes to complete a bale. Information on the applicability of specific balers for plastics is available from the American Plastics Council, a joint initiative with The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc., 1275 K Street, N.W., Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 371-5319. Granulating: Granulating, or grinding, is another method used for reducing the volume of post-consumer plastic scrap. The typical grinding system includes a feed conveyor that supplies a hopper with loose plastic materials. The material then travels up a cleated, inclined belt or metering conveyor to another hopper. Typically, a stationary magnet at the top of the second belt is used to remove any ferrous metals that could contaminate the plastics and damage internal granulator parts. Water may be introduced during the granulating process to soften or liberate contaminants such as glue or dirt present on the plastic. ~ ~- ~- -~ Multiple rotating blades turning at approximately 600 rpm meet stationary blades to cut the plastic into uniform flakes call “regrind.” Usually, a granulator has from two to five rotary blades and one or two stationary blades, also known as bed knives. The regrind either is discharged directly or is conveyed pneumatically into a gaylord container or directly to a plastic extruder, depending on the quality of plastic scrap. Grinding plastics is more often the first step in the plastics reclamation process than the last step in the handling process. This is due to the economic investment required for the grinding equipment, as well as to the general concern of most reclaimers about the quality of plastic regrind originating outside of their operation. Most reclaimers will not take granulated plastics from a market without a well-proven track record for quality material. A potential handler should establish a solid relationship with a market/markets prior to making an investment in grinding equipment. Shredding prior to grinding is preferred. It may be desirable to shred the material before granulating. A shredder produces strips of plastic that flow more easily into the grinder’s hopper opening. A shredder also is useful for chopping large film rolls and pipe pieces that may adversely stress the grinder. Overall, a shredder increases grinder efficiency and minimizes grinder damage (metal will jam a shredder due to its lower rpm and break hardened high-speed grinder blades). How a grinder is fed makes a difference. Because manual sorting often is performed on the conveyor feed before grinding, granulators are not normally gravity fed. Care must be taken to assure that manual input rates are adequate to allow for efficient granulator loading. Rotor configuration can impact cost and throughput. There are three rotor-configuration designs: e Open rotor - Recommended for general purpose items such as soft drink bottles and a m , as well as polystyrene. This configuration atlows air to be drawn into the granulating chamber, thus serving two important functions: cooling the machine and material and removing processed material. * Closed rotor - Recommended for handling “shock-loading” - being fed large parts or large volumes of small feedstock at one time. Web skeletons, after undergoing densification, are granulated in these types of machines. Helical designs - Combine the advantages of the open and closed rotor designs. Helical rotor configurations are often used for engineering plastics, as well as for plastic tubing. Some processors report that the acids from PET bottle content residues can cause rotor damage. It is not apparent if one style of rotor configuration is more immune to this problem than any other, but nickel or chromium plating can often solve the problem. Blade integrity is vital when choosing a plastic granulator. Blade dulling and breaking can result from normal wear, continuous use, or metallic impurities. Most granulator manufacturers suggest sharpening blades every three to six months, but sharpening actually may be required as often as monthly. Ease of blade maintenance, including sharpening, repair and replacement, must be a top priority in choosing the right equipment. Choosing the proper knife will yield a longer lasting and more efficient cutting action. For most plastics, a zone-hardened carbon steel or steel carbide knife is preferable to a more rigid and easily fractured knife blade. Granulators with angled steel-alloy knives produce more uniform flakes. Using the proper cutting angle also will help produce more uniform flakes by eliminating any “tearing” action. For example, a tangentially fed cutting chamber is used for granulating blown bottles. This orientation allows the material to be presented on the downstroke side of the rotor knives, eliminating the phenomenon of “rotor bounce,” in which the feedstock is ricocheted back into the hopper. Use of low-horsepower blowers that continually discharge yields benefits. A blower/cyclone driven by a low-horsepower motor forces material to be discharged continuously into shipping containers. The blower also increases airflow through the granulator which reduces heat build-up and increases throughput by up to 25 percent. HDPE and other plastics can melt inside the granulator if temperature levels get too high. Storage Requirements Flexibility to store materials is an integral part of improving the economic viability of a plastics handling business. Operating schedules and equipment breakdowns may require the storage of delivered plastics and market changes may require the storage of processed plastics. On-site storage also allows economies of scale to be realized by increasing the volume of material per shipment. ~ ~ ~ Storage capacity serves two functions: to store materials awaiting processing and to store processed materials awaiting shipment. Insufficient storage space can compromise the safety of the operation, create inefficiencies, impact the economic viability of the operation and may force poor operational decisions and procedures. It also may preclude further expansion. The amount of storage capacity needed will vary with each facility, depending on the types of resins processed and the markets for processed materials. Providing for the receipt and storage of materials awaiting processing is usually accomplished with a tipping floor, where collection vehicles dump or “tip” their loads of plastic. If separated materials are received, separate areas for each type of material delivered may be needed. As a general guideline, plastics require an average of 36 cubic yards of storage space for 10,000 loose bottles; 3 cubic yards of storage space are needed for 10,000 baled bottles. Some storage capacity should be allowed for unexpected changes in delivery schedules. The material delivery schedule -when material will be delivered, the total amount of each resin type to be received within a given period of time and the rate at which it will be processed - has a significant bearing on storage. It would not be unusual for materials to arrive during a 6- to 8hour period, 5 days a week. Processing would occur during two 8-hour shifts each day, 5 to 7 days per week. NOTE: Allow for facility downtime caused by equipment outaBes and maintenance requirements. Storage of materials awaiting shipment to markets may be required in order to aggregate sufficient quantities of materials to meet market specifications or to improve transportation and/or market economics. Storage capacity also allows the handler to manage fluctuations in market demand and shipping schedules. In a larger operation, dedicated processing equipment can be sized to meet the processing needs of each type of plastic. As the material is processed, bales can be loaded directly into trailers or rail cars for shipment. This procedure minimizes materials handling and, in turn, the overall operational costs. Smaller-scale operations generally batch-process different types of plastic using the same piece of equipment. In some instances, the same piece of equipment may be used to bale other types of recyclables. If materials quantities are insufficient to justify the cost of maintaining a shipping trailer onsite, storage may be required after the various types of plastics are sorted and baled. Some consideration should be given to the storage location relative to public access. Remote storage will reduce the potential for vandalism. Quality Requirements The quality of the post-consumer plastic separated from curbside programs will to a large extent determine the success of a handler’s business. The reclaimers who buy recycled plastics have strict standards for their end products. In order to achieve this, their standards for incoming materials are becoming more demanding. Reclaimers respond to poor-quality bales in one of two ways: they pay a lower price or they reject the bale outright. On the other hand, a good-quality product will lead to customer confidence and increased sales. Quality is defined by the absence or presence of the following: contamination, required bale characteristics and degradation. Contamination: This is the primary cause of poor-quality material. Plastics is a general category made up of many types of polymers. Each polymer has a set of unique properties. They must be separated from one another to maximize performance in end-products. Some types of plastics are extreme contaminants for each other because of different melting characteristics or other non-compatible properties. As a general rule no more than 2-percent contamination will be tolerated, and some customers have lower limits. In addition to non-compatible plastics, common contaminants include the following: Contaminant Common Requirements dirt/rocks closures liquid products/water hazardous products essentially clean should be removed no free-flowing liquids none Bale characteristics: As discussed in more detail in the “Baling” section of this manual (p. 51), a bale’s density and integrity will affect its marketability. Bale density affects the cost-efficiency of shipping and ease of debaling. Bale integrity also affects bale handling; bales of plastics often require more strapping to retain their integrity than do other materials. The handler must ensure that bales maintain their integrity through shipping, storage and hture handling by the ultimate customer. Most markets for plastics have bale standards that must be met by the handler. These may or may not match the Institute for Scrap Recycling Industries guidelines for baled plastic bottles listed in Appendix B. Deg radat io n/u Itravi o Iet I ig ht protectio n: Plastics are hydrocarbon materials that degrade with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light. Degradation results in a deterioration of the physical properties of the plastic. Flexible resins, such as polyethylene (PE), may become so brittle that slight flexing will cause them to crack. Many plastics contain additives for ultraviolet protection, but plastics used for packaging and other “indoor” applications usually do not. Post-consumer plastics, whether loose or in bales, must be protected if stored outdoors. The need for protection varies by resin. Some companies claim that they have experienced no degradation, or that only minor effects are noted, since light does not penetrate significantly into a bale. To ensure high-quality material, however, it is recommended that plastic bales stored outdoors be covered with an ultraviolet protective material, such as black PE film, corrugated cardboard, canvas tarps or other opaque material if storage time is to exceed the following guidelines: Resin Muxivnunz Unprotected Outdoor StoruJe PET HDPE PVC LDPE PP PS 6 months 1 month 6 months 1 month 1 month 6 months Health and Safety Requirements A health and safety plan sets forth operational procedures that incorporate safety and health management practices. As with any industrial operation, a health and safety plan can assist the handler in conducting all company activities with maximum concern for the safety and health of each employee and the general public. The plan should include written policies and procedures and be used as a tool in the development and operation of the handling business. The handler may seek the assistance of an industrial hygiene and safety engineering professional in the preparation of a health and safety plan. Training and communication also are important to the success of any health and safety plan. Training encompasses safe working procedures, specific information on the safe and proper use of plastics handling, sorting and processing equipment, and problem/cause analysis training for managers. \ Safety features that should be incorporated into a handling operation include: conveyor stop buttons; showers and chemical washes; guards on mechanical equipment; eye and ear protection; and gloves, dust masks, protective footwear and hard hats. Serious attention must be given to the safety and comfort of workers in and around die facility. Work stations should provide adequate room to work safely and efficiently. Safety and comfort can be enhanced through the control of dirt, odor and noise. Fire suppression equipment must be an integral part of the building design. Health and safety plans serve a dual purpose. First, they allow the firm to be more efficient. For instance, haulers will be reluctant to tip loads containing hazardous materials if they realize that a handler has a plan in effect to determine who is responsible for bringing hazardous material into their facility - and that the handler is willing to take necessary action against anyone who violates the firm’s hazardous materials policy. Second, a properly designed, operated and managed health and safety plan can prevent work-related injuries. There has been at least one report of , caustic liquid injuring an employee along a facility sorting line. In this particular case, a soft drink bottle had been used as a storage vessel for a household hazardous waste. When the sorter removed the aluminum cap from the bottle, the pressure was released. The liquid that spewed from the bottle caused second and third degree chemical burns. NOTE: Althou8h rare, spontaneous combustion of plastics can occur. In many cases, thfiprimary hazard isflammable vapor emanatin8from a container soaked in a flammable liquid, such as vegetable oil leJt in a plastic container by the consumer. To prevent this type of situationfrom occurring, thefollowing precautionary steps can be taken: monitor incoming materials for flammable liquids contamination; ventilate storage areas; keep materials cool to help prevent exceeding flash points or auto-ignition temperatures; and keep materials out of sunlight to slow degradation. Insurance: Insurance, as well as safety planning, is vital to maintaining the financial strength of a handling operation. Adequate insurance coverage is essential to a plastics handling facility as heavy machinery is used in many facets of the recycling operation. Additionally, laborers manually sorting post-consumer plastic may be exposed to hazardous materials during the sorting process. Because of potential risks, workers compensation insurance premiums can be quite high, especially if the operation is considered to be a solid waste processing facility. Hazardous Mat e r ia I As a general practice, a handler would not knowingly accept hazardous waste. Of particular concern, however, in the operation of a plastic handling facility is the potential for exposure to chemicals and to flammable materials. Occasionally, post-consumer materials may include hazardous constituents such as cleaning fluids or lawn-care chemicals. As part of the system for managing rejects and residues, a handler will want to institute a comprehensive and practical hazardous waste contingency program. The objectives of the program should be to identifjr, control and dispose of any hazardous substance brought to the facility. Identifying hazardous materia I: Identification of the various categories of hazardous waste - infectious, toxic, corrosive or explosive - is a major component of such a program. Usually, workers in the receiving area are in the best position to screen for hazardous materials. But for maximum protection, all employees, including supervisory personnel, should be trained in the identification of hazardous materials. Controlling hazardous material: . Once a potentially hazardous material has been identified, facility management should prepare proper documentation of the discovery. This documentation would include written reports detailing the type of hazardous material identified as well as the source of the material. As part of this process, witness statements and photographs should be taken of the incident. Also, each hazardous material incident should be reported immediately to the appropriate regulatory agencies. Disposing of hazardous material: Facility employees should not handle any discovered hazardous material, except in the event of an emergency. In all other cases, the employees should barricade the area in which the waste was identified to prevent accidental contact. If necessary, management should evacuate the facility. A licensed hazardous waste disposal agency can be contracted with for the ultimate removal of the hazardous material. Residue and Rejects A facility must make arrangements to dispose of residue and rejected material. Residue includes contamination that adheres to delivered plastics, such as labels attached to bottles or food left in containers, and waste materials from the handling operation. Rejects are ,delivered materials that are of insufficient quality or quantity to be processed. In some cases, responsibility for rejected materials remains with the person delivering the material. In other instances, the handler may be required to dispose of this material. - ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ Typically, less than 5 percent of incoming material is rejected by a handler. A system for managing, and in most cases disposing of facility residues and rejects needs to be part of the facility’s operational plan. The cost of residue and reject disposal is an operational cost that a handler must budget for or charge back to those delivering materials to the facility. Facility Regulations Much of the regulation of a handling facility will be the responsibility of local and state jurisdictional agencies. There are two primary federal agencies that will be involved in the regulation of post-consumer plastics handling facility operations: the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). OSHA: OSHA’s purpose is to “assure, so far as possible, every working man and woman in the nation safe and healthful working conditions and to preserve our human resources.” OSHA develops safety and health standards; develops and issues regulations; conducts investigations and inspections to determine the status of compliance with safety and health standards and regulations; and issues citations and proposes penalties for non-compliance with safety and health standards and regulations. Although OSHA regulations have not been developed specifically for facilities that handle recyclables, it is likely that such regulations will be developed as more facilities become operational. The dust, noise, dirt and chemicals at such facilities mean that regulations regarding the work environment are likely to be strict. (For district, region and area OSHA office locations, see Appendix C.) EPA was created to coordinate effective governmental action on behalf of the environment. The EPA’s mission is to control and abate pollution in the areas of air, water and solid waste, among others. Their role in regulating handling facilities may be to determine the permitted conditions for design, construction and operation. The absence of federal standards and guidelines means that the regulation of solid waste management operations is in a state of flux and varies from state to state. One major area of regulation undergoing change is the regulation of facilities and operations -such as post-consumer handling facilities - that in and of themselves, are not solid waste management facilities, but receive materials diverted from the solid waste stream. The result is that in some areas, handling facilities will be regulated as solid waste management facilities while in other areas the facilities will be regulated as industrial operations, similar to most scrap operations. Potential handlers should investigate how facilities are regulated early on in the development process. How the facility is regulated impacts the number and type of permits required, the permitting procedures and time requirements and the complexity and cost of development. The facility must meet fire and occupational safety regulations. Fire precautions will be particularly important as flammable materials are received and stored at the facility. The dust, noise and presence of ch'emicals also increase the importance of safety regulations. (For EPA regional office locations, see Appendix D.) Risks and he outlook for the handling and processing of post-consumer plastics is positive and there exist substantial opportunities, but risks also exist that a potential plastics handler should understand. T Risks The risks that a potential plastics handler will face reflect the rapidly changing recycling industry. The collection, processing, marketing and re-manufacturing of recyclable materials has grown rapidly in the last three years. It is likely that this rapid evolution will continue for at least the next few years. Change will be most apparent in four areas: First, the regulatory environment will continue to tighten. At the same time that solid waste is becoming more difficult for society to manage, the environmental effects of the management options are receiving more scrutiny. This means that facilities handling solid waste will be subject to increasing regulatory attention. In other areas, such as worker health and safety, new regulations also are likely to be developed. The uncertainty created by impending government regulations will be the first area of risk that plastics handlers will face. The second area of risk lies in recycled-content and product-quality standards. While government regulations increase, recycling standards across the plastics and related manufacturing industries are not hlly developed. However, individual firms have developed standards independently for content and product quality. Until industry standards are widely accepted, plastics recyclers will have to meet plastics quality standards on a firm-by-firm basis. The third area of risk is technology. New processes for sorting and processing plastics, as well as new types of plastic materials, will become commercially available over the next few years. The demand for recycled plastics is --- v----- .L -- . growing and with it will come new generations of supporting technology. Processors must adapt to these technological changes in order to compete in tomorrow’s marketplace. The plastics handler is likely to encounter plenty of competition, which . involves the final area of risk. Competitors in this marketplace will include large waste haulers, such as Waste Management, Inc., and Browning-Ferris Industries; small, local haulers expanding their services by adding processing; traditional scrap dealers expanding the number of materials they handle and plastics manufactures who wish to close the recycling loop in-house. No single firm or type of firm has a monopoly on primary feedstock sources. New competitors likely will enter the field over the near-term. Opportunities . The opportunities available in processing post-consumer plastics are being driven by the nation’s growing solid waste problem. Landfill closures, the public’s love affair with recycling, public opposition to waste-to-energy projects and interstate battles over exported wastes are eliminating many of the options that municipalities have for disposing of their solid waste. As cities and states find it increasingly difficult to dispose of solid waste, alternatives such as recycling will become increasingly attractive. Because plastics represent about 8 percent of the nation’s solid waste by weight and 21 percent by volume, interest in diminishing this component of the waste stream is high. One of the first problems municipalities will confront when considering plastics recycling is how the plastics will be processed and marketed. There is an opportunity to solve this problem by developing an appropriate facility. A second opportunity exists to provide manufacturers with recycled plastics. The number and types of products made from recycled plastics are likely to grow over the next few years. Already, municipalities and states are passing “minimum content’’ legislation, requiring a certain percentage of recycled materials to be used in the manufacture of certain products. For example, to increase demand for recycled newspapers, the state of Connecticut passed legislation requiring that newspapers sold in the state contain a minimum percentage of recycled paper. Discussions about similar legislation for plastic packaging and plastic containers continue. In addition, some companies are moving voluntarily to recycled content because of consumer demand for recycled products. Therefore, the demand for processed plastics scrap will increase at the same time that the supply of available scrap from recycling programs increases. Finally, it is likely that the plastics processor will develop a close working relationship with other facets of the plastics industry - manufacturers, ~ ~- fabricators and distributors. The plastics industry has been a driving force in the American industrial landscape for the past fifty years. It has been characterized by technological innovation, market responsiveness and remarkable growth. The processing of plastic scrap will, in all likelihood, become a new facet of this dynamic industry. Opportunities exist throughout the United States, especially in regions outside of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, for new recyclers of plastic scrap to open businesses to profitably serve the needs of manufacturers and municipalities in the area. \ Worksheet: Estimating Processing and Operating costs* The following worksheet is designed to assist potential plastics handlers in estimating generic costs and revenues. The worksheet presents the major cost and revenue elements associated with developing a generic plastics handling facility. Such a worksheet cannot anticipate special costs or revenues, which might arise in particular situations or under certain circumstances. This cost worksheet is divided into two parts. The first section discusses the major areas of cost and revenue that a potential plastics handler should consider in developing a facility. Because most costs will vary depending on the size and type of facility and the proposed location, the discussion will focus on the main variables in the cost calculations. Understanding these variables is a critical first step toward arriving at reasonable estimates for costs and revenues. The second part of this section is a worksheet that can be used by the plastics handier to estimate the cost and revenues of the project. It lists the potential costs and revenues for a facility. . Processing Q p e Cost (Centsper Pound) Procurement Sorting Baling Grinding Cleaning/Drying, Separating Extruding and Pelletizing Transporting 0-4 4-10 2-3 1-2 8-10 6-7 1-2 TOTAZ, 22-38 'Assumes truckload or larger size shipment to end-market located an average distance (approximately 200 miles) away. Baling may not be required if handler grinds material for shipment to reclaimer. * Costs are for operation and maintenance only and do not include equipment purchase/lease. - Annual operating costs are also impacted significantly by labor costs. These costs include salaries, payroll taxes and benefits for laborers, supervisory personnel and administrative personnel. Other operating costs include utilities (potentially a costly item depending on the degree of processing and geographic location), regular maintenance and equipment repair. . Operating costs also include transporting the finished product to market, and disposing of process residue and rejects. In some cases, transportation may be contracted out to an independent party, while in others, the material may be shipped in the handler’s trucks. Additionally, the buyer may choose to assume the responsibility for shipping arrangements. In any case, this is an important variable. Include a budget for securing and maintaining markets for processed plastic materials. This budget should cover regular contacts with end-user markets, and testing of finished products to ensure that they meet market specifications. A Procurement of Post-Consumer Plastic Scrap Research Costs - Waste quantity and composition study, waste availability assessment, plastic scrap availability by resin type, etc. Negotiation Costs - Discussions with municipalities, private haulers, or other entities to secure plastic scrap. LegaZ Fees - Consultation, contracts, etc. B. Development of Processing Facility Capital Costs Operating Costs Site acquisition - Site selection process - Purchase price - Permitting - Consulting fees - Permitting fees - Taxes or other incentives Building - Site work - Engineering - Construction - Utilities connections - Paving - Landscaping - Construction management Equipment - Expected useful life - Salvage value Vehicles - Expected useful life - Salvage value Feedstock procurement Labor - Utilities - Maintenance and repair - Financing (interest) - Transportation - Process residue and reject disposal - Materials marketing - Insurance (property, liability and workers’ compensation) - Administrative (accounting, payroll) - Revenues - Sale of processed materials - Grants/low-interest loans/taxincentives a Plastics Recycling Flow Chart Estimates of Post-Consumer Plastics Packaging Recycled in Calendar Years 1990 and 1991 (in millions of pounds per year) Post-Consumer Plastic Recycled 1991 Percent of Post-Consumer Plastic Sales Plastic Sales Recycled Recycled Percent 01, Plastic Plastic Sales Plastic Sales Recycled Soft Drink Bottles Custom Bottles 224.6 2.1 754 335 29.8 0.6 283.6 9.2 807 385 35.1 2.4 Natural Bottles Pigmented Bottles Base Cups Other Packaging 57.5 28.5 49.0 1.6 971 1381 130 1078 5.9 2.1 37.7 0.1 132.7 92.4 43.2 6.7 950 1363 105 1110 14.0 6.8 41.1 0.6 Bottles Non-Packaging 1.5 0.7 224 n/a2 0.7 1.6 5.9 203 nta2 0.8 LOPE/ Bottles LLOPE Other Packa(ng nIa1 42.5 3444 1.2 ’ 0.1 46.8 61 4617 0.2 1.0 PET HOPE I 1990 PVC ’ __ __ __ __ PP Custom Bottles Other Packaging 0.4 0 143 618 0.3 0 1.3 2.1 134 661 1.o 0.3 PS All Packaging3 12.9 2153 0.6 24.1 2031 1.2 Reported as “Other Packaging” in 1990 Could not be attributed to specific “Sales” category Includes rigid non-foam packaging, rigid foam packaging, protective packaging, foodservice and other packaging I ISRl Baled Recycled Plastic Commercial Guidelines Commercial Guidelines for Baled Recycled Plastic were developed to provide industry-wide quality standards. These standards will facilitate commodity trading of these materials. They will also focus suppliers of such materials on the quality requirements of their customers. Product. These guidelines are designed with the potential for dealing with all recycled plastic in bale form. Initial specifications refer only to bottles. The code framework allows for generation of guidelines for all types of plastic packaging materials (including rigids and flexibles) with room to expand to other plastic products and resins including those that are used to produce durable goods. Guidelines for those products may be added at a later date. Codes. Codes for baled recycled plastic consist of a prefix letter, three digits and two suffix letters. The prefix letter “P” precedes all codes and designates “plastic” material. The first digit corresponds to the SPI resin identification code system and designates the primary plastic material. The second digit describes the plastic product category. The third digit defines the color/appearance of the product. The first suffix letter indicates the type of recycled plastic. The second suffix indicates the source of the recycled plastic product (see p. 7 9 ) . Bale Density. Bales shall be compressed to a minimum density of 10 pounds per cubic foot and a maximum density to be determined by individual contract between buyer and seller. Increased density may improve transportation efficiency, but over-compressionmay adversely affect the ability of a buyer to separate, sort, and reprocess the material. Bale Tying Material. Bale wires, ties, or straps shall be made of non-rusting or corroding material. Bale Integrity. Bale integrity must be maintained through loading, shipping, handling, and storage. Distorted or broken bales are difficult to handle. They are unacceptable and may result in downgrading, rejection, or charge back. Allowable Contamination. Unspecified materials must not exceed 2 percent of total bale weight. Bales that contain over 2 percent will be subjected to reduction in the contracted price of the material as well as charges for disposal of the contaminants. The reduced percentage will vary depending upon the amount and type of contamination. Quality of the baled plastic is the primary factor that determines the value. Prohibited Material. Certain materials are understood to be specified as “prohibited.” Such materials will render the bale “non-specification”and may cause some customers to reject the entire shipment. These may include plastic materials that have a deleterious effect on each other when reprocessed, and materials such as agricultural chemicals, hazardous materials, flammableliquids and/or their containers, and medical waste. Liquids. Plastic containers/materials should be empty and dry when baled. The bale should be free of any free-flowing liquid of any type. General. Shipments should be essentially free of dirt, mud, stones, grease, glass and paper. The plastic must not have been damaged by ultraviolet exposure. Every effort should be made to store the material above ground and under cover. A good faith effort on the part of the supplier will be made to include only rinsed bottles that have closures removed. Definitions for plastic materials Rigid Plastic Container: a package (formed or molded container) that maintains its shape when empty and unsupported. Plastic Bottle: a rigid container that is designed with a neck that is smaller than the body. Normally used to hold liquids and emptied by pouring. Plastic Film: a thin flexible sheet that does not hold a particular shape when unsupported. Recycled Plastic: plastics composed of either post-consumer or recovered material or both. Recovered Plastic: plastic materials that have been recovered or diverted from the solid waste stream. Does not include materials generated from and commonly reused within an original manufacturingprocess. Post-Consumer: products generated by a business or consumer that have served their intended end-uses and have been separated or diverted from the solid waste stream for the purpose of recycling. Baled Recycled Plastic Commercial Guidelines Cioding System POOOXX The coding system for baled recycled plastic consists of a three-digit number with a prefix letter “P” and a two-letter suffix. The prefix “P” designates the category of Plastics and differentiates the code from similar codes for metals and other materials. The first digit corresponds to the SPI resin identification code system and designates the primary plastic material. The second digit describes the plastic product category. The third digit defines the color/appearance of the products. The fist suffix indicates the type of recycled plastic. The second suffix indicates the source of the recycled plastic products. 8 Coding Key: P 0 0 0 X X Plastic Resin Code Product Color Type Source 0 Mixed Resins (1-7) 1 PET O-Bottles 1-Rigids 2-Films 3-9 to be assigned O-Mixture P-Post Consumer 1-Natural R-Recovered 2-Pigmented/Dyed 3-9 Designated within each category 2 HDPE 3 PVC 4 LDPE 5 PP 6 PS 7 Other 8 to be assigned 9 to be assigned M-Municipal I-Industrial C-Commercial S-Institutional Baled Plastic Material Identification Codes Series Code Resin P-100 Series - PET P-100 P-101 P-102 I?-103 PET PET PET PET P-104 P-110 P-200 P-201 P-202 P-220 P-221 P-222 P-300 P-301 P-302 P-400 P-401 P-402 P-420 P-421 P-422 P-500 P-501 P-502 P-600 P-601 P-602 PET PET HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE PVC PVC PVC LDPE LDPE LDPE LDPE LDPE LDPE PP PP PP PS PS PS Mixed Bottles Clear Soda Bottles Green Soda Bottles Mixed Clear & Green Soda Bottles Custom Bottles Mixed Rigid Containers Mixed Bottles Natural Bottles Pigmented Bottles Mixed Film Clear Film Pigmented Film Mixed Bottles Natural Bottles Pigmented Bottles Mixed Bottles Natural Bottles Pigmented Bottles Mixed Film Clear Film Pigmented Film Mixed Bottles Natural Bottles Pigmented Bottles Mixed Bottles Natural Bottles Pigmented Bottles P-700 P-701 P-702 OTHER OTHER OTHER Mixed Bottles Natural Bottles Pigmented Bottles P-000 Series - Mixed resins P-000 (Codes 1-7) P-001 P-002 MIXED MIXED MIXED Mixed Bottles Natural Bottles Pigmented Bottles P-200 Series - HDPE I?-300 Series - PVC P-400 Series - LDPE P-500 Series - PP P-600 Series - PS P-700 Series Other/Code 7 Categories NOTE: The existence of a code category does not imply the existence of a market for the material These are representative code categories. Other categories may be developed as the need arises. - ~~ - ~ - ~ ~ Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-100 PM Resin: PET MIXED Prkluct: Bottles only Category: Mixed soft drink, liquor, edible oil, etc. bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale'Properties: Dimension: 7 2 " maximum Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specifiedplastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <6 months unless covered with W-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-101 P M Resin: PET CLEAR Product Bottles only Category: Beverage containers only (1-,2-, 3-liter, 16-OZ. soft drink bottles) Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 7 2 'I maximum Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage antamination: Total dowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <6 months unless covered withUV-protectivematerials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-I02 P M Resin: PET GREEN Product: Bottles only Category: Beverage containers only (1-, 2-, 3-liter, 16-OZ. soft drink bottles) Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 I' maximum Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: N o free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <6 months unless covered with UV-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-I03 P M Resin: PET CLEAR and GREEN Product: Bottles only Category: Beverage containers only (1-,2-, 3-liter, 16-oz. soft drink bottles) Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu fi minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <6 months unless covered with UV-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-104 P M Resin: PET CUSTOM Product: Bottles and Jars only Category: Mixed liquor, edible oil, peanut butter, etc., bottles/jars Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 I' maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <6 months unless covered with W-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercia! Girideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-110 P M Resin: PET MIXED Product: Rigid Containers Category: Mixed bottles, jars, tubs, trays, etc. Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 " maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <6 months unless covered with W-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercia I Guide I ine BaIe d Recycled PIastic Standard P-200 P M Resin: HDPE MIXED Product: Bottles only Category: Mixed household HDPE bottles (detergent, shampoo, household products, milk, etc.) Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 I' maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material 1ntegrity:'Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowingliquid Outdoor Storage: <1month unless covered with UV-protectivematerials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-201 P M Resin: HDPE NATURAL Product: Bottles only Category: Milk, water, and juice (quart, 1/2-gallon, and 1-gallon bottles) Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 I' maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specifiedplastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowingliquid Outdoor Storage: <1month unless covered with UV-protectivematerials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercia I G uide Iine Ba Ie d Recyc Ied Plastic Standard P-202 P M Resin: HDPE PIGMENTED Product: Bottles only Category: Mixed pigmented household-HDPE bottles (detergent, shampoo, household products, etc.) Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 'I maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu fi minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially fiee of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <1 month unless covered with UV-protectivematerials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-300 P M Resin: PVC MIXED Product: Bottles only Category: Mixed clear and pigmented bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 " maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu fi minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specifiedplastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <6 months unless covered with W-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercia I Guide Iine Ba Ie d Recycled PIast ic Standard P-301 P M Resin: PVC NATURAL Product: Bottles only Category: Clear bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 maximum Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu fi minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <6 months unless covered with UV-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-302 P M Resin: PVC PIGMENTED Product: Bottles only Category: Pigmented bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 " maximum Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu A minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <6 months unless covered with UV-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-400 P M Resin: LDPE MIXED Product: Bottles only Category: Mixed natural and pigmented bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 'I maximum Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specifiedplastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of &rt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: < lmonth unless covered with W-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-401 P M Resin: LDPE NATURAL Product: Bottles only Category: Natural bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 'I maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specifiedplastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <1month unless covered with W-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-402 PM Resin: LDPE PIGMENTED Product: Bottles only Category: Pigmented bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 " maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: N o free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: < 1month unless covered with UV-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures .r Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-500 P M Resin: PP MIXED Product: Bottles only Category: Mixed natural and pigmented bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 'I maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu fi minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <1 month unless covered with UV-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-501 P M Resin: PP NATURAL Product: Bottles only Category: Natural bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 'I maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material . Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: N o hazardous or medical waste Moisture: N o free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: 51 month unless covered with UV-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic P-502 PM Resin: PP PIGMENTED Product: Bottles only Category: Pigmented bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 'I maximum Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu fi minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: N o hazardous or medical waste Moisture: N o free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <I month unless covered with Ik-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-600 PM Resin: PS MIXED Product: Bottles only Category: Mixed clear and pigmented bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 7 2 I’ maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specifiedplastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowingliquid Outdoor Storage: <6 months unless covered with UV-protectivematerials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-601 PM Resin: PS NATURAL Product: Bottles only Category: Clear bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 ” maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specifiedplastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowingliquid Outdoor Storage: <6 months unless covered with W-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-602 P M Resin: PS PIGMENTED Product: Bottles only Category: Pigmented bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 'I maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <6 months unless covered with UV-protectivematerials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-700 P M Resin: CODE #7 - OTHER MIXED Product: Bottles only Category: Mixed natural and pigmented bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 'I maximum Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <1 month unless covered with UV-protectivematerials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures \ Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-701 PM Resin: CODE #7 - OTHER NATURAL Product: Bottles only Category: Natural bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 " maximum Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <1 month unless covered with W-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-702 PM Resin: CODE #7 - OTHER PIGMENTED Product: Bottles only Category: Pigmented Bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 'I maximum Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specifiedplastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor storage: < 1 month unless covered with W-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-000 P M Rrsin: MIXED RESINS (Coded 1through 7) - MIXED COLOR Product Bottles only Catepqc Natural and pigmented bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Prope€t.ia: Dimension: 72I' maximum Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu fi minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Typc:Non-specifiedplastic or non-plastic material Dirt:Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture No free-flowingliquid Outdoor Storage: <1 month unless covered with UV-protectivematerials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-001 P M Resin: MIXED RESINS (Coded 1 through 7) - NATURAL Produa Bottles only Category: Natural bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 'I maximum Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu fi minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamhation: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specifiedplastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No free-flowing liquid Outdoor Storage: <1 month unless covered with UV-protectivematerials G c n d Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-002 PM Resin:MIXED RESINS (Coded 1 through 7) - PIGMENTED Produe Bottles only Category: Pigmented bottles Type: Post-consumer Source: Municipal solid waste Bale Properties: Dimension: 72 " maximum Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft minimum Strapping: Non-rusting material Integrity: Must be maintained through shipping, unloading & storage Contamination: Total allowable: 2% Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic material Dirt: Essentially fiee of dirt, mud & stones Hazardous Materials: No hazardous or medical waste Moisture: No fiee-flowingliquid Outdoor Storage: <1 month unless covered with UV-protective materials General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures U.S. Department of Labor Regional Offices for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Region I (CT,* MA, ME, NH, RI, VT*) 133 Portland Street 1st Floor Boston, MA 02114 Telephone: (617) 565-7164 $ Region II (NJ, NY,* PR,* VI*) 201 Varick Street, Room 670 New York, NY 10014 Telephone: (212) 337-2378 Region 111 (DC, DE, MD,* PA, VA,* WV) Gateway Bldg., Suite 2100 3535 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Telephone: (215) 596-1201 Region IV (AL, FL, GA, KY,* MS, NC,* SC,* TN') 1375 Peachtree Street, N.E. Suite 587 Atlanta, GA 30367 Telephone: (404) 347-3573 Region VI1 (IA,* KS, MO, NE) 91 1 Walnut Street, Room 406 Kansas City, MO 64106 Telephone: (816) 426-5861 Region Vlll (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT,* WY*) Federal Bldg., Room 1576 1961 Stout Street Denver, CO 80294 Telephone: (303) 844-3061 Region IX (AMERICAN SOMOA, AZ,* CA,* GUAM, HI,* NV,* TRUST TERRITORIES OF THE PACIFIC) 71 Stevenson Street, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Telephone: (415) 744-6670 Region X (AK,* IO, OR,* WA*) 1111 Third Avenue, Suite 715 Seattle, WA 98101-321 2 Telephone: (206) 553-5930 Region V (IL, IN,* MI,* MN,* OH, WI) 230 South Dearborn Street Room 3244 Chicago, 1L 60604 Telephone: (312) 353-2220 Region VI (AR, LA, NM,* OK, TX) 525 Griffin Street, Room 602 Dallas, TX 75202 Telephone: (214) 767-4731 *These states and territories operate their own OSHA-approved job safety and health programs (Connecticut and New York plans cover public employees only). States with approved programs must have a standard that is identical to, or at least as effective, as the Federal standard. U.S. Department of labor Area Offices for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Alabama 2047 Canyon Road, Todd Mall Birmingham, AI. 35216 Telephone: (205) 731-1534 3737 Government Boulevard Suite 100 Mobile, AL 36693 Telephone: (205) 441-6131 Alaska Alaska Department of Labor P.O. Box 21149 Juneau, AK.99802-1149 Telephone: (907) 465-2700 Arizona Industrial Commission of Arizona 800 West Washington Phoenix, AZ 85007 Telephone: (602) 542-5795 Mcansas TCBY Building Suite 450 425 West Capital Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201 Telephone: (501) 324-6291 Florida Jacaranda Executive Court 8040 Peters Road. Bldg. H-100 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33324 Telephone: (305) 424-0242 3100 University Blvd. South Room 303 Jacksonville, FL 32216 Telephone: (904) 232-2895 5807 Breckenridge Pkwy., SuiteA ' Tampa, FL 33610 Telephone: (813) 626-1177 Georgia 450 Mall Blvd. Suite J Savannah, GA 31406 Telephone: (912) 652-4383 2400 Herodian Way Suite 250 Smyrna, GA 30080 Telephone: (404) 984-8700 Bldg. 7, Suite 110 La Vista Perimeter Office Park Tucker, GA 30084 Telephone: (404) 493-6644 California Cal-OSHA 455 Golden Gate Avenue Room 5202 San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: (4tS) 703-4521 Hawaii Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations 830 Punchbowl Street Honolulu, HI 96813 Telephone: (808) 548-3150 Colorado 1391 North Speer Blvd. Parkway Center, Suite 210 Denver, GO 80204 Telephone: (303)844-5285 Idaho 3050 N. Lake Harbor Lane 'Suite 134 Boise, ID 83703 Telephone: (208) 334-1867 Connecticut Connecticut Department of Labor 200 Folly Brook Blvd. Wethersfield, CT 06109 Telephone: (203) 566-5123 Illinois 1600 167th St. Suite 12 Calumet City, IL 60409 Telephone: (708) 891-3800 2360 E. Devon Ave., Suite 1010 Des Plaines, iL 60018 Telephone: (708) 803-4800 ~ 344 Smoke Tree Business Park North Aurora, IL 60542 Telephone: (708) 896-8700 2918 West Willow Knolls Rd. Suite A Peoria, IL 61614-1223 Telephone: (309) 671-7033 lndlana Indiana Department of Labor Indiana Government Center South 402 West Washington, Rm. W195 Indianapolis, IN 46204-2287 Telephone: (317) 232-2665 Iowa Iowa Division of Labor Sedces 1000 E. Grand Ave. Des Moines, IA 50319 Telephone: (515) 281-3606 Kansas 216 N. Waco, Suite B Wichita, KS 67202 Telephone: (316) 269-6644 Kentucky Kentucky Labor Cabinet 1049 US. Highway 127 South Frankfort, KY 40601 Telephone: (502) 564-3070 Louisiana 2156 Wooddale Blvd. Hoover Annex, Suite 200 Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Telephone: (504) 389-0474 Maine Edmund S. Muskie Federal Bldg. 40 Western Ave., Rm. 121 Augusta, ME 04330 Telephone: (207) 622-8417 -_ Maryland Department of Licensing and Regulation Maryland Division of Labor and Industry 501 St. Paul Place, 3rd Floor Baltimore, MD 21202-2272 Telephone: (410) 333-41 00 Massachusetts 1145 Main Street, Rm. 108 Springfield, MA 01103 Telephone: (413) 785-0123 639 Granite Street, 4th Floor Braintree, MA 02184 Telephone: (617) 565-6924 Valley Off ice Park 13 Branch Street Methuqn, MA 01844 Telephone: (617) 565-81 10 Michigan Michigan Department of Public Health 3423 North Logan Street Box 30195 Lansing, MI 48909 Telephone: (517) 335-8022 Minnesota Minnesota Depart of Labor and Industry 443 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 Telephone: (612) 296-2342 Mississippi 3780 Interstate 55 North Jackson, MS 3921 1-6323 Telephone: (601) 965-4606 Missouri 6200 Connecticut Ave. Suite 100 Kansas City, MO 64120 Telephone: (816) 483-9531 911 Washington Ave. Room 420 St. Louis, MO 63101 Telephone: (314) 425-4249 Montana 19 N. 25th Street Billings, MT 59101 Telephone: (406) 657-6649 Nebraska 6910 Pacific Street Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68106 Telephone: (402) 221 -31 82 Nevada Nevada Department of Industrial Relations Division of Occupational Safety and Health 1390 S. Curry Street ' Carson City, NV 89710 Telephone: (702) 687-3032 New York Bldg. 12 State Campus Albany, NY 12240 Telephone: (518) 457-351 8 North Carolina North Carolina Department of Labor OSHA 4 West Edenton Street Raleigh, NC 27601 Telephone: (919) 733-7166 North Dakota OSHA P.O. Box 2439 Bismarck, ND 58501 Telephone: (701) 250-4521 New tlampshire 279 Pleasant Street Suite 201 Concord, NH 03301 Telephone: (603) 225-1629 Ohio OSHA 36 Triangle Park Drive Cincinnati, OH 45246 Telephone: (513) 841-41 32 New Jersey 1030 Saint Georges Ave. Suite 205 Avenel, NJ 07001 Telephone: (908) 750-3270 OSHA, Department of Labor, Rm. 899 1240 East Ninth Street Cleveland, OH 44199 Telephone: (216) 522-381 8 500 Route 17 South 2nd Floor Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 Telephone: (201) 288-1700 Federal Office Bldg., Rm. 620 200 N. High Street Columbus, OH 43215-2497 Telephone: (614) 469-5582 Marlton Executive Park 701 Route 73 South, Bldg. 2 Suite 120 Martlon, NJ 08053 Telephone: (609) 757-5181 234 Summit Street, Rm. 734 Todelo , OH 43604 Telephone: (419) 259-7542 299 Cherry Hill Road, Suite 304 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Telephone: (201) 263-1003 New Mexico OSHA The Herald Francis Bldg. 1190 St. Francis Drive - N2200 Sante Fe, NM 87502 Oklahoma 420 West Main Suite 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Telephone: (405) 231-5351 Oregon Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division 21 Labor and Industries Bldg. Salem, OR 97310 Telephone: (503) 378-3272 Pennsylvania 850 N. 5th Street Allentown, PA 18102 Telephone: (215) 776-0592 3939 West Ridge Road Suite 8-12 Erie, PA 16506 Telephone: (814) 833-5758 Progress Plaza 49 N. Progress Avenue Harrisburg, PA 17109 Telephone: (717) 782-3902 U.S. Custom House, Rm. 242 Second and Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 Telephone: (215)597-4955 Federal Bldg., Rm. 1428 1000 Liberty Ave. Pittsburg, PA 15222 Telephone: (412) 644-2903 Penn Place, Rm. 2005 20 North PennsylvaniaAve. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 Telephone: (717) 826-6538 Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Department of Labor and Human Resources Prudencio Rivera Martinez Bldg. 505 Munox Rivera Ave. Hato Rey, PR 00918 Telephone: (809) 854-2119 Rhode Island 380 Westminster Mall, Rm. 243 Pravidence, RI 02903 Telephone: (401) 528-4669 South Carolina South Carolina Department of Labor 3600 Forest Drive P.O. Box 11329 Columbia, SC 29211-1329 Telephone: (803) 734-9594 Tennessee Tennessee Department of Labor 501 Union Bldg. Suite 200 Nashville, TN 37243-0655 Telephone: (615) 741-2582 Vermont Vermont Deoartment of Labor and l n d u s t j National Life Bldg., Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620-3401 Telephone: (802) 828-2765 Texas 611 East 6th Street, Rm. 303 Austin, TX 78701 Telephone: (512) 482-5783 Virgin Islands Virgin Islands of Labor Box 890 Christiansted St. Croix, VI 00820 Telephone: (809) 773-1994 Government Plaza, Rm. 300 400 Mann Street Corpus Ghristi, TX 78401 Telephone: (512) 888-3257 8344 East R.L. Thornton Freeway Suite 420 Dallas, TX 75228 Telephone: (214) 320-2400 North Star 2 Bldg., Suite 430 8713 Airport Freeway Fort Worth, TX 76180-7604 Telephone: (817) 885-7025 17625 El Camino Real Suite 400 Houston, TX 77058 Telephone: (713) 286-0583 350 North Sam Houston Pkwy. East Suite 120 Houston, TX 77060 Telephone: (713) 591-2438 Federal Bldg., Rm. 422 1205 Texas Avenue Lubbock, TX 79401 Telephone: (806) 743-7681 Utah Utah Occupational Safety and Health 160 East 300 South P.O. BOX5800-14650 Salt Lake City, UT 84114 Telephone: (801) 530-6900 Virginia Virginia Department of Labor and Industry Powers-Taylor Bldg. 13 South 13th Street Richmond, VA 23219 Telephone: (804) 371-2327 Washington Washington Department of Labor and Industries P.O. Box 44000 Olympia, WA 98504-4000 Telephone: (206) 956-4213 West Virginia 550 Eagan Street, Rm. 206 Charleston, WV 25301 Telephone: (304) 347-5937 Wisconsin 2618 North Ballard Road Appleton, WI 54915 Telephone: (414) 734-4521 4802 East Broadway Madison, WI 53716 Telephone: (608) 264-5388 310 West Wisconsin Ave. Suite 1180 Milwaukee, WI 53203 Telephone: (414) 297-3315 Wyoming Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety Herschler Bldg., 2nd Floor East 122 W. 25th Street Cheyenne, WY 82002 Telephone: (307) 777-7786 - - I ' ' U.S. Department of Labor District Offices for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Region I 202 Harlow Street, Suite 211 Bangor, ME 04401 Telephone: (207) 941-8177 Region 111 Suite 440 820 First St., N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002 Telephone: (202) 523-1452 U.S. Dept. of Labor, OSHA 1 Rodney Square, Suite 402 920 King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 Telephone: (302) 573-6115 Region V 11 Executive Drive, Suite 11 Fairview Heights, IL 62208 Telephone: (618) 632-8612 500 Barstow Street Room B-9 Eau Claire, WI 54701 Telephone: (715) 832-9019 Region VI1 5799 Broadmoor Suite 338 Mission, KS 66202 Telephone: (913) 236-2681 Region IX 105 El Camino Blvd., 1st Floor Sacramento, CA 95815 Telephone: (916) 978-5641 5675 Ruffin Road, Suite 330 San Diego, CA 92123 Telephone: (619) 557-2909 EPA Regional Offices Region 1 John F. Kennedy Federal Building One Congress Street Boston, MA 02203 (617) 565-3420 Region 2 Jacob K. Javits Federal Building 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278 (212) 264-2657 Region 3 841 Chestnut Building Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 597-9800 Region 4 345 Courtland Street, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 347-4727 Region 7 726 Minnesota Avenue Kansas City, KS 66101 (913) 551-7000 Region 5 77 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago, IL 60604-3507 (312) 353-2000 Region 8 999 18th Street, Suite 500 Denver, CO 80202-2466 (303) 293-1 603 Region 6 First Interstate Bank Tower at Fountain Place 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200 Dallas, TX 75202-2733 (214) 655-6444 Region 9 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 (41 5) 744-1 305 Region 10 1200 Sixth Avenue Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 553-4973 For Additional Information . . . Association of Post-Consumer Plastics Recyclers (APR) c/o Wellman, Inc. 1040 Broad Street Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 Association of Foam Packaging Recyclers (AFPR) 1025 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 515 Washington, DC 20036 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries ( M I ) 1627 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA) 1730 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) P.O. Box 7219 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Publications of Interest MSW Management 1640 5th Street Suite 108 Santa Monica, CA 90401 SCRAP Processing and Recycling 1627 K Street, NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20006 Modern Plastics 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Solid Waste 81 Power 410 Archibald Street Kansas City, MO 641 11 Plastics Engineering 14 Fairfield Drive Brookfield Center, CT 06805 Waste Age 1730 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 Plastics Machinery and Equipment 1129 East 17th Avenue Denver, CO 8021 8 Plastics Technology 633 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 Recycling Times 1730 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 Recycling Today 4012 Bridge Avenue Cleveland, OH 441 13 Resource Recycling P.O. Box 10540 Portland, OR 97210 Resource Recycling’s Plastics Recycling Update P.O. Box 10540 Portland, OR 97210
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