Snowdrift and Resolution sbare Our Bishop lHANKS GOD for s~ch wonderful people in his diocese their Teach Us How To Yan RE WEEKEND inME~WifN·'W· January 21-23. 1977 Top R - Bishop Paul Piche expresses his happiness and encourages us to be very attentive to the Spirit working in us. Centre L - Fr.J.Pochat, Joe Martin, Maurice Mendo R - Jim Pierret reminds his people important in their lives. 76- 77 PRAY-SHARE LAY - MISS. (Representatives) PLACE Chipewyan,Alta 4 Smith-St.Alph. 1 AVTC Grandin Col.Bishop Rel.Ed. 4 2 4 Ft. Resolution 6 4 Snowdrift 2 5 Lac la Martre 1 2 DIS ~~ N C E POPULATION-CATHOLICS 1,458 1,269 2,810 1,700 1 2 1 250 191 191 125 - air air 75 Chip . - Engl . Dog rib - En g l . 1 1,319 1,216 70 - air Dogr i b-Engl. 3 2 170 170 Hay River 3 1 1 1 3,595 1,740 Kakisa 2 3 50 50 10 8 3 659 488 2 1,050 616 8 Wrigley 4 212 123 Ft. 3 294 218 400 370 Ft. Good Hope 1 1 Colville La ke 4 1 5 376 320 1 76 76 Holman Island 3 4 1 288 50 Cop p ermine 1 4 1 7 56 77 Cam b ri dg e Ba y 1 846 60 Total 39 The s e statisti c s are taken f r om - CANADA NORTH ALMANAC Jan. '76 - RECORDS IN BISHOP PICHE'S 10 106 Cree-Chip.Engl. 262 1 5 1 air road 95 - air 5 Ft. Franklin - Cree-Chip.Engl. 650 32 Norman - air 736 1 Simpson 290 200 LANGU AG E 1 3 Ft. · KNIF E .100 Rae Rae Edzo Detta - YK Ft. Providence YELL - Chip.-Engl . - Do g ri b -~hi~. r o~d ng . wa er 125 - a i r Slavey - Engl . 14 150 - air Slavey-Engl. - 235 - air Slavey-Engl. Slavey-Engl. 290 - air Slavey-Engl. 388 - air Slavey-Engl. 338 - air Slavey-~ari 199 road 500 - air ng . Loucheux-Engl. 463 - air Slayey-Engl. 575 - air Eskimo-Engl. 350 - air Eskimo-Engl. 538 - air Eskimo-Engl. 16 Most r epr es en t a tfves from aroun d the S la v e Lake , Fort Smith and Fort Chipewyan areas drove to Rae Edzo. For those who flew to Yellowknife add another 70 or more miles to Rae Edzo The Fort Rae Indian Band provided bus service and offered a warm welcome to all the guests representing almost all the communities of the Mackenzie Diocese. CALL TO SERVICE The PRAY and SHARE GROUP jo_:i.ned the Fort Rae community for the Sunday morning_ celebration - for many this - was the highlight of the weekend. 'US TOGETHER Thethir d day of the SHARE-IN 1976 WORKSHOP for CATECHISTS and MISSIONARIES was a SPECIAL DAY of MISSION AWARENESS in our respective vocations of ' A CALL TO S ER VICE' as a The beautiful banners, the attradtive church, the good behavior of the little children and others; the liturgy in Dogrib, Latin and English; the peace and unity was remarkable and enjoyable to all. RELIGIOUS MISSIONARY LAY PERSON committed to the SERVICE OF THE in our respective local communities. MOVED BY THE SAME SPIRIT Even though his new vision cost Christ his life, his followers continued to spread his Good News and live by it. For two thousand years countless Christian believers have felt impelled to live and build the vision of humanity sketched by Jesu s Christ. Sharing Chri st's Spirit they have formed Christian churches and communities. They have built together. JOE FOX, future native deacon assists BISHOP PAUL PIC HE to distribute Holy Communion at the Penitential and Eucharistic Celebration. COME FOllOW ME Through Baptism, you ca ll us, Lord, to make known your love to all men on earth. Mrso ELIZABETH MCKENZIE presents Father MICHAEL MURRAY with a northern cap made in Fort Rae. Make us aware of our mission in the Church where we are to glorify Cod, proclaim th e Gospel message and serve our brothers. As CATECHISTS, our task is to invite others to meet and know CHRIST so that they will hear the GOOD NEWS IN JESUS. As CATECHISTS, we must invite others to a new life - a new life style centered on the risen Jesus. We must first of all be true followers of the Lord we share with the young, their parents and others seeking for His message. The GREAT CATECHIST OF OUR DIOCESE : BISHOP PAUL PICHE, o.rn.i. with children and mothers of FORT PROVIDENCE Missionaries and Catechists at the 1976 SHARE-IN WORKSHOP : (L to R) Fr. JEAN DENIS, Sr. MARY EUNICE, Sr. ROSANNAE HEBERT, Fr. JEAN LIZE, Sr. FERNANDE ROULEAU, Sr. ANNETTE POTVIN, Fr. JEAN DESSY, Fr. JEAN AMOUROUS, Mrs. TERESITA GONZALES, SR. ANNA BISSON, Sr. DENISE EMOND ( FORT SMITH, N.W.T.) We must be aware of our strong points as well as of our weak points so that we can ask Christ for healing and strength to work for Him. Sisters ROSANNA HEBERT and FLORE PIERSON previewing Audio Visuals for religion class It is very interesting to read the gospel and find the varied personalities pi_<:_~ur_ed and the different ways each Catechists: Sister LOUISA SABOURIN and Mrs. ANITA DUBBE FORT SMITH, N.W.T. approached Jesus in his ministry. One clearly sees the impetuousness of Peter, the Sister AURISE NORMANDEAU with a group of elementary students in SNOWDRIFT, N.W.T. thoughtfulness of John, the searching of Nicodemus and the peacefulness of Mary and the lovingness of Mary Magdalene. Each one of us too is different and most unique and Jesus loves us that way. We must remember Jesus likes variety that is why He ma de such a good job of His beautiful world and everything in it. I must remember that each person and each child I meet is unique. We cannot and must not expect each of our students to react to the Lord's message in the same way. We must encourage each one to be open to Christ in hi s own particular way as we sow the tiny seeds of love , faith and peace. Sister MARY JO FOX teaching at DETTA VILLAGE near YELLOWKNIFE Ex-Catechist, Mi ss HARGARET POIRIER taugh t in FORT SMI TH two years - now in Edmonton Catechists and Helpers : PINE POINT (L to R) FRANCES NEWNAN, GERMAINE GRISE, JOANNE DE ROSA, LUCY LIRETTE,ANNE MARIE CURLEY, LORRAINE HIEBERT,MICHELINE BOISVERT and GIOVANNI FODDIS Hrs. CELINE MARLOWE with beginners and g rade one in SNO\-IDRIFT , N. W. T. Miss ELIZABETH KOBLOGINA from COPPERMINE receives a religious badge at the end of the In-Service Training Session for catechists - July 1976 Mrs . Marie Adele Lacarne Detta, Yellowk nife, N.W.T. Mrs . EL I ZA MERCREDI Fort Smith , N.W . T. Mrs. GABRIEL KAWFE Fort Good Hope, N.W.T. Mrs. ELIZABETH YUKELEYA Fort Norman, N.W.T. Mrs. DELPHINE BEAULIEU Fort Smith, N.W.T. WHO CAN LOVE US TEACH US SHARE WITH US PRAY WITH US Mr. ISIDORE BEAULIEU Fort Resolution, N.W.T Mr. MOISE NADERRE Fort Smith, N~W.T. Mr. PATRICK MERC REDI (deceased '75)Ft.Snith Fort Rae, N.W.T. First Woman J.P. N.W.T. JESUS, MOVE ME TO SHOW GREAT RESPECT TO THOSE WHO ARE ADVANCED IN YEARS AND HELP ME TO UNDERSTAND AND LOVE THEM. TEACH ME TO REMEMBER THAT ELDERLY PEO~LE NEED FRIENDS TOO. Mr s . DARIA McNEELY Mr. Mrs. I SIDORE THOMAS Hay River, N. W.T. OINt"CATECHIST Mrs. ELEANOR CARMAN was one of the first lay persons to get involved in the catechetical program in Pine Point ~ Something beautiful from God Week after week she served as a voluntary catechist for six years. Unfortunately for the parish and the young, Mrs. Carman was not able to continu~ her voluntary Caroline Sanderson and Lotti Abel Snowdrift, N.W.T. Mrs . ELEANOR CARMEN and Mrs. JOANNE DE ROSA Michael Sabourin, · James Leahy, Clifford Antoine, Douglas Bye, Alena Tonka, Shirley Grossetet~, Lori Jacobson, Yvonne Browning, · :middle-Stella Gargan Fort Simpson Th e Sunday School gro up wi th DARLENE CURLEY and her as s istants : VALERIE and MARY BETH HIEBERT • Tha nk s· giving par t y f or the litt le ones and DA.RLENE CURLEY In honor o f Mr s . ELEANOR CARMEN the parishi oner s sha re cof f e e a nd goodi es They brought children for Jesus to touch - and the disciples scolded them for it. But when Jesus saw this He was indignant, and said to them, LET THE CHILDREN COME TO ME do not try to stop them - for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it. Jesus says: I like youngsters. I want people to be like them. all of you, little old folks. It is I, your God, the Eternal, risen from the dead, coming to bring back t life THE CHILD IN YOU. Hurry now is the time. I am ready to give you again the beautiful face of a child - the beautiful soul of a child. I LOVE YOUNGSTERS AND I WANT EVERYONE TO BE LIKE THEM FOR MY KINGDOM . Michel Quoist (Mark 10:13-15) In lovi n g gr at itu d e t h e pa r i sh p r ai s ed t .h e Lord a n d a s k ed Hi m to bless Mr s . Car man an d ~er f am i l y a t a speci a l mass o n Oc t obe r 2 4 th . Sister Sutherlan d was pr e sen t for the occasion and was given the pleasure to present Mrs. Ca rm a n with a plaque in appr e ciation for her years of s e rvice f o r the children of the St. John t he Ap o stles Pa ri sh in Pine Point. Matthew, Raymond, Gregory, Freda Sheila, Nelson, Peter, Fort Providence, N.W.T. Ricky De s j a~ l a i s , Sandr a Sande rson, Lisa Sand e r son, Connie De mpsey, Ange la Des j a r d ins - Fort Smith CRT To date there have been four places in the N. \,oJ. T. named Fort Provid ence~ The pr esent settlement of Fort Provid ence was transferred from the third called Big I sland and established in 1862 under the infl uence of the R.C . Missi on -Bishop V. Grandi n and the H.B .c. All c onstruction was done by Oblate Brother s. The third building 1930-1959 ser ved as ~ r esidential school then as a c atechetical centre to 1975; a nur sine dispensary and clinic 1959-72; a ha ndicraf t centre from 195'9-75. 77 Sister ELIZABETH WARD was the first teacher in the N.W.T. She opened the first classroom in Fort Providence Oct.?, 1867 with 11 students. The new DAY SCHOOL was opened in 1959 and was officially opened and named ELIZABETH WARD SCHOOL during the Centennial year by the Commissioner. The Residential School was closed in 1959. The last group of si s ters left Au gust 1975 After the residential school closed a few of the sisters remained at the service of the people in the community. In 1976 the Indian Band of Fort Providence was granted a considerable amount of money to demolish and salvage re-usable m~terials fr om the 46 year old building which was considered a fire hazard for all purposes. ' In August 1975 Sister ROSANNA HEBERT and Sister FLORE PH~RSON moved into a trailer in the centre oft.own. ~ Next to the sisters ' trailer, Father CAMILLE PICHE and volunteers from the community repa~re~__a_n__f.!~~ -~_l:lilding for the local catechetical and youth centre. OPENING DAY - the first group of students leave after ~heir first class in their new and attractive centre. . (L to R) Mr. HYSKA, Indian Affairs, St. Paul - Mr. ARCHIE WAQUAN, Cree Chief - Mrs. DOROTHY CHAPMAN, Sister Brady's sister - BISHOP PAUL PICHESISTER BRADY - Mr~ L. MOWERS, Indian Affairs, Edmonton -Mrs. ELEANOR OLSEN Sister Brady's sister- Mr. FRED MAR CEL, Chipewyan Chief - Mr. R. GOVUM, Northland School Division, Sr. MARIE LEMIRE, Provincial Superior - Brother HENRI SARREAULT, Fort Smith 11 We are proud to dedicate this yearbook to Fr.J.A.TURCOTTE, o.m.i. He has dedicated his whole life to the service of God in the North and we are both grateful and privileged for his close association with St. John's over the past thirty years. May his zeal and enthusiasm for Catholic Education be an inspiration to us all, parents, teachers and students. I BELIEVE THE WORD WHICH BEST DESCRIBES YOU IS YOUR FIRST NAME, ARCHANGEL" L. Mowers JUNE 1976 - Over 500 friends, school officials, students and teachers gathered for a FAREWELL PARTY for SISTER ARCHANGEL BRADY To complete the festivities, 10 dancers, singers and drum players fr om the Poundmaker Lodge in Edmonton danced in full regalia for the amazement and contentment of all.· Truly his life has been a night of activity and when the time comes he will find his reward in the glorious day of eternal bliss. J.A. Turcotte taken a his at the Oblate Provincial House in Fort Smith - December '76 ST. JOHN'S JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL · sist er BRADY was catechist, teacher and principal for 25 years in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta FORT MCMURRAY, * * * ALBERTA D E D I C A T E * * * 1975 - 76 YEARBOOK TO ~ather celebrated his golden jubi'lee in Fort Smith-May '74 FATHER J.A. TURCOTTE, O.M.I. The FIRST NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in Fort McMurray was named J. A. TURCOTTE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in honor of Father and in gratitude for all he did for the separate schools for many years. After the party ..•..•. autographing . . ... . Sister was made honorary chief with an honorary title , "CHIEF CHILDREN Is GUIDE. II ARCHIE WAQUAN, Cree Chief and ex-student of Sister Brady decorated her with the colorful, feather Indian Headdress made by experts of the Piegan Indian Reservation in Brocket, Alberta. To complete the legality of the title, FRED I1ARCEL, the Montagnais Chief presented her with a framed parchment of the authentic Act bf ''TREATY # 8 of the FORT CHIPEWYAN INDIANS. Altar boys - Barry & Jacques Plamondon present Father Turcotte, pastor with a censor for the new Cathedral in Fort Smith - June 1960 Father was also a missionary in FORT SMITH, FORT SIMPSON, and FORT NORMAN, N.W.T. •• .. with altar boys in Cathedral '62 picnic at half way to Fitzgerald '61 [HllD]\E~ lE~I\~ IF A CHILD LIVES WITH CRITICISM, HE LEARNS TO CONDEMN. IF A CHILD LIVES WITH HOSTILITY, HE LEARNS TO FIGHT. IF A CHILD LIVES WITH RIDICULE, HE LEARNS TO BE SHY. IF A CHILD LIVES WITH SHAME, HE LEARNS TO FEEL GUILTY. IF A CHILD LIVES WITH TOLERANCE, HE LEARNS TO BE PATIENT. IF A CHILD LIVES WITH ENCOURAGEMENT, HE LEARNS TO HAVE CONFIDENCE. IF A CHILD LIVES WITH PRAISE, HE LEARNS TO APPRECIATE. IF A CHILD LIVES WITH FAIRNESS, HE LEARNS JUSTICE. IF A CHILD LIVES WITH SECURITY, HE LEARNS TO HAVE FAITH. IF A CHILD LIVES WITH APPROVAL, HE LEARNS TO LIKE HIMSELF. IF A CHILD LIVES WITH ACCEPTANCE AND FRIENDSHIP, HE LEARNS TO FIND LOVE IN THE WORLD. l)~~T TtjEY . Jl1JE
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